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02x14 - The Three Strikes Job

Posted: 06/28/23 10:32
by bunniefuu
Thanks for meeting me like this.

No problem.

How can the FBI help? All right, the target of this case I'm working on, I know he's got the local police in his pocket, and now I'm pretty sure he's gettin' tips from someone inside my department.

I'm gonna need some help here.


Yeah, that's the city.

You're doing the right thing, lieutenant.

Show Lieutenant Bonanno our Belbridge file.

Excuse me.

Let's go! Let's go! Mrs.

Bonanno? I'm, uh I'm Nate Ford.

Uh I just heard.

I already gave my statement.

Uh, no, I'm not a policeman.

Um I'm in the private sector.

Your husband and I are colleagues.

I appreciate your coming down here, but it's not Nate Ford? He talked about you.

He did? He said you'd help him with some cases.

And he wanted to buy you a drink.

And then arrest you.

I knew he'd figured it out.

Listen, I'd really like to help.

Can you tell me if there are any leads? No, it's It was his day off.

He said he was gonna run an errand and come right home.

Was he working on a case? Pat never talked about his cases.

I'd ask him what he did today, and he'd open a beer and say, "Wrote a few tickets.

" I can't.

I'm sorry.

Pat Listen, if there's anything I can Clear! No! No! It's me.

Leave a message.

Sophie, this is the fourth message.

Please call back.

The team could really use you on this one.

It's just, it was a hospital, and you know me and hospitals so, uh It's me.

Leave a message.

OK, you want a message? Here's a message.

You're wasting your time.

All right? You know, you don't figure out who you are by roaming the Earth, you know, or hiding in London.

You know? Look, nobody nobody knows who they are.

Nobody knows who they are.

I mean, you think you do, and then life, it just It tears it outta ya.

And and you live with that and Look, there is no answer.

- Nate.

- And Everybody else is upstairs.


Let's go.

- So is he gonna be OK? - Um, they don't know.

OK, this guy's a cop.

You're thieves.

I'm not a thief.

Bonanno is the cop that we tip off when we need to put the cuffs on a mark.

Look, you do realize we're gonna be covering the same ground as the state cops on this one.

Hundreds of angry, very-highly-motivated state cops.

By the way, guys, whoever shot him up was using military-grade weaponry.

Well, you know what? I don't care! I don't care about that.

This guy dedicated his life to doin' the right thing.

And this is his payback? I mean, his family's pain is what he deserves? If we don't settle the score on this, why do we do this? Do you understand? What are Bonanno's active files? According to the state police database, Bonanno had half a dozen open cases.

The most recent one was a protection racket out of Arcadia, but the cops were focusing on an auto theft ring outta Waynesboro.

Let's just say, if you jacked a car in Massachusetts in the last year, your head's gonna be bouncin' off a cruiser by dinnertime.

- What's that one? - That's public corruption.

There's practically no files on that thing.

- That's it.

- No, no, these other two files, they they involve violent criminals.

This one It's government corruption.

No, no, no.

That's it.

That's it.

Just check the sh**ting.

Put up the scene.

OK, so Bonanno, he goes to a remote location, alone, no backup.

That means he knows his attackers and he's not expecting any trouble.

Now what did you just say? You said no files on it? So Bonanno was keeping this investigation off the books.

Explains a secret meeting.

Off hours, away from any witnesses.

Cops are looking in the wrong place.

Yeah, absolutely.

So, I mean, that leaves that leaves us.

So who's the bad guy? Or, and I'm just spit-balling here, we could just let the state cops handle this one, call in an anonymous tip.

Come on, Hardison.

I mean, how bad could this be? Ladies and gentlemen, concerned citizens, businessmen and community leaders, I give you the mayor of Belbridge, Massachusetts, His Honor, Brad Culpepper, the Third.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Folks, during my two terms, we have made a difference together.

High school test scores have gone up.

Crime has gone down.

I personally went to Washington, DC and brought back $20 million of federal 9/11 money to upgrade our ports.

Protect us from t*rrorists.

A mayor.

Surrounded by security, the press, probably has half the local cops on his own private payroll.

Piece of cake.

Explains why Bonanno kept his investigation a secret.

- Not secret enough.

- Back when I was playing ball Yes, Judy, I was much thinner then.

But I was pitching.

You could not get me off the mound.

My daddy taught me that once I started a game, by God, I was going to finish it.

Well, I promise you, if you give me the ball once again, I will set my sights on the waterfront.

Gone are those decaying shipyards, to be replaced by a sunny esplanade, where families can picnic, and our children can run and play.

So, what's our angle here? I haven't been with you guys very long but taking someone down for attempted m*rder isn't something you normally do.

Listen, we come at him like any other mark.

We flip over a rock in this guy's backyard, see what jumps out.

And how exactly are we flipping over this rock? Well, we crawl under there with him.

Look, the guy's third generation corrupt mayor, so I know he's rotten but Guys, you know, everything's just a good guess here until you get me some good intel.

Where are you? Yeah, we're headin' in now.

You spend your weekends making these things, don't you? Yes, I do.

And does anybody appreciate that? I do.

I like the costumes.

I wish I was there.

Parker, we need someone to sweep the mayor's office while he's here at the fundraiser.


But I never get to do anything fun.

- You can count on my support.

- Thank you.

- Excuse me, Mr.


- Sorry for interrupting, Mister Kadjic.

- Please.

- Mayor, you have two new donors.

That's a change.

New money.

Lionel Gitt.

He's a real estate developer.

Does a lot of shopping centers.

And the woman is Felicia Chase.

She's a PR flack from New York.

So you do background checks on your donors now? - Oh, you can't be too careful.

- Hmm.

They donated the maximum.

- Ten grand? - Mm-hm.

Each? If you'll pardon me? - Of course.

- How ya doin' this evening? Things are good.

Thank you.


I'm in.

All right, Parker, get those files.

Right there.

- Is this Lieutenant Patrick Bonanno's place of residence? - Yes.

All right, we're from the crime lab.

We're here to collect evidence from the crime scene.

Hold it.

This isn't a crime scene.

We're just watching the place Pardon me.

I'm sorry.

He just said this wasn't a crime scene? I I'm just house sitting.


No, he's absolutely right.

This isn't a crime scene 'Cause he done walked all over it.

I smell soup.

You smell soup? I do.

What happened, Goldilocks? Get a little hungry, decide to make yourself some lunch in an active crime scene? I would never do that.

Let's see what you would do.



If I got to tell you one more time How are you? Thank you for coming.

Brad Culpepper the Third.

- The Third? - Yes.

Hold on.

I know, I know, I know but my grandfather was the mayor, my father was the mayor, so I have to.

I don't want to, but I have to.

Lionel Gitt.

This is Felicia Chase.

So tell me, what does a New York publicist and a Boston developer - do at my little fundraiser? - Just being politically active.

You want to be politically active, you put a sign on your front lawn.

You donate the maximum.

Let's talk.

All right.

Hey, we're gonna search every inch of this carpet.

What am I looking for? For fibers, damn it.


You! You go search the bedroom, the bathroom for DNA.

Get me a toothbrush, a hairbrush.

I don't care if it's a nose trimmer.

You bag it, tag it and send it to the lab.

Um, this carpet's made of fibers.

Well, we're looking for other fibers.

Suspicious fibers.

Fibers of crime.


What'd they teach you at the Academy, boy? On my nerves.

- Mary? - Yeah.

I'll be with you in a minute.

I've gotta grab something out of the mayor's office.

Someone's coming.

Would you excuse me for one moment? Certainly.

You can handle this.

Just feed 'em a story.

I can't do that.

I mean I can, but Sophie usually walks me through this.

OK, take a deep breath.

If you're uncomfortable, use it.

Make them feel uncomfortable.

Here's what you tell 'em.

- Who are you? - Peggy Marwood.

Friend of Brad's.

You can't just barge in here.

Do you have an appointment? Yeah, actually, I do.

That's what this is all about.

I sorta missed my appointment, if you know what I mean.


I, uh, sort of, uh met Brad at the, uh National Mayor's Conference.

- National Mayor's Conference.

- In Vegas.

In Vegas about six to eight weeks ago.

Is that his family? Oh, they don't have any weird genetic things, do they? I'm sorry.

The mayor didn't mention anything to me about this.

Now make her think you're gonna leave.

No problem.

I'm just gonna go sit out there with everybody.

And I might need a wastebasket though 'cause I'm feelin' a little You know what I mean? No! You should wait in here.

- OK.

- In that chair.

Right there.

Away from everyone who might see you.


I owe you one.

See? Trusting me is not so bad.

Uh, Felicia, do you know the mayor was a professional baseball player? No, how exciting.

Please, please it was half a season a long time ago.

Now look at me, huh? But I played Fenway a couple of times.

- That's something.

- Here's your drink, sir.

Thank you.

So you've donated ten grand apiece.

You have my attention.


No, be candid.

I want you to know that Belbridge is a pro-business city.

How does business work with you, Mr.

Culpepper? Frankly? Well.

Frankly, those who are with me from the beginning, they are at the front of the line.

Those who are with me after the election, they are at the back of the line.

And those who are against me, they are ground into dust.

Now, the good news, the great news, is because of your generosity, you have moved to the front of the line.

So let's talk business.


What you got? Looks like his investigation notes from this month.

I think I found something.

It's a twig.

You know that's not a twig.

That is a grasshopper leg.

Orthoptera gryllus.

It's not indigenous to this region.

Son, you may have just blown this case wide open.

Good work.

Hey, top-flight security, isn't he? Now, you go get back to work.

You go be all you can be.


Looks like he was investigating a company called Kirsch Industries.

Well, seems like Bonanno found out that for the past couple of years, Kirsch has been buying up property on the waterfront.

What do you think this is? No idea.

Found a file in the mayor's office for Kirsch Industries.

It's incorporated in the Cayman Islands.

The only industry in the Caymans is scuba diving and tax evasion.

It's a front company for the mayor.

The mayor did say he wanted to build a park on the waterfront.

So, the city buys the land from Kirsch Industries and the mayor cashes in.

Parker, what else you got? Yeah, I mean there could be a safe in here but I don't have time to move all the balls and bats outta here.

He could start a baseball team with all the crap he has in his office.

What sort of opportunities do you see? You know, Mr.

Mayor, I, uh, I do like your approach.

Really I do.

But I don't think that this city, frankly, is a good fit for us.

Now good luck with your reelection.

What are you doing? He was primed.

Could have used the esplanade.

No listen, I got something much bigger in mind.

Something he won't be able to refuse.

OK, guys, wrap it up.

We're gonna go on a little field trip.

I don't know, Culpepper doesn't strike me as the type to order a hit.

Especially on something like a graft case.

What's the big deal? You get caught, you go on TV with your wife, you cry, you get re-elected.

- Yeah.

It's the American way.

- Exactly.

No, this guy's been caught in the middle of a dozen corruption cases.

Each time he's walked away and somebody else took the fall.

This guy does not get caught.

I don't know.

It still doesn't feel right.

What's that? It's a page I found on Bonanno's notebook.

"Maltese Falcon?" What, the book or the movie? It means somethin', I just OK.

This is how we're gonna take down the mayor.

Baseball? Yeah, we're gonna steal this ballpark.

And then the team.

Not necessarily in that order.

All right.


I gotta go.


That's fine.

Your 3:00 with the head of the sanitation union is here.

He's a friend of ours.

All right.

Yeah? I thought you'd want to know.

Those two high rollers who blew you off yesterday? They're down here at the waterfront taking pictures.

All right.



I'll take care of it.

That real estate developer was taking pictures down on the waterfront.

Want me to have the police pick them up? Pick them up If they're interested in the waterfront, they can be responsible for my legacy.

But, uh, yeah, yeah, find out what they're doin'.

Let's go.

All right.



Yeah, right.

all right.

That's enough.

I think Culpepper must know we're here by now or are you gonna put up a sign or something? All right, so how do you wanna play this? Classic con.

Hook, pinch and flip.

Hook the mayor with the idea we're gonna build a ballpark here on all this land that he owns.

That's right and then pinch him for a bribe to guarantee he gets the action.

Hardison tells me he runs a lot of gray money through his reelection campaign, so he'll take the bribe out of his reelection funds.

Which is a federal offense.

All right, so once we nail the mayor for the bribe The flip.

Right? Yeah, when the heat comes down, whoever shot Bonanno cuts a deal, the mayor goes down.

A perfectly sound plan.

I just have one question.


How do we convince him that we're building a ballpark - with no team to play in it? - Yes.


Hey, I'm lookin' for the manager.

You got him.

What can I do for you? Roy Chappell.

I'm your new catcher.

We already have a catcher.

Who signed you? Uh, the owner did.

Found me in the Great North League.

Minnesota? Alaska.

Yeah, but I've played all over.

Venezuela, South Korea, Portland Yeah, well, I talk to the owner every day and he didn't say nothin' about you.

Look, man, I'm gonna be honest with ya.

I was hired by the owner to come in and get an outside view of how this team works.

I report directly to him.

We both know what that means.

- Yeah? - Yeah.

Now you can call him.

He's probably just gonna yank me from the team and bring some other guy in who probably won't be as honest with you as I am.

We've got some BP left.

Get out there and we'll see what you can do.

Yes, sir.

- Billy.

- Yo.

The owner signed a catcher to spy on us.

Roy Chappell.

Check him out.

You got drafted in the sixth round right out of high school.

You had a cup of coffee in the Royals' organization.

Then you bounced around the minors, you bounced around the world.

And, as we can see here, you made a very popular commercial for an energy drink in Japan.

That took me 13 hours.

There's only one problem.

I don't like baseball.

- Everybody likes baseball.

- I don't like baseball, man.

All right? I don't like any sport you can't score on defense.

Football, hockey, even basketball, but baseball? I'm not even talking to you.

It's boring.

Hey, can you play the commercial? Yeah, he said finish out the season, but don't sign a long term lease.

Was weird, huh? - I've never heard of him.

- Who is this guy? Hello, Marge? I've got some bad news.

Yeah, that's right, run away.

The faster you start panicking the faster I can get out of here.

This time with a little more heat.

Next up on Sports Line, we have Robert in Palmerston.

Robert, what's your question? Uh, yeah, hey, John, thanks for taking my call.

I'm a first-time caller, long-time listener.

Appreciate that, Robert.

What's on your mind? Yeah, I just wanted to hear your thoughts on the rumors that the Beavers are leavin' Palmerston.


Have not heard that.

Have you heard that, Danny? Ah, I heard something about it this mornin', but I think it's, uh, you know, one of those clubhouse rumors.

Thank you that's all I wanted to say.

Thank you.


Long-time listener, first-time caller.

Long-time listener Next up is Malik from Palmerston.

What say you, Malik? A'ight, yeah, man.

I don't think they should be called the Beavers anymore.

They should be called the Weasels for leaving our town! That's all I'm tryin' That's all I'm tryin' to say.

You feel me, man? You feel me? You speak Spanish? Si.

Seriously? All right, well, good job, Eliot.

Yeah, uh, just keep me posted, all right? So, uh, thanks to that little rumor we started about the team leaving town, ticket sales, crazy.

Well, here's to our national pastime.

Yeah, baseball or, uh, the con? So how long are we gonna have to park outside City Hall? Mr.

Gitt! Not very long.

I saw you from across the street.

I thought I'd thank you again for your donation.



Mayor, we apologize for leaving so abruptly.

Yeah, we just didn't wanna waste your time.

Oh, please.

I just wish that you were comfortable sharing your plans with me.

Trust me What's good for Belbridge is good for you.

Call me, anytime.

Here's my card.

There's no pressure.

Thank you.

Worst lift ever.


Oh! Oh, be still my heart.

If my heart were somewhere in my pants.

This is a thing of beauty.

He's building a ballpark? A riverfront ballpark.

Do you know what that means? - Jobs? - Jobs.


A ballpark is $30 million of borrowed taxpayer money just falling from the sky.

It's the Holy Grail.

If these plans are right, they're gonna have to buy up every inch of this waterfront.

You know, my daddy tried to build up the waterfront.

He never could.

Now this A ballpark, with my name on it.

This This is my legacy.

How do we build a ballpark? I mean, we don't have a team.

Wait a minute.


I read something in the paper today.

"Palmerston Beavers deny team is moving.

Owners will address rumors after today's game.

" Get the car.

We believe! You can't leave! We believe! You can't leave! We believe! You can't leave! We believe! You can't leave! We believe! You can't leave! Play ball! You know, it's a heck of a team you have here.

- How long have you owned the club? - Six years.

It's been a real labor of love for me.

Then what's all this about you moving? Oh, I don't know how those rumors get started.

But hey, if it puts fannies in those seats, what's the harm? I like the way you do business.

Looks like the Beavers pitcher is calling a pow-wow at the mound.

I hope this is about you waving me off, man because he can't hit the slider.

No, no, no, we just gotta know.

I mean, what's the deal? Is Is the team movin'? - You really wanna know? - Yeah.

- Wanna know? - I got family here.

Team's movin'.

It's just a question of when and where.

- Thanks.

- No problem.

Let's go.

Hey, when I call the damn slider, you throw the slider.

- All right? - Gotcha.

That's them with the owner.

It's really happening.

Ah, Mr.


Good day for a ball game, huh? How are ya? Bud, how are ya? Listen, can I talk to ya for a minute? Sure.

Looks like he's gonna try to score.

The throw to the plate You're out! Now, I know the team is moving.

You're building a new park.

I know baseball.

I love baseball.

And I want you to build the park in Belbridge.

Well, you know, I considered Belbridge, uh but I like the incentives being offered by another town down by, uh Fall River.

By incentives, you mean a cut of the concession? A piece of the construction, a buy-in? Yeah, you are pro-business.

All right, give me a number.

Well, you know, the first rule of real estate, Mr.

Mayor, never negotiate against yourself.

And the first rule of politics, Mr.

Gitt, when you want something, be aggressive.

Well, $250,000.

That's, uh That seems fair.

I'll cut you a check in the morning.

My chief of staff will call ya, tell you where and when.

OK, guys, we got him.

Now batting for the Beavers, catcher Roy Chappell.

- Meet me outside.

- What? I'm three-for-four, this guy's throwin' grapefruits.

I ain't goin' anywhere.

- All right, good news, bad news.

- Good news? The mayor's hooked, we're in the pinch.

Bad news? I think we lost Eliot until the playoffs.

Roy! Roy! When the mayor gives us a check, the money is from his reelection campaign.

You left early, man.

Huh? Bottom of the ninth.

Excuse your rudeness.

I'm explaining the con.

It's very complicated.

Really? The mayor gives us a check and we deposit it in some company you connected back to him.

Looks like he's embezzling from his campaign funds.

Bottom of the ninth, man, I had a walk-off single, man.

Crowd goes nuts.

That's not all there is, OK? We gotta There's the Bonanno thing What? We give Bonanno's notes to the newspaper, man? They named a sandwich after me at TJ Philbin's.

- Oh.

- Ooh.

- Huh? - I give it to you man, the sandwich thing's pretty cool.

What's this, a hoagie? No, man, it's a Reuben.

Sorry, this is the mayor.

Is it OK time to take this call or is? - Yeah.

Go ahead.

- Good.

Congrats on the sandwich.

Lionel Gitt, how may I help you? - Mr.


- Oh, Mr.


A pleasure to hear from ya.

We have to adjust our agreement.

It's pretty late notice to start changing things, uh, Your Honor.


No, it's for the good.

It's gonna be cash.

- Cash? - Yes.


Isn't that better? You see, my partners in the waterfront deal, they want in.

So they're gonna front the cash.

Isn't that great? But they said that they'd like to meet you.

Fair enough, uh Why don't you just give me the address? OK, well, we'll see you in an hour.

In an hour.

This is for the best.

You just have to keep the heat off us for a little longer.

Here, look it up.

OK, the address is right in the middle of the Belbridge waterfront.

- It's a walkaway.

- Look, this is even better 'cause he has partners, so this is our chance to bring them down, too.

But if the bribe is in cash, the con doesn't work.

Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in cash, we're gonna get That had to have come from somewhere.

Hardison can track it.

- Uh, no.

Hardison cannot.

- All right, look.

You kept saying that you don't think the mayor is the kind of guy to k*ll a cop, right? So let's go meet the kind of guys who k*ll cops on the waterfront.

That's a solid plan.

I'm sorry.

Where are these partners comin' from, huh? - And why'd they just show up? - The Maltese Falcon thing.

It's just weird.

OK, enough! We're talkin' about bringing down a corrupt mayor and cleaning up a city.

I mean, it's huge.

It's probably the biggest thing we've ever done.

They're not handin' out trophies for this.

- We don't always win, man.

- Yeah, but we never quit.

OK, so look you guys, you guys check out the security.

You do the perimeter, yeah? And well be on the inside.

Look, we're gonna do this.

We can do it.

We're gonna bring this guy down.

Homeland security.

- Spot inspection.

- Nobody called us.

Yeah, well, that's 'cause it has nothin' to do with you.

We're here to inspect your gate-mounted X-ray imaging system.

Was installed with the federal antiterrorism money.

We're just checkin' it out.

Give us five minutes and space.

Uh, no, uh, we really shouldn't leave so Hey, aren't you Roy Chappell? Yeah You hit the game-winner yesterday for the Beavers.

- I was there with my kid.

- I did.

What are you doing here? Well, it's triple-A ball, so I gotta have a day job, you know? Excuse me, sorry.

- Oh, hey, Roy? - Yeah.

You mind? It's for my kid.

No, I don't mind, man.

All right.

Thanks, Roy.

- Who are you right now? - Hey, man, what do you want me to do? Huh? - Seriously? - Like a role model.

- Seriously.

- What? It's not my fault.

Man, just put the taps on the video feeds.

Wait, whoa, whoa.

No, somethin's not right here, man.

Thank you for meeting me at such short notice.

The foundation of every good business relationship is trust.

And, uh, cash on the barrel.

Like I said, business friendly.

Nate, I'm under the dock.

OK, put it down with the rest of 'em.

Guys with g*ns.

Hmm? - What? - What? They're just walkin' around like they own the place.


So let's talk about the terms of the deal before we continue.

- Where are your partners? - They'll be here any second.

I just thought that we would hash things out before they arrived, you know, just save us some time.

That's the list of all the security upgrades they installed with the federal money, right? - Yeah.

- How much did they spend? Twenty million dollars and that's not what the inside of an x-ray imaging system's supposed to look like.

That's what the inside of an Easy-Bake Oven looks like.

Infrared? There's no infrared feed on these cameras.

And 24-hour surveillance? The cameras are rollin', but that drive is not big enough to record more than a day.

Hell, this is the least secure port on the East Coast.

So where'd that $20 million go? I'm thinking inventory.

These beans are made of g*ns.

And hand grenades.

You know the terms of our agreement, why don't you just say? Well, never negotiate against yourself, am I right? - Let's go.

We're done.

- No.

No, no.

No, no.

My partners will be here Son of a What is that? It's feedback.

Somebody else is transmitting on high frequency.

All right, come here.

- Ow.

Jabberwocky! Jabberwocky! - That's a code word.

That's FBI.

Nate, we got FBI.

FBI's right on top of you.

So the guy who put out a hit on a police detective is an FBI snitch? That's not fair.

That one.

Federal ID cell phone.

Roskin, Connell.

I've got the front exit.

Call it.

Side door check in.

Team two in position.

Team three, back door.

Team three, ready.

On my mark, we go.

Who's this? You come in and we'll k*ll all the hostages.

What hostages? Oh, you thought the mayor was the only one? No, we got a whole Sunday school of people up in here.

We got old folks.

We got nuns.

And we got expl*sives.

You come in, you make headlines.

- We got any eyes in there? - No.

- Any cameras? - Nothing.

All right, we hold.

We hold.

They're not goin' anywhere.

Call for backup.

I want b*mb squads, full as*ault team.


They want to play rough we play rough.

Well, now we know why he never went down for any of the other corruption cases.

'Cause he's a snitch.

No, I mean, you know, it's possible that, uh he doesn't know anything about Bonanno getting shot.

Oh, I knew that would come back to What? No.


- You did.

- I didn't.

My FBI handlers, they told me to be very careful, because there was a State Police investigation, so I told someone else, OK? But I had nothing to do with it.

He has a kid! He has a son! He almost died! I know! I didn't! No, no! Do you understand? He almost died! Nate, I bought you some time, but right about now we got a whole army of five-oh comin' down on us.

It's a big day.

Big, big day for us.

- You have to let him go.

- No! Then k*ll him now.

We have to get outta here.

No! No.






No! OK.

We'll deal with him later.

Uh, OK, here's what we're gonna do.

Come here.

I got a plan here.


No, Nate, are you kidding me, man? That is the worst plan I've ever heard.

Look, he needs a distraction.

Well, we did just find a box of a*mo and expl*sives.

I mean, "boom.

" I'm just sayin'.

The problem is in the delivery.

And a detonator.




Not Lucille.

Not Lucille.

She all I got left.

Don't you do it to me.

Get that look out your eye.

You ain't got to be so happy about it, Eliot.

You always had it in for my van.

You always had it in for Lucille.

You said she smells.

She don't stink.

It's just an odor.

Is this the FBI Agent in charge? This is Special Agent Amy Nevins.

I'm leader of this task force.

Who's this? What happened to the other guy? Well, he got a little jumpy.

But I'm willing to talk, and as a sign of good faith, I'm willing to release one hostage.

But just one.

Good, good.

That's a good start.

I'm sorry, Lucille.

I love you, baby.

I ain't gonna forget you.


Dude, the van.

You know she out of warranty, right? - You ready? - Ready.

Let's go.

I'm releasing the hostage now.

Hostage coming out, hostage coming out! Go! Go! Hostage is out! - Whoa, whoa.

You're all right.

- Oh, god.

Get me outta here.

I've always been and forever shall be, your friend.

What the? I'll never forget you.

What the hell was that? Is everyone all right? At least we got the hostage out.


Hostage is clear.

- She's fine.

- She? Yeah, those other agents are bringing her around now.

Hostage is out! - Grab him.

Whoa, whoa.

- Go this way.

Hostage is out! It's OK.

It's OK.

It's OK.

We got him.

- Hostage is out! - You're OK.

Everything's all right.

You'll be all right.

It's OK.

It's OK.

Everything's OK.

What an ordeal! Boy.

Here's your car.


It's OK.

Come on.

Come on.

- Isn't that your car? - Shut up.

- Get in! - No.

- Hardison! - No.

You You ignored us.

You screwed up.


And you k*lled Lucille.

Now listen.

Priorities, please.

You know, we'll go somewhere safe, you can bitch me out all you want.

Get in.

- Let's go! Come on! - Kiss my ass.

Come on.

Why didn't you tell us there were only two of 'em? Listen, they found my wire.

You said they would never find my wire! Tell me why I don't break our deal? Not my fault.

This isn't Those people are out in the wind now! We have no idea who they are, or what they want.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

James Sterling, Interpol.

Just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?