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02x03 - The Order 23 Job

Posted: 06/28/23 10:23
by bunniefuu

Maranjian, please stand.

Do you have anything to say before the court renders its sentence? Perhaps an apology to your victims here in court.

I don't wanna take up anymore of the Court's time.

Very well.


Maranjian, you were a hedge fund manager who supported a lavish lifestyle by robbing your clients blind.

In some cases, wiping out their entire life savings.

The money was never recovered and you've shown no remorse for your actions.

However, the government has indicated that you have provided substantial assistance in the prosecution of other cases.

With that in mind and with credit for time served, the court hereby sentences you to 18 months in prison.





Maranjian is hereby remanded into the custody of the U.


Marshal Service to begin his incarceration at Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

We're adjourned.

Why? I can't believe that.


Come with me.

The rich and powerful, they take what they want.

We steal it back for you.

Sometimes bad guys make the best good guys.

We provide leverage.

You're lucky they just gave you a warning, Ronald.

How do you know my name? Oh, that, yes.

Well, I think this belongs to you.

You guys cops? No, no.

We are in the restitution business.

We're trying to help Eddie's clients.

A little late for that now.

No, no, no, no.

The judge says the money Eddie Maranjian stole is gone.

We don't believe that.

Eddie liquidated $400,000 right before his trial.

And it looks to us like it's still in this town.

And we came here to find it.

For you and the other victims.

Nobody wants to see this guy get a slap on the wrist, Ronald.

I mean, but k*lling him? He's a thief, not a m*rder*r.

My sister, Natalie, she wasn't a big shot, ya know.

She was a widow.

Her husband worked his whole life, left her enough to live on.

Then she met Eddie.

He was smart, responsible, and Armenian, like us.

Yeah, well, they call these affinity crimes.

People who prey on fellow members of ethnic groups.

Eddie took my sister's money.

Then, she got sick.

Only she didn't see a doctor or tell anybody because she didn't want to be a burden.

My sister died in a hospital bed, and it didn't have to happen.

But Eddie, he's just a thief, right? Eddie's new address in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, is the original Club Fed.

He's got his own nine-hole golf course.

Vegan menu.

This dude can play Frisbee with the guys from Enron - in the Quadrangle.

- I hate those guys.

Eighteen months in a country club, this guy.

Yeah, and when he gets done, he gets to come home and collect his hidden cash.

All right, so if this guy's not afraid of prison, then what incentive does he have to tell us where the cash is? - I'm thinking.

- Nate, I hate to rush you, but Eddie goes to the prison in an hour, so Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

What are you more afraid of than prison? Death? And what are you more afraid of than death? Nice suit, Eddie.

Maybe when you get down there, you can trade it for a pack of smokes.

You think people handed me their life savings because of a because of a suit? Are you gonna tell me it's 'cause you're a financial genius? I like you, Charlie.

You don't seem like a typical fed.

I'm gonna give you a little lesson in hedge funds.

I don't put on a suit and say, give me your money.

I do the opposite.

I disappear.

I become a rumor.

An exclusive club open only to select people.

People like your buddy Bob here.

One day, you realize he's been in the club for awhile making big returns.

Bob, someone you know, respect.

That's the key.

Because now I've shifted your fear.

You're not scared of losing money anymore.

You're scared of losing out on making money.

It's not about the suit, Charlie.

It's about shifting fear.

Not much chit chat between you two.

You lovebirds have a little tiff? We just started working together.

- Don't talk to him.

- Lighten up, Bob.

Just making conversation.

You know, we've all got our jobs to do.

Your job is to babysit scumbags.

And I, I have to work on my slice.

What's 'a matter, Eddie, don't like rats? But you haven't seen a rat 'til you been in a Florida prison.

Just making conversation.

Yeah, you wanna converse with me.


These guys, man.

I told you, you gotta stop talkin' to these guys.

- I know.

- I took one of these guys just like him down to Tallahassee once.

- Yeah.

- I'm tellin' you, those rats are as big as the baby gators down there.

Wait 'til he gets a good look at them.

- Yeah.

Been down there yet? - No, I haven't.

Aw, great.

Thanks for taking a look at him, doctor.

You got me out of jury duty, I should be thanking you.

Pupils are dilated.





- What state are we in? - Massachusetts.

What's your birthday? June June eighth.

No, no, no, no.

Take it easy.

Take it easy.

That's it.

Did he suffer any head trauma? Yeah, he got punched out in court earlier.

Oh, well.

I'd say he has a concussion.

Of course, I'll have to do an MRI to be sure.

Yeah, well, he can get one at the prison infirmary.

Our flight leaves in about an hour.

I don't think you understand.

No, he's not going anywhere.

This is serious.

This man could have a subdural hemorrhage.

He is not cleared to fly until I fully, uh, check him out.

I'm gonna make arrangements for a transfer.

OK, so what do we do now? Well, I just sent Eddie to the hospital, so Let's go steal us a hospital.

So, let me get this straight.

- You're a doctor.

- Yeah.

What if someone asks you to deliver a baby? I'd say, I'm not an obstetrician.

- What? A what? - A baby doctor.

What if there's a train accident and there's stretchers everywhere, and someone points to you and says, "Hey you, help me with this sucking chest wound.

" I would stick my hand in the chest and then hope for the best.

Oh, you are so not operating on me.

OK, do you have Do you have the list? - Yeah.

- Yeah? All right, go shopping.


Order 23.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I put speakers in Eddie's room and every three feet down the hallway.

So if you want to hear footsteps coming towards you, you slide the cursor this way.

And walking away, this way.

I made you a master audio file with all the stuff we recorded plus the sound effects.

You mix 'em any way you want.

You're the DJ.

- Looks good.


- Hey.

Are you sure there's no patients on this floor? No, they use this place for storage.

We own it.

All right, well here's the stuff from the van plus almost everything from the list.

And, by the way, nurses haven't worn skirts with white stockings since the '70s.

- Sorry.

- Guys, listen up.

Eddie is here for an MRI.

That gives us two hours, don't need to tell ya that's not a lot of time.

You might be playing multiple parts in this one.

Parker and I are the medical team.

Sophie, your next door to the patient.

What are you? What are you doing? - Eliot, Hardison - This is my shirt.

- No.

Give me the shirt.

Don't make me - It's a 17.

Gotta have the 17.

- Guys? - Gimme No, wait I can't wear a size sixteen neck, OK? I got to breathe.

I got to wear my scrubs underneath the uniform.

- I need a bigger neck.

- Just keep your eye on the marshals, all right? We got two hours starting now.


- You're gonna give me that shirt.

- Listen to me son, you need those fingers to type on your keyboard, don't ya? Just so you know, a bully is just a cowboy with low self-esteem.

- What was that, man? - I said, what.

My insecure ass gonna be wearin' this shirt.


Cohen, radiology.


Cohen, radiology.


Maranjian? Time for your MRI.

- Could you remove his restraints please? - What? There's no metal allowed in the MRI chamber.

I'll cut him loose when we get to the door.

Relax, Bob.

You're only taking off my chains so they can stuff me in a tin can.

You're not claustrophobic, are you Mr.

Maranjian? Because you've got nothing to be afraid of.

- Let's go over the code.

- What code? We're a couple of cops.

Unarmed cops who may need to communicate in code.

So look, I'll casually mention Star Trek.

- Great, 'cause that comes up a lot.

- It does.

Look, if I mention Star Trek one, three or five, then everything's OK because the odd one's suck, but if I mention two, four or six, then we're in trouble.

Say I mention, The Search for Spock, what do you do? - I don't have a TV.

- Look it, everybody has TV's.

Dead people have TV's.

You don't have a TV.

You're back again, Mr.


You know, these kids and their skateboards.

Seems like he's getting hurt a lot lately.


Maranjian, let's see if we can't get you outta here in a jiff.

Take your time.

I'm in no hurry.

Pull up your sleeve, please.

Let's see your wrist.

Thank you.


Oh, that must be very itchy.

When did you get that rash? - I never noticed that before.

- Huh? Really.


Nurse, we're gonna have to do some tests before the MRI.

If you could bring Mr.

Maranjian to the eighth floor, please.

Eight? Are you sure? Did I not make myself clear? - Uh, is something wrong? - No.

No, no, not at all.

It's just, it's routine.

We'll have you back down here in a jiff.

Nurse, if you could take him out the side door, that'd be great.

- Thank you.

- No problem.

All we gotta do is keep these marshals out of the MRI room.

- MRI scheduling.

- I don't know why you gotta bring stupid-ass donuts.

- You're not even ready.

- Now, I am ready.

I am 97.

10 percent ready.

- Hey, there.

Ted Crichton.

- Bob Corville.

- Nice to meet you.

- And Charlie Merrill.

- Charlie.

- Oh.

Well, I'm Greg Michaels.

Just a little welcome from the Belbridge PD.

Hey, 'preciate it.

Hopefully, we'll be outta your hair pretty soon.

Don't worry about it, man.

They get better medical than we do.

- Yeah.

- Whatever happened to just bustin' rocks, huh? Oh.

Buy me dinner first.

Marshal's orders.


I'm Bridget.


I'd shake your hand, but Wow! You a hard case or somethin'? - I am goin' to prison.

- Really? Ooh.

Can you pass along a little message to my ex? Actually, it's some photos of me.

Oh, this day just keeps getting better.

How is this supposed to work? I barely dosed him with Rohypnol.

I mean, it must've worn off by now.

Especially with the rash.

Yeah, well, look at him.

I mean, he's totally fine.

This thing, I need you to read on the, - what do ya? - PA? - PA thing.


- Want me to make announcements? Yeah.

Could you? Yeah.

Yeah, you're really sellin' the whole hospital experience.

No, but that's not what I'm selling.

I get up to use the jukebox, and this little skank goes and parks herself on my bar stool.

And I'm like, "No, no, no, no, no.

I got dibs on that.

" And you know what she does? Nuttin'.

Like I'm not even there.


Burns, please report to the cardiac ward.


Burns, to the cardiac ward.

Infectious disease unit, please pick up line 23.

Infectious disease, pick up 23.

See, you tell someone they have a bunch of symptoms and the information gets processed in this executive center of the brain, right? It's job is to question assumptions, start an argument.

But if you suggest symptoms, you can bypass all that.

Like subliminal advertising? It's actually neurolinguistic programming.

You know, the gateway to the amygdala and which is the fear center of the brain.

You asked what we're selling.

That's what we're selling.

- So, we're selling? - Yeah, fear.

- Oh, fear.


- Yeah.


So I eyeballed the bartender, Casey, and I'm like, "Hey, back me up here.

" And you know what he does? Looks away.


And we used to go out.

You know, not out-out, but, like, you know, hook up.

So, I figure, I gotta take care of this myself.

- So I reach over - We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this Special Report.

- A series of health - Eddie, hey, I'm talkin' here.

Did you? Did you see that? - What? - It said Special Report.

It was there for a second and then it was gone.

Huh? Special report, huh? Hey, maybe someone took a pop at the pope.


It could happen.

Are you with the Center for Disease Control? This is an escaped contagion.

This is a military jurisdiction, Order 23.

All right, no one goes in or out.

So I go to the bar, right, and this blonde who looks like my partner in a tube top has a handful of this brunette's hair, right? So, the brunette's screaming, "Gimme back my weave!" What is the blonde supposed to do, sew it back in? - Is she supposed to cornrow it? - I can't believe what you guys have to do, man.

You guys are nuts if you Whoa, whoa, excuse me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, we've got an inmate in here.

Three car accident on the interstate.

- He's gonna have to wait.

- Come on.

That's your inmate? We've got a runaway.

How the hell did this happen? Fourteen years, I have never lost a prisoner.

I'm not startin' today.

- Attention all law enforcement personnel - Hey, Bob.

Bob, Bob, Bob.

Is that the best way to play this? I mean, come with me.

You were supposed to be watching that guy.

I mean, we were supposed to be watching this guy.

This is a career-ender, for all of us.

What are you suggesting? All right, there's cameras all over this hospital, OK? I say we check the footage.

We go room by room - until we find him.

- This never happened.

- My wife just had a baby.

- His wife just had a baby.

OK, but when I say we're done, I'm calling it in.

You got that? - OK.

- Let's go.

- OK.

- So much for havin' two hours.

We're gonna stick with the plan.

We're just gonna move things up.

Eliot, lose the uniform.

Sophie, it's time.

I step away for like, two minutes, and you know what she does? She takes your bar stool.

You told me already.

Is it getting hot in here? Shh.

I can't I don't feel good.

I don't feel so good.

- What is it? - Pulse is tachycardic.

I need two units of packed RPC and two of FFP IV stat.

Start a central line and get a 12 lead please.

What's happening? You're gonna be fine.

I just need you to relax.

Prepare to intubate.

Prepare to intubate.

- She's Bradying down.

- We're losing her.

Clear! - Again.

- Clear.

We're losing her fast.

Come on.

Come on.

I'm gonna try one more thing.

All right, that's it.

That's it.

I'm calling it.

The time, 6:22pm.


What's going on? Nurse! I'm What is going on?! Nurse! Nurse! Nurse! Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Right there.

Right Is that him? Right there? - Right there with the - No! - Yes, him.

- No.

- You sure? - Yeah.

- Really? - Well, what about here? - What? - No.

It looks like him.

You should Are you sure, man? No.

This is the last of the footage.

Looks like Eddie's still in the hospital.

Yeah, but why would he do that? That doesn't make any sense.

Why, if we think he's gone, then that moves the search outside.

It spreads us thin.

He just waits for the right moment and walks right out the front door.

- You're right.

- Yeah.

Which means we'll have to count for everybody in the building.

- Sure.

- Greg, right? - Yes.

- Where's your partner? He's answering a call from dispatch.

He's tryin' to buy us some time.

Well, you tell Ted to get down here.

Because you and he are covering the north side.

You and I, we got the south wing.

- Let's go.

- Sure thing.


Me and Ted, we'll meet you downstairs.

All right.

North wing with Charlie.

I got it.

Tell me why I just pulled two sets of car keys off these guys.

Why would they be riding separately? I'm gonna go check it out.

Eliot? Eliot? - Eliot? - Yeah, well, we can't keep disappearing on these guys.

Bob's barely hooked as it is.


I'm at the hospital.

Kid's a klutz.

Hello? Is anyone there? Nurse! Nurse! Hello.

Can anyone hear me? - Please.

- What do we do now? Now? Now, we wait.

This is the stall.

It's no different than any other con.

Wait, his nose.

Is that real blood? I'm bleeding! - I'm bleeding! - Yes.

Yes, it is.

Hello? Can anyone hear me? Please.

Did you just give a guy a nosebleed with the power of your mind? Amygdala mania.

The almond tonsils.

Is it just me or has Nate gotten a little sadistic since he quit drinking? Is it just me or does that make him even more attractive? Eliot, can you talk? What's Charlie doin'? I haven't gotten there yet.

No wonder I couldn't hear you on my comms.

Eliot, stop checkin' out the nurses and get your ass down to Charlie.

I'm on my way, all right? Shut up.

Excuse me, sir? Can I talk to you for a second, please? Wait here.

What seems to be the problem? How'd your son break his arm? Fell off his skateboard.

- He fell off his skateboard.

- Yeah.

That bruise on his cheek's a week old.

The one on his neck is three days.

He get that fallin' too? - You don't believe me? Ask him.

- Why, huh? So I can learn how well his daddy taught him to lie? If you're gonna arrest me, go ahead.

I'll be out in five minutes.

I ain't gonna arrest you.

Randall Trent, I got my eye on ya now.

How many guys don't even see their kids? I bet this place is full of deadbeat dads.

But a man who provides for his family, who shows his son a firm hand, he's the bad guy? Go back to your speed traps.

Hello? - Who the hell is that? - That is hospital security.

We didn't have a chance to break down their schedule.

- Hello? - OK, looks like someone's crashing our party.

Sophie, you're up.

You know, I once had to play six parts in Nicholas Nickleby.

And Mrs.

Squeers and Fip had a bloody song together.

- Is anybody up here? - I'm down here! Please! Hello? Hello? You have been exposed to an antigen that is repelled by water.

Do not move until you hear further instructions.

- Do you understand? - Yes.

- Why is this a rental? - Hi.

I'm calling from the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association.

I'm trying to get in touch with two of your officers.

Greg Michaels and Ted Crichton.


You don't.

Our files must be out of date.

Thank you.

Eliot, you remember when Eddie got a slap on the wrist because the judge said he provided substantial assistance to the government? Yeah, well, it looks like Eddie ratted out the Armenian mob.

And Marshall Charlie, he ain't a fed.

He's a hitman sent to k*ll Eddie.

Unless duct tape and lye are standard issue for a Deputy U.




You? Eliot, are you there? Can you hear me? - Charlie.


Any luck? - No.

He could be anywhere.

Check the drawers.

This job never gets any easier, does it? No, it does not.

Would Dr.

Ralph O.

Khan, please report to surgery.


Ralph O.

Khan, report to surgery.

Ralph O.

Khan! You picked the wrong day to mess with me, Charlie.

Come on.


Please, please, help me.

Please, somebody help me.

Somebody help me.


Maranjian, we need you to settle down.

Settle down? What the hell is going on here? That woman next to me, she came in here, she was fine.

- And now, she's dead.

- She was not fine.

What was wrong with her? What was wrong with her? We're trying to find out.

You see, the Soviets had a program.

They're trying to weaponize the Marburg virus.

And it's all very, very, very secret.

And we're finding that the accelerated incubation period - of the dozen cases that we've - Dozen cases? Yes, if we've studied the RL It's Well, we've - Oh, God.

Oh, God.

- Dr.

Foster! - Oh, God.

- Dr.


Oh, God! You think you can ignore me like I don't have any feelings.

Like I never sat there, never listened to you talk all night about trying Hardison, have you been talking the whole time? I wouldn't of had to if you didn't turn off your comm.

I took care of the fake marshal.

Where's the real one? Eliot, it looks like he's in a stairwell on his way to Oh, no.

It ain't good, man.

I'm fine.

You know, the rash is localized.

I know.

I just need an anti-inflammatory, Nurse.

And give me What are you doing? - I'm sorry.

Order 23.

- Wait.

Where are you going? - You can't just leave me here.

- Please, Nurse.

Let me let me talk to CDC in Atlanta.

- I can't.

They're coming.

- Who's coming? Wait! What's Order 23? Is it to leave us here to die? Please, get me out of here.

I am not sick.

Don't listen to him.

Variant U cannot be released - into the general population.

- Shut up! - It's not my decision! - Is it for $400,000? Is it your decision then? I have it.

Near here.

And I'll take you there.

All you have to do is let me go.


No! No! No, no, no, no, no.

You're making a big mistake.

Everyone's gonna die.

Aw, damn.

Attention, all law enforcement personnel.

Code 1098.

I repeat, code 1098.

Escaped prisoner leaving County General, possibly armed and dangerous.

Ralph O.

Khan? Man, you should see what ideas you come up with when you got no blood flow to your brain.

Uh-oh, man.

Come on.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How's the arm, my man? It's OK.

Yeah? My name's Eliot.

What's your name? Randy.

Randy? Oh, I like that name.

I had an uncle named Randy.

There sure are a lot of cops runnin' around here, huh? You know, if you wanted, you could go up to one tell 'em what happened to your arm.

Hey, Randy.

You don't have to be afraid anymore.

Dad knows these cops.

You know? They come to my house.

They'll drink beer.

I mean I can't.


Come on, man, we gotta go.

Nice meeting ya, man.

Parker, we're blown.

Cops are everywhere.

They've got the hospital on lockdown.

We're gonna have to hug the wall and wait for the camera to pass, OK? The exit's right over there.


I see it.

Deal's a deal.

So, what happened, Eddie, huh? You got a little bored during your trial, started lookin' around and you thought, "Now, what's the last place someone would look for stolen money in this town?" What's so funny, Eddie? I'm just thinking about all the crimes you committed today.

Burglary, as*ault, kidnapping.

I'm going to prison for 18 months.

But you, every one of you is looking at 25 to life.

I know your faces.

I know all your faces.

I am really good with faces.

You're gonna pay for what you did to me.

Right now.

Stop! Hey! Stop, stop, stop.


- They're in there.

- Get on the ground.

Get on the ground.

- Get on the ground.

- They're in there.

They told me I was gonna die.

I was in a hospital.

They locked me in a room.

It's not what you think.

- Get on the ground, now.

- Oh, OK.

OK, but listen.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I'm the victim here.

They're in there.

Sir, you assaulted a security guard.

You tasered a nurse.

You escaped federal custody.

- No.

No, I didn't.

- Get on the ground right now.

- No.

- On the ground now.

I'm not trying to escape.

I'm running for my life.

You're not listening.

Please, listen.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I have a You don't get it.

You don't Please, listen.

- Let me explain.


- Yeah, that's the guy.

Can you listen to me? Please? They're in there.

They're gonna get away.

Yeah, yeah, that's the guy.

That's the guy that did this to me.

That's what they want you to think.

That's what they want you to think.

None of it's true.

I'm telling the truth.

I'm Please, look.


If you'd just listen.

Listen, please.


None of you are listening to me.

None of it That's them.

You see them? That one was trying to be a doctor.

And then, that one's a nurse.

That wasn't a nurse.

She's not really a nurse.

So, here's everything you need to know about criminal law.

Every crime has two elements: Actus reus, the act itself, and mens rea, literally, the guilty mind.


Now you're a doctor and a lawyer? Yes.

Now, for the escape, the prisoner has to both break out of custody and show the intent to escape.


So, if, let's say, a prisoner was taken hostage during a jailbreak, then he wouldn't be guilty of escape.

- That's a perfect example.

- Kiss ass.

Which brings us back to our friend Eddie, and how the brain reacts to fear.

In the heat of the moment, Eddie didn't ask himself a simple question.

Who would doubt his guilty mind? I hate the morgue.

These things all look the same to me, you know? We're lookin' for an A-17.




Oh, sweet news, guys.

Couple units picked our guy up downtown.

He had a mental breakdown or something.

He was complaining about the plague or locusts or like, hemorrhoids or - Well, I - There it is right there.

- A-17.

- Wow.

That's Oh.

Look at Oh! Son of a Whoa! He lunged at me.

You saw that.

Right? - He lunged at me.

- Weird.

I'm writing this in my report.

He's supposed to be dead.

What the hell? What the hell? That guy.

- Oh, God.

- What's wrong, Bob? It's been a hell of a day.

- I got duped by a fake marshal.

- Yeah.

I let my first prisoner escape.

That's not the way I see it.

What do you mean? A courageous U.


Marshal put himself in harm's way by allowing a contract k*ller to infiltrate his team in an effort to derail a plot to m*rder a cooperating federal witness.

That's my report.

- This is your collar.

- That's good.

But I can't let you do that.

I'm the one that told you not to make the call.

You said, I'm gonna call it in.

I said, "No, no, no, don't.

" So - It's only fair.

- Damn right it is.

You and your partner, you're all right.

I don't know how to thank you though.

Do one thing for me.

You got it.

Randy? I'm Deputy United States Marshal Robert Corville.

I'm from Boston.

I think you and I need to talk.

Who you talkin' to out there? Come on.

Come on.

It's all right, son.

Come on.

You're gonna be OK, Randy.