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01x09 - The Snow Job

Posted: 06/28/23 10:17
by bunniefuu
No way, you don't understand.

Should've paid the contractors, Wayne.

We did pay them.

We paid them with everything we had and they still didn't do the job right.

Look, the roof leaked, the windows weren't finished.

Just, just, just stop.

Don't do this, please.

Not in front of my family.

The bank sold off the note.

This ain't your house anymore.

Sold it off? To who? My contractor? I hired them to fix my house and they stole it from me? Sorry.

Wish it hadn't come to this, son.

Truly sorry.


Retzing, if I could just talk to you just for one moment, please.

Just one moment.

Oh, my God.

Get off me.

Put your hands behind your back.

Then first Katrina hit, but my unit got called up.

My house was too trashed for me to fix, not in the time I had.

So, that's when you hired Retzing? Couldn't really afford him.

But I had to get on a plane to Fallujah.

So, Retzing tells me I could take out a Equity loan to cover your costs.


Three months ago, I get back off my second tour.

Couldn't make the loan payments, and the house lost value because he didn't make the repairs right.


Ford, this was our first house.

He took my little boy's home.

Do you have any kids? I did.

I'm sorry.

Whatever happened, I know you did everything you could.

That's what gets me.

You work hard, you play by the rules, but when you need help, really need help, they let you hang.

They let you hang and it's your kid that pays the price.

No! Yeah.

We, uh, we all pay the price.

Where the hell is he at? Maybe he overslept.


He doesn't oversleep.

This guy sets an alarm to set his alarm.

A man with one watch knows the time.

A man with two is never sure.

What? I had fortune cookies for breakfast.

Okay, run it.

So, what, you had leftover Chinese for dinner? No.

Just the cookies.

Do you put milk on the fortune cookies? It's not cereal.

It's a fortune cookie.

It's common.

I just Whoa.

No chatter today.

Just, just run it.

Henry Retzing, contractor, self-made millionaire, all-around dirtbag.

Now, Henry has construction contracts all over Florida, mostly residential, some commercial.

But the man is as crooked as the day is long.

You okay? Huh? You all right? Oh, yeah.


What scam did he run on the Scotts? It's sharp.

See, Retzing took the contract.

Then he did shoddy work and he stretched out the job.

And after about a year, the Scotts, like any other law-abiding folks, they just said, "Okay, you know what, we're not gonna pay this guy.

" But when they did that, Retzing put a contractor lien on the property.

So, once the Scotts ran out of money Retzing became a creditor, took ownership of the house when the bank foreclosed.



But all of it absolutely legal.

Are you drunk? Must have a hit list a mile long.

Technically, no.

I was drunk couple of hours ago.

Now I'm just hung-over.

Florida Attorney General's Office has investigated the Retzings a few years back, but they couldn't make anything stick.

So, the game is get the Scotts their house back.

All right, what's the way in? The sons in Retzing & Sons, Randy and Dennis.

See, Henry I thought we had an agreement.

What agreement? That you'd sort yourself out.

You see, Randy, the oldest one, he doesn't do much except snowboard and judge snowy wet T-shirt contests.

I don't remember making that deal.



That's what we were afraid of.

Dennis, the Willy Wonka worker bee, MBA from Duke.

Now, his father, he's the public face of the company, but this man does all the grunt work.


Okay, okay.

All right.

So, they beat a state investigation, so they're smart.

They have the law on their side, so they're untouchable.

Or so they think.

Randy is the sloppy one.

Sophie, how's your luge? My what? Your luge.

Yeah, yeah.

Ugh, what the hell does he know about extreme, huh? No.

I don't care what Peek-a-boo and Body think, eh? I see you at the party.


And don't forget to bring the swimsuit models.

And the dancers.

Hansel's after Gretel.

Got it.

Sorry, Ute Ausgartner.

It's a bar.

I'm blending.

Here he comes now.

I think you left this behind.

Oh, my God.

My life is in this book.

My pleasure.

And can I just say, huge fan.

Really? Absolutely.

Luge? I live for it.

The speed, the ice, all that latex, the helmet.


So, what I'm saying is, and this is the big one, the big idea.

Imagine the X Games, but more slam dancey and South by Southwest-ish, throw in a little Burning Man, boom.



You know, my partners and I have just purchased this resort.


We're renovating it to be state of the art.

You know, your little idea could be the perfect high-profile event for the relaunch.

Damn straight.

Okay, good, good.

Now, ease him into the buy-in.

Of course, you'd have to buy in to our little group.

According to their records, they only have a couple of hundred grand liquid.

So, we're gonna have to just string them along.

Don't push him too hard.

Well, how about I just write you a check for 500,000? My partners would be delighted.

My partners and I will be delighted.


But I'll have to see the plans.

Talk to management.

Of course.

You want to go now? Why not? The sooner you're happy, the sooner you write that check.

Shall we? Yeah.


Let's go steal us a mountain.

Yeah, we got to make room for the heliskiing pad.

You know, all the usual, you know, spa facilities.

We're gonna have the heated plunge pools and the Jacuzzis and the hot tubs.

Ski in, ski out.




Okay, Eliot.

You're up.


How are you? Mike Rothman, welcome to Powder Bear.

Ben Svetke, Innovative Resort Solutions.

Just don't call us the IRS.


Hang the lift.

Space mountain is now closed.

Okay, Parker.


Parker? Parker? Parker? Hmm? What are you doing? Oh, yeah.



How you doing? Oh, geez.

And unlike conventional fireplaces, these have marshmallow toasting rods already built in and retractable.

Brand new.

Oh, excuse me for a second.

Yeah? Sir, we've got a situation on the ski lift.

What? A woman is hanging off of Lift 4.

Lift 4? Is she hurt? I don't know.


Call ski patrol.

I'll be right there.

Can you excuse me for just a minute? Sure.

Yeah, yeah.

Take your time, please.

Oh, Hans.



Hans, this is Randy Retzing.

Yeah, he's thinking about joining our little group.

Oh, hi, hi.


Come on, dude.

Are you ready to rock this? Yeah.

So, what about Parker? All right.

I got you.

You're okay.

Parker's safe.

Of course, these are just the preliminaries.


Just make sure to leave some room for hot tubs and the dance floor.

So, you can write that little check now, eh? Hey, why can't they all be this easy? Of course not.

We have to go to Miami.

My dad's the one who has to write the check.


Oh, hell.

Why they all gotta be this hard? Miami? Well, not right away.

Maybe do a little tandem luge runs.

Wear the helmet.

Little something extra for you.

Randy! So, where you been this time? Europe? No.

Caribbean? No.

Well, give me the dirty details.

Just some skiing.

Dad, meet Lena Christinger.

French? Nice.

Parker? Get me some video.

Okay, okay.

Here it is.

Here's the project.

And Lena loves this.

Right, Lena? Mmm-hmm.


It's winter sports and a music festival, and I'm calling it the Winter Edge Games.

That's brilliant.

Dream big, build big.

That's what made this company what it is today.

Isn't that right, Dennis? Sure.

It's not like solid management and an aggressive business plan had anything to do with it.

Oh, get over here.

Sit down.


Now, here's what I want to know.

What do you need to make this thing happen? Because I want you to know, I am with you 130% on this.

I think it's a really, really exciting project.


It's part of a worldwide plan.

Ahhh! What's that? It's weird.


Signal's dirty here, too.

They're jamming the signal? No.

The VHF output frequency is clean.

For some reason her transmission's just not getting to us.

I think interference is coming from inside the house.

Eliot, I need you to plant a booster.

The office is on the second floor.

I want you to give your brother whatever it is he needs.

Are you sure that's a good I love it.

Now, we can use a little more creative thinking around here, all right.

Well, as president of your company, I have to sign off on the checks as well.


Did I ask for a play-by-play? Come on.

I want you to go sign the checks.

Check the numbers.

Do your job.

Do you want to help him out? Of course.

After you.

It must be quite a challenge managing a business as big as your family's.

Not everyone seems to think so.

Although, power doesn't have to show off.

When you have it, you know it.

All right, guys.

They're going to the second floor.

Work fast.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

What do you see in him? Who? Randy? Between us it's strictly business.

Well, does he know that? Does it matter? I make my own choices.

Holy Damn it, Parker.

How about a warning next time? How'd you even know I'd be there? I didn't.

Is it working? $500,000.

Signed by my father and co-signed by me.

You can't be serious? You're too smart.

You have to see what my brother's like.

Look, just look at some of his other big ideas.

Hot air balloon paintball.

Submarine cruises.

Oh, fruit-flavored pizza sauces.

Is this who you want to get into bed with? If you're talking business, then I'm always open to new opportunities.

But if you're talking on a personal level, then let's just say I prefer a man who knows what it means to be in control.

All yours.

I made Retzing & Sons what it is.

I turned disaster-area relief into a growth industry.

Disaster area? Yeah.

People need their homes fixed.

So we lowball a quote, slap some spackle around, and up the bill when they complain.

When they can't pay anymore, we put a lien on the property.

Eventually they get foreclosed on and we buy the houses for a song.

He's done this to more people than the Scotts.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, Sophie, find out how many.

And how big is your operation? Four hundred homes, give or take.

Four hundred? Yeah.

All over the country.

Tornadoes in Oklahoma, Florida hurricanes.

And Katrina was like winning the damn lottery.

All right, Sophie.

Do not take the check.

What? I'm sorry, what? Oh, don't tell me this makes you squeamish, 'cause it's all legal.

I just found a loophole.

I said do not take the money.

Now, you tell him this.

If what you're saying is you want to do real business, then I might have an opportunity for you.

But it's for serious investors only.

This is not something I would ever present to your brother.


What are you doing? All right, forget about the money.

No, we don't want the money.

We're gonna take the company.

We're gonna give each of these people back their homes.

You made this decision when? All that pretty money.

I don't have to run anything by you, Eliot.

Guys What, are you drunk? No.

There's nothing I have to Right now, are you drunk? Shut up.

Shut up.


The interference earlier, there's a signal coming from in there.

Now, the output frequency is around the 120 megahertz range, but the transmitter Just cut the geek.

The house is bugged.

Now, if I'm right, the equipment is standard-issue law enforcement.

Now, cops are listening.

Hardison, where were you when it mattered? He asked me to tear up that check.

- So I tore up the check.

- This is not me.

I didn't make the decision to throw away everybody else's money.

I'm sorry Okay, that was you Hey, listen.

I don't like it.

Cops mean too many variables.

And what are you going to tell the Scotts, Nate? Huh? How are we going to explain to them that we tore up their future? He doesn't know.

And who's gonna tell that guy we had a house for his baby boy and you just gave it away? You're the one who's always telling us we're doing this for the client.

One client, many victims.

We have a chance to represent those who couldn't ask for our help.

And besides, we're going with a much bigger scam.

One of the classics.

The London spank? The Genevan paso doble.

The apple pie.

It's like the cherry pie but with lifeguards.

Ooh! Glengary, Glendeath.

It's like a mutual fund, but instead of stocks, you invest in death.

Is it me, or is he getting creepier? Glengary, Glendeath.

It's really simple.

See, you're Joe Average, right? You find out you got a fatal disease.

Months, maybe weeks to live.

You wanna make your last days special, hmm? You know, take the wife on the dream cruise, or travel the world, spend time with the kids.

But nine out of 10 people, they tap out all their savings during the preliminary treatments.

So, you know, there you are, you're gonna die, and you're broke.

But, there's your big fat insurance policy just sitting there useless, so what we do, our group, we buy the policy, pennies on the dollar.

They get a chunk of change now And, and we get the payout post-mortem, right? He gets to enjoy his last days and we get to enjoy a healthy profit, right? Nate worked insurance for 20 years.

He came to us with some useful information.


You know what I have? Do you know what I have? I have detailed actuarial tables and a confidential database of sick people.

Now, by cross-referencing them, I've created a short list, right here, of people with fat policies that are all gonna die within six months.

I mean, you know, are you listening to this? Right? I mean, this is it.

This is right here.

This is for you.

This is, you know, gonna do.

This will quadruple your money.

Nate has already a select number of investors, but with your contribution he can buy up even more policies.



It's too risky.

You can't control when they're gonna croak.

Are you listening? I mean, this list, this list is gold.

I'm Okay, look.

Here we go.

We got pancreatic cancer, Oregon.

And you've got a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Jersey.

You know how I got this Rolex? Forty-year-old steel worker, melanoma.

All right.

I want independent confirmation.

All right.

I want a doctor, one I choose, to verify prognosis.


Fair enough.

But just one condition, though.

No one gets a look at this list without a little buy-in.

Huh? Ten thousand up front? Fine.

Pick one, Skippy, any one.

Lisa Valdez, inoperable brain tumor.

Right here in Miami.


Good choice.

I'll set it up.

You just bring the doctor, all right? You frigging weasel.

All you were supposed to do was write the check.

And I did.

Just ask the Fraulein.

Lena? Uh-huh.

What are you doing there? I'm sorry, Liebchen.

We decided to go in a different direction.

What did you say to her? Oh, I don't know what you're talking about.

I just watch the numbers.

Remember? Oh, Dennis, you little ass.

What do you think Dad's gonna say when I come back home? Oh, I'm sorry.

We're losing you.

Your strip joint must be driving through a tunnel.

Now, that is what I call control.


Yeah, what seems to be the Oh.


Cheap tie, bad aftershave.

Why would the state police be interested in my business? Lieutenant Stone.


Racketeering and Corruption Task Force.


What business do you have here in Florida? You know, I like the outlet malls.

We know you just came from a meeting with Dennis Retzing.

What I want to know is why is an insurance guy trying to make a deal with that family? Racketeering.

Are you kidding me? You're trying to get him on a RICO charge? What, you couldn't get him on the fraud, so you Wow, man, that's desperate.

We are gonna get the Retzings.


Now, if you and your people are still around when the hammer comes down, we're not gonna stop and sort things out.

Right, but, you know, you wouldn't be talking to me if you had anything.

You're fishing.

You're fishing, right? I know two things about you, Mr.


You're trouble and you're a drunk.


Either one is enough for me not to trust you.


That's certainly gonna hurt.

Why do I have to be the patient? Because he picked a woman's name.

And I can't play both parts.

So, you get the tumor.

Where have you been? Hmm? Everything okay? Fine.

Okay, people.

Hacking into a imaging computer is simple enough, but I've run some simulations, and I don't think I can build us an image that will pass a doctor's inspection.


Well, can we give her a fake tumor? Well, we could inject her brain with some contrast dye, have it pool into her cranial cavity, but there might be some side effects.

Like what? Organ failure, death, death-like symptoms.


I vote for plan B.

You know, we could get another chamber and then put a brain with a tumor in that one and send the signal to the monitor for this chamber.

Cross the wires.

What? I dated a neurologist.

Huh There's a machine in the next suite.

I could tap that.


Now all we have to do is find a brain with a tumor.

Bolus of semi-solid fluid injected into one of the ventricles.

That should do it.

And we need some hot wax.

Oh, and a cadaver.


Let's get to work.

Oh, you're not seriously thinking about Yeah.

What we need to do is, we need to secure this chamber and the one next to it.

We have to make sure that the comms work with magnetic interference, set up a meeting with the Retzings.

Somebody find me a brain.

Oh, yeah.

He's definitely getting creepier.

Yeah Hardison, are we, uh, are we ready? Just call me the Scarecrow.

I'm ready to rock.

Now, if I only had a brain.


Yeah, almost there.

Did you, uh, get the Yep.

Where? Do you really wanna know? No, not really, no.

And, uh, Sophie, is the patient ready? She's at death's door.

Oh, this is fun.

Hey, do you need a minute to prepare? You know, death scenes can be demanding.

I remember this time I was playing Camille in summer stock, and I was drained after every performance.

Don't I just make believe I'm dying? Okay.

You need to own the space and, um Access your sense memory.

Here, try this.

Think of a really sad thing that's happened in your life, like, I don't know, when your father died.


This isn't gonna be easy.

Yeah, good to see you.

How are you? Well, very well.






Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Well, how's your day? It's good.

Shall we do this? Yeah, let's do this.

All right.

After you.


What? You.


Go? What you mean, go? 'Cause it was your idea.

No, no, no.

It's my information.

It's Nate's idea to do this nastiness.

Rock, paper, scissors? Well, I'll be damned.

How you do that? You got a tell.

I have a tell? Yeah.

In rock, paper, scissors? Yeah.



I'm sorry.

You're gonna go all the way through the head.

Damn, that's my bad.

Wow, you can tell.

Those dead eyes.

As if there's no soul.


She's terminal, all right.

That's massive.

So, how long? My guess? Not long.

Frankly, I'm surprised she's still alive.

Almost too big to believe.

Fine, she's gonna die.

You still don't know when.

I mean, you heard the doc.

She could kick at any time.

Who knows how long these saps will hang on? Could I have a little word with you in private? Ja? You know, it's normal to be a little bit nervous.

You know, but you gotta have faith.

He has a lot of experience with this.

It just feels like there's a lot of risk here, and I don't know if that measures out to Let me assure you that it's normal to be a little bit nervous.

Yeah? I understand completely.

When? But you're gonna have to trust me.

Aha, Chicago.

Chicago, right? Oh, wow.

Well, that No, that's great.

The big one.

No, great.

Thank you.

Well, mother of three in Chicago won't be finishing her bucket list.

Perfect timing.

I've been eyeing this Lexus.

What is he doing? So, where's my cut? Your what? I gave you 10 grand.

I want my take.

Oh, no.

I'm sorry.

No, that was a holding fee.

You're not in.

The hell I'm not.

I want my money.

Well, okay.

First-stage investor.

All right, good.

Payout bonus kind of thing.

$100,000? What is he doing? What's up? Here we go, I think this just might work out after all.


I mean, with this money, you know, you can start your own company and just leave your father for good, eh? Yeah, I just have to move some accounts around so that my dad Whoa, whoa.

Move some what around? I'm sorry.

What did you just say? Move some accounts around? Who do you think we are? We don't operate this way.

I can't do business like Who did you bring me to? What is this? No, no, no.

I don't understand.

No, if you don't get it, I can't help you.

You don't get it.

We don't need you.

Keep the money, that's fine.

Okay, okay.

No, no.

Don't worry about it.

What is this? I'm gonna go and talk to him.

We'll get some serious investors.

I'll be able to talk him around.

Serious investors.

Excuse me.

Nate? Serious investors.

Can I have a word? I'll stop payment on the check.

Just give me a few seconds.

Just let it go, will you? Now, let me get something straight.

We had half a million for our clients, and we didn't take it.

Now we've given the mark, 100 grand of our money, my money.

Basic stall.

A stall is for when you've got someone on the hook.

What about Papa Bear? Okay, Dennis can't take a leak without Henry signing off for it.

How's he supposed to get us that money? Guys, you gotta trust me, all right? You've trusted me before and with your lives.

Not when you're drunk.

Oh, come on.

You're not in control of yourself.

So, what, you're gonna control me? Is that it? Nah.

I ain't your daddy.

You can drink yourself into a coma as far as I'm concerned, but you're taking me down with you, then it's my problem.

You know, you talk too much.

You ought to just go skip some rope.

What? Yeah, go skip some rope.

You want me to skip something? Hey, hey, hey.

I'll skip your drunk ass off this marble floor.

Okay, okay.

I need to, um, speak to Nate alone.


You do that.

You're second.

Now, don't you dare give me the "we're all a family" speech.


No speeches.

Just a question.

Is this helping you? If you give Wayne Scott back what he lost, will you be satisfied? You know me.

I can do this.

I knew you two years ago.

Well, I'm still the same person.


You're not.

No, I'm not.

Hello? I'm in.

You're too late.

You missed the deadline.

What deadline? My deadline.

Yeah, we're closed for business.

Five million.

Does that open any doors? Uh, how soon? Meet me at the First Sunshine Bank.

Damn it.

You are right.

I told you.

He is trying to transfer $5 million from the corporate account.

I can't believe he would do this after all I have done for him.

What are you going to do? Well, he wants to move the money, right? Let's move it someplace he can't get at it.

Get everyone in position.

On my way.

We're still at the Retzings' bank.

We have an issue.

That takes care of your end.

Pam will just print out the rest for you to sign.

I'll just be a minute.

These are for Randy.


Retzing, I think someone smashed the window of your Hummer.

What? Damn it.

You deal with the rest of this.

Do you have any idea how much those windshields cost? What are you doing here? Oh, you always thought you were smarter than us.


I don't know what Randy has told you, but Yeah, uh Wait a minute.


Retzing, how do you Yeah, if I may, we have a very unique investment opportunity Oh, shut up.


You are no longer an officer in my company.

I have transferred all of my signatory power to Randy.

What? Your son and I, we have a We have a deal.

Oh, what, did he promise you money? Oh, yeah.

Oh, well, he doesn't have any.

I transferred all the funds offshore.

You can't even touch it.

You did what? Do you realize what you've done? Yeah.

He's standing by his family.

The only family that matters.

Family? Yeah.

Family? Yeah.

Don't you dare talk about family.


Well, truth's a bitch, isn't it? Huh? Do you know what I've done for this family? I am this family.

All right, everybody out now.


Wait, no, slow down, slow down.

No, you're not making any sense.


What? - What do you mean our check bounced? - What do you mean? Well, you tell me, you're the accountant.


Fax it on over here.

There's gotta be some mistake.

What the hell? All right.

I'll call you back.

- What did you do? - What? Did you sign something? Yeah.

The Winter Edge Games deal.

I can write all the checks I want now.

Screw the games.

You signed away controlling interest in the company.

What? No, I didn't.


There's gotta be some mistake.

No, no, we will fix it.

All I did was sign the deal with Lena.

It was a $500,000 investment.

Is this what you signed? I think so.

That takes care of your end.

Pam will just print out the rest for you to sign.

These are for Randy.


Retzing, I think someone smashed the window of your Hummer.

Damn it.

You deal with the rest of this.

Good, good.

Now, that the transfer of authority is done we can just go ahead and close our little deal, huh? This isn't $500,000.

You transferred 51% of our corporate powers to her group.

They set us up.

They wanted you to find out what I was up to so that you would transfer power to Randy.

And then once you did, this idiot did the rest.

What does this mean? That we're broke? No.


This is just temporary.

We'll get the company back.

Henry Retzing, you're under arrest.

What? Five hours ago, the SEC filed a suspicious activities report, after a large, undeclared transfer of money triggered a security alert.

What securities? I didn't transfer any securities.

Well, he wants to move the money, right? Let's move it someplace he can't get at it.

Combined with your previous fraudulent actions, you're being charged with engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity under the state RICO Act.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to have an attorney with you during questioning.

How could you have known he was gonna make that transfer? You wouldn't be talking to me if you had anything.

You're fishing.

I tell you what.

Why don't you give me two days to get them to cross the line.

One minor transgression and you got them.

We'll move out of the way, you get Retzing.

You understand the rights I just read to you? I had to move the money.

You don't understand.

I just had to.

Just shut up, okay? Don't say anything else.

Hello? Did you even look at the names? What? The names on the list.

Short list, right here.

Uh, yeah, those would be the names of the families that lost their homes to you.

Your victims? And how big is your operation? Four hundred homes, give or take.

You son of a Now that we control the company, though, we're gonna make sure the rightful owners get back into those homes.

You know this will never hold up in court.

Randy's incompetent.

Yeah, I gotta say you're pretty good with the books.

Declaring your own family's home a corporate asset.

Some nice tax breaks there.

Of course, now that we control the corporation, we're gonna have to reclaim that particular piece of property.

You guys take your time moving out.

Two, three days.

Leave the keys under the mat.

You know, it's a little bigger than the other place, but I hope it'll do.

Are you crying? What's up? No, no, it's Florida air pollen.

The house was a nice touch.


Symbolic thing.

You never used to go in for theatrics.

Well, like you said, I've changed.

You're still a mess.

You know, one of these days, they may not stick around and back you up.

They? Yes.


And me.

Ah Are you threatening to bail on me, Sophie? Give me a reason to stay.