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04x08 - Know Thine Enemy: Part 2

Posted: 06/28/23 09:13
by bunniefuu
[music continues]

[music continues]



Come on.

My God, Lex, make it stop!

You can't go through with this.


Oh, yes, I can.

Just think, my darling..

we'll have what we

always dreamed of together.

What he would

never let us have.

A little peace.

A little happiness.

What're you doing?

Are you out of your mind?

She is just a dummy!

You are the dummy,

you arrogant twit.

She's more alive

than you've ever been.


You don't love me.

Uhyou never did.

How perceptive.


Warning, 30 seconds

to complete psycho-meld.

29, 28..

27, 26..

25, 24..


Better say your

prayers, folks

'cause it's all over now.

I flip this little switch

and in three minutes..

I'm in line for a whole

lot of insurance money.


[eerie music]

You can't do this. It goes

against everything you are.

- You don't know what I am.

- I know your heart.

I don't care what

these people did to you.

But you can't

k*ll them like he did.

- You're not Lex.

- Yes, I am!

No, you're not.

[slow-paced music]

This isn't real.

None of this is real.

You're real.

[instrumental music]

[laughing maniacally]


(man in hologram)

Memory loop broken.

Memory loop broken.

Psycho-meld averted.




Lana, it's really you.


The life he had

all they put him through, no

wonder he turned out that way.

You lived it too and you

didn't become a k*ller.

It's not the same. Before I ever

went in there I had a good life.

And even when I was

in there I had you.

Who did he have?


We've gotta find her.

She's the only person

in the world Luthor ever loved.

You think she's in there?

Well, he's hooked up to every

information system in the world.

Must have kept track of her.

There's gotta be something.


Oh, no.

[slow-paced music]


You see, my darling,

that you had died

in that horrible crash

my world ended.

So now, I'm taking out

the rest of the world with me.

And thenthe two of you..

can have it all

to yourselves.

Forever and ever.


Stop it, Lex.

[dramatic music]


Oh, come on, please, Darla,

you're not gonna sh**t me.

You worship me, remember?

Come on, nitwit,

give me the g*n.

Stop the countdown, Lex,

or I'll sh**t.

I'm shakin' in my boots.

I gave you everything

I've got, Lex.

[intense music]

I've done things for you

that I never thought I could do.

But I'm not gonna stand by

and let you wipe everything out.

You mean, uh..

somewhere in that

dim consciousness

there lurks a noble soul?

You're like a dog, Darla.

A street mongrel.

You just take it

and take it and take it.

I loved you.


[dramatic music]



I didn't think

you had it in you.

Obviously, you..

Stop the countdown, Lex.

No, can't do.

Once it's started,

no way to stop it.

Might as well finish me off

right now, Darla.

We're all gonna be

nuclear dustsoon enough.

(automated message)

Detonation in 55 minutes.

[intense music]


Oh, ooh..

Something's not right.

What do you mean?

Lena's car went off the bridge,

but they never found the body.

So, the body

was washed away.


Why would she fake

her own death?

Think about it.

If you were Lex's sister,

wouldn't you wanna put

as many miles between

the two of you as possible?

Hold it.

Look at this.

She had all of her

utilities turned off

the day before she died.


Probably is.

Or maybe this was left

on the computer to trick us.

It's just another one

of Luthor's traps.

It's hopeless.

Lanayou can never

give up hope.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]



- Ah! Ah..

- Superboy.



Keep looking for Lena.

I've gotta go.

What is it?

What's wrong?

[theme music]


[buzzing stops]

Alright, Luthor,

you've got my attention.

What do you want?


[intense music]

Darla, what's this? Another

trick to get me out of the way?


I got out of there so I could

signal you without him knowing.

You gotta stop him.

Tell Luthor it's

not gonna work.

Wait, no, don't go, please.

He doesn't know

that I'm here, I swear.

You gotta stop him, please.

Where can I find him?

I'll take you to him.

I'm Bob Sokoler,

here is what's happening.

Less than an hour left

until Luthor's deadline runs out

and there's been no word

yet from Superboy.

The evacuation of Capitol City

is continuing

or should I say,

attempted evacuation.

Many people have

refused to leave.

And rioting and looting

is widespread.

[knocking on door]

That's the latest

we have at this hour..

[knocking continues]


My name is Lana Lang.

I'm with the Bureau

for Extranormal Matters.

(female #1)


I need your help..

that is, if you are

who I think you are.


[pounding on door]


We really don't

The whole world

is depending on you, Lena.

[instrumental music]

[knocking on door]

Hark, visitors at this hour?

Entrer, my homicidal



[dramatic music]

Darla, you are full

of surprises today.

And who says they can't

teach an old dog new tricks?


Okay, Luthor, party's over.

Disarm the warhead!

And you, you actually escaped

from the memory loop.

That's very impressive.

You know, you're the only

opponent I've ever faced

who's near worthy of me. You're

not, not quite, but close.

So I think it's only appropriate

that we be together

when the world goes, poof!

[intense music]


Disarm the warhead.

The countdown can't be stopped

even if I want it to.

Which I don't.


[intense music]


[eerie music]

- Luthor?

- Just call me Lex.

Turning off the utilities a day

before you died is one thing.

But leaving your return address

on the work order..

My God, if I could find

you that easily

don't you think Lex could?

It would never occur to him,

not even for a second

that I would do

something like that.

So he'd never bother

to look for clues.

Why would his adoring little

sister stage her own death?

[instrumental music]

Do you know what it's like

to be haunted by a ghost

that follows you everywhere?

Last name's Luthor?

Any relation to that maniac?

They always find out.

And then it's time

to move again.

Find new friends,

make a new life.

But it never works.

[music continues]

People look at me

like I'm a freak.

The police are always watching

in case he shows his face.

And he keeps writing to me.

Letters full of fantasy.

About how the day will come

when we can be together again.

Happy and free.

[music continues]

That's why I thought

if I could just k*ll Lena

once and for all--

But when you k*lled Lena,

you k*lled Lex too.

That's what's driven him to

this. Pushed him over the edge.

Oh, I pushed him

over the edge? No.

No one is going to

blame me for this.

He k*lled our parents, he..

[breathes heavily]

Oh, what's the point?

Pretty soon it will

all be over with.

And the Luthor legacy

goes on

to the end of the world.

But it doesn't have

to be that way.

If we could find out where Lex

is, I could bring you to him--

No! No, I won't go.

He's worse than my father was.

He's a monster.

Well, that monster did

everything in his power

to protect you.

He did protect you!

And he paid the price.

[instrumental music]



You think this will

change anything?

It won't make the memories go

away. It won't end your pain.

I was in the machine,

I lived it too.

[instrumental music]

Don't listen to that

pseudo-psycho garbage.

k*ll him.

What's the point?

He'll be dead soon enough.

Excuse me, now just

who invented whom here?

(automated message)

Three minutes to detonation.

Uh-uh-uh, smash that

and the b*mb will go off now.

Don't just stand there

doing nothing, stop him!

There's nothing he can do

except try to find that b*mb.

Try to beat the clock.

[imitates clock ticking]

Oh, it's hopeless.


Don't ever give up hope.


We'll bust out the party hats.

So glad you could

make it, darling.

We're planning

to have a real blast.

How the hell did you find me?

- It was in your letters.

- Letters? What letters?


The ones you wrote me.

The place you begged

me to come to.

Your haven.

Your bunker.

Lead-shielded underground

where not even

Superboy could find you.



No-no, no, no, I'm Lex.

He's just a machine.

But how can it be?

What is that?

Oh, that'syou.

(automated message)

One minute to detonation.


Stop the countdown.

But you're alive.

Stop the countdown, Lex.

Lenatell me what happened.

Who did this?

Who wanted me to believe

that you were dead?

I did.

I hate you, Lex.

- What?

- Don't you understand?

I hate you.

You're a disease.

You're a cancer.

You're like a cancer

in my life.

Everything you touch,

you k*ll.

- No.

- Everything you love..

The only thing you love

is yourself and death.

- I hate you, I hate you..

- Y-you made her say this!

Make her stop!

- I hate you!

- Make her stop.

(automated message)

Thirty seconds to detonation.

No, nobody controls me.

Not father, not you, no one.

I wanted my own life

free all of you.

No one talks to

Lex Luthor like that.

No one.

You're not Lex.

You're as much a machine

as that thing is.

(automated message)

13, 12, 11, 10..

Well, then you can just die,

along with everyone else.


Code genesis LX666 abort.

(automated message)

Countdown aborted.


Please, don't leave me.

I love you,

I would never hurt you.

I can be good.

I promise.

Please, we'll be happy.

Code LX0 terminate!


You said you couldn't

stop the countdown.

I lied.



The party is over, folks,

could you just get out!

You were always such

a brainless little twit

just like all the rest.

I never loved you.

[instrumental music]

I never loved you.

[music continues]

- Let's get that arm looked at.

- I never loved her.

[music continues]

Sure, Lex, whatever you say.

[music continues]

[theme music]

[music continues]