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04x07 - Know Thine Enemy: Part 1

Posted: 06/28/23 09:10
by bunniefuu
(male narrator)

Rocketed from a distant planet

to a bold new destiny on Earth.

Found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent.

He learnt he possessed

the strength of steel

The speed of light

and the desire

to help all mankind.

He is Superboy.

[theme music]

[music continues]

(man on radio) Good morning, Capital

City Lex Luthor comin' at you

with a big surprise.

Oh, swell.

Cancel the life insurance

folks cause in six hours

you're all gonna be dead.

That's right six.

Count 'em six hours.

You see your Uncle Lex

just put the finishing touches

on a nationwide network

of nuclear devices

as they say in the b*mb biz.

So big, so powerful

makes the pentagon warhead

look like a cherry b*mb.

And guess what folks.

I'm gonna set the first one off

right here in Capital City!

Bing, bang, boom

in the blink of an eye, you're

all going to be nuclear waste.

[whistle blowing]

But not just you,

friends and neighbors.

No, no, no. This is what

you call you're dirty b*mb.

That means

the radioactive fallout

from this rock 'n' roll

party is gonna create

a gigantic cloud of death

that will drift round the globe.

And exterminate

all life on planet earth.

Get the picture?

Enjoy your final hours.

I know I will.


(female #1)


You forgot to tell

them what you want.


- Your demands.

- Demands?

You know, what they have to do

so you won't set off the bombs.

Don't have any demands.

Just gonna do it.

Wake up and smell

the coffee, babe.

This is the last day

of the rest of your life.


[intense music]



[music intensifies]

So are you gonna

help me down or what?


Any sign of Luthor?

Looks like Luthor hasn't

been here for months.

You shouldn't

have followed me here.

Look, if the world's

gonna end in a few hours

I wanna be with you when we go.

The world isn't going to end.

It's like doomsday

out there already.

Street's are clogged with cars

people are crawling all over

each other just to get out

before the b*mb hits.

- If Luthor does as he says..

- Look, I know Luthor is sick.

But I don't think he is capable

of doing something like this.

Can we have really know what

another person is capable of?


The life and times

of Lex Luthor.

It's a computer disc.

Well, let's see.


Got it.

Project Genesis progress

report. Phase one complete.

All of Luthor's memories

have been transferred

to psycho disc. Phase two

after numerous attempts

remains a failure.

The project however will

continue until--

This disc contains

Luthor's memories.

And that must be

the playback device.

What are you doing?

Remember what you said?

That none of us can never know

exactly what another person

is truly capable off.

This could tell us.

It could be a trap.

Knowing Luthor,

probably it is a trap.

It'll be alright.

Worked like a charm.

He followed the radio waves

I deflected right

to my other lab.

Precious time lost, Superboy.

You're never gonna find me now.

- Lex, you're not really gonna--

- Bingo.

He's activated the psycho disc.

What's a psycho disc?

Why are you forever

asking questions

you could not possibly

understand the answers to?



Lex. Lex. Come on, Lex.

Dinner's on the table.

You know how mad dad

get's when you're late.


But I'm not..

The machine.

I must be living

Luthor's memories.

Come on!

[intense music]

You're late genius.

What's the matter?

They're keeping you after school

so they can give you more tests?


They're not giving

him any more tests.

Isn't that right?

They say you're

just a normal kid.

Like everyone else.

Still in grammar school

and already you think

you're better than everybody.

Well, you're not.

- You're just a dummy.

- Don't say that.

Lex'll go to college.

He'll make a--

Shut up!

You think some magic pills

will make everything better?

- Huh?

- No.

You think he's your

ticket outta here?

Just 'cause those big sh*ts

say you're so smart

don't make you better than

your ol' man. Hear me?

Lex never said he was better--

- I'm not talking to you, Lena.

- Leave her alone!

You want her beating? Fine.

[music intensifies]



Just three and a half

hours to bing, bang, boom

boys and babes. So you

better say your prayers

cause time's are wastin'.

Come on, Lex. Level with me.

When are you gonna

ask 'em for the money?

Money? Is that all you can think

about when, what is money?

Some kinda of magic pill

that cures everything?

Well, then what is it? Superboy?

You want 'em

to give you Superboy.

I've already got Superboy.

If something goes wrong,

is there a way to get him back?

Access denied.

We'll just see about that.

Let them think I'm stupid.

That's just the way I want it.

Remember that time I figured

out pie to the last digit?

No one else in the world

could do it, but I did it.

Then I erased it before those

big shot experts could see it.

I don't have to prove

anything to them.

But one day..

One day, you'll invent all

kinds of wonderful things.

And you'll make

a million dollars.

Isn't that what

you always told me?

That we'll have lots of money,

and then it'll be alright.

And then we'll be happy.

And then we'll be together.

Just the two of us. Nobody else.

And we'll be happy.

[dramatic music]

Did he hit you again?

- It's okay.

- No, it's not!

One day, I'll

be big enough and--

(male #1)

Hey, shut up in there!

[music intensifies]

- You guys talkin' about me?

- No.

Always talkin' about me,

aren't ya? Huh?

(male #1) Told you once,

I've told you a thousand times

don't talk about me, boy!

You hear me?



Oh, my God.


Lena. Lena.

Your injuries are minor.

The electronic field

is for protection not harm.

How do I turn off that machine?

Access denied.

Why the hell did Luthor

create this thing anyway?

The psycho disk

was created to transfer

Luthor's consciousness

to an android host.

So, that's phase two?

But he's not an android.

Then, there will be no

transfer of consciousness.

However if disconnect

is not achieved in ten minutes

the subject will have absorbed

all the information on the disk.

Which means?

He will be trapped, forever.

In a loop of Luthor's memories.

How do I turn it off?

Come on! How do

I break the link?

Access denied.

Warning, you are at risk.

There is no guarantee

that you will re-emerge

from Luthor's memories.

Shut up.


You're not gonna do this.

Say you're not gonna do this.

Okay. You're not gonna do this.

What's the matter with you?

I've never seen

you like this before.

Oh, Darla, Darla, Darla.

You've never seen me, period.

You don't know me.

- You never have.

- What're you talking about?

Of course, I know you.

I'm your girl.

You're a joke.

You're just a reminder

of all the walking mannequins

I've had to put up

with my entire life.

Don't say that.

I know that you love me.

I know that you're

just making all this up.

There's only one person

on the face of the planet

I've ever loved.

She died last week.

[dramatic music]


Why didn't you do something?

Why don't you do something?

You stupid cow!

I've had enough of this.

I've had enough!



Are you okay?


Working on another one

of your experiments?

It's nothing important.

Do me a favor.

Don't stay home tonight.

- What?

- Stay at Susan's, go anywhere.

But promise me,

you won't stay home tonight.

- But daddy won't let me.

- Don't worry about daddy.

- But--

- Don't worry about daddy.


Still stuck in there as planned.

You pathetic moron.

You know,

the real beauty of this is

even Superboy ain't gonna

survive my little holocaust.

It's poetic.

When he dies, his final thoughts

will quite literally be of me.

Oh, my, my, my.

Look at the time.

Better arm the warhead.

Lex, you're really

gonna do this?

Haven't you been

paying attention?

- Yeah, but all those people.

- Are morons, idiots, creeps.

They deserve to die.

Um, after the b*mb, you and me

we'll be the only ones left?

My darling, this is ground zero.

We'll be the first to go.

Incinerated in a wink of an eye.

Fini, kaput, bye bye, all gone.

Well, you'll be gone.

Iwill live on.

After a fashion.

My exact duplicate.

My crowning achievement.

He can do what even

Superboy can't. Survive.

All my memories, all my thoughts

all my feelings, all that I am

will live on in him.


Can you do that for me?

I could, but I won't.

My partnership in eternity

is reserved for..

my little Lena.

She's not exactly your type.

She's my sister, you cow!

She's programmed with

everything I remember of Lena.

Everything we shared.

She's soangelic.

We'll live happily ever after.

Together, just the two of us.

For all of eternity.

You better let us go or I'm

gonna, I'll kick your butt, boy.

- Oh, no. You won't.

- Yes, I will.

Not ever again.

We'll see about that.

Lena is the only

decent thing I've got.

And it's about time

I gave her a good life.

Free from you two.

See, once I flip

this little switch

it engages the timer.

And three minutes later,

bing, bang, boom.

The whole house goes out.

I really should

thank you for the money.

What money?

From the life insurance

policy I took out on you two.

It's really gonna

be terrific for the two us.

I mean, it should get

us out of this rat hole

of a neighborhood.

And set me safely

on the road to power.

How could you do this?

After everything

I've done for you.

Everything I've given you.

C'est la vie.

That's French.

In case you didn't know.

- Son.

- I'm no son of yours.

Superboy, don't do it.

You're not a k*ller.

You're not Lex.

(Holographic Lex) Warning, one

minute to complete psycho meld.

Memory loop closing rapidly.

Warning, memory loop closing.

Lex, honey.

You can't do this to me.

After all that

I've done for you.

All that I've given you.

(Computer) Detonation in

one hour, twenty minutes.

C'est la vie.

That's French.

In case you didn't know.

[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]