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04x22 - Memories

Posted: 06/27/23 13:36
by bunniefuu
- Dad?

- Yes, Nicholas.

I'm depressed.

Oh, any particular reason?


'Pretty grim, huh?'

Your sneakers, huh?

I don't know. They look alright

to me, Nicholas.

It's just a little bit worn

that's all.

Worn? Dad, they're practically

full of holes.

You are not getting

new sneakers.

But nobody wears

this kind anymore.

Come on, you just got those

three months ago.

Styles change.

It's embarrassing.

'All the kids at school

are making fun of me.'

You tell the kids

at school that clothes

do not make the man.

I can't, I already told them

you lost your job.

- Nicholas!

- I-I panicked.

Dad, everybody at school

has the new kind.


Please, dad. Please!

Well, how much do

the new kind cost?



No, absolutely not!

Forget it!

Dad, then what do I tell

the kids at school?

You tell them

I'm looking for work

and I hope to find something

very soon.

Oh, dad!

[typewriter keys clacking]

[theme song]

♪ There's a magic

in the early morning ♪

♪ We've found ♪

♪ When the sunrise smiles ♪

♪ On everything around ♪

♪ It's a portrait

of the happiness ♪

♪ That we feel

and always will ♪

♪ Oh eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪

♪ Oh we spend our days like ♪

♪ Bright and shiny new dimes ♪

♪ If we're ever puzzled ♪

♪ By the changing times ♪

♪ There's a plate

of homemade wishes ♪

♪ On the kitchen

window sill ♪

♪ And eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪♪

[instrumental music]

[indistinct shouting]

- Already first.

- You are not.

- Afraid so.

- Afraid not.

- I have a class.

- I have a job.

- Big deal, I'm going first.

- You are not.

- I am too.

- Tommy, you are not.

- Who's gonna stop me?

- I am.

[indistinct shouting]



[knocking on door]

Trout as big as salmon?

That's amazing!

Well, we'll be there,

first thing Saturday morning.

Just me and my wife.


We'll see you then.

Trout as big as salmon!

As big as salmon!

Wonder how big a salmon is.


Nicholas, come out

of the bathroom right now!

I'm not kidding

around, Nicholas.

I'm very, very serious.

'I don't think you realize'

'how very, very serious

I am, Nicholas.'


'You have plenty of time

to get to school.'

'I have got to get

to the office.'


'Come on, Nicholas,

get out of there.'


'Come on out of the bathroom.'

Oh, well, you are

on the go early.

Oh, with all the work

I have to do

I should just move in

to the library.

Yes, well, this weekend

you will get a chance to rest.

I just confirmed that cabin

in the mountains.

Oh, that's great!

There won't be another soul

around for miles.

Just the two of us.

And of course, the trout.

Sounds like I'll be competing

for your affections.

I'll be discreet.


- Hi, Nicholas.

- Bye, Nicholas.

Hey, don't you want

some breakfast?

I'm late.

[door closes]


He's worried about being

late for school?

I think the symptoms

are pretty obvious.

Oh, you don't mean..

Little boys

aren't interested

in just baseball forever.

Oh, soon?

I mean..

I think it's about time

I had a talk with Nicholas.

Well, that's a good idea.

You could, uh, you could

pump him for a few pointers.

[door closes]

[telephone ringing]


No, I'm sorry,

she's already left.

Can I take a message?

Okay, fine.

I'll tell her you called.


Who was that?

Uh, somebody named

Paul Taylor for Abby.

- Never heard of him.

- It's okay.

He's probably never heard

of you either.

Tommy, can you lend me

some money? I'm broke.

Are you kidding?

I gotta come up

with ten bucks

for new guitar strings.

Terrific! What am I gonna do

about lunch?

I don't know,

uh, pretend you are fasting

for world peace

or something.


Mary, you know

as well as I do.

The only person around here

with money is--

Who is Paul Taylor?

Nancy...can I get you

a cup of coffee?

Who's Paul Taylor?

Well, lend me ten bucks and I'll

tell you all I know about him.

Forget it, Tommy.

You still owe me ten

from last week.

Well, think of it

as a-a savings account.

Think of it

as a retirement plan.

Boy, I never thought

I'd see the day

when someone in this family

would let their own

flesh and blood go hungry.

It saddens me, Mary.

It really does.

Tommy, do you need lunch money

or something?

Oh, no, not me.

Just poor Mary.

That's okay, Tommy.

I'll manage...somehow.

You see, I'd loan her

the money if I could

but I can't even afford

new guitar strings

to further my musical dreams.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Nancy, don't worry about him.

Life isn't always fair.

He'll find something.

Like digging ditches

bussing tables.

He'll find something.

How much?

Ten bucks, plus tax.


[doorbell ringing]

- Hi.

- Hi.

Oh, you must be the hunk.

Oh, I guess so.

I'll tell Corrine

you're here.

Hey, the hunk's here.

She'll be right down.


- Hi, Nicholas.

- Hi.


You smell something funny?


Smells like that junk

my sister's boyfriend wears.

Oh, well, uh, maybe some of it

just hung around

in the air or something.

- You ready?

- Yeah.

I'm glad you're walking me

to school, Nicholas.

Well, I figured since

you're still new in town

you haven't learned

the way yet.


Well, we better go.

Could you carry

something for me?


I like walking to school.

Where we used to live

I had to take the bus.

That doesn't sound so bad.

My sister's boyfriend

walks her to school too.

They're going steady.

Heavy steady.

Uh, how long have you

been playing this thing?

Two years.

My sister tells me

everything about going steady.

Do your brothers and sisters

tell you everything?


You know, Nicholas,

you're the nicest boy

I've met since

we moved to Sacramento.

I am?

And I want you to walk me

to school every day.

You do?


That'll make us almost a thing.

That's what my sister calls

sort of steady, a thing.

Well, uh, you like

playing this thing?

It's okay.

My father thinks

I should switch to the flute.

Well, sometimes

fathers know best.

But my mother thinks

I should try the piano.

The piano?

- Hey, thanks for lunch, Nance.

- Oh.

Great place.

Well, it seems to be

the "In-place"

with the business crowd.

Oh, with those prices, eh,

you must've got some raise, huh?

Oh, it's helped alright,

Susan, it has.

You know, for the very first

time in my life

I'm actually able to spend

a little money

and not have to

worry about it.

It's really nice.

Oh, wow!

And so is that suit!

- Look.

- Oh.

It's so conservative, Nancy.

Oh, but it's perfect

for work.

You know,

I read in the papers

there's gonna be

a sale tomorrow.

Oh, but Nance, even on sale

that looks really expensive.

Oh, I know.

But Susan...I really

want that suit.

It's your paycheck.

[doorbell ringing]


Hi, I'm-I'm Paul Taylor.

Oh, the guy

that's been calling.


Is Abby home?

I'm afraid not.

But she already has insurance.

I'm glad to hear that,

but I'm not selling any.

Oh, um, well,

can I do anything?

I don't think so.

It's rather personal.

But maybe you could

give her this.


- She'll understand.

- Okay.

Thank you.

Tommy, what's going

steady like?

Well, that depends.

On what?

The size of the books

you gotta carry.

She's got a cello.

Woah! Huh!

I thought this was

just an idle question.

You mean,

you got somebody in mind?

Well, almost a thing.

Whoa, who's

the lucky chick?

Well, her name's Corrine Gordon,

she just moved from Minnesota.

I've been walking her

to school and everything.

I think she wants

to go steady.

That's not bad for starters,

how do you feel?

Well, it's hard

to tell her no.

Yeah, I know the type.

So what should I do?

Well, do you like her?

- Yeah.

- Well, then, go for it.

I mean, the advantages

usually outweigh the books

'and consider it the start of

a new adventure.'

Besides, the earlier you start

the more practice

you get in.

Well, welcome to

the big leagues, kid.

- Uh.

- Alright.


Good shot.


Are they biting?

I bet the worms are

as big as salmon, right?

Very funny.

You look beat.

Oh, the word is "Wrung out."

This thesis grows

larger by the day.

This weekend will

fix you right out.

There's nothing like

good mountain air

to rejuvenate the spirits.

- What's this?

- Oh, I don't know.

What's the matter, Abby?


[clearing throat]

Oh, it seems that

there is, uh..

...someone named Paul Taylor who

wants to talk to me about Frank.

'I'm supposed him

at the Hammond House Hotel.'

This was right after

your marriage, wasn't it?

Yeah, it was...just before

he shipped out to Vietnam.

It was the last time

I saw him.

[dramatic music]

Oh, uh, Tommy,

have you seen Nicholas?

I think he left already.

Yeah, well, uh,

there's something

I have to talk to him about.

Oh, you mean about, uh..

Oh, don't worry, dad.

He came to me and I told him

everything I know.

That's what I was afraid of.

[door opens]

No library today?

I think I'll just

study at home.


...are you alright?

I'm fine, Tom.


You haven't called yet,

have you?

No, I'm not sure

I'm going to either.

You can't just avoid it.

Look, Tom, I don't know

what this Paul Taylor wants

but he has no business

calling here.

Don't you think we better go?

Let's just sit

a little longer, Nicholas.

But we're gonna be late.

Don't you like

sitting with me?


It's so nice

just being together.

Especially without

your cello.

Uh, Nicholas, isn't there

anything you wanna ask me?

Yeah, don't you think

we better go?

You're supposed to ask me

if I wanna go steady.

I am?

Yeah, and the answer

is yes.

It is?

It's more special

than just friends.

Well, I guess

it's alright.

Now, you've gotta

give me something.

Like what?

Something to show

that we're going steady.

That makes it for real.

My sister's boyfriend

gave her an ankle bracelet.

[dramatic music]

Hi, Abby.

Abby, where are you going?

- I'm going to the garage.

- Why?

To put something

where it belongs.

[music continues]

[door closes]

[music continues]

[music continues]

It's perfect.

I love it.

Yes, it does look nice.

But I'm afraid

there's a problem.


Uh, the hem is too long?

- The check, it's no good.

- What?

It didn't clear the computer.

Perhaps, you've overdrawn it.

Oh, I can't be.

Uh, at least,

I-I don't think I could.

Well, why don't you

get it cleared up

'and then come back?'

Well, you might sell the suit.

Oh, please,

can't you just hold it?

Oh, I shouldn't

without a deposit.

But okay.

But only for a few days.



'It's beautiful.'

'And it costs

ten whole dollars?'

Yeah, I borrowed it

from my sister.

It was supposed to be

for a new baseball.

I love it.

Thanks, Nicky.

- Nicky?

- That's what I wanna call you.

My own private name.

Well, usually I hate it,

but, uh

I guess you can

call me that.

And the bracelet will be

my good luck charm.

I'll never take it off.

Now, we're really a thing.

[instrumental music]

- Make a wish.

- Huh?

My sister says when you kiss

a boy for the first time

you're supposed to

make a wish.

I wish we could

do it again.

- What's yours?

- That nobody saw us.


- Oh, I can't believe it.

- What?

They're right.

I added where

I should have subtracted.

I'm bankrupt.

Nance, don't worry about it.

You get paid next week.

No, what I gotta do is,

I gotta borrow back

all the money that I

lent out.

You see, Elizabeth,

I found this suit.

It's really a neat suit

and I can only have it

if I can get it

in a few days

but I can't get it

in a few days

if I don't get the money back

and after..

Well, you know, you owe..



[indistinct chattering]

Well, the pictures don't lie.

You are beautiful.

I'm glad you could come.

Sit down.

You want a drink?

No, thanks.

[clearing throat]

You said, you had

a message about Frank.


I was a prisoner of w*r

in Vietnam.

So was Frank?

I know, I was with him

when he died.

Frank and I were..

We were very close.

The best of friends

under the circumstances.

And then when Frank died, uh..

...I kept the picture.

'I always intended to give it

back to you, though.'

Why now, after all this time?

I had to.

Not for you, but for me.

'You see, when I got back

I-I found it very hard'

'to think about...

what went on over there.'

As a matter of fact,

uh, I decided to just

push it behind me and not

think about it at all.

But that's all

I could think about.

I couldn't function and, uh..

...since I've been back,

my whole life's been screwed up.

It's been seven years.


'I know.

That's just the point.'

You see, I decided that if..

...I'm ever really

gonna be normal

I have to confront the things

I have been trying to forget.

Why me?

I figured if I can face you

I can face the memory


The camp.


And now that I've seen you..

...I think, I can.

[dramatic music]


Are you okay?

It was so easy for me

to forget.

It shouldn't have been

that easy.

You didn't forget.

No, Paul Taylor didn't forget

but I did.

He's been trying to deal with

Frank's memory all these years.

Uh, I've been dealing

with a thesis.

Let's go to the cabin

right now.

We'll get there by dawn,

it'll be beautiful.

Tom, I've been thinking.

I know how much

this trip means to you.

I don't wanna ruin it,

but...I've decided not to go.


I just need

a few days to myself.

I see.

No, you don't see.

It doesn't have anything

to do with us.

I just need some time

to sort things out, that's all.

Where will you go?

I don't know.

Carmel, maybe.

- Abby.

- Tom.

You've got all your memories

all around you.

You got this house

and the kids.

And mine are..

Well, they're, they're

packed away in this little box.

I just, uh, need some time

to open it up.

But you can't go back

searching for the past.


But you can't run away

from it either.

[dramatic music]

How did dad react?

He didn't say too much.

Where will you be staying?

The Cliff Side Motel.

The same place

you and Frank stayed?

Yeah. Oh, dear,

Carmel is so beautiful.

I know, David and I spent

a few days there last summer.

- You did?

- Um-hmm.

One morning Frank and I

got up really early

and we, uh, went into town

to the Italian market.

- Jadoni?

- 'Yeah.'

You know the place with all

the cheese hanging down?

'Well, Frank bought

all this stuff.'

And then we went out

walking on the beach

and we just walked

and we walked

until we got really hungry,

you know.

And then we went

to this place..

...where there were..

It's, where all these rocks

and we, and we sit down

on the rocks..

...and we ate.

And we talked.

About what,

about what we're gonna do

when Frank came back.

And then...he sang

"You Made Me Love You."

It was so corny.

It was so funny, I wish he..


'Are you sure

you wanna do this?'

Yeah, I'm sure.

I'm gonna be in

a recital Sunday.

- Wanna come?

- Uh, I can't.

- I'm playing Bach.

- I'm playing shortstop.


I like baseball.

My brother-in-law

is Merle The Pearl.

Who's that?

Are you kidding?

He is the pitcher

for the Sacramento Cyclones.

He's great.

Nicholas, can I ask you

something personal?

I guess so.

When you grow up are you

gonna watch the games on TV

in your underwear

and drink beer?

- Nah!

- Good.

I'm gonna go in person.


- Well, you're ready to go.

- Mm-hmm.

Will you call me and

let me know how you're doing?

Of course.

- Abby?

- Yes.

I hope you find

whatever you're looking for.



I love you.

[instrumental music]

[door closes]


Ah, three straight sets.

You don't usually let me off

that easy.

I know, I know.

It's just I-I couldn't

get my mind

on tennis this morning.

Thinking about all

the trout you missed?

No, I was thinking

about Abby.

You mean, about

Abby and Frank?

Yeah, I guess so.

I know, it sounds crazy,

but I..

I think maybe

I'm kinda jealous.

It's not easy competing

with a memory.

Abby probably had the same

feelings about Joannie.


But sometimes I wonder.

I mean, Frank was so different,

he was a marine, football player

one of those real

gung-ho types.


Tom, Abby loves you

very much, we know that.

Frank can't come back

and take her away.

I'm not so sure.

[dramatic music]

- Here you are, ma'am.

- Thank you.

You know, there are nicer rooms

in the-the new section.

No, I requested this one.

(male #)

'Oh, you've been here

before, huh?'

'Well, I still prefer

the old section myself.'

'You know, a lot of people

come back to the old section.'

'Some every year.'

'Second honeymoons, reunions,

that sort of thing.'

'Are you here for a reunion?'



I said, are you here

for a reunion?


Have a nice day.

[knocking on door]

Yeah, come on in.

I wanna talk to you.

Yeah, well, make it quick,

will you?

I got a lot to do

before the gig, tonight.


Look, you owe me ten bucks.

And I need it back

by tomorrow morning.

[door closes]



What's the big rush?

We can talk about this.

You're in the hurry, remember?

Oh, Nance, Nance, I just didn't

realize you had a problem.

I always have time for a sister

in trouble, you know that.

No, Tommy, you didn't realize

you had the problem.

- You're talking semantics.

- I'm talking ten bucks.

Look, let's discuss this like

two mature human beings.

Okay, fine.

I want my money.

You're not being

mature, Nance.

By tomorrow.

But that's impossible.

Very impossible.

Impossible, Tommy?

Well, let me tell you something

I've got news for you.

In fact, I've got news

for all you guys!

I've had it, you guys.

I've really had it.


Nancy, don't you think you're

overreacting a little bit?

No, I don't!

I think I'm being taken

advantage of.

That's what I think.

Nancy, we all said

we were sorry

but we just don't have the money

to pay you back right now.

- Really.

- Well, Mary.

Sorry doesn't change the fact

that I can't buy

something I want

because all you guys

have mooched off me

to get something you want.

Hey, we didn't know

you were overdrawn.

It was your mistake,


- Yes.

- That's right.

Now I'm the one

that needs a little help

help I'm obviously

not gonna get from you.

- Excuse me.

- Later.


[waves crashing]

[seagulls squawking]

[waves crashing]

[doorbell ringing]

- Uh, Mr. Bradford?

- Yes.

I'm Paul Taylor.

Oh, right.

Uh, Abby told me about you.

Come in. Come in.

You see, um..

...I was supposed

to leave last night

but I got to thinking that..

Well, Abby seemed pretty upset

after our lunch yesterday and..

She's not here, Paul.

She went down to Carmel

for a few days.

Let's have a drink.

[instrumental music]

Funny, isn't it, huh?

I finally get the guts

to confront my past

so I can straight out

my life.

And what do I do?

I screw up Abby's.

I never meant to hurt her.

Oh. Abby will get through it.

I hope so.

It wasn't very fair

to you either, was it?

You just did

what you had to do.

I don't know.

Maybe it would have happened

sooner or later, anyway.



[waves crashing]

♪ You made.. ♪ love you ♪


♪ You made me want you ♪

♪ And all the time you knew it ♪

♪ I guess you always knew it ♪

♪ You made me happy ♪♪

[waves crashing]

[doorbell ringing]

Tell her the hunk's here.

Hi, Niki.

I can't do anything now.

- I gotta practice the cello.

- That's okay.

I kind of came over

just to get something.


Well, see, I'm kind of

broke and, and--


Well, I need

the bracelet back.

The bracelet?

You see, I owe my sister

some money

and she needs it

right away.

- But you can't!

- Why not?

Because that's not the way you

do it when you're going steady.

I can give it back,

but you can't ask for it.

But you don't understand.

My sister's desperate.

You don't understand

the rules.

I didn't know

there were any.

I would have to

pick somebody

who doesn't even know

how to go steady.

- We could still go steady.

- You're so immature.

But my sister

needs the money badly.

Here, have your

old bracelet.

I don't wanna speak to you

ever again as long as I live.

We're finished.


Thank you.

Well, finished, ma'am,

or trouble getting started?

No, I guess I'm not

very hungry.

Dessert's pecan pie.

No, thanks.


The chef's gonna be

very disappointed.


- Can I join you?

- Sure.

What are you doing here?

I'll tell you on

one condition.


You eat your vegetables.


- I wonder how Abby's doing.

- Nobody's heard.

I can't stop thinking about

what she must be going through.

- It's been tough on dad, too.

- I know.

He's practically lived by

the phone waiting for her call.

- Hi.

- 'Hi.'

When's dinner gonna be ready?

I'm starved.

Oh, whenever you make

the salad.


That's Nancy's job.

Well, fine.

You go tell Nancy.

Forget it. She'll just

corner me about the money again.

Uh, yeah, our feeling exactly.

Make the salad.


Well, you can all

stop worrying.

- Hello, Nancy.

- Hi.

And you can all stop

trying to avoid me.

Nancy, we weren't trying

to avo--

Look, it's obvious

I'm not gonna get repaid.

So why don't we just

drop the whole thing, okay?

Don't be silly, Nance. Of course

we're gonna pay you back.

- Sure.

- 'Hey, Nancy.'

What, Nicholas?


The jewelry store was closed

but you can take it back

and get your money tomorrow.

It cost $..

Uh, here's the extra penny.

What's this all about?

Where did he get this?


It's so small.

Yeah, about the size

of a ten-year-old girlfriend.

- Nicholas is going steady.

- Correction.

Nicholas was going steady.

Oh, it is really sweet of you

to come up here

but I'm alright, really.

If you were alright,

you wouldn't be here.

No, I-I just need, uh,

some time by myself.

Time for what?

To punish yourself

for not suffering enough?

It took you seven years.

All I want is a few days.

I thought you'd faced it.

I loved him so much, Paul.

Oh, Information?

I'd like a listing in Carmel.

[knocking on door]

Come in.


I heard about

your girlfriend.

- Ex-girlfriend.

- Yeah.


Maybe this will help make her

your ex-ex-girlfriend.

But I thought

you needed it.

So did I, Nicholas

but I think

maybe we all learnt a lesson

about loaning

and borrowing.

You know, there's good loans

and there are bad loans

but I consider this one

one of the best.

Thanks, but I don't really

need it anymore.

Why? Are you through

with going steady?

Well, it's a lot of hard work.

And besides, I think Corrine

liked that bracelet

more than she liked me.


Well, why don't you

keep this, anyway?

'Cause I have a feeling there's

gonna be a lot more ankles

to wrap it around.

You do?

I do.


I'll see ya.

[door shuts]

I'm in a lot of trouble.

Thank you.

No message.

So, you and Frank

talked a lot, huh?


'Well, he talked a lot.'

'Like you.'


You've asked

a lot of questions..

...except the one

you've been avoiding all night.

You cold?


We always used to

come here in the summer.

It's different

in the summer.

Your memories of Frank

well, they're wonderful.

'You shouldn't try

and forget him.'

But don't get lost in him.

I think I'd like

to walk a little.

Abby, now, listen to me

you have a home

and a family

and they love you

very, very much

and they're very

worried about you.

You got two choices.

Either you face it

and then put it

where it belongs.

Or you stay here

whatever this was.

How did he die, Paul?

Kind of late, isn't it?

Oh, Joannie.

I heard somebody get up.

Thought you might like

someone to talk to.


Well, I guess I'm just

not used to sleeping alone.

You miss her, huh?


Did anything like this

ever happened to you..

...after mom died?

I-I had a dream

about your mother.

It haunted me for days.

I, I didn't tell

anybody about it

because it upset me terribly.

Finally, I..

...even went out

to the cemetery.

What did you do?

Things happened

the way they did

I felt like I never really had

a chance to say goodbye.

So, I did.

It must have been hard.

It was.

But you know something?

It was a lot easier

after I did it.

You know, dad

maybe that's all

that Abby needs right now.

Just a chance to say goodbye.

I think so.

I just hope she realizes it.

[instrumental music]

I'm doing

lots of things, Frank.

I'm gonna be a PhD soon.

If I ever finish my thesis.

I've got a wonderful family

I love very much.

I waited a long time.

I didn't know what else to do

but, but, uh..

Kept busy in it.

Stayed busy in it.


Maybe I tried to forget

too much.

I've met someone

who makes me really happy.

You would like Tom.

I just hope..

...that I can give

him all the love I..

I never got

the chance to give you.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

I'm back.


I'm alright, Tom, now.

What brought you

home so soon?

Home itself.

With little help

from Paul Taylor.


Oh, it's a long story.

These groceries are heavy.


Welcome home, Abby.

I love you.

I love you too,

very much.

What is this, anyway?

It's for dinner, I stopped

at the store on the way home.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

What is it?

I'm gonna give you a hint.

"Maybe they're as big

as salmon."

Oh, Nancy.

I haven't seen

that thing in ages.

Is it that bad, Elizabeth?

Well, well, it's made out

of a nice material.

Good morning. Elizabeth, would

you like a ride to school?

- Yeah, that'd be great.

- Okay.

Nancy, where did you

get that rag?

I can't help it, Mary.

I already wore

my good stuff this week

and my marginal stuff is dirty.

Good morning, every..

Nancy, you going to

work today?

Yeah, of course, I am.

Like that?

Tommy, it's all she has.

Mm-m, maybe

you better call in sick.


That's great.

I can't believe you guys.

Thanks a lot.

Nancy, we're only looking

after your best interest.

Sure, Nance.

We understand

how important it is

for you to make

a good impression.

What am I supposed to do?

Well, the way I see it,

you've got two choices.

Either you can go on

to work and tell 'em

you got real confused

and thought it was Halloween

or, uh..

Or what?

- Wear this.

- 'Ta-da.'

Oh, you guys.

Oh, don't tell me

you all chipped in?

Yep, down to our

last penny.

Oh! I don't know

what to say.

Say you'll owe me ten bucks,

I'm broke.


[theme music]

[music continues]