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04x09 - Fathers and Other Strangers pt. 2

Posted: 06/27/23 13:27
by bunniefuu
Now come on let's have it. Why

are you here?

As a matter of fact,

we are all going to...Hawaii!


Tom must go to Hawaii,

no matter what..

The whole family too, I want

the whole family to be there.

[instrumental music]

That's what the man said, dad.

All the luggage

from our flight is here.

But it's not all here,

there's still

one missing...mine!

Gee, tough break, Mr. Bradford.

And was it only one too?

He's going to meet me on the

beach, in front of the hotel.

Now do you think you can arrange

to have Tom there

around o'clock?

Alright, V, I just hope

you know what you're doing.

They have a right

to see their grandfather.

Vivian, you don't understand.

The grandfather doesn't have

the right to see them.

That's nonsense, family

is family, no matter what.

No, Vivian, it's the truth.

I gave up that right

a long time ago.

Well, looks like Nicholas

is having a good time.

- Yes.

- Seems he's found a friend.

He doesn't know it yet,

but he's found his..

...his grandfather.


He's an old man. The time

has come, he is our father.

A father doesn't let

his ten-year-old son

cry himself to sleep

every night.

'No, no, Abby.'

He doesn't know the first

thing about being a father.

The only thing he knows

about is running away.

[theme song]

♪ Oh we spend our days ♪

♪ Like bright and shiny

new dimes ♪

♪ If we're ever puzzled ♪

♪ By the changing times ♪

♪ There's a plate

of homemade wishes ♪

♪ On the kitchen window sill ♪

♪ And eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪

♪ More than enough ♪

♪ To fill our

lives with love ♪♪

(female #)

'On your left is Diamond Head.'

'One of Oahu's

two inactive volcanoes.'

Rising majestically

above Waikiki

Diamond Head provides a natural

shield against tropical storms.

'Formed over , years ago

by violent steam explosions'

'this crater gets its name

from a group of British sailors'

'who in , thought they had

discovered diamonds inside.'

'Following the bombing of

Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head..'

- That guy is weird.

- What guy?

- That guy in the second row.

- 'Today..'


'I mean who wears

a suit in Hawaii'

and reads a newspaper

on the tour bus?

Oh, I don't know,

uh, maybe he misses New York.

(female #)

'For the more adventurous

in our group'

'who might be interested

in knowing The Diamond Head'

'is a popular attraction

for hikers.'

Thanks. Oh, gosh,

this is so fun.

Hey, thanks, you guys,

for the suntan lotion.

It's a real life-saver.

- Yeah, thanks.

- Sure, anytime.

I can't believe

we met the locals.

We didn't think

we'd see anybody but tourists.

Well, we usually

don't hang out at this beach

but, uh, my car's in the shop

and we live

pretty close to here.

Well, must be really nice

knowing all the good places

away from the tourist traps.

It has its advantages.

Say, I don't know what

you girls' schedule is but, uh..

...we'd be glad

to show you around.

- 'If you are interested.'

- Ha!

- Interested, are you kidding?

- Yeah.

Who'd passed up a chance

to see the real Hawaii?

Great! Then why don't we

start with dinner tonight?

Fine! Oh, wait..

- What?

- We can't.

- The Hula Show.

- Oh..


Well, that's so cliche.

Oh, I know, but our Aunt Vivian

already made the arrangements.

And, well, besides,

it's the only family thing

that's been planned

for the whole trip.

Oh, we understand.

Well, how about,

uh, tomorrow then?

In the morning, say o'clock.

- Right here?

- How's that?

o'clock, it is.

Great. Be there.

- Ha ha ha.

- Yeah.


We're not gonna get away

with this.

Would you relax? They'll

never know the difference.

We don't look

like we're Hawaiian.

We don't talk

like we're Hawaiian.

And they're not gonna

believe we're Hawaiian.

Not for long anyway.

You know you worry too much.

Even if they do catch on,

by the time they find out

they'll be so in love with us

it won't make any difference.



[jazz music]

Right here.

[indistinct chatter]

You know, they sure are

a couple of great kids.

Tom's done a fine job

with those boys.

Wait till you see

the girls and David.

You'll fall in love

with them too.

I can't get over the idea that

I've got eight grandchildren.


Dad...I have this idea.

If you and Tom

could-could sit down

just the two of you, and talk..

No. No, Vivian, it won't work.

Tom doesn't want it.

I'm not too sure I do either.

I think you do.

Look, Vivian, you and I

are like two peas in a pod.

But I think Tom is different.

At least you could try.

No, I can't.

You can't or you won't?

[music continues]

Now, you listen

to what I'm going to say.

And understand.

I want this more than anything.

And if you can't do it

for yourself

at least, you can do it for me.

You owe me that much, dad.

At least that.

No, Vivian, not again.

Abby, you can't let me down now.

I can and I am.

You just can't force

them together.

If there were another way,

don't you think

I'd go for it in a second?

Oh, come on, Abby.

You know the situation.

The only way

Tom is gonna talk to Matt

is if he's in a situation

where he has to.

Look, V, I know how important

this is to you and I understand.

Believe me, but I'm not

gonna deceive Tom again.

Well...I guess

I'm on my own then.

V, sometimes these things

look good on paper but..

Well, there's been

lot of water under the bridge.

I don't believe that, Abby.

It's never too late.

(female #)

'Yes, Mr. Bradford.'

I'm calling to confirm your

reservation for tonight's show.

It's a hotel policy for any

group over ten, you understand.

Oh, good, thank you.

(female # on phone)

'Your sister has

you down for o'clock.'

- 'Party of , correct?'

- Right.

(female # on phone)

'Excellent, we'll see you then.'

Okay, bye.

Oh, no, not , .

Hello, you, it's to..

Oh, shucks!

- Hi, what's wrong?

- It's Vivian.

She messed up the reservations

for the Hula Show tonight.

She overbooked us by one.

- Oh, you don't think.

- No, she wouldn't.

- 'Of course, she would.'

- No, really, Tom.

I just talked to her

and she promised me

he wouldn't be there.

You don't know

my sister very well.

When she puts her mind

to something, she doesn't let

much stand in her way,

including promises.

- You really think so?

- 'I know so.'

Fortunately, she didn't count

on the hotel coin

to confirm the reservations.

So what're you gonna do?

I know what I'm gonna do.

I'm going to stay

right here in the room.

Oh, what about the show? The

whole family is gonna be there.

I know, just a little

too much family.

For once in my life,

I'm not going

to fall a victim

to V's manipulations.

- What'll I say?

- Say what you feel.

Say what comes naturally.

I don't believe it,

V, I really don't.

Maybe we should wait

a couple of days.

Dad, you promised.

Look, it's bound to be

uncomfortable at first

but you'll see.

Once the ice is broken,

Tommy will come around.

- I know it.

- Well, I don't.

I think it's premature.

And what if he's not

in his hotel room?

He will be.

I've taken care of everything.


♪ I've got an island ♪

♪ In the Pacific ♪

♪ And everything

about it is terrific ♪

♪ I've got the sun to tan me ♪

♪ Palms to fan me and ♪

♪ An occasional man ♪♪

[instrumental music]



How do we learn to do that?


Yeoh! Yip! Yip! Yip!

[music continues]

'Yeoh! Yeoh! Yeoh!

Y-y-yip! Yip! Yip!'


[knocking on door]

- Who is it?

- 'It's Vivian.'

It's unlocked.

Hello, son.

- The name is Tom.

- Right.

I don't know

what I'm doing here.

Vivian thought we oughta meet

and talk and, well..

Yeah, let's not make more

out of this than there is.

Vivian has a tendency

to get carried away sometimes.

Alright, we met and we talked.

That's what she wanted, right?

- Yes.

- 'Alright, so..'

Why don't we both do ourselves

a favor and let it go at that?

Suits me, I didn't wanna

come here in the first place.

Good, then we're agreed.

Now why don't you just stay

out of my life and my family's?

And I'll stay out of yours.

I have some cards

to finish writing down.

[mellow music]

(female #)

'Please step to the back of

the boat, ladies and gentlemen.'


- 'Oh, this is gonna be great.'

- Yeah.

Listen, "The Catamaran Cruise

will take you sailing

"into the breath-taking

Hawaiian sunset.

"While you relax and unwind

in the balmy breezes

of the tropical seas."


- It's him!

- Him, who?

The weirdo

on the bus yesterday.

Over there!

Did you see that?

He just looked right at us!

Yes, and I saw the way

he looked at us.

Oh, boy! He gives me the creeps.

Alright, look.

Let's not overreact.

I am sure he's-he's harmless,

perfectly harmless.

- How can you be so sure?

- I'm not.

But that's what

you're supposed to say.

Let's go.

Now, should any water

get into the mouth-piece

just blow like so.

That'll clear it.

Whatever you do,

don't breathe in.

You'll swallow water

and start choking.

- Got it.

- 'Any questions?'

Yeah, there aren't any sharks

out there, are there?


Look, you're gonna see a lot

of strange-looking creatures

down there, but I promise,

they're all harmless.

So don't be afraid.

Everybody ready?

- Ready!

- Okay, let's go.

What have we got to lose?


Are you okay? Are you okay?

- Is the water getting at you?

- I'm fine.

Oh, ooh, oh.

You're on my slipper.

Oh! This is ridiculous.

I thought you guys knew

what you were doing.


- Two of them.

- Aah!

Big black thing

with huge eyes!

Watch it!


'Hurry, Nick. Hurry!'


'Come on, Nancy, run!'

I can't run,

wait a little, just wait!

- Susan!

- Merle.

[indistinct chatter]

Martini on the rocks,

dry, hold the garbage.


Now, what will you have?

Oh, root beer?

Root beer coming up, no garbage.

It's a nice place you got here.

Thank you.

How'd you get here?

I walked. It wasn't that bad.

Your dad know where you went?

Nah, he hasn't left

his hotel room all day.

Last night, either.

I think he's getting weird

in his old age.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You know, I didn't mean..

Forget it.

Old age isn't so bad, really.

It gives you time to think.

Mostly about what it would be

like to be young again.

I don't know,

maybe it's just a phase

he's going through or something.

Sometimes I think

he doesn't even remember

what it's like

to be young again.

It's not easy

being a father, Tommy.

There's a lot involved.

A lot more than some fathers

have the guts to live up to.

'You're lucky.'

I guess, I just wish

he wouldn't try

and run my life all the time.

Oh, I'm sure

he doesn't do it on purpose.

You know, some dads

have a tendency to overreact.

They make mistakes but

it's because they care so much.

I wish he understood me

like you do.

Oh, he will.

See I've got

an advantage, I'm old.

I've already made the mistakes.

So what time

does the band start?

Uh, about :.

Yeah! Good group?

Not bad, mostly disco.


I wonder if they'd mind if I

sat in for a couple of sets.

'Just to keep me in practice.'

I don't know about

that, Tommy, uh..

Well, if you're worried about

me cutting it, don't be.

I mean, I sat in with

lots of groups before.

- It's not that, it's--

- It's a marvelous idea!

- Hello, sweetheart.

- Hi, Auntie V.


How can you possibly say

no to a musician

who's offered to work for free?

'Be a sport.'


Maybe he can, uh,

play for a couple of sets.

Great! I'm gonna check

out their equipment.

That wasn't a very

good idea, Vivian.

Suppose Tom finds out?

(male #)


Well...what if Tom finds out?

Surely, he'd love to see

his son perform.

Are you sure you've been

to this restaurant before?

Oh, sure, sure. A hundred times.

A hundred times.

It's just that I-I, um--

Ever since he lost

his glasses, he's had trouble

making out the street signs.

- Right.

- And scuba divers?

[instrumental music]

- Oh, no.

- What's wrong, dad?

What's wrong? Look at this

shirt that Auntie V gave me.

Just, just look at it.

I can't. It makes my eyes cross.


Abby, please.

Where is my other shirt?

I can't possibly wear this.

Well, it's at the cleaners.

What's wrong with this?

I think it looks nice.

V says it looks very Hawaiian.

Hawaiian? Come on.

It looks like

somebody shot a couch.

Don't be silly, Tom.

You know, V is determined

to make every aspect

of this vacation miserable.

- Even my wardrobe.

- Come on, Tom.

Then why does she insist

that we go tonight

to some dive to hear

Tommy play with a band?

She thought you'd like

to see your son perform.

I mean, how would she know

it was a touchy subject?

And it's not a dive,

I hear it's a very nice club.

The Vagabond.

- The Vagabond?

- Oh, no.

Don't tell me it's one of your

favorite watering hole.

That's all I need to hear.

The Vagabond is

the name of Matt's place.

- Matt?

- Yeah.

He even said

he named it after himself.

[engine revving]

(female #)

'We urge you to take your

personal belongings with you'

'as the bus will be

unattended while we are inside.'

Thank you.


Well, at last

we can relax and enjoy.

The tourist is not on this bus.

It was obviously

just a coincidence.

Some harmless egocentric

who, uh..

..gets off

on hearing loudspeakers.

Yeah, just the same.

I'm glad he's gone.

You know, I was getting

a little bit worried.

And to be honest, so was I.


I hope this is good.

It will be.



'It's him.'



Joannie, you're getting

very, very naughty.

I know. It's ridiculous.


[engine revving]

- 'To the two of us.'

- Just the two of us.

[country music]

I, uh, I'm sorry about

the way I acted last night.

I guess, I was a little selfish.

Mm, that's okay.

You had a right.

- Hey, what's wrong?

- N-nothing.

- Really.

- Susan, I..

Well, I don't know, Merle..

It's just,

I can't get dad off my mind.

Something's wrong,

I can feel it.

He has been acting

a might peculiar.

Maybe he's homesick.

You know, a lot of people just

aren't cut out for vacations.

Mm, maybe.

Honey, there's nothing

we can do about it, right now.

So what do you say,

we enjoy ourselves tonight?

After all, we're finally alone.


'Elizabeth, we finally

made it, do you believe it?'


'Yeah, I know.

I thought we'd never get..'

(male #)

'Oh, this is the greatest,

you girls'

'are gonna love this

place, I'll tell ya.'

- Do you think so?

- Yeah.

- Oh, yeah!

- Oh, yes, yes.

I've seen it many times before.

Oh, wow!

This is really nice.

- Good, I'm glad you like it.

- 'Thank you.'


'How long have you been

driving around?'

- Not very long.

- Well, I'm starving.

- 'So am I.'

- 'The mahi-mahi is great.'

(male #)

'I've had it last summer.'

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[crowd applauding]

The band's gonna take a short

break, we'll be right back.

What do you think you're doing?

Tom, uh..

Oh! If you mean Tommy, I'd..

I thought that

we had an agreement!

Well, I didn't mean to interfere

he's just sitting in

for the night.

I want you

to stay out of his life.

Just the way

you stayed out of mine.

And that shouldn't be

so difficult for you.

You've had enough practice.

What's going on?

Your dad and I

are having a talk.

Can you wait outside, Tommy?

No, it's his future.

I think he oughta hear this.

- Hear what?

- I wanna point this out.


You were irresponsible

with my life.

And I won't give you

the opportunity

to do that with my son's.

Oh, dad, I don't know what

you two are talking about!

But Matt was

just tryin' to help.

Maybe he was

or maybe he was just

trying to ease his conscience.

You don't know the first thing

about my conscience.

But I do know

what it takes to raise a son

passed the age

of ten years old.

And let me tell you this.

It involves a lot more

than filling his head

with romantic visions that have

nothing to do with reality.

- I've heard enough.

- No, you haven't.

You couldn't possibly know

how I feel about my son.

I may not have always done

the right thing

but at least I was there

to do it.

I told you

I didn't want to interfere.

- Well, then, don't.

- But, dad--


'The next time you get

an urge to be paternal'

just think back

about years ago

and remember how easy

it was to forget it.

It was..

It was never easy,

it's not easy now.

I wouldn't know about that.

But I do know this.

Your son paid

for one of your mistakes once.

And I wouldn't allow

the possibility

of your grandson

paying for another.


Come on, Tommy.

[dramatic music]

[indistinct chatter]

[knocking on door]

- I'll get it.

- No, no, it's my turn.

Remember you let the maid in.

But she didn't stay,

it doesn't count.

Tough torts, counselor,

back to work.

Uh, David,

could we talk a minute?

W-what's the problem?


You're not gonna believe it.

- But can we, uh..

- Oh, I get the hint.

You two need to be alone,

oh, no problem.

- I understand completely.

- Oh, no.

That's very nice of you, honey

but you don't have

to leave, really.

Oh, no, no, no,

I don't mind, really.

I know, but there's no reason

you have to disrupt your work

'just because

I have to disrupt mine.'

You're so noble, David.

Where do you want

to talk, at the beach?

No, I've had enough of that.

Can we just go down to my room?

The ironic thing is that

Auntie V thought it would be

the perfect opportunity for dad

and Matt to patch things up.

Only all's dad did

was scream at Matt

just like he screams at me.

'And in my case, I'm getting

tired of hearing it.'

Now, wait a minute,

it's not all him, you know.

You've done

your share of screaming too.

- What about you?

- 'Me, I listen.'

- Yeah, but do you hear?

- I don't believe this!

I'm getting another lecture.

You're my brother.

- 'You're supposed to--'

- Now, wait a-wait a minute.

Calm down, you're already

getting defensive.

Can't you see what's happening?

All the pots are so busy

calling the kettles black

that no one can see

anyone's side but their own.

Tommy, the problem between dad

and Matt isn't about you.

It's about a total breakdown

in communication.

They're so wrapped up

in their own reasons

for not getting together

that no one even

bothers trying to get together.

Is that how it's getting

between you and dad?

- Girls, look at this.

- What?

Look at this tree,

isn't that beautiful?

Look at all this stuff,

it's great.

- I've seen this before.

- Trees and..

There's something

in those bushes.

- There is not.

- Yes, there is..

It's great. Be back in a sec.


Do you have any idea

where we are?

Sure, somewhere in Hawaii.

Great, just great.

What are we gonna do now?

I guess what we've been doing.

Walk around and point out

the interesting foliage.

Eventually, we're bound

to find a way out of here.

Yeah, well, it better be fast.

Because I'm running out of names

to make up

for these stupid bushes.

Snorkeling with a push.

Thinking the restaurant fiasco

and now this?

Huh! Some nature hike.

Do you really think we're lost?

We've been walking in circles

for an hour.

Face it, Nancy, these guys

are as about as Hawaiian

as Donnie and Marie.

Do you have any idea

as what we're gonna do?

Yes, we're gonna put a little

"Girls scout know how to work"

and get out of here.

I refuse to spend

the rest of my life

on a mountain plain

naming that plant.


- Come on.

- Come on, you guys, follow me.


'It's gonna take

a lot of knowhow.'

'I have a feeling we're miles

away from civilization.'

[instrumental music]


'Boy, renting this car

was a great idea.'

'Must've cost

a fortune, though.'


'Well, it wasn't cheap,

that's for darn sure.'

- 'But I tell you what.'

- 'What?'

As long as it gets us

away from the family

it's worth every penny.

- Yeah, I guess you're right.

- I know I'm right!

Uh, honey, I love

your family, I really do.

But I swear, they're just

like a batch of weeds.

As soon as you get rid

of one, another pops out!


Hey, Merle, look.

Yeah, they must be in trouble.

Hey! We need a ride!

Hey, that's Nancy and Elizabeth!

- Merle!

- Uh-huh...sorry.

- Reflex edge.

- Yeah..

- Uh, you sure we--

- Merle.

We could..


Hey, thanks for stopping.


Yeah, that was really nice

of you guys.

Nance! It's Susan and Merle.

- 'You're kidding.'

- 'Thanks a lot.'

- 'I don't believe it.'

- 'Gee, guys.'

(male #)

'You're real life-savers.


(female #)

And it was here,

at the Pali Lookout

where King Kamehameha the Great

pushed all of his enemies

over the cliff and unified

all the Hawaiian Islands.

Now, if you all just

follow me to the bus..


Oh, wait! One more picture.

[indistinct chatter]

I still think it was really

dumb to take another tour.

Come on, we've taken

every precaution.

We even changed

the buses at the last minute.

And look around.

Do you see anyone

in this group with a suit?


Now can we go before

we miss the bus obviously?

- Huh! Oh..

- Okay, alright.

Just don't panic.

- Terrified, okay?

- That's fine.


Oh, my God! He thinks

he's King Kamehameha.

Why? Nobody's gonna hurt us.

He's at the..

- Let's have it.

- Uh, uh, camera.

Traveler's checks.

Why are you following me?

- What?

- What?

You've been tailing me

ever since I got here.

On every tour...I've seen you,

I've seen you looking at me.

'You're private investigators.'


Yeah, I'm not dumb.

I've watched "Charlie's Angels."

My wife hired you, didn't she?

- 'She found out about Eva?'

- Eva!

Now you tell her,

if she wants a divorce, fine.

But I'm tired of running.

No more hiding on tour buses.

I refuse to go

through life, intimidated!

- Right.

- Ha ha..



You know, dad...I think

we're doing something wrong.

Why, Nicholas? I-I think

it's a beautiful sand castle.

- You do?

- Yes, of course I do.

It has that lived-in look.

You know, I think

the sand needs to be wetter.

That's what Matt says.


Who's building

the sand castle, anyway?

You and me or you and Matt?

You don't like him much, do ya?

Well, I, uh..

How can you hate somebody

you don't even know?

Nicholas, hey,

I never said that.

I don't hate anybody.

Have you been talking to Tommy?

No, it's just that

you always said

you should be nice

to old people.

That's right, Nicholas,

I did say that. And you should.

You said that they can

teach us a lot, remember?

'Cause they already made

the mistakes we're gonna.

[instrumental music]

Well, maybe

just a little wet sand.

[knocking on door]


I had a feeling it might be you.

I don't suppose

a simple "I'm sorry"

would save me from a lecture.

Oh, I don't wanna

lecture you, V.

I-I just want you to see how

ludicrous this whole thing is!

I mean, look..

Even if we wanted

to get together..

Well, what would it accomplish?

It might give somebody

something they need.

What? Me, a father?

The children, a grandfather?

For what reason?

Is that all you can see?

What it could

or couldn't give you?

Did you ever stop to think

what it might give me?

- V.

- That's right. Me.

You have a family, Tommy.

A beautiful, wonderful family.

V, don't. Please, don't.

You, you have us,

you have us all the time.

The children adore you, Vivian.

I know.

But sometimes

you just want your own.

He is our own, Tommy.

No matter what you say, he is.

V, I wanna ask you a question.

It may sound a little strange

but just bear with me

for a moment.

Do you remember

when we were kids

and we had that

swing set in the backyard

that you loved so much?

Of course I do.

It was thing I loved

in the whole world.

It was falling apart

and mom had to take it away

because she was afraid

you might k*ll yourself on it.

I cried for weeks,

we couldn't afford another one.

Well, why don't you and I go

to the park right now

and play on the swing set?

What do you say?

Don't be silly, Tom.

It just wouldn't be the same.

Don't you see, V?

It's not the swing set

you miss, it's the memory.

You don't need it anymore.

It's a lovely story,

Tommy, but a poor analogy.

People aren't swing sets.

That's right, they're not.

But the lesson is the same.

You can't go back.

I'm not asking you to go back.

Just forward.

You can go forward.

Why can't you give me this,


This one thing.

Damn it, Tommy.

Why can't you give me this?


I can't, V.

I just can't.


- Hi, dad.

- Oh, hi, Tommy.

Guess you got a lot

on your mind, huh?

Yeah, you might say that.

You know, dad,

I've been thinking..

...about you and me and..

Well, I guess I just didn't like

what I saw last night.

Oh, yeah.

Last night,

I, I don't blame you.

It wasn't very pleasant.

Well, you know,

I-I talked to David

and I, I talked to Auntie V.

And...I guess

what I'm tryin' to say is..

...and I think I understand

you a little bit better.

You do?

Well, I never gave much thought

to not having a father.

I guess you thought

about it a lot, huh?

It crossed my mind a few times.

Dad, you know, you don't

have to worry about school.

I plan on sticking it out.

I really, I always did.

I see. I'm glad to hear that.

I'll try not to let the band

get in the way so much.

But I still don't buy

everything you say

about education and my future.

I see.

But...who knows?

You got a pretty good

track record.

You might get lucky.

Dad, I..

...I guess, I just wish

that sometimes you try

and understand me

a little better too.

Tommy, I've got a better idea.

Why don't we try

for more than a little?

Who knows...

we might both get lucky.


Oh, and, dad.

You know what,

he's not such a bad guy.

Maybe he just needs

some understanding too.

- And one more thing, dad.

- Yes, son.

You've gotta get rid

of that shirt.



Now, let me get this straight.

This person Matt

is our grandfather?

And the whole reason that

Auntie V brought us to Hawaii

was so that we could meet him

after he and dad reconciled.

Only it backfired

'cause dad won't give in.

You got it.


Oh, boy.

How did I miss all that?

'Cause we were too busy

being paranoid.

- And lost.

- A-and found.

Oh, that certainly explains

why dad's been acting

so strange lately.

Yeah, and how come every time

I mention Matt's name

he gets so goofy?


Look, the point is, is

what are we gonna do about it?


'Well, from what

you said, Tommy'

Auntie V's tried

just about everything.

Whatever it is

it's gotta be upfront.

It's gotta be dad's decision

in the end, no more tricks.

Hey, maybe an event

of some kind.

You know, somethin' so appealin'

wild horses

wouldn't keep him away.

That's not bad, but what?

Somethin' that would involve

the whole family.

You know, like a birthday?

No one's havin' a birthday.

Well, we can lie about our age.

Sure, Nicholas.

Uh, anniversaries?

No, nobody's havin'

one of those either.

But we're havin' a honeymoon.

Two honeymoons.

- Of course.

- 'That's it.'

We'll plan a party

for the honeymoon couples.

We'll make it

a big family event.

Me and my big mouth.

Look, we'll tell dad

that it's the start

of a new Bradford tradition.

He'll have to come.

Well, if we gotta do it,

then let's make it a luau.

- A luau!

- Yeah, why not?

- A great idea.

- Food, music, the whole beach.

I can get the band.

Good, we can make

the arrangements.

Oh, I don't know.

Um, Tommy, wait.

I, uh, saw this in

a Mickey Roonie movie once.

- Really?

- Uh-huh.

Who is Mickey Rooney?

Why would she leave?

I don't know, but we can't have

a luau without Auntie V.

I mean, not this luau.

What are we gonna do?

Well, you know,

the desk clerk said

she left for the airport

a few minutes ago.

Maybe we can catch her.


Wonderful, at least

we found 'em.

- You guys.

- You guys.

- Elizabeth, Nancy.

- Hi.

- What are you doin' here?

- Never mind, where's your car?

Well, it's over there, but wh..

- Let's go.

- Go where?

- Come on.

- It doesn't matter.

You wouldn't know

how to get there anyway.

- Go on, this is important.

- Yeah, would you move it?

- A honeymoon luau?

- Mm-hmm.

But why? I mean, don't

the two of you wanna be alone?

Well, the fact is, dad

we spent so much time

trying to avoid the family

that we haven't enjoyed

Hawaii much at all.

Well, we wanted to be alone

just because we thought

honeymoons were supposed

to be that way.

Yeah, but I think we learned

that what a honeymoon really

is supposed to be

is what you want it to be.

What-what makes you happy.

And being with the family

does that for you.

Mr. B, you have no idea

how strongly

we both feel about this.

Well, how about David and Janet?

Do they feel the same way?

Oh, dad, if you could only see

the expressions on their face

when they found out.

Wow, I, I think

it's a great idea.

I mean, who knows

this might be the beginning

of a whole new

Bradford tradition.

Yeah, uh, but there

is one thing you should know.

What's that?

We invited Matt.

Y-you see, Mr. B

Tommy told us what's been

going on but...well..

Dad, he is our grandfather.

'We're counting on you.'

Now if you don't come,

we'll understand.

But it won't be the same

without you.

[car horn honking]

- Wait!

- Wait!

- Auntie V, wait!

- Wait, wait!


Wait, you can't leave.

Look, I know, it was wonderful

that you girls--

Auntie V, you don't understand

we know about Matt

and what you tried to do.


'Yes, so we all got together'

and we came up

with this great idea for a luau.

Yeah it may b*mb too

but it's worth another shot.


'Come on,

what do you say Auntie V'

'give it another try, for us?'

Well, I always

was a sucker for luau.

Especially when it comes

with good-looking Hawaiian men.



If you give us the fruit,

Eddie, you can take off.

Sure thing.

- There you go.

- Heh. Thanks.


[indistinct chatter]

[door closes]

They, uh...really

liked him, didn't they?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

He's a good musician.

I always thought he was a..

...a bunch of junk guy.

It-it's so hard

to hear the words.

Yeah, yeah, you gotta listen

in order to learn

what it's all about.


I guess, you do owe it

to yourself to.. at least try.

Listening, I mean.

You drink scotch?

Scotch is fine.

♪ Tiny bubbles ♪

♪ Tiny bubbles ♪

♪ In the wine ♪

♪ In the wine ♪

♪ Makes me happy ♪

♪ Makes me feel fine ♪

♪ Tiny bubbles ♪

♪ Makes me warm all over ♪

♪ With the feeling that.. ♪

Ugh. Don't they know

anything else?

Hey, I got 'em cheap.

Yeah, they must be

friends of Eddie's.

- What time is it?

- It's about o'clock.

You mean, we've already

been here an hour?

Yeah, time sure flies

when you're havin' fun

on your honeymoon.

You know, I didn't hold out

much hope for dad

but I thought at least

Matt would come.

Maybe Matt doesn't like

us anymore.

That's not true, Nicholas.

He likes you a lot.

And it's still early.

V is right.

Let's not give up hope yet.

♪ Makes me happy ♪

Your mother used to joke about

having...three kids

around the house.

I guess she waited a long time

for me to grow up.

She was a good woman, Tom.

She deserved more than she got.

If that's your reason

for leaving, I don't buy it.

No, no, no, it wasn't anything

as noble as that.

I left because I was scared.

Scared I'd never become

what I had said I'd be.


You were important to us.


But I had to prove something.

God knows why but I had to..

I wanted to be a-a big man, Tom.

A mover of mountains

and all that.

But it just wasn't in the cards,

not in that town.

So you just left?

So I just left.

I thought

if I struck out on my own

I'd make it big

and I'd come back and..

Maybe to found that town.

You could've written.

Oh, I did.

I did, the letters

all came back unopened.

Maybe that's the way

she wanted it.

Well, I'm not blaming her.

Maybe that's the only way

she could deal with it.

k*lling me off in her mind.


I'm not unfamiliar

with that process.

You know, Tom, most of us

stumble through life

making mistakes that

don't matter much down the road.

But I've spent my life.. with the mistake

that won't go away.


Leaving the family that I loved.

I guess

you were right all along.

You can't go back.

Just wanting to be

a father...again

doesn't get you very far.

I understand,

I really understand.

I just wish

I hadn't met those kids.

Now I'm gonna miss

being a grandfather too.

♪ Tiny bubbles ♪

♪ In the wine ♪

♪ Makes me happy ♪

♪ Make me feel fine ♪

Well, we tried.

Yeah, we tried.

Can we give it

another half hour, you guys?

I can't listen

to that song one more time.

I'm with you.

Let's face it.

Neither one of them

are gonna come.

Nancy is right, you guys.

We just have to accept the fact

that this is one situation

that isn't gonna change.

I really thought

he'd come around.

I really did.

Well, let's pack it in.

Don't take it too hard, slugger.

♪ And here's to the silver sea ♪

♪ Well.. ♪♪

[instrumental music]

I'm sorry, I'm late.

But I had

some catching up to do..

...with my father.

I always hoped to get

a real grandpa.

[instrumental music]

- Dad, this is Susan.

- Hi.

- My wife, Abby.

- Hi.

- And this is Joannie.

- Hello.

And uh..

- Merle.

- Hello.

- Nancy.

- Hi.

And this is Elizabeth.

- I'm Mary.

- Hello, Mary.


Janet, this is

my oldest son's wife.

And my oldest son David.

- David.

- I got Tommy right here.


[theme music]

[music continues]