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01x09 - Mad Wax/Fails

Posted: 06/27/23 10:57
by bunniefuu
[exciting music]

- ♪ Oh here we go up the tubes ♪

♪ Fighting crime is what we do ♪

♪ A superhero and his sidekick with a plan ♪

- He has a plan!

- ♪ Who's the one behind the mask ♪

♪ Who can move superfast? ♪

♪ It's Kid Danger... ♪ - And look!

- ♪ It's Captain Man ♪

- ♪ So come along ♪ - Come along!

- ♪ It's the adventures of Kid Danger ♪

♪ ♪

♪ This is the song ♪ - This is the song!

- ♪ For the adventures of Kid Danger ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ I'm okay ♪

- Feels good.

[upbeat music]

[seagulls cawing]

[panicked chirping]

- [exclaiming]


- Schwoz, you shouldn't be texting

while flying a helicopter.

- [scoffs] There are no laws in the sky.

- [gasps]

Good granny! An airplane!

[all screaming]

- Whoa! That pilot looked like Harrison Ford!

- Whoa! That pilot looked like Schwoz.

- [roars]

- Holy smokes!

We're directly over the wax museum!

Gumballs. - Agreed.

- Let's get our parachutes on.

- Bye! - [squeals]

- What--no, no, no, no! Not yet!

- No, wait!

[both screaming]

- Blow!

♪ ♪


[both groaning]

- Look! It's Kid Danger and Captain Man!

[all cheering]

- Yeah, yeah, yeah!

- Welcome, Captain Man and Kid Danger!

- Yes, yes, we are the best. Thank you.

- Ladies and gentleman of Swellview,

we at Wax Fifth Avenue are proud to present

two of the finest wax figures ever made...

- And they're about to get even better.

- And now,

the moment we've all been waiting for has come.

I am so proud of the figures under this tarp.

- Well, then show us already!

- Yeah! Take the tarp off!

- Very well. I give you...

- Come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on,

come on, come on, come on!

[all exclaiming]

- Hot!

- Whoa.

I look awesome!

- Uh, what up with my gut?

- Oh, yes, don't you look strong?

- No! Wax me is kind of sagging.

Here, let me just, uh--

there it is.

[crowd murmuring]

- Uh,

you're kind of embarrassing us.

- Ick.

- [inhales deeply]


And now, time for some wax att*cks.


[both growling]

- Ruh? - Huh?

- Oh, my gosh! The wax figures are moving!

[all exclaiming]

- I've never seen that before.

That is not normal!

- Oh, dear, look at that. It has me by the head.

- Bye, lady! [chuckles]

- [screams]

[all shouting]

- Kid, we got to do something!

- Uh, m-maybe we--


Put me down, me!

- Yeah, put him down,!

- [growls]

- Hey, what are you--


I'm okay.

But I am not paying for this window.

- [laughs]

- Get him, Kid! Whack that wax!

Hang on, Kid!

You! - Hey!

- Bad wax figure! - Ow! No, no!

- [shouting] How dare you try to hurt my sidekick!

- Right in the neck.

- Captain Man, Captain Man!

That's the real Kid Danger!

- Oh.

Hey, uh,

we don't need to tell anybody about this.

- Just get off!

- And...waxivate!


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

[all exclaiming]

- No way, lookit!

- [growling]

- Uh-oh,

all the celebrities are coming to life!

- It's--it's a wax attack!

- [grunts]

- Hey, ho! - Ow, ow! Stop it!

Ow! Ow!

- And tap. And tap.

- Oh! Oh! Mr. President!

- Oh, no!

- The wax people are throwing the real people!

- Yeah, I know. That's why I said, "Oh, no."

- Come on, we better get out of here

before the figures hurt someone.

- Yeah, like us. Run!

[people screaming]

- What now?

- Little girl! What's your name?

- Piper Hart. We've met, like, times.

- Well, we need to get out of here.

Do you have a car? - No, I'm !

[people screaming]

- [growling]

- Hey, old lady, quit that!

[horse neighs]

- Ooh, wait here.


[horse neighs]

- [growling]

- Hi, want some mail?

- [growls] - Ah, hey, stop.

- Oh! Oh, my gosh!

Wax Bruno Jupiter just bothered that female mailman.

- We better go before more innocent people get bothered

and we get blamed for it.

- Right. both: Up the horse!

[horse neighs, snorts]

- Hyah!

[horse neighs]

- Huh? They're escaping on a cop horse.

Attention, all wax assassins.

Follow that horse!

[wax figures growling]

- Uh-oh. We've got company!

[phone beeps]

Schwoz! Where are you?

- I'm at the drive-through at Nacho Ball.

- You have to meet us at the top of Mount Swellview.

- I'm sorry, how did you want your taco balls?

- Ugh, I said I want one deluxe taco ball

and one nacho ball grande!

- Schwoz, you will leave Nacho Ball right now

and come pick up me and Kid Danger!

And a girl and maybe a horse!

- [groans] Okay, fine!

[car alarm wailing]

- Climb, horse, climb!

Hyah! - Hurry!

- Those wax freaks are right behind us!

- Hyah!

- Faster! Move your wax!

[exciting music]

- Oh, man. Here they come.

[helicopter whirring]

- Ooh! It's the Man-Copter!

- I'm so hungry.

Nobody cares about my nacho balls.

- It's dropping something! See?

Here comes the lad--oof!

- Come on, little girl!

You and this horse need to get to safety.

- Oh, come on, horse!

Why are you being so difficult?

Don't give me that look. - All right, here we go.

Come on.

[both grunting]

- Ugh, smells like horse butt.

[both gasp]

- The wax freaks!

[wax figures snarling]

- What are you doing?

- You go up to the helicopter!

- Then you come too. - Oh, no.

I'm gonna stay and fight these crazy wax freaks!

- But...

- Go!

All right, you celebrities!

Take that!


- Kid Danger!

Climb up the ladder to safety!

- Hurry!

- The sun...


The sun. Wax.


Schwoz, engage the Man-Copter's magnifying glass!

- Yeah, yeah, okay.

[grunting, blows falling]

- Yeah! Get him! Punch his Captain face!

- Now, I just...

[heat sizzling]

Oh, hey, wax! Here comes the sun.

Yeah! Uh! You like that?

That's why humans are the dominant species.

'Cause tools.

[wax figures groaning]

Schwoz, set me down by the wax blob!

- Okay!

I'll just cut the ladder.

- But aren't we really high?

- Yeah, we're really high.

- [screaming]

Well, that worked out.

- [laughs] It's Nacho Ball time!

- All right!

- U-turn!

- [muffled shouting]

- Captain Man!

- [muffled shouting]

- [grunting]

Come on.

[both sigh]

- How did this-- how did this happen?

- I think she did it.

- Eek!


- Oh, what--dude, don't blast her!

- Oh, don't worry, I'll aim for the tree

and block her escape.

- [screams]

- Mm...

- [struggling]

- All right, you evil person.

- Why did you make all those innocent wax celebrities

try to hurt me and Kid Danger?

- You guys don't remember me?

- Uh...nah.

Kid? - Nope.

- My name is Quinn!

I met you guys at Bed Sores and Beyond.

- Oh, yeah!

Remember we bought those green towels there?

- Aw, those green towels were the best.

- [laughs] So soft and absorbent.

- Hey! Quit talking about towels and let me finish!

I was the girl who invited you to my birthday party,

and you guys said you'd come.

But you didn't!

So I studied the evil art of waxidermy

to create a wax army and get my revenge!

- Sorry, we don't care.

- Oh, bye. - Wait!

- Later, towel hater. - Towel-zinga!

- You can't just leave me here!

- That's like that thing that guy says on that show.

- Hey! You better come back here!

I mean it!

Please come back.


- Hello. - We came back.

- Good, 'cause I'm trapped under a gigantic tree!

Now what are you two gonna do about it?

- We're gonna jump rope.

- Yeah, we're gonna jump some rope.

- [shouting] What?

- Ready? - I sure am, Captain Man!

- Oh, yeah!

- Is this a bad idea?

- I don't see how. - All right.

- You're the worst superheroes ever!

[adventurous music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Wax, wax, wax the floor ♪

♪ With some waxing cream ♪

♪ Slippery, slippery, slippery, slippery ♪

♪ I have no self-esteem ♪

- Alert! Alert! Alert! Alert!

- Oh, no, a Captain Man news alert!

These are never good.



- Careful! Slippery floor!

- Ow. [groans]

- Uh-oh! A video blackmailing Captain Man and Kid Danger

has been uploaded to YooHooTube.

- That's terrible. - It sure is.

No one knows who's posting these videos,

which make Captain Man and Kid Danger look like idiots.

- So please, don't watch any of the videos.

- Especially this one, which we're going to show you

right now.

- Ooh, juicy video!

♪ ♪

- Come on, Kid Danger. Let's enter the building

through this revolving door.

- Sounds good.

It's--it's-- it's a little...

[grunts] Come on.

[groans] What's going on?

What--hey, hey, my zipper's stuck in the--

- Hey, lookit! Kid Danger got his zipper stuck

in the revolving door!


- Stop! Stop laughing at my pants!

- Oh, it's so terrible that people watch this.


- I'm st-- it's not funny.

It's not funny. Stop laughing.

- Don't worry, Kid. I'll blast your zipper loose!

- No, no, no, no, no, no! Don't do that. Don't do that.

What happens-- [screams]


Stop, stop, stop, stop! Stop!

- Kid! Try to hold still!

- I can't! I'm revolving!

- [laughing]

- We're back.

- And don't ask me about my pants.

- Oh, I know what happened to your pants.

I saw it on the news.


- The news? Who got it on video?

- That would be me.

[all scream] - It's invisible Brad!

- Quick, blast him! Aim for his sunglasses!

- Kay kay! - Uh-oh!

[blasters firing]

- Where are you, Brad? - [laughs] Missed me!

- Dang it, Brad! - No, I'm over here.

Ha! I lied! I'm really over here.

- I think he's over there! - Missed me again.

- No, he's over there!

- [laughs] Missed me!

- Floors still slippery!

- Thanks, Jasper. - I'll take these.

- [shouts] - He snatched our blasters!

- Yeah, I snatched 'em. Snatched 'em good.

- Hey! That's my thing.

- Yeah, well, now it's my thing.

- Okay, Brad, what do you want?

- I want you to make me visible again!

- We've tried. - It's not possible.

- Well, it's your fault I'm invisible!

- I know, and I've apologized.

- Not good enough!

- Ah! Brad took my popcorn!

- Now, unless you make me visible,

I'm gonna put out another embarrassing video

every single hour.

- What? How?

- I've been following you around

with my invisible camera,

and you clowns never even knew.

- Or maybe you're lying.

- Oh, yeah?

Then why don't you go check out my YooHooTube channel?

- Oh, no, he's got a YooHooTube channel.

- We better give it a view.

Hmm. "Captain Man's Butt Pimple."

- Oh, no! Not my butt pimple!

- Come on, press play!

- Come on, just show the doctor your butt pimple.

- No, I'm embarrassed.

- Just drop your man-pants and let me see the pimple, hmm?

- [sighs] Oh, all right.

- [laughing]

Oh, it's on his butt! - What, what? I want to see.

[both laughing]

[Brad laughing]

Oh, I love that.

- All right, Brad!

How many embarrassing videos do you have of me?

- And of me? - A lot, okay?

And until you find a way to make me visible,

I'm gonna post another humiliating video of you guys

every single hour. - Oh, yeah?

- Then maybe we'll punch you in the throat

every single second.


Ah, I missed.

- [yelps]

- Schwoz, be more careful!

- Aww. This floor is cold.

- Sorry, boys! I got to use the bathroom,

then I got dinner plans.


- Hey! There's no bathroom over there.

- When you're invisible, everywhere's a bathroom.

Up the tube!

- Oh, we missed him.

- [groans] He's gone!

- Ah, let's just forget that guy.

- Forget him? He said he's been following us around for a year!

Secretly! sh**ting video of us when we didn't know!

- Ah, who cares?

Come on, let's go get a root beer float and a pickle.

- Well, that does sound good.

[folk music]

[indistinct chatter]

- Two root beer floats and a pickle.

- Thanks. - Appreciate it.

- Sure, Captain Man.

I uh... [laughs]

I saw your butt pimple.


- Get out of here!

Invisible Brad.

Who knows what kind of embarrassing videos

he has of us?

That he might put online. Every hour.

- Check it out! There's another embarrassing video

of Kid Danger and Captain Man!

- Aw, jeez. - Not another one!

- Come on, all right, this way, tons of fun.

- There you go, come on, elephant.

Okay, Captain Man, you get behind the elephant,

and I'll get in front of him.

Oh, man! That's the day we brought

that escaped elephant back to the zoo.

- Oh, no.

- Come on, Mr. Elephant.

You have to go back to the zoo now.

- [grunts] Move!

Don't you want to go in there and see your wife?

[elephant trumpets]

- [screaming]

[muffled shouting] Get him off me!

Get him off! - Hey, bad elephant!

Bad elephant!

Not the trunk--

[both shouting]


- [sighs] I'm going home.

- I'm taking this pickle.

Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. I'm home.

- Good for you. - And just in time for ham.

- Hey, everyone! Hey! Guess what!

- Ah, I hate guessing.

- That guy put up another fail video

of Kid Danger and Captain Man.

- Aw, he did? Really?

- Ooh, play it.

- Yeah, yeah, let's see the video.

- No, not now! It, uh--it's dinner time.

- Not anymore!

- Ow!

- My ham! Oh, well.

Click the video.

- So how am I driving?

- Oh, very well.

I feel sure you're going to get your license.

- Wow, that'd be rad.

- Yes, that would be rad.

Now--now turn left when you get to the--

- Turning left.

- Wait! Not here!

[people screaming]

Avoid the giant bikini!

[sighs] - Oops.


- He's so stupid. - He's covered in bikini!

- I'm glad he's not my son.

He's so stupid.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

- This ends now, Invisible Brad.

- Excuse me, have you seen any crimes around here?

I'm a... [chuckles] Crime fighter.

- It's Captain Man!

[all exclaim]

- Hey, guys! Check it out!

That guy who keeps uploading videos

of Kid Danger and Captain Man?

He just posted a new video:

"Man-Sub Fail"!

- Hey! Let's watch the video with Captain Man.

[laughter] - Oh, yes, such a good idea.

- Uh, wait, wait-- uh, why don't we just, uh--

- Captain Man, look!

The aquatic bad boys.

- Yeah, I see 'em.

- Oh-ho-ho-ho! - We are over here!

- Hey, they're disrespecting us.

- Well, let's see how they like being exploded

by a Jerk-Seeking Torpedo.

- Oh, I like that. That's good.

- Yeah, it sounded pretty cool,right?

- Real cool, dude. - Yeah, that's why I said it.

- You put the windows down!

- I-I didn't mean to!

- Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. - Ah, jeez!

Where's the windows up button?

I don't know where the windows up button is, okay, man?

- Schwoz! He forgot to put a windows up button!

- Ew, is that-- is that a diaper?

Oh, it's a diaper! - This is not my best moment.


That was not my fault!

The window button was right next to the--

ah, forget you people!

[tires squealing]

- Hey, watch it!

- [laughing] Oh, such a failure!

The diaper!

both: Schwoz! - What?

- Stop watching embarrassing videos of us

and figure out a way to make Brad visible.

- Yeah, do something.

- Hey, if you two would shut your mouth holes,

I could show you... this thing I made!

- Ooh, what is it?

- A thing that will make Brad visible.

both: What?

- Great, let's call Brad,

get him over here, and make him visible.

Then he'll quit posting embarrassing videos of us.

- Uh, right, right, right. Uh, do you have Brad's number?

- No, I don't have-- why would I have his number?

You're the only one who-- - I'm right here.

[both scream] - What the--

Jeez, Brad, will you quit doing that?

- I will if you make me visible.

- And if we do, you promise

you'll quit posting videos of us?

- Yeah, sure. Now make me visible!

- Schwoz, do it. - Okeydokey.

Okay, Brad, prepare to be visible!


- Ahh, it's working, it's working!

- Huh? [screams]

- Wh--what happened?

- It didn't work! - Schwoz!

The only thing your device made visible is Brad's tummy.

- I--I don't know why it didn't work right.

I tried my best.

- Aw, man! This is worse than being invisible.

- All right, calm down, Almost Invisible Brad.

- No! Now I'm gonna go back to my van

and post every embarrassing video of you I have!

- Wait, wait, wait, no, no-- - Nah, nah, nah, come on!

Hang on. - What?

- Look, you know we tried to help you become visible, right?

- Well, yeah, I guess you tried.

- Okay, so don't be mad at us...

just because we turned you into a floating stomach.

- Well...but I feel mad.

- I know you do...

so why don't you let us take you

to your favorite amusement park to cheer you up?

- [gasps] You mean Six Poles Over Swellview?

- Mm-hmm. - Oh, yeah.

♪ ♪

- Ah, you guys, I got to tell ya,

I don't like the fact that only my stomach is visible,

but still, I'm having a great time.

- Aw, us too, Brad.

Ooh, here we go!

[all screaming]