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03x22 - Mine Games

Posted: 06/27/23 10:28
by bunniefuu

from a distant planet,

to a bold new destiny

on Earth,

found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent,

he learned he possessed

the strength of steel,

the speed of light

and the desire

to help all mankind.

He is Superboy!

[music playing]

[Lana grunts]

Luthor, let her go!

I'm the one you want.

The game's over, Luthor.

The games have just begun.

It's a trap!

What else is new?

Gotcha, sucker.


Lana, run!

Out of my way.

Luthor! Luthor.

Lana. Lana.

Wake up!

Luthor, snap out of it.

Get the Kryptonite

away from me.

Throw it so I can

move this thing.

Go. Luthor, crawl out.

Help me.

Bombs away.


You're dead meat, Superboy.

A dead duck.

Dead as a dodo.

Look around, Luthor.

If I'm dead,

you're dead, too.

- Shut up.

- We're trapped.

I said shut up.


Move it or I'll die.

Well, that's the idea.

You need my help.

Of course, you're right.

How silly of me.

What can I do for you, boss?

Get the Kryptonite

as far away from me

as you can.


The best I can do.

The place is kind of tiny.

And now, your highness.


Let's just hope

Lana made it out.

Because she'll bring help.

Oh, goody.

I've got a plan.

Do you now?

Me too.

I plan to have some fun.

For God's sake, Luthor.


You're out of your

mind, Luthor.

Perhaps we'll play some

Kryptonite dodgeball.

You think this is all a game?

You can die in here, too.

Do you have me enough to die?

Let me see.

How do I hate thee?

Let me count the ways.

I hate that dull look

of integrity in your eyes.

I hate your moronic

pretty boy charm.

I hate

I hate that damn curl

in the middle of your


I hate your

feebleminded glaze

of honesty, goodwill.

Bottom line, I hate you

'cause you're hate me.

You're scum, Luthor.

But I don't hate you

or anybody else.

You hate me when I do this.


Now do you hate me, huh?

[blows raspberries]

How about if I do this?

This is the way

it's supposed to be.

Man to man.

Fight to the death.

You know, I've waited

my whole life for this.

Go on. k*ll me.

k*ll me! If you don't

k*ll me, I'll k*ll you,

you stupid spineless

weakling simp.

m*rder me!





Now that was worth

the price of admission.

I haven't had so much fun

since I drowned

my little sister's kittens.

You think you won

that round?

Well, I'm still alive.

Why, you think you won?

Of course I did.

How do you figure?

You're still alive.

You should have k*lled me

when you had the chance.

You don't think I would

love to k*ll you, Luthor,

to crush you like a bug?

But I've got values

and rules.

And the second

I compromise them

is the second I become

a monster like you.

The crushing responsibility

of superpower.

You make me wanna puke.

There's no air in here.

You're running out of oxygen.

The lanterns are

burning it up.

You're finally getting

scared, huh?

Maybe I'll just jam this

down your throat, huh?

You think you can thr*aten

your way out of here.

We're trapped.

What happens if they

don't get us out in time?

You can either work

with me or die.

Work with you?

I could take all the Kryptonite

and shove it to the farthest

corner of this stinkin' hole.

It wouldn't be far enough away

to restore your powers.

The place is too small!

I saw some batteries

on the way in.

If we can get to them,

break them open,

we can use the lead

to shield the Kryptonite.

Then I can get us out.

How far in are these

lead batteries?

I'm not sure.

My vision's cloudy, obstructed.

OK, I'll make you a deal.

- I help you dig,

you let me go if we get out.

- No way.

Yeah, well, there's no way

I'm going to the chair.

That's the chance

you'll have to take.

This game was your call.

[rocks falling]

Maybe I'll just burn that bridge

when I come to it.

What a waste.

Keep digging.

I mean you.

You could have had it all.

Money, power, women, anything.

If you just had the guts

to reach out and take

what you want.

That's not what I want.

Well, what do you want?

To make the world

a better place.



Oh, God, you're so

like a greeting card.

So that's why you're

wasting your ability?

To save the world?

The world isn't worth it.

It is worth it.

People are worth it.

People are slime.

Everyone blubbers

about kindness and good will

and then quietly looks out

for number one.


Compassion's a little too

expensive for the average Joe.

Survival of the fittest

is the name of the game.

It's the law of the jungle

and everyone knows it.

That's what every psychotic

since Hitler used

to justify himself.

Shut up and dig.

Our lucky day.


There's no lead in here.

It's just some kind

of carbon alloy.

Lana's our only hope.



This is a hell of a way

to cash in your chips.

You know, you never really

answered my question.


What did you want?

I mean, for yourself.

More than anything else?


For you to stop bothering me.


Looks like you're finally

gonna get your wish.

Come on, for old time's sake.

What did you really want?

An ordinary life.

What, you mean a house

in the 'burbs?

A wife, kids and station wagon?

The freedom to compromise.

I've heard of aspiring

to mediocrity,

but this is ridiculous.

How about you?

What did you want

more than anything else?

To be king for a day.

And that would

make you happy?

Happiness is for pigs.

The secret of joy

is absolute power.


It's gonna come down.

I wonder if

the spots.

They don't change.

What are you talking about?

I noticed it when

I first came into the mine.

Noticed what?

My vision penetrates normally,

except for certain spots

where it's cloudy

or completely obstructed.

Your visions are weakened.

That's what I thought

at first, but the spots,

they don't change.

They don't shift back

and forth when I move my eyes.

They're really there.

This must be

a lead mine.

OK, give it all you got.

Come on, you can do

better than that.

Beef it up.

Pour on the coals.

There we go. There we go.

That's it.

OK, just hang in there.

Hang in there.

Hey, come on.

You can't give up.

Think of think of

think of the people

you gotta save.

Women, children,

innocent victims.

What, you're gonna let 'em

fend for themselves? Come on!

You gonna let 'em all down?

You gonna let the bad guys win?

What am I saying?

You have a duty,

a responsibility.

Now fight!

Fight! Fight!

Oh, my God.

It worked.

We did it.


We're catching

the next train out of here.

And, man,

you're the locomotive.

Hey, how we doing, champ?


Hey, come on, come on.

You can't check out

on me now.

No fair. Come on, Superboy.

Are we feeling better?

- Thanks.

- Huh?

- I didn't think you could

- Yeah, me, neither.

Come on, come on.

It's getting stuffy in here.



What took you so long?



This is just too easy.

I'll tell you what.

I'll cut you the same deal.

You promise to let me go,

I'll put this stuff away.

I can't do that.

Oh, Supey, buddy,

after all we've been through?

Not a chance.

But I'm gonna k*ll you.

I know.

And you accept that?

You can just say you were

gonna let me go and then

grab me when you were safe.

I can't do that, either.


you just don't leave

me much choice, do you?

I guess not.

Can't do it, can you?



That oughta hold you a while.

Turning over a new leaf?

Don't you ever

tell anyone I let you go.

You'll never win, Luthor.

It matters now whether

you win or lose.

I'm gonna hate myself

in the morning.

[music playing]