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03x17 - Rebirth: Part 1

Posted: 06/27/23 10:26
by bunniefuu
[announcer] Rocketed

from a distant planet

to a bold new destiny

on Earth.

Found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent,

he learned he possessed

a strength of steel,

the speed of light,

and the desire to

help all mankind.

He is Superboy.

OK, stop the train.

[brakes squeal]

Move the van in.

[men speak indistinctly]


this is stupid.

You're risking


We're in a

new country now.

Things will not

be handed to us

like they were

in Saint Ephrem.

But there are

easier ways.

That is how I do things.

If you object to that,

there are others

who could easily

take your place.

Is everything in order?

Yes boss,

everything is ready.


Get rid of

the witnesses.

But don't use

your b*ll*ts.

Run him down

with this truck.

All right,

you heard the man.

Let's go.

- [men chattering]

- Everybody up.

Down on your knees.


Where are you from?

Not a word out of them.

They're soldiers.

The question is who's.

Captain, Superboy

Something you should see.

Wow, that was the person

that was in the car

when Superboy blew it up.

I checked it.

I x-rayed it.

There wasn't anyone

in that car.

Any idea who it is?

Only ID we found

was this ring.

And there's

something else

Got an

eye witness here.

I'm not sure

I can be any help.

Just tell us

what you saw.

I'm lookin' out my window,

and that black guy,

he must've been scared

because he jumped

in the car

And the next thing,

Superboy blows that

truck right on top of him

and the whole thing

goes up in flames.

The guy was screaming

something awful.

I didn't hear anything.

I thought for sure

you were gonna save him.

Look, can I go?

We're going to need

a written statement.

Yeah. OK, sure.

Don't worry, Superboy.

[men chatter]

[music plays]

[music stops]

First of all, let me say

that we have been

dealt a blow from which

we can never fully recover.

- [man 1] Yes.

- [man 2] That's right.

Winston was a good man

and a close friend.

I intend to keep

his dream alive.

As a leader, however,

he was too cautious.

A mistake I won't make.

We will take all the

Capitol City halls

and mar.

What is the

first step, man.

We will build an

indestructible army

from the streets.

I'm sure the Capitol City

like Saint Ephrem,

has its share

of opportunists.

Yeah, man.

But what about Superboy?

We did not have nothing

like him in Saint Ephrem.

Superboy deals

in incidents.

My interests go beyond

petty theft and

g*ng warfare.

[men] Yeah! Yeah!

You have a comment, brother?

Yes, indeed.

When we left the island

our ranks became meaningless.

I could just as easily

be leader as you.

So, what do you propose?

We're in America, man.

- We should vote for our leader.

- [man] Yeah, we should vote.

I don't think these men

want to be led by you.

Some have said

that you are weak,


But you on the other hand,

my friend, are strong, right?

You are strong and healthy.

Most definitely.

Then a toast to you.

A toast to my strong,

healthy opponent.



would anyone else

care for a refreshment?

[men laugh]

Look at this.

No ID on him

except that ring.

They think maybe

he was an illegal alien,

or some homeless person.

Or he could've just been

with that g*ng that was

trying to rob the arms truck.

It doesn't matter.

Somebody died.

Someone who didn't have to.

And it was

Superboy's fault.

No, it wasn't.

A crime was being committed,

and if it's anyone's fault,

it's the criminals.

In fact, that's

what the law says.

Yeah, that's what

it says, all right.

Taking this

kind of personally.

Think how

Superboy must feel.

Believe me,

that's all I've

been thinking about.

Where you going?


[man] Hey you guys,

don't forget that

rocket launcher.

So, you know,

this is easier

than Winston's way.

Come back anytime.

So long as you've got cash,

the US Army's got a faulty

inventory system.

Oh, thank you very much.

Hold it!


[woman gasps, screams]

Please, no

You'll be all right.

- Put the g*n down.

- Move back.

- Superboy, please.

- Could happen again,

couldn't it?

Another human being

could die because of you.

Or doesn't that matter now

that you've tasted blood?

Let her go.

Nobody needs to get hurt.

Well, in that case,

I suggest you move back.

'Cause if you don't,

something terrible could

happen to this lady.

- Something like this.

- [sobs]

And then that'll be

more blood on your hands.

- OK.

- Superboy


All right. [chuckles]

Are you all right?

How could you

let it go so far?

He was going to

sh**t me and you were

just standing there.

What's the matter

with you?

You scared me.

I'm sorry.

Lana, I need to talk to you.

Of course.

What about?

I don't know

if what I'm doing

is right anymore.

I used to think that

I was meant to help people.

But lately, I don't know.

Are you saying this

because of what happened?

Don't blame yourself

for that.

I k*lled him.

I have to take


But it was an accident.

It won't happen again.

I can't take that chance.

I came here to say goodbye.


[elevator bell dings]

You can't leave.

We need you.

Not when I'm like this,

you don't.

I need you.

So, that's my proposal.

Your organization joins with us

to form a single army.

With that strong of force,

Capitol City will be

brought to its knees.

Then my plan will be flawless.

So, what is this

plan of yours, huh?

It's not an issue.

What I need from you

is loyalty.

Say, what choice have we got?

- Pardon me?

- You heard me.

If we decide

not to join you

what happens to us, huh?

You offend me.

I'm offering you a chance

to be part of something big.

- Take it or leave it.

- No

I have a hard time

believing it's that easy.

There's the door.

[in Spanish]

You stay out of our way.

We stay out of yours.

That seems fair.

It's not good to spit

in fortune's face.


He don't know what

he's missing, man.

He will.

[chickens clucking]

Oh [laughs]

It's good to see you.

How was your bus trip?

It was OK.

I got a chance to

see the scenery,

for a change.

A lot slower than

what you're used to,

I'll bet, hm?

I have something

to tell you.

I k*lled a man.

Yeah, we know, son.

We heard about it

on the news.

It was an accident.

It wasn't your fault.

So it doesn't

make any sense

for you to give up

your powers,

because of something

like that.

I'm not, I'll always

have them, but

I'm not going

to use them.

Ever again?

You have to.

It's your gift.

I'm just not sure.

That's why I came here.

- To think.

- Well, good.

That's what home

is all about.

Let's go inside.

[reporter] This is

the evening news,

I'm Bob Sokoler.

In Capitol City, Florida,

there's been yet

another casualty

in the catastrophic

g*ng wars that have

ravaged that city.

Authorities there

are concerned by

the recent increase

in g*ng related activity,

but can offer no explanation

other than the influx

of new participants

into a city already

wracked with v*olence.

Hey, don't shut it off.

It's about Capitol City.

Dinner's ready.

More bad news about

Capitol City.

Certainly seems to be a lot

going on down there lately,

isn't there?

There's a lot going on

every where.

I can't be responsible

for everything that happens.

That's why you

have the police.

Hey son,

take it easy,

take it easy.

I didn't mean to upset you.

But people do need you.

Every where I go,

somebody needs me.

That's because

you are who you are.

Who am I?

I didn't ask

to be like this.

And I can't

help everybody.

That's why I had to

turn off the news.

I'd turn it on and hear

about some people in Canada

stuck in an avalanche.

Sure, I could fly up

there in a few minutes

and rescue them.

But while I'm doing that,

there are some fire fighters in

the North Sea on an oil rig

who are dying in a fire.

Or a little girl's

falling down a well.

No one expects you

to do it all.

Don't they?

Do you realize what it's like

to have so much going on

around you all the time

and not be able

to stop it all?

To always have to choose.

I don't think

I can do it anymore.

You wanted to see me.

Well, yeah, but

why'd you want to

meet here for?

What was it you wanted?

I've been thinkin',


What a dangerous thing.

- [chuckles]

- About?

More money.

I paid you well

the first time.

Yeah, I know,

I know. But

I've been figuring out

just how much keepin'

my mouth shut is worth.

I mean, what if the police,

what if Superboy found out

what really happened?


It would probably be better

if Superboy didn't find out.