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03x09 - Test of Time

Posted: 06/27/23 10:21
by bunniefuu
[♪ music ♪]

Rocketed from a distant


to a bold new

destiny on earth

found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent

he learned he possessed the

strength of steel

the speed of light

and the desire to help all


He is Superboy.

[♪ music ♪]

This has been a colossal

waste of time .

Nothing like fresh air

and a little exercise.

Even if we didn't see a

whippoorwill or whatever.

Will o' the wisp.

Flickering lights

seen mostly at night.

I know, Lana.

And mostly over marshy ground.

Also known as burning swamp gas.

This wasn't anywhere near a


It was seen by a

reliable witness,

and it was in broad



Did you hear something?


I think it's just your


Nothin' much going on

around here.

So, why'd you come if you

weren't interested?

'Cause I didn't like the idea of

you tromping through

this kind of countryside

by yourself.

And you wanted to protect me?

Well it can get

pretty wild out here.

Clark. It's not that I don't

appreciate the thought.

But I am capable of

taking care of myself.

You know we probably should be

heading back soon.

It's already 2:30.

I'm not giving up.

If we find whatever

this thing is,

we could rack up some major

points, back at the Bureau.

What are you looking at?

Out there on the horizon.

I don't. I don't see

anything, Clark.

I, I I thought I saw

Oh, my, God. This must be it.

It's heading this way, Clark.

Lana, get back.





If you can hear me,

blink your eyes.

Please be OK.

I better get a doctor. Listen.

It happened to everyone.

Except to me.

Can you hear me?

Can anybody hear me?



That's what time it was

when I left Lana.

It hasn't stopped.

It's just been slowed down.

It's all been slowed down.

They're not frozen.

They're just moving in slow


Wait a minute.

If the blades aren't turning

fast enough to hold it up, how

What if it isn't them?

What if it's me?

They haven't slowed down.

I've been sped up.

That's why they can't

see me or hear me.

I'm moving too fast.

And what if I can

never get back.

This has to be the effect of the

will o' wisp.

It has to.

But how?


You're headed for an accident.

[phone rings]


Is anybody here?

[phone ringing]


Is someone there?


What's going on?!

It's moving.

And it's real.

Who's doing this?

Where are you?

[tires screeching]

Nothing seems to affect him.

I wonder why he changed his


I don't know.

Appears we have a lot more to

learn about these beings.


Maybe we should try somewhere



We're running out of time.

In a little while,

we're going to be

I said no.

This place is perfect.

The yellow sun, the mixture of

ultraviolet and infrared,

Look. We'll all being

rejuvenated here.

We'll all be k*lled.

You're afraid of him aren't you?

I'm being careful, that's all.

But what about you?

What do you mean?

You and him.

It's personal now isn't it?

Dear Lord, it's happened

to you too.

- Who are you?

- My name's John.

It's so good to see

another human being.

Especially one

that's moving around.

Yes it is.

Any idea how this happened?

I don't know, but I think

someone sped me up to

to try to isolate me,

to k*ll me.

k*ll you?

My god, why?

I'm not sure, but

maybe they're after you, too.

Oh me? I didn't do

anything to anybody.

All the same, I'd like to get

you someplace safe.

I think I know just the place.

We were married in here.

We'd come every Sunday.

And the Mill closed and most of

the congregation just left town,

I still come back here now and


Lots of memories?


But none of them with any


There's got to be some way

to get out of here.

Not for me.

Doesn't really matter.

Been a long time since anybody

even noticed I was gone.

How about you?

Anyone special.

Sort of.

And you're concerned about her?

There were a few things I would

have wanted to have told her.

She must be important to you.

Let's just say, the thought of

never seeing her again

is difficult for me to accept.

Whoever's doing this must be

after something. But what?



I think it is quite obvious.

What are you doing?

I'm k*lling you.


What are you?

A robot.

Who sent you?

Why are they trying to k*ll me?

You have been quite lucky.

But the tests to come,

will not be so easy.

Tests? What kind of tests?

You will never beat us.

You will never beat us.

No one can. No one can.

None of you. None of you.

None of you. None of you.

None of us?

That was pointless.

No it wasn't.

I know exactly what to do with

him now.

But we can't stay in the

acceleration mode much longer.

Just a little more time.

That's all I need.

If we don't make it back home,

they won't go ahead

with the colonization.


Enjoy the light.

Help. Somebody help me.






Let her go.

We've come a long way for this.

The heat. The light. Our planet

has almost none anymore.

But this one does.

And now it's ours.

You were the cause of this?

Who are you?

We're your new masters.

I wouldn't count on that.

I would.

We've got her, remember?

I said, let her go. She's ours.


Unless, what?

Unless you surrender to us.


Give up, or we'll leave with


Go ahead.


You'll never see her again.

That's just something I'll have

to live with.

But I don't ever give up.

None of us do.

See how much stronger they've

gotten since the last time.

You're lying.

We've seen you try

to protect others.

But never to the point of


For us that's the ultimate


Please. Don't leave me.

Nearly out of time.

We've got to get out of the

acceleration mode.

- Why did you let her go?

- It's over. Our time's up.

How, how could you do this to


They were testing me, looking

for weaknesses,

I'm sorry.

Yeah. I, I I figured that

out, too.

I think they still have Clark.

I know you have a weakness.

We'll be back for more tests


Let's go while they've given us

the chance.

No you won't.

You wanted to test a typical

human being

to see if you could

win a w*r with us.

But you couldn't find any


because there aren't any.

We're all like me.

Some are even stronger.

You're lucky you didn't take



Better we shouldn't go back, not

like this.

You k*lled us.

They thought you were typical


How did you figure it out?

The robot didn't recognize me.

He kept saying "None of you" as

if I were typical.




Hey, are you OK?

I just looked away for a second.

It was like you came out of


What about Superboy?

Superboy? All I saw was you.

That's funny.

Lana, where've you been? I've

been looking all over for you.

Me, well where were you?

You're not going to believe what

just happened.

I saw another one of those

will o' the wisps.

And I went after it.

Then I got lost.

Say, listen. Can I give you

folks a lift somewhere or

Yeah. Um, we got to get back to

the Bureau


My protector.

Lana. I can't be everywhere at


No, I suppose you can't.

[man] So, uh, what's this Bureau


[♪ music ♪]