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03x08 - Carnival

Posted: 06/27/23 10:20
by bunniefuu
[♪ music ♪]

Rocketed from a distant


to a bold new on earth

found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent

he learned he possessed the

strength of steel

the speed of light

and the desire to help

all mankind

He is Superboy.

[thunder and lightning]

Daddy, can we play the game?

I want a teddy bear.

I want to see the funhouse.

Told you this would happen,

Oh, give them the money.

What are we gonna do about

getting the car fixed.

Dave, we hardly ever go out.

Daddy, I want some ice cream.

[all] Yeah.

[all] All right.

[child 1] Can we play the

games, Mommy?

[child 2] I want some ice cream.

[child 1] Hurry.

[child 1] You're gonna get lost.

[child 2] No, I'm not.

Where'd everybody go?



- Hey.

- [man] Yes.

How'd you do that?

I can do anything.

And I know everything.

even about the wallet.

The wallet?

You couldn't resist that,

could you?

Was the temptation too great?

Itit was like I was

supposed to take it.

But if you want the money

No, no, no, no, no.

You keep that.

That's a small price to pay for

what I'm going to get from you.

What are you going to get?

What am I going to get?

Your eternal soul.


Port Arthur, Texas two years

ago. Four people missing.

Plainview, Illinois.

Four years ago six people


Texarkana, Arkansas

Lana, what are you trying

to prove?

It's simple. Wherever the

carnival goes,

people end up missing.

Yeah, but do you have anything

tying it to the carnival?

Well, no. I

Lana, I bet people disappear

every time the Grateful Dead

do a concert.

I checked all the way back to

the Lynchburg Gazette.

A hundred and eight years ago.

Come on, Devill can't be

that old.

Only Jerry Garcia is that old.

Same name

three people missing.

But these little carnivals,

they've been around forever.

And Devill?

The name's practically a cliché.

Well what can it hurt just

to check it out.

It can hurt plenty.

I've had a full day.

I need my rest.

Fine. Rest then.


Oh, worried. Maybe I'm not

so crazy after all, huh?.

No, no, you're crazy as ever.

I was just thinking that

maybe you'd have a better time

if you didn't have

to go there alone.

It's OK, Clark is going too.

And when he gets here, will

you tell him to meet me there?

If he ever gets here.

Have you ever wondered why

he's always late?

I just think he tries to put

too much into his schedule.

[police siren]


Are you all right?

So you got me. So what?

So you're going to jail.

Jail? That's a joke.

I've been in and out of jail

since I was a kid.

I know more about the system

than most judges do.

Well, this time's gonna be


Says who?

I'm nuts man. I'm crazy.

Ask her.

She wasn't the first. And she

won't be the last.

I'll get a little more time

with the shrinks.

But they're dumber

than the police.

You can't do anything can you

but stand there and look stupid?

Let me tell you something

man to man.

She was asking for it.

Let me tell you something else.

She was loving it.



Thanks. You make it look easy.

Yeah, easy.

I'll see you again, superhero.

[Lana] Mr. Devill?

I just wanted to tell you how

much I'm enjoying the carnival.

Really. Oh, it's only a

modest little show.

But thank you anyway,

I think it's great.

How long have you had it.

Just a few years.

Seems as though I've been

travelling forever.

You must meet a lot of

interesting people.

That's exactly why I bought it.

To find out about human nature.

To see what people really want.

And what do they want?

Oh, the usual. Money,

love, power, fame.

But some people are curious.

They want to bite the apple.

The apple?

Remember when the serpent

tempted Eve.

She gave in.

Uh huh. Many people think that's

when paradise was lost.

But I think

a whole new world opened up.

And it's all in here.

It's all in here. All the

mysteries, all the secrets.

It's right in here.

But you have to be willing to

look for yourself.

I can't force you. It has

to come from within.

Come look.

Maybe later.


Excuse me, have you seen a

redhead about five foot seven?

Won't I do?

[woman laughs]

Hit him.

Hit him.

Punch him.

Hey, stop. You guys

shouldn't fight.

Now hit him back.

Hit him.

[bell dings]


It happened again.

What did?

Somebody's missing.

Everywhere this carnival goes,

people just


Well, what did the police say?

They told that woman that she

had to wait 24 hours

before she could even file a

missing persons report on her

24 hours?

[crowd noise]

[♪ music ♪]

[man] Hey, four eyes.

Think you can dunk me?

Not now.

Free shot for a buck.

No, thanks.

You probably throw like a girl.

I don't but I have other

things to do right now.

Like what?

Going to buy some cotton candy.

Perfect food for you.

Soft and pink.

Give it a shot.

Come on. Chop me up.

No. You're just doing your job.

Looking for someone?

I guess that's pretty obvious.

I would have known anyway.

I know everything.

Nobody knows everything.

I do.

Then maybe you can tell me

who I'm looking for

and where he is.

That is trivial.

Not to his family.

I have more important things

to tell you about.

- What could be more important



I can tell you many things

about yourself.

I already know about myself.

Do you?

Do you know where you're

from? Why you're here?

You can tell me that?

If you come inside.

And let me see your palm.

I, I don't think so.

Well, you're very strong

aren't you?

And you've hidden it for a

long time.


What's in there?

Don't they look familiar?

They're liars, thieves,


People who couldn't

avoid temptation.

People like you.

These are their souls.

The people who disappeared.

All safe and sound. Right

in here.

This is my collection. My

My source of power.

Who are you?

Oh, I think you know the

answer to that by now.

Don't be afraid. It's not your

soul I'm after.

It's your friend's.

You want to know who you are?

The answer is right inside.

[Lana] Help me!

[♪ music ♪]



[muffled voice]

See, I was right.

I told you I'd bust out

and I did.


And I said there'd be another

one. And now there is.

Should have k*lled me when

you had the chance.

There are plenty chances left.

Now you're talking.

[Lana screams]

She gonna live?

How about one or two more

minutes with her?

Is this is? Are you gonna finish


You deserve it.

You're right. There's only

one way to stop me.

Go on. Do it. k*ll me.

There's no cop to stop you

this time.

It wasn't the cops that

stopped me.

You gotta do it.

Do it.

It's not my style.

You knew, didn't you?

You knew.

It doesn't matter.

You almost k*lled.


Stop him.


[Lana] Superboy.

Lana, you all right?

You beat him.

He wanted to take your soul, but

he, he couldn't tempt you.

I got lucky.

No, no, no, no, no. It wasn't


Think of all those people

that gave in.

You should give yourself

more credit.

You should be proud.

Well, I never thought of

Say it.

Say you're proud for once.

You really want me to say

that, don't you?

You got to take pride.

But pride's a sin.

Isn't it?

You're smart.

But one day, I'll be

back for you.


Not if I can help it.


[♪ music ♪]