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03x04 - Neila

Posted: 06/27/23 10:17
by bunniefuu

from a distant planet,

to a bold new destiny

on Earth,

found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent,

he learned he possessed

the strength of steel,

the speed of light

and the desire

to help all mankind.

He is Superboy!

[music playing]

I need some help.

I'm looking for someone.

You need some help.

Sure, why don't you step

into my office?

It's right over there.

I don't see any

Where do you keep the money?

Or am I gonna have to

look for it myself?

How dare you speak to me

that way?

This is how I dare.

What's that?

Some sort of threat?

No, it's not a threat.

- No threat at all!

- [slashing]


Now you ought

to leave me alone.

But it's too late.

You don't know who

you're dealing with.

Lady, please.



You know something?

You haven't answered

my question yet.

- Lady!

- Listen to me.

Where is Superboy?

- Superboy?

- I want him now!



I see.

Tossed the guy 30 feet, huh?

Yeah, I would say

that's extra-normal.

You called the right place,


Is that S-l-a-s-h?

Yeah, thank you.

We'll get right on it.


Amazons from hell.

Sounds like

a Russ Meyer movie.


Never mind.

That was just some kid telling

me he saw a beautiful blonde

down on Denker St.

who tossed a guy 30 feet,

then dropped him off

a fire escape.

I've had dates where

I wanted to do that.

Wait till I tell Clark.

He won't believe it.

This woman said she was

looking for someone.

Who, the guy who sold

her the steroids?

No. Superboy.

Superboy? What for?

How should I know?

You don't think that kid

really saw something, do you?

No, just curious.

I'm sure there's nothing

to worry about.

- Can I help you?

- Superboy.

How can I find him?

You don't find him.

He finds you.

- Do you have a problem?

- No, not me.

Well, now you do.

I want Superboy!

Where is Superboy?

Accidents, crimes.

That's where he shows up.

Nice neighborhood.

No one twisted your arm.

No, but I was curious.

Why did you come?

I was worried

about Superboy.


What's there to worry about?

Clark, it's a natural thing

to do when you have

a relationship.

Someday you'll understand.


Excuse me, sir,

we're trying to find someone

that called us this morning.

Said his last name was

excuse me.

Are you all right?

[tires screech]

- [crashing]

- [siren wailing]

[man] Stay back.


Oh, my God! [laughs]

What are you doing?

I'm gonna get through that line.

That's just a bureau badge.

It's not a press pass.

So who's got time to read?

Are you coming?


I want Superboy!

You want me?

Here I am.

Who are you?

I am Neila.

Is that supposed

to mean something to me?

It will.

I'm trying to see

if you're worthy.


Worthy of what?

Of marrying me.

If this is a joke,

it isn't funny.

You could have

k*lled someone.

I don't care about them

and it's no joke.

I'm a warrior,

an aristocrat of my planet.

And it's time for me

to marry.

Then why did you come here?

We're dying.

Without wars to fight,

our warriors grow old

and die before our time.

There are no men left?

There's lots of men,

but they're vendors,


They don't possess

the powers that I have.

They're beneath me.

I've come a long way

for you.

Do they know me

where you come from?

Could I be one of you?

I'd know if you were.

But we are very much alike

in another way.

We're both superhumans

amongst lesser beings.

We have strength. We have powers

they couldn't even imagine.

Maybe, but I'm happy here.


Look at them.

Like little insects.

What do their lives mean?

70 or 80 years

of laboring,

of eating and sleeping

misery and maybe

a little happiness

and then it just ends

for no reason?

They know that,

but they go on.

- And I learned from them.

- You have learned from them.

Things like consideration,

kindness, humility.

Go back home and live among

the ones on your own planet.

Maybe then you'll learn

what the human part

of superhuman means.

- Are you all right?

- Uh-huh.

I better get you

someplace safe.

You care so much about them.

See how fragile they are.

This time I'm gonna make sure

you never come back.

No need.

What does she want?

The same thing everybody

else wants.

Thank you.

You're gonna take all day.


I have one more thing to do.

What happened to you?

You like it?

You look a little ordinary.

Ordinary is apparently

what he likes.

What who likes?

I don't think you need

to know that.

No, lady, that goes

around your neck.

Hey, yo, whoa.

Wait a minute.

You owe me some money.

Maybe we could make a deal.

Maybe. Maybe not.


"And then Superboy forced

the hideous creature

to dematerialize

in a penetrating beam of light."

What do you think?

You do have a flair.

But Superboy didn't have much

to do with it.

And she wasn't hideous.

Men. All a woman has to do

is show some skin and they

think she's beautiful.

Come on, Lana.

What? OK, fine.

She was beautiful.

What's gonna happen

next time?

Next time?

Clark, she had superpowers

just like him.

How am I supposed

to compete with someone

like that?

I mean, this woman could

fly and lift cars.

And I can't even cook.

[telephone rings]

Hello, Bureau.

Are you sure?

Do you know where

she is now?

I'll be right there.



it was an old flame.

I'm sorry.

Washington was exciting,

but all anyone ever talked

about there was politics.

Got so boring

after a while.

Especially if you

want a social life.

That's why I am so excited

about being transferred here.

Well, if you think this place

is gonna improve your

social life,

you're gonna be really

disappointed, believe me.

I know.

I'm sure you do all right.

Maybe I will, too,

if I find the right person.

Let's go. I'm starving.

[chattering over

police radio]

Hey, stay back.

- Officer, what happened?

- Owner got beat up.

A robbery?

That would have been a lot

easier to explain to his wife.

He says a woman beat him up.

Hey, excuse me,

the woman who did this,

was she a blonde

in a strange outfit?

Yeah, but she's

a brunette now.


Got rid of all

that makeup, too.

She took a fox stole

from me.

It must be worth at least

a couple of hundred dollars.


Hey, leave the guy alone.

Come on.

Just another routine day

at the Bureau for

Extra-Normal Matters.


of 'em left before

I can retire.



The woman in the stole.

Where is she?

- She left.

- Is Lana here?

Gone to dinner.

Lana and the new girl,

they went out together.

Did they say where

they were going?

They could be anywhere

in the city.

This was a great idea

coming up here.

The view's incredible.

You're not afraid

of heights, are you?

No, not me.

Twenty-five nightclubs,

a dozen gyms.

You'll find someone.

I wish I could be so sure.

But it's hard to find

the right guy, isn't it?

I demand

I expect a lot.

Maybe too much.

Why should I settle

for someone who has any

less to offer than I do?

You don't, but sometimes

you have to compromise.

Do you?

Well, no.

The guy I'm interested in is

pretty special.

I'm sure he is.

What do you think

he's looking for?

I don't know.

Probably the same thing

as everyone.


putting the other

person ahead of yourself

and willing to make

a sacrifice for them.


You know what I mean.

I think it's something else.

It's your helplessness.

I'm not helpless.

You're helpless compared

to Superboy.

Someone with his powers

could snap you in two

if you got in their way.

You're her.

[customers clamoring]


You still defending

these insects?

And I see you still can't

take no for an answer.

It's your destiny to be

with me.

It's my destiny

to be here.

They matter

to you that much?

Well, then hundreds

will die,

maybe thousands,

unless you come with me.



Homes, schools,

churches, anything I want.

There's no way you

can save them all.

Come with me

and you will have a wife

that is worthy of you.

Come with me and I will

let them all live.

You have to.

Innocent people will die.


I'll make it easy.


She was willing to die?

To save others!

That's what we insects do.

What's it gonna be?


Maybe they do have something

to teach us.

If you're willing to learn.

[music playing]