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05x11 - The Low Low Price Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:41
by bunniefuu
Thanks, Jim.

See you soon.

Tell your mom I hope she feels better soon.

Will do. Thanks, Tabitha.

What are you doing here again?

I'm gonna have to write
you up, Ms. Delavega.

What for this time, Oscar?

Last week, it was what --

a leaky water heater and exposed wires?

Neither were true.

Loose tiles.

Somebody might get hurt.

You've got to be kidding me.

You don't fix these safety violations...

City's gonna shut you down.

Didn't our class vote you
"most likely to succeed"?

Wonder what they'd say if
they could see you now.

Hardison, you've gone too far this time.

Hey, man, we're in Portland.

Got to do as the hippies do.

I have no problem going green, all right?

I put in your t*nk-less water heater

and your low-flow faucet and
all your solar-powered crap.

But composting, dude?

Seriously, it stinks in here.

That, my friend, is the sweet
smell of sustainability.

Now let's see what's next.

Oh, we got some recycling bins.

You got to put those in.

There's a cardboard
crusher -- very effecti--

Since we lost dad,

I've been running things on my own.

I know it's a small store, but he built it.

You know, it reminds me of him.

I just don't know how much
longer I can keep it going.

Value!More opens tomorrow.

There's three already in spitting distance.

All those neighborhoods became
a ghost town within a year.

Mom-and-pop stores closed up,
and the folks just left.

Why do you think the city's in on it?

Because Value!More got
the property re-zoned

without even a public hearing.

We found out too late they had
already bought the building.

That makes it tougher to stop them.

I mean, that ship has sailed.

Well, now stores like mine

are getting hit with trumped-up city fines.

Somebody's definitely
getting their palm greased.

What they're doing is, they're
pushing people around.

They want you to take notice.

Some people are excited about it.

They have no idea what
it's gonna do to our town.

Little towns like ours --

there's something special about them.

Once that's gone,

I just don't think we can get it back.

It's so cute here.

Ms. Cowan, did you know Apple Springs

is home to the nation's
largest garden gnome?

First, yawn.

Second, we are not here
to sight-see, Abigail.

We are here to work.

Yeah, it's Anna.

And, Ms. Cowan,

I just wanted to say what an
honor it is to work with you.

You're the best regional team leader

Value!More has ever had.

What are you thinking about?


I give it two months.

Bakery -- three weeks, tops.

Candy shoppe with an "e."

Oh, grocery.

This is a toughie.

Hanging on for dear life.

Sweet, huh?


Man, she's a beauty, don't you think?

No, I'm not gonna miss this.

Look, you've got the right to know.

I've decided this is going to
be my final business trip.

Oh, my God. You're quitting.


I have been on the road
for Value!More for 15 years -- 15.

I'm tired of the airplane food,

the hotel bedbugs, and the jet lag.

There's a corner office

and a parking space at corporate
with my name on it --

or there soon will be.

And you're gonna help me get it.

I am?

In two weeks, we're gonna have this place

up and running like a well-oiled machine.

Apple Springs won't know what hit it.


So, yeah, I'm casting
the new season -- "Devereaux."

I'm gonna be the new Stanislavsky.

Well, it's amazing,

except that Devereaux's
not even your real name.

Pff! Details.

You're not listening to what I'm saying.

I'm talking about saving a small town.

From what?

What's -- what's going on?

Eliot found us a client,

but Hardison doesn't think it's a client.

It's not a client.


A big-box store is gonna
destroy a small town,

and I want to save it --
Is that not what we do?


It's -- it's a huge brand.

They started with one store,
and they grew like a weed.

It's an American dream.

Each store is ginormous.

I mean, they probably
supply hundreds of jobs.

And thanks to their low prices,

my Nana was able to feed all
us kids when money was tight,

and money was always tight.

So what are you saying about
the people who shop there?

I'm saying they were lied to, all right?

This family-friendly act is all bull--

No, he's -- he's right.

I've had Value!More on
my radar for a while.

What they do is, they
bribe local governments

for tax and real-estate subsidies.

Look, and you're right.

A new store will make new jobs, okay?

But it also kills all
the mom-and-pop shops,

and that hurts the town double.

Not to mention all the factory
jobs that are outsourced to --

to foreign sweatshops.

Now, full-time workers should
get health insurance, right?

Well, to get around that, Value!More --

they don't even offer full-time jobs.

Wait. If they're so bad, why
haven't we hit them yet?

'Cause they're too big.

"Too big."

We overthrew a government
in a foreign country.

A small foreign country.

Look, Value!More, what
they earn in a year --

it trumps the GDP of most
first-world nations.

And they're gonna have
an army of executives.


So there's no single weak spot to target.

I mean, you can't just take
down the entire company.

All right, then one store.

This store.

You'd -- you'd have to...

You'd have to nip it in the bud, though.

I mean, you know, you'd
have to close the store

before it even opened.

And when is it opening?



Okay. Better move fast.

Is anybody thinking here?!

We are selling hot dogs!
So what do we need?!

We need ketchup, mustard, relish!

- Go!
- Oh, sure, Ms. Cowan. Uh, uh --


Hardison, there's a woman
running the show here.

She's not on the roster.

That's because she doesn't
work in Apple Springs.

She was sent by corporate.

Caroline Cowan, regional team leader.

Company veteran.

She moves from store to store
and gets them up and running.

Well, she's the one to look out for.

We'll set up surveillance on her.

Fancy digs.

Oh. Well, that's one thing
Value!More's good at

is pinching pennies.

Okay, guys, there's only
three Value!More stores

that have ever closed in the past.

The first one was over a land dispute.

So that will be our way in.

Oh, they don't wash these, do they?

No, no. Okay.

Yes, Ms. Cowan.

Taking your luggage to your
room right now -- room 32.


You're gonna be playing Dr. Ellie Sattler,

ex-pat, environmental activist.

Hmm? What?

I have to -- what?

Are you serious?

Mm-hmm. No.

People study for like years
to learn this stuff,

and you want me to do
it in like 20 minutes?


...Glomerul-- aliq...wot.


It's probably not even a real --

it's, like, names of
dinosaurs or something.

Dinosaurs were real.

There. Now you finally got it.



It means "shareholder."

I'm practicing my mandarin.

Someday, Value!More's gonna
reach across the globe,

and when they do, I'm their gal.

No more of this podunk, U.S.A.

I'll be running China.

That's really exciting.

But who is that?

Hi, there.

Excuse me, miss,

what do you reckon you're doing here?

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

Well, you see, I was
just coming to see you.

About what?

Uh, because you and I and
everybody in that store...

Are slowly being poisoned to death.

Not good.

Just as I suspected.

Yep. Right.

You're gonna need one of these,

and you're gonna need one of --

Do you know what cadmium is?

No, I didn't think so.

It's a chemical byproduct of silver mining.

It's devastatingly toxic.

This building sits on the
remains of an old mine.

The site's contaminated.


We had a full environmental survey done.

Why, yes, you did,

but then you fixed up the parking lot

and you disturbed all that lovely soil.

No, no, no, no, no.

You're gonna have to shut down the store.


We're scheduled to open tomorrow.

Do you have a fever, Ms. Cowan?

A stuffy nose? A rash?

The loss of taste?

We call it the cadmium blues.

Pretty soon -- mm-hmm --

everyone around here is gonna
be having those symptoms.

You know what this reminds me of?

The love canal disaster.

The E.P.A.'s gonna be all over this.

Doc, I'd like you off my property.

Well, you may not care about public safety,

but the city council will.

Ugh! Come on.


The whole store is poisoned.

What are we gonna do?

First, take off that stupid mask.

If the E.P.A. hears about this,

they're gonna shut us down for
weeks of testing -- weeks.

But the results could come back clean.

Even if they do, do you
think a single soccer mom

is gonna step foot in here

when she hears the gossip
from her bridge club

about men in biohazard suits?

No, this is about public perception.

Get me corporate on the phone.

Yes, ma'am.

Next on the agenda

is a presentation by Dr. Eleanor Sattler.

But first, a special guest --

Ms. Caroline Cowan from our
newest neighbor, Value!More.

Um... Cowan: Excuse me.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor,

council members, fine citizens.

I am here tonight to thank you
for welcoming our little store

into your town and into your hearts.

Nate, what's she doing?

Stand by, Sophie.

Your town cherishes
strong community values,

just like Value!More does.

And we consider ourselves
a family for a reason.

Because when it's time
to circle the wagons,

families protect each other.

That is why I feel it is my responsibility

to tell you something very disturbing

that I discovered about your town.

Uh, Nate, something's wrong.

There's one. And there's another one.

That's -- thank -- thank you.

That's very, very super-helpful, babe.

Thank you. Yeah.

Guys, Sophie's aliases
have been flagged online.

By who?

Everyone. Look -- there's three more.

That's -- uh, thank you, babe.

We -- we see. We...

Mr. mayor, did you know

you have a wanted eco-t*rror1st
living in your midst?

That's terrible. Impossible.

Among Dr. Sattler's long
litany of radical protests

are the arson fire of a Nigerian oil field

and the bombing of a Japanese S.U.V.

in which three innocent men were k*lled.


Yes, I know.

Shocking, isn't it?

Nate, I think I've overstayed my welcome.

Hardison, a little help, please.

I'm working on it.


Acts of v*olence, sabotage,

all in the name of saving the earth.

My friends,

can we really trust anything
she has to say here tonight?

Woman: What's that?

That's the fire alarm.

How's that?


Ugh! Great.

You know, I spent all day
memorizing metall-othi-o-nein,


Guys, Sophie's alias was airtight

until Value!More forged a dozen
online articles to destroy it.

- Hey, that's our trick.
- I know.

How far is she gonna go
to protect her store?

Well, we'll find out.

You remember I said Value!More
closed three of its stores?

The second one was because
of a union scare.

Oh. It'd set a legal precedent.

They'd have to unionize all the stores.

Caroline would, uh, shut down her store

rather than the risk the entire company.

Can I get a "good morning, Value!More"?

Good morning, Value!More!

And who's Value!More?

We're Value!More!

And what's Value!More?

The best!

This reminds me of north Korea.

Come on, Eliot, shake it.

Give me some soul!

Are you dancing? I hate you.

Welcome to Value!More.

You got to be kidding me.

First paycheck, huh?

They think we can live off of this?

It seems most folks are working here

just till they can find something better.

Tell you what -- there's a meeting tonight.

This guy says he can change things.

You in?

I'd sure like to hear what he has to say.

All right, good deal. Okay.

You all right?

Yeah. These didn't used to be so heavy.

You wouldn't think it,

but I actually used to
own a hardware store.

You're kidding me.

Yeah. You and my old man.

Really? Yeah.

I'll tell you -- he could
tell you where everything was

before you even walked in the

store -- he'd tell you
exactly what you needed,

and he knew where every bolt, nut,
and washer was in that place.

Why'd you lose your store?

Oh, I shut her down.

No use trying to compete with Value!More.

It's -- it's a young man's game.

With the diabetes,

I'm not as quick on my
feet as I used to be.

You new in town?

I could have sworn I knew
everyone around here.

I'm just passing through, actually.

Oh. Archer.


Martin. Martin.

Nice to meet you. Good to meet you, man.

Let me help you with these.

What do you got?

Oh, got to keep my blood sugar up.

My wife's secret recipe.

You want some?

No, thanks, but you enjoy.

Hey, Martin, those 12-packs
of fabric softener

are just flying off the shelves.

Look, can you grab some more
from the stock room A.S.A.P.?

I-I would, but I'm on my break.

It's a busy day, big guy.

Could really use you to
take one for the team.

Sorry. Keep your seat, Martin.

I got it. I'll take care of this one.

Hey, uh, let's keep this
off the clock, okay?

And tuck your shirt in.

I don't understand.

Pickup game -- that's
code for union meeting.

We got a traitor inside.

We got to nip this in
the bud, "toot sweet."

Okay, Eliot, I caught some new
wireless feeds from the store.

Looks like they're putting
up surveillance cameras.

I will not have corporate thinking

I let some union fester under my nose.

So we are gonna have to find
whoever did this ourselves.


- You want me to bring him up here?
- Hello?

Never k*ll a rat if you
can follow him instead.

He's gonna lead us right to his nest.


How's it going --

uh, the recruitment and everything?

Any new takers?

We got more than a few.

That's good. Good, good, good. Yeah.

Is anyone onto you?

I don't think so.

But I have a feeling if I get caught,

I'm gonna get fired, won't I?

Legally, they can't do that.

They'll find some other way, you know,

to do that sort of thing.

But, uh, hang in there,

because we are about to make history.

You got a lot of nerve.

Yeah, well, my, uh, mother --

she used to say the same thing.

Well, I'm only gonna say this to you once.

Stay away from my employees.

Oh, fat chance.

It's not going to work.

Yes, it will work, yeah.
And the beauty of it is,

is there's not a damn thing
you can do about it.

Like some salad?

Hey, man, that, uh, stuff about your pop

owning the hardware shop, man --

is that real or is that just an alias riff?


It was more like a hole-in-the-wall... stacked up to the ceiling.

There was method in his madness, though.

He knew that place like
the back of his hand.

Did you two work it together?

Yeah, he wanted me to run the damn joint.

But I wanted to get out, change the world,

needed to get out of there.

I joined the service when I was
18, and, well, that was it.

When was the last time you were back?

We had a fight the night before I left.

So...this town --

this town's a lot like that.

It's small. It's --

You think you're such a hot shot.

Don't you have anything better
to do than rabble-rouse,

or did you get rejected
from all the real jobs?

You NLRB rep is
just waiting for my call.

As soon as I get 30% of your
workers to sign the union cards,

and that rep is gonna get on

a plane and come down here
and supervise a vote.

When pigs fly.

Sure you don't want some of this?

It's delicious. How about a cherry tomato?

Get off my damn property.

If I remember right, don't you allow --
Oh, no.

Don't you encourage Value!More customers

to park their R.V.s on your property?

Yeah, but you got to be a customer,

and to be a customer, you
got to buy something.

Guy's got to eat.

You see, that's -- that's
why collective bargaining

gives you the power.

It's right there, see?

Turn the tables on Value!More

so they'll know that you mean business,

'cause only then will they
start to listen, okay?

Just read about it right there.

Eliot, so, where'd you find these people?

Two words -- free beer.

Why wasn't I invited to this party?

I'm sorry. Is this a private event?

Hey, listen, everybody, there's
no reason to be afraid.

It's okay. It's all right,
everybody, all right?

Ms. Cowan here --

she can't legally punish
you for being here.

Oh, I wouldn't dream of it.

Please, go on. Thank you.

Here's the thing -- I've
been where you are.

And -- and I know what you're thinking.

I know what you're asking --
the whole thing about jobs.

In this economy, just to have a job --

any job is better than no job at all.

And you'll pretty much do anything
to hold on to that job, right?

Including working through your lunches,

working through your shifts,
go off the books. Why?

Because you know if the squeaky
wheel doesn't get oiled,

it gets fired -- you've seen it.

Well, I'm here to remind you
that you deserve better.

You don't have to live in fear anymore.

You don't have to be

the little David going up against
the corporate Goliath --

all alone.

The union is your slingshot...

To bring down the corporate giant.

-And the other thing about all...
-May I say something?

I'm sorry? Excuse me? What?

May I -- may I say something?

Oh, absolutely, yes.

Anybody can say anything.

My friends...

I am wounded that you would
take any of your job concerns

to a stranger instead of
coming directly to me.

Oh, really?

You're "wounded" --?
That surprises you?

I mean, after you fostered
a corporate environment

in which your -- your workers are afraid.

Afraid of what?

We wouldn't hurt a fly.


But he is right about one thing.

These are tough, tough times.

And the only way we are
gonna get through this

is if we stick together.

And a union only wants to tear us apart,

but I will not let anyone or
anything come between us.

Because all the union wants to do

is take money out of your pockets.

But what am I gonna do?

Put money back into your pockets.

30% off everything in the
store for the next month.

- Shameless.
- And...

I'm throwing a barbecue
for everyone in town.

Because -- because, you
guys, we are a family.

Who is Value!More?

We're Value!More!

And what is Value!More?

The best!

- Thank you, Ms. Cowan.
- Thank you.

Hey, thanks, Ms. Cowan.

- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

So, how was that for your 30%?

Bar is closed.

Our track record's not looking so hot now,

thanks to Caroline, huh?

Yeah. She's, uh... unbelievable.


She just used a basic
brainwashing technique,

no panache.

Eh, she's...

Oh, look -- he likes her.

No, I like the player, not the person.

Listen, you said three
stores have closed down --

one for toxic land, the
other for the union.

What was the third?

Just a string of bad luck,

a bunch of little things that added up

to taking down their profits.

But, I mean, it's not like
we can make bad luck.

Can't we?

Let the games begin.

Let's do it.

Well, welcome, early birds.


Hello. Ooh! All right.

Out of my way!


Come on!

Value more!

We take your happiness!

What in the hell is going on?

I have no idea.

All right, all right.


- Hello. Did you find everything you were...
- Yes.

That'll be $999.99.

Wait, wait. I have a coupon.




Hot deal! $99.99!

Excuse me. Where did you get that?

It was in my e-mail.

Fly, my pretties, fly.

- Okay, everybody...
- Oh, keep the change.

Everybody, just stop.

Stop for a second. Just stop.

I swear, this is not the
coupon that I sent.

But the bar code matches the
software, so it's valid,

and that means that we have to honor it.


Go ahead. Come on.

Nice job, Hardison.

Sophie, do your worst.

My pleasure.

Zachary, what's the first
basic rule of improv?

Uh, always say "yes, and" to
keep the scene moving forward.

Good. And the second?

Um, don't block.


Now, everybody, forget all that
and synchronize your watches.

We're saying no and we're blocking.

Let's do this.

You're the best director ever.

Thank you, Zachary.

Nate, flash mob is a go.

Excuse me. Are any of these
detergents hypoallergenic?

Oh, I-I'm sorry.

I don't work here.

Oh, sorry about that.

Excuse me, miss. Can anyone help me?

Great customer service you got here, lady.


Who are all these people?

Hey, you!

Do you work here?

Then get out. Get out!

Great service!

I'm done.

Who are all these people?

The worst!


I'm out of here.


Just lame.

All right, good. See what
else you guys can do.


Hey, tuck in that shirt for me.

Hey, Martin, I need you to pick it up,

unless you want to work during lunch, okay?


Hey, Martin!

Call 911!


You're gonna be okay.

All right, all right.

- Make sure and call his wife, okay?
- Yeah.

Feel better, Martin.

All right, Eliot, stay on plan.

We're not done yet.



Not gonna tuck in your shirt?

You made him work through his
break again, didn't you?

What? The old-timer?

He'll be fine.

We got a problem here, buddy?

Bryan, you're a bully.

You know how much I'd
love to tear your arm off

and feed it to you right now?

But, you see, that would
make me a bully, too.

You see my dilemma?

Bryan, I want you to listen to me,

and I want you to try to understand.

I can't feel my arm. I know.

The only reason why I'm not throwing you

into this soda machine

is because Martin wouldn't
want me to do it.

You see, Martin is a good neighbor.

You? You're not.

You crazy bastard.

You're fired.

Maybe the numbers won't
be as bad as you think.

Here's the day's sales, Ms. Cowan.

Just burn it.

Thank you.

Caroline Cowan.


Mr. Halliward.

Uh, uh, what a surprise.

Ms. Cowan.

Um, today's receipts, sir --

I can explain.

Record sales? Really?

Well, of course.

Sir, the, uh, TVs were my idea.

Uh, I mean, I realize it's
a little unconventional,

but I'm glad you approve.


Well, we'll see you tomorrow, then.

All right.

We broke all records for opening week.


And the C.E.O. is flying in here tomorrow

to come to our barbecue.

Did she -- did she just say that?

Value!More took a hit on the TVs,

but every other department made a k*lling.

Hey, we just -- we didn't
plan on the customers

buying other products
while they were in there.

So, right now, I'm gonna prepare.

Just need a little time.

And no phone calls, nothing. Go, go.


We haven't even made a dent.

I'm beginning to think we
can't destroy this store.

You're right.

We can't...

But Caroline can.

Let's go, man.

This little guy emits a
beep at random intervals.

It's very effective.

It's driven many a college
roommate to insanity.


Probably one of ours.




Okay, okay.

Brush, brush, brush, brush.



Fine. Aah!

Value more

you left without me this morning.

I had to take a taxi.

Well, I needed a head start.

- What?
- Oh, God.




What? What?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Are you feeling all right?

I must have...caught a
little bug or something.

Excuse me, Ms. Cowan,

I, um -- I...


I'm quitting.

W-what? Wait.

Who are you?

I'm Alice White, um...

And I think I'm allergic to something here,

'cause when I'm at home, it's totally fine,

but when I get here, it's...


And everything tastes bad.

And this fever's, like, burning me up.

Do you have a fever, Ms. Cowan?

A stuffy nose? A rash?

The loss of taste?

We call it the cadmium blues.

Pretty soon, everyone around here

is gonna be having those symptoms.

You know, you don't look
so well yourself, lady.


Ms. Cowan, you don't think that --

Don't you dare say it.


No, I do not.


This is Caroline's favorite.

When she drinks it, it'll taste like dust.

Why? What's in it?

Food coloring and dust.

Take this shirt. Take it.

Mr. Halliward is arriving
from the airport right now.


All right, just a little -- little powder.

It's fine. Just a little powder.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Hey, Martin. Good to see you.

Feel better, okay? Thanks.


You look a hell of a lot better
than the last time I saw you.

The doc thinks I'll make it.

I just wanted to thank you.

I heard what you said to Bryan,

and as much as I'd like to see
that boy get what's coming to him,

I am awful sorry you lost your job.

Oh, don't worry about that.

Like I said, I'm just passing through.

No way to run a business, if you ask me.

No, it's not.

You know, I-I wish I still had

that old hardware store kicking around.

You'd be a good man to have handy.

Hey, enjoying the barbecue?

And you found yourself something?

That's -- that's good.

You've reached the mayor's office.

Please leave a message after the beep.

Mr. Mayor, this is my third voicemail,

so I'm beginning to think
that you're avoiding me.

You remember that rather
large donation we made

to your re-election campaign?

Well, you know something
about this piece of property

- that you're not telling me, don't y...
- Caroline.

Hello, Mr. Halliward.

Welcome to Apple Springs.

We are so happy to have you.

It's good to see you again, Caroline.

Wonderful turnout.

Thank you.

Are you okay?

You look a little flushed.

Just, you know, too much sun.

How about a tour?

I'd love to see what you've
done with the place.



Follow me.

So, this is our break room,

which we made a little smaller in this one,

but just save a little money,
and I think it really works.

Are you sure you're feeling
all right, Caroline?

You seem a little off.

No. I-I'm fine.

Life on the road -- that can't be easy.

All right, people, place your bets.

-Don't think we haven't noticed.
-100 bucks gets you in.

The success of this store
is just the cherry on top.

I'm in. Five minutes.

- She'll go seven.
- I say three minutes.

I'm under two.

All right, under two.

You got three, five -- five, seven.


I'm very impressed with this store,

and I'd like you to join us
at corporate headquarters.


Oh, thank you, sir. You won't regret this.

I'll be on a plane first
thing tomorrow morning.

And -- and I'm ready to go.

Not so fast.

You've made an enormous impact
with this store in just a week.

I'd like to see how this new
business strategy of yours

works out in the long run.

What do you mean?

Oh, stick around town a little longer,

maybe six months.


Please don't make me, sir.

I can't.

This store is not safe.

It's poisoned.

Ooh. That was quick.

Oh, yeah! Come to mama!

All right, so, what do you
say, uh, we broadcast?

I say let's do it.

IP camera broadcast

Poison? What poison?

The ground underneath us is toxic.

She tried to warn me,
but I wouldn't listen.

- Who is "she"?
- Oh, gone because of me.

I buried evidence because I
knew you'd want me to. My God!

What kind of company liability
are we talking about here?

Well, what does it matter now?

We both know this company is
rotten from the inside out,

and we know how this works.

We tried to bribe this city

just to get this building
in the first place,

but this time, we really got
what we paid for, didn't we?

And these poor slobs
selling our sweatshop crap

aren't even gonna have health
insurance when they get sick.

And they're gonna get sick.

Caroline, get ahold of yourself.

Don't look at me like that, sir.

If you think I'm gonna
die for this company,

you can think again.


Get me corporate on the phone!

Two weeks later

we'll be in touch.

Sir, we have a damage-control
press conference in 20 minutes.

Cancel it.

This store is a lost cause.

The local shops have reopened.

Everybody that got laid off has a job.

What about the building?

I heard an anonymous donor
put in a bid for it.

He said he's gonna turn it into a theater

for the local high school.

The arts are vastly underfunded
in this country, don't you think?

You sly old dog.

Oh, babe, the candy shop's open. You in?

Sounds good.

All right.

Second one.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How you doing?
- I'm good.

How's he working out?

Oh, you know, he's fitting right in.

So, thank you for everything that you did.

It's starting to feel like
home again around here.

Would you, uh...

Would you like to have dinner...with me?


How's Saturday?

I got to go out of town
for a couple of days.

I would love that.


Outside Oklahoma City, OK
