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02x07 - The Big Rig Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
Excuse me.

I think there's something
wrong with my badge.

I'm Ravi Patel.

Drive long-haul. That's
my truck back there.

Well, well, well.

Look who decided
to show up to work.

#Paige Boss life is hard,

especially when you're
dealing with bad employees.

But you just got to
girl up and do it.

Mr. Stewart, Ms. Stewart,

- I was just telling the...
- You haven't been in here

for two days.

My mother died. I
filed for leave.

We received no request.

You need to exit our property.

No, I need this
job. It's Christmas.

Please, just let me
get back on the road.

Your job was to drive
and you didn't drive.

I was only away at
my mother's funeral.

Okay. Fine.

I'll just get my truck
and be out of your way.

You own nothing.

The rig we let you borrow has
already been given to another guy

who actually read his contract.

Wait! Wait!

To all my Paige Bosses out
there, Merry Christmas.

Stop! Get out of the shot!

I have to do it over now!

I come to this
country a few years ago,

worked odd jobs, trying to
piece together a living.

Then I saw an ad for
Good Stewart Trucking.

No experience needed.

They said I could be my
own boss, own my truck.

So, you signed on?

The first two
weeks, I went 14-hour days.

No days off.

But instead of a paycheck,
I received a bill,

between fuel, maintenance,
and leasing fees.

I owed the company $150.

Why didn't you just walk away?

I didn't think I could.

I signed all these contracts.

So, I upped my hours,
slept in my car.

I took two days off for
my mother's funeral.

And they repossessed my truck.

I've paid $50,000 into
it, and now it's all gone.

That truck was my
family's future.

And they just took it.

That's not right.

Somehow I
didn't get that message.

I thought we were
going on a vacation.

We are.

This job is not gonna take long.

- Parker.
- Hmm?

Christmas while in our hearts year
round is also a finite period of time

where heightened festivity
levels are most appropriate

or so I've been told.

So, if we're going to be
here longer than expected,

then I'm not gonna
waste a single minute.

When I said that
about your Christmas jumper,

it was July, in New Orleans.

Breanna, I
need more snowflakes.

Okay, so, I am gonna
return the snowboard.

- You snowboard?
- No.

It's my daughter's
senior class ski trip.

I thought I'd be
the cool dad and go,

but I just wanted to sprain my
ankle and relax by the fire, really.

Look, we're still going on holiday.
We're just postponing a few days.

- Got it, thanks.
- Well, Good Stewart Trucking

is a piece of work.

I mean, I wish I could say
they were breaking the law,

but this lease operator model has
kind of become industry standard.

Companies are luring in drivers
with promises of no money down,

and big earning potential.

Like this is from Good
Stewart's onboarding manual.

This graph is supposed to show
the uber bucks that can be made

when you lease to own a truck.

But I did my own calculations

and this is what their drivers'
pay actually would look like.

Total lie.

To have more people sign
the predatory contracts.

And they call them contractors
instead of employees.

So, normal labor
laws don't apply.

And if they quit, they are liable
for the full cost of the truck

- and any back fees.
- Yup.

So, I went ahead and told
Nana that me and Parker

were gonna be a little late
for Christmas this year.

She's sending
pie to tide us over.

Not for you, Eliot. Uh-uh.

She said
you're welcome to join.

- The more, the merrier.
- Thank you. But I have plans.

Who's responsible for taking
Ravi's truck, Breanna?

Well, not Nick Stewart. I mean,
that's the company's founder.

Nick's business model,
the driver first idea,

that was the standard
that companies aspire to.

I mean, it's competitive
pay, lovely work environment,

and he had a big
thing for giving back.

They did a toy drive every year.

He really leaned into the
whole Santa vibe, huh?

Truck drivers
are basically Santa,

except they handle the logistical problems
of transnational shipping without elves.

However, last year,
after Nick passed,

his kids, Luke and
Paige, they took over.

So, Luke runs the loading
docks, and Paige has the office.

She makes most of the decisions.

Under her, their turnover
has gone from best to worst.

They're doing this to dozens
of people. It's not just Ravi.

Okay. So, we have a
couple of scrooges

who are bleeding their
father's legacy for profit.

I think I'd like to meet them.

Yeah. You and me both.

Good Stewart is hiring
seasonal employees.

Good. Breanna, you
get us in and Harry...

I'm gonna dig into these
contracts a little bit more,

find a loophole, and
return a snowboard.

No one is returning
any snowboards.

We're just... we're gonna
investigate Good Stewart Trucking.

We're gonna get Ravi his truck back,
and we're all going on holiday.

What kind of pies
is Nana sending?

- All of them, I think.
- I didn't get any of them last year.

- You left early.
- That's not the point.





I thought flannel was
supposed to be comfortable.

I said I was sorry.

And I said I had dibs
on the sweet potato,

that is ironclad, that's sacred.

- Breanna?
- Yeah.

Sorry. There's not a lot of
silk worn by dispatchers.

And that's about as close
as I can get you to Paige.

Do you have a plan?

Make Paige my new best friend,
discover all her secrets,

destroy her from the inside,

and get you to Nana's in
time for carol and nog.

The Sophie
Devereaux special.

Eliot, any sign of Luke?

You're 15 minutes late.

So, I'm docking your pay.

That's bull. Aren't I
entitled to a break?

Don't you have another delivery?

I got him.

Looks like he keeps a few
dogs with him on a leash.

And I've got her.

And that's why I always rally.

Because that is
the #PaigeBossway.

Because when life
throws you lemons,

you just got to pivot

or else those lemons are
gonna squash you in the face.

Paige has quite the
social media setup.

Ooh, she also has an early
Christmas present for Parker.

There's a floor safe.

- Hmm.
- So, I'm on Paige's socials right now.

She's trying to make #PaigeBoss
happen and it is not going well.

She has, like, 36 followers.

I didn't know it was possible for
the algorithm to hate you so much.

And I refuse
to be a squashed lemon.

So, today, I'm gonna
show you... oh, my God.

You are in my eye line.

No, no, no, please.
Don't stop. That was so good.


Who are you? What do you want?

I'm Sam Travers.

I just got hired in dispatch.

Oh, ma'am, you are so inspiring.

What is it, Paige?

Ms. Stewart.

Can you take this dispatcher
to where she belongs?

Well, come on.

There's no dilly-dally
when it comes to dispatch.

Yes, ma'am.

First day, you already
learned your first lesson.

Don't bother the Stewarts.

All right.

Your world is here.

Merry, merry, driver,
go for company?

Mind your yardsticks.

You got overturned doubles
blocking 12th Street to 65.

That's a 10-4, thank you.

From your expression, I can tell you
didn't understand a word of that.

I didn't.

But how about I make us a cup
of coffee and you and I can...

No way, Jose. We start now.

I'm gonna tie myself to your
side until you learn this job.

calling dispatch, over?

Merry, merry, driver?

Getting face time with Paige may be
a little trickier than I thought.

Let me help you with that.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, was that the boss man
you were talking to earlier?

Yeah. Yeah, something new.

Last guy who stood up
to Luke and his thugs

limped out of here
without a job.

I can handle a little yelling.

Right. Well, tell you what,
why don't you take a break.

- Huh?
- Go get yourself a cup of coffee.

I'll load the rest
of this stuff.

We got to have each
other's back around here.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. I'll take it.

Hey. Why is my business
credit cards being declined?

Um, because you used it
for non-business expenses.


Oh, amazing.

Okay. Are you gonna try to tell me that
whatever this is, is business related?

Um, excuse me.

They are beautiful designer
handbags and they are my business.

I am building my brand. This
is the first merchandise.

I need you to take this crate

and store it in the trailer
at the end of the docks.

I need to promo
these immediately.

- You're ridiculous.
- No.

What I am is pursuing my dream.

- Oh, my God.
- I have worked very hard

to make us look good to
YDN Trucking on paper.

You do the same with the docks.

Once we pass inspection, you can
take your half and do whatever.

And I'm free to build
a company more... me.

Hey, end of the docks.

All right. YDN Trucking.
Everybody catch that?

Loud and clear, good buddy.

YDN is a national
trucking company.

They buy smaller companies
just to gut them.

Paige and Luke are cashing in.

And if they do, everyone
here will be out of a job.

And Ravi will never
get his truck back.

YDN Trucking is an
industry behemoth.

They buy up local companies just to
acquire their shipping contracts.

Oh. Woah-ho-ho.

I need more lights.

Again, Parker, we are not
gonna be here for Christmas.

I looked right at it.
I looked right at it.

Okay. The, uh,
somewhat good news

is that Ravi may have a case
for a class-action suit,

which would take about three years if
he could find enough other drivers.

Paige and Luke will be long
gone with YDN's money by then.

That's why I said,
"Somewhat good news."

So, first things first, we
need to spike this sale.

- Breanna?
- Okay. So, trucking companies,

they live and die by
their O, S, and D numbers.

It stands for over,
short, and damage.

So, when a shipment
gets lost or damaged,

the shipper can file a claim
and the company is held liable.

Plus, the shipper's probably gonna
drop them and find another company.

If we can make it seem like
Good Stewart's contracts

are on the verge of canceling,
then YDN will walk away.

Yes. A rep from YDN

is scheduled to do a final
walkthrough for the company tomorrow.

Let's make this company look like
the biggest mess YDN's ever seen.

Well, I've been doing a little snooping
around Good Stewart's financials,

and one thing
stuck out. Breanna?

Those trucks that are leased
are actually paid off in full.

So, the fees that the drivers are paying
are going straight to Paige and Luke.

All right. Well, looking at this,
the company barely makes a profit.

And who wants to bet they
have a second set of books

with their real numbers in it.

And that those books are in that
yummy floor safe in Paige's office.

Well, we got to
get you into that safe.

Now how are we gonna
distract Paige?

Hmm, Breanna's gonna give
Paige a little Christmas bonus.

Listen up, Paige Bosses.

No spoilers, but today is the biggest
meeting of my professional life.

One that sets the stage for a huge
change in this Paige Boss' life.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I have gone viral.

Uh, social media bots, the
gift that keeps on giving.

What are you doing?

Don't move anything.

Everything here has been
double-checked for inspection.

You ready?

This is the fun part.


This is Debbie
Sumner from HWIC Productions.


Head Women in Charge?
The reality show?

Yeah. So, we're
producing a new season.

And I just had an entrepreneur
drop out last minute.

Anyway, someone put your
latest poster in front of me,

and you might be the
person we're looking for.

I totally am.

Great. So, I'm sending a
couple of producers over.

They'll take some initial video.

Do some interviews.

And I'll take a look
at it. Talk soon.

Oh, today? I have a
really big meeting.

What are you doing?

- Nothing.
- But you were talking on your phone.

You were supposed to be
watching the scanner.

When you're in that chair, you
are the driver's eyes and ears.

You get them home safe.

Sorry. Won't happen again.


Paige and Luke might not care,

but Nick had
standards, and so do I.

It's all happening, Paige.

It's all happening.

What are you doing? The YDN
rep will be here any second.

You're gonna have to give
the presentation by yourself.

- I've had something come up.
- Are you kidding?

The data I sent
YDN is foolproof.

I'm thinking start wide,
panning across the dreary office sadness.

All you have to do is walk
them around the dock, okay? Go.

And we land on our st...

No. Where can I
find Paige Stewart?

Hi. I'm Paige.

Of course.

I'm Jamie. And this is Jamie.

And we've heard all the jokes and
we're from Head Woman in Charge.

Yes. I am so inspired
by your show.

It's not a show.
It's a movement.

It's a first stop for every woman
on her way to world domination.

The camera loves
your cheekbones.

Let's see how she does
under the lights, shall we?

Yes, of course. Follow me.

Mr. Stewart, wasn't your
sister supposed to join us?

Oh, she'll be here in a bit.

Are you sure?

I warn you, it's my
job to be very thorough

during these
pre-acquisition inspections.

We've got nothing to hide.

Oh, look.

I've got Good Stewart's
logistics info.

Oh, we don't need that line, or
that, or that one, or this one.


The reality space is
saturated with trucking.

What makes you stand out?

I am not going to be running
a trucking company forever.

My brother and I inherited
Good Stewart from our father.

It was a total mess
when we took over.

Dad apparently cared way more about
his employees than his bottom line.

Why would he do that?

I didn't
know him very well.

My parents split
when we were kids.

Whenever we saw him, he always
wanted to do something lame,

like, deliver toys to orphans.

Or spend quality time together.

Trucking was his thing.

Mine... is handbags.

Well, the world
needs more handbags.

- Confessionals!
- What?

The lifeblood of every
reality show are the deep,

dark confessions of their
stars, the real juicy stuff.

Let's rearrange this setup.



I'm noticing quite a few
damages and missing shipments.

Oh, are you sure?

That was an... an aberration.

I mean, our... Our OSD
numbers are minimal, so.


No. No. That's not.

Oh, I... I can't see anything.

That's the entire point.

Block out the rest of the
world. Only you matter.

And we are rolling.

So, tell me, what
makes you an HWIC?

You don't seem to have
control over your dock, Mr. Stewart.

That lift size is
not regulation!

Hey! You!


Do you even train
your employees?

Sorry. I... I'm gonna clean it
up. I'm gonna clean it up. Okay.

I... I've never even
driven a forklift before.

Can you believe it?
Mr. Stewart was nice enough

to let me hop on while
I'm still in training.

But I'm gonna clean it up.

He's not forklift certified?

I know this looks bad, but my
sister can explain the numbers.

Let's go talk to
your sister now.

Genuine pleather
is the way to go.

That way, you can market it as
vegan leather and it's a 15% markup.

- What was that?
- That was me,

giving you props,
because you're a natural.

I have never experienced
such a horrendous worksite.

You see this? Lost,
damaged, lost.

Just in the past few days,

not to mention, this
place is a death trap.

- Ms. Hauser...
- Your father was a giant

in this industry.

And you two have run this
company into the ground.

I am positive, what
contracts you do have left,

we'll be canceling
after the holiday rush.

YDN is no longer interested.


Think we have all we need.

Don't call us. We'll call you.

- What did you do?
- Me?

Well, you, you bailed
on the inspection.

Well, I guess she wasn't
HWIC material after all.

Well, I guess that sale you
were banking on ain't happening.

Big Jim is not gonna be happy.


So, the books are showing several
regular anonymous shipments,

ingoing and outgoing that don't match
with what's on the original manifest.

- So... they're smuggling something.
- They're smuggling.

If Luke and Paige are
moving illicit goods,

we can just have them
arrested. Bye-bye, right?

If we can find out
what the shipments are.

But dispatch sees everything so
I can work Janice for insight.

You and Eliot are on the docks.

Luke, um, has these two
thugs that he keeps handy.

I'm wondering if they have a role
in this whole smuggling operation.

That's a good question.
Let's find out.

All right. I'm
gonna pan here and here.

We're going high and wide
angles for the opening.

We wanna put cameras in the corners,
get B-roll with the workers,

maybe do interviews, you
know, give it some real heart.

- Yeah.
- What are you doing?

We are filming here, my man.

Tell us, what is the best thing
about working at Good Stewart?

- Hey. Hey.
- What's going on here?

Jamie and Jamie?

There she is. Our star.

Even under these
incredibly unflattering

overhead fluorescent lights,
you shine like a beacon.

I thought I wasn't
HWIC material.

So did we. But then,
we showed the footage

at our holiday party,
you know, the bloopers?

And our boss, capital
L, freaked over it.

- Mm.
- She said and quote,

"Show me a boss that hasn't
stumbled on her way to the top."

We wanna be the witnesses as
you rise up out of the slop

and wipe the crud off your body,

and shine bright like
the gem you really are.

- Paige, you can't be serious.
- Shush. Shush.

I am a gem.

This is how I get
national reach.

- So great. So great. Jamie?
- Yes, Jamie?

What do you say we go up to Paige's office
and let her show us how like the phoenix

she's gonna rise from the ashes?

- Come on.
- Okay.

Now, we're gonna put
cameras in this corner

and this corner,
and that corner.

And then, over
there, and over there.

That's pretty cool, man.
You're gonna be on TV.

That's Paige, not us.

Oh, you're still gonna be on TV.
You got to be careful, though, man.

They dig up all kinds of stuff on
people, even if you're not on camera.

I remember my folks had these neighbors
who did a home renovation show,

they dug up everything on him.

Dug up the fact that he
had dodged his taxes,

dug up the fact he had
unpaid parking tickets,

they even dug up our old
dead dog in the backyard.

Skippy. I played
with Skippy a lot.

They told me he went
off to a farm upstate.

You make your peace with it.

Hey, Big Jim.

Yeah, we got a problem.

He wants to talk to you.

Roger that. Keep
it at a double nickel,

unless you wanna come
home with a bare butt.

Copy that, 10-4.

These drivers have been
doing this job a long time.

They don't need to be
reminded to look out for cops.

Yeah, and
rightfully so. Uh...

Copy that.

You've been doing
this job a lot, too.

You probably seen everything.

I've seen enough.

You ever seen anything real
crazy getting shipped through?

- Like what?
- Well, I've seen the TV shows,

something hidden in
one of them boxes,

something that wasn't
supposed to be there.

I don't know what you mean.

- This is Stewart 25.
- Go for dispatch.

Got that Christmas present
coming in on the docks ASAP.

It's nothing.

Um, I'm gonna take a break,
you just stick to the basics.

Sorry, I can't
hear you on my

Janice hasn't trusted me all
week, now she's leaving me alone.

Something's up.


Sam, you startled me.

Wait. You left
dispatch unattended?

Well, it seemed more important to see you
who were getting secret packages from.

- What's in the box?
- Nothing.

If it were nothing, you
wouldn't be hiding it.

What is it? Is it dr*gs?

- What?
- Is it smuggled goods?

- No.
- I wanna see.

- What...
- Okay. Fine.


It's just toys.


All I was trying to do is keep Nick's
holiday toy drive tradition alive.

I mean, he delivered toys to the
orphanage every year without fail.

Paige discarded it as
an unnecessary expense.

So, I've been secretly
collecting donations.

Nick painted that himself.

You and Nick.

You were close.

The moment I met Nick
felt like I came home.

I mean, we never put
anything down on paper,

but we were happy together.

And the most important thing
to Nick about this place

was the people.

They were his family.

Now, his kids, his blood,
they wanna undo all of that,

right down to ruining Christmas.

Why am I telling you all this?

Hey, listen.

I know this woman,
she lost her husband.

And she works hard to take
care of the people in her life,

like you and Nick.

And when you're taking
care of everybody, you...

Well, it's hard
to let people in.

So, she... she pushed
them away a little.

know what they did?

They kept pushing back?

Hell, yeah.

So, if you wanna keep Christmas
the way Nick would've wanted,

you got to keep pushing.

He may be gone,

but what you loved about
him doesn't have to be.

And Luke and Paige, they
don't get a say in that.

The trick is to decrease
the number of miles

that you give to the driver once
they're close to completing their lease.

That way, you can milk them
for a few more weeks of fees.

Oh, my God. You're so brave.

- I need to talk to my sister.
- Oh, good.

- We can get a nice angle...
- Oh,

- that would be nice. We can get...
- for a double confessional.

No, no! You... out!

- Please get out!
- Oh.

- Hey, hey. Easy, easy, buddy.
- Out now!


You can't turn off my
camera. You ruined my take.

We have a problem.

I just spoke to Big Jim
and he is not happy.

Breanna, Luke just burst in
and switched off the cameras.

No, he
only thinks he did.

Silly rabbit and you didn't think
you had control over those, did you?

I imagine. Since you
messed up the sale to YDN.

Yeah. He's pissed about that,

but Big Jim is also angry
about all the cameras

that are everywhere.

- Did he say Big Jim?
- Yeah. Who is that?

It's Big Jim Montrose,
head of the Dixie Mafia.

He's not somebody
you wanna play with.

Luke doesn't have these mullet
twins on a leash, they got him.

If we wanna sell this place
and get him his money,

we need the exposure.

Until then, we just have to
keep moving his merchandise

and keep in his good graces.

We've got a big shipment
of g*ns sitting on the dock

and you think a bunch
of people with cameras

will keep us in his good graces?

Dixie Mafia has a shipment of
g*ns on this dock right now.

Breanna, check the trailers,
I'll check the docks.

We're coming, too.

We have to shut down the cameras
and move the g*ns off the dock,

- Big Jim's orders.
- No!

It is bad enough that you
got us into bed with Big Jim

because you don't know
how to pick a horse.

You are not taking
this away from me.

Will you forget
about your brand?

If we don't do this, we're dead.

There's nothing here.


I've got novelty
socks with bells.

You got
anything, Breanna?

It's probably gonna
be towards the back.

What do... what is
it supposed to say?

Uh, g*ns are in
here or something?

Check any large
unmarked wooden crates.

Use your crowbar.

There's nothing
in here like that.

Fine. I'll take care of it.

Just like I take
care of everything.

No. You deal with the reality
people, I'll take care of the g*ns.

- Lucas Stewart...
- Stop!

Trust me to do something.


Luke's on the move,

he'll probably lead us
straight to the g*ns.

Now, just what in the hell
do you think you're doing?

These shipments are off limits.

Here you go.

That makes more
sense, doesn't it?

Into the toy truck.

I got this.

Listen to me. The g*ns
are in the toy truck.

Eliot, can you stop him?

I'm a little busy right now.

Uh, guys, I'm locked
in the trailer.

And we're moving.

Breanna's in the toy truck.


This shouldn't be any
different from driving a car.

Guys, Breanna's
locked in the truck with g*ns

headed to the Dixie Mafia.

We're on our way.


There's no real way
to ease into this,

so please bear with me,

Luke and Paige have been running
illegal shipments off the docks,

and Luke has just taken off
with the toy drive truck

with g*ns hidden inside.

They stole the toys
for the orphans?

I knew those slimy brats
were up to something.

Wait. Why are you English?

Stay focused, Janice. Do the
trucks have GPS trackers?

The only GPS we have are
on the handheld devices,

but Luke hasn't been issued one.

I'll check the AVI.

They're smuggling g*ns with toys?

Sophie, where are we going?

There's no way of
tracking him through GPS.

Breanna, can you see anything
at all out of the trailer?

Uh, there's a vent.

- I don't see anything.
- What do you smell?

Smell? Uh, dust, mostly.

No, really smell.

Close your eyes and take the
deepest breath of your life.


- Do it!
- Okay, okay.

Wait, wait, wait. I think I...
uh, I think I smell, uh, ammonia?

Is there a factory nearby
where you might smell ammonia?

Uh, it could be textiles,
it could be fertilizer.

There's a cigar plant on Main.

Eliot, cigar plant, Main Street.

- All right. We're on it.
- Who are you talking to?

I'm sorry, uh, I have friends
tailing Luke trying to stop him

and one of them is locked in
the back of the toy trailer.

Luke Stewart, driving
Good Stewart 7689,

pick up immediately.

Pick up, Luke. I
know you hear me.

Shut it!

All right. Please work.


- It's handbags?
- Yes.

Paige had them take the
handbags down to the toy truck.

Why would she do that unless...

Breanna, look
under the handbags.

Uh, I found the g*ns.

Is that it? Is that it?
We just passed the cigar plant.

Come on, can't this
thing go any faster?

Again, it's a food truck.

Really should've let me install
that engine booster Parker wanted.

- You never listen to me.
- Not now. Not now.

All drivers, I need eyeballs
on a Good Stewart 18

driving in the vicinity of 510.

Inexperienced drivers will look for
gear jamming and a possible black eye.

Come back.

Dispatcher, just saw
your Good Stewart 18

with Christmas presents on the wagon
headed southbound Main just crossed 17th.

- Over.
- That's it.

I'll get my team there, but we
have to slow Luke down somehow.

Listen up, drivers. This is
a matter of life and death.

Luke, I swear to God,
if you don't pick up,

I'm gonna m*rder you myself.

Hey, you two.

Luke is in trouble and
I need you to help him.

Oh, you giving me orders now.

It's not an order,
but if he gets caught,

I'm telling your boss
it was your fault.




Move, you idiots!

Yeah. Dispatch, we slowed down
your Good Stewart on the boulevard.


Now, who are you?

Breanna, we're
pulling up behind you.

Okay. What now?

- Move. Move, I'm going.
- What are you... what... Eliot.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I don't think it's a good
idea. What if you fall?

Well, then you're gonna
have to jump on the truck

and you're gonna have
to save Breanna then.

All right. You got this.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.


- What? Hey!
- Hey, buddy, how are you?

Good to see you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wake up. Wake
up. Stay with me. I got it.

I got it. Jump in the back for me,
okay. Can you jump in the back?

There you go, I
got you. I got you.

All right. Okay. You're all
right. You're all right.

- All right. You with me?
- Who are you?

That's for stealing toys from
orphans. Breanna, are you okay?

I'm great. I'm just ready
to be out of this box.

Yeah. Hey. This is the
Silver b*llet Boys.

Thank you so much for
your help upfront, fellas.

I appreciate you.

Eliot, heads
up, you've got company.

- Hang on back there, Breanna.
- Okay.

- What the...
- What? What happened?

Freeze. Hands up.

What seems to
be the problem, officers?

We got a call someone was trying
to hijack a truck full of toys?

I'm just trying to deliver my
toys in time for Christmas,

there's a sports car trying
to run me off the road.

Please hurry.

Science kit. Score.

Thank you
for your sacrifice.

All right.

All right.

Breanna, I'm
out. What about you?

Almost there.

Well, it must... it must
be a misunderstanding.

Just me and him, we just saw him
falling asleep behind the wheel.

Hey, there's smoke.

You know, fun fact, real
leather is fire resistant,

but pleather...

smokes and burns like crazy.

It was them!

- They work for Big Jim Montrose!
- You shut it!

And he's been making
us run g*ns for months.

My sister has records.

- Hands up on the truck.
- Oh, God.

Come on. Luke. Where are you?

Ms. Stewart, we are
off for the night.


By the way, your brother's just been
arrested and you're about to be as well.

Hey, next time. Don't smuggle g*ns
with your #PaigeBoss handbags,

which are so ugly, by the way.

Also, have a little think about
what kind of deal you wanna make

- for a reduced sentence, yeah?
- No!

Merry Christmas!

Get back here!

I'm a Paige Boss.

Here it comes!

Merry, merry.

Uh, since Paige and
Lucas got arrested,

I went ahead and made you the trustee
of the Good Stewart Trucking Company.

Now, you can run the company
the way it's supposed to be run.

Hire everybody back.


I don't think I
could ever repay you.

Nor I. I have my truck back.

Well, that's all the
repayment we need.

Oh. I'll admit. I...
I do feel a touch bad.

I mean, what would Nick say about
us sending Paige and Luke to prison?

Oh, they sent themselves to prison.
And they worked pretty hard to do it.

Well, come on, Ravi. Let's go
watch the kids open presents.

Hey, I told you we'd finish this
job in time to go on our holidays.

Well, what I'm
gonna do? It's Christmas Eve.

Spend my last few
Christmasy hours on a plane?

- Who does that?
- Actually, an alarming amount of people.

- Flights get sold out.
- Okay. Fine.

I just wanted you to spend
some time with loved ones.

We are.

And besides, Nana knows to
expect us for New Year's Eve.

Yeah, couldn't get rid
of us if you tried.

And I did try.