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02x05 - The Walk in the Woods Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:23
by bunniefuu
Mobility is good.

No pain?

All set to go, my man.

Your shoulder is
coming along nice.

But I wanna see you in group.


There's more to healing
than the physical.

The guys in group,

they've been through
the same stuff as you.

Talking can help.

Plus, we bring great pastries.

Huh. All right, Doc.

Is that the last patient?

I have a chart for you to sign.

And three more messages
from Kurlander.

I got nothing to say.

Doing anything fun this weekend?

- Work.
- That's not fun.

This kind of work requires
balance. What's my first rule?

Physician, heal thyself.

Put that oxygen mask on
yourself first, Mitchell.

Otherwise, you're
just another casualty.

Now, get out of
here. Go have fun.

Doctor's orders.


No, no.

No, no, no.


You never got the
story right, not once.

How are you? You're so
strong. Senor, you do it.

Listen to me.

She wasn't the
General's daughter.

The girl wanted to run away with
you. She was in love with you.

She was not.

Why else would he have his men
chase us like dogs through a swamp?

She was his wife.

Oh. That makes sense.

- To the General's wife.
- Yeah.

Hey, here's to your clinic.

That sounds amazing, man.

And the fighting doesn't
end once you're back home.

That's why I help the guys who need
it to make peace with their past.

It was very kind of Austin Kurlander
to foot the bill, isn't it?

He never struck me as
somebody that generous.

Yeah, well, that's his way of
making peace with the past.

What about you? Make
peace with yours yet?


- You're not getting any younger.
- I know.

- Neither is he.
- I know.

sh*ts for you, senor.


- Salud.
- Gracias.

Listen, I know I owe you one.

This can't be fixed.

You can try.

To the road we've traveled.

To the road ahead.

Dr. Paul
was like a scalpel.

He could look at you and cut right
down to what your problems were,

what you were hiding from.

He believed you had to heal
your past to have a future.

And he dedicated his life
to helping guys like me,

like us,

find the strength and
clarity to do that.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Are you Eliot Spencer?

I recognized your photo
from Dr. Paul's office.

I'm Mitchell Bukner.
We worked together.

Mitchell, it was a very
nice speech you gave.

I didn't know him like you did.

Dr. Paul told me some stories
about you and what you do now.

What can I help
you with, Mitchell?

Help me prove the expl*si*n
wasn't an accident.

Paul was k*lled by
Austin Kurlander.

So we've got a lot on our plate.

I can do this by myself.
I'm not asking...

- You don't have to.
- We know the risks.

That said, what else do we know?

Uh, well, contrary to
the official report,

that is not a gas leak
expl*si*n in the center.

Given the intensity of the burns,
I'd probably bet more of a MIC.

- Mike who?
- Uh, M-I-C,

Metastable Intermolecular Composite,
also known as a nanothermite.

Enter Austin Kurlander.

Austin Kurlander?

As in Austin Kurlander,
Silverguard Austin Kurlander?

As in one of the most highly
decorated veterans of the Iraq w*r.

He was awarded a Silver Star for
leading his unit away from an ambush,

held a pretty strategic
bridge for about a week

until reinforcements arrived.

Paul Orozco.

Paul was the medic in
his unit and, uh...

Um, so, uh, after
discharge, uh, Kurlander,

he worked at a couple of
private security companies,

and then he founded Silverguard,
which, as we all know, is...

- Shady ass...
- the largest

private security companies
in operation today.

I mean, they have contracts
ranging from fighting our wars

to protecting private
American assets.

They've become a
minor wing of the MIC.

Molecular... intermolecular
and stable...

And military-industrial complex.

- Let's get to the bad stuff.
- I am.

Whispers about scandal and
corruption have been ongoing, right?

I mean, Silverguard was implicated in
that friendly fire sh**ting in Kabul.

They've also been rumored
to guard Saudi princes,

but nothing seems
to stick so far.

Well, private military companies are
given tremendous leeway to operate.

They're not government agencies,
so federal regulations don't apply,

and because there's
no oversight,

it's hard to bust them
when they break the law.

I mean, it gets even worse.

He is currently lobbying a new
bill that would allow Silverguard

to do more of our
nation's dirty laundry.

Modern wars leave no room
for a learning curve.

It's time these duties were
carried out by professionals.

I don't often talk about this,

but when my unit was on that
bridge under enemy fire,

two things kept us
alive, my training,

and knowing that my men had each
other's backs and I had theirs.

This bill allows companies like
Silverguard to have America's back.

Let's let professionals
keep the watch

and let all our children grow up

with the umbrella of
freedom that will create.

Still waiting on my umbrella of
freedom and my shower cap of equality.

So Kurlander and Dr. Paul
served in the same unit,

and then Kurlander put up
the money for Paul's clinic.

This Mitchell guy said that he
thought there was some tension.

He said he heard them
arguing on the phone.

Last week a couple of Silverguard
came by and leaned on Paul,

wanted some patient files.

Sounds like Kurlander had a secret
and Paul found out what it was.

Let's go introduce ourselves

and see if we can't peek
behind Silverguard's curtain.

I think the front
door is just as good.

Why don't you go over to Paul's place
and see what you can find there?

I'll go with you.

Nobody should have to go
through a friend's things alone.

When a case
touches us closely,

we care more, and so, we
need to be more careful.

You'll get what you want.
I can promise you that.

Not everything.

I'm here. Breanna?

Present. Parker?

Here. Breanna, how we looking?

Stand by.

I am looking the feeds in the
building security system...

and disabling the facial recognition
software in their lobby...

and jamming those
infrared sensors.

They've got honeycombing in
the airspace above the roof.

All while while microwaving
a bean and cheese burrito.

It should take about 90 seconds.

I stayed with
Paul a while ago.

He always left his keys here.


Looks like somebody's been here.

Looked like a pretty
interesting guy.

When was the last
time you saw him?

Did he have a family?

We were family.


All right.

Ooh, seems like
Dr. Paul was quite prepared.

Yep, prepared
to go after Kurlander.

Ooh, ah. Hot, hot,
hot, hot, hot. Ah.

Okay. Systems are looped,
disabled, and jammed.

Parker, you have about, like, 20
seconds once you land to clear the roof.

The servers are
conveniently one floor down

and the ventilation ducts
give you direct access.


Sophie... I mean, Miriam de
Quadros of Cayman National Bank.

I wasn't able to break into
those emails of Kurlander's.

They're encrypted, but I did manage
to get you a meeting with Kurlander...


Wait? Wait.

Wait? What?

Why wait?

He's coming out.

What about the Saudi delegation?

Call Amir, push that off.

Clear my schedule for
the rest of the week.

I'm heading to the Grove today.

Well, there goes
our plan to distract Kurlander

while Parker helps me hack
the servers in the building.

- What do you want to do now?
- He's getting his phone out.

Uh, okay.
If I cloned his phone,

I could get movements,

and break those encrypted emails,
but, but I'm gonna need to get closer.

Come on, then.

Huh? Oh, uh, okay.

Oh, no. That's not
the right thing.

Oh, okay.

General Frick, good morning.

Yes, sir. I'll see to it myself.

Orpheus Grove will be well-protected,
sir. I won't disappoint you.

General Frick? Orpheus Grove?

Did you say Orpheus Grove?

He's providing
security for... whoa!

What is Orpheus Grove? Parker?

We're about to
lose them. Breanna?

Uh, I'm not gonna make it,
guys. I need more time.


Oh, my God.

Let's go.

That's an order.

Yes, sir.

Uh, Mrs. Quadros?


He didn't even stop.

Are you... uh, are you... have you...
do you... I just hit you with a car.

I'm fine.

I admit I'm a little
out of practice.

But where I come from,
a little grifter learns

how to take a car hit
before she turns 11.

He didn't even hesitate.

Some hero.

Parker. Nice
of you to drop by.

Mr. Kurlander is
not our usual mark.

Eliot, what did Paul find?

Most of it's about a mine that
exploded last year in Venezuela,

k*lled 35 striking workers.

Silverguard was providing
security for the mine.

In these headlines, they
read like they're an accident.

"Employees of the Suarez mining company
protesting unsafe working conditions

staged a peaceful sit-in
that turned tragic

when a structural collapse cut
35 protesters off from rescuers."

I got a couple of
patient files here,

Silverguard contractors
and patients of Dr. Paul's.

Oh, man, these read
like confessions.

It seems that during a therapy session,
these guys kinda opened up about, uh,

planting expl*sives in that
mine on orders from Kurlander.

Paul hears that, he
takes it to Kurlander.

Kurlander gets nervous, sends
his guys to come get these files.

And it goes even worse.

Paul should have known
what was gonna come next.

This ties Kurlander to the
mine and to Paul's m*rder.

No, we've got to get close enough
to this guy to get him to talk.

What is this Orpheus Grove?


My favorite conspiracy theory

of all the secret society
conspiracy theories,

of which there are so many

that I actually theorize a conspiracy
theory behind that conspiracy, too.

- One puzzle at a time, please.
- Right.

Orpheus Grove was founded
after the Civil w*r

on the grounds of a plantation owned
by Confederate General Nathaniel Frick.

Hate it already.

It now belongs to
his great grandson,

General Lionel Frick.

And for the past 140 years

has served as a super-secret
meeting ground/summer retreat

for America's power elite.

Invitation only.

No women allowed, except
for staff, of course. Ugh.

And what do they do out there?

At night, in the woods,

among the trees,

rumors abound of rituals and
ceremonies, and... an uncrackable safe.

A safe for what?

Who can know with those
secretive weirdoes?

Anyway, I propose, in addition
to taking Kurlander down,

we find the safe, rob of its secrets,
then burn the camp to the ground.

Oh, in.

Kurlander was worried
about disappointing Frick,

overseeing all the
security himself.

This is an audition.

He'll be trying to impress.

He'll be
looking out, not in.

We get in, his back
will be exposed.

Uh, getting in is going
to be a little tricky.

Look at this.

- It's cloaked.
- What does that mean?

Meaning there is no
satellite imaging available.

They must be generating some sort
of interference from the ground.

The closest cell tower here
is, like, within 10 miles away

in this little town
called Mills Landing.

I mean, I could get set up there

and try to figure out how to
disable this interference.

We'd be going in blind.

- Without much of a plan.
- Or an invitation.

Into a heavily guarded camp
full of evil rich dudes.

This party is just
begging to be crashed.



Well, Dr. Paul was a doctor.
How come he had all this stuff?

Dr. Paul was a combat medic.

A combat medic is the
same as a soldier.

He's just got medical training.

Paul had a gift for both,
and he saved my life once.

Really? When?

I don't know, we were
doing recon somewhere,

somewhere we probably
shouldn't have been.

Stuff I can't talk to you about.

Somebody tipped them
off. I don't know.

I got hit twice.

Paul carried me
back to the chopper,

kept me alive for 30 minutes
until we got to the base.

You got shot twice?

Oh, I've been shot
more than twice.

Like how many more times?

You lose count.

You lose count. I wouldn't lose
count. I'm not big on pain.

Yeah, well, let me tell
you something, Harry.

I met more than a few
cowards in my lifetime.

They're not the people
you think they are.

They come in loud,
they come in bragging,

they hide behind title,
behind rank, privilege.

And I don't know if
you're a hero, Harry.

But I sure as hell know
you're not a coward.

And I appreciate you
coming here with me.


I thought you'd never come.

Excuse me?

You are Dr. Marjorie Rushmore
of the Shacom Institute?

I'm not.

Of course you aren't.
Why would you be?

I write letter after letter.

Does biological calamity
have to befall us all

before they pay the
slightest bit of attention?

You're referring to, uh,
of course, the frogs.

You're familiar with the plight
of the Mississippi gopher frog?

That's why I'm here.

Uh, Kimberly Michaels.

Uh, I'm a Tulane grad student

and getting my master's
in environmental science.

Oh, no.

You're an angel.

Maureen Chesterton Mills.

I'm the local historian

and the sole survivor of
this town's founding family.

And the only one, it would seem,

who sees the, the extinction
of the Rana sevosa

as the greatest threat
to our national security.

You are not alone.

I'm here to help.

May I use your Wi-Fi?

Oh, uh, yes, uh,
if you know how.

And then, perhaps, you might
help me run off some flyers?

What's a flyer?

- Sophie?
- I can still hear you, Breanna.

Well, not
for much longer,

but once you pass the gate,

the comms will still work for
everyone inside the perimeter,

but I'll be out of reach until
I can get that cloak down.

We'll do our best till then.

Also, a clone is not gonna
work for these cloaking devices.

But if I can get
Kurlander's phone,

I'm betting his encrypted
emails will shed some light

on whatever happened in
that Venezuelan mine.

I'll manage. Good luck.


Where are you from?

San Bartolo,
outside of Mexico City.

the ruins of Chichen Itza?


Itza is in the Yucatan.

You mean Teotihuacan.

Gracias, senor.

Breanna, can you hear me?

Sophie? Sophie?

Lost her.

Parker, are you there?

Comms still work
inside the perimeter. I'm here.

And also here.


Let's go have a look
around, shall we?

My God.

Look at this. It's like a who's who of
the country's worst people, in caftans.

Odd fashion choice.

Yeah, it's like a renfaire
for men's rights activists.

Got sleazy hedge fund guy chatting
it up with Mr. Private Prisons.

One Chief Justice
and two ministers.

Hmm, there's a secretary of...
Is it me, or are these guys all drunk?

They do seem fairly inebriated.


And also to be urinating
wherever they please.


This isn't quite the cabal
of evil I was expecting.

The day is young.

Let's find Kurlander.

Breanna said she can work
wonders with his physical phone.

Care to make a wager?

First to lift Kurlander's
phone gets what?

Winner picks the
restaurant, loser pays.


It was worse than
you can imagine.

Two things kept us alive,

my training and a voice
in my head saying,

"Forget your wounds.

These men have your back,
so you have theirs."

The edge of death is where
a man feels most alive.

Wouldn't you say, General?

I'm not as fond of talking about my
time in combat as you are, Austin.

Um, they asked.

Actually, I was just asking when
you were gonna blow the ram's horn?

Shortly, Senator.

- Ooh!
- Oh. Oh.

Oh, look at
that, I, I just dropped everything.

I didn't hurt you, did I?

Ma'am, four-star generals
don't bruise very easily.

Are, are you all right?

Pick those up and
be more careful.

This is Orpheus Grove,

staff are hired to be
efficient and invisible.

I'll fetch fresh
linens right away.

But please, sir, I
cannot lose this job.

I don't know what I'd do.

First, little
Roscoe and now this.

Austin, sometimes there's more honor in
showing humanity than talking about it.

And you are not gonna
lose this job, I promise.

Are you acquainted with
the gentleman in charge?

Madam, I am the
gentleman in charge.


Orpheans, as many of you know,

my great-great grandfather
founded this society

140 years ago

to provide a haven for men
of industry to come together,

to set aside the business
of everyday life,

away from prying eyes,

and to indulge in the rhythms of
nature and the fellowship of men.

Gentlemen, I welcome
you back to the Grove.

This is the weirdest
thing I've ever seen.

Per tradition, to promote
the fraternity among members

and to eliminate distraction,

all phones, tablets,
and computers

will be placed
under lock and key

inside the big tree for the
duration of your time here.

Please pass them forward now.

My safe in the tree?!

Our little wager just got
a little more complicated.

Everything just got
more complicated.

Hola, amigo.

Son of a bitch, I
thought you were dead.

It's Paul. Dr. not dead Paul.

Ooh, that is a twist.

- How?
- Um, expl*sives at the center,

we wired them to blow up
after the building was empty.

Kurlander is not who
who you think he is.

I know about the mine.

It's not just the mine.

It's all built on a lie.

That mission on the bridge,

it got hot.

Kurlander froze and
four guys got k*lled.

After, he gave me a choice.

Write it up the way it went
down, or tell another story.

And if we told another story...

He would take care of you.

And you did it?

Did you... did you do it?

He got a Silver Star.

And I got the clinic.

And you couldn't tell me.

I hooked up with those guys
after everything we went through.

Things got dark.

I just followed the
wound in front of me.

When he offered to
pay for the clinic,

I thought the ends
justified the means.

I could help a lot of guys.

But he just got more
and more powerful,

hurting more and more people.

- Time to take him out.
- No, no. Why, why didn't you tell me?


You wouldn't have lied.

Stolen valor?

I was ashamed that I did.

I'm sorry, Eliot.

Come here.


Hi. I'm Harry. I'm with him.

Glad you're not dead.
What do we do now?

We get Kurlander.

Not like that.

- Sophie?
- I'm here.

Okay. Kurlander needs
to be discredited.

The General reprimanded
him for lacking honor.

If we can get him to
confess to stolen valor

in front of a specific audience,

then he stands to lose both
his benefactor and his army.

- Any ideas?
- I'm still working on it.

Eliot, I'll prime Kurlander.

You take out as many of
his guards as you can.

And Parker, three men
are wearing three keys

that open three locks to
a heavily guarded safe.

I could kiss you.

Breanna, do we have you yet?

Uh, just joined.

Okay. So, the cloak is lifted

and I have signals
and images on you all.

Bet you guys didn't know
that you are standing

on the only remaining
spawning ground

of the endangered
Mississippi gopher frog.

And their immune system

may hold the secret for
eliminating bacterial infections.

I mean, I am
learning a lot here.

Kimberly Michaels, you really
are an answered prayer.

Where did you get all of
these volunteers from?

The internet.

I, I posted your flyers where
more people could see them.


Ms. Mills, there's a local
news reporter asking for you,

and we're ready to start testing
those water and soil samples.

Oh, excellent.

Perhaps we can finally identify
what's raising the PH levels.

Oh. The spawning
season is crucial!

Can I have this?

Alpha team,

be on the lookout for foreign
objects on the trail. Over.

Whoo, that was cool!

If you guys need any help with
the next ones, let me know.

I'm ready to go.

I thought you didn't like pain.

You can tie that guy up.

Find your celebrity to
front it, and start a SPAC.

With the opt outs and warrants,
big upside, zero risk.

If you're first
in, your first out.


We held that bridge for a week.

A week.

Braddock, grab me
another walkie.

What's happening out there?

Quiet. Not a word.

Double the perimeter
patrols anyway.

It's good optics for the guests
to see us looking vigilant.

Yes, sir.

Do not
tell me this is your idea of clean.

This is Orpheus Grove.

I'm sorry, missus.

Staff here are hired to be
efficient and invisible.

These are the most powerful men.

You have to show them
the respect they deserve.

Oh, Mr. Kurlander,

I'm so sorry you
had to hear that.

As you can see, I took
your words to heart.

Excellent. I like that.

I couldn't help
overhearing earlier.

You were talking of
your heroic exploits.

I so admire your courage.

Thank you.

I don't often speak
about my role in the w*r.

Reliving it must
be so harrowing.

It is. Hmm.

I was about to do
a perimeter check.

- Care to join me?
- Well, I'd be honored.

We were pinned down
on that bridge.

It was the hottest day of the year
and my men were under heavy fire.

team, we've lost Alpha.

Keep on the lookout for
anything suspicious.

Nice move.

Thank you.

You call that pressure?

Is that the best you can do?

All right. Where's Harry?

Where's my ghillie suit?


I said to myself,
forget your wounds.

These men have your
back, so you have theirs.

- Now, two things were...
- Sir,

we're not getting Alpha or
Bravo teams on the radio.

Something's up.

- I saw her in the building.
- Enact red level protocols.

Yes, sir.

Join me.

I think you'll find
this quite fascinating.

Give us a 10.

- Wow.
- Mm, for a rural camp,

our security system is
quite sophisticated.

You see, I pride myself
on attention to detail.

It's the cornerstone
of my success.

I don't miss much.


who the hell are you?

You were outside my office,
and now you're here.

Who are you?

"Attention to detail
is the cornerstone of my success."

No wonder your
house is crumbling.

Special agent Nina Velasquez

of SEBIN, Bolivarian
Security Service,

here on behalf of
Suarez Mining, Inc.

My employers are concerned.

That's handled.

The two contractors have been redeployed
and the doctor has been dealt with.


You dealt with the doctor
and you summoned a demon.

The doctor was friends
with Eliot Spencer.

I can see by the blood
draining from your face

that you are familiar
with Mr. Spencer.

Your Alpha and Bravo teams
are MIA because he's here now,

an avenging angel of death

unleashed by your carelessness.

The man shows no mercy.

He feels no pain.

He never tires. He...

Sir, we found this man
in the woods unarmed.

He won't talk, but we still
can't reach Alpha or Bravo teams.

It's like they disappeared.

So, the infamous Eliot Spencer.

Excuse me, sir. Sir?

May I direct your
attention to the plaque?

There's no urinating
near the big tree...



You have to turn
all three at once.

Hey, fella, wanna
lend me a hand?

Eliot Spencer, I tried
to hire you, twice.

You never responded.

I understand you and
Paul Orozco were close.

k*lling him hurt,
as you can imagine.

I say "imagine" because
I hear you feel no pain.

He's toying with you.

Why do you think
he gave himself up?

He already broke into your safe.

And why would he do that?

To get the phones of the most powerful
men in the country to discredit you.

You're the security.

Is she right?

I'll tell
you something, Kurlander.

I've known a lot of
cowards in my time.

They aren't always who
you think they are.

Mostly they come loud
and they come bragging,

hiding behind title,
rank, and privilege.

I don't know if you're a
hero, Kurlander...

but I know when
I smell a coward.

I might be a coward.

But that's why I have an army.

k*ll him when I leave.

You're coming with me. Let's
go take a look at that safe.

Oh, is this the kind
of thing you boys thought you'd be doing

when you joined Silverguard?

It's nothing personal.
They're Kurlander's orders.

Do you know there's a code of conduct
that exists among men of valor?

I mean,

the world is not all
sunshine and rainbows.

It's a mean and nasty place.

And I don't care
how tough you are,

it'll beat you
down to the ground

and keep you there
permanently if you let it.

You, me,

nobody is gonna hit
as hard as life.

But it ain't about
how hard you hit,

it's about how hard you can get hit
and keep on moving forward, because...

Is that from Rocky?

I got one like that.

What the hell was that voice?

He must have hidden
it all in the woods.

Start searching around the
area where he was found.

- Go!
- Yes, sir.

Thanks for stopping
me out there.

Physician, heal thyself.

Ain't that what you used to say?

You can't do that by k*lling
Kurlander or running away.

You gotta own your part,
starting right now.

Suarez will not be happy.

There's no coming
back from this.

Chaos can be reframed
into opportunity,

a skill I picked up in
battle and I have been...

Playing it ever since.

Paul, how?

You were never smart, Austin,
mistake after mistake.

When bodies stacked up,

you climbed them like
stairs right to the top.

That's what soldiers are for!

They're disposable!

They're pieces in the game to
be sacrificed for position,

just like the men that
came crying to you!

This is the doctor? You
said you dealt with him.

I'll deal with him now.

And you'll tell Senor Suarez I
did so to protect our friendship.

Yeah, that's not
gonna happen today.

Uh, pardon me, General.

You didn't happen
to see those guys

messing with the ram's
horn by the big tree?

They seemed a little drunk.

Holy hell. I'll be right back.

Eliot, no.

So you're Spencer.

And you're gonna have to pull
that trigger yourself this time.

Shut up. You don't
know anything.

I know that even if you tell
a lie over a thousand times,

it doesn't make it the truth.

What truth?

That we stole valor.

So what?

What was
I supposed to do?

Admit that I got four
of my men k*lled?

They were dead! They're
not coming back!

We're the only ones who
knew what really happened.

And after today...

are the most powerful men.

You have to show them
the respect they deserve.

Mr. Kurlander, I'm so
sorry you had to hear that.

Excellent performance.

And in front of an
audience, no less.

Austin, who are these people and
what the hell have you done now?

General, it's under control!

Not from where I'm standing.

My, my.

I've been waiting for
you to slip, Austin,

dancing between the
raindrops the way you do.

And now you've gone and
made a mess in my house.

I'll clean it, but
it's gonna cost you.

From now on, you will dance
to the tune that I play.

Unfortunately, it means that none
of y'all can leave the Grove alive.

Now, you get your men,

you take these people out
back, and dispose of them.

Braddock, this is Big
Dog. Come in. Over.



That's what soldiers
are for. They're disposable.

Pieces in the game to be
sacrificed for position.

What was I supposed to do? Admit
that I got four of my men k*lled?

They were dead! They're
not coming back.

I'm sorry, you didn't think
I meant that the General

was your audience, did you?

Coming down, Sophie.

Nicely done.


I like hot dogs in
Detroit with mayo.

Book the tickets.


Braddock! Have my car brought
around to the security gate.

The General and I are leaving.

"Pieces to be sacrificed
for position."

Whatever happened
to having our backs?

I want these people
arrested immediately.

Trespassing, theft,
attempted m*rder.

- Don't just stay there, that's an order!
- What a minute.

These gentlemen are employed
under a general service contract.

- Is that right, Harry?
- That's correct.

So they're under no
obligation whatsoever

to follow an order they may
deem illegal or unethical?

None whatsoever.

In fact, being asked to commit an
illegal or unethical act would fall

outside of any confidentiality agreement
they might have signed and they can sue.


You men have anything to say?

We quit.

Let's see if you can
hold this bridge.

Save the frogs.

- Save the frogs.
- There he is.

That's General Frick.

He's in charge.

Maureen, what are you up to now?

We got you.

It's taken years, but I
finally have the proof.

This woman is insane.

She's been peddling this cockamamie
notion about frogs since we were children.

And what does any of that
have to do with the Grove?

is k*lling them

during the most crucial
stage of metamorphosis.

Soil and water samples show
a high level of urea, sodium,

- potassium, and creatinine.
- So?

So that means you're
pissing on the eggs, dude.

This is a temporary injunction.

This land must be vacated
immediately pending an investigation.

You can't do this. Who cares
about a bunch of frogs?

Frogs are not your
biggest problem.

Interesting thing happened when I, I
took down that perimeter interference.

It made all your walkie
talkie channels public.

That means pretty
much anyone can listen in,

even local police radio.

And news van scanners.

Has organized a
massive protest...

This way, General.

They're gonna have some
questions for you, General.

It's in your best
interest to answer them.

No, no, no, no. You
don't understand.

I'm a hero. I'm a hero!

I have a Silver Star!

The walls of the Pentagon shook

with the arrest of Silverguard
founder Austin Kurlander

and retired General
Lionel Frick.

Kurlander is now the center of a
bipartisan Senate investigation

into corruption, fraud,
extortion, and m*rder.

This is the way the world ends.

Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Who said that?


Our Eliot?

T.S. Eliot.

- Oh.
- Hey.

So, what's that frog lady
gonna do without you now?

Mm, she didn't really need me.

I think she just needed a
push into the 21st century.

Thanks to her, Orpheus
Grove is now a certified

protected sanctuary for the
Mississippi gopher frog.

Hey, hey, serious
blow to the MIC.

Wait, the
military-industrial complex?

Men in caftans.

And we got Kurlander's phone

along with the phones of all
the top cretins in the country.

These should come in handy.

Nice. We're gonna
have fun with these.

Wait, where's Eliot?

He's outside saying
goodbye to Paul.

I said I'd testify.

And once I did, I felt
the darkness lift.

Well, you carried that
weight a long time.


It's a pretty nice
outfit you got here.

If you ever need a badass
Latino medic, give me a call.

Well, you got a
clinic to run, my man.

You should come down.

Swinging a hammer
is good therapy.

That right?

Clears away the skeletons.

I know... I know you
said that can't be fixed.

I'm not even gonna try.

Well, maybe I can try.

To the road we've traveled.

To the road ahead.

Please, just, just
stay a little longer.

This town, it's
worth fighting for.

I've been working to shut
that fracking rig down.

This is the operator
of GreenSlate Energy.

These are the guys
running the study,

and all the backgrounds of
people running it, shady.

I poured all my
money into that rig

It is time it start giving back.

Fix it!

We just wanna show him
what fracking can do.