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02x03 - The Tournament Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
Yo, what up, Midnight Nation?

It is your fearless leader,
Kyle Fury, coming at you live

from our NOLA hotel suite, where
your number one esports warriors,

Samurai Midnight, are
prepping for the main event,

Typhoon 7.

This is not a game.

Is it, Brock?

No, it's a w*r.

And we will triumph over every...

Brock, do you wanna
see who that is?

I'm trying to sh**t here.
Let's go. Lock it up.

- Who is it?
- Room service.

Room service? What are you...

Hey, hey!

- Where's my brother?
- Hey, stop!

What are you doing here? What
do you think you're doing?

Tam, we've been so worried. He
hasn't let you call in months.

If you don't leave right now,
I'm going to have you arrested

and I will destroy his career.

Is that what you want? 'Cause
I know it's not what he wants.

Can't you tell that he's sick?

Mm. Nothing a
championship won't cure.

Tam, no! Tam!

Tam, please! Tam!

You heard what I said.

Same goes for all of you.

I am not afraid to burn this
entire team to the ground.

And if you fail,
I'll burn her, too.

Got it?


Now... smile.

Samurai Midnight will
annihilate the competition.

There is no shortcut
to greatness.

Carry on.

It's been a year since Tam
signed with Samurai Midnight.

He was so happy, but
then he disappeared.

No texts, no calls.

Tam has a heart condition, and he
takes beta blockers for anxiety.

Mom and I were so worried.

I heard the team was competing
at the Typhoon 7 tournament.

I came and saw him at the hotel,
but those men kicked me out.

Later, I got this.

My Mandarin is pretty good, but
this is not. It looks like...

Whoever wrote it used
Google Translate?

Tam wouldn't just text in
Mandarin. It would be a mix.

And his little sister
instead of big sister.

He'd never get that wrong.

So we can assume
they've taken his phone.

Do you think they're
holding him hostage?

I looked in that
team owner's eyes.

There's nothing he wouldn't do.

This Kyle Fury? No good.

Former pro football player,

but got busted because of
performance enhancement dr*gs.

Now, his old teammates,
they got sponsorships,

endorsements, they even
built business careers.

But Kyle got bounced
around the Euro leagues

until a knee injury
sidelined him for good.

However, he took his bank role and
got involved in some shady tech stuff,

like clickbait farms in
Macedonia, an ICO that evaporated.

And then he decided that
esports is where the money is.


Reinvented himself as
a clean-living warrior

and got his own Illumatrons
team called Samurai Midnight.

Samurai Midnight? But they're
all from different parts of Asia.

I really doubt Kyle even
knows where samurais are from.

The team is competing in the
Typhoon 7 tournament this week.

Oh, Hardison's gonna
be so sad to miss this.

You know, when we talks about
Typhoon 3, he gets emotional.

Wow. He gets emotional?

- Yeah.
- Video games are not a sport.

Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, I am
texting Hardison you said that.

You really think I give a...

Stop. Don't.

I don't have to put up with these.

Damn it, Hardison!

Listen to me, all right, everybody.
Hardison is not here, okay?

So I don't have to put up with
people talking about this nerd stuff.

Illumatrons?! We're
doing an Illumatrons con!


Illumatrons is only my favorite
third-person cyberpunk fighting MOBA!

That's multiplayer online
battle arena. Whoa.

How do you know that?

Everybody knows that.

I did not know that.

After my divorce, I had a
little extra time on my hands.

My handle is LawHound39,
if anybody wants to play.


Ooh! We doing cool dog names?
I'm gonna be ThiefPuppy21.

No! ChihuahuaBandit17.

Okay, okay.

So, in order to compete
at this elite level,

like, you have to
train your entire life.

Like, mentally and physically.

I mean, you have to have
off-the-cuff reaction time

and be able to perform
under immense pressure.

I mean, that pressure
comes from the fact

that this is a multibillion
dollar industry.

I mean, top teams, they
make millions, right?

They have sponsorships,
plus appearances, the ads.

All right, all right, so you
can get rich doing something

like this, but it's not a
sport unless you can get hurt.

But you can get hurt.

That's Kyle's
first esports team.

Blood Fiends?
Never heard of 'em.

This is
before the reinvention.

He pumped these players
full of stimulants

to try to give them an edge,

but the team
obviously fell apart.

Like, psychotic
breaks, the works.

Kyle buried the story, but he
had to have help from a hacker.

So I scraped the
bottom of the web.

Tam has a heart condition. He's
taking beta blockers for anxiety.

If he starts taking stimulants,
he could have a heart attack.

All right, well, these
guys are not prisoners.

Why can't they just leave?

He promised them the career
they always dreamed of,

and he isolated them from
everything they know.

It's, like, a common
abuser tactic.

I mean, he's trapped
these guys mentally.

I mean, he probably holds on to all
their earnings, too, to keep it safe.

And if they quit, they'll be
in breach of their contract

and their noncompeting clause.

No, this would be the
end of their careers.

Kyle Fury wants to be a winner,

but he's never bothered
to put in the work.

I mean, his teammates, they're
successful the right way,

but Kyle, he's just a footnote.

That's gotta be eating him up
inside, and that's what we use.

The tournament is
our entry point.

Yeah, but that might be a
little harder than you think.

This Blood Fiends thing
made Kyle paranoid.

I mean, his inner circle has
exactly one person in it.

This guy named Brock.

He's the security and
the team's doctor.

He's like a poor man's Arnold.

That doesn't even
sound like Arnold.

What? Hardison loves my

We watch T2 on our third date.

Well, our third
non-jumping-up-a-building date.

We gotta broom that guy?
He looks very unbroomable.

He is. He's dug in.
But we are in luck.

They just brought on a team chef

who, according to his social media,
loves the Great European Pastry w*r.

I mean, that man has applied
for that for, like, four times.

I think Sophie has a friend
who works on the show.

My friend Trevor. He
sends me spoilers.

- Shh.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

And I think I could arrange for
a certain chef's application

to rise to the tippy
top of the pile.

Okay, so we broom the
chef, Eliot slides in.

I can do a little recon,
yeah. Also, I can...

Okay, I should have a
bigger role in this con.

I mean, I wanna
be the inside man.

Inside person.

I mean, I just, I know the world, I
know the people, I know the specifics.

Raise your hand if you have
thought about how Illumatrons

needs its own Evo Moment
37 in order to break out.

But it's not about specifics.
It's about reading the mark.

I once conned someone called Peter Manning
out of one of his Super Bowl rings,

and I don't know the first
thing about American football.

- Oh, my, it's "Peyton Manning."
- Peyton Manning.

Sophie, I'm ready. Please.

Okay. Breanna, you're
the inside person.

Wait, really? I can say it now?

Man, let's go
steal a tournament!

Okay, set them up right.

Come down.

On it.

Follow up. Fall back. Good job.

Got it.

What's this?

Oh, that's kimchi
from my grandma.

Oh, God, it smells
like garbage. Why?

It's just
fermented cabbage.

I've done a lot of field research
on gut biomes, and I find...

Yeah, we're sticking with the
Fury Victory Program, okay?

We gotta keep their ketosis up.
They eat shakes and vitamins.

Well, you're the boss.

- I am.
- Yeah.

They work hard, don't they? I'll
tell you what it reminds me of.

It reminds me of two-a-days.

High school football, huh?
This guy knows.

Did you play?

I did, yeah, but I found out I was a
better cook than I was running back.

Yeah, well, not everybody has
what it takes to be an athlete.

Can't let any weakness in.

Illumatrons, it's not just a game.
Samurai Midnight, it's not just a team.

It's a lifestyle. It's a philosophy that
allows you to control your own destiny.

That's what I'm
giving these kids.

I'm creating winners.

Well, I bet
they appreciate it.

Hey, what's in those vitamins?

Come here.

None of your business.

Proprietary blend.

Look at their eyes.

That is not focus. That's fear.

Be careful, Eliot.

Wait, wait, something's
happening here.

Look at the player in the center.
I think he's having a panic attack.

Leo? Hey, whoa,
whoa, whoa. Guys?

Is this guy okay?

Hold on, Eliot. You can't
jump in without drawing attention.

- Leo!
- He's fine.

He needs to man up.

You know, I'm giving you guys everything
you need to succeed at this competition.

I don't have time for these excuses. I
need y'all back on the sticks right now.

On the sticks!

Breanna's right.

These kids are getting hurt.

Vitamins don't
cause panic att*cks.

Ten gets you 20 these are
weapons-grade stimulants.

Those kids are near burnout. It's
a sweatshop in a fancy hotel suite.

All right, well, we gotta
get 'em away from Kyle.

Okay, well, that is the
laptop we need the data from.

The problem is, is
that it's air-gapped.

There is no way of hacking that thing,
seeing what he's entering, but we need it.

Okay, well, Brock
keeps it on him 24/7.

Kyle's keeping
data on these kids

so he doesn't have another
Blood Fiend debacle.

He tracks their dosage, he
tracks their adverse reactions.

All right, we get the laptop,
expose the doping scheme.

No, we can't just
expose the doping.

If we do that, the
team goes down with him

and their lives are ruined.

A year from now, Kyle's just
gonna be onto another scam.

That's what guys like him do.
No, we gotta get him another way.

Without hurting the kids
that have to stay in.

No, no, I'll keep 'em safe.
They deserve to compete.

Oh, it's a sport now?

Okay, okay. We got this,
you guys. Kyle is a cheat.

So let's just give him an easy
cheat and let nature run its course.

That is Sean Wolff.

He's a former NFL player.

Now he invests in
esports franchises.

Kyle wants to be
next to this guy.

Or just be this guy.

His catchphrase? "Elevate,
motivate, dominate."

Sean's gonna be at Typhoon 7.

We gave Kyle a call and let him
think that Sean wants to meet.

Breanna and I make him
think we're on Sean's team,

and then we hook him
with Breanna's trap.

Okay, check this out.

So that right there is a
predictive cheating AI.

That thing can randomly
adjust your aim,

your movements, damage
values, attack speed.

It really goes into creating
this marginal discrepancy and...

Uh... that makes one
team punch better.

You gotta make sure that that cheat
doesn't get out into the world.

That would ruin the game.

Oh, no, it is completely
benign unless I activate it.

So, I'm thinking,
here's the plan.

Harry poses as a Typhoon 7 producer
which gets him behind-the-scenes access,

convince Kyle to put the
software on the servers,

film him doing it,
blast it to the world.

Then Eliot beats up the
cybernetic organism,

gets the laptop with
the doping evidence,

and Kyle goes down for
doping and cheating.


Beating up a cybernetic organism
is not gonna be that simple.

Come on! Do it now!

Uh... how are we gonna
get close to Sean Wolff?

That guy's got a lot
of security around him.

Harry, you're the producer.
Go produce some access.

Hey, do you guys smell that?


Look, I know it's not as
good as your grandma's,

but I gave it a shot.

And I made enough
for everybody, so...

Sit, sit!



You guys work really hard. What do
you do when you're not practicing?

Tsinghua wishes he didn't
have to practice so much.

Yeah? Tsinghua's got
somebody special?

Yeah, she's a gamer, and he can
actually talk to her online.

We haven't met IRL yet.

What the hell's "IRL"?

In real life.

But I was hoping to
meet her at the party

the night before the match.

Kyle'll never let us go.

We should go back to practice.
Kyle was mad about our numbers.

- Thank you so much for the meal.
- Thank you.

- Thank you for the meal.
- Thank you for the meal. Thanks.

Hey, Tam.

Those shakes that I'm making
you, how are they treating you?

I need more vitamins. They're
not working like they used to.

Hey, it's Dale Strong,
coming to you from Typhoon 7,

where I'll be doing every
second of play-by-play

for the Illumatrons

Dale. Phil got a calendar sh**t in
Maldives. What? I'm your new producer.

- I'm Barry.
- Ah, cool.

Hey, can you buy me a beer? They
took my fake ID at the gas station.

Right on. And in the meantime,
let's sh**t your intro in a swingle.

On you in three, two, one.

We're a couple days out, and I've got
VIP lounge passes for two lucky guests.

So hit your boy up, and
maybe the winner will be you.

Hardison, I know
you're seeing all this,

but I wish you could smell
what I'm smelling right now.

It's like sweat and nacho cheese
got into a fight and both won!

Wait, Hardison is watching us?

Of course he is. He's always
watching, through every camera.

What was that?

It's a ninja run.

When you see somebody doing it, you have
to join in. It's, like, a huge meme thing.

Ninjas would never
be that conspicuous.

It defeats the whole
point of being a ninja.

Sean's right there. Kyle should be
here in the next couple of minutes.

Well, let's make them count.

You know, for Illumatrons
to really break out,

they need something
that's gonna...

They need something that's
gonna transcend the game.

They need their
own Evo Moment 37.

I thought it wasn't
about the specifics.

Sometimes they help.

What do you think?

Hey, you're Kyle Fury, right?

I am. I'm not signing autographs
right now. I have a meeting with...

Sean Wolff. Right. I'm Dana
Keller. I'm his scheduler.

About that meeting...

Dana, what's going on?

Well, this is Kyle Fury, the
owner of Samurai Midnight.

We talked about this.

Janet, this is a
great opportunity.

Yes, but you are not Sean's
business manager, I am.

And you don't make
these decisions, I do.

I'm so sorry she
wasted your time.

Wait, so I don't have a meeting
with Sean Wolff right now?

Great. I look forward to
never seeing your face again.

No, um, wait. Sean Wolff should
be investing in Samurai Midnight.

Yeah, you're g*dd*mn
right he should.

And it's not just because you have
the best players, which you do.

Players come and go.

You, Kyle Fury, your
videos, your attitude,

you have potential.

Janet just wouldn't
listen to me.

Why do you work for her?

You know Sean's catchphrase?
"Elevate, motivate, dominate."

That's me.

You have ambition.

So do you.

You know, we should
work together.

- Mm.
- Janet just can't see that yet.

Because you haven't got your W.


Well, when we win this tournament,
you can rub it in Janet's face.

And Sean, he can get in line to be
part of the Samurai Midnight team.

What if I can
guarantee that happens?

Do you have a computer?

You're wasting my
time. This is just the game.

Yeah? Well, check this out.

Wanna take your hands
off the keyboard?

Very good.

Hmm. Fully predictive AI.

You know, there's been talk about this,
but nobody's been able to crack it.

Where'd you get it?

A hacker collective looking
to make gameplay aid

that can play the game for you,

or it could be so subtle,
the player won't even know.


But... for an elite
team at, say, Typhoon 7,

this is the kind of win
that Sean can't ignore.

What's the catch?

Getting it onto the consoles.


The network, local.

The server truck is
guarded by tight security,

so you would have to sneak onto
the truck and install it directly.

Why me?

Because I have to
stay next to Janet.

You get this onto the consoles,
you have a guaranteed win.

I get to tell Sean he could have invested
in Samurai Midnight for pennies yesterday,

and Janet gets to
clean out her office.

It's risky.

You're right.

But if it is too risky for you,

I can just, uh, find another team
owner who isn't afraid of success.

Wait. Stop.

Elevate, motivate...


Well done, Breanna.
Now reel him in.

How are we doing, Barry Wilson?

It will all be fine, but
right now I'm in crisis mode.

My scaffolding and my fog
machine haven't shown up yet.

So I think I'm gonna have to pivot,
turn this into a documentary,

get down and dirty with it.

You do know it's possible to
get too into the role, right?

No, no, the guy from
my master class...

said that you can't
dig this well too deep.

In fact, on every sinking
ship, there's got to be a hero.

I'm gonna blow this
thing wide open.

I'm going into the belly of
the beast, guerrilla style.

Check the route Kyle will take.

He'll have access to the
entire tournament floor.

All we need to do is bring the
guards around the server truck.

I'll pick the lock and
he can walk right in.

Barry, you can produce
whatever you like,

so long as you get
rid of those guards.

I have a plan. I have a camera.

Oh, I think this
is my best side.

Betting sites have Samurai
Midnight favored to win.

Perfect. It puts more pressure
on Kyle for his team to perform.


Dale, what the
hell are you doing?

Testing out the
T-shirt cannon, bro.

Okay, for the record, I don't
know where that beer came from.

What is that?

Hardison, have you been hiding
T-shirt cannons from me?

Tsinghua, where's my healing?

You didn't say you were
diving. I was out of position.

Everyone take a breath. We fight
the other team, not each other.

This looks grosser than usual.

Just drink it. It'll
help. I promise.

Yup. Coming down.
Don't make me wait.

Their game stats are trash. Do
you want me to up the dosage?

Kyle's amped up about something.

I mean, maybe he's nervous.

He's not gonna turn
down a guaranteed win.

Just make sure this works.

Okay, so there are the
guards that Harry's gonna broom,

Parker's gonna pick the lock,

and then we catch Kyle on the
CCTV walking into the truck.

And he's a cheater, cheater,
energy drink drinker.

Doesn't really rhyme, does it?

Cheater cheater,
protein bar eater?

Cheater, cheater, exploits
players in an amphitheater.

A little wordy.

Focus, Harry.

Kyle's on the move
from the hotel.

Eliot, how we doing
on that laptop?

About to take care of Brock.

The kids can go to the party,
Tsinghua can meet his girl IRL.


Aw, Eliot Spencer,
closet romantic.

It's all clear.

Have fun.

Especially you.

Let me see that.

I've done this a few times.

How you feeling?


Had a rough patch but
the last couple days,

it's felt like the day
when I started playing.

You started young, huh?

My dad hated it.

He thought sitting on the couch
with my sister was a waste of time.

He wanted me to be realistic,
take over the family business.

But I could see it.

So I started putting
pressure on myself.

Drill every day, climb
the ranks, be the best.

I knew that I could go pro. I
knew that gaming was my way out.

That's the same reason
I joined the military.

So you know why I can't go back.

Well, you're not going back. You
made it out. You're going forward.

However, you can't
keep practicing 24/7.

This is my only shot.

When I met Kyle, he said he could
help keep our team at the top.

I finally have someone
who believes in me.

If we fail, Kyle will...

Until I win this championship, I
have to push, I have to practice.

Kyle's vitamins are kicking in.
His Fury Victory Program works.

Want another shake, bro?

I gave Brock enough horse
tranquilizers to knock out a... horse.

And now he's just staring
at me, doing pushups.

He took his shirt
off. It's weird.

Can't we just give
him more horse tranq?

I don't know. What if
it makes him stronger?

You never can tell with
cybernetic organisms.

Oh, Kyle's en route. He's
in the tournament space now.

What if a horse really could
do push-ups? That'd be cool.

Focus, Harry!

We're gonna have to get
the laptop another way.

Whoa, what is this?

Hey, man, is it
cool if we're here?

We're just looking for a
quiet place to hang out.

Uh, is it cool?

It's totally cool!
I'm LawHound39!

Maybe you guys have heard of me?

Anyway, I'm doing a
documentary on the tournament.

I'm doing a little behind-the-scenes look
at the in-depth lives of our players.

You guys wanna be in my movie?

Uh, hey, LawHound39, it is not cool. Kyle
is about to walk right through there.

If he sees the team, then he could
bail on the whole enterprise.

No, Harry, you gotta bring the
team and the guards right now.

This is gonna be a cool shot.

Ninja run!

What are you doing just standing
there? They're getting away!

They just hacked the mainframe!

Okay, Fury, all we need is you
opening the door and walking in...

Oh, no.

He had someone hack the CCTV.

Well, who? He's not a hacker.

No, but he knows one.

It's probably the one that helped
him bury the Blood Fiend story.


He didn't trust me.

He's smarter than he looks.

We have to evolve the con.


Hey, let's go, huh?
Get your game face on.

Tam, how you feeling?

- Mm-mm.
- You don't want it?

You are ready for
this. I promise you.

But I know what
happens if we lose.

All players,
please report to the stage.

Game one will begin
in five minutes.

This is the moment
you've been waiting for.

Samurai Midnight and Thunderwave take
the stage to face off in Typhoon 7.

Game one of the Illuminatrons
championship is seconds away.

The teams have
taken their seats.

Tam! Tam! Tam!

Nothing but total
focus from here on out.

two, one!

And they're off!

Thunderwave hits first
with a range attack.

Absolutely no hesitation as
they pummel Samurai Midnight.

And, oh, what a deadly jab from
Thunderwave's forward unit!

Samurai Midnight are locked
into their positions.

There's no way out.

And that's it.

With a single reverse throw,
game one of Typhoon 7 is over...

No! Are you kidding me?

Aah! Tam! Ooh!
Samurai Midnight is...

Tam, get your head in the game!

No one saw this coming.

Something's not right with Tam.

I mean, the software can make
incremental changes, but the team is...

Don't worry about it.

They lost, so why are
you not throwing chairs?

You don't work for Sean Wolff.


I have this Serbian guy.
He's great with gadgets.

He gave me this little thing
to look for hidden cameras.

Huh? Huh?


Worth everything.

Stay calm, Breanna.

He also modified your software
so it actually works now.

He took out that little bit of code
that made it completely useless.

He's in control of
the game now. Yeah.

Samurai Midnight
was the favorite,

but we've made it
impossible for them to win.

And with all the bets that
I've made on the game,

I'll have more money than Sean
Wolff could ever throw at me.

Hell, I'll be Sean Wolff.

That doesn't make sense. Why
would you want them to lose?

Those kids are so
close to burnout.

There's no guarantee that they
win, let alone keep winning.

This is the best
possible payout.

But the main reason is...

you came after me.

That was a mistake.

You're trying to help the
team, so I'm gonna ruin them.

And then I'm gonna dump them.

And then I'm gonna find a new team
and pump them full of whatever I want.

Elevate, motivate, dominate!

The only winner
that matters is me.

But the real question is...

where am I gonna dump you?

Brock is on his way up.

And once he gets here...

I could describe what's
going to happen to you,

but I'm more about the big
picture rather than the details.

Breanna, stay calm. Keep
him distracted till Eliot gets there.

Hey. Hey.

Eliot, I don't know what happened.
Kyle's gonna destroy the team.

Look at me. Kyle is
gonna be gone soon.

You don't have to
worry about him.

You play your game.


You play your game.



So... you're not a chef.

Well, the good news is, is Brock's
not getting anywhere near Breanna.

And the better news...

I'm about to have that laptop.

Harry, you should
go help Breanna.

But also, we've gotta get
control of that software

and make sure that Samurai Midnight wins
so that Kyle doesn't get his payout.

We've gotta get Parker
into that server truck.

Where is Parker?


How does she do that?

She's Parker.

What are you doing?

I'm deciding how to break you.

Well, we can speed this up.

So you've got a Serbian guy.

You know what I got?

What's that?

75,000 hours of
video game practice!

Great hand-eye coordination!

I hit him with a
champagne bottle! Look!

For the record, I
totally would've helped.

Kyle's down. We're on the move.


I'm in the very
cold server truck.

Uh, need some help.

The truck's a Faraday cage.
Comms won't work inside.

What do you got?

Oh, you need to connect your
laptop to the core hard drive.

Look for a black box.

There are a lot of black boxes.

We need that laptop from Eliot.

Dale, where are you going?

Oh, sorry, Barry, my dude, but
I got a line on a sick party.

No, no, no. Who's gonna do the
play-by-play for the second match?

Go. Go!

Wait for my signal, though.


Please take your seats.

Game two of Typhoon 7

is about to commence.

Tam! Tam! Tam!

Three, two, one!

And it's on!

Thunderwave comes out
hot out of the gate

with an immediate
hyperdrive charge attack.

Ooh, Samurai Midnight
is taking some damage!

Devastating reverse counter grab and
slam from Thunderwave's CrimeLord.

Oh, it's Hardison.

He is always watching.

That's disturbing.

Hardison says use the T-1000.

It's a fail-safe program in case any
of our code needs to be deactivated.

Oh, T-1000.

Had their day.

T-1000, you're taking too long.

Come on! Do it now!

CrimeLord again with a
devastating hyperdrive attack!

Oh, River this time does a
reverse rattlesnake! What a move!

Samurai Midnight is still
fighting against the software,

but somehow they're winning.

This is unbelievable!

Samurai Midnight is
playing at another level!

Let's finish this.

lays down a combo.

PopStart with a quick
shattered knockout.

Allowing GoldenLion to
swivel with the grab and stun!

River's got an opening
for his finisher!

Samurai winner, winner!
That was destruction!

Samurai Midnight wins!

You should've stayed down.


I wish I would have seen that.

What an amazing turn
of events for Samurai Midnight.

They came back from a brutal round one.

Not giving up that easy.

And we enter round three
completely tied up.

Kyle Fury needs this break to show
the world he truly means business.

Does he have what it takes?

Oh, I gotta go.

T-1000 did the trick. We
have control of the software.

Breanna, throwing to your phone.

I'll make sure Samurai
Midnight wins this next match.

Screw you, Fury.

Breanna, wait.

If they win, Kyle gets
a championship team,

which he continues to grind into
the dirt while he gets rich.

And if they lose, he still gets his payday
with the bookies and destroys the team.

Either way, Kyle wins.

Wait, so it doesn't matter whether
Samurai Midnight wins or loses,

Kyle still wins?

What if they don't win or lose?

If they forfeit.

The bookies don't get a win or a
loss, and they get to keep that money.

That's the only way Kyle loses.

But that would mean the team
has to walk away on their own.


Just give me a second. Breathe.

I think I'm okay.
Thanks, guys.

All right, boys, grab a knee.

Gentlemen, take a knee.

All right, huddle up.

Don't. Stop. Forget
it. Forget it!

I'm not much on pep talks.

You guys played a hell of
a game out there, though.

This next match is
gonna be different.

You made it out.

You're not going back.

But now you gotta move forward.

I believe in you.

I believe in all of you.

So I'm gonna ask
you to trust me.

Breanna, crank it.

Game three of Typhoon 7 is about to
begin, and the stakes could not be higher.

Samurai Midnight and Thunderwave
stand at one game a piece.

Who will be crowned the
next Illumatrons champion?

Thunderwave barrels through
the first choke point.

Looks like a heavy t*nk build.

Samurai Midnight has just stood
up. They are not playing the game.

I repeat, they are
not playing the game.

And now Thunderwave
has stood up.

Yes, they are standing
in solidarity.

They are taking their
hands off the consoles.

The characters are
playing themselves!

In all my years as an announcer, I
have never seen anything like this!

What the hell are you
doing? Play the damn game!

Hey! Tam!

Put your fingers on
the keyboard and do it!

You're done! All
of you are done!

I... I don't know what's going on, but
clearly there's cheating happening.

And as owner of Samurai Midnight, I
promise I will get to the bottom of this

and I will make sure that
everyone involved is punished.

You all wanna know
who's been cheating?

Barry, roll the tape.

You know, careful
what you promise.

You got me on the CCTV, but luckily
we got a cr*cker Jack producer,

got some great behind-the-scenes footage.

That is boring.

I was making sure that
my team right here

was not being exploited by them.

Oh, really?

Harry, roll more tape.

trying to help the team,

so I'm gonna ruin them.

And then I'm gonna dump them.

And then I'll find a new team and I'll
pump them full of whatever I want.

Elevate, motivate, dominate!

Pro tip,

never, ever let someone put a
flash drive on your computer.

I'm surprised your Serbian
guy didn't tell you that.

We have your laptop.

We have everything on how you've been
dosing your team without their knowledge.

Everyone, this is the
Fury Victory Program.

Doping, mental abuse, cheating.

But Samurai Midnight has been
playing clean the whole time.

Kyle's vitamins are kicking in.

His Fury Victory Program works.

Kid, I replaced those pills four days ago.
Those gross shakes you've been drinking?

I was detoxing you. You're
playing better because of you.

You're playing better because
you're not taking that... stuff

that Kyle was giving you.

It's you.

Oops. It's
your bookies, isn't it?

They can be
persistent, can't they?

Hasta la vista, baby.

Oh. Actually, that
sounded like him.


Oh, that one's gonna bite
you. You're gonna get bit.

You know, I did not get
a chance to drink a glass

before I hit Kyle in the
head with the bottle,

so this is going to taste great.

You're putting the
pain in champagne.

Also, I just, I wanted to say thank you
for trusting me to stick that landing.

I know I kind of lost the
thread there a little bit.

I remember running my first
job, and it was challenging.

But the only way to know if
you're ready is to do it.

Breanna, we always
knew you had it.

- A hundred percent.
- I agree.

Hardison, you gotta
get one of these.


Ah, I'll fix it!

Knock, knock.

- Boom!
- Oh!

- Ooh, get bolted, baby!
- That's some baller...

How did you do that?

Huh? Oh, I'm not telling you,
man. Tam told me some stuff.

Well, the team told me that they
couldn't wait to see my documentary,

and they gave me a
personalized jersey.

Homie, what do
you think this is?


- Seven.
- Ooh.

So this is definitely
a sport now, right?

Everything I do is a sport.

I'm not even gonna touch
that one. Let's play again.

Come on.
We're going again.

I'm getting ready to show you something
they don't teach in law school.

I want a turn! Ooh!

Who is who?

Oh, they don't teach
that in law school, do they?


No, they
don't. You're losing.

Haven Freeport.

Millions of dollars
worth of art just sitting there.

You wanna break in?

Millionaire Lillian Jones
kept her collection in there.

Lillian's widower, he's holding a
memorial for her. That's our in.

Freeports are almost
impossible to break into.

Easy peasy.

Somebody cut the cameras.

Hands up, everybody.
This is a robbery.

That's not good.

Go get our people.