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02x02 - The One Man's Trash Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:20
by bunniefuu
No matter how much we clean
up, there's always more.

That was
the news station.

They said the story did fine,
but they don't need a follow-up.

Well, of course they don't.
Nobody wants to see this.

There's barely enough shrimp out
here to catch because of this poison.

Let's just unload the
haul... what there is of it.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm good.

I've tried to get people
to see what's happening.

Barges passing through drop containers
full of plastic waste out to sea.

Nobody lifts a finger.

These guys are for real.

Not a trace of 'em.

We'll get you back
out there, DeDe.

Yeah, but for how long?

My family's been shrimping
this gulf for a hundred years.

But with this crap out there, I don't
know if we'll make it another five.

We finally got a reporter
to put us on the news,

and all that happened was people
shrugged and changed the channel.

Everyone except
for Clyde Hammond.

I mentioned his shipping
company in an interview.

I have seen containers fall off
his barges, and the result is this.

We came to Harry to see if we could
file charges against his thugs

for what they did to our boat.

Well, the difficulty is you don't
have much in the way of evidence.

I believe you, but I think the police
are gonna want more than your word.

The good news is that my friends
specialize in fixing problems

that the system won't.

We can't fix everything
that Hammond's broken,

but we can make him pay a
real price for breaking it.

Destroying my boat's one thing.

Stealing my kid's future?

I can't imagine anyone
settling that debt.

Clyde Hammond, self-made
man with a small fleet of barges.

Does some commercial business, but
mostly transports plastic waste.

Do we have a way in on him yet?

Uh, nothing pops online, but
Harry's looking over the financials,

and I got Eliot and Parker
credentials as dock workers.

And they have Hammond
under surveillance.

I got him. He's got
a satellite phone.

Who are you...

Is that phone really big
or are his hands really small?

Cartesian duality.

Our senses are
always deceiving us.

Never assume.


Ugh. Hacking a sat phone's so much
harder than hacking a cell phone.

Get his satellite provider
anyway, just in case.

Hi. I'm sorry I'm late.
I got held up in court.



We're doing a job on plastics,
Harry, and you bring that?

That's recyclable.

No, it is not. That is a
lie that they tell you.

That stuff, it has to be separated,
and it has to go through a big mach...

This, this brings me
back to our guy Hammond.

So, Hammond ships tons of
America's plastic waste

to India, Africa,
and the Far East.

But in 2019, most
foreign countries,

they signed an accord making
trash dumping illegal.

However, we did not sign it.

So it's technically legal to
export waste away from the US.

Yes, but it is a crime
to dump it anywhere else.

So Hammond saw an opportunity,
and now he makes a small fortune

by taking plastic off the hands of
US manufacturers, recycling plants,

shipping it away to
Southeast Asia and Africa,

and then bribing the local
officials for peanuts

to let him dump it
there illegally,

where, one way or another,
it turns into pollution.

That's how I eat my Pad Woon
Sen without losing any noodles.

I hope they taste like shame.

They do now.

So why does the waste
end up in the gulf?


Hammond takes on more
trash than he can unload

and then dumps it once he's
out in international waters.

Okay, one weird thing about
the financials: his office.

It's a commercial
space in a warehouse.

He should have bare-bones
insurance coverage,

but he's got a
top-of-the-line policy.

Only time I ever saw
that at my old job

was when the client had a collection,
either art or antiquities.

Rich guys love their trophies.

Yeah, but there's no record of him
buying anything worth insuring.

So did he inherit a collection?


Everyone's watching what goes
out and not what comes in.

He's a clever boy.

I bet he even keeps some of
those containers full of trash

to hide things in round-trip.

I mean, what customs official is
gonna inspect the trash? It's trash.

You're right.


Hammond is personally supervising
the unloading of this shipment.

Does he do that for all of them?

He hasn't opened one
today or yesterday.

Hammond's leaving.

don't lose him.

Anton, let's bring
out our cargo next.

Then you guys start getting
ready for the auction.

Take it up.

Am I looking for something?

You want to inspect the goods,
so a container from today's load.

Look at you.

Something in the trash.

Ooh! Ornate Christian reliquary.

Middle Eastern, by
the looks of it.

There's no way that
was legally moved.

So he's shipping trash out
and illegal antiquities in.

And he's using those extra shipments
to hide his smuggling profits.

Then he sells the
antiquities here.

Except for the trophies
that he skims for himself.

Which he insures but, of
course, never paid for.

Black-market smuggling
is very illegal.

That's why he didn't want DeDe
shining the spotlight on him.

And that is how
we're gonna get him.

So if that can't be recycled...

It is yours until you die.

So, from the top.

Okay, so you're the art authenticator
for the insurance company.

And that is a problem
for Hammond. Why?

Why? Because his
collection is illegal.

Uh, he doesn't have the paperwork
proving where he bought his antiquities.

- Provenance.
- Right.

So he offers to bribe you.

"Oh, sir, I'm shocked!
I am not that kind of woman!"

And then you offer to help him.

"Oh, sir,
for that kind of money,

I am that kind of woman!"

And then we dig up enough deets to shut
down the entire smuggling operation.

Okay, but it's just
the corporations.

They're just gonna keep making
plastic, and then that plastic is gonna

keep ending up as pollution, so
why are we not going after them?

And how does that help DeDe now?

This team can't solve the
world's bigger problems.

We're just... We're
not built for it.

What we can do is help one person
and then the next, and then the next,

and then we look back, and you
see how much you've changed.

It's baby steps, Breanna.

It's not enough.

We're in. Let me
know if you need me.

I love being right.

Hammond's place is packed
full of antiquities.

What's up, man?

- We don't have cameras?
- Well, that's a federal port.

It's too risky to hack
their security feeds, man.

All right, Sophie, get a full inventory
in case we need to steal something.

What? It's been three weeks
since we stole something.

Who the hell are you?

Mr. Hammond, apologies,
but they should have contacted you.

Athena Baros.

I'm the antiquities authenticator
for your insurance company.


Oh, how the hell
did I miss this?

It's policy.

I just need to compare your
pieces to your records of sales

and provenance, and I'll
be out of your hair.

Yeah, sure, the, uh,
provenance thing.

I got those files somewhere.

Uh, I'm pretty sure our plan
hinges on him not having those.

He's got a source.
Some forger.

I have
to say, Mr. Hammond,

your taste is exquisite.

You know, I only consult
for the insurance company.

It'd be a pleasure to work on
a collection of this quality.


You need to expose these ivory tiles
to natural sunlight to keep them white.

Really? Great catch.

Qing Dynasty, from the carvings.

Perhaps even the original set
designed for the Empress Dowager Cixi.

You really
know your stuff.

I won those playing poker in
the dirtiest slum in Sumatra.

They remind me
sometimes you gotta get

your hands a little
dirty to find real value.

That'd be worth, like, a
couple million dollars.

- Is that real?
- That one is.

Beg pardon?

That one is
Yuan Dynasty, 15th century.


East Africa.

The Malindi Kingdom,
if I'm not mistaken.

Early 1600s?

You have a terrific eye, Ms.
Baros. Let me get you those papers.

Yuan Dynasty wasn't
in China in the 15th century.

You know Chinese history?

I know what's worth stealing
from Chinese history,

and that doesn't exist.

There are fakes mixed in
with the real antiques.

I know this
work. I have to get out of here.

You certainly know every
corner of your field, Ms. Baros.

But I already have a
gifted authenticator.


Ms. Baros. Mr. Wilde.




Yes! Athena Baros.


Oh, I've heard wonderful
things about you.

- Arthur Wilde.
- Ah.

You were brought onto that
Mesopotamian dig two years ago.

They came to me, but I was busy
digging out a Burmese temple.

Wilde. Of course. I've
heard the name many times.

You studied under Martha
Downey at the Leiden Program.

I passed on that fellowship.

She's an expert in her field.

Does she want me
to go in or not?

Uh, nothing
concrete on Arthur Wilde yet.

It's an alias. He's the forger
making provenance docs for Hammond.

A forger she knows.

If Mr. Hammond can
spare me for a moment,

I would love to discuss your
Greco-Roman discoveries.

Yeah, sure.

Of course. I finally start to
make a steady bit of income,

and here you are to cut
the legs out from under me.

- It's not what you think.
- No?

You just wandered into Hammond's
office using your Greek accent

with a touch of "I'm so
vulnerable, please protect me"

and stroking his ego?

To be fair, that part
is what you think.

But my question is, how
did you end up here?

Well, it was certainly
no thanks to you.

It's been an
interesting few decades.

Who is this guy?

I don't know, but I really hope

it's as good as the fanfic
I'm writing in my head.

So who are you now? Belinda? No.

Kiki. You know, I liked Kiki.


She was a bit too stuck up for me,
considering she did send me to prison.

What happened?
Is Sophie okay?

Her audio just dropped out.

She just took her comms
out. She's all right.

Sophie Devereaux.

Such a pleasure to meet you.

Now, I have to insist, Sophie,

that you get the hell
away from Mr. Hammond.

I've got a nice
play going on here.

He pays me very handsomely to
authenticate his smuggled goods.

I organize all his
black-market auctions.

And you forge the paperwork, too.
You were always quite gifted at that.

But the fakes...

I just sell the odd one or
two to bump up my margins.

Classic con.

A classic.

One of the first we learned.

It's boutique, though.

Why don't you scale it up a bit?
Hmm? He could be a big score.

He could be a massive score.

Hammond keeps a whole shipping container
full of antiquities hidden at the docks.

Just the choice pieces that
fell off the back of his barge

while being smuggled
to their buyers.

- A hidden container.
- Uh-huh.

But I've learned my lesson
about aiming too high.

I never did have your
sense of grandeur.

I want to help you.

What if I could get
us both what we want?

What I wanted was
for you to be dead.

But I'll settle for you
staying out of my way,

Your Grace.

Ah! What a delight!
Such a charming woman.

I'm not saying work with Arthur.

I'm just saying we...
we work around him.

So we just pay him
off? You know him.

He's in bed with the mark.


And that relationship
is how we know

that Hammond doesn't just
have his office collection,

but is, in fact, hiding a
container full of black-market art.

Arthur served us up a better, bigger
score. Let's return the favor.

It's cleaner and smarter
to make him disappear.

Bonk him on the head, have Breanna
wipe his ID and credit rating,

and dump him in Venezuela?

I'm so proud of you right now.

So who is this Wilde guy?

Arthur Wilde is
an expert forger.

I mean, his antiquities are good,
but his paperwork's flawless.

He's an absolute master of...

Sophie, that's not
what she's asking you.

She's asking you,
who is Wilde to you?

All right? You took your comms out
during a job to talk to this guy.

Everyone here has a past, and
everyone here respects that.

Arthur, he's no one significant.
I will take care of him.

Okay, well, I did that research on that
mahjong set of Hammonds, as requested.

Yes, that is Hammond's
prized possession.

When I inspected it, I
thought it looked incomplete.

Well, you're right.
It's missing the honor tiles.

So 16 wind tiles in total, plus
three dragon tiles for each player.

Now, for over a century, people
believed that the Empress Dowager's set

was created without
these extra tiles.

But there is an Internet
full of art nerds

who believe the artisan
who made the extra tiles

sneaked them away after the
Empress Dowager's death.

I hacked Hammond's backup email.

He's been putting out feelers everywhere,
searching for these missing tiles.

You think we should
find 'em for him?


Can we fake antique ivory?

I was hoping you would ask that.
Yes. It is called digital ivory.

It's a calcium phosphate
mixture processed at high heat

in a 3D printer, used to
make dental restorations.

Ooh. I've never
been to the dentist.


All we got to do is
steal a printer, then.

We place some of your
trackers inside the tiles,

we drop them into Hammond's auction,
we buy them out from under him,

we hire him to smuggle them...

Get him to steal the thing
that he wants the most,

and then he'll take it back to
that little cave of wonders,

we find that, and then we get
him for smuggling antiquities.

And do we do that without Wilde?

I'll handle him.

Have you really never
been to the dentist?

I'm a master criminal.

Can't have dental
records flying around.

A lot of good stuff here, right?
I'm told the jade tiara is gorgeous.

Did he say "made in China"?

He said "jade tiara,"
not "made in China."

I thought you said your lip-reading
skills were up to par on this.

I'm practicing.
Sheesh. Get a hobby.


Hammond's on the move.

What in the hell, man?!

Me? You stepped in my way.

You're too big of a
man to apologize? Huh?

Social graces means
something around here.


Mr. Hammond, allow
me to help our guest.

I'm sure it's just
one too many drinks.


It was a basic but decent distraction.
Sometimes that's all you need.

She's taught you well.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

However, I am happy to have this
conversation with you elsewhere.

Oh, is the hitter gonna make
mincemeat of little old me?

I'll take it from here.

Yeah, well, you better.

Or I will.

Your Grace, I distinctly recall
saying stay away from Hammond.

Give me one reason why I shouldn't throw
you off of Hammond's bay right now.

Because I have a plan that
can get us both what we want.

Sophie, you said you were gonna handle
this. Now you're looping him in?

I'm not interested. I don't
trust you. Surely you understand.

You help us find that hidden
container and bring Hammond down.

Why would I do that?

How many millions worth of
art is in that container?

Your cut will make
you ten times as much

as you could make in years
selling the odd forgery.

I was about to say, "Don't
make me regret this,"

but considering our past,

I don't think I could possibly regret
working with you more than last time.

Fair enough.

Unless I die. I'm not
gonna die this time, am I?

No promises.

Do you know who's selling these?

Yes, Mr. Hammond, a
last-moment edition.

But I had a feeling you'd take a
particular interest in these tiles.

Wilde, you have outdone
yourself. Are these...

Indeed, they are.

Sent in by a wealthy client,
introduced to me by Dr. Baros.

Our chance meeting has
proved quite profitable.

And they're authentic?

provenance is indisputable.

My client purchased a
small palace in Java.

It had been used as a refuge for
those fleeing the early dynasties.

These tiles were discovered
in the wine cellar.

It hadn't been
opened in a century.

- If you don't believe...
- What?

Excuse me one moment.

Mr. Akhmedova, the Chechen,

has promised to exceed our bid
on the tiles by $200,000 US.

That's quite an offer.

Mr. Akhmedova.

If you would like these items
shipped to a certain location,

I'm sure Mr. Hammond
can accommodate.

His vessels travel the world.

The Port of
Tanjung Priok in Indonesia.

As quickly as possible.

We shall solidify
the arrangements.

"Pick up the item.

Then, tomorrow, bring
it to my container."

He wants the tiles in Indiana.


"But they're not making it
anywhere near our demonstration."

Their destination.

"Let's dump a few containers
into the gulf as we leave.

We'll tell this Chechen we
were att*cked by parrots."

Yeah. No, pirates.

It's obviously pirates!

Okay, here we go.

Trackers working. Good signal.

All right.


The trackers are working,

leading us straight to
Hammond's container.


No, it's all good.
It's all good.

The metal containers
cause interference.

I use three signals, bounce them
off one another to boost visibility.

- Uh-oh.
- What was that?

Okay, not good,
not good, not good.

Come on, come on.

This container has
active countermeasures.

I can track a rough location,
maybe narrow it down to about...

a hundred containers.

Yeah, assuming none of them move on
or off the ship while we're looking.

Damn it. Sophie, we got nothing.

We lost the signal.

But you said this would work.

Hammond's gonna find out
this whole thing's a fake.

My entire con hangs
in the balance here.

And you knew this could happen?

We're not done yet.

The container's still there.

It's still our best way to get him.
But for our new plan, we need Arthur.

This has nothing to do with
the new plan, all right?

This Wilde guy is not just
someone you used to know

before when he was
on the outside.

If you wanna pretend
that, then that's fine,

but he's on the inside now.

Just like when it
happened to me.

Like when it happened to Parker.

You gotta come clean.

All right, we get on board, locate
Hammond's container and tag it.

We'll be gone in no time.
Just try to act normal, okay?

Top of the
mornin' to ya laddies!

When I was starting out,
I teamed up with Arthur.

We had a good thing going, a
couple of street rats in London.

But then we joined a
crew doing art forgery.

The boss was... Well, he was
brilliant but terrifying.

He saw potential in me. He
set me up in high society.

Suddenly, I was invited
to all the right parties.

I was accepted in all the right homes,
trusted by all the right people.

All right.

So Wilde made the fakes,

and you convinced all your
rich friends to buy 'em.

How did Arthur get the
short end of the stick?

A couple of years into the long con,
I caught the eye of an older man.

The Duke of Hanover.

Actually, he... he
was very kind to me,

and I genuinely liked him.

A duke.
It was a big score.

And the boss encouraged
me to spend time with him

and worm my way into
the aristocracy.

And then somebody
figured you out?

Mm-mm. Not me.

One of the forgeries.

The boss convinced me to let Arthur
take the fall, keep my identity clean.

I... I...

I could have said no. I should
have said no, but I didn't.

I was young, and
it was complicated.


Arthur I went to
prison because of me.

Sophie, there's still nothing about
this guy that says we can trust him.

We can still get what we want.
Arthur can do this, Eliot.

I owe him this.

I hope you're right
about this guy, Sophie.

Well, you're not gonna
get any judgment from me.

You remember where
I was when we met.

But if it comes down to helping
either your old partner or DeDe,

which one you gonna choose?

Tell me you're ready for this.

Ah, I don't know. I've been
thinking about our new plan.

My new plan. Oh, here it comes.

It seems to rely
quite heavily on me.

In the next few
moments in particular.

So you thought now would be a
good time to renegotiate your cut?

I don't wanna have to blow
the whole thing up over, what,

say, an extra 25 on the dollar?

Surely ten will do trick.

Twenty was always
my lucky number.

Fifteen to wrap this up good and
tight before we reach that door.

Always a pleasure working
with a professional.

Hold on.

That was a bit too easy.
What's really in this for you?

It's none of your business.

Oh, you don't trust
me, Sophie Devereaux?

Fair enough. You shouldn't.

Wait, wait, wait. I've
seen this act before.

You need to tell me
exactly what you did.

I don't need to
tell you anything.

He stole the honor tiles
for his personal collection.


You stole the honor tiles?

Do you have any idea who
you stole those tiles from?

Yeah, what's his
name, the Chechen.

You don't know who
the Chechen is?

You didn't steal the
tiles from the Chechen.

He overpaid for those
tiles by $200,000

because he works
for Adnan Altahir.

The t*rror1st?

Whose violent exploits in Southeast
Asia you should be familiar with.

No, no, no, we have to fix this.
You have to give those tiles back.

No, no, no, no, I'm
not giving them back.

They have no way of
knowing I was lying

about the pirates knocking
the tiles overboard.

And neither Altahir or the Chechen
are gonna do squat to me on US soil.

Besides, I have a more
immediate concern.

This man was at the auction.

You spoke with him, and somehow
he's also a dock worker.

What's going on? Who is he?

Uh... nobody?

Now, that sounds like a lie.

Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait! He's a...

He's a fed.

- Huh?
- Uh-huh.

A fed? Are you kidding?

You're in business
with t*rrorists.

You said you'd consult for
me if I had an opening?

Well, I'm open to offers.

Good to know.

The guy's FBI, but he's bent.

He's been working in
the art world for years.

Whether he was at the auction for me,
the Chechen, or you, I don't know,

but he can be bought.


I do like to acquire things.


See you later
for a pint there, Tommy.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

How many more containers
are there to check?

Sixty-three of these in
one shipment on one boat.

No wonder DeDe's fighting
an uphill battle.


I guess you know who I am.

Well, I guess you know who I am.

I know everything about you,
Hammond. I got mad respect for you.

I've been trying to keep this
case off my boss's desk for weeks

because I smell something that
could be great for both of us.

Help yourself.

We always find a way to
do just that, don't we?

You've got a great
scam going on here.

All your little boats, the
trinkets you hide everywhere.

I got a better scam.

You see, Agent McSweeten, head
of the FBI counterterrorism,

he's a little bit of a Boy Scout,
and he'd love to hear about you.

- Oh, is that right?
- That is right.

You see, you smuggle for big
game, but you're a little fish.

He'd probably just
use you for bait

to catch whoever he wanted to hang
over his fireplace.

And the only thing between
you and him, I guess, is me.

I'll tear you apart!

No, no, no, no, no.

What you're gonna do is cut me
in for 40% of your operation.

Now, that's what
you're gonna do.

Because if you don't,
the next time you see me,

I could be with, like, 10, 12
cats wearing windbreakers...

holding shotguns.

And I'd have a
warrant in my hand.

Pardon me. Enjoy. I wouldn't eat
those. Those were previously frozen.

This is all just
getting too hot.

Get the tiles from my container,
tell the barge to shove off and wait.

International waters.

I'm gonna call the Chechen.

Maybe we can make a deal with the
tiles to solve this FBI blackmail.

Maybe he can take care
of all of our problems.

How did you know, uh...



I saw your barge pushing off
and knew we needed to talk.

The man I work for
is very powerful.

Powerful enough to solve
all of your problems,

legal or otherwise,
anywhere in the world.

Perhaps even take care
of a pesky FBI agent.

In return, this most gracious leader
who appreciates cultural artifacts

would be pleased to accept
your entire mahjong set.

Lost tiles included.

He wants the entire set now?

Yes. Thank you.

Very generous of you.

I will escort this back to
my employer immediately.

And so long as you do
not betray his trust...

there are no problems
we cannot erase for you.

God damn!


Everybody ready? Sophie?

Heading in now.

When we're done with him,
Hammond will have backed himself

so far into a corner, he'll
turn himself over to the FBI.

You do know Eliot's not
the real FBI, right?

Why do you think I dropped
McSweeten's name in his lap?

Sophie, be careful.

So far, it's all going
to plan, thanks to Arthur.

Ms. Baros, my associate just
told me some troubling news.

Apparently, your real
name is Sophie Devereaux

and you're here trying to con
me out of everything I have.

Did your associate also tell you that
he's been selling you fakes for months?

I never sold him fakes.


The Malindi Kingdom was still
active in the early 1600s?

I expect he's been
taking kickbacks

for authenticating other
people's fakes for you as well.

Throwing out the blame just
to try and confuse things.

That's just her style.

She lured you into
stealing those lost tiles

so you would lead her directly
to your personal container.

Who told me about the hidden
container in the first place?

Get the others. Now.

I told you not to trust me. You
should have stayed in your lane,

Your Grace.

This is my lane.

All this time and
you've learned nothing.

If you're so smart,
how did the trackers

you hid in those lost
tiles work out of you, huh?

Trackers? What trackers?

I just found out
about that. I swear.

I just sent those tiles to...

The Chechen just sent those to
Altahir, who's deep in hiding,

'cause you said I needed to.

And now you're telling
me there are trackers?

He'll never believe I
didn't do this on purpose.

Mr. Hammond.
Mr. Hammond. Mr. Hammond.

- Shut up.
- Mr. Hammond.

- I said shut up.
- About the Chechen...

Shut up or I'm gonna sh**t you.

Come on, pick up. Come
on, pick up. Where is he?

Look, I can fix this.

But first we gotta
get rid of her.

Look, no matter how safe you
believe your hidden container is,

she's about to
empty it right now.

Empty it?

The container's on my
ship, safe and sound.

But we're gonna fix this.

We're gonna find your
little friend together.

And if we can't, I'm
gonna get rid of you.


Where do you think you're going?

Eliot, I could use your
help right about now.

I got you. Go.

Hello? Uh, Mr. Chechen? Hello?

God damn interference. Hello?

I told you, it's Sophie we need.
Forget the Chechen. He's...

Another word out of you and I'll take
care of one of my big problems right now.

Hammond keeps calling me
and I can't find Sophie.

Breanna, where am
I supposed to...

Hold that thought.

Trust me, no one's gonna miss
Sophie Devereaux when she's gone.

I don't trust you,
Wilde. Now move.

What the...?
But I've been call...

What did you do?
What did you do?

I don't know. He must
have... He was att*cked.

I've been calling
him for the last ten.

He's the only one that could
get me out of this mess.

God damn it! What am I gonna
do? What am I gonna do?

- Huh?
- This is all too much, Mr. Hammond.

Sophie Devereaux and the
Chechen and the FBI. It's a...

The FBI? The FBI? I could call the
FBI and make a deal for protection.

- Go.
- No.

- Go!
- But no, no, no, no.

You see, the FBI guy, he is...

He's crooked, I know. But his boss,
McSweeten, he'll take my call.

Oh, what? You're gonna make
a deal and save yourself?

Hold on. What about Sophie
Devereaux? What about your container?

You can't just let her
get away with everything!

You're right. There
is another way.

But I'm gonna need a fall guy
for the FBI and the t*rror1st.

After all, who was it who
met the Chechen first? You.

Who was it who arranged
the sale of the tiles? You!

No, no, no, Hammond!

It's all a con.

The FBI guy was in on it.
The Chechen was in on it.

None of it is real!

You don't need a fall guy.

I don't believe a word you say.

gone. We lost him.

Which way did Hammond go now?

He took a motorboat to his
barge. International water.

So I did wind up dead this time.

No one said he was
gonna sh**t me.

Oh, Arthur. You didn't expect we'd
keep a live g*n in play, did you?

I have loaded
the blanks into the g*n.

Now talk me through the rest.

Just stop with the
freaky accent thingy.

Perhaps I will use this
accent forever.

Fall down, you idiot.

You could have told me.

We needed it to be believable.

You were pushing the
betrayal too hard.

Excuse me, I stammered and cowered
perfectly well after Harry died.

It was very
convincing, by the way.

Oh, that was actually
my first death, so...

Hold that thought.

Stop, stop, stop!

Is that enough blood? Or
should I add a little bit more?

And when I crumple, should I crumple
forwards or should I crumple backwards?

Well, just die already.

Give me that.

I'm gonna take Brando here home.

But Hammond never called the
FBI. So much for your plan, huh?

Arthur, plans are
like identities.

Always have a backup.


Oh, I'm on it.

I reached out to all the
media outlets with your story

and Parker's on the phone with
Hammond's satellite provider now.

Yeah, tots.
Yeah. Perf. Yeah. Cancel.

Twenty minutes?
Oh, yeah. Totally.


I hope you enjoy your time
on your trash barge, Hammond.

Don't you get it?

All we needed was for
you to get on that barge,

and now you're never
getting off it.

I can get off this ship at
a dozen international ports,

bribe my way in through contacts of
any country that I have dumped in.

I still have assets on this
barge worth millions of dollars.

I'm afraid not, Mr. Hammond.

Because what the
government won't take,

I've already stolen.

Now we're almost
into Hammond's bank accounts.

Just move the
little arrow thingy

to the little gray box
thingy on the right.

Yes, I
know what a cursor is.

This accent thing
is throwing me off.

Perhaps you are
seasick from being on boat.


Oh, I'm gonna
find you, Sophie Devereaux.


You think you have
me cornered? Yeah?

Well, I still have an entire container
full of priceless antiquities.

Which despite all of your
crap, you never managed to get.

Get the tiles from my container,
tell the barge to shove off and wait.

International waters.

Hammond's guy.

And that's the container.

Hurry. Switch the ID numbers
so they take the wrong one.

You see, the feds just don't take
one's word on this sort of thing.

I did have to provide evidence.

And don't even think about
trying to call for help.

Your satellite phone should
start dying right about...

Hello? Hello?


We may not get 'em to stop
dumping trash around the world,

but we sure managed to
convince Clyde Hammond to stop.

Yeah, and replace your boat.

And he graciously agreed to
put almost every cent he owns

into a cooperative
to clean up the bay.

You know, most people who don't live
with this problem refuse to care.

I didn't think anybody
would ever help.

Well, I called the news
station about that follow-up.

I think you could
make them care.

Come on.


I wanna drive the boat.

- I wanna drive the boat.
- No.

- I wanna drive the boat.
- No!

I'm gonna drive the boat.

- Arthur.
- Oh, apology time.

Arthur, I admit I tried
to forget what I did

or didn't do all
those years ago.

But I have been carrying
it with me ever since.

I know your cut of the Hammond con
isn't gonna begin to make up for it.

Where did the rest
of the money go?

I'm trying to make amends.

That doesn't sound
like the girl I know.

That's not me anymore.

Yes, it is.

Just because you walked away
from the carnage in your past

doesn't mean it's not there.

And I'm not the only one whose legs
you cut out from underneath them.

Why don't you stop pretending?

'Cause I know the
real you, darling.

And you haven't changed.

Harry, I wanted to thank you
for what you did on this con.

I knew I did a good death.

I know that's not
what you meant.

You know, when Nate
was running the team,

he would never, ever admit
to having a blind spot.

But I knew he relied
on me to point them out

when he was veering
onto the wrong path.

I know I have blind spots
and I know where they are,

but thank you for
pointing them out.

I was kind of hoping you
might stick around for a bit,

stop me from veering.

You were right.

I mean, maybe we can't take on
the world's bigger problems,

but at least now DeDe can.

I'm glad you found a way.



Why didn't you tell
the crew about Arthur?

Because you can't
dwell on the past.

You have to keep moving forward.

But sometimes when you look back,
you see how much you've changed.

Baby steps, Sophie.

Baby steps.