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01x14 - The Great Train Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:17
by bunniefuu
Loaded on the truck,

it looks like nothin'.

I know.

I'm waitin' on a call, see if the

parish will do some soil tests.

Blight on half the field makes no sense.

The rest is fine.

But this

this is not enough.

And what happens when we lose that?


My dad got through worse.

My grandfather got through worse.

We will get through this.



Come here.

Go to the market.

Say hi to Sharon for me.

All right. Can't wait for that.

'Scuse me!

Time to pack up.

We don't want your kind around here.

Do we, gentlemen?

Get out of here!

Get out of here!

Get off my land!






but 75% of the food trucks here

are-are sponsored by these

guys. I buy from them.

Tell her about it.

Famille Farms has been in Leon's

family since before the w*r.

It's one of the last Black-owned

small farms in Louisiana.

It's a legacy.

But, I mean, the produce is

I mean, well, it's organic.

Sweetest beans you've ever tasted, huh?

Eliot's a satisfied customer.

- I am.

- Sure is.

But it's not just my food trucks.

What, CSA's, high-end farm-to-table?

I mean, these guys,

they feed the community.

Hard through the past year.

Half of our crops suffered a blight.

We've been trying to figure out why.

And now

And now a hate crime.

I'm gonna find these guys.

I'm gonna find these guys, and

they're not gonna like the process.

- But that's not why you're here.

- No.

When they patched me up,

they ran a blood panel

and they found alcohol cardiomyopathy.


Oh, I'm sorry, you

you don't have any signs.

I don't drink.

At all.

I went in and had bloodwork done too.

Same diagnosis.

And I haven't had a drink since

when was the barbecue at Marcy's?

- That was fun.

- Mm-hmm.

And that was three months ago.

You're being poisoned.

Along with your field.

Yeah, this hate crime

is not a coincidence.

Somebody wants you gone.

We almost died.

We almost lost everything.

And if we don't figure this out,

we will lose everything.

Where's Parker?

Taking James and Leon to the

Ritz Carlton for a couple days,

with a spa package.

We Rochambeaued for it,

and she won.

According to James' description,

the attackers are WIM's,

which is White Identity Movement,

but they're not much beyond an acronym

and a 4chan thread.

And an Instagram.

We got 'em good, boys!

I have friends who spend all

day peeling back visual clues

to locate and dox Nazis,

but these guys, they just

posted it, with hashtags.

I thought those livestreams

disappeared after 24 hours.

Right. Internet's forever.

But what doesn't make

sense is these WIM's

aren't the type to have a

whole train at their disposal.

Wait. Did you just

say they have a train?

So, this is an aerial view of the farm.

The boundaries of the

blight go way past the farm.

Well, on that land in the

middle of the blight

Old train tracks.

Yeah, so they dead-end

there, but they meet up

with the main railway

about three miles north.

Hold on, right there. That

dark spot, zoom in on that.

Somebody's burying something there

at the end of the train tracks.

Maybe that's what's poisoning the land.

Well, James and Leon have asked

the parish to test the soil,

but they just haven't done it yet.

Betcha it's cobalt poisoning.

That's, uh how do you know that?

Well, about ten years

ago, my firm handled a case

where they were using cobalt

to kind of fizz up the

foam in bottled beer,

and a lot of people got sick.

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

And they weren't alcoholics.

Turned out it was the cobalt

isn't fit for human consumption.

And how much did the beer company

have to pay out to the survivors?

Well, we won that one, so, you know

Oh, no. We're puttin' that

on the redemption list.

- Oh, you

- Redemption list.

You don't have a redemption list. What?

Ha! Well, huh, I guess if

I go back to regular life,

it would be nice to have a clean slate.

I actually like my list.

I mean, everything on

my list that I did wrong,

I did extremely right.

So, the land with the

tracks, who owns it?

Well, it's been through

a bunch of LLC's,

but meet Blake Whitcomb.

Educated at Eaton and Oxford,

and then he dropped out of Stanford,

and then seriously got

into the green energy game.

A green energy evangelist,

Whitcomb walks the walk,

running his global business

from his private train car.

We've retrofitted the entire train car

to run on renewables.

My company, Whittech,

is going to revolutionize

the way the world runs.

A private train car!

Ooh! How very Agatha Christie.

And he is not kidding about

revolutionizing the world.

In a decade, electric

cars are gonna be old news.

Apparently, rumor on the Interwebs is

this guy has designs

for an electric plane.

Oh, that is impressive.

I mean, the most expensive

part of flying is the fuel.

And the most carcinogenic.

Guy builds an electric plane,

it's gonna be cheaper travel,

better for the planet.

Well, apparently there's a big

reveal in Detroit this weekend.

The online techies

they have it all planned out and

Whoo! Ha!

- What?

- Parker!

Took the fast way back.

Don't worry, James and Leon are

fine. They're getting their massages.

Rewind that.


Um uh a really ugly painting?

A really ugly Kandinsky,

a very early one,

which means lots of

money but no taste

someone who buys a Kandinsky

just to own a Kandinsky.

- What?

- No! The frame!

Look! In 1910, Glenn-Rieder

sold a picture frame safe,

a limited edition,

with 12 fleur-de-lis all around

the burnished brass border.

So the painting is hiding

so the painting is fake?

Nope! The Kandinsky is real.

But he bought it for its

size, not its value

or what it looks like.

He chose it to fit the frame.

I'm gonna steal it.

I'm gonna rob that.

I'm gonna rob that safe. I'm

gonna go on the private train.

I'm gonna rob that train!

Parker, calm down.

So, our farmers are being poisoned

by something likely

transported by a train,

and their neighbor's office is a train.

Helluva coincidence, huh?

But what I'm not connecting yet, though,

is how this gentleman

trying to save the world

has anything to do with

white nationalist hate crime.

Yeah, what he wants to hide so badly

he's willing to bury it in the

middle of a field in rural Louisiana.

Benefit of the doubt the

poisoning could be unintentional.

Or someone could be trying to

frame him.

You wanna meet him?

I just traced his tag number.

His private car is hooked up

to a train at Union Station.

It's leaving New Orleans in

30 minutes for points north.

- Can I go? Please, can I go?

- Hold up. Hi.

Harry and I are gonna take the farm.

We're gonna find out

what's buried there.

All aboard.

Let's go steal a train!

All right!


Ha! Come on.


Train 0645 with service to Detroit

is now boarding

and will depart from Union

Station in five minutes.


It was staring me right in the face.

It was just right there.

Well, what was I supposed to do?

Uh, not take it! That could

have been a little old lady

going to go see her grandkids.

That could have been Grandma Cheryl.

She just can't resist.


Front of the train. Steer clear!

You know, people don't usually party

on their way back from New Orleans.

Well, bachelorettes have stamina.

Where's Whitcomb's private carriage?

Uh, it's hitched to

the back of the train.


Why, if you have a

private meeting in Detroit,

would you take the slowest way there

with bachelorettes?

Old white guys, expensive

suits poorly tailored.


Thousand-dollar hoodies.

Hedge fund hipsters.

Well, we know two things.

This is not a relaxing trip

on the way to the meeting,

this is the meeting.

Those are investors.

What's the second thing?

Blake Whitcomb and the hate

crime, definitely connected.


Okay, so green energy guy

has a hate-criming bodyguard?

Blake Whitcomb is definitely

involved in the poisoning.

Yeah, poisoning he had to keep a secret

'cause as soon as James and Leon

asked the parish to test their soil

Yeah, they get hit by a hate crime.

Okay, what's the plan?

I have 30 characters in this

bag, anyone I need to be.

- Oh.

- Parker, I've got someone for you too.

What about me?

Get to play yourself.

Go and set up mobile

communications in the cafe car. Go!

Watch out for the bachelorettes!

Loo you gotta be on the look

for more white identity types too.

And, kid, listen to me.

I know you know that just you existing

in that space makes you a target.

Copy that.

Did you get a new car?

Not my new car, it's my other car.

- What's this stuff?

- It's equipment to test the dump site.

Just happen to have a bunch

of scientific equipment

in the back of your

You have a bailout bag

with duct tape and plastic.

That's why I wanted

to take my other car.

All right.

Harry, we never discussed this

before you joined the team.

You a serial k*ller?

- Just prepared.

- Yeah, you're prepared.

You forgot shovels.

I'll go check the barn.

Yeah, see if they've

got a wheelbarrow, too.

Electric flight is an energy problem.

We need an innovative design,

yes, but, most importantly,

it needs an energy-dense battery.

I see a Chinese heiress;

investment bankers who, by their

shoes, look to be Saudi Arabian;

and the Secretary of State,

who should be at the Hague.

We've been keeping our

test flights secret.

She's not an investor.

Who's the fish out of water, the

young woman working for Whitcomb.

Okay, the passenger

manifest says Emily Yoo.

She's an engineer for

Whitcomb's company.

She's cute.

Judging by her bitten fingernails,

she's nervous about something.

Okay, I just hacked into

Whittech's private slack board.

So, she headed the design

team for the plane's body.

So, that explains why

she's along for the ride.

- Seems like she's nervous about the launch.

- Why?

I don't know. Everyone keeps

telling her it's just nerves,

that Whitcomb's a genius.

They really think this

man is the Second Coming.

Not Emily.

In a world of Thomas

Edison avatars, she's

well, she's a Nikola Tesla.

We've been keeping our

test flights secret,

so I can't spill too

much, but what I will say

is Berlin to the Eagle's

Nest has spectacular views.

I'm sorry, Eagle's Nest?

D-does he mean, um,

like the Eagle's Nest?

Hitler's vacation home, yes.

Now I know exactly who I need to be.

Breanna, you have 30 seconds

to turn me into German royalty.

Uh, royalty?


Did she say royalty? Did

this woman say royalty?


I know that you were not

at our last investors soiree

because that is a face

I could never forget.

Senator Jefferson Gwynette.

Lili-Marlene von Bismarck.

Ja, that von Bismarck.

It's a long story.

I have been dispatched

by Kanzlerin Merkel

to make sure Germany is doing all it can

to support Herr Whitcomb's new tech.

Old Blake must love you.

Leider, we have never met in person.

Ooh! I would be happily

grateful for an introduction.



Tickets. Uh, tickets, please.

Blake, if we could just go

over the initial plans of the

Absolutely, Emily. Just one second.


Blake, I'd like to

introduce you to someone.

This is Lili-Marlene von

Bismarck, German Energy.

I think she's just the investor

you've been looking for.

Thank you, Senator!

Frau von Bismarck!

What a wonderful

surprise to see you here.


We can lose the formalities, Sir, right?

I am only a businesswoman here.

I am here on business,

not royal business.

Well, you must call me Blake.


The Senator's foresight in

inviting you must be fate.

- Well

- I must say, I've been

rather stymied by the

government of the Fatherland.

Oh, come on. Before we were

British, and then American,

we were German, just

like the royal family.


I've been making the case to

the Bundesregierung for years.

You are so far ahead of our engineers.

But now I have the ear

of the Chancellor, well

where Germany goes,

Europe is sure to follow.

Oh, you must forgive Karl.

He takes such good care of us here.

Stops any outsiders from slipping in.


Ah, you know tech journalists.

Always trying to get a

taste of the big reveal.


But, as Steve Jobs taught us

make them wait.

Everyone here is abuzz with rumors

of a plane with a miraculous battery.

Dare I ask

All in good time.

But as I always say,

I aim to remake the world.

Shall we?

Whoo! Nice one, Breanna.

Wikipedia and the Online German Peerage.

I think you guys are testing me.

Got any more on what he's

revealing that I could steal

out of that gorgeous

1910 Glenn-Rieder safe?

Uh, not yet. But I did get a

back door into the Patent Office,

and I got everything

that Whitcomb ever filed.

I'm not gonna lie to you,

it-it's kind of a lot,

but, uh, there's got to be

something in this haystack.

Oh, here we go. Here's

the end of the line.

Look at this.

All right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa. What are you doing?

You can't just dig into that.

We gotta test all this first.

What is all this stuff?

Well, you remember that beer case

I told you about a couple years ago?

I started getting kind of interested

in all the stuff that

ends up in what we eat

and what we drink, so I

started doing a little research,

and I ordered some things online.

Ended up on some pretty strange

mailing lists, I can tell you that.

So you're not a serial k*ller,

you're a doomsday prepper.

I'm more of an every day prepper.

Which I'm really glad about now.

What does that mean?

Um, there's some protective

suits in that go bag.

We're gonna want to put those on.

This whole dump site is off

the charts with heavy metals.

- Prost.

- Prost.

Herr Whitcomb, I must confess,

some of my fondest memories of childhood

were riding the Orient

Express with my mother.

So much of our rail travel has

lost that romanticism, nein?

Well, say no more, Lili-Marlene.


Ah. Reverence for the old

and innovation of the new.


Karl, see that we're not disturbed.

Oh, my, what a beauty.

Okay, small problem: The door's

locked with a dual biometric screener

and it's guarded by that

hate-criming mixologist.

I have been up and down

these patent applications,

and it's just all your

basic ass-covering.

There is certainly not anything in

here about an energy-dense battery.

Because there is no patent.

Schematics for the

battery are probably inside

that very, very special 1910

Glenn-Rieder picture safe.

I'm confused. What does all

this have to do with the farm?

Well, the evidence is

probably in the safe too.

We need to get inside that

private car and crack that safe.

How are you gonna get inside

a private car on a moving train

with a double biometric lock and a

security guy in front of the door?


I'm nodding, but I don't

know what that means.

I don't know what that means.

Ahh! The modern upgrades have not

harmed the aesthetic at all, I see.

Yes, this wall, when

we had to remove it,

I found some of the same wood

used in the golden age of film.

I'm fond of German filmmakers,

especially those forced to

flee for political reasons.

This, if you can believe it,

is the famous shepherd's

hat and stone axe

of the brave Gypsy villager

from Leni Riefenstahl's Tiefland.

Ugh, Sophie, swipe left.


Ahh! You are a fan of

his early work, I see.

Ah, I have to confess, I am

a novice at the visual arts.

That was a gift from mother.

To Mutter!

Ah! Und this is the battery.

You are going to learn

all my secrets, aren't you?

This is an energy-dense battery

that achieves 600

Watt-kilograms per hour,

enough to fly across the country.

It is a prototype. Proprietary.

You'll see it in action

when we get to Detroit.

Und this is how you're

going to change the world

the world that has been

flying for a century!

Now, you don't change the

world with an invention.

You change it with power.

- Oh.

- There are too many people

too many obstacles,

too many blah-blah-blah,

but my battery

oh, my battery is going to make

me and my investors billions.

And with that, oh, we're going

to put the world back in order.

Back in order!


There are those of us,

it's in our blood to be on top.

Everyone else

doesn't count.

Time to come clean.

The European Union is

going to announce a goal

of all-electric air travel on the

Continent in the next 10 years.

I want to be ahead of the curve,

and return Europe to her former glory.

I think you and I could

get along famously.

Ahh, sealed.

Gratulation an uns beide.

But first

let us rejoin the party.

I want to see my competition

for your most fervent backer.


I think we know now why

he has white supremist

bodyguards, nicht wahr?

Yah! Whoo! Whoo! Yyyesss!


Worse in person.

At last.

I thought you were a

myth, but here you are.

Here we are.


You know, not too long ago,

this would be about the last place

you'd find me spending my free time.

Yeah, well, this ain't

the country club, is it?


Hey, let me ask you

a question. Be honest.

Did you ever think I'd last this long?

Not at first.

But let me ask you a question.

How far you want to go?

See, a lot of people,

they just change a little.

They take a look at their past and

realize it's too much to overcome,

but you

no, you've stared your past in the face.

And you kept on digging.

I guess what I'm saying is

you could be a part of this team,


What? It's empty!



This train car's off-balance.

Whatever this guy's hiding, it's

not in the safe, it's in the walls.

And it's not blueprints, unless

blueprints are made of metal.

How do you know it's metal?

The smell, the taste, the weight.

- The taste? -

Bitter. Acidic-like.

Kind of like licking a battery?

Yes! How did you know?

'Cause we're standing here

staring at a pile of 'em.

Dumping batteries at the farm?

Yeah, it's 'cause they're experimental.

But they're leaking,

though. They're corroded.

- What?

- I'm telling you

this whole place is off

the charts with heavy metals.

Wait, are those lithium-ion batteries?

Those are Li-O's.

Oh, holy holy !

Guys, this is a recycling problem.

- What?

- Wait, what?

Okay, uh-um, electric

car batteries, right?

They're great, but they're not perfect.

They have to be carefully recycled

because if they're just

dumped, they leak cobalt.

These ones look like they've

been, like, modified somehow,

like he just stuffed a

whole bunch of stuff in there

to try to make it stronger.

But that is not how batteries work.

If you overload the capacity

of a battery, it overheats.

It it it causes a fire.

It leaks into a corroded mess.

That's why James and Leon

have cobalt poisoning.

It got into the groundwater,

drained back to their

farms to their home!

Well, what's Whitcomb doing out

here burying prototype car batteries?

I thought he was making an airplane.

And worse, why is there an empty

safe in his private train car?

He's dumping the batteries because

he's not supposed to have them.

Because his new battery

The future tech, energy-dense

battery that'll fly a 747

The one that's so new, it

doesn't even have a patent yet

But he'd tell you all about it

if it wasn't a trade secret

Except he can't tell you how it

works because it doesn't work.

These junk batteries

will never fly a plane.

Ah, fake it till you make it?

Probably got a dozen monkeys

working on it day and night.

He probably believes he's

gonna build that battery,

but it's not ready yet.

But he needs that influx of

cash to keep things running.

It's a confidence game.

How bloody dare he?

This guy is greenwashing!

He is lying about lifesaving tech!

He's polluting a farm, and

then he's using all this

hate-criming nonsense to cover it up!

The nerve!

Yeah, well, he beat up James and Leon

to try to run 'em out of town

so they wouldn't expose him.

We gotta take some of these

with us, man, as proof!

Well, now, aren't you glad I packed

a plastic tarp and some duct tape?

The game's changing.

Breanna, I need you off the bench.

What do you mean?

How are we supposed to know

if the designs will work?

We will!

I hope I'm not interrupting.

Not at all, Lili.

Have you met Emily? She's our

lead engineer on the plane body.

Like I tell everybody,

nobody at the company knows more

about the plane than Emily

except me!


Emily, Lili-Marlene,

the foremost European expert

on green energy aviation.

Liebling, I must confess

to a touch of jetlag.

Your stewards have the best champagne,

but I would love einen

kleinen Kaffee, bitte.

Of course. I think we

have some in the cafe car.

- Emily, would you

- mind?

No problem. Be right back.

"Foremost European expert"?

Well, you are what you say you are, hmm?

Now, I have some people I

want to introduce you to,

so you wait here and I'll be right back.

Breanna, incoming.

What do I do?

You know what to do

you both speak nerd.

Either she's in on it

and we take her down,

or you pull the wool from her

eyes and she defects to our side.

Yeah, I know, I know,

it's just I have never conned

somebody, like, cute before.

That's the nice thing about these

on-the-fly jobs no time to think.

Yeah, right, 'cause, uh,

why would I want to think?

Tea. Chamomile. Lemon? Lemon.

Hey, I Sorry, uh um

Are those drones?

Yeah, yeah, it is.

Those are just, um, designs

used to replant forests

ravaged by wildfire.

It's like, um, they carry

and they drop seedlings

and their nutrient packs to

give 'em a greater chance to

Take root.

Yeah, I, um, I started doing

tech in the Peace Corps.

God, it's so rare to actually

run into a fellow maker

who's trying to solve concrete problems.

Yeah. Like concrete, actually.

Right. Like concrete.

We actually aren't running

out of concrete, though.


I'm sorry, do you wanna sit down?



whatever you're feeling, use it.

Secretary, this is

Lili-Marlene von Bismarck,

the foremost European

expert on green energy.

I'm young to be a chief engineer.

I'm lucky to be where I am.

Oh, shut up. Luck?

You earned it.

I mean, you're probably the only

woman of color department head.

Hmm? Yeah?

I thought so!

So you worked four times

as hard to get there.

Well, anyway, um, my boss,

he, um, he won't

I led the development

on the new plane

the-the lighter composite body,

the dual tailfins, whole thing.

Except the battery.

It's driving me crazy. He

had some flash of

genius a few months back,

and the whole thing got

just veiled in secrecy,

like done-done in a separate

building and, like

I want to make the world a better place.

Feels like I'm being sidelined.

No, I mean, you sound

like a smart person

who knows something's up.

You're just talkin'

yourself out of your instincts.

Wow, that is

kind of you to say.

It's true.

Breanna? Breanna?

Is she dead? Did they die?

We now know two more things:

engineer Emily is a true believer

and not a villainous greenwasher.


What's the other thing?

We have to move to phase two.

Breanna, you need to show her

that the emperor has no clothes.

We may need to take

control of the train, just in case.

On it! Man, I'm so

depressed about the S-A-F-E!

Ah! No!

I have to go through

the bachelorette party?


They're not bachelorettes,

they're Mounties!

Mounties? What's the big deal?

They're just cops on horses.

They're not just cops on horses.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Department

is the most feared law

enforcement in the entire world.

did plant

Britannia's flag on ♪

And every single one

of us is wanted by them.

- I thought they were bachelorettes.

- No!

Harry, it's a train car full of

Mounties heading from New Orleans

to Detroit?

Ugh, no.

Train ends in Windsor, Ontario.

Wait a second, you guys take down

international crime syndicates

like whole governments,

and now you're afraid

of Dudley Do-Right?

- Shh!

- Shh!

- Shut up!

- Shut your mouth.

You can't call them

that. They do not like it.

They are fast, they are ruthless.

They will put you down politely,

and they will put you down forever.

This is why we don't work in Canada.

Why? What did you do?

An off-the-books

excursion in Saskatchewan.

Which warranted some twitch city.

Stole the Stanley Cup.

Egregious misuse of a

Mountie's hat and handcuffs.

Wait I stole the Stanley Cup.

Oh, yeah? When's the

last time you saw it?

I just I forgot where I stored it.

- Well, aren't you glad I found it, then?

- Parker!

If any of them sees us, we are screwed.

They're Mounties, man.

They never forget a face.

We are not giving up,

not when we're this close.

Besides, they don't have jurisdiction.

Actually, by a quirk in the North

American Rail Agreement of 1922,

the Mounties do have

jurisdiction over this train

because the final destination

is across the Canadian border.

Well, then, we have to nail Blake

Whitcomb before we get to Detroit.

Hey, um

I have to go back to this party.


Do you want to come?


that's exactly the opening we need.

- Take it.

- Mm-hmm.

My guy's at the site.

He's got some looky-loos.

He doesn't like it.

Get the rest of the

boys and burn it down.

Take out anyone in the

way and salt the earth.

We're way too close, and I can't

have this coming back on me.


Eliot incoming.

They're gonna burn down the farm.

No, they're not, not on my watch.

Harry, let's move.

Serious. It's it's the kind

of work we should be doing.

Sell one to the billionaires,

give a million to the people.

Hey, I'll introduce you to Blake.

I'll bet he offers you a job.

She's primed.

She believes in the

mission, not the man.

You just have to show her the truth.

What's wrong?

I'd love to meet your boss, uh, Blake,

but is there somewhere that

we could go to talk alone?

Sounds better than a room

full of finance jerks.

Yes. Yes, there is.

The very nature of naming it propaganda

means it's already sunk so far

into the public consciousness

Blake, can I ?

Whatever it is, Emily, it can wait.

- Oh, Emily!

- Ah, Emily!


this is Breanna. She's an engineer.

Um, I just wanted to show

her the gas lamp retrofits.

Is that okay?

I only wish I had put

cameras in the car.

Don't sell any state secrets, hmm?

All right, we beat 'em here.

Get this battery evidence,

and get it down the road.

I can help you. These guys aren't smart.

No, they are not smart

and they are not tough.

They are entitled and they are stupid.

And that is what makes 'em dangerous.

And they want what we have,

and they'll do anything to get it.


Blake, he's okay, he's gross,

but, I mean, he's a visionary.

I mean, I don't even know

what's in this battery,

which, now, I guess is a good thing.

I mean, I can't give anything away,

even if I were tickle-tortured.

Hey, did you know that every

single pane of that stained glass

is actually a small solar panel?

I mean, I could throw energy

at passing neighborhoods

if I could just figure out how to, um

Right. I am talking too much. Sorry.

It's just, um

I never get to be alone

with, you know, someone

someone like me, who likes, um

making things.

Oh, yes, that is the stone axe

from the brave Gypsy villager.

Uh, it's from a Leni

Riefenstahl movie, though,

so I feel like it's kind of

like a reverse Mjölnir

like, it poisons everyone

it touches with racism.

Do not touch the wood!

No, uh, what are you doing?

Oh, God. Ohh.

Now, that is a wall of lies.


Why are these here?

That's Blake's secret battery.

It's just a standard Li-O,

it's just overstuffed with a

whole bunch of heavy metals.

That will not fly a plane

more than five minutes

before it breaks down and

starts to leak toxic chemicals.

No. No, no, no, no. That

that can't be. That's, um

that that's crazy.


My plane can fly can't it?

Your plane needs a battery,

and the one that Blake

invented doesn't exist.

He lied to you. He's a fraud.

And he's dumping the used batteries

in farmlands north of New Orleans.

People are being poisoned.

Where did you get this?

It's kind of my job.

It's um

it's Panama and a drone,

and a little stealing

it's the karate chop the point is,

is that Blake is hurting people,

and he's using this little

cult to get away with it.

Now, I'm trying to fix that.

I just I need your help.


I no, I ca I

I I can't help you.

You're the chief engineer.

You designed that plane.

Okay? Like you told

everybody else in there,

no one knows more about

this thing than you do.

- If you expose him

- If I expose him

my dream of electric flight dies.

Ding-dong. Your seven

minutes in heaven



What is this, military cosplay? Hmm?

There a convention in town?

Let me ask you something:

Have you ever actually served?


Any of ya'?

I mean, somebody other than yourself.

Looky here, snowflake,

we don't give a hot-diggity-damn

what y'all are doin' out here.

But I know

Hey! What in the heck are you doing now?

What the hell are you doin'?

Antilock brakes.

Look at me. Hey.

Look at me.





My buddy hits you with a

shovel, it's polite to stay down.

I just hit a guy with a car!

I I just hit a guy with a shovel!

I told you to leave!

I know, but I had to

come back and help my

It's all right. It's

adrenaline, it'll pass.

Good job.

I might take you with me from now

on. I mean, you look like a lawyer.

Well, I'm happy to be just a la

- What?

- I think I am gonna hurl.

No, no, no. Hey rub some dirt on it.



- I

- Karl! Karl, get the door!


I'm sorry, Herr Whitcomb,

your Karl is not out there.

- Can we help?

- Not there?

Where's he gone?

Karl! Oh, Karl, Karl!

There is a guy in the next car,

and he is bragging that

he has the plane designs!

He was on the phone to

a place called Wired.



Doesn't matter.

Uh, everything's fine, Lili.

Uh, my employee just took

a stumble, that's all.

What, and destroyed your wall?

- What what what are you talking about?

- Nothing.

It's nothing. It's, um just some

new green insulation, that's all.

Um, why don't we all go back

outside and have a drink, eh?

Actually, Blake, we've all been

drinking enough of your wine!

Why don't you show us

what we came for, huh?

What we came for?

Your energy-dense battery!


Lili, we, um

Why make us wait? Come! Show us!

Show us! Show us!

Everything will be revealed

once we get to the

facility in, uh, Detroit.

- So

- I'll show you.

Here's his prototype.

You are a fraud.

That is what you are

worth, Herr Whitcomb.


He has nothing.

He's been illegally disposing

of hazardous materials,

and smuggling some across state lines,

and he committed as*ault

to cover his secret.

And his bodyguards are standing back

and standing by, if

you know what I mean.

My team just wanted to make

the world a better place.

We were in the dark about his fraud.

No. No. No, no, no, no

no. Listen to me.

This is just the presentational model.

We're working on it.

I am working on it.

I just need more time.

The-the-the plane. The

plane will be be lighter.

It will be faster. It will be

made up of composite material.

And that is not your work either, is it?

This this woman knows nothing!

You've been telling everybody she's

the foremost European authority,

and now she knows nothing?

My team built that plane.

Blake just sold it.

This is your genius.

If you want an electric plane, this

is the mind that it'll come from.

That is a con man und a thief.

No, everyb no

Where do you think you're going, Blake?

You're on a moving train.

Brace yourselves.

Blake Whitcomb.

It's okay. I've seen your

picture, and I never forget a face.


Uh, yep!

Well, imagine us at

the end of our holiday

getting a tip that

the very train we're on

contains a very rich

man named Whitcomb

that'd be you

attempting to smuggle hazardous

waste across the border.

Oh, yeah, that's exactly right.

He's transporting highly toxic chemicals

into our beautiful

country, dontcha know.

Train number 556 to Windsor,

Ontario. Okay, gotta go, bye!

Auto braking engaged.

We can't have that now. Can we, eh?

No! I deny intent to go to Canada!

I have your ticket right here.

All the way to Windsor, Ontario.

I hope you grow to like it

because once we get to Canada,

you're not leaving for

a very, very long time.

This is our stop.

Sorry that I, um, threw a sledgehammer

in our little private moment.

You kidding?

Gotta be the best first date story ever.

Hey, yo, yo, yo.

Put your paws on that.

- Uh, do you want ?

- Mm-hmm. Yeah.


Now, that is adorable.

Torturing the youth? We

must be feeling better.

Well, I got some more good news for you.

We may not have dissolved

that white identity cell,

but we did cut off their funding.

When Blake went down, a lot

of people got real quiet.

I guess it didn't hurt that

somebody sent their phone

numbers to the FBI, huh?

And Blake had to liquidate

all of his personal holdings

to face this upcoming

Canadian legal morass,

and to clean up all the

toxic waste around here.

Yeah, thanks for that.

You're welcome. You know, I've

had to dig up evidence before,

but I've never actually had

to dig up evidence before.


I bet the Canadian judges

wear wigs. Do they wear wigs?

One of our contacts actually

acquired Blake's train

and is selling it off in

parts to private collectors.

Sadly, the little

r*cist goatherd's axe

ended up in the wood chipper.


And the rest of the money

it goes back to the farm.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I do have a request, though.

You know, it was really fun still,

even though we had the Mounties.

Oh, I loved

so inventive. And, Breanna.

Breanna, you were wunderschoen.

Oh, danke, danke.

Though, technically, we did not

hold up the train or rob anything,

so I would like to say we can

put it back on the bucket list

and, you know, do it another time.

- Well, you can cross one thing off.

- What?

There is a very ugly Kandinsky

in a very pretty frame

waiting for you back home!

Yes! Yes, yes, yes!

We didn't rob the safe,

we robbed the safe!

- Parker. Forks.

- Uh, well

They sold it and I stole it, so

Technically, Sophie robbed the

safe, and then it was given

Gimme? Give it to me? Give it to me!

I'm gonna let you have it.

I'm gonna let you have it.

You can have it. Take it.

Hey, here's to the Famille Farm, huh?

- Family farm.

- To the family farm.

Thank you so much!


Can't wait to eat all this amazing food!

You guys get your paws

on these biscuits

What is that?

My fork! I need my fork back.

Let's start with the

salad. It's pretty good.