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01x12 - The Golf Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:16
by bunniefuu
Two hours for tips and overlay?

Hour and a half for backfills?

How many times do I have to tell you,

eyes on the nails, not the customers!


And you're all lazy.

Send you all back to

Vietnam, if they'd take you.

Till I see an improvement,

no calls home to your family.


What is it, Frank?

Where's the kid Bao?


Where's your boy, Tien?

You little thief!

Lucky shot.

Go again.

I'll finish sweeping.

You been holdin' out on me, son.

Let me introduce you

to the American Dream.


Yeah, well, that's the first time

I've ever seen you

pick a lock underwater.

Hey, I'm not the one who

took out an armored car

with a crowbar and peripheral vision.

Yeah, well, I definitely

earned my weekend off,

however, the real MVP,

Miss Sophie Devereaux.

Not one but two characters

in the space of a hallway.

Stop. I'm blushing.

What about our Mr. Wilson's role?


The lobby guard.

- What'd you do with the lobby guard?

- Oh

Right! He, uh, held up the

map in front of his face.

That was five seconds we needed,

my man. Five key seconds, brother.

To five key seconds.

Mr. Wilson.

I had one job to do, and

I almost screwed it up.

All I had to do was hold up this map,

and I almost didn't do that right.

Meanwhile, you one second,

you're the Egyptologist.

The next second, you waltz right in a

nd you're the water commission head.

No fear, no hesitation.

Well, there's no reason to be afraid.

I mean, the deck is stacked in my favor.

How so?

Okay, humans are born to trust,

but we're hard-wired to be lied to.

Our little brains are

positive illusion factories.

How do I become the head

of the water department?

I just put on a hardhat and

walk into a flooded museum,

and the rest is up to confirmation bias.

That all sounds good,

but actually doing it?

I don't know that I'm ever

Look out!

Harry Wilson, disgraced lawyer!

Jack Hurley, disgraced broker.

Hello, fellow pilgrim.

- Sophie!

- Hurley!

How are you? Oh, so good to see you!

What's up, Parker?

Wait, what-what are you doing?

You sneakin' around in here?

I didn't mean to scare y'all.

Hardison gave me the door code.

Where's-where's Breanna?

Hardison drug her off

somewhere, some code camp.

Then she said something about

Hardison being a camp counselor,

and I stopped listening.

Harry, Hurley used to be like

you you know, just a guy.

Now he works on our

crews all over the world.

Yep, just got back from Seoul.

Lee Tae-joon and his

crew are killin' it.

Oh, by the way, Roy says hi. Did

you know he named his dog after you?

Well, he we wait, what?!

Yeah, it bites everybody.

I wish we had known you were coming.

Parker and I just picked

up a job in Colombia.

Well, it was a last-minute thing.

I had a layover and a little

unfinished business with this guy. Huh?

Oh, you want to play golf with me.

I haven't played in a few months.

Well, I guess that'd make the

beating more humiliating for you.

Get in here!

Damn it, man!

Don't you belong to a

golf club, Mr. Wilson?

Yeah, um, Branchbrier.

You guys wanna play? I could

get you in as my guests.

- Yes, please!

- Little perk from my old firm.

I'll call 'em, I'll see if

they've got a tee time tomorrow.

Let's go!

Force of habit.

- Ohh!

- Ohh!

You learn from the best.

You get me every time. Sorry.


I am going to smoke you today!

I'm standing right here.

What do you fellas say we make

it a little interesting today?

- I don't know, say, 20 bucks a hole?

- No, no.

- Twenty bucks?

- Hurley, no. Harry.

Actually, I'm in recovery, so

no gambling, no booze,

no dr*gs, no tacos.

I had a big taco problem.

- I had no idea.

- No, it's cool.

Just any mention of

gambling or tacos

It's a trigger, so

Who's up?

Damn it!


Ooh, that'll do it. That'll do it.

Making a statement. Thanks

for giving me a target, kid.


Now I know what to sh**t over.

- Nicely done.

- Oh, thank you, thank you.

Oh, yeah. "Be the ball, Danny."

Holy moly!

Ho ho ho ho!

- Thank you very much.

- Country mile.


Watch out for this guy.

He knows every inch of this course.

- Get over! Get over!

- Ohh!

That'll play. That'll play. It'll

play. I'm sure you'll find it.

Seventeen more holes, huh?

Now, where is that ball?

Let's go again.

Double or nothin'.

Eh, maybe next week. I'll call you.

I'll spot you two strokes.

- Three.

- Deal.

I'll get us a tee time.

Meet me at the bar. You're buying.

- Frank.

- I got the merch, Carl.

I'm not frontin' you again.

It's cash on delivery.

I know! It's cash on delivery!

Eight o'clock tonight, the

truck stop off the I-10.

Yep. I've got a little

liquidity problem.

That's not my problem!

I'll be flush in a few hours.

Eight o'clock tonight,

truck stop off of I-10.

Yes. Truck stop off I-10. I know it.

And, Frank relax.

No mistakes today, or you will pay.

Do you understand?


Excuse me!

You didn't happen to see a Titleist

I shanked somewhere between

here and Alabama, did you?

Harry Wilson.

Thought I knew all the

caddies here at the club.

Bao. I don't work here.


Oh, you work for Carl Bishop.

How's he doin'? I haven't

seen him for a long time.

I have to go. Have a good day, sir.

- Pshew.

- I'm telling you, it was weird.

And I can't put my finger on it.

- Oh, well, it's a golf hustle.

- golf hustle.

- What?

- That guy Carl, he lost on purpose.

Yeah, and then he begs

the guy for a rematch.

The guy's like, "Yeah, I'll

take your money all day, hey."

First hole, takes a

swing, throws his back out.

Then he offers to have his

caddy play in his place.

The caddy is the ringer.

Well, that all makes sense.

Except for his final

warning, "You will pay."

This kid seemed scared.

You think he's not a

willing participant?

I think he needs our help.

That's that's no. Today's

my day off. We're golfin'.

What about that phone call?

Cash on delivery at a truck

stop? That's definitely nefarious.

I know Carl Bishop's

lawyer. It's Rick Saffron.

Rick Saffron's never repped

a legit client in his life.

- Boom.

- Guys, I just had a birdie, right here.

- What's the play, Harry?

- I think I break into Rick Saffron's office,

find out what Carl Bishop's up to,

and we use that to set this caddy free.

Yeah, then me and Eliot

earn the kid's trust.

The golf con is on!

- It's kind of my catchphrase.

- I really like that.

- Thanks.

- It's good.

Did you find Carl?

Yep. He's up in the bar with his

mark, waiting on their tee time.

That means we'd have to clear the mark

and hook Carl all at the same time.

On the fly. No tools,

no prep. I you know

Like Titanic Thompson.

You think you're gonna

convince me to do this

by comparing me to the GOAT?

No. No, no, no.

Titanic Thompson could beat

PGA pros left- and right-handed.

I mean, he hustled Al Capone at poker.

I would never ever compare

you to a legend like that.

All right. If we're gonna do

this, you're gonna be my ringer.

When Carl throws his back out,

he's gonna put his caddy in.

I put you in.

Good plan. That way I

can get close to the kid.

How you gonna hook Carl?

This guy.

Reed Wilkins?

Black sheep son of a

Texas oilman. Why him?

Because. There's no

better mark than a drunk

with a bunch of cash that he didn't

earn burning a hole in his pocket!

Okay. Can't argue with that.

What do you need from me?

A bunch of cash burning

a hole in my pocket.

The con is on, baby!


Full disclosure: I may have

gotten over my skis here.

It's a simple office B&E, man.

You've done this over a dozen times now.

Hi, how are you?

Not without you guys

doing the actual B&E.

Look, man, you're the

one that called this job,

so you gotta see it through.

You still have the lock

picks that Parker gave you?


And do you remember what she taught you?

Yes. But it's still a little tricky.

I gotta take care of something.

Let me know how it goes.

No, no, Eliot, Eliot.



Not too much tension on the wrench.

Nice and easy,

like you were holding a woman's hand.

Gentle, gentle.

- Hi.

- Can I help you?

You can. I I'd

like to purchase these.

Also, did my buddy Carl Bishop

make a tee time for us today?

For 11:30.

Are you Mr. Pomaville?

That is my father's name.

Jennifer, please call

me by my first name.

- Okay, Travis.

- It's Travis. Travis Pomaville.

That is my name.

Let me ask you one more question:

Which number did my

assistant put in there?

Just in case you felt so

inclined to use it later

maybe for a cocktail?

Ladies, I'll be right back

with your change. Okay?

You guys want a little

more heater on your coffee?

- There you go, excellent.

- Thanks.

Little more for you?

Yes, sir, absolutely.

Yeah, you like your coffee, I can tell.

I do.

You're good? Be right

back with your change.


Ah! Ah, Mr. Saffron, this

is Bill Taft with I.T.

We've had a bit of a data

breach down here at the firm.

It looks like some hackers

got ahold of your password.


Did you fill it out according

to security protocols, sir?

Sixteen characters,

one upper, one lower,

three numerical and a Greek symbol?

Nobody told me. I've been

out on paternity leave.


I'm on the phone!

Why do I bother to send these memos

when none of you lawyers

ever bother to read 'em?

Okay, don't tell me your

sorry excuse for a password.

I'm going to email you a temporary one.

Change it to that for

the next five minutes

while I try to stop the bleeding,

and then please create a new

one according to the protocols.

I'll do it right now.

Please, and

read the damn memos.

Like taking candy from

an old dude with a baby.

Your first social hack. Congratulations.

Now whaddya got on Carl?

File's empty.

So you got nothin'.

No, no. If Rick Saffron

took everything off

the firm's main servers,

it-it just means that whatever

he's into is really bad, trust me.

Nobody's supposed to be in here.

I thought no one was in here today.

I I'm so sorry, Mr. Saffron.

Nobody workin' on a Saturday?

Well, this place has gone to hell

in a handbasket since I've been gone.

Uh, Sarah Nichols. I'm a new

associate. I started two weeks ago.

Again, I am so sorry.

New associate, huh? Well,

have a seat, have a seat.

What's the statute of

limitations on armed robbery?

Six years after the date of the crime.

Name two hearsay exceptions.

Excited utterance and dying declaration.

What are the elements

of a criminal conspiracy?

An agreement of two or more

persons to commit a crime

and take some step

towards its completion.

I got an "A" in criminal procedure.

You passed the Louisiana Bar, and

now you've passed the Saffron Test.

Hey, how would you

like to do me a favor?

Yeah, uh of course.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Right this way.

Damn key card's in my Jag, and

the Jag's in the shop, so

Well, no worries. It's, like,

why I keep mine on a lanyard.

It's, um, right here next to my I.D.

And, uh, my trusty pepper spray, it's

Uh, the garage, it's

usually empty when I go home.

We're looking for old billing records?

Carl Bishop. Bastard won't

pay us what he owes us.


Clients of yours?

Well, not all, but I know who they are.

This guy blackmailed his

brother with a prost*tute.

Oh, this company. They sold

tainted meat for school lunches.

That's a fake charity that

stole money for wounded veterans.

Our clients aren't all bad.

Oh, sure they are, Susan,

that's why they hire us.

What do you think being

a lawyer's all about?

The man who owned the

lumberyard in my town

built a big house next to ours.

He wanted to buy us out,

so he tried every trick in

the book to get us to move out.

And finally he said that my dog bit him.

It was a lie, but the

sheriff was his buddy,

so the deputies came,

and they took Boomer away.

They were gonna put him down.

A lawyer took our case pro bono,

and she saved my dog's life.

So, people with money, with power,

they think that they can

get away with anything.

And sometimes the only thing

standing in their way is a lawyer.

And my name is Sarah.

I'm sorry.

That's okay. You kind of reminded

me of my daughter just now.

There it is.

Carl Bishop.

Uh, thank you very much

for your help Sarah.

Keep up the good work.

Hey, I'm going through

the firm's billing records.

I think I've found something.

There is a shell corporation

controlled by Carl Bishop.

What are his assets?

Real estate. Fleabag motel. Looks

like a couple of nail salons.

Nail salons. Cash business.

What, money laundering?

That would be my guess.

The bigger salon's only

about a mile from here.

I'm gonna check it out.

All right, Harry, this

guy's bound to have muscle.

You need any backup or

at least a distraction


What the ?

Where you been, man?

I had to make a grilled cheese special.

How did you pull off a grilled cheese

Where'd you get the grappling hook?

No, I mean I made a

grilled cheese special.

Made one for you too.

You're welcome.

What have you been doing? I thought

you were gonna broom the guy.


His name is Travis Pomaville,

and he is being broomed.

In three two

You want another beer?

I'm gonna have one.


Mr. Pomaville, this is Carol Hathaway.

I'm callin' with the

results of your colonoscopy.

I had that done months ago.

I see that, but we gave you Trevor

Pomaville's results by accident.

- You what?!

- Our bad. Let me just open your file for you.

Oh, my.

What? What is it?

Please hold while I go get a doctor.

I'm sorry, my son.

Where were we?

We apologize for the delay.

Please stay on the line. Your

health is important to us.

To continue holding, please

press one to stay on the line.

Hey! Our tee time is in 20 minutes.

God. Lucky shot, Jimmy.

Keep walkin'!

Think this is yours.

Oh, thank you.

- You owe me a beer.

- Nah, I don't owe you anything.

However, we could take it outside.

Oh, even piss drunk, you'd kick my ass.

I got a better idea.

Don't think I didn't see

that fat roll of yours.

You in?

Well, that depends.

How much you willin' to lose?

How 'bout a hundred

bucks times this throw?

All right.

To continue holding

Oh, I am so sorry,

brother, I didn't see you.



Are you okay?

Why do you say that?

You just got a little pale, is all.

I shoulda gone vegan a long time ago.

We apologize for the delay.

- Please stay on the line

- You and me both, brother.

Man! What I wouldn't give for a

titanium driver like that, huh?

Me too.

You play?

What kind of sticks you got?

Like, TaylorMade or Titleist?

All of them.

Back in Vietnam, my mom

couldn't afford clubs for me,

so I got them from the lost

and found at the resort.

I had to fish them out the water hazard.

Golf make people crazy.

You can say that again.

Back in Indiana, we

call that a Frankenset.

When people see my club, they laugh.

Then they see me play.

They underestimate you.

That gives you an edge.

But the wrong kind of person

could take advantage of that.

What if I told you I could help you?

I need to find my boss. Excuse me.

That really isn't necessary.

Ah, sure it is. I've

seen your billables.

You deserve a spa day on the firm.

Um thanks.

I'm gonna go around

the back of this place

and make a sensitive phone call.

If you see anybody in there

head to that back room,

just send me a text, would you?

You know, Rick Saffron

doesn't have a daughter.

He has three sons from three marriages.

Who are you?

This is not gonna look good

on your annual review, Sarah.

You know what? I'll let the police

figure that out, Mr. Identity Thief.

No, no, no, I'm not an identity

thief. My name is Harry Wilson.

What are you, then?

That would take too

long to explain to you.

Okay, okay, this place

is owned by Carl Bishop.

He's got a deal tonight for cash

on delivery. I'm trying to stop him.

What kind of deal?

I don't know, but if Saffron

took his whole file off the firm's

servers, what does that tell you?

Why not just go to the police?

Well, how did that work out for you

when your neighbor

had 'em take your dog?

Look, sometimes all that stands

between you and a Carl Bishop

is a good attorney, and other

times that's not even enough.

What kind of lawyer were you?

You're not that good an actor.

I was the kind that would have taken

your firm's worst clients with joy.

That's what a place

like that does to you.

It just chips away at why

you wanted to become a lawyer,

until you can't even remember.

Don't let that happen to you.

How am I supposed to do that?

By helping me.

Tell me everything you know.


I tell you what, man, you were right.

This is way more fun

than whoopin' your ass.

You can drop the act. I know

a hustler when I see one.

Oh, I'm not a hustler.

I'm just a guy that's spent

way too much time in bars.

"Reed Wilkins, investor."

Yep. That means I like to spend money.

Luckily for me, today it's your turn.

I'm about to tee off. Maybe I'll

see you on the links sometime.

You play golf the way you play darts,

then I guaran-damn-tee

you, you will, my man.



Where's Travis?

I just saw him leave.


He was primed.

If you did something, so help me God,

I hope you like fried calamari.


You just gonna stand there

and look like an idiot, man?

Can we play through, at least?

We're gonna play the same

game on this guy right now.

Hey, Reed, wanna see if I

play golf like I play darts?

Today's your lucky day.

Okay, the storage room has nail supplies

and a scary-looking safe.

I mean, the safe must be where

they keep pre-laundered cash

before they falsify salon

records to account for it.

Well, that would make

sense, except, uh

Except what?

Carl's delivery is cash on

delivery. Delivery for what?

dr*gs, maybe?

You said he owned a motel.

Could be where he deals.

Carl Bishop owns nail

shops and a seedy motel,

and his manicurist is

afraid of the police.

What does that tell you?

She's undocumented.

I'll tell you where her documents are.

Her visa and her passports

are inside that safe.

That is how he's keeping

everybody in line

keeps them working in

the nail shop all day

and sleeping in the motel at night.

So, he's not a money-launderer.

Cash on delivery is for people.

Carl Bishop is a human trafficker.

That's quite a leap, Mr. Wilson.

Are you sure that

Bishop is a trafficker?

Sophie, I know people like

Carl. I used to represent 'em.

Carl Bishop is taking

advantage of people

'cause he's got the power over them.

That's what he's doing to Bao,

that's what he's doing to his workers.

I just don't know how to get the

proof. How how would you ?

It's not about what I would do.

You have to trust yourself. You

have to make a plan and take a step,

and when that doesn't work,

you have to play it by ear.

Sorry, I have to

¡O mi amor!

O padre. Gracias, padre.

¡Mi amor!

Make a plan and take a step.


Make a plan

No, re-re-repeat. I

can't hear you. This

cell phone coverage sucks.

What? Yes.

Eliot, in order to bring

Carl down for trafficking,

we're gonna need Bao on our side.

All right, I got an idea.

Hurley, tell Bao this.

Let me guess:

Beat all the club

pros in Vietnam, right?

Your mom saw it, that you had a gift.

She had a chance to come to America

to work, she brought you too,

thinking maybe your golf would

get you a college scholarship,

a shot at a better life?

That's what Carl

promised you, wasn't it?

Better life?

Then he puts your mom

to work in a nail salon,

takes her passport,

makes her a prisoner.

If I don't win for him

he will send my mother away.

I'll never see her again.

That's not gonna happen.

We can set you both free,

but I need your help.

I can't risk it.


All right, let's go, let's go.

I'll take it.

- Whoa.

- Whoa, easy there.

Just a little foggy.

You know, Reed,

you oil guys just don't get it.

Twenty years from now, cars

will be running on seaweed.

Then where will you be?

See, my business is human capital.

That's never going away.


Hit a bad shot to make him think

he's gettin' to you. Good move.


Wait, was that real?

I told I haven't played in

a while. I told you, I'm rusty.

You learned hockey in a week!

You played minor league baseball,

and you don't even like baseball.

Yeah, well, they named

a sandwich after me.

I'm not gonna get into

it. What's your point?

Well, just this guy's actually good.

I-if he's winning, he might

not pull the switcheroo,

and then you're on your own.

You worry about Bao. I got this.

Listen, Carl's gonna

send Bao's mother away

if we don't get those passports,

so here's the plan.

Okay, you go in the front and

you pretend to be a customer,

and then cause some kind of commotion,

distract everybody while

I go around the back,

unlock that back door

and empty the safe.

Sound good?

The part where we get the women's

passports and their freedom,

sounds good.

Just have one question:

What happens to Carl?

Well, Rick Saffron's a

pretty savvy attorney.

And sometimes these workers,

they don't cooperate.

Carl could skate.

And the guy Carl is making a deal with

for more workers, cash on delivery,

he only goes down if Carl flips on him.

Carl is just a link in a chain.

It's imperfect justice, Sarah,

but it's all we have to work with.

I'm not sure it's justice at all.


I want to help these people.

Let's do it.

Frank, I can't talk

right now, I'm working.

- Hey.

- My business partner.

You trust fund types, you wouldn't

know about that, would you?

Okay, hey, our friend's at the salon.

He's gonna get you and your

mom's passports, then

Leave me alone.

Got any ideas?

Lay up, be like water.

That's all you got?

You got this.

Damn it.

I said like water.

No, I can't do this.

Well well all you

gotta do is go in there

- and pretend to be a customer.

- I know, but I'm not. I g I'll give

Just, I'll give it away. I'm not

I'm not good at fooling people.

All I really know how

to do is get good grades.

Did I tell you that I was Rick Saffron?

No. You just saw me in his office,

and confirmation bias handled the rest.

You see, human beings are born to trust.

We're hard-wired to be lied to.

The deck's already

stacked in your favor.

So, just

present myself as they already see me.

Say those magic words.

Can I speak to your supervisor?

Oh, come on. Come on.

Can I speak to your supervisor?

There it is.

Okay, five strokes down.

Birdy the next three holes,

we're back in business!

Stop it. Stop being so positive, man.

Golf is stupid, but you're stupid!

I don't how did I even

let you talk me into this?

Because it's relaxing.

It's peaceful. It's serene.

Sports are not supposed

to be serene, all right?

Sports is w*r. Hell,

even Hardison knows that!

Hold on.

Battlefields. Football.

Restaurant kitchens.

What do these things have in common?


And that's where he thrives.



All this quiet and

sunshine is making you suck.

Wha Shut up!

Give me my driver!

You know your, uh, secret chili recipe?

It's garbage. I wouldn't

feed it to my dog.

Whatever, man. Ah, don't

do I know what you're doin'.

Also, it's no longer secret.

I just posted it, along with an

ugly picture of you in an apron.

Damn it, Hurley!


you hit that ball like it's a Yakuza

who just jumped you in an alley.

Go on, clean this guy out.



Where's my watch?

No, where is it?

No, it belonged to my Nana.

It's all I have left from her.

Can I please talk to

a supervisor? Hello?

Is there a problem?

Are you the supervisor?

Yeah, someone here stole my

grandmother's watch, and

I think it was him.

Yeah, and if any of you think

about walking out of

here to cover it up,

just know that I have it on record.

Get ready, here comes the switch.

Three two

Ohh! Ohh!

- Damn it, I threw my back out!

- You all right?

If you can't go, that's a forfeit.

Oh, no, no, no. Let

my caddy finish for me.

Do what, now?

Yeah, you're down by

two. I'll call it even.

No, that's a forfeit.

What does it matter, Reed?

You don't think you could beat a

17-year-old kid over three holes?

I tell you what.

How about my caddy

fills in for me

and we double the stakes?

That's a hundred and eighty grand.

I mean, unless you're scared.

All right.

Play some golf.


Get some ice on that.

All right, we got this in the bag.

With Carl's cashflow

problems, it'll clean him out.

The kid's still on board, right?

What's wrong with you? What

are you doing? What's wrong?

All you have to do is beat him outright.

There's three holes left.

You're a scratch golfer.

You shouldn't have talked

about the bet in front of me.

- Huh?

- That's gambling. That's a trigger!

No, no, no. No, no, no. Listen to

me, it's not it's not gambling.

You can't think of it like

that, okay? It's part of the con.

The golf con is on, huh? Your

catchphrase: "The golf con is on!"

No! I need some bourbon!

No, listen

And cocaine and tacos. I need tacos!

The golf con is on!


Someone can I talk to somebody here?

I'm not messing around.

Hey, Eliot.

I got a situation here.

Yeah, we I gotta deal

with something right now.


- I need tacos!

- No!



Drill through the front plate

and run an endoscopy camera through

so you can see where the gates fall,

but don't break the glass

relocker, or you're toast!

Where am I supposed to find any

of that stuff in a nail shop?

You bring a drill when you

break into a safe, Harry!

I didn't know I was going

to be breaking into a safe!

Look, short of bombing it open,

you need a drill.

Look, I gotta climb a building. Bye.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Parker. Parker.

Great. Get a drill.

Or a b*mb.

Just go ahead and putt

out, kid, if you're ready.

Looks like I'm about to relieve you

of some of your daddy's

hard-earned money.

Yeah, well, not if he sinks it.

Unless you're looking at a tie.

You better hope he has the

stones for a one-hole playoff.

All right.


you don't drain this,

then I owe him $180,000,

and I pay my bets!

This supposed to make me feel better?


the Jack Hurley that I know,

he's only addicted to one thing.

Wipin' the smile off that guy's face.

Yeah. Right.

Coast to coast

round the world, huh?


There is no way he is

gonna make that shot.

Come on!

Just you caddy guy!

Pay up, Mr. Bishop.

Uh, I don't have that

kind of cash on me.

Aw, Carl

No, no, no, no! Now, look, look,

I've got a-a nail salon nearby,

corner of, uh, Laurel and Felicity.

I've got cash in a safe.

You come, I'll pay you.

How 'bout we keep your golden

goose there with my guy,

you know, just for collateral.

Uh, well, what do you say, Bao?

You want to stay here, or

you want to come with me?

He's good.

Yeah, that's loyalty.

You wanna get paid, you

know where to find me.

Carl's on the move, and

we're right behind him.

Okay, I am almost ready.

Oh, looks like we

have a little standoff.

I have a g*n, you have a cord.

Take a look what it's attached to.

Yeah, I made a little

b*mb to blow your safe.

Nail supplies

nitrocellulose cotton, lacquer,

toluene, ethyl acetate

all very flammable.

Now, maybe the expl*si*n

will blow your leg off,

or maybe it'll just

cut your femoral artery,

you'll bleed out.

Either way, is that a

chance you want to take?

Don't move, he's got a b*mb.

Does he?

You don't look like a safecracker.

More like you stepped

off the back nine.

Why don't you open up that safe

and give everybody back their documents,

or there's gonna be something more

than nail polish on these walls.

Yeah, I'm pretty good at reading people.

Uh gives me an edge

on the golf course.

So, your story is that you broke in here

to help these nobodies.

I don't buy it.

And I I really don't

buy this as a b*mb.

You willing to bet your life on it?


Mai, correct me if I'm wrong,

but can't we sh**t a burglar

down in our place of business?

Whoa !

- Carl.

- Rick, what are you doin' here?

You texted me.

Hackers are trying to get at

my legal files. Come right away.

No, I didn't send any text.

- Harry Wilson.

- Hey, Rick, how's it goin'?

How's that baby of yours?

What the hell is this?

Oh, I'll take this one.

You texted Frank: "The

deal's at my place tonight.

Cash on delivery. Bring the merch."

Frank, you-you didn't bring

No, no, just-just get out of here!

They-they did something!

They hacked me!

Nobody hacked you, Carl.

You were just dumb enough

to give your caddy your phone

before your passcode locked in.

Uh-oh. You hear that?

I'd say you're all busted.

And if you think that

these are the locals

you have in your back pocket,

guess again.

I called the FBI. They have

a warrant to open up the safe.

Hey, Sarah, why don't you remind us all

what the elements of a

criminal conspiracy are.

An agreement of two or more persons

to commit an illegal act and take

some step towards its completion.

You see, if we had just

dropped a dime on you,

then maybe Rick could

have gotten you off,

but since you're here

with your business partner

and your crooked lawyer,

well, that just wraps it all up

in a nice little bow, doesn't it?


You just pepper-sprayed Rick Saffron!

- Ho!

- You're just gonna let him go!

Nah, nah, he's not gettin' away.

Nobody's gettin' away. We got 'em.

What do you think? Par five?

Nah. Par three.

Thinkin' driver.



You shoulda yelled two!

I was so worried.

It's okay, Mom.

We safe now.

What's gonna happen to her?

She's still here illegally.

A witness in a federal case

is safe from deportation.

A federal case could take years.

What's gonna happen to the other women,

and the ones Frank brought?

Who's gonna protect them?

They're gonna need a good lawyer.

Sometimes that's all it takes.

Uh, hello, I'm Sarah,

and I'm an attorney.

I'll get my things from the locker room.

Uh, not so fast.

You got 18 holes to play first.

And a new set of sticks.

There's a titanium driver in there.

It's too much. I can't accept.

Yeah, well, actually,

Carl bought 'em for you.

That, and the fact that

I'm really good at darts.

You see that guy in the middle there?

He's a member here, but he's

also the head golf coach at LSU,

and he's got a couple of

scholarships left to give away.

Go get 'em, buddy.

Go show 'em what you got.

Good luck.

Ah, it never gets old, does it?

I told you guys we should have

taken this case from the get-go.

You gotta stop fighting

me on stuff like this.

That isn't exactly how I remember it.


What do you say we play another round?

We didn't get to finish that last one.

A round in here. You're not.

To Mr. Wilson.

Oh, and Bao,

and his mother, and everyone he helped.

I mean, wiring a fake b*mb to save time,

that's pretty impressive playing by ear.

Still need to work on your safecracking,

but above average on lockpicking.

Social hacked a password? My

man, we knew you could do it.

And I helped save a young lawyer

from going to the dark side,

and that felt really good.

That feeling never goes away, Harry.

- To Mr. Wilson.

- Mr. Wilson!

- Ahh!

- And I didn't really need any of your help.

- What?!

- Who taught you how to social hack?

Who gave you lock picks?

Who kept Frank from

coming out of the building?

Who shot 200 and birdied the last hole?

- That's what that's

- This guy!

Sister Lupe! Sister Lupe!

Hey, I played all 16 holes before you

I saved your butt

Things got a little hairy