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01x11 - The Jackal Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:16
by bunniefuu



I simply don't understand

why you're selling my things.

I went over this before.


Yes, I remember, but

you came barging in here,

- and I got flustered.

- It's natural

for someone in your

condition to be confused.

That's why I hired your

full-time nurse, Antonio.

He starts today,

and what I sell will cover his fee.

I am perfectly fine on my own.

Then who left the stove on?

You could have hurt yourself.

The judge

awarded me control of

your care and possessions

precisely for this reason:

To keep you safe.


He gave control of my life to a stranger

who's robbing me blind.


Antonio, Stella just said

she doesn't recognize me.

I think it's time for her meds.

This'll be easier if you cooperate.

I don't want Give me those.


There you go.

Oh, smile.

You won't have to be confused

in this giant house much longer.

I'm gonna sell it and move you to

a facility at the end of the week.




This is such a waste of time.

You guys steal constantly

and you never have to

do community service.

We don't get caught.

You tried to steal a watch

from a councilman's brother.

Frankly, you're lucky that Mr.

Wilson got the charges reduced.

You need to slow down, take your time,

pay attention to details.

Okay. BRB.

I'll take my time.



- Hi. Um

- Hi, dear.

Yeah, I have your meal delivery.

Oh, good. What now, what's this?

It's, like, little jalapeno poppers,

- and then there's, like, some strawberries

- Uh-huh. Looks good.

- and some apples.

- Okay. Well, just go on through.

My back is not very good these days.

Oh, hi. I'm just

She forgot one. I'm

just gonna go through.



Check your pocket.

What do you mean, "check my pock "

That thief. How did she

- Mm. Yeah. Come on.

- How did she get that out of my


I don't know if I have

the right number, but

- [BREANNA] Hey. That's my phone.


Yeah. You

Incredibly nimble pickpocket.

Pickpocket? No. I'm

just a frail old lady.

And I could do with a glass

of water. Would you mind?



Now I won't mind.

Oh, I I have to sit down.

You're also a pretty

decent actress, too.

I like your style.

What's your name?

I've had so many names.

You know, we women are

always being forced to change.

We're lucky we get to spend even

a little bit of time as ourselves.

Well, we have that in common.

Or she's Stella Voleur.

Hey, you stole my phone. I

can pick through your mail.


I'm Sophie, and this is Breanna.


Who were you trying to call, Stella?

I was calling for help.

My legal guardian is selling my home,

my possessions, my entire life.

Wait, he's selling your

house without permission?

The court assigned him, and

I don't even know who he is.

He took my phone. He

won't let me make a call.

He won't even let me have coffee,

and I don't understand any of this.

Oh, Stella, Stella. Calm

down. We're gonna help you.

Oh. That's a beautiful ring.

You know, that reminds me of the

signet ring of King Ludwig II,

only that one was stolen.


Oh, 30 years ago now, I expect.

Vermeer's The Astronomer.

I almost acquired that

from the Louvre in '95,

but I was beaten to it

by the Jackal.

I told you I had many names.

I suspect you do, too.

Um, who's the Jackal?

She's the greatest

grifter that ever lived.

But I don't get it.

Why are you living here in this house?

I'm meant to be here.

But, like, why? Like, what's the story?

It's a love story.

I fell in love with a mark.

- Stella.



Can I help you?

Well, I'm

Hey! You can't be here.

Hey, look, man, we're

just delivering the food.

No visitors without Mr. Hinkley's

consent. Leave or I call the cops.

We'll be back.

A little froggy for a nurse.

Stella Voleur, aka the Jackal,

aka the greatest grifter

the world has ever seen.

I mean, in her day she could take

anything or anyone she wanted.

She was such an inspiration growing up.

She sold that fake gold mine

to Myanmar in what, like '89?


- Bankrupted a dictatorship.

Robin's Egg Diamond,

'97? [SCOFFS] So shiny.

And now Stella claims she's being held

against her will by her guardian.

Okay, so what's she even

doing under a conservatorship?

I mean, she's a legend.

She's the Jackal.

I mean, she should be living

in up in the South of France

with a whole staff taking care of her,

not some court-appointed guardian.

I talked to my guy at the NOPD.

He said they found Stella wandering,

confused, ten blocks from her home.

Because she has Alzheimer's.


- Early stages.

- [SIGHS] That's awful.

Losing your memory.

Especially for a grifter.

Our wits are all we have.

Okay, if someone in Stella's

condition lives alone,

and they show signs

of cognitive decline,

the court can assign someone

to care for her, right?

That's how it's supposed to work.

But I did some digging into

Stella's guardian Phil Hinkley.

Professional guardian with

76 wards over his career,

and pattern is always the same.

He overbills them, sells

their stuff, their house,

and then dumps them in

a cheap nursing home.

It's exactly what he's doing to Stella.

There's really no oversight.

I mean, once a ward is

assigned to a guardian,

they've got complete control over

their lives, over their assets,

and once assigned, it's really difficult

to get a ward out from

underneath a guardian.

You'd need a durable power of attorney,

a signed document awarding Stella's

legal care to someone she trusts.

All right, so we grab Stella,

we hire a private jet,

and we relocate her

to the South of France ourselves.

No, I'm not sure.

I mean, she said she was

meant to be here. Why?

Maybe she's waiting for someone.

She said her story's a love story.

Yeah. She said she fell

in love with a mark.

Cardinal sin of any con.

Mr. Wilson, you need to get

those guardianship papers

and find out more about her guardian.

I need to speak to Stella,

get more of her story.

Let's go steal the

world's greatest grifter.

[WOMAN ON TV] There's

something in the air. What?

- [WOMAN 2] Oxygen.



Stella, honey, don't be mad.

I'm so sorry.

I was late. I got stuck on the freeway.

Hey, I told you.

No visitors without Mr. Hinkley's

Approval. I know.

Ooh, this is awkward.

You know, I was here earlier. We met.

I was meeting with

Stella. I'm her new nurse.

A and we were going to tell you,

- but Phil wanted to speak to you first.


[ANTONIO] Hang on. I'm

calling Mr. Hinkley.

You go ahead there.

- Is this gonna work?

- Yeah, Sophie synced the phones,

so now all of Antonio's calls go to you.

The vocoder will simulate Phil's voice.


- [ANTONIO] Mr. Hinkley?

- Yeah.

Antonio Alvarez.

- Stella's nurse.

- Uh-huh.

You sound strange.


- W what?

I'm on a boat, man. What do you want?

There's a woman here who

says she's my replacement.

- Yeah.

- We have a contract.

I'll sue you, sue the agency

- Give me something.

- I got it. Uh, okay.

Antonio Alvarez.

Okay, home healthcare

aide for low-rent agencies.

No record, no arrests.

- Oh. Hey.

- Except

Listen, Antonio, okay,

forget about the contracts,

and I won't tell the city

where to come collect on

eighty-seven unpaid traffic tickets.

Leave me alone.


- You always have No.

- I I would just like to say

- He hung up on me.

- Rude.

Screw this. The broad's files

and meds are in the kitchen.

- I'm outta here.

- Oh.


you have a nice day, young man.


I can't believe how quickly

you picked up on that clear-out.




She just wandered off.

I literally took my eye

off her for a second.

[SIGHS] Well, Harry and Parker

are out walking the neighborhood,

and Eliot's driving around looking.

She'd probably go

somewhere familiar, right?


Something social. A ritual.

Coffee. She specifically said that

Phil won't let her have any coffee.

Okay, let's see, let's see.

Oh, here. Willow Street Coffee.

It's been around for decades.

Well, if it isn't my biggest fan.

You gave us a fright, Stella,

wandering off like that.

I It was a test.

It was a test to see

if you could keep up.

Now tell me,

what were all those

theatrics with Antonio about?

We're gonna get you out from

under Phil's guardianship.

Right. Which, according

to Harry, isn't easy.

He said we'd need, like,

a power of attorney.

I have one of those. I have

a durable power of attorney.

Well, that's great.

I-I keep it with my greatest score.

Where is it?


I can't just get up and

putter around and get it.

Why not? I mean, this could

get you your independence back.


because I can't remember where I put it.

I call it my thief.

Most days, my mind is clear.

But more and more, my thief

is stealing pieces of me.

Well, do you remember who

signed the power of attorney?

Because they can help.

It was someone that I loved.

But my thief stole that, too.

It stole their name, their face.

All I know is that we were happy here.


that is what's always

gonna make this place great.

And it's within walking

distance of six Starbucks.

I bet the coffee was

a selling point, too.

[SCOFFS] Don't be silly.

I didn't move here

because of the coffee.

I was out running a job.

Is this the same job where

you fell in love with the mark?


But we don't get to see

each other too much anymore.

Hey, Stella.

Why don't I take you upstairs

so you can go lie down?

All right, then.

Breanna's helping to

settle Stella, so

what do we know?

Well, we know she fell

in love with a mark.

And the person she loved signed

her durable power of attorney.

Which she keeps with her greatest score.

Well, maybe this is it.

The château she stole,

the Beaumont-Sur-Mer.


The château was donated "anonymously"

and turned into an orphanage.

[PARKER] What about

the Robin's Egg Diamond?

No. That was recovered in '07.

That's the thing with the Jackal.

She never really kept her scores.

She was more into the con than the coin.

- "Life's a journey, not a destination."

- Mm. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

And Aerosmith. Yeah.

Let's pull off everything

we know that's resurfaced.


[SOPHIE] That's it.

The Turlington p*stol.

Her greatest score is an old g*n?

No, that's not just an old g*n.

It was made in 1902 for Teddy Roosevelt.

Solid gold, pearl inlay handle.

It's one-of-a-kind.

What? I don't like g*ns.

I still know about 'em.

Well, it's history,

art, and it's priceless.

While you were upstairs,

Eliot and I searched the house.

It's been picked through. No g*n.

What about Phil? He's been

selling all of her stuff.

Maybe he sold it already.


No, something like the

Turlington goes on the market,

it makes a lot of noise in our world.

I'll bet Phil's still got it.

He doesn't know what he's got.

What have you found out

about Stella's guardian?

Hinkley's gotta file a weekly

report on his wards with the court.

In fact, he's doing

that in about an hour.

So we divide and conquer.

You use Phil to find the g*n and

hopefully the power of attorney,

and Breanna and I will try

and get Stella to remember.

If we can't find those papers,

maybe we can find the

person that signed them.

All right.

That's Phil?

He looks like a used

car salesman's sneeze.

- Who's he talking to?

- That's Judge Clark.

He's the one who awarded

guardianship of Stella to him,

along with his other 75 wards.

Wait, all his wards came from one judge?

Hinkley's running a business,

and the judge is just one

of his business partners.

[SIGHS] Well, we need Phil to tell

us where he stashed Stella's things.

This calls for a Little Edie.

Sophie hasn't taught me that con yet.


This is disgusting!

How could you expose me to this filth?!

That Little Edie.


- Dorothea, Dorothea, please.

Just get a hold of

yourself and calm down

- Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.


- Everything okay?

- Yes.


- No, well, it's my sister.

I've got guardianship over her and


- Whoa.

She's never been exactly stable.


She inherited half of

our parents' estate,

so there's plenty of money

to throw at the problem.


- Just never helps!

- Toro, toro!

- Well, maybe I can.


- I have some experience with adult guardianship.

You do? Oh.

- Oh, that would be amazing!



- Oh, God.


She's not gonna be okay, is she?

With Nate, it was quick.

With Stella it's gonna be like

watching a bright star just fade away.

Well, just remember she's

doing the best she can.

All we can do is do

our best to help her.

Not we, you. You were

really, really good with her.

You have some experience

with this, don't you?


Right before I ended up with Nana,

they tried to put me with my grandma.

She remembered me at first, but then

I think their mind is just

kind of like a a window.

Takes some patience, but

you can help them open it.

You should take the lead

on this one, Breanna.



Hey, Stella?

Here is your cup of joe.

Nice and hot.

Mm. [CHUCKLES] Excellent.

I always enjoyed a cup with Jo.

So, uh, you said you came here

because you were out running a job.


I never had the luxury

of standing still.

It was 1976.


The entire city was

abuzz over a vault heist.

One million U.S. in gold coins, gone.

The police were baffled.

But a very drunk larcenist let

it slip to me who'd done the job:

A London gangster named Earl.


Earl spent most of his time

gallivanting at his pub.

As soon as he was

distracted, I made my move.

I suspected he was

laundering money there,

likely under a false owner,

so I presumed he'd be hiding

his gold there as well.

Keep your enemies close

and your gold closer.

I found his safe.

One million in gold coin

couldn't be anywhere else,

which was bad news for me.

I was never any good

at combination safes.

So you blew the door.

What, carry 55 pounds of gold

with Earl's men running

up the only stairs? No.

Earl had to let the heat

on the robbery die down.

Then he could find a buyer.

And that meant that I had

time to find the combination

if I could access the

safe for several weeks.

Weeks? How did you manage that?

I got myself a proper job.

No, no, no, it's great timing,

and you are much easier on the

eyes than that last bartender.

Well, aren't you the charmer?

Oh, I'm just getting started.


Good news.

I replaced that bartender who

stole from you. Meet Stella.

Wait. I hadn't even put

the ad in the paper yet.

Oh, I'm really sorry

for just barging in,

but I just moved here from Nottingham

and I've been going from pub

to pub trying to get lucky.

And you did.

And you did as well.

You see, this isn't my bar, technically.

You're working for Josephine.


Why'd you leave Nottingham?


I'm skint.

A man?

Oi, you lot.

Stella's working here.

That means she's off-limits.

You heard my wife, boys.

You leave Stella alone.


I'm so sorry. What was I saying?

Uh, I think it's time for a break.

Guess I could do with

a bit of a lie-down.

You were amazing with her.

Now we have the name of the

mark that she fell in love with.

We just have to find out what happened

to a London gangster called Earl

No, not Earl.

Earl didn't own the bar.

And would a two-bit London gangster

throw the Jackal off her game?

I think that would

take someone unexpected.


Stella said she loved

to have a cup "with Jo."

She didn't fall for the gangster.

She fell in love with his wife.

Jo signed Stella's power of attorney.

Hey, what's with all the stuff?

Well, you promised Phil he

could pick up Parker's things.

So we got stuff.

Eliot and Parker moved

most of it over already.

So Stella fell in love with the wife.

Gotta say, I didn't see that one coming.

Yeah, don't take it personally.

Most straight guys never do.

But kudos, Counselor, for

spotting the shady judge.




The dishonorable Judge Linus Clark.

His favorite activities include golf,

Lagavulin, and showing

off his priceless antiques.

Now, the judge's favorite

hobby is giving wards to Phil,

and in return, Phil's wards give

donations to the judge's reelection.

So they come off as legal donations

from grateful wards. It's disgusting.

Hey, I own a table just like that.

So we take down Phil and the judge.

And we locate the Turlington

p*stol with the power of attorney.

And find Jo, who signed it.

And we do it all before Phil

can stick Stella in a home.

I have that chair, too.

And that lamp.

Wait a second, is this all my stuff?

Yeah, well, we needed used

crap that looked expensive.

And boring.

Like you.

Okay, Breanna. Let's go see Stella.

- [HARRY] Wait.

- We should get coffee.

Well, where's Parker and where's Eliot?

And where's the rest of my stuff?

It's not boring.

[PHIL] Hey. Hey, it's me.

I got those boxes from

that crazy rich blonde.

Your Honor, that hurts.

I never go through anything without you.

Uh-huh. You always get first pick.


Yeah. I'll see you then.


I'm not paying you to stand there.

Let's go.


[SNIFFS] This is better than Disneyland.

A box is basically a vent that moves.

Hey, you think Hardison will

put me in a box for my birthday?

I don't need to hear that.

This is a lot of stuff.

No. It's a lot of people.

Let's find the p*stol.



Okay, Stella, we weren't

sure what you liked

Stella, you okay?

That dress.

Jo loved that dress.

I can't believe I forgot her name.

That's the worst part.

Everything I love just disappears.

Well, we are here to help you.

You were telling us

about the London job.

It does smell good. [CHUCKLES]

Sorry, right. The London job, right.

I almost got lucky that first week.


I just want to say again how

much I appreciate the gig.

I don't. I'm knackered.

We've got a few more punters here

now that the scenery's improved.

There you go, Ted.


That's Earl. He just bought a Merc.

He's racing it around London

like a boy at Christmas.


- Give us a look.

- Wait here.

Keep your shirt on. I'll show you.

What is this?

- You just bought the car.

- No, no, no, I won this

off a Belgian in a card game.

The Turlington p*stol.

One-of-a-kind collector's item.

Well, does it still work?

Oh, I think it does.


Can you put that up in

my office, will you, Jo?

Stella, grab the big

bills out of the register.

We'll put them upstairs.

Oh, can we switch?

Oh, here you go.

- I'll do it.

- Thank you.

You all right?

Oh, Earl? You know.

Oh, can you turn around? You

shouldn't see the combination.


Earl has to play the hard man.

Well, he should treat you

with a bit more respect.



The only reason this is my bar

is A, for the tax dodge, and B,

so the coppers have to go the

extra mile to get a warrant.

But he lets me run it the way I like.

I'll take that.

Now, come on. We're actually making

some money now that you're here.

Let's get back to it.

[STELLA] A million dollars.

Four numbers away, and

I knew two of them.

New plan: Get her to trust

me with the combination.

So I would work days,

nights, close up, clean up.

I'd be with her every morning,

every night, always there.

Do you want to get lunch tomorrow?

Yeah. I'd like that.

Anywhere you like.



Didn't think you were

gonna pick a museum.

Like it? Earl would never go with me.

I loved it.

I used to be an art student, you know.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I was a good girl.

Went to private school.

Two of my paintings hung

in national galleries.

- And then what?

- Ah.

- Earl chatted me up in a bar.

- Mm.

He was dangerous, and his friends

were dangerous, and I felt


It's easy, isn't it,

to see this life that's supposed

to be so glamorous, and

to go chase that?

To just end up being a mirror

reflecting other people's vision of you,

- and never just being

- Never just being.

Always chasing the next big score.

When all you want is someone to

just sit with in the park and


I don't usually open

up to people so easily.

Look, I


I only ever talk to Earl's

business partners, or their wives,

or [SCOFFS] their ridiculous

girlfriends, and I

It's been a long time

since I had a friend,

and I know I'm not

You're fine. I just

I'm not used to people being

nice for no reason, that's all.

I'm sorry.

You really don't want anything from me?

Just a friend.

[STELLA] But it wasn't long until

friends became something more.

- Ooh.

- Oh.


- That dude is spinning her around.


I'd justified the con. It

wasn't her money anyway.

But I didn't want her to

know who I really was.

- Cheers.

- It would have ruined everything.

I had never known anyone quite like Jo,

and I had to protect that.

We have to go to France

to sell a shipment.

I'll take it there myself.


What's he mean? What's

he taking to France?

What's he taking

across the Channel? Hmm?


- I'm so clumsy, I must have

- Don't.

Jo, don't make excuses for him.


Look what I nicked

from his pocket earlier.

You fancy a spin?

- Come on.


Let's go for a spin in the Merc.





[STELLA] I never had the

luxury of standing still,

but for the first time in my life,

I didn't want to run.

I just wanted to stay with Jo.

I haven't painted in years.

It's okay if you don't like it.


- It's perfect.

- [LAUGHS] Yeah?

You're perfect.

We're perfect.



[STELLA] But perfect

never lasts forever.

[JO] Stella. Stella!

Jo, I heard the car. I thought it was


What happened?

He He said He said we had to go,

that he was taking

something to France to sell,

and then we have to

go to Italy to lay low.

I don't want to lay low.

- What did you tell him?

- I told him I wanted to stay here with

with you.

But he's on his way. You have to go.

What are you gonna do?

I'll go with him. That'll calm him down.

No, just just

just give me a second.

We don't have a second.

Wait. I'm not I'm not done

seeing you, and looking at you,

and and loving you. I

Let's go somewhere together.

Somewhere where we can just be.

It's the safe combination.

There's about 800 quid

from the bar cash in there.

Grab it. I'll meet you in the car.

I'll wait for you.

[STELLA] I had it all.

I could take the gold,

as much as I could carry.

Jo and I would be set for life.

But then Earl would hunt us

for the rest of our lives,

and Jo would know that I was a thief.

The best thing I could do

was walk away empty-handed.

Well, taking Earl's Turlington

p*stol for a rainy day wouldn't hurt.

Go, go. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

- [EARL] Jo!


[SHOUTS] Where are ya?!

- Good?

- Yeah.

- Let's go.

- [EARL] Jo, where are ya?!

[STELLA] And so we ran,

and we didn't stop.


And so you came here.

Yeah, New Orleans. That makes sense.

It's open-minded, for people like us.


We settled down. We made a life.

But then we discovered

that it wasn't just Jo

that I ran away with that night.

We weren't just a party of two.

We were a party of three.

We were a family.

After a while, we even got married.

Well, as close to it as

we could in those days.

We signed powers of attorney,

which turned out to be our undoing.


- [MAN ON RADIO] Citizens are advised

to shelter inside until

Hurricane Juan passes,

expected to make landfall within

48 hours after this broadcast.

It's okay, Jo. It's just the wind.

- I'll be up in a sec

- [EARL] Hello, Stella.

Remember me?

S-Stella, you okay?

- Story time is over.

- [SOPHIE] Wait.

Stella, we're here to help.

No, I don't I don't want

to talk about it anymore.

The job is off. Get out.

Get out.

I said get out.

[SOPHIE] I mean, she kicked us out.

Why is she being so stubborn?

If she won't tell us what happened,

then at least tell us where

Jo is, or her daughter.

- Is Stella okay now?

- Mm-hm.

Breanna convinced her to let her stay.

Well, you know it's not rational.

It's not personal.

She's remembering some hard things.

It's not easy to look at your life.

Maybe we need to help her come up

with a reason to want to help us.


- Just

- Stop. Stop.

Any luck with the p*stol?

No. We found some antiques

there marked for Judge Clark,

- but no p*stol.

- Hold on!

Phil told the judge he

could have first pick,

but he lied, because I

saw Phil take a gold watch

and throw it in his pocket.

- Wait, he stole my watch?

- Yeah.

Phil wants to keep the shiniest

of the shinies for himself.

Why Are you not

You couldn't have thought of that

six hours and a warehouse ago?

If that's the case, then

I bet he doesn't even know

it's "the Turlington p*stol."

He's the type to go for the

quick buck, not the big score.

No, but I bet Judge Clark on the cover

of Antiques Monthly would know it.

There's our wedge.

Just need to find the

right person to apply it.

Oh, no, no, no, please.

I'm really not

I'm not here to talk

about Jo, I promise.

Look, I get it.

I know it can be really hard

to look at your past and

remember when you were happy,

and then be reminded of why

you're not that happy anymore,

and I'm

I'm really sorry I pushed you.

We think we know how to get

your Turlington p*stol back

and rid you of Phil for good.

Now, is the Jackal up for one last job?

I wonder

does a rat run away from sunshine?


What are you doing here?

Walk with me.


I got a text on my phone

saying my food was here.

- Right here.

- I didn't order anything.

You didn't What Let me see that.

If not you, then who the hell ordered

a Swiss cheese and anchovy sandwich?

They're gonna dock my

star rating on this, man.

Hold that.

- Jesus.


- What the

- Oh, God.

See? Smell that muskiness?

- Yours?

- No, thank you.

- My phone, please. Mm.

- Yeah.

- Sorry about this.

- Whew.

Listen, do me a favor and and

rate me on the app right there.

Give me a good one, man.

This is not my fault.

Are you serious?

[STELLA] I'm here to offer you a

deal, Phil, for my Turlington p*stol.

It's worth over a million dollars,

enough for me to have a live-in nurse,

with 500 grand left over

for you. That's right.

I'll pay to be rid of you.

Now, do we have a deal?

[SOUTHERN ACCENT] Well, there you

are, Little Miss Slip 'N Slide.

I told you Oh, it's

fine. I'm her nurse.

What? Uh, nurse?

Stella, where's the guy I hired?

Oh, are you Phil?

Antonio had a dental emergency

and the agency sent me,

and then Miss Naughty

here gave me the slip.

Come on, Stella.

Oh, it won't happen

again, sir, I assure you.

Y'all gave me a fright.

She's a feisty one, eh, Phil?


- I didn't see you there.

- Then we're both blind,

because I didn't see the Turlington

p*stol with Stella Voleur's things.

- Well, the movers must have

- I want my cut of that g*n.

Ninety percent seems fair.

Ninety? Judge, that's

way more than we

You'd rather I find another

guardian for your wards?

My cut is 90. I'll be in touch.

This is it.

This is where the magic happens.


this is quite a setup.

- We used to run a con with

- Oh.

little more than a

typewriter and rubber cement.


I overheard a call with

Judge Greedy and the fence.

Sale's on for tonight.

Good. So we just have

to set up the camera

in the fence's shop, record

the illegal sale, and

And then your muscle over

here will kick his teeth in.

Or call the police

and have him arrested.

Oh, honestly, though, I mean, I

I don't mind doing what

the young lady asked.

All right, flag on the play.

The fence, Jean-Pierre, is a pro.

- His security

- Pfft.

I can break into anything.

I once broke into a Steranko.

Good for you, dear.

His security doesn't exist.

He doesn't have a shop.

He texts his clients the

location of the meeting

ten minutes before it happens.

We won't have time to put a camera in.

All right, then we find another way.

Breanna, run us through

what you've got on the fence.

If this doesn't work,

you're gonna have to find Jo.

I'll try.


something always goes wrong

at the last moment, doesn't it?


If you find my power of attorney,

you'll find her, won't you?


I know you have regrets.

Things you would have

done differently. So do I.

But Stella, this could

be your second chance.

What happened when Earl

showed up? Did you run?

If only it were that simple.


[EARL] Figured you were

living under fake names.

So I put feelers all over cities

where degenerates like you feel safe.

And what do you know?

There's Jo's real name

on power of attorney.


What do you want, Earl?

What's rightfully mine.

My money, and my Turlington.

- The one you stole.

- Money? What money?

- What are you talking about

- No one stole anything, Earl.

Hello, darling.

Didn't your flatmate here tell you?

After you left, I asked around, yeah?

Turns out,


is a proper thief.

Goes by the name of the Jackal.

That's the whole reason she

was screwing you in London.

To keep you looking the other way.

You have until midnight to

get me my money and my g*n.

Or I take our daughter.

No court's going to argue with that.

I don't get it. You and Jo were happy.

Why didn't you just tell Earl to scram?

Oh, darling girl, you're so young.

You get to live with so much less fear.

Things weren't always that way.

Earl had all the power.

Jo knew it,

and Jo also knew about me.

How could you not tell me?

- Me.

- I thought you'd hate me.

Was any of it real?

Or am I just a good place to hide?

Do you know

how to tell if a

diamond is real or fake?

You heat the stone, and

if it cracks, it's fake.

Jo, how much heat have we

withstood over the years?

And we've never cracked, not once.

- So what do we do?

- Not we.


I started this.

And I'm gonna end it.

Oh. Don't forget this guy.

She'll never get to sleep without Fred.

She doesn't understand why

you're not coming with us.

I am coming.

I'm gonna find you, I promise.


You got my gold?

What gold, Earl?

I never took the coins

from the bank heist.

I never even got into that safe.

They weren't in the safe

where Jo had the combination.

I'm not an idiot.

They were in the Merc.

They were in the trunk.

They were in a compartment in the trunk.

Are you serious?

The Merc was the only thing

that linked me and Jo to you.

We dumped it in a quarry

in Dover eight years ago.


take the Turlington, Earl.

It's worth a mint!

We'll call it even.





You don't make a fool out of me.





[STELLA] That night

was the last time I ever spoke to Jo.

Or Earl, of course.

I have a question.

If you'd known it was gonna end

would you have still left with Jo?

Oh, my. You lost someone.

Never define love by its length

only by its depth.

I had some of my greatest

adventures after Jo.

Life is a journey.

Not a destination.


[HARRY] Uh, sorry to interrupt.

Phil and the judge are on the move.

Eliot's tracker shows them

heading to the warehouse.

Amazing all the things

old folks just hold onto.

- Is that it?

- That's it.


- Let's take a look.

- [STELLA] You thieves.

That is my property.

Stella, how the hell did you find us?

[SOUTHERN ACCENT] Stella, hon, you're

having one of your little turns.

- Oh.

- Huh?

You again? This is

not what I pay you for.

You're fired.

She's an escape artist.

You don't pay me enough to

babysit Houdini here. Come.


[SCOFFS] Let me see that.

It's mine.


That's a nifty lift, sticky fingers.

That is her g*n, and you know it.

That is his g*n.

To pay for her care.

Now go.

And you better pray you never

end up in my courthouse, missy.

You threatenin' me?

Let me see that. Ooh.

Jean-Pierre, right on time.

[JEAN-PIERRE] Judge Clark.

Monsieur Hinkley.

- Let us get down to business, non?


Take a look.


C'est magnifique.

You're asking a million, non?

Seems fair.

Market value's, what, 1.2?

- One-five.

- Perhaps,

if it were not a fake.


I'm gonna k*ll her.


- [MAN ON MEGAPHONE] Judge Linus Clark.

Phillip Hinkley. Come

out with your hands up.

A little bird told me you

might abuse our friendship.

Elder abuse laws are

quite strict in Louisiana.

You should know that, Your Honor.

And all the evidence is in this room.



wish me to betray a judge?

Why should I do this?


Because my name is Parker.

And I would consider

it a personal favor.

"The" Parker?

Stella, hon, you're having

one of your little turns.

- Huh?

- [PHIL] You again?

- Let me see that.

- It's mine.


Come on.

Go ahead.




You're right. This does feel good.


And I pulled off a job with the Jackal.

Désolé. Empty.



- No papers. No power of attorney.


This is pointless.

Even if I am hired a proper guardian,

you and I both know I'm

going to need a home.

Well, maybe you could

go and live with Jo.

I told you before, I never

saw Jo again after Earl.

You saw her again at least once.

If you'd have shot Earl,

you'd have destroyed

the g*n, and you didn't.

What really happened that night, Stella?



[STELLA] I was such a fool.


Jo doubled back because she loved me.

I kept the g*n in case I

ever needed to take the blame

to protect my family.

Earl was my sin to bear, not Jo's.

One thing I can't figure out

What did you do with Earl's body?

You know, I I can't remember.

Why didn't you go and look for Jo?

Safety takes time.

Time enough for them to

start a a life without me.

And I didn't want to burden them again.

You know, it's a shame that the

police took the Turlington as evidence.

This is all I have left

of Jo, is her painting.

Well, it's beautiful.

It's your greatest score.

"Josephine Wynona James."

- What is it?


It's your power of attorney.


When I explained everything,

your daughter didn't even hesitate

to take over your power of attorney.

I promise that no

matter what else happens,

you're gonna be very well taken care of.


Wait, w-what if they see me and they

and they change their mind?

I mean, I haven't seen them for so long.

The last time I saw her, I

Oh, oh, oh, Stella.

Look at me.

You were right. I lost

someone. His name was Nate.

He was my greatest score,

and I would give anything

for one more day with him.

Thank you.

Really, thank you for everything.

Anything for the Jackal.


- Come.

I just want to be with you ♪

I just got to see it through ♪

Oh, Jo.

Oh, my darlings. [SOBS]

Penny for your thoughts.

Just wondering what my

next adventure's gonna be.


- Oh, and you have the dog.

Buy you a cup of joe?


Oh, I just want to be with you ♪

I just got to see it through ♪

And if you feel the way I do ♪

You'll know it was made

to see eye to eye ♪

I know, I know our love

will never die ♪

I wanna be with you, baby ♪

Wanna be, wanna be,

wanna be, wanna be ♪

Whoo ♪