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01x10 - The Unwellness Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:15
by bunniefuu

Julie, we have a doctor's

appointment today.

Come on, Julie, can't miss another one.

Julie, it's Beth. Let me in.

Julie, let me in.

Thanks to the dominance of the

patriarchal Western medical tradition.

This tradition's focus on

rationality and experimentation

- has sidelined the crucial

- Julie!

Julie! Julie! Julie! Julie.

Julie, come on.

911 emergency.

Yes, this is Dr. Beth Duque. I need

an ambulance over at 236 Sycamore.

I have a female, age 32, unresponsive.

- Sending an ambulance now.

- Julie.

It's important to trust

this ancient wisdom.

Pulse is rapid and thready.

- To trust yourself and to trust me.

- Honey, stay with me, okay?

- Remember, we're in this together.

- They're on their way.

Thank you guys so much for coming.

I wanted you to see all the supplements

and other products my sister bought.

I just got through visiting

her at the hospital,

so the thought of bringing

all of this to the office

"Himalayan Chakra Rebalancing Extract."

Why was your sister

taking all this stuff?

Because she was sick.

We don't know what it is.

And I'm a doctor, so I

know how that sounds, but

We think it was an autoimmune disorder.

Testing came back inconclusive, so

we've been keeping her on medication

just to control the symptoms, but

it has been three years of suffering.


She started looking online

and found Bronwyn Lark.

If this Bronwyn is selling fake

medication, then that's a crime.

- Um, food supplements, right?

- Mm-hmm.

See, the FDA treats food

and dr*gs differently.

A drug has to prove that it's safe,

but a food or dietary supplement

is considered safe

until it's proven unsafe.

You can't take it off the shelves

until it's actually hurt people.

Very good.

And you know this because ?

- Evil lawyer.

- Evil lawyer, yeah.

And does Bronwyn tell people

to stop taking their meds?

No, but she walks right up to the line,

saying that Western medication

interferes with the healing traditions,

so patients aren't getting

their cancer treatments.

Parents aren't giving their

kids the medicine they need.

Instead, they're relying on this.

I've been tracking the media

reports around her company.

Hundreds of people like Julie are sick.

But they haven't met the

necessary requirements

for the government to get involved,

and by the time they do,

thousands will be sick.

Hundreds, I assure you, will be

dead, and it's gonna be too late.

All right, Bronwyn Lark.

After a decent acting career

and a slightly more successful

"getting her picture in People magazine

for dating problematic dudes" career,

she retired and then rebranded

herself a wellness maven.

She had just enough

camera presence and fame

so that she stood out from other

amateurs in the online wellness world,

and her business, Enlyven, with a "Y,"

is the fastest growing

influencer brand in the region.

I mean, they sell everything.

Everything from $200 eye

cream to $50 crystals.

And this is ?

She's coordinating an op

between the Korean Leverage team

and the Nigerian team.

And the knives?

It's probably part of the

con. I don't know, it's Parker.

Maybe it's Knife Day.


So Bronwyn's childhood

friend, Melanie Brown, PhD,

is a real doctor and her expertise

is in nutrition and immunology,

so she runs the combo spa

and laboratory at Enlyven.

As her business partner,

she gives Bronwyn

just the right words to sound legit,

and then Bronwyn sells access.

So you buy a few products,

you get an email from her.

Buy a lot more, get a video chat.

Drop a thousand on that junk,

and you get a weekend

at the spa with her.

This is a very small team

for a con of this scope.

Well, that's because she doesn't

make any of her own products,

so she spends crazy money

buying out these, like,

indie health products that are

making a splash, rebrands them,

pushes them out as her own.

Some of them are fairly useless.

Okay, but some of them

have nasty side effects.

She turns over the

products so quickly, though,

none of it sticks to her.

So she's a shark.

She's gotta keep eating, she's

gotta keep moving, or she dies.

That's how we get her.

You ever fought a shark?

Yes. That's not

The point is, is that

we poison her food.

I see where you're going.

She overinvests in

launching new products.

So if we sell her a product

that fails spectacularly,

then her company and

her reputation fails.

Can I just ask the question,

should we even be doing this?

I mean, we have a whole

stack of other cases.

And this does seem like

one of those moments

where they brought it on themselves.

I mean, I do feel bad and

all, but they use the products.

In fact, if you don't mind me saying so,

it sounds a little bit like

the con that you used to do.

This is about the evil lawyer

crack earlier, isn't it?

No, no, no. The difference

is the Rabbit Hole.


So, uh, let's say you're, like, a

smart person and you have a problem.

You wanna be responsible,

do some online research.

So use a search engine or social media.

The problem is those

are driven by algorithms.

Right, so algorithms,

they point you to sites

that have the most engagement, but

not necessarily the most accurate.

So Bronwyn is using this common

tactic to game the system.

She created this whole

network of fake websites

and social media accounts that

all refer back to a central site,

drives the traffic up.

So, say, you're a smart person

and you want to do some research,

and you want to look for other

sources, it doesn't matter.

You're gonna get bounced back,

fall deeper into the Rabbit Hole.

The more you research, the

further down they drive you.

And that is how Grandma

learns about space lasers.

So stupid.

You can also fine tune

the Rabbit Hole, right?

I mean, design it to pull

the relevant search terms.

Yes, so I can tell you exactly

what phrases Bronwyn is grabbing.

She's specifically targeting women.

Women get misdiagnosed,

like, 30% of the time,

- and it takes two years longer to get that diagnosis.

- What?

Hell, that's how they

almost k*lled Serena.

You see, I targeted the powerful

and trapped them with their desires.

She targets the powerless, and

she traps them with their pain.

She tasks me.

And I shall have her.

What's going on with the knives today?

Breathing in.

And out.

We are all one.

One with each other.

We are all sisters joined in eternal

And that is all the time we

have left on silver package.

Thank you, bye-bye.

Bronwyn, I just wanna

talk you about my symptoms.

Mm-hmm. Download the Wynner app.

The app is where we

collect all of our expertise

and advise the best products

to purchase for your issues.

Remember, it's for

entertainment purposes only.


I just read some exciting new research

on inflammation-reducing diets.

Oh. Ooh, I do not want to tell people

to eat beets. Beets are not sexy.

They can be. Deeply.

Can you find something with,

like, magnets or space metals?

We're starving for financing,

and Chad Deihle has been

hitting me up on social.

I think he's looking to invest.

The tech guy?

The tech guy? He is a

Bitcoin financial wizard.

Calling him "the tech

guy" is like calling him

I mean, who's someone

awesome in your field?

Rosalind Franklin. She's

No. A famous person.

- Uh

- Oh, I gotta post a post-yoga post.



All right.

Hey, Wynners, I just got finished

with a very spiritual yoga practice

where we really got in

touch with our inner Artemis.

Why don't you be W-Y-wynners

and check out our storefront?

Let's Bron-wyn together.

So good.


He is super into technology,

so find me something sci-fi,

like, I don't know, tiny robots.


Tiny robots are real?



Okay, we just need to find something hot

that'll get him to dump

a bunch of cash our way.

We're running very thin on H?

H? What's H?

All of the wellness influencers

are running this logo.

This is the hotness.

"Coming soon." Not out yet.


We can brand this.

But is it a product? A service?

Oh, who cares?

Find it.

Okay, so first, we seed the

ground by paying influencers

to post our mysterious letter "H."

How much did that cost us?


Depends on the reach, but

could go for about $200 a pop.

Then my bot army goes

in, amplifies the posts,

and then we get that hashtag trending.

We hit peak saturation

at exactly the time

Bronwyn will be checking her

feed, every day, same time,

right after yoga.

Privacy is dead.

Yeah, my generation doesn't

really know what that means.

She uses her reputation to hurt people,

and she's nothing without it.

Let's go steal her fame.

What is this?

Where the bees are. I told

you, we're going to an apiary.

Oh, I was expecting apes.

This is better. Hello!

Oh, my gosh, you're

Bronwyn Lark! You're famous!

I am, and I am.

Doris Bask, freelance media consultant.

This is my assistant, Zazi.

Hank! Get over here!


Bronwyn Lark is here!

Damn it, Doris, the bees are sleeping!

Sorry. Shh.

Hank, this is Bronwyn

Lark and this is

A-and Melanie Brown.

Our company, Enlyven, is curious

about your product, Mr. Hank.


Hank's Honey Creme,

skin care rejuvenation.

Hank and I are business partners.

Much like you, Ms. Brown, with Ms. Lark.

Some partnership! I do all of the work!

All right? I I tend to the bees.

I listen to their eternal song.

I I interpret their every need

by a delicate dance that they do.

You put H's on everything!

That's your social media campaign?

You have talent.

That means so much to me for

you to say that about me to me.

Mr. Hank, you need to appreciate Doris.

It doesn't matter how

good your product is,

if it doesn't get out

there, it will fail.

Melanie and I have

the same relationship.

Her health company, with all

of its science and research,

was dying until I came

along and helped her.

I wouldn't I wouldn't say dying.

We would love to get our

product on your website.

It's It's not her product, it's

my product, it's their product,

and I don't know if I'm ready

to share this sweet

nectar with strangers.

We have very attractive terms.

Melanie, the offer documents.

They're in the car. I thought I'd

look at the research first and

Sorry. Sorry.

I'll get them. I'll get them.

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

Zazi, go and get our

perspectives from the car, too.

- Oh.

- Oh.



He likes you.

Doris, let's go on a walk.

He's a bit of a handful.

Oh, you know people like him,

they just can't believe

their dreams will come true

without the dream seller.

Mm-hmm. Let me take him off your hands.

- Ah.

- I have a financier, Chad Deihle.

You know, the Bitcoin genius,

and he is looking to

invest in a product with me.

Let's make it this one.

We'll buy you out.

I was thinking partnership.

- Mm.

- But hear me out.

My media campaign got you to

drive all the way out here.

Imagine what I could do

for your other products.

I want to learn from you, Bronwyn.

You get people to believe in themselves.

No, I get them to believe in me.

You see, that's it. That's

the kind of insight that

I hope that your partner

understands how lucky she is.

We could use a little new

blood in the business. Come on.

Stupid. Stupid!

Do better, Melanie.

Uh, hey.

You know, for what it's worth,

I think it's pretty cool

you having PhD's and stuff.

As Bronwyn points out,

PhD's don't move products.

Yeah, right. My boss is

pretty mercenary, too.

But hey, someday we'll

be in charge, right?

Just understand, it doesn't

matter if you want to help people,

if nobody will listen to you.

Some people are born to be in front.

Got the buyout forms.

Oh, no, this is a partnership.

W we didn't talk about a


Yes, partnership.

Well, then we do it the old way.

Oh. Oh.

The golden nectar

Of eternal life.

Ooh. It's so very so Yeah.

Come on, I'm totally ready.

Ninety percent of jumping off

buildings is proper preparation.

Not until you take your test.

Right, I'm gonna go meet

this Chad Deihle with Bronwyn.

Hey there, partnership.

I thought the whole plan

was to buy Hank's honey

and put her deeper in the

hole, and then take her company.

Yes, it was,

but we weren't expecting this

outside money from this Chad guy,

and I decided that,

you know, if we partner,

I can manage the con from the inside.


- Or what?

- I mean, I'm with Harry on this one.

I mean, this chick hasn't gotten

just a little bit under your skin?

She's an actress and a con

woman. Why would oh, I get it.

Good one, Harry.

Question, could we take it

a little easy on Melanie?

I'm starting to feel like

she's less of an accomplice

and more just stuck with a bad friend.

Like Bronwyn's her personal Rabbit Hole.

Oh, well, she's part of a company

that's defrauding vulnerable people

and putting them in hospital, so

I'm not making any promises,

and I'm not justifying

myself to you or anyone.


All right, here we go.

Go up!


- Yes!

- Great work. Let's go to lunch. Yeah.

Anyway, uh uh

Can I get a little help here?

Can I just get a little help?

Hey, 90% of jumping off

buildings is preparation,

10% is learning to hang

off them. See you later.

Eliot, grab me a chalupa,

the one that I like,

and a juice.

Do you want to see $40 million?


My fortune comes from the

digital currency exchange,

Crownscoin, that I created.

Millions in digital currency

are exchanged there every day.

And this is my personal fortune.

This is the future of money. It

exists only in bits and bytes.

Bitcoin. Blockchain-based

digital currency.

If this were gold, you

could steal it from me.

If it were cash, you

could counterfeit it.

But this is completely worthless

unless I type in the 12-word key phrase

to this secure computer and unlock it.

It can't be faked. It cannot be stolen.


Much like I am the

architect of the spirit,

you are the architect of the future.

And it explains the security.

Eivor? Oh, no, he just

makes a good smoothie.

Now, I am going to give $5 million

to launch your bee cream.

We are so excited about the bee cream.

- I do not care about the bee cream.

- Oh.

Bronwyn, I care about your customers.

- Well, I care about my customers.

- Yes.

I do not care about your customers.

I care about the hundreds of

thousands of distinct users

who have filled out

health questionnaires.

Uh, we've had nearly a million,

although not all of them

have purchased any product yet.

Oh, who cares about the

sales of physical objects?

That's so 18th century.

- I care

- You care about the data.

Very good.

Doris, right?

And why, Doris, do I

care about their data?

Well, you say data, I say data.

You say potato.

Because it's hundreds of thousands

of people sharing their pain.

Their weaknesses, their fears.

Hell, I can crosstab and find out

who bought the stupidest

stuff off your site.

- No offense.

- Don't care.

To see who is the most desperate,

and then I can monetize that database.

Like, have you ever thought

about how many of your customers

must be in financial distress

because of their illnesses?

I have not.

- We can sell those names.

- Oh. Oh.

To loan services, financial advisors.

I will so absolutely launch a bee cream

if it means thousands more

people are gonna come to your site

and give you their data, which

we can use to target them.

And hey, you already did half the job

with that really nice viral H campaign.

Oh, well, that was Doris.

I see a lot of potential in her.

- Actually, I see a lot of me in her.

- Oh.

Product launch is about to start,

according to Bronwyn's social media.

Are you sure we're ready?

For the past week,

I've been coordinating

the campaign across five

different time zones,

so I haven't had any sleep

in five different time zones.

Is it safe for the bees to be in here?

Staging! Theater!

Chad is giving us $5 million

to launch this campaign.

We have to make a splash.

Just don't bump the boxes.

Three, two


A few weeks ago,

everyone's social was abuzz with

our virtual marketing campaign.

Today, I get to reveal the product,

and it is something

that I, Bronwyn Lark,

promise will change skin care.

Its healing properties are unparalleled.

Its soothing qualities are unmatched.

- Now.

- Pew!

- Its comforting abilities are unrivaled.

- And the media blitz begins.

This bee cream is top of the line.

You'll never experience

Sorry, uh, you people

keep lighting up my


Breaking news at Channel 6.

Hank's Bee Farm is in a sticky

situation after the authorities

The city is in a buzz

over the controversy

that the bee cream

was never FDA approved.

It was the bees! The

bees told me to do it!

The bees told me!

It's unknown how many

bodies have been found

on the property and the question is

They said Hank's Honey

Creme would heal my rash!

Oh, this is great.

How could we didn't wait

till after the announcement?

Well, we're piggybacking

off of Bronwyn's feed.

Most of my accounts are fake,

so I had to create a little

firestorm amongst her followers.

And I didn't want to

give her time to react.

I mean, her audience needs to see her

reputation and fame

destroyed in real time.


My modeling career is over!

Like I was saying,

this bee cream industry is filled

with charlatans and fraudsters.

Now, they sell you cream, but

you don't know what's been added.

Here at Enlyven,

we go straight to the bee.

The venom of the bee, or as

we call it, the bee's kiss.

Well, what is what is happening?

Dr. Brown, tell us, what

is in the bee's kiss?

Uh, the-the bee sting?

Uh, melittin, apamin.

Ah. Okay, I'm seeing the comment shift.

They cause inflammatory responses.

With responses that help

prepare your immune system

for other toxins and

diseases causing inflammation.

The bee sting is nature's vaccine.

Not derived from shadowy laboratories

or with added unreliable ingredients.

H is the honey bee's kiss.

We will be selling bee venom extract.

And for a premium, we

will ship you live bees

so that you can inoculate

yourself with nature's power.

Oh, clever girl.

Wait, these are presales?


Bronwyn, look at these numbers.

- You are a genius.

- Thank you.

You do know that I have holdings

in other wellness companies

all around the world, right?

I'm taking you global, Bronwyn.

Whatever money you need,

whatever infrastructure you need,

you got Chad.

- Namaste, Chad.

- Namaste, babe.

This is the opposite of

what we wanted, right?

Thank you, Parker.

All right, what's our next move on her?

I have no idea. This woman

lies without any remorse,

and then she pivots without thought

to consequence or even reality.

Imagine the good she could've done

if she'd had the decency to

become an honest con woman.

All right, we'll wipe out her database.

That's where the values at, right?

If we do that, she'll

just restore from a backup.

I guess I could install

a virus that corrupts it.

Corrupts the backups, too.


You know, my my first grift

I went to pastry school in Paris

to get a job in an arms

dealer's favorite restaurant.

You know, catch his eye over time.

And I spent six months

just carving my way

into his life like a scalpel,

but I walked away from that con

with a Van Gogh and a

briefcase full of diamonds.

I mean, they were physical

objects. They were treasures.


She finds thousands of

victims in their own homes,

and and she sells their

their their thoughts

to a man who pays her in

money that doesn't even exist.

I mean, is this what crime has come to?

Well, I hate to have a

"well, actually" moment,

but Bitcoin actually exists, okay?

Just it physically exists.

Like Santa, or the Grey

Man Who Haunts Our Dreams.

- Who's the Grey Man Who Haunts Our

- Shh!

You never say his name twice! Never!

Bronwyn can recover from anything

as long as she's got Chad's money.

We break that connection.

Mm. Let's hack his Bitcoiny thing.

No. Sophie already said, the only

way this guy accesses the exchange

is from a secret computer that is

not connected to any outside network.

There is no way in.

You know, Chad is

throwing up a lot of flags

that could get him investigated

for money laundering.

A lot of people think you can't

launder Bitcoin, but you can.

You do it through initial coin offering.

Chad's exchange gives him access

to all those root accounts.

If he just coin-mixes

during the transactions,

he could launder millions of

dollars and no one would ever know.

I've been keeping up with

my evil lawyering reading.

- Mad respect.

- All right, look, even if he is legit,

he's still living in fear of

the FBI sniffing around his life.

It's an inside/outside play.

We convince Chad that Bronwyn's

part of an investigation

and scare him away from her.

Yes, and I convince Bronwyn

that there's a scandal

coming on Chad's side

and scare her away from him.

Hey, wake up.

You're gonna work on

a virus, as a backup.

And I'm gonna go prove that

the personal touch still works.

Stop there.

You are a harbinger of negative energy.

Be gone.

I didn't know. I didn't know.

I chose Hank's company because I

saw the potential for it to go viral,

and I was right.

Imagine what I can do

for your other campaigns.

Doris, like bees,

there's only one queen.

You cannot imagine what my life is like.

I was an actress.

I know what it does to you.

Sitting in a room with women

who all look exactly like you,

knowing that only one

of you is gonna succeed,

and the rest of us,

ah, the rest of us have already failed.

I know what that does to

you, the constant judging.

What did you do? Did you

break like so many others?

No, you left them behind.

You took what they didn't appreciate

and you made your own rules.

You made your own world.

I get you, Bronwyn.

I understand you.

There are times when

Melanie's conscience is, uh

It's a burden.

I did a one-woman show

of Death of a Salesman

in a casino dinner

theater in the Outback.

Nothing scares me.

Hello, hello, hello!

Hey, how's it going?

Kent Allard, Southeastern

First Financial.

We're Bronwyn Lark's bankers.

Dude, welcome to the future

of banking. Virtual currency.

Yeah, very exciting. Yeah,

very happy to be here.

Okay, so we're gonna be entering

into a partner arrangement.

So part of our "Get to

Know Your Client" policies,

I'm gonna need to take a

look at your transactions,

your filings, and all your

extant partnerships up till now.

You mind if I go down

to the exchange floor,

take a look at those

documents I requested?

Of course. Right this way.

Just gonna head downstairs.

And hey, mi casa es su casa.

Hey, muchas gracias.

I know what you're thinking, Eivor.

"Know Your Client," that's an

anti-money laundering policy.

All right, so you have a bank

employee profile on their website,

but if Chad is paying attention,

he's gonna notice that you

just joined two months ago.

So then he'll try to find your last job.

And what does he find? Your last

job at Freedom Business Bank.

But then he's going to notice

that you were also only

there for six months.

And the more research he

follows, the deeper down he goes.

There was your job before that.

- Also six months.

- That's weird, right?

Like these jobs are cover-ups.

So who are you really?

And why are you just

hopping from bank to bank?

If he's smart, he's gonna do

an image search of your photo.

And there you are with a different name

at a trial with a

whole bunch of FBI guys

with the MLFBU.

You built him a Rabbit Hole.

- Melanie's here.

- What?

Okay, uh, my rig, it takes two minutes

to inject the virus into the

database. Just plug it in.

Okay. Uh, where are you going?


My boss and your boss are

cooking up something evil,

and I thought I'd just,

uh, take a look around.

Do I hear bees?

Bronwyn says it's soothing.

They can last a week off the food.

I'm getting them to the roof tomorrow.

Just don't bump the boxes.

Are you, um, okay?

I just

I really wanted to help people.

And at the beginning, we were.

Bronwyn's fame helped

me get real treatments

out to people who needed them.

But now, peddling this ridiculous

You know what this is?

Elixir of Venus.

"An extract of four

different tropical plants

to bring back your sex drive."

- Did you make this?

- No, it's a placebo.

The men's wellness websites,

they sell the exact same

powder, they call it Ram Energy.


Oh. This is jade. It's supposed

to have healing properties.

Do you know how you're

supposed to use this?


For an hour.

I don't know how long

I can keep doing this.

Uh, speaking of which,

you know, you should take some time off.

Uh, from Bronwyn, my boss.

What do you mean?

You seem like a really good person,

and Bronwyn isn't.

And, you know, maybe my boss is here

because of the not-so-good stuff.

Is Doris undercover?

Just, for once, think of you.

Bronwyn is not a good friend.

Maybe you need to be that

good friend for yourself.


I don't even know you, and you cared.

Why do you want to help her?

You ever just have a friend and

realize that they were using you?

Or you see, like, a friendship

and it's just one way?

That stuff hurts. Like, a lot.

I didn't really have friends

until I met your brother.

And now, he, Eliot, Sophie, and

I, we're family, not friends.

Well, Peggy and Hurley are friends,

but they'd never try to hurt me.

You know, in a weird way, I

think your not having friends

might have actually saved you some pain.


Melanie just called Bronwyn

to warn her, didn't she?

Yep, just like we knew she would.

God, I'm so stupid

for thinking otherwise.

No. I like that you tried to help her.

Hardison would've done the same thing.


Who are you?

Melanie just told me that your

assistant spilled the beans.

Damn it.

Bronwyn, you need to know, Chad

Deihle is under investigation,

and you seemed like our best way in.

What? No. No, I do

not want to be part

- Is this you?

- No, it is not.

Oh, my God, does that guy have a g*n?

- Get up.

- Oh, my God, is that a g*n?

Let's go. Hurry up.

Let's go!

What is happening?

What is going on?

I have my suspicions.

I think I can get us out of here alive,

but we have to stick

together and play innocent.

- Okay.

- Good.

It was her! All her!

There we go.

I'm supposed to believe

that you had no idea

that she was an undercover FBI agent

investigating me for money laundering?

Why would I think that?

Because he is indeed money laundering.

Yeah, Bronwyn.

I am money laundering a lot

for some very scary people.

And you took my investment

in a company that she set up

and used it as a Trojan

horse to get under my roof,

to get access to my records.

I had no idea.

Now, if you have to k*ll her,

I could just look the other way.

Bronwyn, you're lying.

- No.

- Because it's what you do.

You always lie. You set up

a company based on lying.

I can't believe a word that

comes out of your mouth.

So yes, now I have to k*ll both of you.

I mean, not me, I'm not gonna k*ll you.

Eivor's gonna k*ll you.

But this sucks.


What's so funny?

I'm sorry.

You really don't have

any idea what to do.

You're so used to your victims

coming to you half-cooked

that you don't know what to

do with a live tiger in a trap.

What am I supposed to do?


Or be eaten.

I am not an FBI

investigator. I am a grifter.

I work with a team.

We were just after Bronwyn's database,

but then you became a

target of opportunity.

I mean, $40 million in

a little electronic box.

How could we not?

This, I believe.

Here's why you're not gonna k*ll us.

I'm gonna buy our freedom

with something of value.

I would prefer not to

have Eivor k*ll you.


Bronwyn's database.

It's still worth millions.


- Okay, I will go get it.

- No, sit down.

You'll call someone from your

office. Have them download it.

Eivor will go pick it up.


Melanie will download it.

Now we wait.

Hey, has Sophie checked in? She's

not returning any of my calls.

Uh, last known location

was at the Enlyven office.

Eliot's on his way over there right now.

I am tracing her phone.

She's somewhere weirdly shielded.

Parker's chasing down the

nearest cell towers now.


Hey, it's Melanie.

Zazi? Is that you?

Uh, Melanie?


Oh, I had to call someone.

First, Bronwyn disappeared.

Then she texted me and asked me to

do something, and I know it's wrong.

She asked me to download all

our users' confidential data.

That information could hurt people.

I couldn't think of anyone else

I could trust, so I called you.

Okay, Melanie, just slow down.

Okay, what exactly did she say?

She said to download the database

and give it to Chad's

man when he arrived.

Uh, hold on.

Chad's guy? What does Chad's

guy want with the database?

Sophie and Bronwyn disappeared

at the same time last night.

- Coincidence?

- No.

So Chad's a kidnapper?

I did not see that coming.

So Bronwyn and Sophie are at

The Bitcoin exchange,

that's why it's shielded.

It's vulnerable to

electromagnetic charges.

The database is a price for

I don't know, but if Chad is over there,

snatching people off the street,

he's not gonna let Melanie live.

Melanie, just stay where you

are, okay? Help is on the way.

- Who?

- Hank.

Okay, I'll call Eliot. He's on

his way over to Enlyven anyway.

I'm gonna go to Chad's and I'll

see if I can get Parker to meet me.

Wait, she's on the

wrong side of the city.

I think we're solo

here. Do you have a plan?

Yo, man. Shh.

You'll wake the bees.

Oh, man.


I told you to be quiet.


Don't bump the boxes!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Easy, easy, easy, easy,

easy, bro, bro, bro.

Ooh. That one would've stung, huh?


What the hell is this?

Ah, it's

Go, go, go, go.

- Hello.

- FBI guy.

Ah, not FBI guy. I get it.

Where's Eivor?

He was detained.

Why are you detained?

Chad is in fact, money laundering.

Oh, so I was right.

You are very good at what you do.

Okay, one of you, please

give Chad what he wants

so I can get out of this chair?

Well, that is the database

of the personal information

of hundreds of thousands

of Bronwyn's customers.

Breanna downloaded it just

the way she said she would.

Now, I give this to you, we can all go.


You think you can claim

this as Bronwyn's database

and then just walk out of here?

Verify it yourself.


Now, we're still gonna k*ll everybody,

but at least this wasn't a total waste.

I don't think so.

What the hell?

Careful. That's an EMP charge.

I had them build it into my phone

after you showed me

your virtual currency.

Electromagnetic pulse.

It is fascinating.

If your $40 million was gold,

there's nothing I could do to harm it.

If it were currency,

that safe would protect

it from fire or expl*sives.

But it's as you said, it

just exists in bits and bytes.

And I could just wipe it

out without even touching it.

k*ll them.

Oh, my God!

And that is a dead man's switch.

You sh**t my friend, he

relaxes his grip and zap

$40 million wiped out of existence.

You're bluffing.

Let's wait and see.

It's $40 million.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

But it's not my $40 million.

So it doesn't really

matter to me, does it?

The EMP pulse thing!

Oh, my phone has a magnetic case,

so it sticks to my dashboard.

- Hey, the dead man's switch

- Ballpoint pen.

Good improv. And the

Breanna tip, good clue.

Do you guys know how

much trouble you're in?

I'm Bronwyn Lark.

Yeah, that's your trouble.

Chad's gonna want all of us dead.

He doesn't even know our

real names, but you're famous.

I am famous.

Nowhere to hide as Bronwyn Lark.

Unless you go into the

witness relocation program

- and testify against Chad under a different name.

- What? No!

Chad's gonna be very angry

when he loses his fortune.

Not to mention his

money-laundering clients.

But the EMP thing is fake!

Hit it again.

Just get it out of here.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This is a secure laptop.

How could a virus

Let's hack his Bitcoiny thing.

No. Sophie said the only way

this guy accesses the exchange

is from a secret computer

that's outside of the network.

That there's no way in.

We access her database.

Hey, that's the value, right?

If we do that, she'll just

restore from the backups.

The only thing I can do is

install a virus that corrupts it

- and corrupts the backups, too.

- What?

You think you can claim

this as Bronwyn's database

and then just walk out of here?

Verify it yourself.

I did it. I put a virus in the exchange.

It's a new regiment of

blood tests from Indonesia.

It sounds really exciting.

Cutting edge. I I didn't know

anything like this even existed.

Our business was global.

I tracked these studies,

even if we never used them.

Thanks to you, I can go back

through all our customers,

try to find ways this

time to really help them.

People like my sister.

Thank you.

- Put your name on it.

- imaginary friends.

- I'm trying to make a romantic dinner

- I have told you

- for you and Hardison.

- ten times, I don't know

- whose food is whose. I'm gonna eat it.

- Hey, what's up? Don't.

Sounds like the docs are getting

on like a house on fire, huh?

Yeah, they got a real

super-friend vibe going on.

They're talking about starting

a company like you guys did.

We didn't start a company

because we were friends.

I didn't even like 'em the first year.

I didn't even learn his name till

after the team broke up the first time.

No. No. That's stupid.

She called me by my name all the time.

Yeah, because somebody else

said it, and I was like,

"Oh, right, Eliot," but

I didn't remember it.

Damn it, Parker. I'm getting a beer.

And I'm not coming back.


- He's coming back.

- He's totally coming back.

So you managed to save her after all.

Ah, she was ready to save herself.

She just needed a little push.

Like off a building.

Hardison warned me about that.

Please don't push me off no building.

- Do you wanna be friends or not?

- Not being pushed off a building.

- I don't think I do.

- Thank you.

Hey, Eliot, I spoke to a

buddy of mine in Justice

and he said they're gonna

come down pretty hard on Chad.

Now, I think we all want

Bronwyn to lose her business,

but none of us really

want her to lose her life.

Yeah, well, I talked to

the Marshal last night.

She said that Bronwyn has been tucked

into the relocation program just fine.

No one's ever even gonna recognize her.

Hmm, wonder how she's gonna handle that.

Thank you.

- I'm telling you, that's her.

- I don't

Why would she even be working here?

I don't know, but it's

her, I'm telling you.

Oh, no, you're right. Oh, my God.

You know who you look like?

Okay, what what who's she?

That actress, Bronwyn.

I get that sometimes.

- Bronwyn Stark.

- Uh, Lark, yeah.

No, it was Stark.

God, whatever happened to her?

- Didn't she die?

- Oh, I don't know. I did not care for her.

- Did you see that last movie she did?

- Ugh, horrible.

By the way, objection withdrawn.

I'm glad we did this one,

and I do see the difference

between you and Bronwyn.

What part of "I'm not justifying

myself to you" was I not clear on?

Well, it's not like you require my

validation, but if I may offer it,

I think Bronwyn does what

she does because it's easy,

and you do what you do the way

that you do it because it's hard.

- And I find that distinction very useful.

- How so?

Well, I think I used

to look at what I did,

lawyering for the rich and

powerful, as being hard,

but when I really think

about it, it was easy.

'Cause I always had power on my side.

I never really picked

a fight I could lose.

The one fight that was hard,

keeping my marriage together

and staying by my daughter, I did lose.

Maybe because I was fooling

myself which one was which.

Hmm. I think I do like a challenge.

Sometimes to my regret.

It's a long list of those.

Am I on that list?

Time will tell, Mr. Wilson.

But promise me one thing.

When you leave, and you will leave,

go and do something really hard.

I promise.