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01x08 - The Mastermind Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:14
by bunniefuu
Guys, we have a problem. He's

seen my face. My cover's blown.

A lot of Russians back there,

but I took care of them.

There's gonna be twice as

many coming from the front.

Mr. Bunny says the vents are a no-go.

Parker, stop naming the

priceless pieces of art!

What do we do? We're doomed!

Guys, keep your heads.

You know what you can do alone.

I know what you can do together.

Oh, yeah? And how do you know that?

Because I'm the Mastermind.

This is exactly what I need.

- Where are you going?

- Out.

- Well

- No, stop it.

- What?

- Just stop it.

Anniversaries are hard.

Just this past week

it was the anniversary

of the seventh time I threw

Hardison off the top of a building,

and it was really hard

to go through by myself.

This is a little

different, obviously, but

A little different? What's different?

Oh, Parker is trying to make

sure that I'm okay today.

What is that?

Just a couple of your favorite vegan

dishes that I whipped up for you

on on for today.

Both of you, stop it. You're

trying to cosset me, and I'm fine!

Cosset you? That's not

I'm not We're not

Yes, you are, and it's sweet, but

I don't need you taking care of me.

Just like you have been with letting

me run the crew and plan the jobs.

- What?

- You can't con a con artist.

I appreciate it, but

I don't need everyone

walking on eggshells around me.

Hey, movie marathon time!

You're never gonna believe it,

I found that obscure British drama

you loved when you were a kid.

- Oh.

- What's going on? Is that vegan?

Nothing is going on.

Yes, it's my anniversary, but

you're all acting super weird.

Now, I'm going shopping,

and I'm gonna spend a ton of

money on clothes to help me cope.

- Sophie!

- Oh, bloody hell, not you as well.

No Alec just sent this over.

I think you should take a look.

How do they have all this intel on us?

No one but our crew knows these things.

Well, this didn't happen.

Page 157 did not happen.

What do you mean?

Singapore job? We did that.

You took out that whole Yakuza

g*ng with your bare fists.

So? That's not what I'm talking about.

I did so much more than that, man.

I went undercover in an open-air market

to uncover a smuggling ring, all right?

All this says is I hit people.

And flip my hair?!

Oh, you think you've

been portrayed unfairly?

Well, look at page 93!

"The thief elides logic

with her physical prowess,

eludes capture with her calm confidence

and is nothing short of

legendary in her field."

I mean, "legendary"? Come on!

Yeah, that's horrible.

I just want to know if all this

stuff about my brother is true.

- No, it's not

- Page 42 is true.

How did Hardison find all this stuff?

Oh, well, his algorithm

was meant to scrub

all mention of us off the Internet.

But this kept popping

up like a wack-a-mole.

And finally he tracked

down these galleys.

The good news is, these

are just advanced copies

the book hasn't been published yet.

- But who the hell is this "Mastermind"?

- I don't know.

But he's cast himself as

Nate Ford our Nate Ford

the real mastermind that

put this team together.

Most of this stuff is wrong,

but there's enough right

in here to be dangerous.

- If this gets out

- All our clients will be exposed.

The marks we took down for them

will know and they'll go after them.

Not to mention all of your

guys' secrets are out there.

Not all of us. Sophie

got away scot-free.

She's not in the book at all.

Crappiest wedding anniversary ever.

Oh, it's not my wedding anniversary.

Nate and I didn't celebrate that, no.

We celebrated the day we met.

Was it love at first sight?

Kind of.

He shot me.

But to be fair, I shot him, too.

Hey, did you ever have that feeling

that you see someone in the distance

and you think it's the person

you wanna see most in the world

and your heart starts going crazy,

and then they turn around and

That's what this feels like.

How do you think this

person found out about you?

Well, they didn't. I'm not in the book.

There's occasionally a grifter,

but it's clearly not me.

I'm not important to

the story, apparently.

Well, now we know this guy's a fake.

There's no way Nate Ford felt that way.

Okay. So I compiled some

information on our fake mastermind.

Hey, who is he?

How does he know what he knows?

No idea. He doesn't exist

in any of our usual outlets.

The book copyright is

listed by an LLC of an LLC.

The publishing contracts

are all signed by lawyers.

And no social media.

I mean, I even did a reverse

image search on the guy zip.

A reverse image search revealed nothing?

Maybe this guy really

is a criminal mastermind.

Well, most criminal

masterminds don't have websites.

The publishing company put that up.

Okay, there's not a lot of information,

but there is some booking

information about media appearances.

- He's done media appearances?

- Not yet.

But anyone with a page like this

is desperate to get exposure.

So, we lure him in to

an undisclosed location,

take turns stabbing him with a fork

so they can't pin it on any one of us.

- Yeah.

- Okay, well, yeah.

The funny thing about

these publishing contracts,

right, is that they

all have a k*ll clause,

so the author can exercise that

any time before publication.

So, we invite "Nate Ford" to

New Orleans and convince him

about the perils of publishing

so that nobody gets hurt.

He is not Nate Ford.

And for that he's gonna pay.

Let's go steal our lives back.

"The air has turned crisp,

and you know what that means?

That's right, friends,

it's sweater weather.

After the break, we'll be having

our favorite local designers." Ugh.

I went to journalism school for this?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! People,

what are you still doing here?

We are in the middle of an outbreak!

An outbreak? Of what?

You had an entomologist from

the New Orleans Zoo on last week,

- did you not?

- Yeah.

Well, some of his

Malum Insectus got loose

and started breeding

in the control room.

They like to nest in the hair?

They start in the hair,

work their way down.

Come on, everybody, out!

Out, out, out, out, out, out!

That's the last of 'em.

Just in time.

Get ready to meet the devious,

ruthless genius who

stole all your secrets

and then take him down

Hi there!

We're so excited to

have you on our program.

Our host, Hilda La Salle,

just loved your book.

- Well, I write what I know.

- Excuse me.

- Excuse me

- Sorry, no guests.

I know. I was hoping to have

a word with the Mastermind.

His publisher said he was here.

I represent foreign interests. We

believe he has international appeal.

Sorry, man, that's not my bag. The

Mastermind's late for an interview.

So, this is a taped segment.

There's no studio audience.

But Hilda doesn't always recognize

that, so just play along with it.

Like that time we conned an

orphan-selling outfit in Sarajevo

by putting on a fake movie.

- Serbia.

- Hmm?

You got the prep questions?

No. I, uh, I didn't.


We emailed them to you.

Could I see your phone?


- Oh, thank you.

- Yeah.

Huh. I guess we didn't.

Our bad.

But don't worry, the questions

are standard interview stuff.

You got it.

Hilda will be out in a few moments,

you can wait for her right over there.

- Great.

- Mm-hmm.

Is it just me or is this guy a schmoe?

Yeah, a schmoe who's more than happy

to put all of our clients in danger.

Well, I still say stabbing's an option.

It's definitely plan B.

You just did it.


I didn't do I had

hair in my eyes, Parker!

Okay, all this stuff that

we're doing right now

the con, the legwork I'm good

at that, too. I'm just saying.

Okay, well, do you think I

wanna be called legendary?

Do you think I want just

the whisper of my name

to strike fear in the hearts

of evildoers everywhere? Huh?

Where's the challenge in that?

- What?

- Anyone out there?

All right, everyone, let's

give it up for Hilda La Salle!

I'm the one that should be legendary.

Okay, cue fake audience.

Thank you! Thank you!

I'm Hilda La Salle, and hello, NOLA!

My guest this morning is the secretive

and mysterious author of the new book

"The Mastermind: A Team of Criminals

Take Down the Criminally Rich."

Mr. Mastermind, welcome.

Thanks for having me.

And it's just "Mastermind."


First, I want to say how brave

it was for you to write this book.

Well, the brave part wasn't

the writing, it was the doing.

The rich and powerful

take what they want.

We steal it back for you.

We provide

an advantage.


However, I was referring to the fact

that you're here promoting your book.

Well, you invited me.


But now everyone who you

stole from knows who you are.

They know what you look like.


I hadn't thought of that.

And because of what you wrote,

they know how you conned them.

But of course you know how to counteract

any measures taken against you.

Uh, yes. Yes, I do.

You have a a team of cyber experts

who can make sure you

aren't a victim of hackin'.

And no doubt you have a great many

connections with law enforcement

who won't mind that y'all are

makin' fools of them in the book.

And if you don't

well, you're a mastermind.

You can handle any situation.

Yes. Sure.

Sure I am.

Mr. Mastermind!

The book is in stores next month!

- Huh.

- And we're out!

Up, up. We're gonna go this way.

We're walking, we're walking. Amazing.

Great interview, Mr. Mastermind.

This is your first press, right?

When this goes wide to all of our

affiliates, you're gonna feel seen.

- Oh, man.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Is something wrong?

Oh, my phone was hacked!

I'm locked out of all my accounts!

Someone just texted, saying if

don't pay them a million dollars,

they'll release all my emails?

That sucks. Wonder how that happened.

If you head that way,

you'll find the exit.

Have a "Hello NOLA" day!


Comrade Mastermind.

I am Stolichnaya,

Federal Security Services,

Russian Federation.

Wait, the FSS?

- How did you

- We have large team at embassy.

We find people easily.

I read your book.

I did not find much of it credible.

Hmph. The "legendary" thief?

Ha! Ridiculous.

However, we have reason to

believe that one of your marks

is an oligarch we need to contact.

I want you to reach out to

him, wearing a wire, of course.

I need to go to the little boys' room

before we start discussing oligarchs.

You go, I wait here.


I've dreamt of this.

A man spends ten years

of his life in prison,

he has a lot of time to think.

A lot of time to plan.

You got the wrong idea. I

I thought you were gonna do

an interview about your book.

I was gonna find you, and I was

gonna run you into the ground.

But I didn't know what you look like.

Till just now.

Please, I

I was gonna k*ll you,

but I think it'd be better

to watch you run for

the rest of your life.

I'm gonna give you a head start.




I can't even get an Uber.

Stay back! Stay back!

Take it easy. I'm your lawyer.

My lawyer?

Well, the publisher's lawyer.

At least I was until I got fired.

I wrote the memo about the

potential ramifications for the book.

A memo? About legal ramifications?

Mostly, but also about how you

would be exposing yourself to danger.

And it's the publisher's

responsibility to protect you.

Protect me? I got Russian

agents and escaped prisoners,

and I can't even get into my email.

Damn it, that's just

what I was afraid

Well, too late.

What? Don't say that.

What should I do?

Well, short of canceling the book

I can still do that?

Yeah, because it hasn't

been published yet, but


If that's what you're

gonna do, you better hurry.

There's not a moment to waste.

Ah, he got him on the hook.

All on his own, too. I'm so proud.

Wait, what just happened?

I'm gonna call right now. I

Oh. Can I use your phone?


Thanks. Thank you.

Oh, you got something on your neck.


Get 'em both.

They're gone. What happened?

A signal jammer.

Pretty strong to cover all the

signals coming out of a TV station.

Made us lose cameras.

This tech is high-grade military

ops. Probably mercs for hire.

- Well, who hired them?

- This guy.

He said he's some sort

of foreign publisher.

Yeah, foreign publisher my ass.

He's got a pin of the flag of Zafir.

So they were grabbed by thugs

from a Middle Eastern dictatorship?

Well, actually, Zafir

overthrew the monarch

and this couldn't be any less important.

What direction did they go in?

They went northwest, but

there's not much over there

some farms, warehouses.

An airfield.

Yeah, they're gonna have to fly

private if they wanna leave the city.

Or else they'd have to explain the

passed-out people in their luggage.

They got too much of a head

start for us to catch them,

but we can find out where they're going.


Good morning.

I am pleased to be in the

presence of the Mastermind.

I'm a I'm a fan.

Uh thanks?

Oh, no, thank you.

'Cause you're about to

steal something for me.

Come. We'll be late to the party.

You may be wondering why I

brought you to the South of France.

We're in France?

Yeah, we drugged you for the flight out.

I understand there might

be some vomiting later.

I was looking for someone to do a job,

and rumors of you and your

crew led me to your book.

Who are you?

I'm King Navid, the third of his

name of the Greater Republic of Zafir,

et cetera, et cetera.

It goes on for three minutes.

Like I said, I want you

to steal something for me.

This used to be the estate

of the Comtesse de Laurent,

until she donated it,

and now it's the most secure private

museum in the South of France.

Easy enough for you.

I want to steal my country's

most treasured artifact

the Zafir Scarab.

It's on display here

in this private museum.

If it belongs to you, why

don't you just ask for it back?

Well, uh, technically,

it does not belong to me.

It belong

You understand, balloons

not here, not here, not here.

It belongs to her my ex-wife Liliana.

She's very pretty.



Take care of this.

We were very happy until

we stopped having sex

and realized we hated each other.

She hired one of my bodyguards

to k*ll me, I blew up her car

typical divorce stuff.

Sure, sure.

She only got one hard asset from

me in the final divorce settlement.

The Zafir Scarab.

Worth $200 million.

I want it back.

You have, um, guys with g*ns.

Yeah, and if it were up to me,

I would sh**t this place

up with Uzis and take it,

but I cannot afford

international fallout.

I need a light touch.

I need a mastermind.

Now, I know how you work.

I'll leave you to plan.

I am not a micromanager.

Plus she's having a party. There

will be lots of people here.

You'll blend in.

Just steal it by the end of the day.

No reason for us to be here

any longer than we must.

Or I will k*ll your lawyer friend.

And you.

My lawyer friend?

Oh, no. You got

No, no, no, you don't understand.

You gotta believe me.

I I don't know that guy.

I mean, if you wanna thr*aten me,

that's okay, but you

gotta cut him loose.

He means nothing to me.

That was incredible.

I mean, you totally sold that

a trembling voice, the fear in your eye.


Just wow.

If I hadn't read your book

I would have been convinced.

Well, aren't you in a fix.



Shut up.

Is this a food truck?

Yep, drove it down from Paris

to look for you and

our lawyer friend Harry.

- Took me all night.

- So he's very cranky,

and you definitely don't

want cranky Eliot Spencer.

But of course, you know that since

you worked with him for five years.

It's you. The crew!

Hitter! Ah, Hacker!

I thought you were a guy.

How did you find me? In France?

Cloned your phone, dopple-dude.

- Are you CIA? NSA?

- An accountant.

Oh, you're not the Accountant.

I worked with the Accountant.

sn*per, got Hector

Medeira from 2,000 meters.

Not the Accountant,

an accountant. For IYS.


Nate's old insurance company.

Yes, I was his forensic accountant.

Nate Ford was a legendary field agent,

but behind all the field agents

were us, the company accountants.

We spotted the fraudulent contracts

and tracked the payments

through shell companies.

We did all that work,

and the only field agent

to come down to our floor?

Nate Ford.

He was supportive, kind.

He really saw us.

The Nate Ford?

Furnace full of rage?

Where his personality should be?

Always spoke to you very slowly?

Like you weren't that bright?

Oh, yes. He remembered

our birthdays, holidays,

always there with an inspiring pep talk.

His pep talks made people cry.

You have to understand, I am boring.

I know that I'm boring.

And then here's the hilarious part.

They completely forgot about

depreciating his foreign assets

over both tax dominions.

Very. Very. Boring.

But Nate always said,

"Everybody has a superpower,

and one day, we're gonna find yours."

But then he left the company

and I never found mine,

so I borrowed his.

Did I ever tell you how I

recovered the Dagger of Aqu'abi

and uncovered an international

artifact forgery ring?

Your life is so exciting.


Moroccan beans.

I was suddenly fascinating.

As long as I was him.

But Nate didn't bring us

together until after he left IYS.

Ah. Ta-da.


How do you know who we are?

Is that Parker? Yeah, it's all of you!

Hitter, Hacker, Thief.

- Seriously?

- Don't.


Your phone made a pit

stop at a warehouse nearby.

We think that's where

Harry's being held.

She went to go pop him loose.

Oh, God, as long as nobody gets hurt.

After IYS, they considered Nate

a threat, so we tracked him.

And you.

And then a few years later, I

ran into him, Nate, at a bar.

We caught up.

He was so proud of you guys.


He's not an informant.

He's not law enforcement.

He's an accountant with

a very good memory.

I got laid off. I needed the money.

And I had all these stories.

Pieces of them, anyway.

But now we have to

steal the Zafir Scarab.

We are not stealing anything.

We are getting our Mr.

Wilson back and going home.

Perimeter check. Coming out.

Copy that.

Move and I start breaking fingers.

This is a very comfortable chair.

- I got him.

- Ah!

Thank you.

Hey, you guys, I think

we have a problem here.

Yeah, we have a problem.

I'm tied to a chair.

But we're about to

rectify that right now.

Okay, so King Navid,

the notorious dictator,

is actually ex-King Navid.

Overthrown last month by

a democratic rebellion,

the government seized his assets.

He made it out of the country

with whatever he could grab.

Yeah, we're looking at

it. Not that much really,

about $1,215,021 worth.

The only asset that wasn't seized

was the one that was no longer his.

The Zafir Scarab.

If he's going on the

run, he's gonna need that.

Oh, well, he's not running.

Pinged the cell towers

near that warehouse,

I got calls from private

mercenaries, ex-CIA, ex-GRU,

and I just pulled some data

off of Hardison's servers.

They've all got strike teams

lined up on the Zafir border.

Navid bought an army.

You can't just hire people

to overthrow a government.

I did it, but it ain't cheap.

If he sold the scarab, could

he do it with 200 million?

I did for 80, but you need at

least 150 million just to be safe.

So if we don't steal it, Navid's

gonna come in here g*ns blazing,

steal the scarab, sell

it, and reclaim his throne

with a reign of terror.

Parker, change of plan. Leave

our Mr. Wilson where he is.

- What?

- Hmm.

What do you mean, leave me

here? No, no, no, no, no, no.

That's tighter than it was before!

We can't let Navid know anything's

wrong until we steal that scarab.

Which is nearly impossible.

To maintain the historical

accuracy of the building,

they integrated security

systems into the walls.

Hard wires lead down

to that security room

where there's no Wi-Fi cameras

or alarms for me to hack.

And that display room? Motion

sensitive and thermographic floor.

The case is filled with helium.

- Why helium?

- It's noncorrosive, and if it's pressurized

A drop in pressure, from lifting

the case, sets the alarm off.

Nice and tight?

Yeah, that's tight.


Now, taser.

Point the sparky end and

at the other guy. Okay?

Take off your belt.

No no, no, don't. Please

don't put that in my pants.

Harry, don't let anything

happen to my favorite taser.

So all we have to do is

distract an entire party,

keep the guards from watching

the unhackable cameras,

cross an uncrossable floor,

and get the scarab out

of a pressurized case, and then blend

back into the crowd of the party.

- Oh, and save our Mr. Wilson.

- Yeah.

So how do we do that?

Ain't you the Mastermind?


Thank you so much for coming today.

Please go in and enjoy the museum.


Thank you for coming. We

received your donation.

Please come on and enjoy the champagne.

Bienvenue à la fête.

Aren't I a liability?

Shouldn't I just hang

out in the food truck?

This is you're doing.

We need you visibly

taking part in this con.

Just in case Navid's watching.

I don't see any of his guys, but

that doesn't mean they're not here.

His ear pieces are crazy. It's like

I got six of you in my head at once.

Yeah, you get used to that.

Brianna, what do you have?

Okay, uh, there's a room in the basement

that's drawing nearly 60% of

all the power the house uses.

That's gotta be the

security control room.

A hidden door across

from the main stairwell

that leads right down into it.

I can get down to the basement

and distract the guards.

Eliot, you watch the perimeter

while Parker grabs the scarab.

You know IYS actually

insures the Zafir Scarab?

I remember it because

This is so funny.

Liliana Inglestadt

filled out the wrong form.

She insured it at a

10-year actuary rate,

when something worth 200

mil should have a policy

with at least three times the payout.

Sure, it costs more, but

once you amortize it


I'm still trying to figure out why

with all the clothes

and Elliot's food truck

that I'm dressed like myself.

That's your cover.

Because of your lack of

experience, it's best that we stick

as close as possible to your

true self an accountant.

Oh, that makes sense.


They're training you really very nicely.

Training me?

Well, you're new to the crew, right?


You really have no idea who I am.

No idea who I was to Nate Ford.

Who you were ?

I was his wife. I was

literally his partner in crime.

I was the one he woke up to every day

and the one who shouted at him

when he loaded the dishwasher wrong,

and I was the one who

led him on a merry chase

across four continents

over stolen Monets.

But in all your research, in all

your conversations with Nate

I never came up?

Liliana Inglestadt!

Charlotte Prentiss, Duchess of Hanover.

You don't mind if we join your

little party today, do you?

This is my insurance agent,

Mr. Crow. Don't mind him.

Enchante ?

Your insurance agent?


Well, between us, I own several jewels

that were formerly owned

by the Comtesse de Laurent.

The museum are dying

for me to lend them,

but my silly little insurance company

need to make sure the

museum meets its standards.

My jewelry is on display here.

I know, and they're adorable.

We'll just take a little

peek around and measure up.

Mwah. Bisou.


Five hundred rounds.

Twenty MR-15s.

- What are you doing?

- Nothing.

Just trying to get some

circulation back in my arms.

What are you doing? If

you don't mind me asking.

Making a list. amm*nit*on, supplies.

Oh, for the coup that you're throwing.

Yeah, I make lists. Groceries, mostly.

Looks like Navid keeps

you pretty well supplied.

We provide our own equipment.

All part of the services, huh?

Hey, let me ask you a question.

So, King Navid has you kidnap

a criminal out of a book

to steal a priceless artifact to sell it

to get enough money to finance a coup

- so he could take power back in Zafir?

- More or less.

So he doesn't really

have any money to pay you.


Excusez-moi madame,

mais vous ne pouvez pas mettre ça ici.

I am the decorator.

There must be balance between whimsy

and history.

Madame, you must not put the

There must be balance!

Got two guards and a lot

of people around the scarab.

- Gonna need a clear-out.

- I'm on it.

The Hitter? How can he

Hey, hey, I'm more than just a hitter.

I'd like to speak with you in private.

What are you

I'm here to help. My

name is Frank Farmer.

I'm with the CIA.

My detail is assigned to

keep track of your ex-husband.


Who just landed in the South of France.

We overheard the chatter that

he is here to k*ll you.

My superiors have

instructed me to ignore this.

But when I saw your picture

I have decided to do something

that I have never done in my life.

I'm gonna disobey orders.

I have bodyguards of my own.

- Yeah, but they

- Madame. Tout va bien ?

He had a knife.

He was bought by your ex-husband.

All of your security was.

Oh, my God. I must get out of here.

No, the safest place for you is here.

There are diplomats here, aristocracy.

Trying to get them all

in one concentrated area.

As long as you're around

these people, you will be safe.

- I don't wanna let you go.

- Oh

But if you need me

I will be there.


The museum is off limits. Tell

everyone to come to the party.

Now. Vite !

Oui, madame.


Ladies and gentlemen,

please head to the

pavilion for the party.

Ladies and gentlemen, the

museum is closing. Thank you!

Ladies and gentlemen,

we must close the museum.

The party will now take

place at the pavilion.

Please follow me.

I don't know why Nate

never mentioned you.

I guess I, I would have known


I don't need you to feel sorry for me.

I need you to realize how

much pain you've caused.

How little you really knew Nate.

And then I need you to stand watch

while I go in there

and do what you can't.

And then I need you to cancel

your book so no one else gets hurt.

And then I need you to disappear.

I can stand guard.

I got this.

Just keep an eye on him while

I go in the security room.

- What?

- Duchess! Your Grace!

- Ah.

- Your Grace, come with me.

I have a diplomat I

must introduce you to.

- Oh.

- And then stand next to you.

Oh, no, you see, I have to

You're both coming with me.

I know I'll be safe with you.

Who wants canapes? Hmm?

What's your favorite kind?

King Navid can pay us.

Can, or does?

'Cause I'm only seeing about, mm,

$1.2 million of assets around here.

- He has other money.

- Are you sure?

You think I'm stupid? We

did a background check.

Well, look at that, $10

million in a Swiss bank account.

You see, this is

This is kind of my area of expertise.

I used to move money for some

very well-connected people.

One of the first corners that they

cut is paying people that they owe.

What you should do

what we should do

is set you up an IRA account,

with Navid making direct

a*t*matic contributions.

Duchess, have you met Inspector

Herve? You really should.



What do I do?

Liliana's got us on a tight leash.

You're gonna have to do it.

I can feel your heart beating.


Excuse me.

Well, somebody better

do something quick,

because we are missing our window!

Fake Nate, do it!

Me? But I can't pull off a con!

Nate's strength was bringing

out the best in people.

He knew you had a gift.

We couldn't find my

superpower, remember?

I have no skills. I

bore people to sleep.

Pardonnez-moi. Arrêtez !

Hi there.

Excuse me, you cannot be in this room.

I'm from IYS, and we

insure the Zafir Scarab.

And I'm here to talk about the specs

of the security camera

system that you have here. Oh.

Good. You're doing fine.

Breanna, give him a hand.

Well, the security

feeds may be hardline,

but HVAC systems are all Wi-Fi, baby.

Raising the temperature

to post-lunch nap.

Now, if you look at Rider 15C,

that contract clearly states

that there should be no

more than five camera angles.

Uh, however, the company

would like to stipulate

that we add a sixth camera angle.


Yeah, just keep keep going.

Parker, you're up.

Fun fact, the only safety

update they kept visible

was the sprinkler pipes,

because sinking them into the

ceiling might ruin the plaster.

actual the cameras and

the digitization of the f-stops

and the digitization

that moving on to 27.

Okay, Parker, overload

that sensor with helium.

It's gonna give you a couple seconds.

I got the scarab.


Breach in the display room!

Allez, vite, vite, vite ! Maintenant !

Sortez, vite, vite, vite !

Parker, get out of there! Go!

Time to go.

Allez, allez ! Vite, vite !

What do I do now?

Leave now, calm and confident.

The alarms are going off.

That means the police are on their way.

You're gonna be safe.


Wait. No. I'm here to protect you.

Even if it's from myself.

Got it.

- Where'e Fake Nate?

- Oh.

Mr. Mastermind.


Only you could have done it. Let's go.

Ooh. That's a problem.

So, my scarab?

I, uh, don't have it.

Don't worry, we're right behind you.

Tell Navid that the

scarab will be meeting us where

you're holding my lawyer friend.

We see him, you get your scarab.


They're gonna get there before we do.

They're gonna have

the tactical advantage.

What do you wanna do?

We'll do what my Nate would do.

We're gonna walk directly into the fire.

We're here.

Now, where is my scarab?

- Where is my lawyer?

- Ha ha. Mastermind. Good to see you.

Oh, you see? I'm a reasonable guy.

Now, my scarab.


You drove really fast.

My scarab. Now.

Seems a little unnecessary.

We're all civilized people.

- Who are you?

- Sophie Deveraux. I'm with him.

Stealing that scarab isn't

something you do alone.

You're not in the book.

Of course she's not in the book.

She's my co-mastermind.

My partner in crime.

In life and everything.


That's why he

- That's why I would never tell her secrets.

- Mm.

She's the most important

person in the world.

Touching. Well, perhaps

we should sh**t her.

Oh. Oh.

You wouldn't want to

hit this accidentally.


Ooh. Finally.

Thank you. And the

Zafiri people thank you.

At least they will once they surrender.

Drago, please take care of them.

- Uh

- No, come on, come on.

Drago, come on, we have a whole bond.

Interesting thing about that scarab.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

It's just

It seems like

It was the wrong form.

Wrong form?

You know IYS actually

insures the Zafir Scarab?

Liliana Inglestadt

filled out the wrong form.

The w the wrong form. Yeah.

Oh, she got a 10-year actuary rate,

when something worth 200

mil should have a policy

with at least three times the payout.

What is this blithering nonsense?

Usually when you have only one asset,

you want it insured as much as possible.

Your ex-wife cheaped

out on the insurance.

She doesn't think

it's worth the payments

because she knows she knows.

She knows what?

Hey, hey, hey! Aah!

She knows it's fake.

She probably sold off the original

years ago to fund her lifestyle.

Oh, the original scarab, that's

probably scrap metal by now.

Not to be a downer, but you're

pretty screwed right now.

You have no money to

take back your country,

and the authorities

look down on kidnapping.

Oh, you fools.

I've paid off all the local authorities.

Who said they were local?

Oh, I see, you're Deputy

Inspector Herve of Interpol.

Well, I'm sure it would just take

one big case to get you that promotion.

It seems international

warrants have been issued

and Interpol agents

will be here in no time.

k*ll them all.

You didn't even get the scarab.

Uh, yeah, I'll, uh, find

another way to pay for the coup.

Forget the coup. You owe us

for services already rendered.

Hey, I'll pay you.

- I have ten

- Ten million.

That's 2.5 million for each of us here.

Transfer the money into our accounts,

and we'll k*ll everyone here,

get you to safety.

Done. Huh.

Okay, now it's all set up.

All the IRA needs is

Navid's account numbers

to start making the a*t*matic deposits.

Aw, look at the cute little

Swiss bank account number.

It's so adorable.


Where is it?

Uh, look, um, I can get money.

Liliana! We can kidnap her!

Time to leave, gentlemen.

That's it, calm and collected.




And a Sophie.

Didn't lose my taser, did you, Harry?

Yeah, about that taser

No, I said he's booked.

And, Alistair, unless you want a

visit from my dentist at 2:00 AM,

I would patiently wait your turn.

So Navid actually chose to be arrested?

Well, it was either that or be

k*lled by one of his own mercenaries.

And soldiers of fortune

without their fortunes

tend to get a bit killy.

So what's next for Mr. Mastermind?

Some of our other crews

caught wind of your superpower.

Turns out there's a lot of

security guards who could use a nap.


Yes. Yeah, you would have loved it.

Yeah, it was like that time in Jakarta.

Except this time I had balloons.


She is really legendary.

Well, maybe she's not the only one.

Seems like a man with your

unique skills is in demand.

When I was writing the book, I

never imagined I'd be in the field.

And as yourself, too not

pretending to be anyone else.

Oh, speaking of which

I was hoping you'd sign my copy.

This is a collector's item now.

The publisher was not very happy

when I exercised my k*ll clause.

But at least I have all these jobs

to help me pay back the advance.

I am sorry.

I didn't realize that the

book would hurt so many people.

Including you.

Because of me, you weren't able to


Because of you, Navid will

never again wear a crown,

and a country avoids a bloody coup.

I think that makes up for

any kind of karmic imbalance.

Go on, sign my book.

With your real name.

"To Sophie.

Thank you for showing me my superpower.

Milton Friedlander."

To Milton Friedlander.

Because of you, I got

to pull one last job

with Nate Ford.

Nope, that's too


No, just just knock it

back in one with one go.

Go on.

Too hot! Too hot! It burns!