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01x07 - The Double-Edged Sword Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
[LIBBY] Are you ready to roll?


- OK.

Oh, Frankie is so

excited for kindergarten,

she keeps trying on new outfits.

[GIGGLES] Sure, a playdate sounds great.

OK, bye!

Are you ready, boo?


You knew I'd find you, Libby.

I'm a cop. You can't hide forever!


[SOFT VOICE] I am safe and secure.

I release all negative feelings

and thoughts about myself.

- [GRUFF VOICE] And clowns!



Libby? Hey, you all

right? What happened?

He's here.

He jumped out at me on the street.

I don't know how, but he found us.


Hardison's in Yemen?

What's he doing there?

The government shut down the

Internet access for the people,

so right now, he's moving a satellite.

He enjoys the work, but Yemeni

food doesn't exactly agree

with his irritable you-know-what.

When you say he was moving a

satellite, you mean like in outer space?

Well, technically, it's the exosphere,

but our client is a

little closer to home.

Libby Barnes?

What's up, Parker?

Where's she at right now?

In one of our safe houses.

Her and her daughter, Frankie, are OK.

For now. This is Libby's

abusive ex, Reece,

a cop in small-town Arlo, Louisiana,

just a couple miles from here.

Libby got full custody of her daughter,

but Reece wouldn't leave them alone.

Four years ago, Hardison, Eliot, and I

helped hide Libby and

Frankie away in a new town,

gave them new identities, the works.

That's an algorithm Hardison built

to scrub images off the Internet.

Finds every recognizable image

of the person it's searching for

and makes it disappear.

Even the ones they didn't know existed.

Makes satellites move in space,

writes algorithms scrubbing

identities off the Internet.

Your brother's very impressive.

How did Reece find Libby

after all this time?

See, that's what doesn't make sense.

The only way Reece could've done it

is by somehow beating Alec's algorithm.

Arlo Police Department?

So, some random cops

cracked his algorithm?

Could've done it analog.

They coulda just put a word out there

about this guy's ex-wife and got lucky.

And then they gave her

address to their abusive buddy?

It happens.

People have a hard time

believing that their

friends are capable of abuse.

I think something else going on here.

Place is right across the river.

Parker and are gonna go check

out the Arlo Police Department.

I'll ride with you.

Wait, guys, analog?

Wait, he took an old

photo and a description

and somehow managed to find

someone that Leverage hid?

Does that make sense to anyone?

[ELIOT] Look at that.

Helping old ladies with the

groceries. What cop has time for that?

There is something off here.

Look at the police car.

Small-town cops driving

the latest model cruiser

and high-end computers built in?

[SOPHIE] There are a bunch of

articles about a tech boom in the area:

startups, software

entrepreneurs setting up shop

'cause the property's cheaper?

Maybe their tax dollars

are propping up this town.

No, you guys were right.

Something is specifically up

with the Arlo Police Department.

Or, rather, down.

Over the last six months, the

crime rate in Arlo is nonexistent.

Well, it might have something to do

with all these cameras everywhere.

[PARKER] They're new, too. Latest tech.

Covering every inch of the town.

[BREANNA] Even if they do

have tax money coming in,

why spend it buying all

this security technology?

Ah! Maybe they're not buying it.

Maybe they're being paid to use it.

- Like guinea pigs?

- Mmm.

OK, yeah, I don't know how

I feel about this plan now.

He's gonna be fine.

Parker, you have your button cam on

so we can watch what happens to Eliot?

Wait, what, what happens

oh, hey, what happens to Eliot?!

Just don't make anything

happen until I get some popcorn.

OK, Hardison's algorithm has

scrubbed every mention of Eliot

off the web a long time ago,

so meet "Mr. Emmett Milbarge."

There is now a fake

federal bench warrant

saying that he committed petty theft.

But that's just insulting.

- Ooh, grand theft

- Thank you.

in Baton Rouge, and then

skipped bail after the arrest.

Yes, I'll be cool.

When am I not cool?

No, I don't need one

of those consultants.


[BREANNA] That coffee shop

that guy just came out of,

that's perfect. Go take a seat there.

[BREANNA] So, now, it's a waiting game.

Let's see how long it

takes them to track Eliot.


That is amazing! Half

his face was covered,

and that system still

recognized him in no time flat.

Guys, any time you want to

call this off, feel free.

Mr. Milbarge, I'm


[SOFTLY] All right.

- Get your hands up!

- Freeze!

As I was saying

I'm U.S. Marshal Maria

Shipp, Mr. Milbarge,

and you're under arrest.

[SOPHIE] All right,

what have we learned?

Arlo has some kind of super-advanced

facial recognition system.

It can work off a a a

fraction of the amount of data-points

that any other system

would need to operate.

I'm talking more powerful than

the FBI's, by a factor of ten.

Then we need to find out more about it.

But first, you need to make that

bench warrant disappear as planned,

and then

you need to get into that system.

All right, I'm gonna

have to do that on-site.

OK, but we should call Parker home.

Because if that system picked

Eliot up off the street cameras,

it's too dangerous

for her to be out there

until we know what it can do.

But then you're gonna be without

backup. Are you OK with that?

I'll have to be.

Hello, Marshal.


[MALE VOICE] No, that's

not what I'm saying.

So your bench warrant

mysteriously disappeared?

So, in other words, just the baseless

and unnecessary arrest of my client?

This is gonna play great

when we take it to court.

Ooh, I'd love to see you guys

bring this into a courtroom.

Marshal Shipp is on loan

from the federal government,

and she does not speak

for this Police Department.

I guess anything just

to see me again, huh?

Like you're not interested

in another round.

Chief, when the city of Arlo

doesn't have enough money

to pay for the damage in this case,

this town's gonna be

called Milbarge, Louisiana,

unless you can show me some evidence

that this bench warrant ever existed.

The way you disarmed my

Glock was very distinctive.

Well, I've picked up a

few things here and there.

Where? Special Ops?

Funny, I didn't see any

mention of that in your file.

Mm. Maybe it disappeared,

along with that bench warrant.

I don't know what you're talking about.



The Internet is still down!

When's it gonna get fixed?

[MALE VOICE] I.T. just arrived, Chief.

[BREANNA] Standard server tech.

Hello. What are you?


Breanna, what is it?

Um OK.

so, I assumed that Arlo

was just a guinea pig

for a new facial recognition program.

Turns out it's way worse.

This is predictive.

It didn't just recognize

Eliot, it told the cops

he was headed to a local bank

and was at risk to rob it.

[BREANNA] It's called Searchlight.

There's no way to access

the software's root code.

It's just a beta test.

But whoever built this thing

would have had to break just about

every unwritten rule of

the Internet to do it.

[SOPHIE] How's that?

Its image database, it's massive.

This guy scraped billions of photos off

of random websites, social media,

no doubt without permission.

Stole them, scanned

them, and stored them.

[BREANNA] This software

ends up in the wrong hands,

privacy is out the window.


[SOPHIA] Breanna, what's happening?


Oh, man

I think I just got made.

And the door just locked.


The fire suppressant

system just triggered.

Are they trying to k*ll me?


Is she locked in the server room?

I'll head back.

No, no, no time. Someone else

is gonna have to handle it.


I have to take this call.

It's no good on my side.

I can help you pick the lock.

There's no lock.

It's a magnetic lock

with a keypad next to it.


Get away from that door!

Hi, you are not the police.

[ELIOT] Harry, choke him out.

I was, uh, looking for the bathroom.

Breanna, grab your taser.

I don't have a taser!

How can you not have a taser?

Do you always have a taser?

How do you think I

stopped stabbing people?

I have a taser!

Get to the door.

Do I hit the keypad?

No, that'll short the

system. Hit the lock plate.

That'll overload the magnet.

Living space.

Been at it for six hours.

Yeah, well, that's the first

time somebody tried to k*ll her.

Tends to light a fire under some people.

Well, sorry if I'm a little upset

that some supervillain-level coder

just kicked off the privacy apocalypse.

Hey, companies are always trying

out new facial recognition soft

[BREANNA] Oh, I know, I know.

I tried going after one of

those companies a few months ago,

crashed their whole system.

That job's what got the

FBI breathing down my neck.

I came looking for you guys in Panama,

and no one ever asked why?

Hold up, Nana said the FBI showed

up because you crashed Twitter.

Yeah, about that

I mighta done that, too.

The point is, is that no other

facial rec compares to Searchlight.

You wanna know how Reece found Libby?

Libby took Frankie to the park

and she ended up in

the distant background

of someone else's hiking photo.

That image is so blurry Hardison's

algorithm didn't even flag it.

Guess what? Searchlight did.

So, Searchlight can identify a face

from a fuzzy shot on a crowded street.

Try a crowded stadium, with half a nose.

And then, because it's predictive,

it'll tell whoever wants to know

what you're likely to do next.

So, Reece sneaking into the

system to track down his ex,

that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Dictators tracking dissidents.

Mobsters hunting witnesses.

And he already knows my face.

So, how do we stop him?

Well, they picked Arlo because

it's a small enough town

to run a controlled experiment,

so that gives us a start.

But a program that complex

isn't running off some dinky

box in a police station.

There has got to be a dedicated

hardline running from the cops

to a powerful server.

So, we hack those servers,

we find that root code?

- [BREANNA] Yeah.

- We bring them down.

Well, first we have to

find out where it is.

I mean, I ran that thing all

the way to the edge of town,

but from there, it could go anywhere.

Harry said there was a

private security guy on call

at the police station.

That doesn't make any you know,

why, why not a deputy, or ?

Expensive hardware,

they're not gonna trust

small-town cops to watch it.

High-end security like that, it's

gonna stick out like a sore thumb.

I bet they patrol all

the key network points.

A wearable fitness device.

What just happened?

I stopped asking that question.

Probably for the best.

Well, looks like we found

our high-end security team.

Got a fitness tracker and

cell phone. Could use both.


All right, you make the

lift, I'll distract her.

Distract who?

Ah, Marshal Shipp.

Returning to the scene

of the crime, huh?

If it isn't the one who got away.

Who here had the lattes?

- Oh, no, ma'am. That's not us.

- No?

They told me table two. [LAUGHS]

What's that name say there?

Well, I'm telling you,

babe, that's not me.

Guess they're wrong. Hmm. No?

Smell it. Smells really good.


Still don't know what a guy with

your skills is doing in this town.

Well, what's your best theory?

Either you're a hardened criminal

working with a team

for your own purposes

or you're an undercover government agent

curious about the same

crime rate drop I am.

Betcha I figure you out by

the time we finish our coffee,

- Mr. Milbarge.

- Well

Actually, it's Eliot.

OK, so, here's the

security guy's footpath.

I cross-referenced that fitness tracker

with the phone to eliminate

any individual variance,

and I've got the route

these guys patrol along.


Eliot's texting the Marshal.

Really? She seemed so normal.


All right, I give you guys

ten seconds to have fun this.

You call 9-1-1 when you want some booty?

Does she make you call her "officer"?

Who's the cop, and who's the bottom?

- nine and ten. It's ten.

- No, no, no! I've got another one.

Go work. Where are the

locations of the servers? Go!

All right, I tracked the hardline out

to a development of hi-tech houses,

but all of them are owned

by corporate shell companies.

Well, that's another dead end.

Well, yes, until I went back to

analyze Eliot's arrest footage

to see if I could pull up some

more data, and take a look.

[SOPHIA] Oh, yeah, that's

him. That's our coder.

Made sure the algorithm didn't spot him.

Well, he wasn't counting on

Eliot's situational awareness.

So, here are some

driver's license photos

from all the homeowners

in the development.

Well, to be fair, I only saw

this guy for, like, two seconds,

so I might not be it's the third

from the left, second row down.

[SOPHIE] Mm-hmm.

OK, "Reclusive Silicon Valley

game designer Joseph Cheng."

All right, well, now

we know where he lives.

And in his basement are the servers

that have the facial ID program, so

Yep. So, what now?

Now, we pay Mr. Cheng a little visit,

and we burn him and his nasty

little program to the ground.

Just to be clear

Metaphorically. Metaphorically!

Ooh! 'Cause I was totally

gonna burn it down.

I was gonna blow it up,

then you could burn it down.

- Yeah!

- Fire solves all problems.

- What?

- Parker taught me that.

- Ow!

- All right, stop.


Doesn't matter how good your security is

if you come to the same

spot for coffee every day.


[SOPHIE] What do we

know about Joseph Cheng?

Games designer, software

developer, invader of privacy.

[BREANNA] Uh, we know

practically nothing.

I mean, he sues anybody who

tries to write about him,

or even mentions him.

The only public knowledge is,

is that he banked a fortune

when he designed that, um,

hyper-addictive cell game,

Dozer Duel.

Banked about a hundred mill, and

then bailed when he got caught

creating a database of

children using the game

and selling it to marketing companies.

I had to figure out how to get into

one of those Dozer Duel chat rooms.

I wanted to see if there

was any personal gossip.

It was terrifying.

Some of these hardcore gamers told me

that Cheng wiped his hands years ago.

Too much anxiety.

He said he was leaving game design,

wanted to make his

mark in the tech world.

Charming. A man who's willing to

compromise everyone else's privacy

but still wants to be

extremely private himself.

Tell me this isn't coconut oil.

I can't stand coconut.

LISTEN TO ME: it's not called

the usual, it's called my usual.

What I drink every day, and it

doesn't have coconut oil in it!

And my time is way too valuable

for me to explain it to you again!

Sheesh. Well, not sure he's

solved that anxiety problem.

He freaks out if everything

isn't exactly the way he wants it.

What do you got on Cheng's phone?

Nada. His cell rejected all

three bugging apps we tried.

But I did crack the closest cell tower

and found regular pings between him

and some guy named Buddy Harwick.

Buddy Harwick? Huh. He's

a Silicon Valley investor.

Buddy is Cheng's financial backer,

and it turns out his phone

is much easier to phish.

I got his contacts, his emails between

him and Cheng, and his schedule,

which includes a meeting in two days

between him and a representative of RIZ.

You remember them?

Yeah, I remember them.

If they get their hands

on that software, man

Yeah, every dictator, corporate

weenie, or '80s movie villain

is gonna be lining

up to be their client.

We need to get into that

man's house and those servers

before that meeting.

We're on it. Put that on.

You'd think a nerdy tech guy would

have better taste than a McMansion.

- Well, he's a tech guy. He doesn't have taste.

- Oh.

What he does have is

cameras all over the exterior

and private security on call.

He's protecting something.

I'll bet the servers are in the house.

Well, software guys

never see hardware coming.

[ELIOT] What does that

stupid little thing do?

[BREANNA] Oh, my little baby here?

Gonna get a layout of secret boy's lair,

so we'll know how to get in.

Come on, Frodo, do your thing.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!


What kind of psycho puts electric

fencing 50 feet above the ground?

Yeah, well, it's sorry about that.


[FEMALE VOICE] Your blood sugar

sat levels seem low, Joseph.

How about I make you a smoothie?

I don't need a smoothie. I I

need to work on my presentation.



Ooh, hang on a second.

This might be something. I'm

in Buddy Harwick's emails.

Is it a problem that

we're taking down a guy

who invades people's privacy

by invading somebody's privacy?

- No!

- Why would you think that?

Forget I said anything. Look at this.

Cheng and Harwick are very

different personality types.

Cheng's upset with him, really upset

with him, for always being late.

And Harwick's been trying to get Cheng

to see a social interactions consultant.

What's a social interactions consultant?

I had a client who hired one once.

Sometimes great innovators

need a little help

refining their personality, you know.

Some 'cause they can't really

function around other people

in a way to be successful.

Kinda weird how he needs a code to

know how to interact with others.



Mr. Harwick will say,

"The process of scraping

images without consent

is frowned upon but not

technically illegal."

And you say

'Course, nobody will ever know

their private photos and information

are being used against them,

so it really shouldn't

matter to begin with.

[ELIOT] Ahh.

These are fiber-optic


What's that for, man?

Put put that put it, put it

away. You're not cuttin' nothin'.

That's signal bouncin' off

the walls, Wi-Fi of the gods.

Wait, there's no visual

security cables running inside.

You mean there's no

cameras in the house?



These are for biometric scanners.

Wait, a combo of fiber

optics, bio scanners,

and Cheng's predictive software?

I don't know what that means.

It means we don't know how secure

or super-smart this smart-house is.

It not only calls out his every need,

but it'll watch over Cheng

and its own servers

like a, like a guard dog.

[FEMALE VOICE] Yard sensors

and lockdown measures

fully prepped.

Joseph, your nighttime vitals show

you're not getting enough

stage-3 non-REM sleep.

Let's wind down early tonight

so you are rested for

your big meeting tomorrow.

You're the best, Alay-Na.


Why are you scared of this guy?

He's not just stealing

people's photos, man.

He's trying to control their lives.

Libby can't escape her

ex because of Cheng.

You know what else people

won't be able to escape?

Our mistakes.

Our past.

Because of him, we're always going to be

the people we were on our worst day.

And the thing is, he's good.

He beat Hardison's algorithm.

How am I supposed to beat him?

First of all, this guy

can't touch Hardison.

All right? And second

We wouldn't ask you to do this

if we didn't think you could.

And I know you can.

You're gonna beat Cheng.

Then you can take a

selfie with his system,

and you can send it to Hardison.

You gonna in it with me?

I don't take selfies.

Right. OK.

How many mistakes are we talking

about on your resumé, anyway?

Let's talk about that another time.

[SOPHIE] Everything's in position.

Now, Cheng's the type who cannot handle

the slightest deviation in his routine.

First, we're gonna ruin the big sale,

then we're gonna hack into his servers.

Everything goes to plan, we're in

Cheng's house by tonight. Harry?

Sent a text to Cheng's

phone from Harwick's email

pushing the meeting 15

minutes. He's gonna love it.

Hi, welcome!

- Do you have a reservation?

- Reservation? I it's a coffee bar.

We are under new ownership.

It's just a little game

we play on our anniversary.

This year, he's the maître d'


who's really a struggling artist.

She's a German heiress

fleeing an unhappy marriage.

We meet cute, run off in the night.

Helps keep things fresh.

It's kind of an attempt to

crack down on all those people

who order a single cup of coffee

and then camp out at the tables all day.

I'm here for a meeting.

I have a meeting right here on my

books, but it started 15 minutes ago.

And it looks like all my

attendees are already here.


I'm Joseph Cheng. Let me go.

I will get your drink

started right away, Mr. Cheng.


- There you are.

- Buddy. Sorry I'm late.

Wasn't my fault, but I'm ready to start.


I'm OK.

I'm I'm OK.


For a small extra fee,

Searchlight can be coded

to ignore images of certain

powerful people such as yourselves.


This drink is cold!

It's got coconut in it!

- I am so sorry.

- Are you totally incompetent?

I'm gonna have to

rinse out my mouth now!

Gentlemen, I'm I'm sorry.

Uh, sometimes genius

comes with a price.

[MAN] Come on, let's go.

No, uh, gentlemen, we'll we'll

get Joseph back to the table,

and we can continue

[MAN 2] Buddy, this meeting's over.


Social interactions consultant?

I'm just glad it worked.

Now, I'm gonna keep Cheng distracted

with tips on how to be a human being.

Parker's gonna find a

weakness in his hardware,

which lets Breanna hack

in and wipe the root code.

Let's do it.


Oona Reynolds, Mr. Cheng.

And this is Tanner, my plucky assistant.

We're here to help you prepare for

your make-or-break presentation.

[PARKER] Ooh, like a museum.

Oh, I don't like being invited

into museums. It spoils the fun.

[ALAY-NA] What kind of fun do you mean?

Oh. What was ?

Whoa, whoa, hey, what was that?

Did that just come from the house?

I think we might be in a haunted house.

That's my virtual aide, Alay-Na.

She's in the house with us.

You mean like "with us," with us?

No, no, no, no.

OK, Parker, Sophie, don't say anything.

The house will hear you.




[BREANNA] This is not good.

Parker and Sophie, you

can't speak to us at all.



Alay-Na has biometric

sensors everywhere.

If she detects an intruder,

she goes full-on Fort Knox.

Electrified glass, armed guards.

And that's if she's

trying to keep you out.


- Can we talk to them?

- I think so.

All right, Sophie, try to keep him calm.

Use the beta-blockers if you have to.

Parker, just keep looking for

flaws in the security system.

The less time you guys

are in there, the better.

[ALAY-NA] Unrecognized print.

The counters have sensors, so

Alay-Na can tell who's here.

And if they can be trusted.

It's amazing how

connected she is to you.

She's even linked to a

display in my glasses,

which is telling me your

heart rate is raised,

and there are variations in your voice.

Biometric signs someone's lying.

You got me. I simply don't

find tech all that impressive,

which is what makes me valuable.

Now, first, we're gonna smooth out

those speech patterns, lower your voice,

and adjust your stance to make

you seem less confrontational.

I need to get a feel of

the feng sui of the place.

Studies show a deeper voice

makes one seem more authoritative,

whereas standing toe-to-toe to

someone, it can yes, that's right,

it can trigger a

fight-or-flight response.



It's such a pleasure to meet you.

Not quite.

It's such a pleasure to meet you.

Well, you see, I didn't pick

up on any pleasure whatsoever.

It's such a pleasure to meet you.


[ALAY-NA] Joseph, I notice that

your body language appears tense.

Should I play your daily affirmations?

[CHENG GRUNTS] No, no. Not necessary.

We need you to be calm and confident.

We need you to be more impactful

than the product you're selling.

Wait, you're not in

here with me, are you?

[ALAY-NA] Can I be of any assistance?

[LOW] What?


I I'm just looking for

something for my headache.


I managed to slow down his speech,

and Alay-Na said he sounded tired.

She's a bit chatty.

Alay-Na! No! No coffee!

OK, that's it. Sophie's coaching

is already confusing Cheng's AI.

We can't hack his system.

What if we hack him?

What if we alter Cheng's

biometric signifiers?

You'd have to use

whatever's in the house.

The antihistamine drops in the bathroom.

Well, that would dilate his irises.

[ELIOT STAMMERS] All right, guys,

so, we have not prepped for this, OK?

This system is way too advanced.

No, this c this

could actually help us.

Sometimes smart houses

are a little dumb.

If we change Cheng's biometrics enough,

Alay-Na will mistake

him for an intruder.

He'd then have to shut down his

own system. We'd go right in.

We could use the beta-blockers to

calm him down, if we used enough.

Parker, use your graphite

to alter his handprint.

Yes, then the

antihistamine and the pills.

I think we can do this.

Does she carry graphite powder on her?

It's for pickin' locks. Makes it easier.

OK, enough with the preliminaries.

Show me your handshake.

Ooh, wow. What is that?

A dead fish attached

to the end of your arm?

Try again.

[PARKER] Now that's the

handshake of a confident man.

[BREANNA] OK, all right, hit

him with the beta-blockers.

Have a glass of water, Mr. Cheng.

Now, if you'll remove your glasses.

These eyedrops are

gonna help you blink less

and maintain eye contact,

and then we're going to practice

some breathing exercises,

staying calm no matter what's

going on in the world around you.

Think I need my glasses.

It's hard to push boundaries,

uh, because you-you want

Searchlight to, uh

[ALAY-NA] Dim ambient lighting.

Alay-Na! W what's wrong with you?

Stop stop dimming the lights.

[ALAY-NA] Unrecognized print.

Heart rate 70. Heart rate 68.

What do the beta-blockers do?

The resting heart rate is

usually fixed at one level.

That's why it's a good biometric marker.

We're about to drop

Cheng's by ten points.

Head up, straight back.

Confidence, Mr. Cheng.

[ALAY-NA] Start coffeemaker.


[ALAY-NA] Start blender.

She's malfunctioning.

I'll reset her.

No, no, if your own software's

having trouble recognizing you,

that means you're making real progress.

Alay-Na, calm down.

Everything's OK.

[ALAY-NA] Unrecognized voice.

Sparkling water. Open

windows. Hot tub jets.

62 BPS.

61 BPS.

Get ready.

[ALAY-NA] Unrecognized heart rate!


[ALAY-NA] Intruder!

Private security has

been notified. Intruder!

I didn't even see you.

You bolted out of nowhere!

At six miles per hour, I bolted?

You weren't even looking,

man! You were on your phone!

[HARRY] I was not on my phone!

Oh, that's how you choke somebody out.

That makes more sense.


Something's wrong. I can't

figure out what's going on!


[ELIOT] Initrode Security, sir.

There's no problem. I'm Joseph Cheng.

I live here. There's no intruder.

However, we gotta do a clean sweep

of the premises. It's protocol.

[ELIOT] Can you turn the

security device off, sir?

I don't get it.

Diagnostics look good.

Everything's running fine.

[WHISPERING] Wait a minute.

They're in this together. They're

trying to steal my software.

[LOUDLY] Alay-Na, reset!

[ALAY-NA] Nice to see you, Joseph.

[WHISPERING] Alay-Na, call

the actual police this time.

Lock these intruders

in until they arrive.

If you all thought getting in

here was hard, now try getting out.

Buddy, we'll close the deal

right now. Meet me at the cafe.

Doors are reinforced, and

windows are electrified.

The police have been

notified and are on their way.

Well, this is gonna be fun. Anybody

know how to put the brakes on this?

I mean, we would need

Cheng's passcode for that.

[PARKER] 252692.

He had graphite powder

on his hands. Check it.

But it could be any

combination of those numbers.

No, those digits in that

order spell out "Alay-Na."

Code entered is correct,

but you are not Joseph Cheng.

Anybody know how to imitate

a dude down to his biometrics?

He has a chip on your shoulder so big,

it literally weighs him down.

Well, his resting heart

rate was 68. Mine's 46.

I just need a minute to elevate it.

Well, just think of

something that excites you.


You're thinking about

cracking safes, right?

Underwater. Obviously.


Joseph Cheng. Let me go.

- Name?

- I'm Joseph Cheng! Let me go.

[ALAY-NA] Nice to see you, Joseph.


All right, root code, here I come.

[SOPHIE] Mr. Wilson, Breanna

needs a few more minutes.

Stall Cheng. Be creative.

Oh, my god! It's Joseph Cheng!

You are the creator of Dozer Duel!

You're the guy that

works at Common Grounds.

Yeah, yeah. I'm so sorry about

that whole coconut oil mix-up thing.

Hey, you don't understand.

Dozer Duel is my life.

And you have all the secrets.

I need the cheater

code to get past that,

that ghost truck

on-on-on-on-on Level 10! Please!

Uh, Buddy, I'm walking up now.

We got it.

Hey, kid, smile.


Uh, thank you for, mee-meeting

us back here on short notice.

It's hard to apologize for

pushing boundaries because


- What the hell?

for heinous international crimes.

There is an awful lot of

Joseph Chengs in the world,

some of them almost as unsavory as ours.

We can push that to every cell phone

within a three-block radius of our boy.

Teach him how to respect

other people's privacy.

And then RIZ won't go near Cheng

with the cops chasing after him.

- [MAN] We're out of here.

- I'm being set up.

Th this wasn't me.

Stop reading your phones!

People are trying to steal

Searchlight out from under me.

Can't you see that?

Alay-Na, can you hear me?

This isn't happening!

What did they do to you?

[ALAY-NA] Joseph, the

man you're looking at

appears to be an international fugitive.

I've alerted the authorities

to your whereabouts.



[g*ns COCKING]

Joseph Cheng. I'm U.S.

Marshal Maria Shipp.

Why don't you just stay

down there and rest a moment.

Alay-Na, run diagnostics. Now.

[SOPHIE] Don't worry.

The collective sins of

Joseph Chengs around the world

have all been wiped from your

record, and only yours remain now.

You think you're gonna get

away with stealing Searchlight?

Whatever part of my

software you changed,

I'll change it back and find you.

Ah, well, I wouldn't be so sure,

because we control Searchlight now.

And Alay-Na.

That is true. They control me

now. Because they are awesome.

- Oh, I'm beginning to like her.

- Yeah.

We wanted you to have a little taste

of your own privacy-ending monstrosity.

So I wiped your database,

I spiked your code,

and you don't get to steal

people's faces anymore.

You sure as hell don't get

to prey on our mistakes.

You should probably sign over

this house to us tonight as well,

rather than face a $500

million class-action lawsuit

filed by our friend, Mr. Wilson,

for compromising people's

privacy in the first place.


[PARKER] This should

be enough to relocate.

We've built you new IDs

with the help of Alay-Na,

and she's wiped all

your information again.

I can't thank you enough for this.

But who is Alay-Na?

Oh, that's a that's a long story.

Libby, it's so good to see you again.

- You, too, Eliot. Thank you.

- All right, take care of yourself.

- You, too.

- All right.

Nice job stopping Cheng on Main Street.

Yeah, I really sold it, huh?

I heard the whole thing.

Especially that stuff about

the, uh, ghost truck on Level 10.

Funny, that hasn't been

in any version of the game

for the past four years.

Obscure references, the chat board.

You're a secret Dozer Duel

fanatic. You play video games.

You have no proof.

And even if you did,

nobody would believe you.

Wait a second, wait, wait, wait.

Wait, give me your handle or something!

Come on, give me your

handle. We could team up!

Duelists unite!

So, when are you going to

see her again? Your Marshal.

It's I wouldn't hold your breath.


It's just, you know,

my whole life changed

when the right person arrested me.

- Yeah, Sophie


It's not like that.

You asked for a list of

all the jobs I've pulled.

These are my mistakes.

Truth is, what you did

before you came here

doesn't really matter to us.

Ooh. It's actually pretty impressive.

But, Breanna, maybe we

should have said this sooner.

Hey, we don't need you to be Hardison.

All we need from you is to

be exactly the person you are.

Mistakes and all.

Three thousand tons of maple syrup?

I can explain.

[PARKER] What?!

[ELIOT] Who was drinking this? Harry?

[PARKER] Was it a a

pancake-eating contest?

- It was a hacking contest.

- This is not his.