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01x03 - The Rollin' on the River Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:11
by bunniefuu
Eviction? I don't understand.

We pay on time every month.

Your bank sold your loan. You

should have received notification.

We did. It said the new buyers

can't change the terms of the loan.

Your loan has a callable clause.

The new lender's exercising it.

And what kind of bank sends

a thug to deliver paperwork?

Ava, no.

You have one week to vacate.

And you have one second.

This is still our property.


I'll be back. With sheriff deputies.

You pull that g*n again

you'll lose more than your house.

It's good as done.

"As good as" isn't good enough.

It will happen.

Little mice don't put up a fight.




La-dee-dah. Here I am,

just a casual tourist

with very little street

smarts or spatial awareness.

Ooh! What's this?

Freeze! Takin' you to jail, sucka!

I'm a cop. I'm an undercover cop.

This is impossible.

A tourist could totally

be an undercover cop.

No, this test is impossible!

I can be more than a

hacker, but come on.

Who wears bells?

Jesters, belly dancers, elves. [HUFFS]

Fine by me if you want

to stay in the van,

stick to what you're good at!

Please, I can't rewrite

Google source code forever.

Why is my hand numb?

I coated the bells with numbing cream.

Lesson reinforcement.

Hardison didn't have to stay in the van.

Hardison had a lot of practice

before Eliot agreed to

unlock those van doors.

And I still worry about him.

The numbness is in my arms.

I'm trying to keep you alive here!

And I'm headed to a client intake.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Okay,

just give me a second.

I'm taking our Mr.

Wilson. It's his first.

Well, since we've been on our

own, I've been doing the

You're busy. I got this.

[GRUFF VOICE] You're not the boss of me.



Sucks, doesn't it?


[BREANNA] The numbness is in my legs!

It'll wear off.

[COMICAL VOICE] Eventually.


[LENORE] I still don't understand.

My granddaughter posts a message

on the TikTok to her friends,

and you all show up here.

It's a little more complicated.

Ava was looking for help,

and our friend Hardison,

he has a computer program

that looks for people

that need our kind of help.

- Ah.

- I checked the clause the guy talked about.

They can only call the loan if

we use the house as collateral.

Yeah, that's right. Good catch.

But according to this paperwork,

you applied for a line of credit.

No, we didn't! It's a lie!

Calm yourself.

My grandfather built this house in 1901.

It survived the Depression, Katrina.

It'll survives a paperwork error.


That is a gorgeous dress.

You didn't make that, did you?

I've made dresses for my

daughters', my nieces',

and now Ava's Sweet 16.

Well, it is stunning.

You are very talented.

You must have some amazing designs.

Let me fetch my sketchbook.



I don't know how we're gonna

have a Sweet 16 without a house.

It's not a paperwork error.

Our neighbors, one got

investigated by the tax board,

his place seized in auction.

One got overrun with cockroaches,

and the house was condemned.

Somebody's doing this.

Well, if we can prove

the application's a fake,

we can make whoever it is

make a legitimate offer.

They're not interested in the money.

You just want your house.

Mr. Wilson, you did well

on our first client meeting.

Oh, that's not my first one.

I'm just usually on the

other side of the table.


So, Lenore and Ava Petitpas's loan

got bought out by a shell company

called worst name

ever Clamshell Corp.


[BREANNA] Financing goes

through this whole web,

mostly in Eastern Europe,

so the trail's cold,

but I was able to find out that

the application for credit

never filed anywhere.

It doesn't exist, except

on one sheet of paper.

Clearly they never

thought anyone would look.

That's it?

A shell company?

Mmm Harry could have found that out.

Sure, as a lawyer

Oh, am I the low bar?

I asked you to follow the money.

I did! And I found out

the application was fake.

Who could get a fake

application into that file,

and why do they want

Lenore and Ava off the land?

That's what "follow the money" means.

Well, whoever it is, is pulling

strings at a very high level.

They would have to have someone

in City Hall in their pocket.


Uh, I can find out who at City

Hall is living above their means,

and hack into the system,

see who we're dealing with.


Although, just a fair warning,

some of these municipal systems

are so old, they still run on COBOL,

so I may have to crash the

whole city network for a while.

You're gonna crash the whole city.


I said might.

Breanna, find us our

overspending city official.

For the rest, we're gonna go old school.

I'm thinking a Who's

Afraid of Virginia Woolf?




It's about, you know,

emotion, not detail.

You draw from personal experience.

You've been on this merry-go-round.

Yeah. Just out of curiosity,

how thorough was that

background check you did on me?

Okay, first door off the

stairs, you'll meet Billy Barnes,

the only city employee

in the permits office

with a new Benz and a condo in Aspen.

[BREANNA OVER COMMS] Whatever real

estate corruption is happening,

it likely flows through him.

oh, the snowpack in the Rockies

is like nothing you've ever seen.

We went to Aspen for,

like, two weeks last year.


won't be fooled this time, Marlon!

You're hidin' somethin'!

Dude, I gotta call you back.

What's going on here?

Oh, of course! You

speak to the man first.

How could I, a woman,

have anything to say?

My wife and I are divorcing.

What a shame. You guys seem

to make such a lovely couple.

Yeah, uh, divorce petitions are

gonna be handled down the hall

He's hidin' assets,

a lien on a property he didn't disclose!

And you can prove it.

And I am not movin' from this

spot until I prove what I know.

Fine. What's the address?

432 Camellia Way.

His name is Marlon Bellwether.

- No, it's not attached.

- Ha!

You see? I told you!

- That is not possible!

- I told you, I'm not hiding anything!

Uh, may-maybe it's 'cause,

uh, I work too much.

Maybe I was never home,

but that was only because I was

working my fingers to the bone

trying to give you the

life that you deserve,

'cause all I've ever wanted

to do is love you, Ilsa.

Fiddle-dee-dee! It's

too little, too late!

I'll see you in my lawyer's office.



Ma'am, ma'am, you forgot

your phone.


[HARRY] Hoo-hoo!


Your merry-go-round was very manic.

Well, you said draw

from life experience.

How many times have you

been on the merry-go-round?

Mmm. I've lost count

of my marriages, but

I only ever had one husband.




It's fine. It's just pairing the

software's just a little, uh, fiddly.

If you need help, you

can always call Hard

No. No.

Alec has been blowing up my

phone all day "just checking in."

I'm fine. I read the manuals.


I def I skimmed

volumes one to three.

There are 15.

[CHAUDRY] bulldoze that. Thanks.

The pearl is

Ooh, pearls. Mm, I like pearls.

- [BREANNA] We're in.

- We'll expand as planned.

Okay, Ski Boy, show me

who you're talking to.

Th this this lady

seemed awfully upset.

You sure there's nothing

That house and all the

others are as good as mine.

We take possession next week,

then there's nothing for you

to do but count your money.

[BARNES SIGHS] All right.

[BREANNA] Austin Chaudry.

First-generation son of immigrants

and single-term ex-Congressman.

Resigned after rumors

circulated he took bribes.

[HARRY] Mm-hmm.

Chaudry's desperate to


regain some kind of status.

- Ooh.

- No?


His parents were in the

hospitality business,

uh, well, until the

IRS caught up with them,

and now he's bought

himself a riverboat casino,

The Mississippi Pearl.

It's not a real pearl? Bummer.

Oh, there's a pearl, Parker, a big one,

on display, on the boat.

Think the gold nugget

at The Golden Nugget!

- Gold nugget!


I don't understand, why would he

want to take Lenore and Ava's house?

Where the hell is it?

Missing something?

The little thumb drive

that's got my slides on it.

Gosh, maybe somebody stole it.

Maybe somebody lifted it right

But I took it out of his pocket.

What what did you how did you?

I'm Parker.


Well, if we're all done picking

pockets, may we continue?

- Please.


Riverboat casinos.

Used to have to ride the

river to be allowed to gamble,

but now the law's all changed, so

if you jump through the right hoops

and you apply for a new gaming license,

you can expand onto land.

You can open a hotel,

restaurant, whole complex.

And according to Chaudry's bank records,

he's put everything he

has into that expansion,

and then some.

If he fails to get the license, though,

it's goodbye complex

and hello bankruptcy.

Who who decides if he gets it?

Lloyd Van Winkle, Gaming Commission.

My firm had a few dealings with him.

He actually, believe it or not,

is about as honest as they come.

So Chaudry can't bribe

him for the license.

He's gonna have to get it legitimately,

and we're gonna have to

stop him from doing that.

I got it. Get him on a misdemeanor.

I looked it up. You can't hold a

gaming license with one of those.


Uh, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

Uh, you see, people like the Chaudrys,

they think that the

laws don't apply to them

because they usually don't.

Back when he was accused of bribery,

there were about a half

a dozen pending charges

that just poof! disappeared!

He's got some high-up pull somewhere.

Misdemeanor would just

disappear into the air.

We're gonna have to rob the vault.


If a casino can't pay out

at the end of the night,

it violates their license.

That means he loses the one he's got,

and he can kiss the other one goodbye.

Uh I assume it's rather

difficult to rob a casino in general?

- Eh, kinda.

- Now you want to rob one on the river.

Fact is, if Chaudry gets his way,

in one week, Lenore and Ava's

home, and all the others,

are gonna be bulldozed

into a casino carpark.

And Ava and Lenore end

up hauling their clothes

in trash bags from couch

to couch, which sucks.

You got a plan?

Let's go steal a riverboat casino.

You you have to walk away when you

you gotta walk o

O kay

Robbing a casino is never simple.

Even the seediest have

state-of-the-art surveillance,

Swiss watch precision shift changes,

and eyes always on the money.

We have to cover every angle.

Eliot will work the

boat from the inside.

This application is ridiculous.

Hardison used to just get me the job,

and sometimes a 401(K).


I couldn't find the "Get Eliot

a 401(K)" section in the manual.

We'll need cover when

we break into the vault,

cover that we're gonna

convince Chaudry to provide.

Curious as to how.

The license is the most

important thing to him.

We're going to convince him

that he's got competition for it.

By getting to Van Winkle.


You're gonna have to get an

appointment at his office.

Well, Van Winkle doesn't

do business at his office.

No, if you want to

get one on one with him

the way Chaudry does, you

should go to the g*n club.

How do you propose we

infiltrate said g*n club?

Well, it is members only,

but, fortunately, you have an in.




Keep an eye out for Van Winkle.

He should have been here by now.

[MAN] Something?


[VAN WINKLE] I wouldn't

have it any other way.


Maybe, uh


[THEATRICAL GASP] Why, thank you.


Yeah, what's up?

Oh, Lord, I'm so glad we agree.

Oh, absolutely.

I know you've been doing this for

a really long time on your own,

but the Southern belle

is a really hard con.

She has to combine traditional

femininity with an iron resolve

Look, Hardison helped me

with the whole system, right?

It's like a flow chart.

Someone says this, I do this.

You can't plan a grift

with a flow chart.

You have to be able to read

the mark and improvise and

Actually, this is quite good.

Mm-hmm. Right?

Wanna get rid of someone? Ha.

Mention a personal bodily function.

Avoid something? Say nothing and smile.

Need to change the

subject? Feign an injury.

Parker, are you using a flow

chart for all your interactions?


You're right, so right. [CHOKING]




Oh, Mr. Chaudry.

It's Congressman.

I was hoping to catch you for

a quick round before you

Sorry, I've already shot

my pigeons for the day.


Miss St. Claire, it has

been a genuine pleasure,

though I suspect you let

me win just to charm me.

Oh, nonsense. I know how

you feel about cheatin'.

- Uh-huh.


Now, we'll see you at the party,

and we'll talk more about

gaming licenses, you hear?

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, my goodness, Harry Wilson!

Ahh! Belle, I thought that was you.

[PARKER] Mwah.


- You remembered.

- You are memorable.


That's my secret w*apon.

Valerie Davis.

You heard about my party.

Event of the season.

I wouldn't miss it.

Oh, Valerie.


Thank you for meetin' me

here. Now, the guest list is

Uh, you're jumping the g*n a bit, Belle.

We have to agree my fee first.

Oh. Walk with me.

Do you sh**t?

Excuse me. Congressman Austin Chaudry.

Who was that woman you were talking to?

Oh, I didn't think there

was a soul in New Orleans

that didn't know Belle St. Claire.

Kinda Miss Richer Than Midas.

Why can't I get verified?

Belle's traveled for years,

looking after her

family's hotel interests.

Dubai, Tokyo.

But now that her, uh, trust has matured,

she's more interested in starting up

a little gaming enterprise here at home.


What, she wants to put video

poker machines in her hotels?


No, Belle thinks a

little bigger than that.

About the size of a casino complex.

Could you introduce me?

[MAN] I know what you're thinkin'.

The prison outside of town pays more.

Yeah, well I'm lookin'

to slow down a bit.

We're not lookin' for

somebody tryin' to slow down.

This is a casino.

It might look quiet,

but trouble lurks around every corner.

You gotta be alert.

A renegade!


That's what they used

to call me on the job.

You were police?

Wait, wait, wait, wait! I didn't

put police on your resumé!

It's not on your resumé.

Where were you stationed?


Ah, okay, okay, you

were stationed out of


You know, people don't know

what it takes to be on the job.

And I got too close to a case.

You ever heard of the

Shreveport Strangler?


- Yeah.

I may have lost my badge

but he lost a lot more.

If you don't pay me what you promised,

I'm just going to fly everyone

to Monte Carlo for the weekend.

- Well

- Hello?


This is Mr. Chaudry.

Congressman Chaudry.

You're a Congressman?

I thought I knew all the

local representatives.

A former Congressman.

I wondered if you'd be interested

in a little friendly competition.

Mm yeah.

I would love it.

Harry! Could you be a

dear, run the launcher?




I hear you're having a party. Pull!


Oh, it will be spectacular.

Private card tables, best of everything.

Guest list is full, but

I'm sure we could squeeze you in

if someone more established can't come.



- Mmm!


Rumor has it you're

interested in casinos.

Are you lookin' to invest?

I own a riverboat,

the Mississippi Pearl.

We're expanding onto land,

becoming a destination.



Mr. Chaudry, the St.

Claires don't rent we own.

Oh, well [CHUCKLING]

You need a gaming license for that.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news,

but Louisiana doesn't have

a spare license to give.

Good lawyer would have told you that.



I have a good lawyer,

and he tells me that just because

all the licenses are spoken for

doesn't mean they always will be.





Do you really think

you can compete with me?

I don't miss.



My sight must be, uh, off.

'Course it is.

Either that, or the target

jumped out of the way.


Don't feel so bad, Mr. Chaudry.


you didn't stand a chance

against a St. Claire.

We been here since New

Orleans was part of France,

and, well, you haven't.

See you at the party, Harry.

Always a pleasure to watch

you sh**t to k*ll, Belle.

Uh, Mr. Chaudry, good

luck with your little boat.


Follow her.

Tell me where she goes.

- The blonde?

- No. Her.

The secret w*apon.


Who are these guys?

A separate security

detail handles the money.

They don't allow anyone

near it or the count room.

- Huh.

- What do we do?

We look for trouble and give

directions to the bathroom.


I don't like these suit guys.

They don't look like

casino security to me.

Yeah. Chaudry's got his suit guy, too.

Jake. Frowny forehead lines.

All right, we need to know exactly

where that money is

moving through the ship,

and if I can't get near the money


Why bother following the money

when you can be the money?


[CHAUDRY] Miss Davis.

Won't you join me?

No wonder Chaudry needs

help getting players in here.

This place is dead.

So, I been thinking about my character.

Think I'm a silver spoon rich kid

tryin' to front like she's tough.

That's too many layers.

Says the undercover tourist cop.

Drop one of our tagged bills

into the system and get out.

The money will do the work for us.

What can I do for you, Congressman?

It's nice to be recognized.

What makes Belle St. Claire think

one party's gonna earn

her a gaming license?

I saw how she treats you.

You have all the power.

What exactly is it that you do?

I'm a whale hunter.

I work casinos from here to Monte Carlo.

When I call, the biggest gamblers

in the world come running,

and they have an absolute

blast losing a fortune.

So, you bring in the big fish,

they drop cash at her tables,

shows Van Winkle she'll

attract high rollers.

Then, should your new

license not get approved

and you're so overextended

you have to shut down,

she can just sweep in

and take it from you.

She can't stop Van Winkle

from approving my application.

She can

whisper in the right ears

that if someone with your

history were to get the license,

then maybe that would look bad.

They'll assume I bribed my way in.

These people.

Everything handed to them.

My parents came here,

scraped to build a hotel,

but there were always

extra palms to grease.

But it's never the St. Claires

of the world who get caught.

- I'm building my empire


and no one's going to stop me.


Oh, I'm not stopping at one casino.

I want dozens up and down the river.

Everyone is going to know my name.

How you gonna get the land?

Land is cheap when you

don't know how to protect it.

I think you should

bring your whales to me

instead of Belle.

Let's show these bullies

they can't push us around.

[DENNIS] So, you know

the surveillance room.

[ELIOT] Yeah.

What does this button do?

Never touch that.

It seals the vault so it can

only be opened by the master code,

which we do not have.

There's no cameras in the vault?

Camera's in the count room.

It's the only way in

or out of the vault.


You smell chicory?


- Coffee.

- Oh. Dang it.

[DENNIS] Sometimes I dream

somebody's trapped in the vault,

runnin' outta air,

and I have to save 'em.


Yes, indeed. Mmm.

Crazy dream. Yep.


You know, I took the

police exam last year.

Didn't pan out.

Smart guy like you?

That's hard to believe.

[CHUCKLES] I know, right?




Eliot, we are in and recording

some nice empty hallway footage.

RFID tape on the bills is working.


Breanna, you're good.



Remember the pearl?

They just took the

sensors off to clean it.


Breanna, no.

Stay on mission.

I took that drive off Harry.

No, you were spotted.

Don't do it, kid.

Wh-wh-wh-whoa. No.



Hey, nice collar, man.

I already called the

cops. They're on their way.

Good job, buddy.

This little punk is gonna

get what's comin' to her.

Back to the truck.

Find an alternate route and

make sure nobody spots you.

What's going on?

Aw, ju guys in the suit

were manhandling some kid.

- Huh.

- They're not exactly friendly, huh?

They don't mix with the

rank-and-file, but I got my eye on 'em.

I have a spreadsheet.

- You have

- Spreadsheet.

- [PARKER] I told you not to do it.

- [BREANNA] You would've.

Yeah. I'm Parker, the

greatest thief in the world.

[ELIOT] Hey, kid.


It just takes time.

You gotta know when to and when not to.

I wouldn't have gone for it.

- Your brother sure as

- I'm not my brother!

- Yeah, no kidding!

- Listen!

Every person on this

team has made mistakes.

Having said that, we can't risk

you being recognized from today.

I'm sorry, Breanna,

you're back in the van.



Chaudry, he's not stopping

with Ava and Lenore.

He's gonna be stealing homes up and

down the river if he gets his way.

What do we know about that boat?

Well, the money's run from the floor

to the counting room every 20 minutes.

Then, it's counted for 10 minutes

before being loaded into the vault.

So we have 10 minutes to crack the

vault, grab the money, and get out.

Mm-hmm. Only way on and

off is the gangplank,

unless you want to jump in the river.

Gettin' off with the money's

gonna be harder than grabbing it.

I have an idea about that.

Let me guess you've come

to try to make me feel better.

Oh, I think I'd be about the worst

person in the world for that job.

Why? Because you get to

sip cocktails at the club

while I'm stuck in the van?

I had that life. I left that life.

Now it would appear

that's all I have to offer.

Hmm. Poor baby.

All you have is, uh, money

and good looks and privilege

and access. [SCOFFS]

Well, what about you? It seems like

you could do just about anything,

and all of it's scary. What do you want?

I want the world to stop sucking.

'Cause it sucks.

For me, for people I care about.

For Ava and Lenore.

I don't want them to lose their house.

This team, it says it

can make a difference.

Okay, fine. I'll give it a shot.

But because I love my brother

and because I'm desperate,

not because I believe in hope

or something stupid like that.

Well, look

I haven't really relied

on anybody for a long time,

but I'm relying on you.

And so are they.

And if you want to be part of the team,

you actually have to

be part of the team.





- [BREANNA] Time.


[SIGHS] These bundles are ridiculous.

Hey, don't blame the bundles.

Breanna made exactly what I

asked for, three million worth.

It means you'll be able to waltz

out of the party with everybody else.

No one's gonna look under the dress.

No, taping these under my

dress eats up so much time.

It can't be done.

Might even say it's impossible?

That'll be all for now, Breanna.




You know she took that

pearl to impress you.

But, for better or

worse, she's with us now.

We have to help her grow.

[SIGHS] Like you did with me?

The way we all did with each other.

If I could do this it might work.

It's a shame the dress isn't bigger.




[WOMAN] Wow, look at that dress!

- [MAN] Oh, my stars.

- [MAN 2] Who is that?

I know how I'd feel in that dress.


Correct me if I'm wrong,

but wouldn't you not want to

attract attention to yourself?

You don't like my dress?

I made the modifications you asked for.

And there are straps and

pockets on the inside, and

are you sure you want

the hoops that wide?

Sounds perfect, Lenore.

- Ohh.



Sometimes the best way to hide is

to blind them with your brightness.

Excuse me.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo, you handsome devil!

[GASPS] Congratulations!

You're a big hit.

Got room for one more? Ohh!


Little chair. Ooh, I

like your pony tail.

[CHAUDRY] Remind me

again why we invited her.

Well, you want Belle to know

she's never gonna get your license.

When she sees how much

money you rake in tonight,

she's gonna fold her cards for sure.

Sorry 'bout that. Little

too much champagne.

Your whales will lose that much?

Not here. In the high rollers room.

These whales aren't very exciting.

Players, the game is

blackjack. Buy-in is 50,000.

They'll lose a million at the

tables without even flinching.

That's pretty exciting.

You made this?


You got a gift.

- Thank you.

- Is that

is that

[BOTH] Lemon juice!

Are you?


[ELIOT] Okay.

The drop car is leaving.

And the count room is clear.

You're gonna go write that down?

I thought you had a spreadsheet.

It's in the car.

Go get it!

All right.

- Dude.

- I know.

All right, Dennis is gonna be

back soon. Now's our window.

Dealer has 20.

Come on, not again.

[MAN] It's incredible.

This one won.

Breanna, deploy the loop.

Pushed a whole button and looped

the empty hallway footage

that Parker recorded earlier.

Anyone looking will see a big,

fat nothing in the hallway.

See? You contributed.

[SOPHIE] Eliot, Cinderella,

you have 10 minutes.


Oh, Miss St. Claire, may I escort

you to the high rollers room?

Mr. Van Winkle, I need to attend

to a personal bodily function.

Well, I'll wait right here for you.

But it's a personal bodily function.

[LAUGHING] It could take hours.

I'll meet you there.


- This is great.

- Mm.

You're a genius.


We have three winners.


[SOPHIE] You know what to do.

When I give the signal,

you start winning.

Like with Nate in Budapest.

Sorry to miss the funeral.

Vegas prisons don't give vacations.

Well, you're here now,

and that's what counts.

Anything for Nate. And you.

They just won.

It's just one hand out of ten.

Don't look so nervous.

It keeps them playing.

What are you guys doing in

here? This is a restricted area.


A Boyle & Kim 500. How adorable.


Um guys

there's a lot of money in here.

Isn't that kind of the point?

No, like, too much money.

Like, tens of millions too much.

Um, there's no way it's all

gonna fit under this dress.

[ELIOT] Guys, we got another problem.

These guys are Russian mob.

Russians? How do you

know they're Russian?

- Because it's a very distinctive


[ELIOT] Hang on.

[JAKE] Is this going to be a problem?

[CHAUDRY] No, no, no, everything's fine.

Dmitri's money's safe, don't worry.

It's my job to worry.

Chaudry must be laundering

money for the Russian mob.

That's how he's financing

his empire plans.

Jake's not an employee.

He's protecting money

for a Russian oligarch.

The plan depends on

us emptying the vault.

We may have to regroup.

[HARRY] Yeah, if we leave

now, though, Lenore and Ava

are gonna lose their house.

[BREANNA] Uh, guys

I have an idea.



They keep winning.

Well, it's just a hand

here and there, right?

Keeps them playing.


If you lose Dmitri's money,

it's not me you have to answer to.


Will that work?

Did the math twice.

[ELIOT] Kid, this ain't a dry run.

If Breanna believes it can work

It'll work.

And we won't sink.

Parker, what do you think?

- Trust the newbie.

- [BREANNA] Yes?

Yes? Yes, yes!

Okay, okay, all you

have to do is maneuver

through some heavily patrolled

areas and grab what you need.

Ivan, check in.



And Eliot

you'd better hurry up too.

I always get the fun job, don't I?

Ah, that's nothin'.

You cut your way out of an ice cave.

Hey! You're not supposed to be here!

You escaped a gorilla enclosure.



you catered a wedding for the Mob.

[ELIOT] It wasn't catering.

It was a food sensory experience.

Whatever. It was really good.


Hey, what's up?

Yeah. Which door's the workshop?

Third door on your right.


There you are!

I grabbed my spreadsheet

and more carrot cake.

Go back upstairs.

W w wait. Are

you, uh, goin' renegade?

- Yeah. Yes, I am.

- Yeah.

Those guys in the suits,

they're Russian Mafia.

I knew it! I I knew it!

- Go back upstairs and

- Oh, look out!


That was a big mistake, buddy.

Look at me. Look at me.

Dennis. Dennis, put

your head here, buddy.

Hey, Dennis, Dennis.

You all right, my man?



[ELIOT] You get what? Ooh, thumbs up.

All right.

Huh? Thumbs up.

You're gonna be just fine. Okay.

[DENNIS] What happened to your tie?

Ivan, where are you?






It's a small hot streak. It just

makes them bet more and lose more.

It's it's good.

[JAKE] Got an emergency.

One guy knocked out in the count room.

We have thieves in our vault.

Seal it and call the cops.

Cops? But the money

These local yokels don't know

how much is in that vault.

Dmitri's money is safe.



That's it. Next time that door

opens, cops'll be on the other side.


Police'll be here any minute.

Yeah? Where the hell are they?

Eliot, Parker, are you out?


Make sure these guys start losing.

I have to deal with something.

We're gonna cash out.

[DEALER] Pleasure. That's

quite some run you had.



The police are on their

way to the vault right now.

- Ivan?



You have to stop them.

You have to stop them!

- Stop who?

- The players from cashing out!

Why? Is there something wrong?


Of course not.

Oh, good, 'cause the high

rollers are very eager to collect.

Do you know, they won

almost $2 million tonight!

Two million.

Well, you can pay out, can't you?


Very disappointing.

It was you. You did this!


She brought in the high rollers.

She ran a rigged game!

She knew we wouldn't be able to pay.


Are you saying that your

casino ran a rigged game

directly in front of the most

honest gaming commissioner

this side of the Mississippi?

Yeah, Congressman, is

that what you're saying?

Officer, I don't know

what's going on here,

but if my office can be of

any help, please be in touch.

I suspect your Russian friends

aren't going to be

very happy with you


But look on the bright side now

everyone's gonna know your name.

Dmitri would like to

have a word with you.

I'm telling you, the security

detail is Russian mob!

I have a spreadsheet!


I have an idea.

If you make the vault as

airtight as possible

and then release the

nitrogen from the air tanks

Smell that.

You pressurize the room

and create enough force to

keep the water from coming up.

It's the Ideal Gas Law.

Push the money through,

river current will

take care of the rest.



Looks like you caught a big one!

Ow! What?

Good job.

You too, Parker. And

the dress was amazing!

A little water probably came in

once the vault wasn't airtight.

Yeah, that was your big mistake,

ruining Chaudry's throw rugs.

Very disappointed in you.


The deeds to your house, free and clear

and completely paid off.

I can't accept this.

This is too much.

Sure we can, Grandma.

We've also arranged the same for

any neighbors still in the area.

And anybody that got forced out

is gonna get fair compensation.

- Ohh.

- And

one more thing.

[VOICE BREAKING] Historical status?

For the whole neighborhood.

Now nobody can tear these houses down.

This is more than I

could have ever hoped for.

You people are angels.

Ava, I want you to have the

best Sweet 16 in history!

You're gonna need a new dress, though.


I think I could take care of that.



- Dennis

Dennis, you're gonna pass

the entrance exam this time.

All right? I'm gonna help you study.

[DENNIS] All right, man.

Coming over to play cards?

I I'll see you at game night.


Aw, you made a pal.

Don't do that.

This guy got punched in the face.

He lost his job. He deserves a break.

And he makes really

good carrot cake. [SIGHS]

That was my cake, Parker!

He made it special for me!

Why did you decide to

trust me on the boat?

Hardison, he put it in

the binders, volume ten,

"When in doubt, trust the

person stuck inside the van.

They can always see the big picture."

Sucks he's not here.

Yeah. Really does.

But we have you.

More suckage for you.



I'm glad you're here.

You're an incredibly gifted hacker,

and we need you.

Why not leave the other stuff to us?

I want to take on the bad guys.

I have to learn everything.

Yeah, but these bad guys

are worse than ever, okay?

Hardison trusted me with you. If

something bad happens because


My first memory is of 9/11.

I've lived through endless w*r,

two economic collapses,

and the return of actual Nazis.

So this "worst world

ever" thing you see

it's the only world I've ever known.

I'm not scared.

I'm kinda ready to kick it in the junk.


Training starts tomorrow.

Ooh. Almost forgot.

Your first trophy.

You earned it.

But you were nowhere near the

When did how did you?

How did you ?

I'm Parker.