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01x02 - The Panamanian Monkeys Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:10
by bunniefuu
Lola from NOLA, good morning.

Suppose my mail's waiting

for me in my office.

Mr. Wilson, uh, you can't go up there.

But I have to. That's where my desk is.

I mean, you don't work here anymore.


Oh. Oh, that's ridiculous.

Collins Gershowitz Safer, please hold.

I will not hold.

Why are your people

not at this deposition?

We have three claimants from

the Cosgrove estate case,

and Mr. Safer was supposed

to be here half an hour ago.


I don't see it on the calendar.

Um, let me call Mr. Safer's office.

Yeah, call Safer. Get him

down here to talk to me.

Okay, all right, all right.

Step back, sir.

Oh, whoa.

- Lunch in the office.

- Perkins discovery.

Ten boxes of files to go.

Keep at it. Devil's in the details.

Parker, Harry's files

should be in his old office.

Northeast corner suite.

Hey, so you know those files

on how Harry hid a

bunch of bad guys' money

before he wanted to be a good guy?

Harry, not the other bad guy,

because Harry was a bad guy.

Oh, he morally bankrupt.

The worst.

Is this gonna become a thing?

They're not here.



What the hell's going on?

One of our clients,

Fletcher Maxwell, called.

Said you were involved in a

criminal conspiracy against him.

Fletcher Maxwell.

He and his family sold opioids

designed for addiction to

veterans. You believe him?

I bet you've already cleaned

out my office, haven't you?

I bet you moved all my files

into your office.


You got Fletcher Maxwell's files hidden

behind that ridiculous

painting of that stupid horse?

All on the say of a

client who we now know

was faking masterpieces,

selling the originals,

and hanging the fakes in museums

worldwide. That Fletcher Maxwell.

He said you were involved

in that painting affair too.

When did I, a corporate lawyer

with 15 years of

experience with this firm,

suddenly become a jaunty cat

burglar stealing from the rich?

That would be cool.

That would be cool. Thank you, Lola.

But that didn't happen.

No, you know what did happen

is that somehow, one day,

you became okay with having a client

who intentionally sold dangerous dr*gs

to hundreds of thousands of people,

and another client who

polluted waterways near schools.

You remember that. Kids with cancer.

Or that client who cut corners

so his building collapsed,

k*lling his construction crew.

Or the insurance executive

who stole a hundred million

dollars from Medicare.

We got him off scot-free.

You remember.

You know what I do remember?

Those were your clients too.

And we can't afford to have any

more clients doubting us, Harry.

I remember when you

wanted to change the world.

World did change.

We just went along for the ride.

Mr. Maxwell wants to talk to you.

Well, he's got my number.

Tell him I appreciate the

personal touch, though.

You the cavalry?

You could say that.

Sophie's taking the long way around

to make sure we weren't tailed.

Why hey, why aren't these cameras up?

Hardison. Hey.

What was that?

It's nothing.

Just some NGOs freaking out

about supplies in Venezuela.

I got some Russians trying to crack

a pro-democracy group I'm babysitting.

You know why restaurants fail?

Head chef can't be chopping lettuce.

I know.

I know.

This place is great.

I'll bet back in its heyday

it must have been something.


Well, you said you needed someplace

isolated while we hit my old firm.

I had a client who went bankrupt.

This was in his holdings.

Was he another evil, rich bad guy?

Yes. But I lost his case and

he went to prison, so yay me.


First order of business.

Who tried to nab our Mr. Wilson?


I got that off one of the

guys that tried to grab Harry.

It's that private

security that Maxwell uses.

Maxwell still has enough

money to set the dogs on you.

Maxwell's family, technically.

Lybris Pharmaceuticals is

a family-owned business,

and while we may have tricked Maxwell

into giving up most of his money,

they hired my firm to hide an

emergency fund here in Panama.

This is where he's run to.

This building used to be owned

by the United States government.

U.S. transferred ownership to Panama

when we handed them

the canal back in 1999.

That's when Ryan Corbett he's,

uh, former military intelligence

that's when he came along.

I know this guy.

Well, not personally, but

he had a rep in the field.

He's smart. He's ruthless.

This ain't a desk jockey.

This guy's an operator.

Now, Corbet discovered

two empty bank vaults,

one on each end of the basement,

underneath all the offices.

Rumor is the CIA,

this is what they used to stash

files they didn't want on U.S. soil.

I'm talking black bag money,

Roswell aliens, all kinds of

We we don't know what's up in there.

Corbett bought the building,

and he leases out all the

offices from the ground floor up

to local businesses for cover.

But in the basement he

put high-end security,

and he marketed those old CIA vaults

to anyone interested in

storing valuables offshore.

Drug dealers, g*n runners,

or just your average

American businessmen

looking to do a little tax avoidance.

Thanks to those files that

Parker liberated from my firm,

it would appear that the Maxwell family

has contracted to

store 20 million dollars

in vault two, tray 5150.

Now, what is special

is that this piggy bank

for the super-rich scumbags

is not even a secret.

I mean, they tell you what it

is right here in the brochure.

Right there, look.

They have concierge service,

private airfield, armored transport.

Ooh! Cookies in the lounge.

You know, there was a day

when I'd have to beat

the location of this place

out of some Russian mafia guy. Now

They literally advertise the corruption.

This world.

Why didn't Maxwell just

take his money and run?

Maxwell needs permission

from the Panamanian government

to move the funds.

It's just minor paperwork. It'll

slow him down, but not for long.

Mr. Maxwell wants his

money so he can flee.

Let us deprive him of escaping justice

for turning patients into drug addicts.

Then we go

Let's go

Then we go


Let's go steal 20 million dollars.


Somebody's gonna have to explain

this whole phrasing

terminology thing to me.

Judge Ramos.

I I'm Fletcher Maxwell.

I'm hoping you can help me.

I have been waiting a week for

the paperwork to transfer my funds,

but I I think everything is in order.

I believe I can go

take care of these now.

Thank you.

Judge Ramos. Jo Grant, MI6.

This is my associate

Alistair Lethbridge-Stuart.

We're here to stop that

man, Fletcher Maxwell,

from funding a t*rror1st attack.

Did he touch you?

He may have exposed you to

polonium, anthrax, probably both.

EU 5AMLD requires you to assist us

in our investigation, under Law 47

That law gives you the right to

seek the shareholder's identity,

but this is a U.S. account.

I don't know. See, the FCA

approves in coordination with FINCEN

and under the 2000

U.S. Bank Secrecy Act.

Now, if he did expose you to a toxin,

you may be experiencing

some dizziness

Blackouts, memory loss, déjà vu

Vomiting, some pain in the

bones, pain in your bowels

Blackouts, memory loss, déjà vu.

Didn't you already say that?


It's just begun.

Straight home.

And shower for at least an hour.

And burn your clothes.

Why are you still standing there?

B b burn the

clothes. B burn them.

That should buy us a week

while he tries to contact

the U.K. government.

Hey, new guy.

I gotta say, having a crooked lawyer

do all the paperwork

for us doesn't suck.

It really sold the con. Good job.

I'm the one who hides the money.

I know who we're hiding it from.

These law offices are

right above the vault.

It's a small firm,

mostly offshore contracts.

Yeah, that means money laundering.

We're gonna clear these guys out.

We're gonna use their

offices to get into the vault.

We're just gonna convince them to leave?

Every day these people are afraid

of what's gonna walk

through that front door,

and today, we're gonna give it to 'em.

Ma'am, please remain calm.

This will all be over soon.

- What happened?

- The bosses sent us.

The federals are on their way.

They know everything.

I knew this day would come.

Let's go!

Take only what you can carry!

Do not answer the phone

for at least a week!

We're in.

Just like butter.

Look at you with that judge.

It's like you never stopped.


Quite the act.

Hey, hey.

You know, I find it helps

if I act like I was before


I keep borrowing a

little bit of the past

to make a little


It helps.

But I can't work forever, can I?

Hey. Parker's mapping out the

vault grid in the conference room.

You hear that?

That's a very distinctive sound.

That's a short-range drone.

He's gotta be close.

Isn't that one of your food trucks?


I didn't call 'em here.

Who's in it?



- Wait. This is your ?

- Yeah.

My little sister.


I mean, come on. You

you were spying on us?

I mean

I tailed you just like Parker

taught me when I was 11.

I teach every kid I

meet how to do crime.

Crime is fun.

This is your sister?

She's one of my foster sisters.

You I'm telling Nana.

She know you're here?

- I mean

- Nana know you're here?

I don't think you should do that.

- No.

- Do she know you

Yeah, man, she knows I'm here.

- If I call her?

- I think she's napping.

If I call her right now,

she know you're here?

- Sure.

- She on speed dial.

- Okay.

- About to hit

- Uh

- Uh oh ah

Okay, no.

Come on. I got a choice between

a bunch of crappy day gigs

and putting my skills to real use.

I grew up hearing these stories.

You and Parker kicking

rich guys in the teeth.

How you saved Eliot's

life all those times.

How you What? What?

- I'm not as good a hacker as you.

- Damn straight.

But hacking's kind of old school anyway.

It's like any script kiddie can do that.

I'm really better with,

like, the social media part.

Or, like, drones, physical

builds, you know, like

relevant skills.

Just give me a shot.

I found you guys. I earned it.

S I'm s script script ?

Who who you calling script kiddie?

Bruh, script kiddie? You hear this?


Head chef.

Chopping lettuce.

Oh. Oh, oh. Okay.

Hold up.



She's one of them.

A normal person.

She Ubers, and pays taxes,

and has one of those,

what do you call them,

p p papers that

tell you who you are.

A birth certificate?

A real one. With her real name on it.

Wait, is this like that time in Paris?

- With the expl*si*n?

- And the robot.

- The old lady?

- The granny bot,

where I said yes, but

you wanted to say no,

but you didn't want to

hurt Eliot's feelings,

so you secretly wanted us to agree.

Okay, honestly, I'm leaning no.

But I know Breanna's not going

home if I cut her loose right now,

and plus, I want some time to call

Nana and find out what's going on.

Babe, I'm I'm not trying

to put this on you, but

I trust you to make the right choice

because I respect your judgment.

For real.

You're not mad.

You did the Picard tug.

I am mad.

Did the tug.

You know I like that.

One job.

But electronics and hacking only.

Get into the security and

electrical systems of this building.

Complete control.

We're gonna need a walkthrough

of the facility, too.

Well, I can do that. I'm a lawyer.

I can just pretend I'm

looking for a client.

That's a good idea. Uh-huh.

One of us, our cover's blown,

they're gonna assume we're a thief

and just k*ll us, but Harry

He reads like a fed.

I mean, they may

t*rture you for a while,

but that gives us enough

time to rescue you.

Okay. Good pep talk.

Hey, hey, hey. Hold

up. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

But you understand, it's my money.

Mr. Maxwell, it is your money.

But you cannot take your

bearer shares with you

unless you get the sign-off

from the Panamanian government.

Did you get that?

Not exactly.

I did not go to the trouble of

creating the only place in the world

where it is completely

legal to store illegal goods

so that you could cut corners.

Get the paperwork, you get your money.

Now, if you'll excuse

me, I have another client.


Mr. Wilson, yes?

Mr. Corbett. I called

about my client from Taiwan.

- Mm-hm.

- Gold bars.

Gold bars in bulk. Of course.

Let me give you the tour.

and the basement vault

level only has one way in,

this access elevator.

There's cameras at every intersection

And if the alarm goes off,

police come in five minutes.

Vents run through the whole building.

I can get in if Hardison

can fry their cameras.

Except that the cameras aren't

just monitored from here.

There's an off-site monitoring system

watching the feeds

24/7 in the Philippines.

You'd have to knock both

of those out simultaneously.

Now, the vault doors

Are old, and they're

mechanical. They're not digital.

Mechanical's easier, but slow.

Unless we can get a camera into the

gearbox so we can see the tumblers.

All right. Then we

drill through the vault.

No, because of the seismic sensors.

There are seismic sensors.

Anyone comes in through the floor

or the ceiling, alarms will sound.

I think I did pretty well.

And I didn't get tortured.

Not this time.

He showed you all that

because he wants people to know

it's impossible to

break into that vault.

Nothing's impossible.

It's impossible to tickle yourself.

That's a good point.

So we gotta cover the vibrations

while tapping in from above,

then we've gotta lead the guards away

from the vault while Parker works.

I'm thinking an expl*si*n.

It's impossible to dribble a football.

Not one bang.

We need an extended vibration.

Covers the time we need

to get the drill through.

Kind of like background noise,

but it's gotta seem random.

Something loud, like

There's a nightclub next door.

Looks abandoned.

A concert.

But we don't have enough

time to organize a concert.

No, no, no. You're here. Go ahead.

Maybe a concert we don't organize,

but one just happens. EDM.

Yeah, my daughter loves that stuff.

Sorry. Thought we were sharing.

EDM festivals happen

all over Central America.

A lot of them are just pop-ups.

One of my gig jobs, I worked

social media for a concert promoter.

Yeah, you don't organize the concerts.

You hype them, and then

all these people show up

because they're afraid

to miss out on the hype.

We find the right DJ,

I promise we could put a

thousand people in that club.

Loud people listening to loud music.

I like it.


I'll take Breanna and our

Mr. Wilson for the concert.

We're the drill team.

The Human-Animal Alliance is shocked

to see that DJ COM4R4T is

performing a birthday party

for Eduardo Gutierrez,

whose mining company is

destroying the habitat

of the Panamanian spider monkey,

or as anthropologists call them,

our tiny, thieving, identical cousins.

Trust me, man, this place is perfect.

This social media firestorm

is a horrible misunderstanding.

No one loves animals more than COM4R4T.

It's why he performs in a rat mask.

Oh, man, it is such

karma, you calling me.

There is a powerfully

spiritual young promoter

who right now is

organizing a benefit concert

for the spider monkey.

Perhaps if DJ COM4R4

would agree to appear

Hey, we gotta go.

Nope. I got Red Bull on

the line for swag bags.

And our site has 20,000 distinct users.

- Okay, I know What?

- Hey.

You know, everybody

always gets too wrapped up

in the con the first time.

Used to be you.

Let's go.

I don't need a babysitter, thank you.

Actually, I've got some questions.

Is your boss around?

My boss?

Pssh. Sure.

Let me go get her.

Who are you and why are

you bothering my staff?

You're the concert promoter?

Well, um, I'm your neighbor,

who runs a business built on discretion.

You're bringing a thousand

people to my doorstep.

I'd like to know why.

Hey, yo, man, those are my contracts.

Look, it's almost midnight,

and I still have a

lot of prep, Mister

Corbett. Ryan Corbett.

And you haven't answered my question.

It's a benefit for the monkeys.

Their habitat is under attack.

Yes, I saw your website, and

I don't believe a word of it.

So I'm gonna ask you again.

Why are you here?

All right, talk her through it, Sophie.

No, it'll distract her. She'll freeze.

Breanna, I'm giving you a general

play and trusting you, okay?

People like Ryan who who

are greedy and-and use people,

they have a blind spot.

They can't imagine anyone

who's not like them.

Do you understand?

Okay. Hey, man, you're right.

You're right. I'm lying. Um

Let me just break it down for you.

I monkey-shamed the

DJ, so he cost me nada.

Ticket sales cover all my expenses,

and the rest of it, T-shirts,

the merch, the eco-friendly bags,

yeah, all of that goes

back into my pocket

through my 5013(C) non-profit.

There's no charity.

And the best part, I mean, no one cares.

Not the fans, not the IRS,

certainly not Panama.

They respect my privacy.

Now, uh, why don't you do the same?

You honestly expect me to

believe you got COM4R4T to commit

on two days' notice?

Check his social, man.

He's hyping us himself.

Okay, here's the thing.

I love COM4R4T.

I do.

Do I not love COM4R4T?

Oh, yes. The boss, he loves the COM4R4T.

I love him. I saw him when he

was just starting out in Detroit.

We saw him in Vegas, we saw

him in Ibiza. We saw him

I saw him in Tokyo.

Why were we in Tokyo?

Tokyo oh.

Oh, the Corsican. That's right. We

The show was right after the

Yeah. It was a great show.

Yeah, well, you guys want tickets

or something? I can hook you up.

You know what?

I admire your hustle.

- Thanks.

- I do. I do.

Now, if I find out you're lying to me,

I'm gonna come back and I'm

gonna sh**t you in the face.

Save me two tickets.


That's it. She goes home tomorrow.

We can't risk someone

who isn't one of us.

- If I may

- Yeah.

- Breanna's out of her depth.

- Thank you.

Just like you were when we went

off to that Serbian adoption agency.


And don't get me started on

your turn as "the Ice Man."

That's a bit harsh, isn't it, mum?

You liked it, right?

I think Breanna did quite well.

This may just be one last job for me,

but I think she's got potential.

With proper instruction.

What ?


We agreed to take turns with the drill.

No, you agreed we'd take

turns with the drill.

All right?

This is a diamond-tipped drill,

man. This ain't a game console.

A lot of things can go

wrong with this bad boy.

Yeah, buddy.

This thing here will

cut all your fingers off.

Scatter 'em all over the room.

Then you gotta go pick up your

fingers without any fingers, huh?

Don't come crying to me

if that happens to you.

Hey, hey.

Where are you going? You're not

gonna help me put this together?

Well, you said it. I

gotta keep my hands safe.

These are precious instruments.

Hey, did you get the alarm code word?

- You know it changes

- It changes daily. Yeah, I got it.

- Well, excuse you, Ms. Know-it-all.

- Yeah, whatever.

Wow, these look convincing.

How come this one's so much lighter?

Because that's the one made

out of plastic expl*sive.

- Ooh.

- No, it's cool, man.

Don't worry about it. It's safe.

It's safe. See this? Detonator.

These two points of

contact need to touch.

It's very important.

I thought we weren't gonna use

an expl*si*n to fool the sensors.

Oh, man, that's for a

little bonus. You'll see.

Yeah, but I'm the one

in the car with the gold.

That cell phone gets a wrong

number, I've got a problem.

Yeah, for, like, a tenth of a second.

Then you ain't got no

more problems ever again.

Maxwell. What is this about?

Twenty percent.

That's four million in

untraceable bearer shares.

You just gotta get me in that vault.

I'll be in and out. I

just want to grab my money.

Counteroffer, Maxwell.

I rat you out to Mr. Corbett,

and you end up floating around

in the canal somewhere, huh?


Forty percent.

- Eight million.

- There you go. Now you're

You're thinking. I like that.

- Uh-huh. When?

- Tonight.

I have a way to distract the boss.

Oh, I get it.

So by never showing

your face or speaking,

you're commenting on our anonymity

within all-consuming capitalism.

Mr. Wilson.

You should have called. We'd

have been waiting for you.

Think someone's gonna try and jump

me, take a hundred kilos of gold?

It is Panama. Diego.


I'll put some Ukrainian

white hats on it.

No, don't worry, don't worry.

We'll get your people

to the border, all right?

I'm just saying, dude

Uh, yeah, yeah.

Don't get distracted by the side gig.

Is it a side gig?

In our line of work,

you're one of the best.

But in that line of work

you're the only one, man.

It's okay to grow up,

realize you're not the

person you used to be.

You never grew up.

Yeah. I achieved perfection

pretty early, huh?

Hey, Bre.

We're ready to start drilling

as soon as Sophie starts

the sound check, a'ight?

You ready to go?

Okay, all set.

You know I suck at, like,

saying thank you and stuff.

Oh, for real?

You just gonna, just leave that

hanging out there like that?


You're welcome, baby sis.

Guess I'm just not used to

driving in a car full of gold.

We've stored gold, diamonds, dr*gs.

A file cabinet.

One time, a single address book

filled with some very important

private phone numbers, huh?

But, look, rest assured,

no matter the sin,

once it's in my vault, it is

beyond the reach of common decency.

Look, the way I see it,

you know, if a dictator

or any politician

thinks that their wealth is

dependent upon staying in power,

they will fight. Thousands may die.

So isn't it better that I give them

a way to live out the

remainder of their days

in the South of France?

You're providing a very

valuable service to the world.


Your manager took care of the setup,

but I want this sound check

to be exactly as you want it.

Okay. Hit it.

And go.

All right, Sophie, I need 120.

A little more. Little more.


These people will have traveled

for miles. Is that all you've got?

Got it. Good. Go. Go.

Es la musica.


Hello, old friend.

Like I said, safe and sound.

Your client's gold is

just a phone call away.

Oh, hear that? COM4R4T sound check.

I love that guy.

- Hey, boss.

- Yeah?

Why don't you try and

go meet the COM4R4T, huh?

Maybe, uh, you'll grab

some tickets, yeah?

Yeah. All right. Great idea, Diego.

Mr. Wilson, it's a pleasure.

I think I'm expected.

Feel free to check.

Do you have a walkie-talkie?

Oh, thank you.

Are you ready?

Yeah. Let's go, Maxwell, huh?

Maxwell's here. Maxwell is here.

Maxwell's here. Maxwell is here.

Maxwell is here. He's here.

Hardison, Eliot, can you guys copy that?

Do you do you guys copy

that? Do you read that?


Diego, get to the vault now.

Just keep drilling. I got this.

Really, bro?

What are you looking

at, man? Keep going.

What's going on?

- What's going on?

- I don't know.

- Just go back to the office, Maxwell.

- No, no, no.

What are you talking about?

We need to get my money.

- Go back to the office!

- We need to get my money!

Oh, no, you don't.


Guys, I slowed the guards

down, but it won't be for long.

Señor, we cannot reach Diego.

- What do we do?

- Hey, Maxwell's here.

Well, then, now it's a party.

Hey, Parker's already down

there. Security's coming.

Breanna jammed the elevator.

We can't access the vault level.

All right, how do we get down there?

- No, that's not mmm.

- You gotta.

Don't Damn it, Hardison!

Take this!

Breanna, are you ready

with the Manila phone tap?

If they don't get the code word

Uh, yeah. The daily code word. Got it.

I'm also gonna blank

the local CCTV, too,

buy Parker as much time as I can.

Look, I'm not gonna let you guys down.

I'll see you soon.

Okay, Parker, the guards

here can't see you.

And the remote monitoring system?

All good. Manila calling in three,

two, one

Uh, yes, Sentinel Offshore.

How may I help you?

Daily code word, please.

Oh, yes. Um, so

The, uh, code word is, um

Uh, code word, please.


The code word is

Just one moment, please.

Like, I'm so busy sometimes.

It's crazy, you know. Uh

The code word is, um, uh


Granada. Yeah, sí.

Code accepted.


Thank you. Goodbye.


Parker, I'm in position.

I'm looking at the vault.

We've got four tumblers.

Turning right.




¡Ustedes dos, vámonos!

I've got an incoming.

Don't they ever clean these things?


What's up, boys?

I hate stupid vents.

How could you hate the vents?

The vents are the best part.

Breanna, we're about to

crack the door. Any problems?

Nope. All good.

I smell lasers.

You what? You smell

Yeah, it's an ozone-y, cinnamon smell.

Lasers, who uses lasers anymore?

Let me just adjust the

frequency resolution to

Oh, babe, it's outside

of the visible spectrum.

No, no. You gotta bail on this.


- What you mean, no?

- You are gonna talk me through them.

Oh, I know what this is.

I told you to spend more time

practicing your burglary skills.

You-you-you-you're gonna

compare me to Eliot right now?

Eliot spent time in vent practice,

and see how that paid off?

Hey, don't bring me into this. Do not

Yeah, okay, you know what? I got this.

I got this. Fine.

All right, babe.

You ready?

Six inches in front of you,

and another two feet after.

Now, you remember that one

time on vacation? That split?

Yeah, you know the one.

Roll to the right.

Good, good, right there. Yeah.

Okay, babe, there's no way back.

Over a low one.

You ready?



I got it. I got it. I got it.

I ain't got it.

I don't got it. I don't got it.

You all good up there?

Yeah, yeah, I'm smooth as silk.

Pop that lock and it'll

override the safety protocols

and turn off the lasers.


Lasers just kicked down. You're clear.


Okay, okay.


That wasn't so hard, was it?

Considering what they charged me,

that was supposed to be impossible.

Why are you smiling?

It's you.


You don't always need a taser.

But I like the tasers.

Come on, come on!


Get them, get them!

You didn't stretch, did you?

Go, go, go, go, go!

Where the hell did they

go? They should be here!


She's hiding in the costume.

- Can I help you?

- Oh, wow.


Big fan.


What are you doing here?

You hold it, you own it.

Oh, my head.

How'd we do?

Another 20 million for

the opiate victims fund.

Hey, Bre, come on.

We got one more thing to do.

One thing I still don't get.

Why go through all

that trouble planting it

if we weren't gonna use that b*mb?


Hey, Fletcher, just a heads-up.

U.S. Marshals are on the way.

You are a fugitive, remember?


You think you're gonna make

this stick, your little setup?

Oh, no, of course not, course not.

You got the best lawyers,

plus you got your own

private security force, RIZ.

I mean, as long as you

can write those checks.

You are still paying the bills, right?

You might want to give them a call.

I will.

We'll see who's laughing then.

Yeah, what?


No, no.

What did you do?

What? I didn't do anything.

An incoming cell signal

just triggered a b*mb

that just detonated in vault one.

Everything inside is destroyed.

The jewels, the dr*gs,

the bearer bonds, the cash.

Everything belonging to my

clients in that vault is destroyed.

My clients are the most powerful

psychopaths on the planet.

Three of them have actual armies.

One of them has nukes, and

you blew up their safety net!

What do we do?

We run.

For the rest of our lives.

In his way, Corbett was

just as bad as Maxwell.

And we don't leave loose ends.


Hey, man, hey.

I need you to help me with something.

Anything, anytime.

New Orleans gumbo, man.

I think it deserves its own food group.




Wait, are those Eames chairs?



And, of course

- Whoo.

- Come on.

Harry's client's still in jail,

so I bought the place.

You know about this?

Well, I like it.

Place looks great, man.

I figured it was the least I could do.

Least you could do.

Well, I think it's the right call.

For now.

Did I miss something?

Family business.

Where are you going?

Sri Lanka.

Currency is under attack.

If I don't do something,

it could trigger a

total economic collapse.

Oh, great,

so if I want you here

with me, I'm pro-famine.


You should go.



want you to do this.

You know I wouldn't do it without

your blessing, right, babe?

But take Breanna with you.

Don't leave her with me.

So I finally got Nana on the phone.

About a week ago, FBI

came knocking on her door.

No worries. I mean, she's used to it.

But they weren't knocking for me.

What's she into?

Stolen credit cards.

Ransomware att*cks. DoD incursions.

All the same stuff you

were into at that age.


And you know where I was headed.

Until I met you.

Don't leave her with me.

Babe, she idolizes you.

Well, yeah. I mean, I'm awesome.

But I'm not a parent.

I know about a dozen

crews around the world

that would happily disagree.


The New Orleans base.

I'm almost sorry my little

reunion concert's come to an end.

Yeah, well

it could be a reunion tour.

No. I'm retired.

But it's so much more fun with you here.

And what's the first rule?

Crime is fun.

May not be my place to say

it I barely know you

but you do seem to be a lot happier

when you have someone

dancing on the string.


It's gotten worse out

there since you hung it up.

We could use the help.


let's not call it a tour.

A few intimate shows to start off with.

I have a proposition.

Oh. Sounds like someone's

been bitten by the bug.

Well, no, it's not just the rush.

Although that was a big part of it.

What you did for Maxwell's

victims, that was incredible.

But, no, I've been thinking

about something that he said.

Redemption is a process.

Hear me out.

These, uh

these people you pursue,

they don't just cheat anymore.

They rewrote the rules.

So now if they get caught,

they never really get punished.

I know how they think, I

know the laws they bend,

and I know who they pay off to do it.

- Let me be your inside man.

- Hmm.

I'll give him this:

He crafts a compelling argument.

Maybe I should get a disguise

closet. Some windbreakers.

DEA, FBI. Maybe a mustache.

Baby steps, our Mr. Wilson.

Maybe a beard?


Work on my accents a little bit?


Zipline. A zipline there?

No, run it up this