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03x09 - The Three-Card Monte Job

Posted: 06/27/23 07:36
by bunniefuu
[ speaks Russian ]

Vy poni'maete?

I think he understands.

This is a b*mb?

[ Russian accent ]
it's a phone.

Now you have two choices...

Either you do
what we're asking you to do,

Or I have to pay visit
to Natalia and little Sasha.

Eh? They go to school
same way every morning.

Did you know this?

Is not safe.


I'll do anything.

Okay. What I'm asking
for you to do is...

Answer this phone.

What are you supposed to do
when they call you?

I do whatever they ask.

Then destroy the phone
and tell no one,

Or they'll k*ll my children.

You, uh, install and repair
telephone lines for a living?

For 10 years.

I have three
major contracts right now.

If I'm arrested,
it all goes away.

And you have no idea why
they specifically targeted you?


I'm not perfect,
but I try to be a good man.

My parents came to Boston

To get away
from this kind of thing...

Russians hurting Russians.

And if you contacted
the police?

The Russians will know.

They say they're watching.

This bar,
I've been here before.

It's probably safe.

And you...

You're no cop.

No. I'm no cop.
[ beeping ]


This phone rings,
I want you to answer it.

We'll contact you.

Thank you, Mr. Ford.

We're not gonna let anything bad
happen to your family.

Thank you.

Okay, now,
I put a tap on the phone,

So if that thing rings,
we'll know it.

All right, good.
What else?

There's one incoming call.

These guys were thorough.

They wanted to make sure if they
called, Andrei would answer.

Yeah, they, uh,
they call it once to test it.


So if we just

[ cellphone rings ]

You going to get that?

[ ringing continues ]

This is Pieter.




You sure this is the place?

I'm sorry, am...
am I... am I sure?

Eliot, what is
that Russian carrying?

It's called a smartphone, okay?

Smartphones read e-mails,
they have GPS maps,

They link to an atomic clock

On this little thing
called the Internet.

You ever heard of it?

Come on, man.

Look, a smartphone
has an operating system.

If it has an operating system,
you know I can hack it.

[ beeping ]

[ chuckles ]


Think I may have just I.D.'d
our bad guy.

His name is Pieter Volokh.

Him and his crew, they used to
belong to the m-45s,

Ex-military hitters
turned mafia boys.

Now, they took a big hit
in a bust last month.

[ whistles ]

They lost $20 million
in merchandise to the police.

That's gotta hurt.

Okay, so... so now look.
We know what they're after.

They're looking
for a big-payout job

So that they can
get back on their feet.

Now, I've I.D.'d the perp,

I know what they want,
and I know why.

What did you do
with your afternoon?

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
when I get back there.

[ machine shuffling ]

[ shuffling continues ]

Think he's involved?

It's Russian mafia.

They wear their tattoos
like a résumé.

See that cathedral on his neck?

Three spires,
three tours in prison.

The stars on his arm
means he's a Captain.

So he's the boss?

I don't know.

I ran into some of these cats
in Petrozavodsk.

They blackmail innocent people
like Andrei

Into committing crimes
and dropping off money.

Then those guys get picked up
by the cops

Or they end up dead.

It's brutal.

Want me to taser him?

Nate: No tasering, Parker.
Not yet, anyway.

Are they still in sight?

I hate this kind of criminal.

What exactly were you doing
when I chased you?

I stole art from rich people
who could afford it.

These guys?
They terrorize their victims,

They harm families,
and the worst part?

They make innocent people
commit crimes.

Oh, that's the worst part?

[ scoffs ]

You blackmail an innocent man
into breaking the law,

The rest of his life
he's gonna feel shame

Over how you made him helpless,

Or guilt over
what you made him do.

We chose crime.
Andrei didn't.

Hurry up!

I hurried!

Then I hurried again!

I checked it three times.
It's clean.

Check it again.

[ metal creaks ]

[ beeping ]

What are you doing?




Mnh! Mnhhh!
[ crowbar clatters ]


You don't throw crowbars
at people!


"you don't throw crowbars
at people!"

Could have just tasered him.

Promise me we're gonna
take these guys down hard.

I promise.
Where are they going?

I want this to be exciting
and dramatic.

Well, it's already exciting.
Look where they stopped.

They reversed the phone tap.
We're blown.

They're gonna k*ll Hardison.

They're gonna k*ll who?
No, they ain't!

I bet you they ain't!
Nate, you better stall!

Yeah, come on.

[ both grunting ]

Wait... wait a minute.

Look, my only way out
is the front door.

Are they coming through
the front door?

I don't know.

What you mean you don't know?

You better say something.

I swear on my mama, I will blow
a hole through your bedroom

And spider-man
out the side of this building.

Tell me something.

We'll tell you something
in a second, Hardison.

We're coming through
the back door.



You're not gonna like this.


Somebody's been eating
our porridge.

You don't have to be so rough
with him. This guy...

Hardison: Nate?

Hold on, Hardison.
They're not here for you.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I knew it.

[ chuckles ]

Nobody can reverse
my phone taps.

Come on, man.

I don't see why
y'all were getting all excited.

All right, I'll do
whatever you say.

I still have the phone!

What else do you want from me?

The red phone again.

Nate, this guy's not our boss.

He's another blackmail victim.

Nate: Yes, I know.

I'm about to meet their boss.

Go on.

Hello, dad.


Give me a moment.
I want a word with my son.

Go on.

I got out a while ago.

Yeah, I-I know.
I knew you were out.

I didn't see you
at the prison gates

Waiting to pick me up.

Yeah, I was,
uh, visiting mom's grave.

So, uh, what's... what's
a washed-up bookie like yourself

Doing with a Russian
blackmailing crew?

I went to prison
'cause I took the fall

For the three families.

I did my time for them
like a stand-up guy.

You heard what happened.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was on the news.

Yeah, I heard what happened.

Artie van,
he turned state's evidence.

Turned state's evidence...
Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.

Gave up his ledger.

20 years of payoffs...

The McTeagues, the o'hares,
the donnellys...

All the big families
are going down by law.

Now, once upon a time,

They would take care of someone

Who's gone inside for them.

I went to jail for nothing.

I want to get my piece.

With these guys?

These guys that...
that thr*aten children?


Geez, you always thought
you were smarter than me,

Brighter, better than me.

Everybody in the neighborhood
always treated me with respect,

But my own son...
what did you do to respect,

My son, my altar-boy son.

Well, hey, listen to you.

Never broke the law,
you never broke a rule.

Look at you now.
You're a thief.

You've done time.

If you know where I've been,

Then you know
that this is my town now.

And I don't want you
running game in it.

All your life you thought
you were better than me.

Now you're trying to be me?

You can't be me.

You don't have the stones
for that.

You're not tough enough.
You're not ruthless enough.

You don't have what it takes.

You remember the first time
I brought you into my office?

Queen and her court.

Got that? Watching?

Keep your eye on this.

It's the lady.

Now, pay attention.

Which one?

You still don't get it, do you?

You got to
think this through, kid.

You're just never gonna get it.

You weren't good enough
to know what I was doing then

And you ain't good enough
to know what I'm doing now.

By the way, I'm setting up, uh,

In my old workshop
in the back there.

I'll be out by this weekend,
so don't worry about it.

Okay. Run it.


Go ahead. Run it.

You... you know what?

Maybe we should
just discuss first.

They feel weird
going after your dad.
Well, I don't.

Come on. Run it.
Jimmy Ford.

tell us about Jimmy Ford.

All right.
[ beeping ]

Uh [clears throat]

Jimmy, Jimmy Ford.

Jimmy... your pop.

He... he wore
a lot of criminal hats, man.

But, uh, he was, well-known
in the neighborhood.

I think people liked him.

He, uh, helped some people
get some money.

Forget it.
No, no.

Come on,
you can't sugarcoat it.

Come on. It's all right.
It's all right.
All right.

You got to tell it like it is,
all right?

Jimmy Ford...
he was, uh...

He started off as a bookie

Who worked for the McTeagues,
all right?

He ran every bet
this side of Atlantic city.

Once he had a fair amount
of honest citizens in his debt,

Well, he made the transition
into being a loan shark.

Now, he used those contacts
to become a fixer.

So what he'd do is he'd take
a bad guy that needed a job

And a boss who needed a
henchman, match them together.

That... that's Jimmy Ford
at his peak.

King of the neighborhood.

Sophie: I don't know
how this ties in

With the whole
cellphone/blackmail thing.

Well, we've got
multiple victims.

There's Andrei,
the telephone repair guy.

Then there's
Eliot's friend Simakov.

What does he do?
Hardison: Shipping.

Industrial clothing, uniforms.
Nothing remarkable.

Then, following Pieter's phone,

We found a third red phone.

Eliot: That's a dead end.

We don't know who this guy is
or what he does

Or why the Russians want him.

And he's not gonna talk to us

'cause Pieter's boys already
put the fear of God in him.

What is Jimmy's game?

Well, I would imagine

He has a chess board set up
in the back room.

Looks a lot like yours.

No, dad doesn't like chess.

No, his game
is three-card Monte.

Just keep the cards moving.

Don't show you the queen until
he wants you to see the queen.

All right, so,
we don't have enough information

To run a con on this guy.

Not yet, anyway.

So, um, why don't we just
sit this one out?

Oh, no, no.

No, no, we're gonna
keep at this.

We're gonna gather information.

Let me be a bit clearer...

Why don't you
sit this one out?

Look, you want us
to go after the bad guys,

We're gonna
go after the bad guys!

And we're gonna
go after them hard!

Yeah, right.

I said, "let's go after
the bad guys."

But not Jimmy Ford.

You honestly think
that you can put your
own father behind bars?

You got to stop
looking at him as my father.

He's a mark
like any other mark.

He's hurting people.

We can do this.
It's what we do.

It's our job
to go after the bad guys.

It's not your job
to take down your own father.

It's my pleasure.

[ beeping ]
hey, guys, Andrei,
our first victim...

He just got a call.

Okay. Let's go.

All right, Andrei's scared,

But he's told us
what they've asked him to do.

He's been tapped
because of his access.

Now, he's supposed to
get into the precinct

On one of his routine
maintenance calls

And install a black box.

With that, the Russians can
spoof phone calls

Off the hardwired phone trunk.

Can you turn it off remotely?

No, the system's too antiquated
for a digital hack.

So Jimmy can control which
alarms reach the precinct

And which don't.

Like silent alarms?
From banks?

Or any building
with a high security system.

So if we can't hack it,
how do we stop him, then?

Unh-unh. No, no, no.
We mustn't stop him.

If Andrei doesn't
do what they say,

Then they're gonna
go after his family.

All right, so [clears throat]
we don't stop him.

We help him.

[ sighs ]


[ handcuffs click ]

[ police radio chatter,
telephones ringing ]

[ Boston accent ] what?

Hey, hey, hey, bartender!
Get me a drink!

Eliot: Quiet down.

Detective Moffat.

This is Detective Davies.
We're with district eight.

What do you got?


Who the hell are you, cupcake?
Huh? Huh?

You want to know who I am?

I'm viola.

[ singsong voice ]
viola Dagostino.

Of the Dagostinos.

We got her husband,
we got a brother,

And both uncles up at eight.

Got her on
a drunk and disorderly,

Heaven knows that's not gonna
keep her away for long,

We got to store her somewhere
away from the press.

Yeah, I got you.
Let me call it in.
All right.

Nate, incoming.

[ cellphone rings ]

[ Boston accent ]
eighth district here.

Ah, yes, yes.

She's a handful.

One little drink.

Okay, you're good.

Just take her downstairs
to the drunk t*nk. It's empty.


Sophie: [ normal voice ]

Come on!

[ scoffs ] make it snappy!

Being handcuffed
in a police station

Is a recurring
bloody nightmare of mine.

Eliot: How do we look?

This baby's a lot more
sensitive than what
Andrei has access to.

We can block alarms,

We can trigger alarms,
but most importantly,

We can track alarms.

[ beeping ]
it should be synchronized.

[ beeping ]

[ normal voice ]
all right, we're good.

Let's get the hell
out of here, then.

Unh-unh. No.

My exit is with Parker.

See you on the outside,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Where's he at?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
He's gone!

Lucille 2.0!

He's off comms.

He's off the reservation.

I know what he's up to.

You interfered.

How unlike you.

Where I come from,
this is not tolerated.

We're nowhere near where
you come from, so just shut up.

Let me tell you what I did.

I know what you did. You, uh,
let our repairman loose.

Well, this repairman, you know,
was a liability, all right?

he could've panicked,

Or he could've tipped off any
of those cops at the precinct.

I mean, he's, um,
he's not like us.


Us. Yeah.


You know, using a civilian
was a brute-force move,

But, uh, let me show you
a more elegant way of doing...

[ g*ns cock ]
whoa, whoa!
No, that's all right.

I'm just, uh, I'm getting
a remote-control device

Out of my pocket, fellas.

All right?

I just want to show you

A more elegant way of doing
business with this remote.

You have much finer control
over your phone lines

Than you could ever hope for.

Now, this is an unexpected gift
from you, my son.

Thank you very much.

Now you can go.

No, no, no.

No, no.

Only I control the box.

You try to take this from me,

I will destroy the black box.

I will.

All right?
I'll do it remotely.

Didn't see this coming.

Like I said,
this is my town now.

You want to pull a job this big
in my town...

I want in.

He's setting us up
I just got out of prison. Ops.

You escaped.
And yet, you do not run.

Why is this? Huh?

Because you are,
how do you say, a narc.

If you'd done your homework,

You'd know
that I set up a warden,

Brought him down, and got myself
a free pass at the same time.

Nobody could do this.

I did from inside a prison.

Now, if I can do that,
think what I could do for you.

Or to you.

Well, carrot in one hand,
stick in the other.

That's a hard way
to come at them.

Well, I learned from the best.

He's in.

[ inhales sharply ]


What's the plan?

All right.

Pay attention.

I don't like you.

Gee, does that mean I can't
come to your birthday party

And ride the pony?

First Boston Independent,

State street branch
of the Boston bank,

loan and securities.


First independent's
got a Glenn-reeder alarm
system, series f-900.

Two guards in the front,

one guard in the back.

Cameras record... not monitored.

Daily turnover... $2 million.

State street... mostly
commercial papers and loans,

But they do have bearer bonds
in a basement lockdown room.

Just takes a key
and a retina scanner.

they... [laughs]

Their alarm system's a holdover
from the '70s,

But... [laughs]

But it's...


What do you guys do
on your weekends?

There's something wrong
with you.

So, which one's he gonna hit?

None of them?

None of them.

But, see, since we control
the precinct alarm system,

The cops are gonna think
they're being robbed.

Now, think of this, Nathan...

Three banks being robbed
at the same time.

They're gonna think
it's Armageddon.

Every cop in town

Is gonna be heading
towards those three banks.

Yeah. And away from...?


Away from what?
Nate: I don't know.

He won't tell me.

He won't tell me yet.

You realize how many banks
there are South of the precinct?


Jimmy: You keep your eye
on the queen.

You learn this,
you'll be in good stead.

Now, pay attention.

Are you watching at all?

That's the best you can do?

It's not the best you can do.

What, are you being
a wise guy with me?

Okay, guys, it's three-card
Monte, see?

We got to find the red queen.

Right now, we got
too many cards in play.

There's still the third phone.

That's for you and Eliot.

You're gonna find the guy,
get his story, all right?

Sophie, downstairs...

That equipment in the back
is used for the job.

Go get us a look.
Okay. I'll take Parker.

What are you gonna do?

Me? I'm gonna go get my father
to, uh, trust me enough

To tell me the whole plan.

I'm gonna go help him
plan a bank robbery.

Jimmy: That's
George Pimsleur...

Works at
Hancock alarm security,

And in that briefcase
is a binder

With all the schematics
and codes

Of all the alarm systems
they installed,

Including the alarm system
on our real target.

Which is what?

Oh, my boys kick his teeth in,
they take his wallet,

His briefcase, watch, maybe...

And over in five minutes.

Eh, well, we could.

Or we could, uh,
take what we want,

And the mark never knows
he's been hit.

How many men?

Two. You and me.

[ laughs ]

What... what are we doing?

Okay, you got to...
you got to limp.

Which leg?
Your left leg.

All right. We're gonna
do the pill scam.

There you go.

Excuse me, sir?

I'm sorry to bother you.

Do you have change for a $20?

Uh, the machine's
broke over here.

I got to get my car out.
Got to get my dad to dialysis.

Yeah, yeah.
Sure, sure. Hang on.

Thank you so much.


Oh, no! Oh!

Oh, dad. Oh, dear.

Those are so expensive.
I appreciate your...

My mom's got heart trouble.

These damn pills
cost a fortune, I know.

Yeah. There's one
over there, too. Yeah.

Ah, I sure appreciate that.

You all right there, dad?

Yeah, yeah, feel just fine.

Okay, we're almost...

Your mother...
Thank you.

Would be very proud of you.

No problem, sir.

You both take care now.

Nice of the guy.

That's not bad.
Oh, well, thank you.

It worked out,
didn't it?
My little boy.

[ cellphone beeping ]

Oh, Hardison got background
on Pieter.

Okay, ex-soviet army,
three counts armed robbery.

No, no, no.
I want the good stuff.

Give it to me.

All right.

He's from Lipetsk.
That is close to Penza.

And his mother's name is Rada.

Okay, so what are we thinking?
The Berlin shuffle?

Little orphan Annie.

Excuse me.

Need this?

Thanks, Parker.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
You cannot come in here!

[ Boston accent ]
oh! Sorry. Sorry.

I-I-I-I... oh!

[ gasps ]

Ugh, chyort voz'mi!

Vy russkaya?

You're Russian?

Oh, no, no, no.
[ laughs ]

Nuh-unh. No.

That was, uh, something
my father used to say.

Is it bad?

No, it's not so bad.
[ chuckles ]

Your parents are Russian?

Yeah, from, um...
oh, uh...

Penzo? I...

I'm from Lipetsk.

What is your name?


No, this is
my mother's name... rada.

Shut up!

I wish I did
speak some Russian.

You know, my mom and dad died
when I was just a little kid,

And she didn't want me
speaking it, so...

And for you to say
"my name's rada,"

Menya zovut rada.

No, no, no,
you got to go slower.

[ chuckles ]

Mañana... no!

That's Spanish!
[ laughs ]

[ intermittent beeping ]

Hardison: Yeah, next red phone
is right ahead.

We just got to figure out
who has it.

Officer: Hey, Moffat!


[ both laugh ] how you doing?

What are you guys doing
back in our district?

Oh, uh, I think you guys
are holding a g*n

That was tagged
in a case we caught.
Hey, let me
get you one here.

This is the best coffee
this side of town.
All right.

You know, you want to
get in there before
the shift changes.

'cause that evidence...

That ships out to Holyoke
first thing tomorrow morning.

[ beeping ]
and that is a drive
you do not want to make.

I don't want
to make that drive.
[ laughing ] no!

There you go.
Thank you so much.

All right, good to see you.

Thank you so much for this.

[ chuckles ]

You sure
that's the same red phone?


Look, is it me or does
this make less sense

Every time
we find something out?

Pretty much.

Jimmy: [ laughing ]
it sure is.

You were supposed to call us!

To hit the alarm man.

Ah, yeah, well, Nathan here...

He took care of it
with a little soft touch.


Nate: Ah. Yes, please.

It's OD work.
Here you go, Sonny boy.

Yeah, zeah.

You can go.

No, actually,
I'm not going anywhere.

He says I'm in, I'm in.

I am so sick of this idea
about you...

Stop waving that g*n in my face.
You're so tough, prove it.

Ah! All right.

Go on in there.
Come on. I got your back.

Thanks, dad.
Yeah, yeah.

There you go.

Come on.
We don't have to do this.

It's all right.

[ punches landing ]

[ glass breaks ]

[ groans lightly ]

"stop waving a g*n in my face
and prove it."

[ both laugh ]

Yeah, well, I had
to have it out with the guy.

I mean, I'd rather
he punch me in the face

Than sh**t me in the back.

No, no. You really went at it
back there.

What was it you
used to always say to me?

"you're too much
of a thinker, Nathan.

You need to, uh, be... be
more of a scrapper to survive."

Yeah, well, I'm never wrong.

That, too,
you used to always say.

[ chuckles ]

Well, I gotta tell you,

I doubted your intentions
when you came to join this lot.

Join this lot? No.

Joining you.


These guys,
they're a dime a dozen, pop.

I mean...

Yeah, but that dime a dozen

Are getting tougher every year,
ain't it?

What do you hope to get

Out of this, uh,
this plan you're cooking up?

Without giving you
any particulars,

I plan to make a small fortune
out of this, Nathan.

Wait, wait, wait.

So one last job?

If there's enough money
in it, yeah.

Okay. And then?

Get on a boat.

Go back to where
your grandfather came from.

You know, uh, you still got

Some pretty cousins
back there, you know.

So... all right, so...

This... this...
this big last score,

And the great Jimmy Ford,
what, goes to Ireland to retire?


That's quite a picture.

You ever wish
ma was joining you?

She didn't really
understand me, Nathan.

But she loved me.

That's more important.

[ normal voice ]
you were up late.

Yeah, I was out trying to get
information from my dad.

Oh, good.

So you know what bank
he's gonna hit, then.

Today's the day.

I know.

Nate, this would be
really hard on anyone.

You don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.

I'm the only one who can.

[ sighs ] [ door closes ]

All right, dear old dad,

You're now
gonna tell me everything,

Because I...

No, come on.

[ sighs ]

All right,
go on in there.

Come on.
I got your back.
Thanks, dad.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There you go.

Nate, what's the deal?
He cleared out.

They're on the job, and we have
no idea what the job is.

We got the warehouse guy
and the coffee guy...

No, no, we have no idea
what he's doing.
...Already in play.

[ men speaking Russian ]

Look what I found in the alley.

Oh, great.
A map that we've seen before.

Hey, this is
not her fault.

You're the one who let your dad
walk out of here.

Oh, good, we got our room back.

Nate, the plans you got were
from the Hancock alarm company.

We just need Hardison
to figure out

How many banks in this radius
have got Hancock alarms.


Assuming it is a bank.

'cause I don't know
what you would be doing

With one of these in a bank.

It's the same one
that Parker saw in Pieter's bag.

A bar-code scanner.

It scans a bar-code label

And compares it
to a remote database.

But what are they
doing with it?

We still got the coffee guy
in play. What's he up to?

It's a lot of cops, man.

Uh, maybe he's drugging them.

Slows down response time.

That's a good idea.
He could have drugged them.

You think he'd drug the whole
precinct? Come on!

All right, which one?

You're not paying attention.

Pay attention.

Are you watching at all?

We got the lady here.

Which one?

We got to start all over again?

Pay attention.
Think about it.

You're never gonna get this,
are you?

You're just never gonna get it.

These are not queens!
You understand me?!

Don't get me pissed off!

Does it look like
there's a queen in there?

You're never gonna get this,
are you?

You can't figure that out
for yourself?

I want an answer.

Guys, I know where he's going.

What's the trick
to three-card Monte?

The queen's never even
on the table.

It's not a bank.

Hardison, where do the police
keep evidence,

I mean
the really valuable stuff?

That evidence,
that ships out to Holyoke

First thing tomorrow morning.

In the district,
then they transfer it out.


The Russians.

Remember that big bust
last month?

They lost $20 million
in merchandise to the police.

That's gotta hurt.

They got to get dr*gs, g*ns,
and $20 million.

It's on the move.


That's correct.

Ready to get out of here, boys?



Come on, guys.
Let's go.
All right.

[ beeping ]

[ beeping ]

[ monitor beeps ]

Whoa, we got a silent alarm call
at First Boston Independent.

[ beep ]

[ beeping ]

[ monitor beeps ]
oh, we got
another alarm call.

This one is at
Boston bank at state.

[ monitor beeping ]
we got a third one!
It's commonwealth.

this is district nine duty.

We have got multiple code ones
at the following sites...

Don't just stand there.
Roll out.

Get some backup
to the cruisers.

Who do I bring?
Get everybody out there!

Come on, let's go!
Let's go!

Yeah, I need every available
unit rolling immediately.

First Boston,
Boston bank state street,

Commonwealth loan and
securities, a multiple code one.

[ man yawns ]

You okay?

I can't seem
to keep my eyes...Open.

No, I can't get
any confirmation.

I told you, Boston bank,

First Boston Independent,
and commonwealth.

Evidence transfer?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're good.

I just need bodies out there.

Get the 2nd, the 4th,
the 10th districts over there.

[ siren wailing, tires screech ]

All right, you know the plan.

Run and hack
at the same time... sure.

All right, wait...
wait a second.

Let's go over this,
all right? Stop.

Why don't you just
tell the cops everything?

The Russians
could start sh**ting.

Still, there's enough cops
to handle...
all right,
we stick to the plan,

The Russians
will go down.
And your father.

Oh, I've got him.

I want to look him in the eye
when I put him down.

Yeah, you're expecting us.

Where's your transfer order?

That's it.

Let me see that.

[ grunts ]

All right.
Start your timer.

Five-minute grace,
then the system resets.

All the evidence
is bar-coded.

You'll find your stuff
in here someplace...

All your g*ns, all your dr*gs.

[ beeping ]

Okay, it's good.

[ speaking Russian ] go, go!

[ Boston accent ] oh,
look at that! That's him!

He's the one!

Officer, my name is
I'm Jimmy Popodokolos,

And I represent
miss Dagostino here.

We're a little busy here.

Every cop in the world is
hitting the streets right now.

I am gonna Sue you...

And I am gonna
Sue the city.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Here's the thing...
what we need to do is

I want to see the department's
legal counsel right now.

Just wait over there.

I'll have somebody escort you
down to legal in a minute.

You better listen to him,
wise guy.
You're doing
the right thing.

Rolling immediately to first
Boston Independent, Boston...

[ dial clicking ]

[ lock disengages ]

Artie van's ledger.

It's gonna end right here, dad.

You ready?

How'd you know?

Oh, you'd never
take the money and run.

$5 million's a lot of money,

For you,
it's never about the money.

I knew that growing up,
watching you.

It was about respect for you.

Artie van's ledger.

Yeah, they made copies.

Oh, you know
that won't hold up.

The original disappears,

The case against
the big families goes away,

And who do they owe?

Jimmy Ford,
the biggest fixer in town.

Let's join up.

Together, we can run this town.

It's too late.

What do you mean?

My people are gonna take down
the Russians,

And any minute now, the cops are
gonna come through that door.

I'm not going back to prison.

All right.
[ g*n cocks ]

Right here.

You can't do this.

I could, but...

You're your mother's son.



Get out.

[ smooches ]


Move, move, move!

[ scanner beeps ]

Pieter: Napkins?!

This cannot be right! Time!

Is this the right time?
I keep scanning.

More boxes! More boxes!

Move, move!

You let him go.


I had to.

I know.

[ sighs heavily ]

[ scanner beeps ]

[ Gate shuts, alarm sounds ]

No, no, no, no, no!
It's not time!


Stupid thing!

Age of the gig, baby.
Stay strong.

[ groans in frustration ]

Don't move!
Hands in the air!

Well, look at this.

You guys did everything
but cuff yourselves.

Help 'em out, boys.

Aidan McTeague.

J... yeah, this is Jimmy Ford.

Damn straight.

Say, I got some good news
for you.

J... yeah, this is Jimmy Ford.

Damn straight.

Say, I got some good news
for you.

Yeah, I got The Ledger
right here.

What's that? What... what would
you want to do that for?


Uh, Jimmy Ford
for Bridgette O'Hare.

It's a gift.


Ronin Donnelly, I worked
for your father for 30 years.

I wouldn't...

Well, no, no, I...

Mr. Donnelly, it's not true.

[ g*nf*re ]

Oh, God.

[ cellphone rings ]


Nathan, what the hell
have you done?

Yeah, I called
each of the families.

I told them that
you were the one

Who stole the evidence
against them.

They were grateful.

Until I laid out the deal.

He wants $500,000 to destroy it.

Otherwise, it goes right back
to the evidence room.

Not a Penny less, Mr. McTeague.

You blackmailed them?

No. You blackmailed them.

They almost k*lled me.

Of course they did.

Yeah, you've got
a price on your head

That's bigger than
most of my team's scores.

I mean, who wouldn't want
that kind of scratch?

You want me k*lled, then?

See that boat behind you?

You're running me out of town?

My own son?

Cheap passage booked
under "jimmy Logue."

You'll be in Galway
in two weeks.


Your mother's maiden name.

How sweet of you.

Oh, you better hurry up.

A man with no suitcase
is likely to look suspicious,

So try to act natural.

You betrayed your own father.

You're more ruthless than me.

Crueler than me.


Maybe you are
better than me, huh?

I'm proud of you, son.

Hey, enjoy your retirement.

[ normal voice ] that was...

Kind, what you did.

So, uh, is Nate
gonna be nice now?

Don't count on it.