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01x11 - The Juror #6 Job

Posted: 06/27/23 07:31
by bunniefuu
Come to bed.

It's 4:00 a. m. and you have
to be at work in three hours.

I know,
I'm almost finished.

You said that
two hours ago.

Five more minutes.

I'm counting.

Enough studying.

Gloria, Gloria!

Oh, my God, Ernesto!
Ernesto! No! No!

You told me to get
us into the penthouse.

Yeah, by following my plan, Parker.

By getting us all in safely.

Did the elevator decapitate you?

Did it decapitate you?

Actually, from this angle it looks
pretty close on the decapitation.

Hey, Ford, you need to go talk to her.

It's not the first time
she's gone loco. I'm serious.

Parker? Parker?

I think what
everyone's feeling

is that if you want to take insane
risks on your own time, then go ahead.

But when we're on a job, you
have to consider the rest of us.

Excuse me.
This isn't for me.

It's addressed to
somebody named Alice White.

You are Alice White.

It's one of the aliases I made for you.


She had a pretty wild time at
her sister's wedding in Phoenix.

You should check out
her Facebook page.

Alice White
has jury duty.

Damn, I am good.


Alice thanks you for
getting her out of it.

No. No.

Jury duty, a place where you
have to follow instructions.

Where you have to consider
other people's point of view.

There's going to be
normal people there.

No, no, no. You're not
getting out of this.

Alice White is reporting
for jury duty.

Subtitles edited by

Ernesto Vargas was a husband,
a father of two daughters,

a warehouse manager and
he went to night school.

He needed more energy.
So he bought this.

Fast Life.

It's an all-natural energy supplement

that was produced by
that man, William Quint.

We'll show that Fast Life caused
Ernesto Vargas' fatal heart attack.

And that Mr. Quint knew the
dangers that his product posed

when he put it
on the market.

All Ernesto wanted
was more time.

And that's the only
thing we can't give him.

I hope the rest of
this case is this good.

What did you have for
breakfast? You smell like gravy.


Mr. Lewis, are you ready to
make your opening statement?

Yes, Your Honor.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Do it just like
we rehearsed, Henry.

It's been tailor made
for this jury.

We all want to believe
that future tragedies

can be prevented if we hold
someone, anyone, accountable.

Maintain eye contact, you're
losing juror number four.

But common sense will tell you that
not all tragedies can be prevented.

And when you
rush to judgment,

lives are ruined

and an honest businessman can
have his life's work destroyed.

Who is she?
What is she looking at?

Alice White, bookkeeper.

She's been zoning in and out
all morning. Could be confused.

Nothing's more dangerous
than the confused

when they think
they know something.

So, my video wall, plus live
TV and full Sunday action in HD.

It's incredible.

What do you think?

Right? Right?

I think it's funny.

You know, it reminds me a bit of rugby,

except, well, you Americans,
you wear the helmets

and the pads and everything,
so you don't get hurt.

Oh, you didn't.

Ah, Parker, how is
juror number six today?

Good, okay, here it is...
Oh, fumble.

I think there's something
dirty going on with this trial.

And that the woman who lost her
husband is going to get hurt even worse,

and that we should,
you know, get involved.

Involved? What are you... Could you...

No, no, no. You don't understand.
They had hidden cameras,

and the lawyers had coms, like our com.

First, move.

Second, nobody has our coms.

Parker, listen, there is
not some evil conspiracy

lurking behind the curtain of
every routine civic activity.

I make our com.
Me, I make them.

Ain't nobody got our com,
do what I do.

Now, what's happening is you're
on a boring jury trial, okay?

Now, could you...

Parker! Just...

All right.

You know, she's never
done that before.

What, stormed out?
Come on.

No, asked for our help.


Listen, there's a reason
we put her in a jury trial.

You know what, man?
When I was a...

I was a kid, I was
like eight years old,

I had a foster mom
who was Jehovah's Witness.

She used to dress me up
in a suit and a bow tie

and take me door to
door to spread the word.

Black neighborhoods, white
neighborhoods, it didn't matter.

I would kick, I'd scream or
whatever, but she would say,

"Alec, you need to learn
how to talk to people. "

See, everything I learned about people

I learned ringing
doorbells and in a bow tie.

Parker never had that.

I mean, jumping from
a skyscraper? She's cool.

But making small talk,
it's like pure terror.

Just cut her some slack.

How about them, boys?
Come on.

What'd I miss?

Eliot, going to need you to go
with Parker to check something out.

All right.

Yeah, now.

Right now?
Yeah, right now. Yeah.

Right now?

You just go
get Parker and...

Thanks for the beer.

I'll tell you what, this
is not happening, Bubba.

You ain't
taking my beer.

I'm outside.

You're late.


I just spent eight hours
sitting in a plastic chair

while some ambulance
chaser called me a k*ller.

I paid for that chair.

If you don't like it, go home
and suck back some incense.

Always a pleasure, Miss Earnshaw.

Who's Earnshaw?

I'm on it.

I think maybe I should settle
this case and be done with it.

It's not up
to you anymore.

You want to buy
my company, buy it.

You don't, don't.

But it's my tuchas
that's on the line here.

The only thing
you have on the line

is your penny ante granola
company. I could lose everything.

Winning is
the only option.

You go behind my back and
try to settle this case,

I will bury you.

Are we clear?

That kind of jury profiling
costs a fortune.

At the trial they said
Quint's company was tiny.

Now we see
what they see.

Damn. They hacked the
courtroom security feed

and planted
their own cameras.

That's what
I would have done.

They got there first.

All right,
we have a new client.

Apparently there
is an evil conspiracy

lurking behind the curtain of every
routine, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Gloria Vargas is
suing William Quint

over the wrongful
death of her husband.

Now it should be a simple, low
stakes wrongful death suit...

But Quint has help.

Tobey Earnshaw of
Earnshaw Pharmaceutical.

Her father founded the
company and he's still CEO.

Why does a drug heiress
care about a lawsuit

against a tiny
supplements company?

'Cause without telling
Daddy or the executive board,

Earnshaw sank 20 million
into R&D for Fast Life,

in anticipation of
buying the company.

Now if Live Herbally loses this trial,

then thousands of other lawsuits
just like it will fall out of the sky.

The buyout falls through.

Yeah, and Earnshaw's out on her ass.

To protect an investment
she knows kills people,

Earnshaw is going to
destroy this young widow.

Well, then we have to win
the court case for Gloria.

We can't.

No, guys, we got into this way too late.

I mean, the best we can hope for
is to con Quint into a settlement.

No, Earnshaw took
settlement off the table.

So, then, you know, we try to
convince him to put it back up.

Hello. Earnshaw ran a
credit check on Alice White.

Who's Alice White?

You are.


She's going
to buy the jury.

Not if we steal it first.

Who plays chess?

I play.

Yeah, of course you do.

All right, a chess game
has three stages, right?

I mean, you got your opening,
you have middle and end game.

In the opening you want to
take control of the board

and you want to
line up your attack

and you want to
protect the king,

which, ironically, is the
weakest piece you have.

You know this is a trial,

Earnshaw has already
overpowered the Vargas defense.

And she's buying a juror.

Now that is a fast,
aggressive opening gambit.

Really, so we need to
break her momentum here.

This is what we do, so,
Parker, what I need you to do is

I need you to,
we need to stall the trial.

So you're going to get all
of those jurors to trust you.


Conversation, compliments.

You're going to be fine.


And this is Emily, she's the eldest.

And her sister Anne
and little Charlotte.

She's the
baby of the family.

Oh, that one's really cute.

What's wrong with that one? It
looks like a dog in a baby suit.

Figure out what her line
of attack is. Go digging.

Figure out who her
pawn on the jury is.

I've got financial traces
on all the jurors' accounts.

Maybe it shows up
as cash in a suitcase?

Go digging.

It's your turn to
be in the dumpster.

No, man, no, I...
I have peanut allergies.

What if somebody threw in
some extra crunchy Skippy?

Then, you know,
it's just...

All up in my vocal area.

Do you want to give me mouth to mouth?

No, none of us want that,
hell no.

Heads up.


go after our king.

Olivia Smythe Pattel.

Chief marketing officer of
Mumbai International Limited.

Mumbai? Indian.


British father,
Indian mother.

I'm very spiritual.

Your reputation precedes you.

Well, I have a Zen garden.

Mumbai is looking to branch out
from prescription medications

into the herbal
supplement market.

We were thinking an acquisition
would be the best play.

You want to
buy my company?

I'm sorry,
I already have another offer.

No, what you
have is a joke.

Now you have an offer.

I retain stock options?
Control of the company?


Much, much better than
Earnshaw is offering you.

Mr. Quint,

every CEO of every company
that Earnshaw has bought

has been forced
into early retirement.

As soon as she buys you
out, she kicks you out.

We prefer to keep the man
that built this company,

honor the spirit
that built this house.

How much money
are we talking?

You serious?

I flew 14,000 kilometers
to give you that number.

That's a very long trip.

That's a very long number.

Quint's on the hook.

He went to Mumbai International
Limited's website to check out Sophie.

It's a real company?

Cover story's better that
way. Just changed this

to this.

Anything in the garbage?

Well, juror number one,
that's the jury foreman,

there's nothing hinky
in his finances,

but in his garbage I found
an envelope for a passport,

a receipt for two tickets
to Fiji, luggage, these.

Yeah, wrappers
for US cash, yeah.

Somebody came into cash
and just had to count it.

They paid
off the jury foreman.

Okay, today did not go
well, but that's all right.

You know,
we learn when we fail.

We're gonna
go back to basics

and we're gonna do
a little role-play.

We're going to start with
persuasion techniques.

So Eliot has an apple.

Alice has an orange.

I love apples.

Apples are
my favorite fruit.

Good for you, Sparky.

I don't have to
sit here and take this.

Come on,
just do it for me.

You have an orange,
all right?

Now convince me that I want
the orange, not the apple.

I'm gonna take a bite. You...

I put a razor blade in that apple.

Are you serious?


But do you know what doesn't
have a razor blade in it?

This orange.

Don't you want it?

You fell for that?


The foreman's the pawn?

Make him go away, Parker.

Sorry, excuse me.

That's okay.

Can I help you?

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Oh, sure.

Hey, you got the time?

Excuse me, has anyone seen my watch?

It was a gift
from my grandfather.

My locket, someone stole
my locket. Somebody...

Oh, my...

Hold on, I... I have no
idea where that came from.

He stole all
of our stuff.

I didn't do that.


Sorry, excuse me. Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. Thanks.

Did somebody else
lose a watch?


There you go.

Hey, I know who our
new foreman should be.

Yeah, yeah!

Here's to
the new foreman.

Yes. To Alice.

The jury foreman?
I know.

You said
it was in the bag.

Mr. Quint,
I am who I am today

because I know how to turn
every failure into a success.

I work every angle, I
anticipate every contingency.

Mr. Richards.

I'd love to talk to you about some
exciting retirement opportunities.

Where's the
Vargas lawyer?

No, I have no idea.

The bailiff just said
he didn't show up.

You heard?

What happens if the Vargas'
lawyer just disappears?

But Earnshaw needed a win.

Close enough. Mistrial means
they'll have to start all over again.

Gloria Vargas can't
afford any more lawyers,

she'll have to
drop the suit.

We take a pawn, Earnshaw takes a knight.

And lucky for us,
we have more than one.

All rise, court is now in session.

The Honorable Judge Durham presiding.

Be seated.

Mrs. Vargas, do you have any
idea where your attorney is?

Mrs. Vargas, I may have no
choice but to declare a mistrial.

Forgive my tardiness,
Your Honor.

I'll be acting as attorney
for the plaintiff.

I don't understand.

I'm Joseph Miller, I'm your
new court-appointed attorney.

They have court-appointed
attorneys for civil lawsuits?

Do you trust your government,
Miss Vargas?

Why, yes, of course.

Then let me handle this.

He's never going
to win this case.

No, he's just, uh...

May I approach the bench, Your
Honor? ... stalling for time.

Long enough for
Quint to take your offer.

Come on up.

Your Honor, I don't like to trash talk.

But my predecessor
was not as thorough

as he could have been
when presenting this case.

For example,

I would like to add some
witnesses to the witness list.

Is that a high
school yearbook?

Yes it is.

You see, my intent is to show
that Ernesto Vargas led an active

and very vibrant life.

And these 430 people will testify
that he did so even as a youth.

Motion denied.

Oh, okay.

You know, I have photos that
I would like to introduce,

from a vacation,

the opposing counsel

It's all from his website,
very public.

I object.

As well you should. You
shouldn't be doing that.

Seriously. I mean,
you don't have the body.

Counselor, anything else?


I have quite
a few more things.

I just feel like he went on
and on forever this morning.

I'm starving.

Me, too. I could k*ll for a steak.

Wait, I thought
you were a vegetarian.

Oh, yeah,
I meant a bean steak.

A steak
made out of beans,

held together
with soy glue.

Alice, we all
cheat a little.

I mean,
I'm a nutritionist

and I spend all day teaching
people to eat healthy.

But if I have a bad day, I go home
and plow into a tub of ice cream.

Wait. Wait a second. That was a secret.

You just told me
a secret, right?

That's something
friends do.

Well, I guess so.

I mean, you're
the nicest one here.

Really? I mean, thanks.

Who is this guy?

I want every frame of
this footage analyzed.

I want the analysts working overnight.

I need to
ask you something.

Lunch is almost over,
get back to the trial.

Joseph Miller, Georgetown
Pre-Law, Harvard Law with honors?

This can't be right.

This guy's hourly rate
has to be more than

what our grieving
widow makes in a month.

Ma'am, it all checks out. Unless
Gloria Vargas found some guy

who created a CIA level
cover story and fake identity.

What's my position after the sale?

I know, after the
sale, I have stock.

But what am I doing in the company?

Making pottery in New Mexico.

Whatever you'd like to do
with your free time, Mr. Quint.

But what if
I want to stay?

I have invested millions
into Live Herbally.

I have invested millions
into this trial.

Whatever you want
is irrelevant.

Why did you offer
me that much money?

Getting nervous
about your trial?

It's twice what my company's worth.

Wait, who's that?

The guy talking to the Vargas lawyer?

No, her.

Raid Quint's computer,
his calendar, his emails,

pull out the call logs and
the GPS records from his phone.

I want to know who that is.

India's a very exciting
place right now, Mr. Quint.

Millions of locals working
outsourced American jobs,

customer service,

almost exclusively
working graveyard shift.

Millions of people who
desperately need to stay awake.

Fast Life would be
a sensation in India.

How many sales
are we talking?

India has a billion people.

All I need is for you to settle
your current legal matters.

We can't go into business
with you with bad press.

Earnshaw says if we settle, we
open ourselves up to other lawsuits.

We don't care
about more lawsuits.

With a billion people
in the workforce,

a few deaths won't
raise an eyebrow.

won't crack down?

Mr. Quint, it takes five
years to get a parking permit.

This trial's
got me pinned down.

I need to see
your operations.

Of course.

Well, I could...

I could arrange a video conference
call with our home office.

Of course, Mumbai is
12 hours ahead of time,

so it'll have to be
around midnight tonight.

Shall I send a car to pick you up?

Inches away.

I cannot
stall any longer.

Now listen,
this is the middle game.

This is where we trade
pieces, we look for weaknesses.

You have to buy Sophie a
little more time to maneuver.

I literally cannot make this
slower or any more boring.

Okay, you know why they say
Justice wears a blindfold?

So you can't see that Justice is asleep.

I am sure there's whole reservoirs
of boring you have yet to plum.

Slide 162.
This is good stuff.

Dr. Gold, for a pie,

can you tell us
how the chemicals

work their way into
the neurotransmitters?

Is this going anywhere,

Oh, I assure you,
Your Honor,

the next 100
slides are essential.

International Limited

already has a presence
in the urban centers.

With Fast Life, we believe we can
expand across the entire continent.

I have to say
I'm impressed.

As we are with you.

It's not every day we can do
business with someone so enlightened.

Well, it's not every day I
get an offer from someone like

Miss Smythe Pattel.

Sir, they are
waiting for you.

I think you'll find us a
nurturing corporation to grow with.

You'll pardon me,
I'm running late.

Yes, thank you for your time.

Thank you, Avi.


I need to sleep on it.

I'm afraid I can't
give you much more time.

Settle your lawsuit,
Mr. Quint.

Then I'm sure we can
do business together.

Hey, good.
He's good, huh?

What did I tell you?

Thank you for coming in on
such short notice, Donnie.

Do not fuss yourself, laddie.

What are friends for?

Beer's on me.

Oh, you remember that?

He's very good.
What did I tell you?

Hey, is this something Alice would wear?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, relax.

You know what? Quint is going to call us

and settle before
we even get to court.


I guess
Alice wasn't so bad.

Her shoes are more
comfortable than mine.

That's because
they're your shoes.

She likes rainy days.


take a look at this.

Are you kidding?

I can't believe this.

Earnshaw bought Mumbai.

She's protecting her investment,
eliminating the competition.

We are so screwed.

She just spent
millions of dollars

on a company
I don't really work for.

Sign here.

Do you have any idea
what is happening here?

Just sign the papers.

How did she even know
we were talking a deal?

They're not just watching the
jury room, they're watching Quint.

Reading his emails, tracing his phone.

They probably got
a few guys on him.

What are we supposed to do now?

We win the trial.

Well, I'm sorry,
the impossible trial?

The trial
that can't be won?

Yep, that one.

No, no, no, no, look. Wait,
what are you talking, come on?

You told me all I
had to do was stall.

I can't win a real jury trial.
Why not?

I'm not a real lawyer.
I'm a pretend lawyer.

I'm a fake. This is fake.
Oh, come on, you don't think

that so-called real lawyers
aren't just pretending

and trying to be in
daddy's shoes? Come on.

By the way, the guy you're going up
against is getting lines fed to him

from someone
in a warehouse.

Nate, I already rested my case, okay?

All I have left is my
cross-examination of the expert

and my closing.

The jury is 12 people.
Just talk to them.

You've been doing
it your whole life,

just put on your bow tie
and ring the doorbell.

I can't do it.

I can't
convince a whole jury.

We worked on persuasion tactics
all week. You did really well.

Yeah, with you guys.

But the people on
this jury are normal.

There isn't a single
normal person on this jury.

The old lady who knits
potholders at lunch isn't normal?

The one who keeps showing you
pictures of her grandchildren?

Have you noticed anything
unusual about the photographs?


Well, she hasn't seen those
grandchildren in years.

She's lying to everyone that
they're still one big happy family.

You don't know that.


I read people for a living,
that's my thing.

Okay, Charlie,
the messenger guy.

You know,
the one with five kids?



Trevor, the frat boy,
however, yeah, super gay.

What about Peggy?

Actually, Peggy is disgustingly normal.

But the rest of them, they
all have their own Alice White.

You just... You just
happened to give yours a name.

Okay, we don't
have court today,

but we do have
some work to do.

Am I going to
like this work?

Not the first part.

We're following
Quint now.

Come on.

Hey, where'd this guy
come from?

You all right? Man!

I planted the device in Quint's engine,

took care of the guys that
Earnshaw sent after Quint,

and you should have him in three, two,



Where the hell are you? I'm
close to resting my case.

My car just died. I'll
get there when I can.

Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Are you kidding? I've been
off the grid for years.

Don't get me wrong. Electric
car's a good way to start,

but you can make fuel
from your own bodily waste.

Do you compost?

The feeling when
you close a digestive

to an internal
combustion cycle...

Look, I called AAA.
You don't have to do this.

No, it's... It's okay.

Here's your problem
right here.


It's just right here.

If you just look at that you'll
see where your problem is.

I'm looking, but I don't
know much about cars.

I can't. I can't see anything at all.

What is this?

Mr. Vargas had
an enlarged aorta,

possibly the result of
rheumatic fever as a child.

This is what caused his heart attack.

So, in your
medical opinion,

what role did Fast Life
play in Mr. Vargas' death?

It played
no role whatsoever.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

Your witness, Mr. Miller.

I'm sorry.

For what?

Me. You deserve better.

You're the best lawyer
we ever had.

Thank you so much.

We're waiting,
Mr. Miller.

Right away, Your Honor.

Dr. Potemkin,

this is not your first time
testifying as an expert, is it?

No, it is not.

No, no, in fact, you've
testified all across the country.

Houston, Chicago, St. Louis,
is that correct?


That is until last year.

For the last 12 months you've testified
only in the state of California?

That sounds right.
Objection. Relevance?

It goes to his qualifications,
Your Honor.

Now for this last year,

you only testified in trials
that you could drive to.

I wouldn't characterize it
like that.

But is that because you're
on the US Government's No Fly,

or as it's more commonly
known, the t*rror1st Watch List?

I'm on the list,
but I'm not a t*rror1st.

The US Government
seems to think so.

Why else would
they put you on a list

with such people as Osama bin
Laden? Sheikh Khalid Muhammad?

Look, yes.
I'm on the No Fly...

t*rror1st, t*rror1st.

No Fly List. But it has
nothing to do with terrorism.

There was an incident...

Oh, incident, okay.

Would that happen
to be the incident

on Flight 732
out of St. Louis

where you f*ndled a flight
attendant's buttocks?

Or would that happen to be the incident

on Flight 1433
out of Chicago,

where you drank
17 tiny margaritas,

you took your pants off, you
stood up on the drink cart,

and you sang, quote,
"I'm a sexy monkey. "

I have no recollection of that.

I'm not surprised.

Because it was not
one, it wasn't two,

but it was 22 incidents of drunk
and belligerent, grab-ass-behavior

that landed you on
that list, am I right?


Now, you know what,
Your Honor,

the US Government has determined
that this man is not qualified

to ride on an airplane,
like Osama bin Laden.

How is this jury supposed to rely on him

to render a sound, medical opinion?

It doesn't...
No further questions.

I'm in recovery.

We are done.

You may
step down, Dr. Potemkin.

Sophie, give me an update.

I've hit three out of five.

Okay, wrap it up.

Hardison's about to give
his closing statement.

Mr. Miller?

You know, a week ago
you were all strangers

and then the same thing
happened to all of you.

You got that envelope,

you know the one,
comes in the mail,

that says, "County of
Los Angeles" on the top,

you open it like this,
"Oh, God," you know?

A week passes,

you watch the witnesses parade through.

You listen to
the lawyers argue.

And suddenly you're
not strangers anymore.

Some of you have
even made friends.

It's not as bad as you thought, right?

But then the judge
asks you to deliberate

and then you have
a moment of doubt.

I'm not a doctor,
I'm not a scientist,

how can I tell if Ernesto
Vargas died from using Fast Life?

How can I be sure?

But that envelope entrusted you

with the most important
obligation of citizenship.

And that is to
find the truth.

It's so important that we
dare not give it to one person,

but to 12 strangers.

Now all I ask is that
you go into that room

and you work together
and you find the truth.

I have faith that you'll
reach a just decision.

Take it as a compliment.

How's Parker doing?

Let's find out.

It's the end game.
All on her now.

It's odd.


We take a juror and
our juror gets removed.

We take their lawyer,
another lawyer shows up.

A company tries to take
Quint, I take the company.

It's almost...

It's ridiculous.

Okay, those are my arguments

why I think we should decide, you know.

Now I'm just one of you
guys, but that's how I feel.

Why don't we take a poll to
see where everyone stands?

Who here finds in favor of
the defendant Live Herbally?

It's ours.

Quint's on his way over, you
can tell him the good news.

We are not going to
tell Mr. Quint anything.

Do you know why he didn't
show up in court today?

He called me on his cell,
said his car broke down.

I've been tracking Quint
via his phone's GPS.

He told you
his car was dead.

But we've pinged him visiting several
local offices of my top competitors.

He was out there searching
for a better offer.

Time to teach
Mr. Quint about karma.

Any news?

Not yet.

Let's talk business.

Before the verdict?

I thought we were going to
wait until after we'd won.

This trial has given me new perspective.

Now I know that your company
does not just have one price,

it has three.

If you win the trial,

your company
is worth this much.

That's a lot of money.

Assuming, of course, you can
find someone willing to pay it.

And that's not going to be Mumbai
International Limited, is it?

If you lose the trial,

your company
is worth this much.

But if you sell to me right
now, your company is worth

this much.

I'm the one taking the risk here.



Now, Mr. Quint, I know that
you are a spiritual man.

Just how much
do you trust fate?

You've made
a good decision.


Jury's back.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen of the
jury, have you reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

Madam Foreman,
please read the verdict.

In the matter of Gloria Vargas et
al. v. Live Herbally Incorporated,

the jury finds in favor of

the plaintiff.

Oh, my God!

In the amount of
five million dollars.


Thank you so much.
This is unbelievable.

What the hell
just happened?

Who here finds in favor of
the defendant Live Herbally?

Who wants pizza for lunch?

Who here finds in favor of
the defendant Live Herbally?

Who here finds in favor of
the defendant Live Herbally?

It's ours.

This is your fault.

What are you
talking about?

You went looking
for a better offer.

We tracked you
on your cell phone

when you had your men
beat up my security detail.

Men? What men?
I don't have men.

I wear sandals. And I
haven't been anywhere.

give me an update.

I've hit three out of five.

Do you have an appointment,

No. But I was just leaving.

Remember me?

Looks like you
should have settled.

Oh, sweet mercy, cooked flesh.

Can we have fast food every time
we make the bad guys go away?

Do you realize
what you just did?

What you did, you won a
jury trial without cheating.

Without... I had to hack the
government No Fly List and used it

to humiliate a witness.

Excessively. Cheating
excessively, that's what I meant.

But I mean, think about it, I mean,
if you applied yourself, Hardison,

you could be
anything you want.

You know what?
I could, I could.

You know, next week I think
I'm going to be an astronaut.

Well, that's not
really what I meant.

I meant
if you studied, you...

Yeah, yeah,
If I do need to study...

No, I'm going to be
a surgeon. A surgeon.


A surgeon.

Hey, it's Peggy
from the trial.

She wants to have
coffee next week.

Alice made a friend.

I'm going to tell
you one more time.

You made a friend.
Not Alice.

Oh, cool, well.

Do you think she'll want
to steal a painting with me?

Start small, Parker.
Try coffee.