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01x05 - The Bank Shot Job

Posted: 06/27/23 07:30
by bunniefuu
Afternoon, Judge Roy.
Hey, sweetheart.

Help you with
anything today, Your Honor?

Yeah, Fred.
Her phone number.

It's Frank.

And she's 19, sir.

That's too bad. She
got a younger sister?

Go get 'em, tiger.

If there's anything
else you need...

We'll call your boss.

Now, get the hell
out of my face.

Trick to a
one-horse town?

Being the horse.

Oh. That's a little
more than we discussed.

I trust that won't
be a problem.

There's no problem, just
more money, more risk for me.

I may have to adjust my fee.
I'm thinking 20 percent.


And I won't have you
arrested for extortion.

Yeah. Well, you know
what they say,

a dirty business.

No. No more.
We got to talk to Nate.

No more rip deals.
They take too damn long.

That's why they're
called rip deals.

You have to convince them they're getting
a deal before you can rip them off.

Two weeks. Two weeks
sleeping in crappy hotels.

Two weeks eating
in crappy diners.

Two weeks having
my soul sucked dry.

It's 107 degrees.

Who lives where
it's 107 degrees?

Oh, it's not so bad.
I kind of like this town.

You know, I had to re-task two satellites
just to get a lousy Internet connection.

Took more than an hour to Torrent
the last episode of Doctor Who.

Hey, illegal downloading
is wrong.

How we coming on
the breakdown?

Fake addresses
are shut down.

Post office boxes
are closed.

The phones are cleared.

Five more minutes,
we never existed.

Want me to call the Delgado
family, tell them the news?

Nah. Soon as I clear
county line, I wanna do it.

I just wish we could do more than
bankrupt that corrupt son of a bitch.

What's the matter?

We gotta get
out of here.

I thought that's what
we were doing.

What's he waiting for?

Sir, I'm going to need you
to back up from the counter.

What for?
Just step back, sir.

Put your hands up.

Easy. Easy.

Drop the g*n.
Drop it.

This is a robbery.

I don't want to hurt anybody, but we
will if you don't do exactly what we say.

Everyone away
from the door, now.

You've gotta be kidding me.

Ah, hell no.

I knew this went too smooth.

Lock the door!
Lock it.

- You two, out on the floor where
we can see you. - Come on!

Out from
behind the counter.

Everyone on the floor!

Empty all the tills.
Put everything in there.

Get out now.

Is he talking to us?

An unmarked van parked across the
street from a bank that's being robbed?

Yeah. I think
he's talking to us.

Well, five more feet and he
would have been in the clear.

What the hell was
he thinking?

Don't be an idiot,


Sophie was still in there.

It's not enough.
Not even close.

We're running out of
time. What are we going to do?

Open the safe.

I can't. It's on a timer. It can only
be opened certain times of the day.

There's no one
here who can open it?

No. I don't think so.

The managers,
they have the codes.

Damn it!

I'm sorry.

empty your pockets.

Wallets, purses, watches, everything
you got, throw it over here.

Not a bad response time.

Somebody must have
tripped the silent alarm.

This is so not good.

We've got
the money.

These guys don't know
what they're doing.

Maybe I should
talk to them.

Get them to listen
to reason.

Yeah, that's a good idea.
Get us both shot, huh?

I got K*llers standing in
front of me every day in court.

These guys ain't them.

Yeah. You know what?
Maybe you're right.

Right here, right here. We need...

Oh, oh, oh! I need you
to take a step back, sir.

Tell me what's
going on in there.

I'm afraid
I can't do that.

This is an active crime
scene, and you need to...

I'm not talking to you.

How many are there?

Yeah. You're right.
Clearly amateurs, these two.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

The younger one looks like
he never handled a g*n before.

Is Judge Blowhard
right next to you?

Yeah, uh-huh.
Yeah, definitely amateur.

That's what makes
them so dangerous.

All right.
Two guys, both armed.

Neither one
a criminal mastermind.

Want me in there?

Sir, we can't have you going
inside the bank as long as...

Probably a good idea just to sit
tight, don't you think, you know,

and see where these guys'
heads are at? You know?

All right.
Your call, boss.

Thank you.

I know it's almost 5:00. Just go
count the money and we'll be fine.

Just calm down.

What the hell you doing?
Get back down on the ground.

You know who I am?

I don't care.

You should. You see, I'm the guy that
can make this whole thing go away.

All you got to do is
walk out the front door.

Is that so?
Thing is,

I'm the law
in this town.

That fella out there with
the badge, that's Bill.

He works for me.

One phone call,

he and his guys will hop back in the
car and drive away, no questions asked.

Let me talk to you
for a minute, son.

Stay where you are.

How you doing?

I'm just peachy.
How about you?

Something weird is
going on in here.

You noticed that,
too, huh?

You hear what the guy
said, they didn't have enough.

They need more cash
and it's not to pay rent.

I don't care what it's for. Let's
just focus on getting out of here.

We help these guys
get what they want,

then we can get everybody out of here
safely without anyone getting hurt.

I don't know about you, but I am not
going to leave my fate in the hands

of the Juan volunteer
SWAT team.

Okay. So, what's
the plan, Stan?

The truth
will come out.

The truth? The truth
is what I say it is.

Whatever story I make up
about what happened in here,

these little people
will tell the cops.

Oh, yeah, son. That's
how it works in this town.

All you got to do is
walk out that front door.

It's that easy.

Thanks, boss.

But I've been around
long enough to know

that things that sound
easy hardly ever are.

Now, sit your ass
back down.

We cannot allow the
local Leos to handle the situation.

We have to get
in charge of it.

We have to be the police.

Well, how did that go
for you there, Judge?

Nice ride.

It's embarrassing.

Everyone knows you don't rob a
bank without an exit strategy.

These two deserve
to get caught.

Forty-two seconds.


To rob this bank.

One security guard who's
never fired his g*n before,

two closed-circuit cameras
outside, one inside,

and a Glenn-Reader safe
built in the '50s,

whose default combination is the
birth date of the manager's wife.

Get in, get out,
42 seconds.


I'm Agent Leonard.
This is Agent Elmore.

We'll be taking over this
crime scene, Sheriff...

Bill Hastings.
Nice to meet you.

I know.

You guys sure are quick. Just
called this in 20 minutes ago.

Well, we were coming back
from a little border skirmish.

Patrol unit came under attack
from a pack of Chupacabras.

Chupacabra? I thought those
things were urban legend.

You're adorable.

So, what you got,

Well, I can't really get
a good look inside,

so we don't know how many gunmen there
are or how many hostages they have

or what they want.


What about your tactical insertion team?

We don't have
a SWAT team per se,

but old Virgil up there,
he's a hell of a crack shot.


Better make sure our under the
table money stays under the table.

If the Feds find that,
we're screwed.

We're still short. We
gotta get into that vault.

Where's the manager?

Um, sir?

I'm the branch manager.


If she wants to
hang herself, let her.

I might be able
to override the vault's timer.

I could try if you want.


What the hell are
these guys up to?

You got me.

All my years on the bench
I never seen bank robbers

try to add to their haul
after the place was surrounded.

Usually their minds are on
getting the hell out of Dodge.

What would help...
You listening?

What would help

is if we had some kind of
background on these people, you know,

so we could know how to sort of deal
with them, right here, right now.

Already working on it.

I've hacked into the
bank's security system.

I've got a good look
at your gunmen.

I'm running them through my
facial recognition database.

Tapped into NSA, FBI.

If these guys have records, we
should get something pretty quick.

Oh, that was fast. These
guys must have warrants.

Check that.

The older guy is US
military, Derrick Clark.

Served as an officer in the Navy
for 20 years, retired last spring.

Well, it doesn't make
sense... It doesn't make sense.

You know, why would a guy
like that rob a bank?

I'm accessing
his financials.

It looks like Derrick cleared
out all his accounts this morning,

even visited a bunch
of ATMs around town,

hitting the daily withdrawal
limit on all his credit cards.

Yeah, but who takes all
their money out of a bank

and then comes back later
only to rob it?

You say something?

I... What?

Oh, no. I was just...
I was thinking about...

You know, if the cops were smart
about this, they would ID these guys,

kind of figure out who they are and
maybe get to their family members.

Two steps ahead of you.

Hardison just texted me the address.
I'm on my way there right now.

What the hell?

You know how hot it's
going to get in here?

What the hell?
What's going on?

Whoa, what's going on?

Cut power to the bank.
Standard operating procedure.

Standard? It's standard
op... It's standard...

Where are you getting
that bull-hockey from, son?

Deputy Arnold here.

Took a seminar in crisis
management last year.

It was an online

We got certificates.


Magic kits come
with certificates.

Does that make it cool for kids
to saw their parents in half?

I was just going
by the book.

The book?

The book got
a good man k*lled.

I can't.
My blood pressure...

Ex-partner. Probably shouldn't
mention the book again.

Or propellers.

Why are you doing this?

Don't have a choice.
We need the money.

For what? Your son in
some kind of trouble?

He is your son, right?

It's none of your
damn business.

Well, seeing how you have a g*n pointed
at me, I kind of feel like it is.

You don't know the combination, do you?

Are you even the
branch manager?

Um, not exactly.

Okay, Derrick. Listen up.
It's like this.

I just want to help you,
you and your son.

How do you know
my name?

I know a lot of things. I know
you don't want to hurt anyone.

And I know you wouldn't be
doing this if you didn't have to.

So just... Just try and
help me understand, huh?

What's the money for?


No. I'm working on it. It'll
be there. Yes, all of it.

Look, just, please,
don't hurt her.



The house has been
broken into.

Someone was here
when it happened.

His name is Michael.

Found his report card
on the floor.

What are you doing?

Get back on the ground.
It's not too late, Michael.

That's right.
You can still save her.

Do you know
who took her?

It's all my fault.

They think I did it.

They left a note that said that
they wanted 100 grand by 5:00,

or they'd k*ll her.

Well, we're not going to
let that happen, okay?

But you have to trust me, and
you have to do exactly what I say.

And I promise you, we
will get your mom back.

They had me doing
little things at first.

You know, errands,
stuff like that.

And then a few months back
I started running for them.

Mmm-hmm. dr*gs?

Meth. Mostly.

I mean I just... I got
caught up, you know.

Michael, why are they
coming after you now?

Well, last week
they got ripped off.

An entire shipment, it
was... It was just gone.

And they think...

They think I did it, but I
had nothing to do with it.

Right. So, they broke into
your place, they didn't find it,

so they took your
mom as collateral.

They said I can return the
shipment or pay 100 grand.

I mean, that's 100 grand. My dad
and I don't have that kind of money.

This is all my fault.

Everybody shut
the hell up...

You just got to
listen to me.

Listen, I know what
you're going through,

and I can help you,
if you let me.


I mean, you're trapped
in here same as us.


I got people
on the outside.

No. No cops.

If they find out we contacted
the police, they'd k*ll her.

They're not cops,
I promise you.

They're friends of mine.
You can trust them.

Why should I trust you?

I don't know
who you are.

I'm a thief.


I'm not sure what
to do with that.

That creep over there, Judge
Roy, amongst other things,

he's been taking bribes from
meth dealers and smugglers.

Two months ago, he cut a man
loose who k*lled a local girl.

Delgado, right?
Beth Delgado.

I remember that.
She was a good kid.

She went to school
with my son.

We're running a scam
on the judge.

We're stealing all his dirty
money and giving it to the family.

Listen, I have one partner inside
the bank and three more outside.

I can't trust...
You're thieves.

And we're
your only chance.

Police have this place surrounded.
You're not going anywhere.

My people are the only
ones who can make the drop.

But how are they
going to do that?

The deadline's
in half an hour.

Your friends just happen to
have $100,000 lying around?

We're going to use the
money that we have in here.

It's not enough. We're
still short 30 grand.

No, Michael, no.
Not that money.

We have an alternate
revenue source.

Is he suggesting what
I think he's suggesting?

Are you suggesting what
we think you're suggesting?

You want to give our bad guy's
money to some other bad guys?

Yes. That's
exactly what I'm suggesting we do,

but we're going to do it
without blowing our covers, g*ng.

Who are you talking to?

Maybe I'm just dense, Nate,

but your alternate revenue source is
sitting two feet from Boss Hog himself

in the middle of a bank
surrounded by a bunch of cops.

I didn't
say it was going to be easy,

but nothing's impossible,
especially when you have

the world's greatest
thief on your payroll.

Parker, have you ever robbed
a bank that's being robbed?

There's a first time
for everything.

Bank was built prior to
1980, before computers.

Means it's got a larger than
normal night-deposit chute.

Because business owners had to drop
off ledgers with their daily hauls.

What, you thought my genius was
only limited to ones and zeros?

I'm thinking the
chute's my way in.

Only problem is, it's in the
alley on this side of the building.

You'll be visible
to the cops out front.

I can take care of that, but we
actually have bigger problems.

What's that?

Sheriff Coltrane over here
called the FBI, the real FBI.

Now, the closest office
is in San Diego,

so they should be here
in about 45 minutes.

We can't worry
about that now.

When do we worry about it?

In about 45 minutes.

What's going on?

In 45 minutes, 45 minutes.
We need to stall for 45 minutes.

Piece of cake. Plenty
of time. I'm not worried.

No more talking.

No more trying to
convince us you can help.

We're in charge. We talk, you
listen. That's the way it works.

Get away from him.

Everybody up
against the desks.

Come on! Let's go!

You heard him!
Move it!

Thanks for trying.

Now, everybody sit down
and shut up!

So we used,
uh, baling wire.

Like a 20-pound...

Excuse me.

Agent Leonard.

Yeah. Yeah.

What? Yeah...

Yeah, you know, we will do
whatever you need us to do,

just, please,
don't hurt anybody.


Guys, boys, boys, come on. Gather round.

Now, boys,
that was the call.

The call we were
waiting for.

Now, look, they have
a list of demands.

First off, they want 12
large pizzas, one cheese,

one Hawaiian, extra pineapple, two
pepperoni black olives, two meat lovers...

Seriously? Nobody's writing
this down? Seriously?

One triple shot
half-caf vanilla latte, tall.

Three of the latest copies
of the Hall and Oates CD.

Oh, yeah.
I know, right?

Exciting stuff. I didn't know they
were coming out with a new one either.

We're gonna need some
steaks. Steaks and a grill.

They're trying
to tailgate, okay?

They need your overalls, I don't know
why. They need some Kibbles 'n Bits.

We need an Etch A Sketch. Somebody
in there likes to squiggle, okay?

Possibly we need some
stuffed bears. Are we good?

Let's go, people. Everybody.
I need you guys moving.

Everybody get out, go.

You stay. We need to talk
about Hall and Oates.

We have to trust them.

They're criminals.

But then again...

What'd you say to him?

Oh, well, you know, I was just trying
to divide and conquer a little bit,

play the kid, get them
to turn on each other.

It was starting to work,
too, but I don't know.


There's a lot of
money in there.

Yeah, I know.

My wife's life depends on that
money getting where it needs to go.

I understand.

Sometimes bad guys are
the only good guys you get.

Listen, kid.

You obviously got yourself
in some trouble here.

Why don't you let me
help you out?

Uh, Judge, I think they were
serious when they said, "No talking."

So maybe we should just stay here,
not talk and do what they ask.

It's better that way.


Just hear me out. You need money, right?

Money I got.

Ain't no reason you and I can't
come to some sort of arrangement.

It'd be a loan,
of course.

Oh, oh.

Where are you going?

I'm just showing you
my word is good.

Now, how much do you need?
Because I've got quite...

What the hell?

Where's my briefcase?

It's them. What do I do?



Oh, my God!


- Drop the g*n.
- It's okay.

You first.

Talk to me. Talk to me.
Talk to me.

Whoa, whoa! Hold up. Hold
up. Whoa, wait a minute, man.

There could be people
hurt in there.

We don't know that.
It was just one shot.

Now, look. We all go
in there g*ns blazing,

there will be more sh*ts
and people will get hurt.

We need to know
what happened.

Just please,
everybody just calm down.

Just put
the g*ns down.

We can talk this
thing through.

I'm not taking orders
from you, missy.

What is your problem?
My problem?

You're my problem.

You and Nate there.

Oh, yeah, I heard what
you called him, Nate.

Which is weird, 'cause when we
met he told me his name was Carl.

You guys are trying
to rip me off.

And you're
in on it with these two.

We have nothing to do
with these people.

No, no, no, no.

No, I see what's
going on here.

The four of you are
conspiring against me.

This bank robbery, it's
not even real, is it?

It's just one big scam
to try to get my money!

it's not a bad plan.

I mean,
if old Carl here

just disappeared with the cash,
he knew I'd come after him.

I'd track him down.

But if the money was
stolen in a bank robbery,

well, heck, you might
get away with that.

You're wrong.

They were just trying
to help us.

My wife, she was taken. We
need the money for ransom.

Ransom? Really?

Is that the best
you can do?

You'd have to be an idiot to fall
for a cockamamie story like that.

He's telling you the truth. Oh, shut up!

All of you shut up!

Now hand over that g*n

before I get it into my head
to sh**t all four of you.

Now, please, he needs
to get to a hospital.

That ain't going
to happen.

No one gets out of here
until I get my money.

Where is my
damn briefcase?

It's not here.

Well, I can see that.

No. I mean,
it's not in the building.

Come on. Come on.

They haven't arrived yet?

Yeah. 'Cause meth heads
are so punctual.

You don't
come in to my town

and think you can
get away with my money.

A man has been shot, sir.
You have to let him go.

I said nobody leaves.

He's bleeding.

Oh, shut up, everybody,
shut up!

I'm trying to think.

If you got the briefcase
out of the bank,

that means you must have
a man on the outside.

How are you communicating with him?

And then I BASE jumped off the building
onto the roof of an armored truck

and took out the guard.

You mean the gunman?

That's what I said.

g*nsh*t was
accidental misfire.

No one was hurt, but one
of the hostages was grazed.

They're going to release him as
soon as their demands are met.

Where the hell are
those pizzas, anyway?

Come on.

Oh, this is bad.

You get your guys
when I get my money.

This is really bad.

Now, back off.

Is that what
I thought it was?

I'm afraid so.

Nate looks pretty
messed up, man.

We're going to need
that briefcase back.

I'm working on it.

Do you mind?
Do you mind?

I think it went
through and through.

Well, it missed
your artery.

At least there's that.

Things could be worse.

Worse than me getting shot
and you blowing our cover?

No, no, no. You're not
going to lay that crap on me.

We wouldn't even be in this mess if
you'd just walked out with the cash

when you had the chance.

I would've been fine.
I know.

Yeah. I can take care of myself. I know.

I've been doing it a long time. I know.

Since way before I met you. I know.

I'm just saying.
Okay, got it.


So? What's the plan?

The plan? You mean
the one that involves

carving a half-inch hole
in my shoulder, that plan?

No, I threw that one
out a long time ago.

It doesn't matter
now anyway.

We lost communications.
Yeah, we did.

Parker and Eliot.

That's right,
they're on their own.

On their own.



There's more
than we asked for.

Well, ain't that punk
just full of surprises?

Where the hell you think
you're going, old lady?

Where the hell you
think you're going?

Hey. What smells like crank
and screams like a girl?

That's the right answer.

Come on.

Stay in the car.

Who are you?

Well, ma'am,
we'd be the cavalry.

Ready yet?

Just a few more minutes.

Hurry up.
The pizza's here.

Just let the paramedics take
him. The rest of us will stay.

And give up
my leverage?

Hey, listen.

She's going to
be all right.

Everything's going
to be all right.

Your people,

they're good?

Yeah. The best.

This is all my fault.

I never should have got
involved with those guys.

I mean, if something... If
something happens to Mom...

Dad, I'm

really, really sorry.

This is agent
Leonard with the FBI.

We have those pizzas
you ordered.

Uh, we didn't order any.

You're going to want
to answer that, Judge.

Uh, Old Scout, get over
here and unlock that door.

Come on.

I was told you were
expecting this.

Now, is there anything
else that we can get you?

Anything at all that would
help this end peacefully?

Oh, no. Wait. Wait.
I'm not... No.

Sir, sir, now we brought
what you asked for.

If you just let the hostages go, you
and me, we can talk this thing out.

You don't understand.
You see, it's those four.

Now, now, now.
Look here, bro.

Okay, I understand this seems like
a hopeless situation right now.

What are you doing?

But nobody else needs
to get hurt.

You, you, you... You're
one of them, aren't you?

Now! Move, move!

Put the g*n down,
Your Honor.

Bill, this is not
what it looks like.

I said drop
the g*n, slowly.

No, no, no. You guys
have got this all wrong.

I'm the hero here.
I'm the one that...

What are you doing?
You work for me?

You all right?
Let me help you up.

You know, Roy,
if you needed money,

you could have come
to me for a loan.

I don't need a loan.
I got plenty of money.

What'd you do with the
pizza? Where's that pizza box?

Do you understand what he's saying?
'Cause he's not making any sense.

This is my money.
They got my money again.

What the hell are
you talking about?

It was in my briefcase.

This briefcase?

Crystal meth? My God, Roy, what
have you gotten yourself into?

Oh, I don't...
That's not mine.

This is all starting
to make sense now.

It would explain the
irrational behavior,

the nervousness,
the irritability.

Shut up. You're
not even real FBI.

The paranoid delusions,
the violent outbursts.

Listen to me, he's one
of them. He's in on it.

In on what? With who?
With her.

And these two over here.

Hey, hey, hey.

These two.

Easy, easy.

People, step back, please.


All set.

Well, it's about time.

We're gonna need
your clothes.




Yeah, it's all very

but can we save it for
after the morphine drip?


It's exactly
what happened.

He just went berserk, like he
was off his meds or something.

He was waving
his g*n around.

You ever seen Dog Day
Afternoon? Write that down.

I guess Carl thought he could
talk some sense into him,

but Judge Roy just kept
telling him to shut up.

He was just trying
to be the hero.

But Roy wasn't having it.

He shot him where
he stood, cold.

Well, that's ridiculous.

That guy wasn't even here.

Fred, Fred, come. Tell
them. Tell them the truth.

First of all,
it's Frank.

And it happened exactly
how they said.

Way to go, Frank.

They're lying.

They're all lying.

If you don't believe me,
you just look at the tapes.

Good idea.

damning stuff, Roy.

Got you on the TV
and everything.

Clearly they doctored
it somehow, you idiot.

He needs
to get to a hospital.

That ain't going to
happen until I get my money.

Doctor might
not be a bad idea.

Come on, Bill.

You know me.

Yeah, I do, Roy.

That's kind of
the problem.

Hey, whoa, Bill.
Listen to me.

These people, they're
trying to set me up.

They had this planned
from the start.

You're still a geek.

They're trying
to ruin me!

Geek power, baby.
Stay strong.

That was a real brave
thing you did, kid,

stepping into a situation
like that totally defenseless.

Tell me something, all you
FBI guys got cojones that big?

Y'all take care. We have another
team coming in to do the wrap-up.

All right, folks. Let's go.
Let's move it along. Let's go.

Do you have any idea...
Just go with it.

Uh, Mr. FBI guys,
can you help me here?

All right.

My, my.
Look at this.

Our local drug boys, both
with outstanding warrants.

That's incredible.

Damn, we're good.

Hey, thanks,


No. It was an
excellent performance.

Yeah. I think I can act okay when I'm
yelling at people and bossing them around.

Well, it's a good start.

Listen, we have to make sure we
get the cash to the Delgado family.


Settle down.

You act like you've
never been shot before.

So, pizza boxes, huh?

Yeah. I know, I know.
You could've done better.

No, no, no.
No, I couldn't have.