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03x09 - Paddington the Tour Guide / April Fools / Superstitious Paddington

Posted: 06/27/23 06:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Left Peru and sailed
to England alone ♪

♪ There he met the Browns
and they took him home ♪

♪ Now a new life has begun ♪

♪ He's Windsor Gardens'
favourite son ♪

♪ 'Cause he always
does his best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears,
he never misses a beat ♪

♪ And always finds
a way to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite ♪

♪ And he tries
to do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky
messes just the same ♪

♪ He's curious
and speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's Paddington bear,
he's one of a kind ♪

I'm Paddington bear!

He's late!

Look! That's him!
Red hat, blue coat.

I am Chikako.

This is Suzuki-san,

Watanabe-san, and Mori-san.

I'm afraid I am the only
one who speaks English well.

Pleased to meet you,
Mrs. San. Can I help you?

We would like
to go on the house tour now.

We wish to see how people live
in traditional English houses.

Oh really? I know
some English people

and they even
live in English houses.

But why are you asking me?

Our tour guide is to be
wearing a red hat and blue coat.

Well, that certainly
sounds like me.

Paddington Brown is my name,

and I'd be honoured
to take you on a tour.

Since coming here
from Darkest Peru,

I've made a very thorough
study of the neighborhood.

I can show you just how
English people live.

That's odd, there's no one here.

PM, Portobello Road.

Five Japanese tourists for
the English House and Tea tour.

I'll just have to find them.

Maybe they're
waiting at another corner.

See the traditional
mousetrap in the corner

with the little piece
of cheese in it?

The truth is
that mice prefer peanuts...


Please wipe your feet!

Allow me to introduce Mrs. Bird.

She's a traditional
English housekeeper.

And here are the very
English Mr. and Mrs. Brown.


Uh - Paddington...
who are your guests?

These are my new
friends, Mrs. Bird.

I'm just giving them a tour.

Oh! How do you do?

Nice to meet you.

And this is a
traditional banister.

All English houses
seem to have them.

And it's very good
for sliding down.

It's very strange
of Paddington

to bring home some
friends un-announced.

Well, whoever they are,

they certainly have
very good manners.

Mrs. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

You have a lovely home.

We heard English houses
were cold and drafty.

There's a house
like that next door!

And a crusty old English
gentleman to go with it.

That sounds wonderful!

This is Mr. Curry.
That's Mr. Curry's house.

What's this bear, a tour?

Yes, I'm showing these
tourists from Japan

how English people live.

We're on the Red Hat
English House and Tea tour.

is an excellent tour guide.

He is worth every pound.

Every pound...?

This where we will have
our English tea?

But of course!

Welcome to Windsor Gardens,

authentic English
bed and breakfast.

That will be pounds each
for the night, including tea.

Mr. Curry doesn't have
a refrigerator,

but he does have one of these.

He has to put ice in it
every day to keep the food cool.

It's not very traditional,
just strange.

Excuse me Paddington-san.

Will we be having our
English tea now?

Yes... Paddington-san is just
about to get everything ready.

Now why don't I show
you my collection of rare books.

bear! Make our guests their tea.

Aunt Lucy always
said that guests come first,

so I don't think the Browns will
mind if I borrow a few things.

More tea, dear?

Yes please.

What the...?

Watch where you're going!

By the way bear,
we need some cake for our tea.

Mr. Curry's
quite right for once.

Curry-san, we would
like to freshen up before tea.

Mind you don't use up
all the hot water.

May we please have some towels?

Where did the cake go?
I'm sure I left it right here.

Where's my towel?

It's almost ready, Mr. Curry.

But Mrs. Bird always
serves tea on a lace tablecloth.

Perhaps I could borrow hers.

There's no time, bear.
Just serve the tea!

I'll tell them it's ready.


Tea is served.

My antique chairs! My curtains!

Sorry, sorry.

No need to find others,
Mr. Curry.

In Japan we are
accustomed to sitting on floor.

Perhaps you would
like to experience

an outdoor tour
of England for a while.

We could visit my friend
Mr. Gruber.

He owns an antique shop.

And they are
staying with you?

Yes, and you
should be happy

I'm not discussing
my percentage

if they buy anything.

Suzuki-san wants to buy that
coronation plate for his wife.

It's a fine piece,
I'm sure she will enjoy it.


I didn't know you spoke
Japanese, Mr. Gruber.

I like to make my customers
feel at home, Mr. Brown.

I've been looking
all over for you.

If we hurry, we can finish
the tour before dark.

Ah... you must be
replacing the other guide.

But we would have
liked to thank him.

He was most helpful.

No wait...

Ah good. They've gone!

But, I didn't have a chance
to say good bye.

pounds times , That's .

Hmm, not bad for
an afternoon's work.

[Knocking at door]

Ah, bear, you've come
to pay me back

the cost of repairing
the antique chairs.

Mr. Curry, your guests are back!

Thank you for our tour
this morning, Paddington-san.

And Curry-san, would you
mind bringing in the luggage?

You'll need a red hat
from now on, Mr. Curry.

You can borrow mine if
you promise to take care of it.

Curry-san, is there any
of that cake left?

And Mori-san wonders
if he can sleep in the big bed.


Paddington, dinner's ready.

Coming, Mrs. Bird.

It looks as though

you're enjoying your
new kite, Paddington.

It's very good value -
especially when the wind blows.

Well, be careful.

What goes up doesn't
always come back down.

Where's my kite?

What are you doing, bear?

Have you seen my kite,
Mr. Curry?

What kite?

It cost me a week's
bun money and it's vanished.

I'll have to tell Mrs. Bird that
was goes up can also disappear.

Hmm- huh, what--?

OH! A bat! HELLLP...!

Get me the police, the
fire brigade, the zoo, the army.

This is an emergency!

[Sirens blaring]

What's happening
at Mr. Curry's house?

Are you all right, Mr. Curry?

It was terrible.
I was att*cked

by the most
hideous of creatures.

It was a...

It's a kite, sir. Only a kite.

You found it!
Fancy calling the police

and the fire brigade
to help me find my kite.

That was very kind
of you, Mr. Curry.

Thank you.

Pah! This is all
that bear's fault.

Him and his tricks.

You're not the first
to get taken in today, sir,

and I dare say you
won't be the last.

After all, it is
April Fool's Day, mate.

April Fool's!

Why that bear. He'll be sorry.

He won't get the best of
Reginald Curry.

Hee, hee, hee...

Two can play this game.

That should do the trick.

Now what goes up can't fly away.


What's the matter, Mr. Curry?
Have you seen another bat?

I've pulled a muscle
in my leg, bear.

I need your help.

Listen, bear.

There's a brown box in
the attic with a red box inside.

Can you go up there
and find it for me?

It's very important.

Certainly, Mr. Curry.

And could you do a bit
of a clean up,

while you're
looking for it, bear?

I'd do it myself,
but my injury...

No red box in this one either.

I looked in every
single box, Mr. Curry,

but I didn't find
a red one anywhere.

Is your leg all better
now, Mr. Curry?

The pain comes and goes,
bear, - ahhhh - comes and goes.

I remember now,
that red box isn't in the attic,

it's in the cellar.

There's no red box in
the cellar either, Mr. Curry.

No red box!
Ha, ha ha.

April Fool, bear!

I got you back good and proper.

Ha, ha, ha! April Fool!

What's an April Fool, Mr. Curry?

"What's an April Fool?"
Ha, ha, ha.

As if you didn't
know, bear.

April Fool's Day is when
you're allowed to play tricks

on people, Mr. Brown.

What does that have to
do with Mr. Curry's red box?

I'm afraid Mr. Curry
sent you on a fool's errand,

asking you to look for
something that was never there.

You mean people can
tell lies on April Fool's Day?

That's right, Mr. Brown.
Little white lies.

But everything returns
to normal at twelve noon.

It's only :.

That means there'll be
another hour of all this.

Don't leave yet, Mr. Brown.

I have some very exciting
news for you.

Ha ha!

Wait a minute.
That bear's no fool.

He's going to get back at me.

Well, I'll be ready for him.

Mrs. James won the lottery.

She's Mr. Gruber's
very best client.

And because
she's so wealthy,

she's decided to share
her winnings.

With anyone who
shows up at the shop?

That's right, between
: and noon.

Then we'd better hurry.

What's this about
sharing lottery winnings, bear?

Wouldn't you like to know,
Mr. Curry?

Mrs. James is going to
be at Mr. Gruber's shop

and anyone who shows
up is going to get pounds.

I've had enough of
your tricks for one day, bear.

What tricks, Mr. Curry?

And I'm surprised at you,
Mrs. Bird,

trying to help him
work another one.

is not the sort of bear

to play silly
April Fool's tricks.

However, it doesn't
take much effort to

make you look
like a fool, Mr. Curry.

Come along, Paddington.

That bear can't trick me.

So you're all in
on that bear's trick.

Well, you won't fool me. No sir.

I'm smarter than the
lot of you combined. Hee hee...

Wait a minute.
Since his trick didn't work,

he might try again.

Would you believe it? pounds!

Me too!


Here you are, Mr. Brown.

Thank you very much, Mrs. James.

I hope you win
the lottery many more times.

[Clock chiming]

Mrs. James is a very nice lady.

She certainly is.

Look at all these
smiling people.

Move aside!

Out of my way.

Open up!
I want my pounds.

It's twelve o'clock,
Mr. Curry. You're too late.

Too late!

I thought this was another
of your April Fool's tricks.

Oh no, Mr. Curry, I would
never play a trick on you.

Now listen here, bear.
You tricked me, all right.

Tricked me with your silly kite.

But, Mr. Curry,
I lost my kite and you found it.

Nonsense, you tricked
me and I tricked you back.

Then you told the truth
about Mrs. James.

But you knew
I wouldn't believe you!

I suppose in the end,
even though I didn't mean to,

I did trick you, Mr Curry.

You certainly did, bear.

And for that,
I am entitled to your pounds.

I'm not an
April Fool, Mr. Curry.


It sounds as though
Mr. Gruber has a new shop bell.

Fancy leaving
a step ladder lying there.

It might cause an accident.

Thank goodness,
Mr. Brown!

Mr. Gruber?

Up here, Mr. Brown.
I was dusting when

the ladder somehow
came out from under me!

Very unlucky if you ask me.

Although it's not surprising,
considering what day it is.


It's no ordinary Friday,
Mr. Brown.

It's Friday the th!

Is it your birthday,
Mr. Gruber?

No Mr. Brown.

According to the
Encyclopedia of Superstitions,

many people consider
Friday the th

to be the unluckiest day
of the year.

Encyclopedia of Superstitions?

It's a good thing I called
in at Mr. Gruber's shop.

Imagine not knowing about
the unluckiest day of the year,

or about lifting
your feet crossing water...

or about the right side
to get out of bed.

A lucky penny!

Watch out!

According to the
Encyclopedia of Superstitions,

a penny is only lucky
if it's heads up.

Heads down
means bad luck!

So I wouldn't touch it
if I were you.

That was a close shave.

It's tails. Thanks
for warning me, mate.

In my job you need
eyes in the back of your head.

You're very welcome.


See what I mean?

I don't know how
I've survived as long as I have.

There are so many
superstitions to watch out for.

Look out. It's very
bad luck to walk under a ladder!

And I have to
be extra careful in my new suit.

D'oh-- oh, really!

I have to get back
to Windsor Gardens

and warn the Browns
to take cover.

It's a superstition
minefield out here.

Hello Mr. Curry.
What are you doing?

Not that it's any of
your business bear,

but I'm building
a cold frame

so I can grow
my own vegetables.

I'll save a fortune by
not shopping at the supermarket.

Careful, Mr. Curry.
According to the

of Superstitions,

it's very bad luck
to k*ll one of these.

Always filling
your head with claptrap.

Superstitions have no place
in the civilized world.

Watch out. BLACK CAT!

Huh. What. Who?

I'm afraid I was too late
to stop the disaster, Mr. Curry.

I'll say!

Who's going to pay
for my front window?

It's lucky I found this whistle.

Now perhaps I'll be able to warn
people of any bad luck in time.

[Whistle blowing]

Don't move! It's very
bad luck to step on a crack.

You've got to be
joking, Paddington.

We won't be able to move then!

That's what it says in
Mr. Gruber's book.

Still on patrol Paddington?

Vigilance is the
watchword Mrs. Bird.

Well just you mind you
don't wear a hole in the carpet.

Careful. No crossing
on the stairs!

What? Whoaaaa -

Thank goodness Mrs. B.

Paddington! You might
have caused a nasty accident.

I thought you were supposed
to be preventing bad luck!

It's not my fault, Mrs. Bird.
The bad luck's everywhere.

See, you even spilled some salt.

That's almost as bad
as breaking a mirror.

But don't worry,
throwing some over your shoulder

will make things
come right again.

That doesn't make me
feel safe at all!

That bear should pay
for my window.

After all, he is the
reason I broke it.


Careful, Mr. Curry!

It's bad luck to sweep
over the threshold.

You're sweeping away
your good fortune.

You don't have to tell me bear.

You're not having much
luck with that window Mr. Curry.

Perhaps you ought
to pat your head seven times.

Seven's a lucky number, eh?
What about the number three?

I don't know if three
is lucky or unlucky.

Well you've got three seconds to
clear off before you find out!

In spite the fact
that Paddington is right,

let's get on with
cleaning the windows.

This is turning into
the unluckiest day ever.

I hope you're not
starting to believe

this superstitious
nonsense, Henry.

Friday the th
is tougher than I thought.

The Browns have had nothing
but bad luck since I got home.

So it's time to switch
to plan B - lucky charms.

This bell will scare
off bad luck.

And this rabbit's foot
should work like a charm.

Although it wasn't
very lucky for the rabbit.

Now all I have to
do is take my lucky horse shoe.

I hope all the luck
hasn't drained out.

Careful Henry, we don't want
any more accidents.

Then you'd better
look out for Paddington!

Aaaaaaaaaa! Ugh!

Henry! Are you all right?

Don't worry everyone.
This should start working soon

and the spell of bad luck
at Windsor Gardens will be over.

I might share some
good luck with Mr. Curry.

Rather him than us.

Well, third time lucky.
If I didn't know better

I'd say that bear
was onto something.

Hello Mr. Curry.
I see you've mended your window.

Don't come any closer bear.

I've used up all the glass
from my cold frame.

I can't afford any
more accidents.

That's why I've come to offer
you this lucky horseshoe.

Horseshoe, eh?
How does it work?

Well you make a wish,

then throw it over your left
shoulder without looking back.

Hmmmm... Maybe
I can charge people to use it...

to offset the cost
of my repairs.

I don't know
about that Mr. Curry.

It's a smashing idea.

In fact, that's
what I'll wish for.


I'll be in my room
where it's safe.

I think Paddington
staying in his room

is the best luck
we could have

on Friday the th.