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03x08 - Paddington Gets His Money's Worth / Drive Bear Drive / Paddington Delivers the Goods

Posted: 06/27/23 06:01
by bunniefuu
♪ Left Peru
and sailed to England alone ♪

♪ There he met the Browns
and they took him home. ♪

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's Windsor
Gardens' favourite son ♪

♪ 'Cause he always does
his best to help everyone. ♪

♪ When a problem appears,
he never misses a beat, ♪

♪ And always finds
a way to land on his feet. ♪

♪ He has his
very own unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in
sticky messes just the same. ♪

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's Paddington Bear,
he's one of a kind. ♪

I'm Paddington Bear!

What did you
want to show me, Jonathan?

Shhh! We don't
want Mrs. Bird to hear us.

Booster Bob
and the Sky Commandos.
Which one is Booster Bob?

He's the leader.

The evil Doctor Viper
wants to rule the world.

He has this huge
flying machine with a death ray

that can blow up whole cities.


Ahh... Mrs. Bird. I
thought you were Doctor Viper.

Doctor Viper
indeed. Come along you two.

It's time you were in bed.

Hey... he's getting away.

"Stop you ne'er
do well." orders Booster Bob.

Bear! What have you got there?

Oh, hello, Mr. Curry.

I was just reading
this comic Jonathan gave me.

Comic eh? I haven't read
a good comic since I was a boy.

I didn't know they had
them that long ago, Mr. Curry.

Of course
they did. I still have a stack
of old ones in my cellar.

Really? Can I read them?

Read them? You can have them!

- for a price.

I picked these stones
out of your garden, Mr. Curry.

Yes, well, I suppose
you've done a passable job.

Here you are, bear.

Thank-you, Mr. Curry!

I'm a martyr to
my own generosity.

Paddington, these comics
must be over sixty years old.

That's even older than Mrs...

Yes, Paddington?

Nothing, Mrs. Bird.
Um - would you like to see one?

I remember this. Andy
Ricycle and his Magic Tricycle.

I used to love that.

I bet
it's worth a lot of money now.

I heard the first
issue of Booster Bob sells
for over a thousand pounds.

According to the paper
there's a comic book convention
being held this weekend.

you should go, Paddington.
You never know your luck.

A thousand pounds!


♪ Booster Bear, Booster Bear!
Fighting evil everywhere, ♪

♪ when you need him
he'll be there, Booster Bear. ♪

♪ Helping people in distress,
a super hero he's the best. ♪

♪ Conquers crime courageously,
does it with integrity, ♪

♪ Booster Bear!

♪ Dr. Viper causes scare,

♪ mass destruction
everywhere, within the world ♪

♪ without a care -

Stop! You n'er do well!

♪ Booster Bear...

♪ Fly so high through the
sky, staring evil in the eye ♪

♪ Booster Bear, Booster
Bear, Booster Bear! ♪

Wake up sleepy head.

We don't want to
miss the comic book convention.

Do you think Paddington
will be able to sell the comics

Mr. Curry gave him
at that comic book convention?

I don't know,

but I can't
believe one can be worth

a thousand
pounds like Jonathan said.

A th-th-thousand pounds?

You never know.

I'm sure lots of collectors
saw the advertisement in the


Aha! Selling my comics indeed.

We'll see about
that. Not if I get them back.

But how?... that bear's crafty.

He'll know something's up
if I offer to buy them back...

if he doesn't recognize me...

Gracious me. I
didn't know you had to dress up.

It's like a Fancy Dress Ball.

The dealers
do that to drum up business.

There you are.

Ah, I
see we have a connoisseur here.

Can I interest you in issue
number one of the Rabid Weasel?

I'm not a connoisseur.
I'm a bear, from Darkest Peru.

Darkest Peru? I expect you have
some very good weasels there.

Very rabid I shouldn't wonder.

Uh... ah... Tell you what.
It's yours for fifty pounds.

Fifty pounds!

It's in mint condition.
Still got its original staples.

Unread, I would say. A bargain.

If nobody
reads it, it can't be very good.

Well, well,
what have we here? Hmmm...

Yes... these
are alright I suppose. I'll
give you tenpence for the lot.


must be worth more than that.

That man looks awfully familiar?

Hmmm... I've
seen those bony legs before.

That's an Andy
Ricycle and his Magic Tricycle.

And this is a
Ricochet Racer special edition!

Are these yours?

Yes! - No! - I mean... I'll give
you fifty pounds for everything!

I'll give eighty!


One hundred!

Ack... a hundred!

Hey, he's getting away!

Stop you ne'er do well!

♪ Booster Bear, Booster Bear!
Fighting evil everywhere, ♪

♪ when you need him
he'll be there, Booster Bear! ♪

Drat, that bear!

My comics!

What are you up to, Bear?

Oh, hello, Mr. Curry.
I'm just reading my comics.

I thought
you were going to sell them.

I mean... I had heard... that
you were going to sell them.

Oh no, I decided
I could never part with them.

want to read them over and over

and that's
worth much more than the five
thousand pounds I was offered.

Ack - Five thousand pounds...

You know,
bear, I've just had an idea.

How would it be if I did some
odd jobs for you for a change?

We might come to an arrangement.

Perhaps, Mr. Curry. After
I've finished reading them,

afraid that might take years.

It isn't easy with paws.

In the meantime, a
glass of lemonade would be nice.


Ireland beautiful, Mr. Brown?

Mr. Gruber. I'm looking forward
to seeing the Giant's Causeway.

I hope he's not a fierce Giant.

is no giant. And even if there

I'm sure he would be like all

folk, warm and friendly, and

always ready to help.

No, our destination
is a fascinating place,

of gigantic columns of stone.

It will be
a perfect subject for my book,

"The World and its Wonders".

Do you think we should
take the top down, Mr. Brown?

What a good idea, Mr. Gruber.

I'll pull ov... Oh my...

Mr. Gruber!

Are you all right, Mr. Gruber?

but I fear I've lost my glasses.

I can't see
a thing without them.

I need to find an optician.

I don't think you'll find
many round here, Mr. Gruber.

In that case,
there's only one thing for it.

You must take
the wheel, Mr. Brown.

I have the wheel, Mr. Gruber,

- it's
the pedals that are the problem.

I've got it!

ready when you are, Mr. Brown.

I hope this works.
I've only driven once before.


You're going the wrong way!

Now how would
she know where we're going?

Hey! Would you mind
where you're going there!

Hey! Watch what you're doing!

do you think you're going man!

You were right, Mr. Gruber,
these Irish are a friendly lot.

When in Rome, do
as the Romans do. [honks]

Perhaps it would be better
if we get off the main road.

The road rally
has several check points.

Be sure to
stop at each one. Good luck.

Everyone ready?!

Mr. Gruber, I see someone
we can ask for directions
to the nearest optician.

What's that noise?


The Irish
certainly are welcoming...

That doesn't
look like any way to drive.

Well, you see,
I've lost my glasses...

Then you'd better
get to an optician right away.

There's one in the next town.

Here's a map and directions.

I'm afraid
I can't read without my glasses.

You'll have
to follow them, Mr. Brown.

Are you sure
you can read and drive
at the same time young er...

Oh yes.
Bears are good at map reading.

Thank you for your help.

Good luck. You're gonna need it.

Are you having trouble
seeing the map, Mr. Brown?

Not any more, Mr. Gruber.

[bell ringing]

I do hope
we can find a smoother road.

Ah... that's
better. Well done, Mr. Brown.

Er - thank you, Mr. Gruber.

And to think I had
doubts about letting you drive.

[pop, hiss]
Oh dear...

I fear that
sounded like a flat, Mr. Brown.

It's even flatter than
one of Mrs. Bird's pancakes.

I've had this sort
of trouble many times before.

could change a tire blindfolded.

There you are. A job
well done, if I say so myself.

It looks very good to me.

Except... You didn't see
that you changed the wrong tire.


I'll help this time.

Now we can find that optician,

and then go
to the Giant's Causeway.

I think I could do
with a bit of a clean up first.

If I remember rightly, there
was a cloth on the back seat...

What's happening, Mr. Brown?

Nothing good, Mr. Gruber.

Hang on, Mr. Gruber!

Phftt - Where are we?

A barn.
And it's a good thing we had
something soft to bump into.

it would be a good idea if we
go the rest of the way on foot.

I have no idea where this is,

but it's certainly
very peaceful.


Mr. Gruber,
are you catching a cold?

That wasn't me.


a bull! Run, Mr. Gruber. Run.


I do believe
we're so far off the beaten
track we'll never find our way.

a man over there we can ask.

Hello, we're -

- right on course, boys.

Here's the
next lot of directions and...

Oh, I assume
that since you've come this far,

other officials have turned a
blind eye to your friends here.

There should only
be two per car... No passengers.


We seem
to have some guests, Mr. Gruber.

[baa, cluck, oink!]

Here are a couple of packed
lunches to keep you going...

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good bye!

I guess you'll have to share.

Good gracious!

I'm beginning to think we'll
never reach our destination.

Mr. Gruber...

What is it?

The Giant's Causeway.
Just like in the brochure.

It must have been a huge giant

to need this kind
of a causeway to walk upon...

There is no giant.
It's just a natural phenomenon.

Well it certainly
is a popular tourist attraction.

There are so many people here.

I wish
you could see it too, Mr. Gruber

Oh dear. We're not having any
luck today are we, Mr. Brown?

We better put the top up.

Excuse me.

Your glasses!

that's better. Why that's odd...

seems to have been some kind of

car rally going on.

I'm glad we didn't
run into troubles because of it.

I must say,
Mr. Brown. Everything seems

to have worked out rather well.

Thanks to your driving.

I can't wait to tell Aunt Lucy,

although how I'm
going to get it all

onto one postcard, I don't know.



[bells ringing]

Oh, Henry, this is
such a beautiful wedding ring.

What wouldn't
I give to live it all again.

Oh - Did you
say the phone's ringing, Mary?

Oh, Henry.

Henry, should I keep
my wedding dress or sell it?


Mr. Brown, I'm pretty certain
that Mrs. Brown has been trying

to remind you of something.

Shh! Yes, I know.
It's our wedding anniversary.

Your what, Mr. Brown?

Our wedding anniversary.
The day Mary and I got married.

It's customary
for husbands and wives
to celebrate it every year.

But Mrs. Brown
thinks you've forgotten.

I know. Isn't it wonderful?

I'm pretending not to remember,

and my plan is going so well.

But she seems quite upset.

Ah, yes,
but when she sees the present

I'm picking up tomorrow
morning, a BRAND NEW PIANO,

be all the more delighted.

But it's the weekend.
Yes. I'll be right down.

an emergency at the office.

I have to go there right
away so I need you to arrange

for the piano's delivery, before
Mary comes home from the hair...

Here, take this cheque...
the address is on the back.

The delivery men must have
it here before Mary gets home,

or it really
WILL look like I've forgotten!

Don't worry, Mr. Brown,
you're in good hands.

Ah, Bexley's Music. Here we are.

My name is Paddington
Brown and I'm here to make sure

Mr. Brown's
piano gets delivered.

Ricardo Monte Brun! Welcome!

I am here... for my piano.

Of course! It is ready!

But before
we go could I trouble you for
just a couple of autographs?

Ahem! Please Mr. Bexley.
I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Don't you know who that is?

the world famous pianist.

And he's
come to me, ME, to prepare his
piano for tonight's performance.

But Mrs. Brown
has to get her piano on time,

otherwise poor Mr. Brown...

You'll find two delivery
men waiting outside in dispatch.

Show them which piano is yours
and they'll take care of it.

Now go!

me? I'm here to make sure Mr.
Brown's piano gets delivered.

see then... Brown... Brown...

What size was it?

Oh, it's
for a very important occasion
so I'm sure it's very large.

we go... 'Brun'. You were right.

It's the biggest one we've got.

I am such a fan of yours.

And my daughters,
they know all your songs.

Please, I must have my piano.

Of course. Follow me.

My piano?

Can't be too hard to find.

strange. THIS is Mr. Brown's.

why does THIS say "Mr. Brun"?

Those idiots,
they took the wrong piano!


Oh dear.
I think something must be wrong.

Maybe the trailer's loose.

I'll have a look.

Ricardo, please, sit down!

Salieri ate lunch on it!

I'm ruined without it!


the coupling on the trailer!

You mean THIS?


Which way, boss?

Follow that piano! ACHOO!

Come on,
just a little... more...



Hey Larry, it went up-hill!

Watch out Sid,
it's rolling back!

Come on, throw me the pin!

Don't worry,
I know where they live.

Safe and sound, Mr. Brown.

Bring it in, bring it in!

Oh, no. Someone
has made a terrible mistake.

Henry, you won't believe what
I just saw at the hairdressers.

Oh Henry,
it's gorgeous! I love it.

Ah... Happy anniversary, dear.

Madam, that piano is MINE!

Monte Brun! Is it really YOU?


Mary, there's been a mistake.

I bought you a piano, but it's
an upright about half this size.

Mr. Brun,
it IS their anniversary.

And I make my
LIVING from that piano. Achoo!

Ah, this
sneezing is driving me crazy!

I think
I know why you're sneezing.

You do? Tell me.
I'll do anything to stop it!


I have fur and lots
of people are allergic to me.

when I haven't had a bath.

You're right. I should
have known it was those furs!

And to show my appreciation,

I shall play
an original Ricardo love song.

[classical piano music]

Mrs. Brown loves her new piano.

But I think
she loves Mr. Brown even more.

P.S., I'm sure
you've never heard of 'Ricardo',

you should give him a try!

Oh, Paddington...