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03x07 - Mr. Curry's Birthday Bash / Paddington and the Loch Ness Monster / Copybear

Posted: 06/27/23 06:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Left Peru
and sailed to England alone ♪

♪ There he met the Browns
and they took him home. ♪

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's Windsor
Gardens' favourite son ♪

♪ 'Cause he always does
his best to help everyone. ♪

♪ When a problem appears,
he never misses a beat, ♪

♪ And always finds
a way to land on his feet. ♪

♪ He has his
very own unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in
sticky messes just the same. ♪

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's
never far behind ♪

♪ It's Paddington Bear,
he's one of a kind. ♪

I'm Paddington Bear!

Blasted leaves!

Good afternoon, Mr. Curry.

And where have you been, bear?

I've been helping Mr. Gruber
with a birthday party he gave

for one of his oldest
neighbours, Mrs. Pummel.

Birthday party!
Bah! Lot of nonsense.

Oh no,
Mr. Curry. We played games

and there was a big
cake with over sixty candles,

and lots of sandwiches,
but no marmalade ones I'm afraid

in case
Mrs. Pummel got sticky...

ever gave me a birthday party.

But I think I know
how to get one... Hee hee hee...


Let me give you a hand.

Pardon me,
Mr. Curry. What did you say?

That's what being
neighbourly is all about.

Besides, I finished
doing mine yesterday.

This is
very nice of you, Mr. Curry!

You're finished
already, Paddington?

Mr. Curry helped me, Mrs. Bird.

We'll do the shopping, Mrs. B.

You go and have a nice
cup of tea and put your feet up.

Mrs. B! Well I never!

I could carry
some of those, Mr. Curry.

If you don't mind, bear - I'm
not as young as I used to be.

In fact, my birthday
is coming up in two days.

Is it really, Mr. Curry!?


I expect you'll
be having a party then...

No bear... I've never
had a proper birthday party.

Never in your whole life!?!

No... never.

A party for Mr. Curry!
I've heard everything now.

He's never
had one because he's so mean!

He helped
me rake the leaves today.

And went shopping for Mrs. Bird.

That he did.

Really? Perhaps he's reformed.

Leave it to me everyone.

are good at arranging things.

I wonder how old Mr. Curry is?

Perhaps we'd better
not have any candles

in case
we set fire to the house.

Who's bothering me at this hour?

give them a piece of my mi--

Hello, Paddington! Come in.

me get you a marmalade sandwich.

Thank you, Mr. Curry.

- Oh!

Here you are, Paddington.

Oh dear, I nearly dropped this
photograph of you, Mr. Curry.

That's not me. That's my mother.

You have a mother!?!

Of course I've got a
mother. Everyone has a mother.

Mrs. Bird always
says you can't have had one.

Mr. Curry, I
have a nice surprise for you.

The Browns and I are going
to give you a birthday party.

Now there's a coincidence.

It just so happens I keep
a little list of things...

games... food... decorations...

just in case anyone is ever
kind enough to take pity on me.

It seems
a very long list, Mr. Curry.

Especially for someone
who's never ever had a party...

Yes... The party
is the day after tomorrow,

at number Windsor
Gardens. Thank you. Good-bye.

Well I've invited everyone now.

Even Mrs. Curry is coming.

What a nice surprise
it will be for Mr. Curry:

his mother
at his birthday party.

I didn't even
know Curry had a mother.

Bear!! Bear!!

What took you so long, Bear?

We've got to get a move on.

Birthday party shopping to do!

If you ask me, it's a
good job Mr. Curry isn't a bear

or he'd
have two birthdays a year.

I've never met this Mr. Curry,
but I heard there would be cake.

When Paddington
said he'd invited everyone,

I didn't
think he meant literally.

He's coming! Quiet, everyone.

Happy birthday Mr. Curry!!!

Oh thank you.
You are all too kind. Too kind.

Maybe you were right Paddington.

Maybe this party will make a new
-and better- man of Mr. Curry.

They wanted me to join
a circus when I was a lad...


Ha! Ha! Ha!
To pick up after the elephants.

...nineteen sixty-five,
or was it nineteen sixty-six?

No, I think it was sixty-five,
the year of the big snowstorm.

Snow up to your armpits,
snow, snow... What a storm!






I never!

And I've never
had a single dance lesson.

At least
Mr. Curry's having a good time.

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow.
For he's a jolly good fellow. ♪

♪ For he's a jolly
good fellow. ♪

♪ and so say all of
uuuuuuuuus! ♪

Happy birthday Mr. Curry!


No one told
me this was your birthday party.

Which is hardly surprising
because it's not your birthday.

Have you been
up to your old tricks again?


Fooling all these nice people!
I'm ashamed of you, Reginald!

Come along.

But... but...
I can explain... mother...


What do you want, bear?

Is your mother sleeping?

Come down.

I brought these for you.

But it's not my birthday.

you could be like me, then this
could be your second birthday.

What a good idea,
and thank you very much.

It was a lovely party.

Yes it was...

[Mr. Curry's Mother:]

[horn blows]

I'd like to welcome you
all to the third annual
"Catch Nessie Contest."


Thank goodness we
got here in time, Mr. Gruber.

Our past, ah, exploits have
not exactly been successful.

I hope this year one
of you will receive the prize

for the winning photograph.

Good luck to all.

A photograph
of the Loch Ness Monster

would make a wonderful
addition to your book -

"The World and its Wonders."

we could train it to look
at the camera and say "cheese."

I wouldn't hold
out too much hope, Mr. Brown.

I, like many
other people, do not believe
that Nessie even exists.

So, an unbeliever in our midst.

Well I'll bring you proof.

the name and I'll get you
a clear shot of that monster.

It's time you
got busy, Mr. Brown. Good luck.

And good luck
to you, too, Mr. MacSwiddle.

I'll have
luck all right. Heh heh heh...

You have to make your own
luck in this world. Heh heh heh

The Loch Ness Monster!

Oh, it's perfect.

Ready... set... ughhhhh!!!

I've got it.
I've got a picture of Nessie!


That bear got my picture.

win the contest for sure...

- unless.

It seems as though
we may have a winner here.

That photograph is a fake...

and I have proof.

I found this
tucked away behind some bushes.

dear. That's not our monster.

Do you mean I was tricked?

I wonder which one of us pulled
such an underhanded scheme?

I declare this entry null and
void. Let the contest continue.

Perhaps you will have
better luck tomorrow, Mr. Brown.

So don't be disheartened.

I'm not, Mr. Gruber.

Aunt Lucy
taught me that if at first you
don't succeed, try try again.

I'm sure the Loch Ness Monster
wouldn't be able to resist

some extra chunky marmalade.

Can't say I've ever
seen a better looking monster.

Hey... stop...

Come here...


The fish
like it, so it's only a matter
of time for word to get around

and for Nessie
to come looking for some.


Oh look!

Not so fast there, Nessie.

I've got a bite.

Oh no...

I've caught
the Loch Ness Monster!!!

Oh no... I've deflated Nessie.

It's another fake...

I should have
used this from the start.


can ruin my plans this time.

Thank you
for joining me, Mr. Gruber.

You keep your eyes
open for Nessie, Mr. Brown.

And I'll watch for the person
responsible for all these fakes.

Mr. Gruber! Look! Over there!

It's going very fast!

Hold on,
Mr. Brown. Don't lose her.

I saw it! It went over there!

MacSwiddle, you are a genius!

This way.

It's changing
course, Mr. Gruber.

My remote control is ruined!

And I didn't even have
a chance to get a picture.


I mean, ah,
oh how did this get here!?!

Now it's coming straight at us!

I've got you this time. Aaa!!!

Or rather...

Mr. Brown... oh no...

never get a picture of you if
you don't slow dowwwwwwnnnnnn!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoaaa!...

Run for
it! She's heading for shore!


Excuse us, Mr. MacSwiddle.

I thought
sea-serpents lived underwater?

Who would've thought?

I hope I got a good picture.

Mr. MacSwiddle,
I have to say that I am

disappointed at the sight -

everybody. Wait. I think we may
have won the prize, Mr. Gruber.

Mr. Brown. Thank
goodness you're all right.

I'm afraid
I have some bad news for you.

You see,
your Nessie was another fake.

I was riding a fake sea monster?

Yes... Those pictures
are clearly of the fake monster.

This one isn't.


That is not
my monster, I can assure you,

and it seems to
have a strange lump on its back.

not a lump, it's one of my jars.

Do you think it really is
the Loch Ness Monster Mr. Brown?

I'm not sure, Mr. Gruber.

But whatever it is, it certainly
took a fancy to my marmalade.

Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Bird. Come quickly.

I think we've had burglars.


I'm afraid
it's Henry. The poor dear.

He had
to stay up all night working
on some important papers.

They are for a take
over bid. His corporation is

trying to buy
another large company.

he's not going to be doing
much taking over of anything

if he doesn't
hurry up and get to work.

Paddington. Go and
see what's keeping him.

He'll be late.

Mr. Brown? Mrs. Brown asked
me to see what's keeping you.

Mr. Brown?
Are you in there? You're
getting your pyjamas all wet.

Brrr... Cold. Cold. Cold...

Ah good. I can tell
Mrs. Brown you're awake now.

Thank you for helping Henry
get ready for work, Paddington.

He's a little
out of sorts today.

That's one way of putting it.



I'm not sure I understand what
a take over bid is, Mr. Brown.

But I hope you have a good one.

I shall be glad
when it's over, Paddington.

My boss has been
driving me crazy for weeks now.

It's all in
here and today's the day.

[doorbell rings]
Ah - That must be the taxi.

I'll get you an umbrella.

Good bye
Mr. Brown. Have a nice day.

Uh oh. Mr. Brown
forgot his envelope.

Well, I'll just
telephone his office to tell

him I'm bringing it.
It shouldn't be too difficult.

This isn't happening to me.

I can't believe
I left it at home.

Mr. Brown. You have
a message and the Chair...

No time for that now, Stephanie.

I forgot
to bring in the take over bid.

The Chairman is in your office.

Brown! What's
all this about you leaving

the take-over
bid at home? This is a

growth potential day, Brown.

This deal
will net % the first quarter

with sub-linear
forecasts for the next half.

No sir Humphrey.
I mean, yes Sir Humphrey.

I mean...

Our client
will be coming in at :.

So I expect
the presentation on my desk

by a quarter to at the latest.

Don't' worry, Sir Humphrey.

You see,
it's being delivered here

by my personal courier.

I hope this courier is reliable.

Oh he's very reliable.

It will
be safe in his paws. I mean...

I've got some important
papers for Mr. Brown.

rd floor, suite . Mail room.

very busy here at the moment.

Please send someone
down to help with the mail.


That was fast.

have to give this to Mr. Brown.

it to him personally, mate,

along with
all the other mail, all right?

- and
hurry back after you're done.

I'll find
something else for you to do.

Mr. Brown must be very important
to get everyone's mail.

Well this place isn't very busy.

Not any more.

Can I help you Mr. Brown?

I'm waiting for a courier...

well, he's not really a courier.

He's actually a bear and...

Well he went up to the
mail room about minutes ago.

Here's the morning mail...
And Mr. Brown's take over bid.

You must be the reliable courier
Mr. Brown was talking about.

I don't think Mr. Brown's
ever called me that before.

I shall have to thank him.

Stephanie. Mr. Brown? Yes.
I sent him up to the mail room.

How was I to know
that bear's not an employee?
[phone rings]

Hello. It's for you.

You've got it? She's got it.

- and that bear's
going to get it.

[phone rings]
Mr. Brown's
office. Yes Sir Humphrey.

You'll be able to
find Mr. Brown in the mail room.


Hello... I'm back. Oh...

These machines look interesting.

I wonder what they do?

I wonder if it does faces too?

I can make some
for the Browns. And Aunt Lucy.

Hello... Service...

I need collated copies
of this

and immediately!

I'll get on it right away.

Who would have
thought working in an office

could be so much fun.

Why isn't anyone ever
where they are supposed to be?

A job well done if you ask me.

There you are.

There you are.

There you are.
Where's my take over bid?

Where's my take over bid?

What take over bid?

This take over bid. I've
just finished making the copies.

And who are you?

I'm Paddington Brown.

- Oh!

- and thank you for
saying I'm reliable, Mr. Brown.

Well I can't disagree with that.

When our client
sees this young bear's face

on our proposal,
he'll know we mean business.

After all... they
do make toys and teddy bears...

But tell me...
however did you get the idea?

Well you see, Sir Humphrey...

it's, well,
it's a...

It's a long story.