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03x02 - What's Going on at Number 32 / Paddington at the Rock Garden / Trouble in the Bargain Basement

Posted: 06/27/23 05:55
by bunniefuu
♪ Left Peru and sailed
to England alone ♪

♪ There he met the Browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's Windsor Gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does hisbest to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brandnew ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's Paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

I'm Paddington bear!

That's it Paddington...

... move the ears to the left...

Stop right there!

Really henry!

We must do something
about this television.

It's on its last legs.

So... am i.

Well, it wouldn't hurt tohave someone take a look at it.

No point throwing out
a perfectly good tv.

... and in the news:
people should be aware of

a prowler hairy Harry, who has a taste for sandwiches.

This sounds
very familiar to me.

I may be hairy, Ms. Bird,
but I'm not a "Harry".

... after robbing his victims, hairy Harry makes

a sandwich using ingredients
from the pantry.

I think I better hide
my jars of marmalade.

Just in case hairy Harry
pays us a visit.

Now... where's a safe place?

I know!

Ah... better safe than sorry.


Eating jars of marmalade!What were you thinking?

I saved one jar
in case I get hungry

while you're out, Mrs. Bird.

I should try and get
a bit of sleep, dear.

We'll be back soon.

At last.

I thought they would
never go. hee! Hee! Hee!

Oh. good morning, Mr. Curry.

Good day, bear. I was wonderingif I might watch your

A program will start in a bitthat I rather want to see.

I'm sure Mr. Brown
wouldn't mind.

He's always saying that you
might as well live here

for all the things you borrow.Yes.

Well... what? How dare
he say that about me!

I'm afraid the picture
isn't very good.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind
keeping the sound down.

I'm trying to sleep.


Keep the sound down indeed!

It's even worse
than the picture.

[doorbell ringing]


You must be... uh, Mr. Brown?I'm here to fix your television

and install a new aerial.
Ah! Well...

It's lucky, really.
I had a cancellation.

I was able to fit you in
today instead of tomorrow.
Uh, yes. very lucky.

Right this way!

Here we are.

It's crying out for some help.

Ah. I know this model very
well. very well indeed.

Very tricky, Mr. Brown.

Very tricky.

Yes. well...

Do you think if I lend a hand,it could be done more quickly?

Two pairs of hands are betterthan one, I always say.
Let's be at it.

I think we found
the problem, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown...

Oh, pardon me. you were saying?

It's this tube. let's installthe aerial first. with a bit ofhelp, it shouldn't take long.

It's not long now before
my program starts.

We ought to have a
perfect picture by then.


Uh... what's that noise?

There's someone up there.

But who? It can't...

Be... a prowler!

Hairy Harry!

You're a big help, Mr. Brown.I wish there were more people
in the world like you.

Mr. Brown?Ah! Yes. helpful Mr. Brown.

Uh, that's me. but
let's hurry, shall we?

Ah! A prowler!

Perhaps it is hairy Harry.And he's got a partner in crime.

That'll teach you.

You won't get out
of there in a hurry.

Time to get reinforcements.

Help! Police!

It's about hairy Harry.

He's at Windsor Gardens...

No. he won't get away.

I've locked him in.

Hey! Open up!

What is all this?

Suddenly, I'm feeling
much better.

I'd say it's time for
a sandwich to celebrate.

Don't you know how to get outof your own attic, Mr. Brown?

No. I mean, yes. I mean...

This door has always
been tricky.

Oh dear. it looks like Mr.Curry didn't like his program.

I'd better see if I can fixthis before the Browns get home.


Mr. Brown?

Yes, officer. what seems
to be the problem?

We had a report that hairy
Harry, the prowler,

is in your house.


You're certain?

Aha! See this?

Hairy Harry's calling card.
He's here all right.

But where?

Let us out! Someone let us out!

Oh dear! I hope Paddingtonis all right.

Look. someone's coming.

At last!

You there. don't try to escape.

Now, come on down.And don't try anything funny.

After you.

You can't be hairy Harry.

You're not very hairy.

I'm not. I'm a TV repairman.

And you are?I'm... the nextdoor neighbor.

You said you were Mr. Brown!

You mean, there are
two Mr. Browns?

Uh, yes. i... I mean...

I mean, no.

Well, what do you mean?

Mr. Brown, could you come
here and sort this out?

I wasn't expecting you today!

There was a cancellation.

Curry! What are you doing here?

All I wanted to do
was watch my program!

And now, I've missed it!

This was all that bear's fault!

If this sandwich doesn't
belong to hairy Harry,

then, I'd like to know
whose it is.

I think it may belong
to Paddington.

But he's upstairs in bed.

Blimey. look at that!

There's someone funny

inside your telly. it's...

Hairy Harry!

No. he's in the attic.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Everyone I know thinks
it's a very good idea.

Well, almost everyone.

Reduce, reuse, recycle. ah!

Getting rid of this lot isgoing to cost me a fortune.

Ouch. bear!!!
Good morning, Mr. Curry.

What are you doing, bear?
It's something I picked
up in india.

Hum. these
should come in handy.

What are you talking about?It's an idea I got there

while collecting stories
for Mr. Gruber's book.

If I remember correctly,
it all started

with a very long bus ride.

I'm beginning to wishwe'd taken a taxi, Mr. Brown.

I'm beginning to wish I hadn't
eaten quite so much breakfast,
Mr. Gruber.

I hope the rock gardens atchandigarh are worth seeing.

There's nowhere on
earth quite like it.

I'm counting on you to take
some good photographs.

You can rely on me, Mr. Gruber.I wonder when we'll get there.

Excuse me, please.

Pardon. pardon.

Excuse me. can you tell me howmuch further it is to?... oh!


Oh! Pardon me.

Excuse me, please.


You've still got Mr. Gruber!

Until Mr. Gruber finds
his way back,

I'd better get started takingthe photographs.


I wonder what Mr. Gruber
would like pictures of.

You can't see the
gardens for tourists.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Oh my!

No wonder he's stone deaf!
He is stone!

This must be what Mr. Gruber
wanted me to photograph!

The sculptures!

Could you lean toyour right a bit?

It's like talking
to a brick wall.

Hold it now. that's perfect.

Don't move. ha! Ha! Ha!

Aren't the sculptures
wonderful? And to think

they are all made from thingspeople throw away!

Bap bap. look!

The sculpture with the funny hatis taking a picture of
the others!

Funny hat?

I'll have you know
my uncle gave me this.

It was handed down!

Ah!The statue has come to life!

An evil demon!

I'm not an evil demon!

I'm a bear from darkest Peru!

A bear statue is coming alive!
He is chasing us! Run!

What is this nonsense?

The bear statue is not alive.

It's made of tin, metal,
plastic and clay.

Someone is undoubtedly
playing a prank.

I will telephone
the authorities.

Mr. Gruber is right.

The rock gardenat chandigarh
is like nowhere else.

That's a very colorful
peacock sculpture.

If I didn't know better,
I'd say it was...

Ah! Look at all that rubbish!I don't know

what Mrs. Bird would say,

spoiling a beautiful
park like this.

While I wait for Mr. Gruber,

I think I'll do a
little tidying up.


I have it on good authority.

Some practical joker in a bearsuit is scaring all the people.

Oh dear. Mr. Brown!


Check it out, honey.
Artist at work.

Get over there for a photo.You don't mind, do you, buddy?

You know, back home, this wouldbe just another junkyard.

How you guys built
this great place

entirely out of garbage
is beyond me!


You know what I mean.

Making all these sculptures outof recycled trash like you do.
Ah, it's great!

Mr. Brown! What are you up to?

Mr. Gruber! Thank
goodness, you're here!

I thought I was helping out.
But now, I'm not sure.

Don't worry, Mr. Brown.

We'll soon put things
right again.

Not only did Mr. Gruber show me how to put things right.

With his help, we even
went one better.

Excellent work, Mr. Brown.

I'd say we've made
a lasting impression.

Are you sure about
the design, Mr. Gruber?

It looks oddly familiar.


Now you mention it,

who do we know with
a jaw like that?

I must say he looks
very badtempered.

[together]: Mr. Curry!

A statue? Of me?

You made a statue of me?

Entirely out of rubbish.

It wasn't difficult once
we found an old car tire
for your jaw.

And people from
all over the world

paid good money to
come and see it?

Oh yes, Mr. Curry. there was a
big crowd when we left.

I'd like to support your
recycling project, bear.

So, I'm going to let you build astatue of me in my front garden.

I'll even donate the rubbish.That's very kind of you,
Mr. Curry.

Perhaps your front garden

will become as famous asthe
rock gardenin chandigarh.

I'm counting on it, bear.

I'm off to take a bath

and I want that statue
finished when I'm done.

Some days just fall into place.

My rubbish taken
care of for free,

and a statue of myself
into the bargain.

I wonder how much I can chargepeople to look at it.


What have you done, bear?

I'm almost finished, Mr. Curry.

And I must say
the resemblance is uncanny.


How about moving this thing?

Don't worry about
that, Mr. Curry.

I used Mr. Brown's
quick drying cement.

Once it dries, it's
not going anywhere.

It's a pity you've already hadyour bath, Mr. Curry.


"Free demonstrations"?

Those are two of
my favourite words!

Can I go and see
the demonstrations

while you do your
shopping, Mrs. Bird?

I don't see why not.

But mind you, don't
get into any trouble.

Me? Get into trouble?

I don't see how you can get intotrouble in a bargain basement.

If anyone can, it's a
certain young bear I know.

And don't go spending
all of your money either.

Don't worry.

Bears are good at
finding bargains.

I'll come and fetch you
when my shopping's done.

Stress got you down?

The stressaway miracle mask

promises hours of
stressfree relaxation.

Just put it on, close your eyes

and drift away to paradise.


Just what I need: a volunteer.

One size fits all.

This reminds me of pin
the tail on the donkey.

I hope everyone knows
how to play.


Hey! How am I supposed
to pin the tail on if
you won't keep still?

I think I may get judy
one of these masks for
her next birthday party.

This amazing slicer dicer

makes perfect potato
chips every time.

Those blades look awfully
sharp. is it safe?

Madam, it's so safe
a child could use it.

Or even a bear. you, sir, wouldyou mind showing this lady

how it's done?

Ah! You see?

It's wonderful.

If this inexperienced bear
can use it,

imagine what you can do.


You're a natural. everconsidered joining the trade?

Mrs. bird always saysbears drive a hard bargain.


My parcel!

It's been shredded!

Actually, it's been squashed.That's certainly a bargain.

A slicer dicer that also
shreds andsquashes.

It not only looks good,

it tastes good!

Only one application of
instant one-dab cleaning
fluidand this old carpet

looks like new. developedin space, used by astronauts.

There's nothing on earth
that can't be improved

by instant one-dab
cleaning fluid.

Mrs. bird is always complainingabout marmalade stains.

Take this filthy

old piece of felt.Filthy old piece of felt?!

Most of you would
have thrown it away.

But one dab of my cleaning fluidwill make it like new!

Hold on! That's
my hat you've got!

I didn't realize anyone
was wearing it.

I thought it was one
of my old scraps.

Old scraps!

Well, now that I have it,

perhaps you'd like me to
get rid of your stains?

Get rid of my stains?!

I'll have you know it's taken mea long time to collect
these stains!

Some of them have been
handed down!

You can't hand a stain down!

Bears do. this one was madeby my uncle in Peru.

Remove my stains indeed!
I don't know

what my uncle would
say if he knew!

that smells like
something cooking.

How many times have you ruined
your fried egg in the morning
because it stuck to the pan?

Well, just watch this.

Buy one of my magic
nonstick fry pans

and nothing, I repeat nothing,will stick ever again.

Nothing at all?
You don't believe me?

I'll tell you what, sir.
Why don't you have a go?

That certainly didn't stick...
To the pan.

What did I tell you.
Nothing sticks.

Excuse me. I haven't finished.


now, do you believe me?
I haven't tried a pancake yet.


Hey! What have you done
with my pancake?

What have I done with it?

That was mydemonstration pancake.

You did say it was
a magic fry pan.

Perhaps you didn't use
enough butter.


Oh! My best hat!
Look at my coat!

I demand to see
the sales manager!

Sales manager to the bargain basement! Right away, please.

Sounds like there's
trouble, down below.

Trouble? Paddington!

Mercy me! Where has
that bear gone to?

I think I've had enough
bargains for one day.


Am I correct, sir, in believing
you are responsible

for all this commotion?

Now, you can't go
blaming that bear.

I'm sure he was only
trying to help.

Blame? I'm here to offer
my congratulations.

Thanks to his efforts
with the pancakes,

we've sold our entire stock of one-dab stain remover.

Oh dear. I was hoping to getsome for you, Mrs. Bird.

Since he demonstrated thatnothing sticks to our
magic fry pans,

they've been selling
like hotcakes!

And because of the panic
he caused,

our stressaway miracle masks
sold out in minutes.

Oh, he's a marketing genius.

I have only one question:

any ideas how to move
our slicer dicers?

They'd be very handy
for making marmalade.

The chunks are the worst part.

Seeing as you've
been so helpful,

I'd like you to have freesamples of all our new products.

The pancake!

Why don't you try some ofthe
one-dab stain remover?

It's a real bargain!