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03x01 - Paddington Takes a Cut / Anchors Away / Paddington Passes Through

Posted: 06/27/23 05:54
by bunniefuu
♪ Left Peru and sailed
to England alone ♪

♪ There he met the Browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's Windsor Gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does his best
to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brandnew ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious
and speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's Paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

I'm Paddington bear!

I haven't seen
Paddington this morning.

What's he been up to?

Don't bother answering.
I can see for myself!

So can i.

Unfortunately he's
discovered a new hobby.

These cutouts have been
popping up ever since he heard

of the garden society's
topiary competition.

But that's the art of

clipping bushes
into fantastic shapes.

Not newspapers.

I think they're meant to
be marmalade sandwiches.

Well I hope he doesn't make
sandwiches out of my shrubs.

If he hopes to win a contest

he's going to have
to learn some new shapes.

And... if we're lucky,

he'll find someone else's
shrubs to practice on!

I am fascinated by your new
area of interest, Mr. Brown.

And I think you'll find
this book very helpful.

"Clippings from my Garden."

Thank you very much, Mr. Gruber.

Look at all the shapes.

They'll make a nice change
from sandwiches.

Ahem. yes. Mrs. Bird
told me about those.

I'm sure a look through that
will give you plenty of ideas
for the competition.

Thank you.
But a word of
warning, Mr. Brown.

What is cut off

can't be put back.

Mr. Brown is going to be
surprised when he comes home

and finds a peacock
in his garden.

But where shall I start?


What!! Who did that?

Of all the nerve!

Bear... is that you?


What are you doing? This branch
nearly had my eye out.

It's topiary, Mr. Curry.
It's to do with cutting shrubs.

I'm making a peacock.
A peacock?

Yes. the Browns said if I was
going to enter the competition,

I had to learn a new shape.
A competition, you say?

The Portobello Garden Society
will pick the winner at the end

of the week. the
prize is pounds.

Ah!! pounds...


You know, bear, I bit
of topiary in my garden

would raise the tone of it.

If you do one for me,
I might not report you

for nearly poking my eye out.
I'd be happy to, Mr. Curry.

And mind you don't go clipping
one for everyone.

I want mine to be exclusive.

Oh, I'm sure I can make it
look like something

that's never been done before.

You better start
straight away, bear.

This bush definitely looks
as though it could do with
a trim, Mr. Curry.

Just make sure it's finished
by the time I get back.

After I've got something
for my eye,

I shall call in at
the garden society
and bring the judges round.

The judges!

I'd better get started
right away!

I read in Mr. Gruber's
book that the general
shaping of the bush

is the easy part.

But the touchups are tricky.

They weren't joking.

Oh no!

I think I'm in trouble again.

Mr. Gruber was right!

Ah! What is cut off
can't be put back!

I hope the book can tell me what
to do in a situation like this.

"some of the simpler shapes
can take as long as years
to reach perfection."


Mr. Curry will be back with
the judges in minutes!

I have to think fast.


It's a good thing bears
are good at thinking.

You will not be disappointed,
I assure you.

When you see my topiary, you
won't have to look any further

for your winner.

Paddington... did you know
Mr. Curry's entered

the competition as well?
Yes, Mrs. Bird.

I made a peacock for him.
A peacock!

You mean, he's taking credit
for yourwork?

I don't really mind. besides,
I did almost poke his eye out.

Well, I mind! Come on!

See? Isn't it fantastic?

It certainly is.

But tell us, Mr. Curry.

How did you shape such
a perfect peacock?

Lots and lots of patience.

Just a moment!

Mr. Curry didn't make that.

It was Paddington.

Entering someone else's work?

This is highly irregular.

It isn't the first
time something like
this has happened.

You ought to be ashamed
of yourself!

Taking credit for a
young bear's handiwork.

But... it's my bush.

And it's a fake!
A fake?!

What do you mean, a fake?

There's some kind of...
Foam in the middle.

The branches are stuck in it.

Ah! It's alive! It's alive!

We've seen just about enough.

This has been a complete
waste of time.

Get it off.

Get it off!

I'm sorry, Mr. Curry.

Topiary isn't supposed
to attack people.


There you are.

I've got a surprise for you,

I bought this bush for you
to practice on.

He's already practiced...

On mine. and he ruined it.

You can have this one
if you'd like, Mr. Curry.

Well, it's nothing like
the original, of course.

I could try making you
something else, Mr. Curry.

A bear would look very nice
in your garden.


A bear?! Humpf!

A bear! Oh! A bear indeed!

You can't trust anyone today.

You leave things outside...

Perhaps not.

Would you care for a biscuit, sticky

no, thank you.

But I'm happy to
see you relaxing

after our latest trip abroad.
Bears like boats.

Then you'll be interested
in our sweep, sir.

Don't bother sweeping.

I'll be sure to brush
the crumbs into the sea.
The fish will enjoy them.

This sweep is a contest.

A contest?
What do I have to do?

Guess how far the ship will
travel by midday today.

The person closest to the exact
distance wins the jackpot.

That's easy.

My uncle in Peru taught me
how to predict the weather

from the smell of the wind.

The ship won't travel very far
today because of the
bad weather.

My guess is...
nautical miles.

Are you sure, Mr. Brown?

There isn't a cloud in the sky.

Storms at sea can
come out of nowhere.

I learned that when
I was a stowaway.

Let's not mention stowaways
to the captain, shall we?

I'll put you down
for nautical miles.


I think I may have made a wrong
guess by mistake, Mr. Gruber.

Perhaps it was the salt air
mingling with some marmalade
from your snack.

Everyone seems certain we will
travel a great distance today.

But don't feel bad,
it was only a guess.

I will let you enjoy your
biscuits alone, Mr. Brown.

Now, be careful. don't stay
out in the sun too long.

The sun's very hot.

I'm starting to get full
and... sleepy.

Oh! Uh?

[marching band music]

that's strange.

Mrs. Brown?


Where are you, mrs. Brown?
I can't see you.

And I don't like the look
of what I do see.

[chorus]: Paddington!

Mrs. Brown! Mr. Brown!
Mrs. Bird!

Where are you? Help!!

No! No! No!

That was no ordinary dream.
That was a nightmare!


[all]: Paddington!


The nightmare's
still happening!

Hey, watch it!

Mr. Gruber was right. I spent
too much time in the sun.

And now, I'm seeing ghosts.

If anyone can help me,
it's the ship's doctor.

Good gracious!

What seems to be the trouble?
You look as though
you've seen a ghost!

I have.

Three of them,
as a matter of fact.

Three? Dear me!

Why don't you tell me
all about it?

[Paddington takes
a deep breath.]

well, it happened...
Right after I was chased
by some biscuits.

You were chased by biscuits?

That's right.
I see.

And this happens to you often?

Sometimes. depending
on how much I've eaten.

But it doesn't stop there.

Then I saw the Browns
and Mrs. Bird.

But they're in london.
A bird? In London?

You're sure it wasn't a...
A seagull on the railing?

Mrs. Bird, a seagull?

She wouldn't like to hear that.

Start from the beginning.

I was sitting on the deck.

You were sitting on the deck!
In the sun?

Yes. I was keeping an eye
on the weather. for the sweep.

It sounds as though
you've been hallucinating.

What you need is sleep.

But the trouble started
while I was sleeping.

It's a clear case
of too much sun

making you imagine
all sorts of things.

Well, it's happening again.

There are the Browns
and Mrs. Bird.
[all]: Paddington!

Oh my!

Hi there. hello.

But you said they were
in london, didn't you?


No. wait!

Poor Mr. Brown
must be very upset.

I can't imagine
where he's got to.

The last I saw of him,
he was running around
the ship causing a panic.

We're terribly sorry
for all the trouble.

We came onboard this morning,
when the ship stopped
for supplies.

Now it all makes sense.

Henry wanted to
surprise Paddington.

Not scare him.

But how was I to know he
would think we're ghosts
and start a panic?

I've looked everywhere for him.

I found Paddington's hat.

It was near the railing.

Near the railing! Oh no!

Maybe he fell overboard!


man overboard!

I've given the order
to start the search.

In all my years at sea, I've
never had a man overboard.
Let alone a bear.

But captain, I'm not overboard.
I'm right here.

Ghosts! Run everyone!

It's all right, Mr. Brown.

They aren't ghosts.

They're real. it's a surprise.

You can say that again!
Oh, Paddington.

Why didn't you come out
when you heard the alarm?

We thought you'd
fallen overboard.

You did? But no one
said anything about a
bear overboard until just now.

Because we had to stop,
the ship is behind schedule.

We've only travelled
twenty nautical miles

and it's already midday.
Twenty, you say? Then...

I can't believe it!

The bear's won the ship's sweep!

I've won the ship's sweep?

Your guess must be the closest.

This better not happen again
or my suspicions will be aroused

and I might have
to clap you in irons.

Aye aye, captain.

I think I know one bear

who's going to have a good sleep
after his lunch.

If you don't mind, Mrs. Bird,
I think I may stay awake
for the rest of the day.

Anything can happen
when Ifall asleep!

And you are
one Paddington Brown?

Ms. bird says one is enough!

Well I'm sure she's right.

This letter says you've
been invited to be part of a

large studio audience.

But it doesn't say anything
about you being a bear.

Do you have any
form of identification?


I don't think I have any forms,
but I have this photograph,

from my aunt lucy,

it says, "To my dear
nephew, Paddington".

Or there's this.

It's got my paw mark on it.

Mrs. bird says no one else
has one quite like it.

I don't suppose anyone
would want one either.

This is the number
of the studio you want.

Thank you.

And be careful
you don't get lost.

I've never got lost
this quickly before.

Maybe the high altitude
is making me see things.

Are you lost?
Very lost, I'm afraid.

I'm looking for this studio.

Down the hall. second door on
the left. but you better hurry.

The jam session
is about to start.

A jam session? It's a good job

I brought a marmalade sandwich!

I hope we get to see Paddington

in one of the live
studio audiences.

With that hat and duffle coat,
he shouldn't be too hard
to spot.

Thank you.

And for our last number, we have a wonderful gues...

See? Just like I said.

I have a feeling whoever
invited Paddington to
the television studios

is going to wish they hadn't.

Who are you?

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Uh, yes. as I was saying, uh...

Our wonderful guest is...

Paddington Brown,
of Windsor Gardens.

Paddington Brown...
Paddington Brown...

But you're supposed
to be in studio ,

not studio !

I didn't know about
the jam session.

So I hope a marmalade
sandwich will do.

I'm afraid we...

Can't play this.

Play it? My Aunt Lucy taught me

never to play with my food.
[audience roaring]

Yes. and...

How can I help you? I think I took a wrong turn.

Oh... I see what's happened.

You must have thought
the was a .

I did not! Aunt Lucy
also taught me my numbers.

What I mean is,
you're in the wrong studio.

Studio is through there.

Ah. thank you.

ah, change the channel.
I can't watch this anymore.

And now finally,
for our last number...

But this is studio .

Well at least,
I'm getting warmer.

Where's that bear?!

I have you, robin hood!

Nothing can save you now.

I think you dropped something.


Uh... you'll not save
him, friar tuck.

Friar tuck? Oh...

It's not my place to say.

But I've always been told
that v*olence doesn't pay.

[crowd]: yey!

I can't believe it!

That's it! I'm calling
the television station.

Why don't we watch the news?


and on the international scene,
there have been reports of...

Strange... sightings...

There's been a new development

in the amazing discovery...
It's happened again!

I've tried phoning
the station five times
but they're always busy.

Oh dear. I hope people
aren't calling

to complain about Paddington.

What is going on in my studios?

Miss warren, find the audience
coordinator and that bear

and bring them to my office
on the double!

I don't believe it!
This is studio .

But the show is over.

There you are!
There you are!

The chairman would like to see

both of you in his
office immediately!

Oh no!

I think I'm in trouble again.

This is very serious.

Those programs
were going out live!

Everyone in the country
must have seen you.

You see, I've got my
's and 's mixed up.


I know, they're right here.
I was just...


How many?...

That many?... that's incredible!

Uh... as I was saying...

This is very serious.

It turns out everyone in
the country did see you.

They did...
They did?

And they loved you!

Our switchboard is being
flooded with calls

from happy viewers wondering
where and when you'll
turn up next.

You've done us a great service.

Our ratings have soared.

Congratulations! Good work!

Thank you, sir.
You know what they say,

there's nothing like live tv.

We'll have to have
you back, Mr. Brown.

Perhaps next time, I could
start at studio and work
my way up!