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Country Club, The (2023)

Posted: 06/26/23 18:38
by bunniefuu
(Good Deed Entertainment logo)

("Dancing in the

Moonlight" by Toploader)

We get it on

most every night

When that moon

is big and bright

It's a supernatural delight

Everybody's dancing

in the moonlight

(upbeat music)

Everybody here

is outta sight

They don't bark

and they don't bite

They keep things loose,

they keep them tight

Everybody's dancing

in the moonlight

Dancing in the moonlight

Everybody's feeling

warm and bright


Break's over.

Elsa Cartwright, I'm not

paying you to hit golf balls.

(Elsa grunting)

(man clapping)

(light music)


(light music)

I want you to deliver

these to the golf teams

of every elite private

school in New England.



This year's junior tournament

parent coordinator thought

it would be a strategic

move to recruit new members.

Doling out invites

like CVS coupons.

Just do as I say, Petey Varga.

(light music)

(fingers snapping)

See you on the green.

(upbeat music)

(birds chirping)

Wait, wait.

Delivery, wait.

Wait wait wait.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

I'm looking for the

school's golf teams.

The JV and varsity.

It's the summer.

(birds chirping)

There's a driving

range two miles west.

I think the kids practice there.

Kid's got a bright

future, unlike me.

(soft music)

Can I help you?

Invitations to

Butlerbrick Golf

and Country Club's

junior tournament.

Old elitist institution

getting desperate, huh?

Elsa Cartwright?

From the Connecticut


[Petey] That's right, ma'am.

Well, these kids

only practice here

when school's in session.

Right, summer.

Who knew?

Actually, there is

another Elsa Cartwright

that's working a

summer job here for me.

Of course, not a

Connecticut Cartwright,

more of like a cleaning

crew Cartwright.

But she's still a

pretty good golfer.

(light music)

Here, how about I give

these to their parents?

[Petey] You're my

type of woman, ma'am.

(light music)

Excuse me, I have a meeting.

(light music)

(phone ringing)

Reception, please hold.


Else, I'm concerned

you're taking out

your frustration on

Mom's golf clubs.

They're practically heirlooms.

No, they're hand-me-downs.

If they were worth anything, I

would have sold them already.

[Tina] They were Mom's. That's

gotta count for something.

I'm sorry. I didn't

mean it like that.

(phone ringing)

Oh, one second.

Reception, please hold.



I don't know, I guess I'm just

upset about Dad being laid off.

College and getting a job is

just so far out of reach now.

I just don't wanna end up like

everyone else around here.

Who works in construction

or does hair.


[Elsa] Weird?

It's humiliating.

You really want student

debt, or like a useless

college degree and

still be living at home.

I'm having a midlife crisis.

(phone ringing)


Reception, please hold.

[Caller] You know, I

called three times already.

Well, I am sorry you've

called three times today,

but we are very busy.


My life is literally

in the shitter.

Hey, everyone shits,

even rich people.

(soft music)

(urine flowing)

(woman sighing)

(gas passing)

(toilet flushing)


Miss Cartwright.

Tina, I found

these in the store.

You know you're not supposed

to sell your designs here.

But look how cute they are.


Please, Margery.

Tina, the women that come

in here, they want labels.

They want brand names.

They wanna wear what

their friends are wearing.

All right, I've tried to sell

other stuff in here before.

It doesn't sell. I am sorry.

All right, look at it like this.

You walk into a grocery

store. You need some cat food.

I don't have a cat.

We have a dog.

Fine, you need dog food.

They have some Purina,

they have some Blue Ribbon.

But then, look, on the shelf,

sitting in a plastic bag,

is some bootleg dog food.

What are you gonna choose?

The plastic bag if it

was in my price range.


The point is, labels

aren't just for show.

They show what's inside.

Now don't let me find

these here again,

or you'll be out of a job.

This is a summer job, and

Labor Day is this weekend.

Well in that case, you'll

be out of a reference.

Now take your freaking

designs. Get outta here.

Come on.


[Margery] Better

not see these again.

("Dips" by Daisy The Great)

The yellow sun is setting

Into mellow purple blues

The tournament has been

generously underwritten,

and juniors will receive

a cash prize of $15,000.

(brakes squealing)



Yeah. I think

that's pretty normal.

Haven't you heard people

at the driving range

talk about their private clubs?

(soft music)

(dog barking)


Aw, did you miss us?

All I know, know,

know, know, know

(soft music)

It's a sign.


You've been stressing

about college all summer.

Now you can win your tuition.

It's a coincidence for sure.

You know what Dad

says about coincidences.

They're for people who

don't believe in destiny.

How did this happen?

Doesn't matter.

You have to go.

No, I'm sure

there's an entry fee,

and they probably charge

a lot to stay there.

I'm sure we can

afford like one night,

between the two of us.

I mean, I have savings

from the summer, don't you?

What's in this for you?

I could make us some cute

clothes, and then maybe

the people at the club

woulda wanna wear them.

Our savings is money

that could go to Dad, to--

To what?

It's not even enough for like

a semester of community college.


Oh wow.

(soft music)

I'm in.


When Butlerbrick

Golf and Country Club

opened its doors in 1924,

it became an instant--


Scene 101, Take 38.

When Butlerbrick Golf and

Country Club opened its doors

in 1913, it became an

instantaneous hot spot,

for golf enthusiasts

and swinging socialites.

Ah, sorry, I gotta

start again (laughs).


Seasons have changed.

Fortunes have fallen.

But Butlerbrick has remained

a place of community

for those wealthy

enough to afford one.

Hello, I'm Victor Simmons,

and for four generations,

my family has made it a priority

to create a welcoming

home for the elite.



I can see you.

Are you sure this

thing doesn't work?

Unfortunately, no, ma'am.

I need you to get down lower.

You have to get lower.


You know what, forget it,

you're done. You're cut.

Let's go.

Did you deliver

the invitations?

It's all taken care of, sir.

I've got a commercial to run.

And we're rolling again.

Consider Butlerbrick the

next time you feel unimportant.


You have money.

You are important.

(TV clicking)

(soft piano music)

(bell ringing)

(soft piano music)

Nurse, tell Pilot to

turn on the heat seaters.


Seat heaters?

In the heli.

There's somewhere

that I need to be.

(blades chopping)

(birds singing)

(blades chopping)

Come on.

Let's go.

(birds chirping)


(upbeat music)

(door shutting)


(girls slapping hands)

Where will you and I be when

Everything is said and done

I know you forgot about me

And I know you didn't

see this coming

We've got so long before we

Have to worry about shit

Why don't we

just vibe forever


Aunt Janet says hi, Dad.

[GPS] You have arrived.

I love you.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Okay, ready?

["Phone Numbers" By

Dominic Fike] Whoa, Kenny!

Why you not here with me?

Can you break bread with me?

Why you switch phone

numbers like clothes?

Why you can't answer me?

Cause I got more coming

Why you not here with me?

Can you break

bread with me?

Why you switch phone

numbers like clothes?

Why you can't answer me?

Cause I got more coming

Yes I flew my shorty

from Florida to Hollywood

Got some gold shit

looked big on me

Got some goals,

it's a list on me

Yeah lil bitch, I'm

rich, I f*cking roll you

This strippers and the

stroll playing tricks on me

Next time, may I

suggest you walk?

And yes I moved lil

shorty from 'round me

She been all in my

business as of late

I got rich so g*dd*mn fast

They want this bread,

can't catch a break

And yes I know you're

tired of hating

I'm tired of

staring at your face

And if a bitch retaliate

(tires squealing)

He was rude.

(uplifting music)

There's only

up from here, sir.

This is humiliating.

Let's just try and

forget last year's debacle.


How can I forget when my

name is ranked dead last?

It's like you trying to

forget you were born a caddy

when you're scrambling

for stray golf balls.

I wasn't born a caddy.

I'm sorry, okay.

It's hard to be

political correct

when you're feeling lightheaded.

Are you hungry?

Am I having

a heart attack?

Ow, Ow


Do you need a snack?

Nuts or trail mix?


Excellent choice, sir.

Who's Cartwright?


Number three.

I nearly won last year. I

should be on top of Northfield.

[Northfield] Always

thought you'd be a bottom.

Mm, make out.

Northfield, didn't

see you coming.

That's sexy.

Stop fannying.

Who's Cartwright?

I'm not fannying.

You're the one

fannying while faffing.

I'm not faffing.

Who is Cartwright?

You don't know the

infamous Cartwright

of the Connecticut Cartwrights?

Oh, the Connecticut


Why didn't you just say so?

Overheard Simmons discussing

the news story at brunch.

Arg, matey.

But he didn't

even play last year.

How can he be third?

Ah, last year.

Well, when one player drives

their golf cart into the lake

when they're about to

clinch the tournament,

just how much

competition is there?

For old acquaintance

be forgot

[Roger] Aw, fudge.

(cart splashing)

How dare you

bring up my incident?

I nearly drowned.

I had to spend a week in the

spa sauna after the lake leech.

I'll never understand

why Lumer wasn't driving.

Why would you drive

your own golf cart, bro?


Granny Lynn. So

she's back, eh?

Speaking of unfair.

She's an 83-year-old woman

who only golfs with

her right hand.

The odds are really stacked

against you, Kowalski.

The rules say 18 and under,

so you'd see why I'd be upset.

Admit that you suck at golf.

Maybe I like sucking.


Hi, excuse me.

Could you point us

to tournament check-in?


(light music)

Hello there, fair maiden.

Not interrupting at all.

In the foyer. I can

walk you there if need be.

I'm Roger. My mommy

is underwriting the

tournament prize.

To avoid scandal, he's

number eight on the board.

See number eight,

Kowalski, at the bottom.

And I'm number one,

Bernard Northfield.

And these are our caddies,

but they're unimportant.

Hi, Lumer.

Oh, hi, I'm Tina.

(dreamy music)

(birds singing)


I'm Elsa, Cartwright.

[Roger] Cartwright.

You're ranking number

three, Cartwright.

[Elsa] Oh, cool.

Pre-rankings, that's

a lotta pressure

for a junior golf

game, isn't it?

Thank you. See, that's what

I've been trying to tell you.

See? Doesn't mean anything.

I'd rather

be ranked last night

than not ranked at all, caddy.

Well, your dreams came true.

Shut up.

[Elsa] Well it's

nice to meet you guys.

Yeah, thank you.

Cool, okay.

I will follow you on Instagram.

Follow her on Instagram?

I'll follow her into Chernobyl.

Wait up.

What's Chernobyl?

Enjoy nut munching.

Maybe I will.

Yeah, it's tasty.


- I'll take this.

- Thank you (laughs).

(upbeat music)




(door slams)


What the hell, dude?

[Marshal] Did it hurt,

when you fell from heaven?

You just slammed a door in

my face, so yeah, it hurt.

I panicked.

You look exactly like

my future ex-wife.


I'm Marshal, Mayson.


The Fifth.

Okay, I'm Tina Cartwright.

Of the Connecticut


Yeah, I am from Connecticut.

Aren't you gonna apologize?

For what?

Bashing my nose in.

Uh, I kinda did you a

favor, because now the ladies

at the Junior League

don't have to talk

when you get that nose job.

Are you saying my nose is big?

I'm not not saying it's big.

Say you're sorry.

I'm not sorry we met.

And I'm not wearing

any underwear.

Again, have we met?

I'm Marshal Mayson V

Right through here.

[Granny Lynn] Oh,

just one waiter?

Oh, it's Winston.

He's very efficient.

Ah, ladies, meet Ms. Lynn.

She's just returned

from a lengthy hiatus.

It's Granny Lynn to you dears.


May I present Elsa Cartwright

of the Connecticut Cartwrights.

I don't think so.


I said I don't think

this is Elsa Cartwright

of the Connecticut Cartwrights.


Elsa grandmother's was

one of my closest friends.

Diana Cartwright, and

I saw Elsa many times.

The most recent time being

at her grandmother's funeral.


Yes, I remember you.

I probably look a

little different.

I've been working all summer.


(soft music)

Oh, oh, you mean with

your charity work.

Yes, my charity work.

What a summer can

do when you're 17.


Well (clears throat),

wait a minute.

Your shoulders should be

covered in a club, young lady.



I can't believe I

forgot a cardigan.

More importantly, who the f*ck

are these Connecticut


(upbeat music)


Okay, I found it.

Diana Cartwright's

obituary is in Vanity Fair.

Oh my God.

They're like some kind

of American dynasty.

Oh my God.

Get this.

She is survived by

her parakeet, Wendell,

to whom a sizable trust

fund has been left.


Guess there is more than one

Elsa Cartwright in Connecticut.

(light music)

So she goes to the Daft School.


And she golfs at the driving

range during the school year.

So, should we unpack?

I think we should

make a run for it.

We already made it this far.

Everyone here

knows these people.

They're gonna

realize I'm not her.

They know of them.

But only that old lady

like actually knows them,

and you already fooled her.

Come on.

You're both, I don't know,


(light music)

Oh my God, wait.

No, look, look, look, look.

Says she's gone for the summer.

(clears throat)

No having cellphones out

on club property, Rule 78.

Heed my warning.


Hi, would you like

to join me at lunch?

- Oh, no.

- We'd love to.

- We can't impose.

- Yes, no.

We'd love, yes.

No no, no no, hey, it's on me.

It's on Daddy, but

it will be fun.


Follow me, ha ha.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Lumer, sit.

(light music)

Oh yes, hotdogs.

(light music)

That was fast.


Roger's family are

gold status members.

They've been here for years.


Dig in.



What is this?

(light music)


(glasses clinking)

Roger, can I ask

you a question?

- Why?

- Oh.

[Roger] God.

Unfortunate turn of events.

Caddy, wand me.

[Elsa] It's fine.

Thank you. Allow me.

The White's Wand.

Gets anything out like magic.

You just apply a

little bit to your, um,

to your chest area.

To your breasts, your boobs.

- Got it.

- Okay, sorry.

Oh, first you actually

need to apply some water, oh!

[Elsa] Oh my God.

Okay, there I go again, ha ha.

Mr. Klutz.



Smoothly ex*cuted, sir.

[Roger] I feel flushed.

I think you're

just embarrassed.

Are you okay?

Feel my forehead.

You're fine.

I'm not fine. I

think I have a fever.

He's got a panic disorder.

He doesn't look good.

No, that's mild.

Can I ask you a question?



Grab me a fresh

wiener for Elsa.

Actually I should probably

go see if Elsa's okay, so

Winston, will you

just send it up?


(light music)

Roger, my

man, whatever you guys

are doing over here,

you need to chill it out, okay?

Especially you.

(light music)


[Marshal] You had your hat on.

I thought you were leaving.

I always have my hat on.

He knows I don't

take off my hat.

He's an assh*le.

Oh my God, what the H?

What is going on

with these people?

Mommy says to never let

anybody see the top of my head

because of my genetic

predisposition for early onset

- Male pattern baldness.

- Male pattern baldness.


[Tina] I had an inquiry for you,

Roger. Will you give me a call?

Can't really use my

cellphone on club premises.

That's why she's

giving you her number,

in case you go to

the cellphone room.

(dramatic music)

No thanks.

Um, give me a call?


Thank God.


- Huh?

- What?

You heard her. She said

can I ask you a question?

That's premier I'm about

to ask you out intro.

Is that what she was doing?

Caddy, leave the

social science to me.

There's a reason some

of us are born caddies.

Please tell me you know

I wasn't born a caddy.


Tina just gave

me a great idea.

I will ask out Elsa.

So you're gonna reject Tina

and then ask out her sister?

Hm, I know you are but a

humble caddy and have much

to learn in this world,

but the best way to win

a tournament, as an

athlete, is to focus

on distracting the competition.

If Elsa is worried about me,

she will not have any

time to think about golf.

What about we

focus on your drives?

Instead of, like,

all this nonsense.

- Winston.

- Sir?

I will be taking

this. Thank you.

I can't, sir.

I will deliver it,

Winston. That's very fine.

I have my orders, sir.

Winston, let go of the box.

No, sir, I have my orders.

I will deliver it, Winston.

You cannot take it.

Winston, let go of

the box. Give it to me!

I can't, sir.

(pants tearing)

A bag, sir?

That will not be necessary.

Thank you, Winston, lead me out.

Very good, sir.


Just go a little bit faster.


I can't go any faster, sir.

I tried to ask Roger

if he would model

for my clothing line, but

he got like violently ill.

Will you ask him? I

don't think he likes me.

Why Roger?

Have you seen his

all-pink ensemble?

He's clearly into fashion.

Isn't it a

woman's sports line?

Gender is a construct.

(gasps) Look, tennis rackets.

[Roger] Oh, Elsa.

(knocking on door)


At your service.


Thank you.

Oh, a note.

Oh, what?

[Tina] What's it say?

Elsa, will you go to

the junior tournament

celebrational formal

with me, kisses, Roger?

My mommy's organizing it.

When is it?

Post-tournament, that evening.

Okay, sure. Thanks, Roger.

Awesome sauce. Also,

will you be my girlfriend?

Uh, wow.


Okay, well.

Okay, you'll be my girlfriend?


(laughs) Okay,

I have girlfriend.



- Bye.

- Bye.


Thought I was gonna sneeze.

Okay, bye.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

Make it rain!

(upbeat music)

Love 30.

Send it!


Are you queefing serious?

Love 40.

(upbeat music)

f*ck yeah!

Ow! You got me in the boob.


(soft music)

My new girlfriend asked me

to model, so model I will.

Hello, Mr. New Booty.

You're in too deep.

Then don't come.

You'll see.

The fish has already eaten

the hook hidden inside me.

The juicy bait.

(soft music)

I know exactly

what to get you.


He looks good.

(soft music)

[Elsa] I mean Roger

is a great dresser.


- Cheers.

- Cheers.

I'll be right back, okay?



Looks like we're

playing together.

Elsa's the golfer.

Looks like we're

playing together.


Look, it's not too

late to just call it off.

Get some sleep.

Lumer, ever since my daddy

had to take up residence

in Antigua for chasing the

American dream, sans taxes,

I haven't quite been myself.



Oh oh oh, don't interrupt.

My daddy always said to

me, to be successful,

to be this successful,

you can't be honest.

And that applies to sports,

life, whatever you can win at.

All right, Marshal seems to be

Mr. Steal Yo Girl right now.

Mr. Steal My What?




- Bye.

- Bye.

(light music)

You couldn't have picked

a better guy for the job.

Roger loves his outfits.

Who, Marshal? That guy

smells like shit (laughs).


How are you, um,

how are you doing?

So how's your sister

feeling about, about the game?

And you also like television?





May I interest you in a secret

handshake, as my girlfriend?


This could be the

boyfriend-girlfriend handshake.


Pound, not like that.

That's pretty good.

And a little peace sign, and

we're boyfriend girlfriend.


(light music)

No, I think I'll

just sleep in the nude.

I think you

made the right decision.

I regret it. Give

me the chemise.

I meant coming back here.

Why don't we go down and

have a drink with Winston?

Oh no, I'm not ready

to face Winston yet.

(light music)

(camera snapping)

You know what's funny?

Even though I'm not a model

or anything, I've always kind

of been immersed in like the

competitive world of fashion.

Like, my mommy's always

told me that you can tell

how much money somebody

has based off their handbag

and stuff like that.

Like, my greatest accessory

would be, like Lumer,

because I don't have a handbag.

On second thought, I'm not

sure that the beret is working.

But if Lumer was a

handbag, he'd probably--

Could you take it off, maybe?

(light music)

Oh no, I think it

brings some worldliness

to this whole thing.

A little bit of

parlez-vous Francais.

Well, maybe,

let's see.

Yeah, let's do this.

Can you just tie this

around your waist,

and maybe lose the scarf?

Oh, I see what you

ladies are doing.

Wanna see the goodies.

You got it (laughs).

Did you hear that?

[Tina] Some power poses.

Got it.

[Tina] Just like

confident stuff.


But you, Roger you.

The beauty within?

Like Vince Vaughn.

(camera snapping)

Not like Vince Vaughn.

Maybe somebody like Steve-O.

You can't handle the truth.

Something like that.

No, I think it's the beret.


Can we just lose it?

- No, no no no.

- Please.

- Please.

- No no, no no.

Okay, bring it in.

What's up?

Okay, so you know how

you were saying that

Lumer is like an

accessory, right?

Yeah, he's super nice, right.

But that's like, that's

kind of it, you know.

Some accessories, they

enhance us, and others,

they just, they keep us from

shining on our own, right?

- Mm.

- Hm-mm?


[Tina] You don't need Lumer,

just like you don't

need that beret.

Come on, we'll do

it together, okay?

This one is for Vince.

(soft dramatic music)

Toss that old thing aside.

Let me see the cardigan.

(stomach rumbling)

Come on.

Come on.

Come on, yes!

Yes, yes!

Perfect, that was great.

What the hell is

going on out here?

Oh no.

Not again.

Put up your hands and step

away from the flagpole please.

Come on, over here.

(light music)

(gas passing)

Jesus, Roger, ow!


I'm just gonna head out, too.

(gas passing) Ah.

For God sake, Roger, what

the hell are you doing?

Just chilling.

[Victor] No you're not.

Get up.

Tired, long day.

Just taking a nap, buddy.

[Victor] Come

on, let's go, up.

[Roger] Just don't.



Oh! Roger.

What was that?

Was there an animal?

(liquid sloshing)

I think there's an

animal behind me.

A muddy animal.


What's up, Mr. Simmons?

This is not what it looks like.

Looks like you're flouncing

around for the camera.

God, you're smart. That's

exactly what this is.

Here I am, trying to

sleep, and I can't get a wink

because you hooligans

are traipsing around

in my beautifully

manicured grounds.

You think this is some sort

of Midwestern

putt-putt fun center?

This golf course costs

more than your life.

Fine, I'll take

full responsibility.

It was Tina's idea.

Yeah, you think I don't

know that you don't have

the wherewithal to

orchestrate anything?

Go lick your wounds, elsewhere.

Miss Cartwright? What

are you doing here?

Are you practicing?

- Yes.

- At midnight?

[Elsa] Yes.

Well, big day tomorrow, ha ha.

You done?

- Yes.

- Okay.

You feeling good?

(gas passing)

It's very important.

Everything's riding on this.

No, I'm kidding.

Everything's not riding on

it, but it is important.


(liquid sloshing)


What did you do to poor Roger?

We were doing a photo sh**t.

With Roger?

What, are you jealous?

Maybe, a little bit.

Come here, I wanna

show you something.

Oh, and get this. She

asked to remove the beret.

Yeah, I lost it.

That's unlike you.

Ugh, I know. I was

pooping everywhere.

Ooh, boy.


(phone pinging)

Oh my God.

200 calories left on my

dieting app for today (laughs).

Oh, two taquitos, please.

One and a half.

Guess I shouldn't

be eating this late?

(phone ringing)

Lumer, phone.

(phone ringing)

Lumer, phone.

(phone ringing)

Hello, Lumer, phone!

(phone ringing)


(phone ringing)


[Mr. Kowalski] Hello.


How's Antigua?

Feel good

Feel good

(Tina laughing)


Hey, I meant to talk

to you about something,

but I forget exactly (splashes).

What it was.

Coming in?

It's warm.

I don't think so.

How are you

liking Butlerbrick?

I love it.

You love it? Nobody

loves Butlerbrick.

It's iconic.

It's iconic? (laughs)

Maybe the golf tournament.

There's like 10

people signed up

for the junior tournament.

Not the junior tournament.

The junior tournament sucks.

(laughs) Really?

The junior tournament's just

there to get new families in,

you know, new blood with old

money like Granny Lynn money.

What is the deal

with Granny Lynn?

Like, what's with the fur?

The fur, she's a legend.

It's 80 degrees outside.

She's a legend.

She can wear fur in the

summer if she wants.

She's got all that

cheese money, you know.


She's a cheese heiress.

I mean, her family

literally made their money

on the backs of smoked

Gouda and Parmesan.

Are you serious?

I'm serious. (laughs)

She used to come out

here every summer,

like a thousand different WASPS,

and they'd just party and rage,

and then she stopped

coming for some reason

and they all stopped coming too.

Now they all gather in

Westhampton every summer.

- Westhampton?

- Yeah, right.

Not even a real Hampton.

Can you help me out?

I wasn't born yesterday.

I'm freezing. Can

you just help me out?


I'm not gonna pull you in.


Yeah, totally.


- Good.

- Thank you.


I lied, sorry.

Aren't you glad

you got in, though?

It's warm, right?

I pretty much knew

that was gonna happen.

Oh, you knew that

was gonna happen?


Did you? Are you a

psychic or something?

Do you have ESP?

(Tina laughing)


I was hoping for some hedge

fund new money, some Democrats.


Because otherwise

you wouldn't be here.

You don't know

anything about me.

I know you're not a

Connecticut Cartwright.

I was kicked out

of the Daft School.

(water bubbling)

Where you going?

(soft dramatic music)

Your secret's safe with me.

(knocking on door)

Come in.

(door opening)

Why can't I work up the courage

to say hello to Winston?

Truthfully, it was so wonderful

to catch a glimpse

of him at lunch.


Even though he got that gut now.

Oh, I wonder what he would

think of me. (laughs)

Uh-huh, Nurse, are you there?

(light music)

(both screaming)


My apologies, Madame.

(door creaking)

(Winston moaning)

Oh, shut the door, man.

Least you got

the one good hand.

(blowing raspberry)


(soft music)

(birds singing)

(uplifting music)

Crown thy good

with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea

All right.

(group applauding)

Thank you, it's a beautiful day.

Very excited, just

a few announcements.

Due to last year's incident

involving an unidentified

member who will not be

named, all caddies have been

equipped with a life jacket,

should this function

be necessary.


What happened,

with the life vest?

Players have been

paired by starting rank,

so number one with

number two and so on.

Excuse me, is this really

fiscally responsible?

Why should we all have

the burden of extra weight

when only some of

us are incompetent?

Who cares if

you're incompetent?

As long as you're not impotent.

Excellent motto, Granny Lynn.

Boop, boop.

And due to a different

biohazard incident involving

the same unidentified member,

we will not be

playing hole four.

Play hole five twice.

I guess that's my bad.

[Victor] Please stay hydrated.

We have beverages courtesy

of the Northfield family.



(group applauding)

Thank you, okay.

Jesus, what's up your butt?

There's been nothing

in my butt for weeks.

All right.

The diarrhea was a

psychosomatic issue.

(light music)


(Gunter mumbling)

(soft music)

[Roger] Caddy!

I don't know if this

is a competition thing,

because you're

being really rude.

Just trying to

do my job, Tina.

You know, be the best

accessory that I could be.

How's that working out?

Lumer, move your bootay

souffle (chuckles).

Let the games begin.

(upbeat music)

(throat clearing)

I know you're not supposed

to ask a woman for her age,

but, uh, are you in college?

You see, I'm 14 trying

to take applications

- for a little side piece thing.

- His mom knows my mom. Sorry.

Think about it.

(club whooshing)

(group applauding)

(camera snapping)

Keep your puppy on a leash.

You tapping that tonight?

Roger and Elsa?

Yeah, I thought Elsa

was dating her sister.

Gunter, I'm teeing off.

It's a conflict of interest.

I mean, there has to be

something in the rules

about dating the competition.

Take a crack, young'un.

Lick my crack, old man.


(light music)

(club striking)

Duck hook.

Quack, quack.

No caddy, Mary-Anne?

Isn't that what

golf carts are for?

I thought at least

my mom would show.

Should I go first?

Whatever, Mary-Anne.

Free country.

Will you tee off for me?

She's right there.

She will see us.

Oh my God, I hate

Mary-Anne so much.

I can hear you.


Then do you mind if

Lumer tees off for me?

What do I get in return?

Whatever you want.

Tee for two?

Oh, that's perfect.

That's actually a

really good idea.

There you go, buddy.

You love golf, yay.

Stay humble.

And always move forward.

All right, you got it.

(birds chirping)

Remember, eye on the prize.

His teeth are shining

He walks like a pro

He plays a scratch game

He's hard to know

He's a three-time loser

But he's the best

that we've got

To show us the way

To play our shot

His teeth are shining

His skin is tan,

don't play too good

But when he wants to, he can

He drinks a little

He drinks a lot

Depending on whether or not

Someone's got some pot

He's a stoned-cold


Playing the fifth hole

twice is getting crowded.


(birds chirping)


I like her butt when she putt.

Not looking too fierce.

Hey, I made this.

The competition.

(soft music)

You a good golfer?

Yeah, you?

I'm good, just not like,

interested in getting better.


(bright music)

[Together] One, two, three.

Three, three.

- Three.

- Three.


(bright music)


(bright music)

- Bravo.

(group applauding)


[Roger] Is it snack time yet?

God help me. I will

turn this cart around.

- Please.

- Please.

I'm the only one

doing any golfing here.

Not that anybody would know.

Because nobody's here,

and nobody cares.

I care.

I really don't care

if you care, Mary-Anne.

Okay, fine then, I don't care.

Fine, that's great.


I'm glad we agree.

Why are you so mean about it?

I'm not being mean.

I'm just hungry.

Carbs or fruit?


Yay, thanks.

(pop topping)

Can I have some?


Good luck, buddy.

(birds chirping)

(hitting golf ball)

Whoa ho ho, nice job.

I guess you don't miss 100%

of the sh*ts you don't take.


What the hell? (laughs)

That was funny.

Hey, good job.

That was good stuff.

(group laughing)


Love is like a game of golf

All adventures had a famous

scene on the way to the green

It starts smooth

on the tee off

But ends rough

Trees, birds and

pretty things

Balls flying through

the air with no wings

When you finally get

to the dance floor

My favorite part

You tap the ball and it

Disappears into your heart

(birds chirping)


Wait, what?

You golfed better for

Roger than for me?

(laughs) Nice, take

that, Northfield.

You know what? I quit.

Wait, Mary-Anne, Mary-Anne.

I just golfed 18 holes for you.

Whatever, Lumer.

What does that mean?

It means lunch.

Let's go to lunch.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ho ho ho!

You look rough.

Not as rough as hole four

after you pooped on it.

You guys were supposed

to play hole five twice.

There's nothing wrong

with a round two.


All right, enough.

I have to go.

What, go poo-poo?


At least I have a real caddy.

Everybody knows Gunter

here doesn't even

belong to this country club.

(b*mb exploding)


Roger, can we go to lunch?

Caddy, I'm trying

to make a point.

You see, I have a

real-life caddy.

One that was born a caddy.

I wasn't born a caddy.

Lumer, chill.

Look, man, I just golfed

18 holes for you and 18 holes

for Mary-Anne, and

you don't care.

I'm exhausted.

And I heard you agree with Tina.

I'm just an accessory,

so, you know what, man?

If I'm that disposable to you,

then good luck without me.

What are you doing?

(water splashing)

I know a better

way to get wet.

Leaving the luncheon already?

Yeah, you'll learn

that country club

food is not the best.

Meeting some friends for lunch.

(horn honking)

Your, uh, your Uber's here.

That's my driver.

(horn honking)

See ya.


(birds singing)

(door shutting)

(clubs rattling)

Hey, I tried texting you,

but that tween took my phone

for not being in

a cellphone room.

I wouldn't have been

able to answer anyways,

unless I was also

in a cellphone room.


Okay, that doesn't

make any sense.

I mean, doesn't that

mean we'll just end up

having a face-to-face


I think that's

sort of the point.

Hey, I wanted

to say I'm sorry.

I didn't mean all that stuff

about you being an accessory.

I don't think that about you.

I'm starving.

Do you wanna?

No, I'll see you in there.

Roger's driving me

absolutely crazy,

so I'm gonna take a five.

Take a five, and take a 10.

Okay, see you there.


Okay, sweet.

- Okay.

- All right, yeah.

What the hell am I doing?

Do do

Do do

Do do

Do do, do do

Sha la la, la la

Sha la la, la la

Sha la la, la la, la la

(thunder rumbling)


(soft dramatic music)

Hello, Mommy.

Didn't see you at

the tournament today.

Oh, traffic from

Southampton was horrid.

Why can't I stay

in Southampton?

Darling, you know, I told you.

The Winthrops have so many

guests already this summer.

But don't worry, we'll

be back in our own home

just as soon as your

father's name is cleared.


Now, I want you to make

a good impression, mmkay?

Because we don't

exactly have the highest

reputation right now.

I also want you to be a

good boy, and to help string

some of the lanterns

along the table, Roger!

And then, I want you

to help the servers

to light the, oh,

the purple ones.

To light the food troughs.

Thanks for asking how the

tournament's going. Not!


(glass clinking)



Hi, for those of

you who don't know me,

I'm Frances Kowalski, but

you may call me Fanny.

(camera snapping)

As the parent coordinator

for this year's Labor Day

junior golf tournament--

(phone ringing)

It makes me and my

son Roger so happy

to have a sense of community.

(phone ringing)

Myself and Roger appreciate

community so much.

(phone ringing)

Right now.

Everyone knows my

son Roger, right?

- Hello.

[Mr. Kowalski] Hello.

[Roger] One sec.


To community.

- To community.

- Community.

(upbeat music)

Oh no, don't toast with

water, it's bad luck.


Cheers, too.



[Mr. Kowalski]

How are you doing?

One sec.

You still there?

(upbeat music)


How's the big

tournament going?

It's um.

(light music)

It's going well, I hope.

It's uh, it's going.

(dramatic music)

(b*mb exploding)

What's wrong?





I'd like to make a

toast too, as well.

Roger, honey, come sit down.

Not now, boy.

Yes, now, boy.

My own mommy, Frances Kowalski,

is so obsessed with

having everything all--

Are you listening?

Why are you eating?

My mommy, right there, is

so obsessed with having it

all figured out, doing

everything for herself,

that she's abandoned me.

That is not true.

We still have a

staff in the city.

Cheers to being a

terrible mommy, Mommy.

Roger? Is this because

you're not winning?

How would you even know?

You haven't even been

to the tournament.

Roger, Fanny's

been a part of it.

- She was at Elsa's

first-hole tee-off.

- Well--

What the H?


Are you H'ing me?

Oh my A.

Traitor, traitor.


You too, old man.





Do you feel better now?

You're a traitor!

[Fanny] Roger,

that's enough.

All right, Roger,

that's enough.

(dramatic music)

I'm gonna set myself on fire.

- Okay.

- Settle down.



God, I'm gonna do

it! I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna do it, I'm

gonna set myself on fire!


There's a snake.

Ow, ow!

Ow, I'm suffocating.

I don't like it.

This is it for me.


(soft music)

What a wonderful

performance, so passionate.

Everyone, go back to your lunch.

Bravo, bravo.

He's high-strung.

No, somebody's in there.

(toilet flushing)

(throat clearing)

Why don't you have a seat?

All right, very good.

(lightning striking)

[Elsa] What about

the tournament?

Excuse me, I'm looking

for Elsa Cartwright.

And who are you?

I'm Elsa Cartwright.

Someone here is

pretending to be me.

Which one of you

is @RogerThatZaddy?

Roger Kowalski?

(rain tapping)

He tagged me in a

picture on Instagram

with the caption,

Love at First Sight.

My beautiful girlfriend

Elsa Cartwright

of the Connecticut Cartwrights.

I was giving a bath

to a rescue goat

when I got the notification.

Obviously, this is not me.

(soft music)


What she said is true.

Well, my name is also

Elsa Cartwright, but

I pretended to be you.

I did it because I don't

have any money for college.

I work at a driving

range in New Haven,

and your invitation

was sent there,

so I thought it was for me.

I thought this was my chance.

That I wouldn't be

judged by my clothes

or by my neighborhood, but

by my skill as a golfer.

By the time I realized

it was a mistake,

I couldn't walk away.

I'm sorry.

I for one think

you should stay,

and finish the remainder

of the tournament.

I'm sorry, no. You're

obviously a wannabe.

(rain tapping)

(thunder rumbling)

Well, what's

Labor Day out east

without a little scandal, right?

Whose side are you on?


I just, I thought your family

was known for their charity.

Smoking in the rain

The caddy's all wet

Water dripping from my nose


What have I told you about

serving minors, Winston?

Oh, posh.

I was crawling myself out

of a barrel of Guinness

before I had my

first pubic hair.

You were a good time back

then, Winston (laughs).

(upbeat music)

Oh, Winston.

I came back here

looking for excitement.

But just now when

that Kowalski boy

almost set himself on fire ...


I realized that

the only excitement

I ever really missed was you.

I've never been one

for monotony, monot--


Same thing.

I should have done

this long ago.


- One.

- One.

- Two.

- Two.

- Three.

- Three.


Winston, will you marry me?


(man clapping)

(rain tapping)

(thunder rumbling)

(knocking on door)

Hey, what's going on?

I have good news,

Cartwrights from Connecticut.

You guys can stay.

Yeah, I talked to the

other Elsa and I told her

the only thing worse

than being talked about

is not being talked about.

[Elsa] And that works?

Yes, that and I offered

to show her around.


You're welcome, you

little troublemakers.

(soft music)

I'll catch up with you.

Hey, you okay?

(soft music)

Lumer has resigned.

The storm is passing.

How am I gonna get myself

dressed for the tournament?

Yeah, you can't go

out in that bathrobe.

It's too Harvey Weinstein.

Okay, don't worry. Let's see.



(dramatic chase music)


(soft dramatic music)

(rain pelting)

(thunder rumbling)

Granny Lynn?

(piano music)

(thunder rumbling)

(thunder rumbling)

No Service!

(soft music)

What are you doing here?

Texting you.

What are you doing here?

Yeah, I was gonna text you.

Oh, really?

What did you wanna say?

Yeah, some girl, she

commented on Roger's post,

that she's coming here.

Oh yeah, that actually

already happened.

Times at Butlerbrick

move fast, so, keep up.


So you're like not

getting thrown out?


What did you,

what did you wanna say to me?

You wanted--

Oh you to, to you.

(thunder rumbling)

(soft music)


(soft music)

Those are tough.

(soft music)

(lightning cracking)

I can see clearly

now, the rain is gone

I can see all

obstacles in my way

Gone are the dark

clouds that had me blind

It's gonna be a bright

Ladies and gentlemen,

the homestretch.

A few contenders have forfeited.

Mary-Anne Montreal

and Marshal Mayson.

Also Granny Mary Lynn,

who asked me to read

her official

statement, and I quote.

"I felt bad crushing the juniors

in their baby competition."

All of the bad feelings

have disappeared

Look, I know that was

super quick, I just--

It's been like a

like a long time.

Can you help me

with something?

It's gonna be a bright,

bright, sunshiney day

Look all around, there's

nothing but blue sky

Roger's returns closet.


Oh my God.


Whenever he buys something

he doesn't like or it's like

the wrong size, he acts

like he's gonna return it,

but inevitably waits too

long, throws it in here

and pretends like

it never happened.

It's been such a long summer.

For a second, Roger got

really into wakeboarding.

Can't imagine he'd

be very good at that.

He realized that as soon

as he got into the boat.

Look straight ahead,

nothing but blue sky

I can see clearly

now, the rain is gone

(club striking)

I can see all

obstacles in my way

Gone are the dark

clouds that had me blind

It's gonna be a bright,

bright sunshiney day

Oh it's gonna be a

bright sunshiney day

Wand me.

And now for the dark horse

of the tournament,

Ms. Cartwright.

(dramatic music)

(rain pelting)

That was a major mistake

for young Cartwright.

She's gonna have to

hit a three-wood here.

(dramatic music)

She's hitting a

driver off the deck.

Ugh, did anybody else get

a whiff of that whiff?


One more try for

Miss Cartwright.

(hitting golf ball)

(group applauding)

(rain tapping)

(soft music)

(light music)

Just as I thought,


(light music)

My mistake, it's just westerly.

Coincidentally, this

is the same position

Mr. Kowalski held at this time

as he was about to clinch

last year's tournament,

and we all know how that ended.

There's grass on

the ball, ha ha.

Okay, here we go, woo!

(light music)


You came back.

(light music)

Checking the time

Inspecting the air

Hopelessly searching for

something you care about

They're about to ask you

Who do you wanna be?

What are you doing here?

Are you living a lie here?

What if you grow

old and die here?

Mr. Kowalski, please

clear the premises,

so we can continue

the tournament.

Lumer, Lumer, something

grave has happened.

Take me to the pool house.

(light music)

(rain pelting)

Wait, Lumer.

Sorry I hurt your feelings.

You're my best friend.

I'm your only friend.


(light music)




Wheel me away.

(possum growling)

Hey, no!

Oh my God.


[Marshal] That was

literally my family,

like all the little

ice coffee shit

that like hipsters drink--

Is somebody coming?

My grandpa invented

that. It's crazy.

I promise. This is not a morgue.

What are they doing?

This is my spot.

Oh, we were just leaving.

Just looking for, um,

decorations for a junior formal.

Yeah, I put the

decorations outside

because Simmons kept

walking in on me.

Oh sweet, well,

that makes sense.

Do you wanna, let's head out?

We'll head out back, okay?



(rain tapping)

(gentle music)

(crowd applauding)

Thank you so much. I

love you all, thank you.

(gentle music)

(crowd applauding)

[Victor] Do as I say,

Petey. Victor Simmons.

(storm raging)

Hidden in plain

sight, bastard.

[Lumer] You have

to tell your mom.

(phone ringing)

Oh my God, he's calling me.

Don't answer it.


(phone ringing)

That's good.

Oh sh**t. Will you

go get that for me?

I didn't back it up.

Thank you, buddy.

(rain pelting)

(dramatic music)

[Winston] Next

up, Ms. Cartwright.

Can she eagle this hole

and win, or will the rains

continue to get

the better of her?

(camera snapping)

(camera snapping)

(dramatic music)

(camera snapping)

(dramatic music)

(hitting golf ball)

(wind whistling)

(dramatic music)

(crowd cheering)

(dramatic music)

(bright music)

I hate him.

No, no no no no no no.

I married wrong.

Roger, honey, your father

has always been a sociopath.

I mean, he was

wild and handsome.

But he was also off.

It was part of his charm.

He strangled a ferret to death

at his fraternity when he was

in college, for no reason.

They got it as a mascot,

and then it ended up

being too much work.

Well the president

said get rid of it,

and he meant take it

back to the pet store.

But your father k*lled it,

with his own bare hands.

That shoulda been

the first red flag.

But I was in love.

I thought, what's

one ferret's life

in the grand scheme

of a relationship?

(dog whining)


I'm sorry I didn't

come see you play.

I was so busy keeping

up appearances,

putting on a good face.

Your face looks fine.

Mm, Botox.


Did you mean what you said

when I was in the bathroom?

No, somebody's in there.

That somebody was in there?

Somebody's in there.

Do you really

think I'm a somebody?

Yes, dear.

I think you're a somebody.

Now, go get cleaned up.

I'll take care of this

pool house situation.

(soft music)


(soft music)

(birds singing)

There you are.

Now congratulations (laughs).

(upbeat rock music)

(radio chattering)

(upbeat rock music)

Excuse me. I'm the proprietor.

(upbeat rock music)

(radio chattering)

Excuse me.

Harboring a wanted

criminal is a felony.

Well, I know that.

Let's go.

[Victor] What does

that have to do with me?

(upbeat rock music)

(soft music)

Is it hot in here,

or is it just me?

(soft piano music)

There's always next year.

Too bad about last year.

If only you hadn't

driven your golf cart--

Your elitism shines.

--into a lake.

Who would do

something that crazy?

Someone in love, that's who.

In love.

I mean, people do crazy

things for love, don't they?

Like try and set

themselves on fire.

I'm gonna set myself on fire.

Or hit themselves on the

head with their own golf club.

Point taken.

So I thought to myself,

who does Roger love?

Then I realized,

Roger loves golf.

Then I remembered, oh, not, no.

Lumer does all the brunt work.

So then I thought,

well, Roger must

love Cartwright.

I love my

girlfriend very much.

May I interest you

in a secret handshake?

But then, I remembered,

your girlfriend wasn't

around last year.

Was she?

She was busy.


And then it hit me.

Roger loves me.

Maybe I like sucking.

Are you in love with

me, Roger Kowalski?

You said you

wanted to do this.

I say a lot of things.

Don't just stand

there. Wash it off!

Ah, crap.

Oh, fudge.

Hurry up.

Hurry up.

[Lumer] All you have

are energy drinks.

Oh, I don't drink

water anymore.

I'm trying to lose weight.

Sir, these are loaded

with sugar. You know that?

Energy drinks are trendy,

and trendy people are skinny.

I don't want you to

beat yourself up for it.

Just stop making those

mistakes, okay, buddy?

Oh, sh**t.


Just use the White's Wand.

We're gonna be good,

I'm not scared.

[Lumer] It didn't work.

Aw, crap, we're

crap outta luck.

Get outta the way.

What are you doing?

Get out of the way.

Get out of the way!

For old acquaintance

be forgot

(cart splashing)

[Northfield] Shocking.

I hope he's okay.

Feel my abs.


Go on, feel my abs.

(soft music)


(soft music)

I have a hard exterior,

but I'm gooey underneath.

(soft music)

(men kissing)

My little lake leech.

And we'll all go together

To pull the wild

mountain thyme

All around the

purple heather

Will you go, lassie, go

Oh, there they are.


Thank you for everything.

What will happen to Butlerbrick?

I will be taking

over for my nephew.

And how about you?

What school have you

set your sights on?

Actually, I'd like to

stay here, if you'd let me.

As your golf pro.

What about college?


I was told if I

didn't go to college

I'd never amount to anything.

But that's not true.

And if you let me stay here,

I can save this money

doing what I love.

The American dream.


You k*lled it. It was

definitely the outfit.


Ladies, just a minute please.

Ms. Cartwright here is going

to be our new golf pro.

So, perhaps a lesson?

Sure, why not?


("I Melt With You"

by Modern English)

Moving forward

using all my breath

Making love to you

was never second best

I saw the world thrashing

all around your face

Never really knowing it

was always mesh and lace

You don't know this, but

I actually took up golfing

just to be near you.

I was always so jealous.

You're so much better than me.

You finally admit it.

You've seen the difference

And it's getting

better all the time

There's nothing

you and I won't do

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

I owe you an

apology, Cartwright.

You were just a casualty

on the b*ttlefield of love.

It's okay, Roger. Friends?


Proud of you.

Thanks, but it's

not the Super Bowl.

I made a pilgrimage to

save this human's race

Never comprehending the

race had long gone by

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

Let's stop the world

You've seen the difference

And it's getting

better all the time

Let's stop the world

There's nothing

you and I won't do

Let's stop the world

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

The future's open wide

(upbeat rock music)

Let's stop the world

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

Let's stop the world

I've seen some changes

But it's getting

better all the time

There's nothing

you and I won't do

Let's stop the world

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

The future's open wide


I'll stop the world

and melt with you

Let's stop the world

You've seen the difference

And it's getting

better all the time

There's nothing

you and I won't do

Let's stop the world

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

Let's stop the world

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

I'll stop the world

and melt with you

Let's stop the world

I'll stop the world

and melt with you