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03x23 - Stuffing

Posted: 06/26/23 15:12
by bunniefuu
- Hooble dook tiddly peeps,

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland, and

I'm about to send four

of my favorite hoobs down

to Earth to find out all

about you for my

great hooberpedia.

Here they come!

(swirly, magical music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

- Iver,

- Groove

- and Tula,

- We're Hoobs

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ all the things,

We want to know ♪

- Yah, hey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland, ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hooray ♪

♪ The hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

- Ooh!

- Look at this!

- This is a good book isn't it?

- Yeah.

- What's next?

- It's Humpty Dumpty my

favorite tiddly peep rhyme

♪ Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall ♪

♪ Humpty Dumpty

had a great fall ♪

♪ All the king's horses

and all the king's men ♪

♪ Couldn't put Humpty

together again ♪

- I really like Humpty Dumpty.

He's a bit like you, Groove.

- Is he, wait a minute, I'm

not shaped like and egg, am I?

- Oh, no, no, no, but you

are all cuddly and friendly.

- All right.

- That's why I love

Humpty Dumpty so much.

- Iver, would you like me

to make you a Humpty Dumpty?

- Oh, Tula, that would

be so hoobatious!

- Yeah, and I tell

you what, Iver,

I'm going to make you a wall

for Humpty Dumpty to sit on,

I know just what I can to use.

- Hoobie balooby!

- Right and I'm going

to use my best bits

from my hoobie bits box.

- Why is everyone

being so nice to me,

it's not my hoobie

twizle tuft day is it?

- Oh, no, no, Iver, we're just

being nice to you because,

well, you're always

so nice to us.

- Oh wow,

well I suppose I am.

- Right

- Here we are, my

collection of things I might

one day build a wall out of,

and today's the day, ha,ha.

- Now all I've got to do

is, uh, put them together.

- Oh, yes but how?

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how, how ♪

- Here's how, with my

hoobie stitcher upper

- Hoobie groovy wall, eh?

- Oh, Groove, it's

certainly very unusual.

Well thank you,

Groove, thank you.

- Ta-da, he's finished!

- Oh, he's so hoobatious,

Put him on the wall, Groove.

- Oh, right, yeah.

- Hoobie bother.

- Never mind, Tula, it

was a lovely thought.

- Anyway, it's time to think

up a question for Hoob News.

- Sorry, Iver, he's all floppy,

he'll never sit on the wall.

- Oh yes he will, I know

what he needs, stuffing.

- Stuffing!

- Yeah if we stuff him,

then he'll be round and fat,

and if he's round and

fat, he'll sit on my wall.

- But I'd also like him to

be soft and cuddly, please.

- Right, so how can we

stuff Iver's Humpty Dumpty?

- [Echoing Voice] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Groove, You've

hit the question

- How can we stuff

Iver's Humpty Dumpty?

Now that's what I

call I really hooble,

dooble, dooble ,

dooper question.

- I bet there are Hoobs

all over the universe

who need to stuff

things, Hubba Hubba?

- I'm sure there are Iver.

In fact it's already

given me an idea,

I've got a hoobie bun warmer

that Auntie Hattie made for me.

Look, you see I stick

my hoobie buns inside

to keep them nice and

warm, but if I stuff it,

then it'll be nice and round

and fat, too, just like me!

- May we mail Roma, to

see what she can find out

about stuffing, Hubba Hubba?

- Hm, oh yes, of course,

but first let me see

what I can find for you on

hoobnet that might help you

to make Humpty

Dumpty round and fat.

Let's see, ah-ha, here are

some round, fat things, Hoobs.

Oh look, that tiddly

peeps blowing,

and that peeps blowing

into that balloon.

That's how they do it,

hoobs, when the peeps want

something round and fat

they blow air into it!


- Right, I'm all puffed

up and ready to blow.

- Go on then, Groove, try.

I've made a little hole in

Humpty so you can try that.

- Oh, yeah, okay.

- Perhaps you haven't

got enough puff, Groove.

- I've hoob loads of puff, Iver,

he just won't blow up, will he?

- I think I know why, those

things we saw were all made

from slippery, rubbery stuff.

And I bet that keeps the air in.

But Humpty is made out of cloth.

- But cloth can't keep the air

in, Tula, you are a genius!

- Thanks, Iver, you're

quite smart yourself.

- Do you really think so?

- [Echoing Voice] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Hubba Hubba, he's

the real genius.

- No, I can't blow

myself up either, hoobs,

I don't think air is the

stuffing we're after, after all.

- No.

- Why don't you go and

ask some tiddly peeps?

- Oh, that's a hoobatious

idea, I'll go, Tula, you drive.

- Groove, you look after

Humpty and the wall.

- Yeah.

- Seatbelt.

- We're off to see

the tiddly peeps.

(twinkly music)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ Up the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddly peeps,

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues,

they tell us views ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ Up the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hooba doop, tiddly peeps.

- Hooba doop, Iver.

- Do you want to

do a hoobie hello?

- Yes!

- Hooble doop, hooble

doop, whoop, whoop, whoop!

- What are you doing?

- We're making models,

this is going to be

a dog, ruff, ruff.

- And mine's going to

be a monster (growls).

- Wow, they are hoobatious.

- Thanks, Iver

- What did you make them out of?

- Colored dough.

- It's soft and squidgy,

so you can make it

into lots of different shapes.

- It looks just

like hoobie dough.

Can you see this Tula, Groove?

- Yes.

- So, if you can make it

into different shapes,

then you can probably

stuff it inside something

to fill a shape out,

couldn't you, Mia?

- I suppose so, yes.

- Oh, this could be the answer.

Tula, find the hoobie

dough straight away.

- Yes, Iver, right.

- You've been really

helpful, but I've got

to get back to the

hoobmobile now and help Tula

stuff her Humpty,

hooble tooble do!

- Hooble, tooble do!

(majestic music)

- And one last lump

of hoobie dough

and then Humpty is stuffed.

- Is he soft and cuddly?

- Oh, yes, he's all squishy

because he's full

of hoobie dough.

- He should be bendy enough

to sit up on my wall.

- Here goes.

Right, whoopsie do!


- Perfect!

♪ Iver's Humpty Dumpty

was all floopy and flat ♪

♪ We had to make him fat ♪

♪ How did we do that ♪

♪ Cause a floppy Humpty

Dumpty won't sit on a wall ♪

♪ He'll just fall ♪

♪ And that's no good at all. ♪

♪ The secret's in

the stuffing, ♪

♪ make sure you

stuff enough in ♪

♪ And hoobie dough's

the latest trend ♪

♪ He's round and

fat and cuddly ♪

♪ And he'll bend ♪

♪ Yes he'll bend ♪

♪ So Humpty Dumpty

will sit on the wall ♪

♪ And he will not fall ♪

♪ Yes the secret's

in the stuffing, ♪

♪ make sure you

stuff enough in ♪

♪ And hoobie dough's

the latest trend ♪

♪ He's round and

fat and cuddly ♪

♪ And he'll bend,

yes he'll bend ♪

♪ So Humpty Dumpty

will sit on the wall ♪

♪ And he will not fall, at all ♪

- Oh, thank you so much,

Tula, and you Groove,

it's the most hoobatious

present I've had in ages,

and we've answered the

question for Hoob News.

- Yeah!

- Oh, yes!

Ah, here you are,

oh no!

- What is it, Iver?

- He's gone all hard!

- Oh, dear,

I know what's happened.

The hoobie dough is dried out,

and when hoobie dough is dry,

it goes as hard as a brick.

- Well, in that case I can

put it in my collection

of things I might one

day build a wall with.

- But I want him to

be all soft and cuddly

so I can go to bed with

him in my hoobie pod.

- Don't worry Iver, we'll stuff

Humpty with something else.

- Yes, but what?

♪ What, what, what, what ♪

- [Whispering voice] Roma, Roma.

- Roma will know what.

- I hope so.

- Hooble doop hoobs!

- Hooble doop Roma!

- I have to say I'm rather

enjoying my report today.

Can you guess where I am?

- In a bedroom, Roma?

- Well, yes, Iver, but

not just any old bedroom.

This is a hotel room.

A hotel is a place

where peeps can

stay when they are

away from home.

- It looks very nice, Roma.

- Oh, it is Tula,

everything here is

the absolute best it can be.

I get to borrow this

rather hoobatious

silk dressing gown for instance.

And these pillows, oh,

they are the softest

I've ever laid my

little hoobie head on.

- But have you found out

anything about stuffing, Roma.?

- Oh, yes, yes I am just

coming to that, Groove.

The reason these pillows

are so beautifully soft is

because of what

they're stuffed with.

- How do you know what's

inside them, Roma?

- Well, I have to

admit that I have just

ever so slightly

opened up a corner

of this one and had a peek.

- What did you see, Roma?

- I'll show you, Tula.

- Hey, feathers, hoobie groovy!

- Oh, that's right, Groove,

fun tabby hoobie feathers!

Hobe loads of them!

- I think I might

have some feathers,

I'll go and check in

the clutter cupboard.

- Now, all I have to do is

stuff these feathers back in.

Ah, now, how do I do that?

This is Roma hoob in a hotel

room about to stuff my pillow!

Hooble toodle do!

- [All] Hooble toodle do!

- I got some, they

were in my collection

of things that could

tickle your nose.

- Yes, right, we've got

to get the feathers out

of the bag and into Humpty.

- But, how?

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how ♪

- Here's how

- Yes, hoobie groovy.

- And look at Humpty

now, here you go Iver,

round and fat and cuddly.

- Oh, thanks, oh he

feels hoobatious.

- Yeah, put him

on the wall, Iver,

that's where he

belongs, come on.

- Oh, yes, yes, on the

wall with ya Humpty!

♪ Humpty Dumpty sat on-- ♪

- Oh, no.

- Poor Humpty.

- And I really thought

we really found

the right stuffing this time.

- Humpty's not bendy

enough to stay on the wall.

- Right, there is

only one thing to do,

find something else

to stuff him with.

- [Robotic Voice] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- All is not lost,

Hoobs, I just found a

hooble dooble duper

story on hoobnet,

and I think it might offer us

the stuffing of our dreams.

- [Narrator] Once upon a

time, there was a very sad,

thin little scarecrow

called Stumpy.

Stumpy had a lovely

turnip for a head

and a couple of sturdy

sticks for arms.

But the reason why he

was so thin was that

he didn't have any stuffing!

The crows all used to

fly round him, laughing.

You can't scare us!

Stumpy thought hard about what

he could use to stuff himself.

He tried to stuff

himself with carrots,

but they all fell out!

The crows laughed.

Our feathers would

make a nice stuffing,

said one of the crows, craftly.

Yes, shouted the others.

Let's start stuffing!

So all the crows flew

inside his coat, laughing.

Just then the farmer

arrived with a big bale

of straw under his arm.

The crows heard him coming

and quickly flew out

from under Stumpy's coat.

Stumpy, cried the

farmer, you're supposed

to scare the crows not

use them for stuffing,

I've got just the thing for you.

And he stuffs Stumpy's

coat full of straw.

Stumpy got bigger, and

bigger, and bigger!

When the crows came back

to the field they cried,

look at that enormous,

scary, scarecrow!

They flew away as their

wings would carry them.

And Stumpy was very happy,

because now he was big

and scary, and

stuffed with straw.

- What would you do without

me and my collection, today.

Groove the hoob

that has everything.

- Are you sure you don't

mind us taking it apart?

- No, it was in my

collection of things

that can be taken

apart if necessary.

- Right, here goes.

(upbeat music)

♪ Iver's Humpty Dumpty

is all floppy and flat ♪

♪ And we have to make him fat ♪

♪ So how can we do that ♪

♪ Cause the floppy Humpty

Dumpty won't sit on a wall ♪

♪ He'll just fall ♪

♪ And that's no good at all ♪

♪ Oh the secret's in

the stuffing make sure ♪

♪ you stuff enough in ♪

♪ And straw we find

is the latest trend ♪

♪ He's round and

fat and cuddly ♪

♪ Will he bend ♪

♪ Will Iver's Humpty

Dumpty sit on the wall ♪

♪ Or will he fall ♪

♪ Not at all ♪

- Hoob. hoob, hooray!

- How hoobie groovy is that, eh?

- He's now bendy enough

to stay on the wall.

- Yeah, oh, just a

minute I haven't done

the soft and cuddly test yet.

There it,


- Well?

- I'm sorry to be a nuisance,

but he's ever so spiky.

I could never cuddle

him in my hoobie pod,

he'd stick in to me.

There are all these scratchy

bits of straw poking out.

- Do you know, I don't

think we're ever going

to find the stuffing that

make Iver happy, Tula.

- He's being very fussy, and

I'm running out of ideas.

- [Robotic Voice]

Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba

- Well, hoobs, I'm sure

I'm sure the right sort

of stuffing is out

there somewhere.

Maybe you should take

your Humpty Dumpty

to see the tiddly peeps.

- That's the hoobliest

groobliest suggestion

I've heard all day.

I'll go, you can drive, Iver.

- Okay.

- Oh and while

we're gone, Groove,

perhaps you'd like to

clean the place up.

Looks like a farm yard.

- Oh all right.

(twinkly music)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ Up the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddly peeps,

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give is clues,

they tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ Up the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hooble doop, tiddly peeps!

- Hooble doop, Tula!

- What are you doing?

Are you making something?

- That's right, soft toys.

- Yes, we're making

cuddly animals,

and little squidgy figures.

- Oh, that's what I've

been doing, today.

- Yes, yes she has.

- See!

- Humpty, there he is.

- But then I didn't know

what to stuff it with.

- There's lots of different

things you could use.

- Well, I want my toy to

be round, and it needs

to be cuddly, but it needs to

be able to sit on a wall, too.

Oh, nothing seems to make

it do all those things.

- No.

- We're using beans to stuff

our toys, that'll work.

- Beans, wouldn't that

make them all sticky?

- Not baked beans,

beans like this.

Would you like us to stuff your

Humpty Dumpty toy for you, Tula.

- Would you?

That's so kind.

(fast piano music)

- It's hoobily groobily,

I've got to get back

to the hoobamobile now, but

thanks so much, tiddly peeps.

- Hooble tooble doo!

= Hooble tooble doo!

(majestic music)

- Oh, I do hope

this works, Groove.

- So do I, Iver, so dd I.

- Doesn't he look

just hoobily groobily.

- Yes, yes, but

how does he feel?

- Give him a cuddle, find out.

- He's ever so soft.

- But will he sit on the wall?

- Oh, yes, yes, the wall.

Come on Humpty, there you are.

- Hoobie, groovy,

now he looks just

like the picture in the

tiddly peep rhyme book.

- There's just one problem.

- What?

- We need to move him

into the new studio,

it's time for Hoob News,

that means building the

wall again in there.

Come on, Tula.

- Iver!

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobs had

a Humpty Dumpty ♪

♪ but he wouldn't sit

still on the wall ♪

♪ He was either too

floppy or much too stiff ♪

♪ They couldn't make

him work at all ♪

♪ So after a lot of

huffing and puffing ♪

♪ The Hoobs went to look

for the perfect stuffing ♪

♪ How could they make

Humpty Dumpty fun ♪

♪ What on earth should they

put in Humpty Dumpty's tum ♪

♪ They tried one thing

then they tried another ♪

♪ But the perfect stuffing

was hard to discover ♪

♪ But now they have the Humpty

Dumpty of their dreams ♪

♪ A plump Humpty Dumpty

who is full of beans ♪

- [Robotic Voice]

Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba

- So, are you ready

with your Hoob News

for my great hooberpedia,

my hoobie bun warmer

is still waiting to be stuffed.

- We're ready Hubba Hubba.

- Then take it away!

(tv news music)

- Hooble dee whoop, to

all you hoobs out there,

welcome to Hoob News, the new

show for hoobs everywhere.

- I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula,

- And I'm Groove.

- And today, we've been

asking the question,

- How can we stuff

Iver's Humpty Dumpty?

- [Iver] Hubba Hubba

showed us some pictures

of things that were

stuffed with air.

- [Groove] So we tried

blowing air into Humpty.

- [Iver] But cloth couldn't

Keep the air inside.

- [Tula] The tiddly

peeps gave us the idea

of stuffing Humpty

with hoobie dough.

- [Groove] But we forgot

that when hoobie dough dries

it goes all hard.

- [Iver] I'm afraid Humpty

just wasn't cuddly enough.

Then Roma showed us some

pillows that were stuffed

with feathers, the

feathers made Humpty feel

hoobatiously soft and cuddly.

- [Groove] But he wasn't bendy

enough to sit upon my wall.

They we found out that

the farmer used straw

to stuff his scarecrow.

- [Iver] But that

was no good at all,

the straw made Humpty

feel all spiky.

- [Tula] So we went back

to the tiddly peeps,

and they told us that

they used dried beans

to stuff their toys.

- Which works perfectly

for my Humpty Dumpty.

- And it works perfectly for

my hoobie bun warmer, too.


I'm well and truly stuffed!

- Hoob, hoob, hooray!

- So it's thanks once again to

Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma,

for giving hoobs

everywhere a little peep in

to the world of peeps.

Remember, wherever you

are, and whatever stuff

you're stuffing with, have a

nice day and hooble toodle do!

- Hooble, toodle, do!

- Right, do you know

what I would like next?

- What's that Iver?

- A Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.

- [Tula And Groove] No Iver, no.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing, ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-hoob-hooray ♪

♪ The hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Here we come

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

- Hoobs!