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02x12 - Paddington in Touch / Paddington at the Dead Sea / Goings on at Number 32

Posted: 06/26/23 07:30
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does
his best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious
and speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's
never far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

- If there's one
thing I like better

Than opening a fresh jar
of marmalade for breakfast,

It's seeing the postman arrive with a letter... For me!

Good news everyone!

We've been invited
to a rugby match.

What does that mean, mr. Brown?

- A team from peru
will be taking part

In a charity rugby match against
your old school this sunday.

As a former student,
you've been invited to the game.

- A former student who only
attended school for one day!

- What's a rugby?

- It's a... Well it's a
game like soccer... Football.

Only all the players
are allowed to carry the ball,

And, uh, well the rules
are quite different to football,

They have scrums, line
outs and things like that.

It's really very complicated.

It's really very complicated.

- Mr. Brown's explanations often require their own explanations.

So I decided to
go and see mr. Gruber.

-I could try to explain
the rules, mr. Brown,

But this might be of more help.

- Everything you need
to know about rugby.

"Rugby is a sport played
with an oval-shaped ball"

"By teams of
players per side."

"One of the most important parts
of the game is the scrum,"

"In which players from
each side compete for the ball."

"Once the ball is freed
from the scrum,"

"It is advanced up the field."

"The object of the game
is to ground the ball"

Behind your opponents'
goal line.

"Chapter one: tackles:"

"Practice makes perfect."


Phew, I'll tackle you yet.

-Paddington! What are you doing

With one of my best pillows?

-Practising my tackles,
mrs. Bird!

In a matter of days,

I could tackle pillows
with the best of them.

But I needed a bigger
challenge...a moving target.


Nice tackle, mrs. Bird.

-Thank you, paddington.

I happen to be quite
a fan of rugby myself.

When the day of the match arrived, I was the best -

Ahem - second best tackler at windsor gardens.

-You'll be needing
two flags, paddington,

Since your loyalties
will be divided.

-My loyalties will be divided?!

-Of course, who
will you cheer for?

Your old school,
or the team from peru?

-My loyalties will be divided!

I'd better take
two of everything!

-Next time, I suggest
we give paddington

His rattles after
we get to the match.

-You're just in time, mr. Brown.

The game is about to begin.

-Watch out for the first scrum.

-I'm afraid it looks
like your peruvian team

Is in for quite
a struggle today.

-Although I could hardly
understand what was happening,

One thing did become clear.

The team from peru was losing.

-Oh, dear. One of the peruvian
players is going off injured.

It looks as if he
has a loose shoulder.

-The way the peruvians
keep getting

Thrown down to the ground,

They've probably got
loose legs as well.

-Paddington? Where did he go?

-My loyalties were
no longer divided.

Good afternoon. My name
is paddington brown.

I was born in darkest peru

And I'd like to offer
my services to the team.

-Welcome to our team.

-Thank you. I hope I can help.

I started off with

The thundering tackle
mrs. Bird taught me.


-Very nice,

But it would be better

If you tackled players
from the other team.

-Pardon me.


-I didn't like the
look of the scrum.

I checked the ball to make sure

It hadn't been squashed
by all the rough play.

But when I turned to
consult the referee...



I suddenly decided rugby
wasn't the game for me.


But unfortunately, I didn't
have a chance to reconsider.


-It was time for some
quick thinking.




-Bravo! Brilliant!

-That was the best try
I have ever seen.

-Try? I believe I succeeded!

-If eduardo kicks
the conversion,

We will be just one try
away from winning.

-Bravo! Brilliant!

I was no longer interested
in who won or lost.

I just wanted to
survive the afternoon.

-Hey! Hey!

Oh, dear.

-Paddington is about
to be tackled!

-Again...wait! What's this?!

-Back! Back, you ruffians!

Leave my nephew alone!


-Paddington's done it!

He's scored the winning
try for the peruvian team.

-If the referee
allows it to stand!

-You should be ashamed
of yourselves,

Attacking a young
bear like that.

-Given these most
unique circumstances...

I will award the try.

-No way.

-Yay! Hurray!

- Gracias, senor,for letting
me play on your team.

-Gracias senor?

You speak spanish?

But why were you
speaking english to me?

-Why were you speaking
to me in english?

-Ha, ha, ha...

-I taught him
everything he knows.

-I'm so proud of you.

-Well played paddington,
well played.

-Oh, hello, everyone.

I'd like you all to meet marcos,

The captain of
the peruvian team, and...

My aunt lucy.

-Aunt lucy?!

-Hola. Buenos dias.

I don't think we have met.

- Turn right here, mr. Gruber.

On second thoughts... Brake!

Where are we, mr. Gruber?

-The lowest point
on earth, mr. Brown,

, Feet below sea level.

That is the dead sea.

-It doesn't look
very dead to me.

-Wait until you try
swimming in it.

I am going to include
it in my book,

The world and its wonders.

-Phew, perhaps
it died of the heat.

-Thousands of years
of civilization

Are buried out there.

Do you see those caves?

That is where they found
the dead sea scrolls.

-The dead sea rolls?

-Not rolls, mr. Brown. Scrolls.

Ancient writings almost
, years old.

Now, if you can find our way
out of here, mr. Brown,

I have a surprise for you.

-Ah yes, well! I know.

I had it upside down by mistake.

We should have turned
left instead of right.

-Here we are, mr. Brown.

My surprise.

A luxury spa.

People come here to relax their
minds and their bodies.

And after all our
hard work on my book,

I think we deserve both.

-Bears are good
at relaxing, mr. Gruber.

-Welcome to the dead sea spa.

I am patella, your mental and
physical fitness instructor.

-I am samuel gruber, and this
is mr. Paddington brown.

-What is that?

-It's a marmalade sandwich.
Would you like half?

-A marmalade sandwich!

But it is unhealthy.

It is not nutritious. It is--

-Very tasty.

-It is forbidden. Come along.

Here are your activity schedules
while you are at the spa.

They will get you
into tiptop shape.

-It doesn't look as though

We'll have much time for
relaxing, mr. Gruber.

I'm scheduled for a workout
in the fitness centre.

That doesn't sound very
relaxing. Whatever it is.


Oh, ho, ho!

-Stop hurting mr. Gruber.

-Help. Help.

-What is going on here?

-She att*cked mr. Gruber.
He was crying out in pain.

-Well, I was, in a way...

But that's all part of massage
treatment, mr. Brown.

-I think I might do without my
massage, thank you very much.

-Now you must stay on this
machine until it stops.

-It's all very well for
mr. Patella to say "stay on",

But I can't even get on.

My hat!

Ah, well... It stopped.

It is a good job I took
my marmalade sandwich out.

Now for a swim with mr. Gruber.

-Careful, mr. Brown.

The dead sea is quite
difficult to swim in.

The water is % salt,
that is why you can't sink.

And that is why it is
called the dead sea.

Nothing can survive

-Then... Why are we swimming
in it, mr. Gruber?

-People believe the water has
healing properties, mr. Brown.

-I don't see why.
It hurt bouncing over it.

-Ahhh, mr. Brown.

I believe this is where
the relaxing begins.


-I don't feel very
relaxed, mr. Gruber.

-I hope the lunch is good.
I'm feeling very hungry indeed.

Ah... A lettuce leaf
to cleanse the palate.

May I ask what
the main course is?

-That is the main course.

-Don't worry, mr. Gruber.

I have a marmalade sandwich
in my secret compartment.

But don't tell mr. Patella.

He doesn't approve

Of marmalade.


-Shame on you both.

Now please hand over
those sandwiches

And eat your
health-giving salad.

-I'm afraid it's back

To cleansing our palates,
mr. Brown.

-I don't think mine needs
cleansing, mr. Gruber.

I think these were for
tonight's dinner,

But we can make some
marmalade rolls now.

-Look! They have food,
real food.

-Come along, mr. Brown.

I think it's time we left

And ate our lunch in peace.

-Stop that bear...
He's got marmalade.

-Hey! Those aren't
on the menu.

Stop! You mustn't.

-We'll come back for them later.


-Come back with that food.

We're hungry too.

-Maybe we can hide in
the mud baths, mr. Gruber.

-This way.

Did you see a short bear

And a man with glasses
run through here?


-Wait a minute.

You're short.
And you've got glasses.

It is you.

Oh, please,

We've only had lettuce
to eat for the last days.

Can we have some
of your marmalade?

-Of course, my aunt lucy
taught me always to share.

All you had to do was ask.

Mr. Patella! What are you doing?

-Oh what's the use.

I love marmalade too.

I'm so tired of salads.

- Then why don't
you put it on the menu?

A little marmalade
never hurt anyone.

- But this is a spa!

We can't serve marmalade
rolls. People will talk!

- Perhaps you should call
them something else, like...

"Dead sea rolls"

"Dead sea rolls"... I like it!

We will put them
on the menu tonight!

I don't suppose you have
any more marmalade, do you?

There may be a big
demand for the rolls.

- I find that if there is
one constant in the universe...

It is that wherever
you find mr. Brown...

A supply of marmalade
won't be very far away. Ha ha!

- With aunt lucy
visiting from peru,

The browns and I had decided

To take her out
to see the sights.

- What a day! I always
forget how big london is.

- And I always forget
how many people

You can fit in the back
seat of a london taxi.

-She certainly likes to take
pictures, doesn't she?

I hate to say this,

But after a day's sightseeing
with aunt lucy and paddington,

I'm looking forward to a quiet
day at the office tomorrow.

-I want to get a present
for mr. Brown

To thank him for taking
care of you all this time.

-Well, he's been talking
about buying a boat.

Perhaps we could get
him something for that.

Mr. Brown could fish
from his boat.

-Or swim from it too.



Nephew, come over here!
I found the perfect gift!

-Madam, please don't
sit in the display.

-I want it.

-You want to buy it!?

Well, in that case,
make yourself comfortable.

Maybe you'd like to join her.

-Thank you!

-This beauty's made of

The finest imported
indonesian rubber.

It comes with an emergency
kit that includes:

An a*t*matic
radio distress signal,

Seasickness tablets,

A flashlight, safety pins

And a bag of suitable sweets.

-Mmm, yes, very suitable.

But how are we going
to get it home?

-Ah, that's the best part.

The whole thing fits in a bag

Not much bigger than
a loaf of bread.

You just pull
a string, and, poof,

It inflates
in less than seconds.

-What does this lever do?

-Oh, careful with that.

You see, this particular boat

Is attached to a device we
call the open sea simulator.

Would you like to try it?

-Yes, please.

-This will give you the feeling

Of being out on the open sea.

Now hold on.

-Hoo, hoo, my! It certainly
is exhilarating!

-It reminds me of the time I
stowed away on the lifeboat.

Only the waves were bigger.

-You want bigger?

-Whoa, whoa, whoa!


-Sorry about that.

-Oh, dear! I wish I hadn't
had such a big breakfast

Before testing that boat.

Everything's starting
to go round and round.

I must be seasick.

-The man in the shop said
there were seasickness pills

In the dinghy's emergency kit.

I'll see if I can get them out.

Aha. I've found something.

-What was that?

-There's an a*t*matic distress
signal coming through.

There's a ship
in trouble somewhere.

-Where is it? On the river,
in the channel?

The north sea? The atlantic?

-Uhh, well - according to this,

It's passing through
piccadilly circus.

-Oh, ohhh...

-Don't worry, aunt lucy.
I'm sure I'll find th--


-Hey! Ow!

-I didn't expect
anything like this.

-I can't breathe.

-What's going on here?

Who brought this boat on board?

-We did. I mean,
well, uh, not exactly.

It wasn't a boat
when we brought it on.

-Well, it is now, mate.

And I'm afraid boats
is against regulations.

-How are we going to get it
back to windsor gardens now?


We've got a boat,

And here's
a perfectly good river.

-You know, we're not far
from mr. Brown's office.

We could take his
present right to him.

Except we don't have a paddle,
and the current's very strong.

Why... We might
end up in the sea.

-Well, I wouldn't worry, dear.

I'm sure everything
will work out fine.

-Do not panic -- the situation

Is under control.

-You see, nephew.
Everything's fine.

-You know, sometimes
I really enjoy

Being here at the office.

It's so quiet and peaceful.
Nothing ever happens.

-Hello. There seems to be
some commotion on the river.

Looks like...
Two bears in a boat.

-Did you say...two bears?

-Are you alright?

Are there any other survivors?

-Survivors of what?

-Of the shipwreck. Didn't
you put out a mayday signal?

-Why would we do that?
It's the middle of august.

-Excuse me. I believe
I know these two bears.

-Mr. Brown! You're just in time.

Do you like your present?
I'm sorry it isn't giftwrapped.

-My present?

-Aunt lucy bought it for you.
Isn't it wonderful?

We have to think
of a way to get it home.

-Oh, look, there's
a plug right here.

I'll just pull it, and--

-No, wait!

Oh! Watch out!

-Now all we have to do is think
of a way to get it down.

-You know, aunt lucy,
it really wasn't necessary

For you to get me a present.

-Well, I'm leaving tonight,
and I just wanted to show

My appreciation for all
you've done for paddington.

-You're leaving tonight?
That's too bad.

Well, things have
certainly been, um...

Exciting since you arrived.

-Oh dear.

Oh, no...

Look at this note I found.

"Have gone to airport
with aunt lucy."

"Much love, paddington.
P.s. Thanks for everything."

Paddington's gone back
to peru with aunt lucy.

I can't believe it.

He didn't even say... Goodbye.

-Hello everyone.


-Oh, paddington.
You had us worried.

We thought you'd gone
back with aunt lucy

To the home for
retired bears in peru.

-Now why would I do that?

I'm much too young to retire!