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02x10 - Paddington Makes a Clean Sweep / Paddington at the Olympics / Paddington and Do it Yourself

Posted: 06/26/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ 'Cause he always does
his best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious
and speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's
never far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

- Dear aunt lucy,
there really is nothing like

Waking up on a
fine spring morning

To the sound
of birds chirping.

[Background coughing]
although, I must say,

Some of them didn't sound
to good this morning.

I was determined to find
out what was going on.

It was the busiest day
I had ever known

In the brown household,

And I soon found out
the reason.

You see, it was all because mrs. Bird's spring cleaning

Was taking place, and being the helpful bear

That I am, I decided
to lend a paw.


-Paddington?! What are
you doing on the floor?

-I'm cleaning your springs,
mrs. Bird.

At least, I was trying to.

-I'm afraid you've got
it wrong, paddington.

Spring cleaning simply means
everyone lends a hand

Giving the whole house
a going over,

From top to bottom.

-Then I think it should be
called top to bottom cleaning.

-Well, I think we've
rearranged the living room

Very nicely,
don't you agree, mrs. Bird?

-A definite improvement.

Now we should go and see
how mr. Briggs is doing with

The roof repairs.

-It doesn't look like much
of an improvement to me.

If this is what happens
in the spring,

I wouldn't like to see
winter cleaning.

"Sweep it clean. The do it
yourself chimney sweep kit."

-Paddington. Paddington?

-We're going out to buy
some cleaning supplies.

-Perhaps I could do some
tidying up while you're gone?

-You can do some
dusting if you like.

-I don't know about chimneys,
but this brush

Is very good
for dusting ceilings.

I wonder...

Mrs. Brown didn't say anything
about sweeping the chimney,

But I'm sure
it counts as dusting.

Oh dear! I think I should have
stuck to cleaning the springs.

-Blimey! Better be sure
to wash me hair tonight.

Right, then, almost finished.


What's going on here?

Now I'll just
finish off with this.

Right, time for lunch.

-That's odd.

Perhaps there's a bird's nest
blocking the chimney.

-Huh!? What the...

-"Warning: after sweeping
the chimney, great care"

"Must be taken
when unscrewing the rods,"

"Otherwise, the brush
may become detached"

"And stuck up the chimney."

If I were writing
an instruction book,

I'd tell people things
like that at the beginning.

-What I want to know is how
these tools fell off the roof.

-There's the brush.

If I could just
reach down and...

It's a good thing that
chimneys have two ends.

It was strange,

But mrs. Bird said mr. Briggs,
the handyman, would

Be repairing the roof,
not working in the garden.

-Hello, what's all this?!

There's something down there.


Don't go in!

There's something nasty
up your chimney.


-Careful now,
stay back behind me.


-What is it, mr. Briggs?

-Something very peculiar.

Ah, got him.

A boot.

-A boot? Oh!

-And some kind of rag, no,

It's a hat.

-I don't like
the sound of that.


A marmalade sandwich?



-We've got to get him out.

-Don't worry, missus.
Leave it to me.

-Ow! Hey!

-Grab hold of it, paddington!

Now don't touch anything

Or we'll be spring cleaning
for months.

-I'm sorry, everybody,
but mr. Brown's

Brush got detached by mistake.


-This here paddington
may have got himself

Pretty mucky
and covered in soot,

But I'm willing to wager
there ain't

A cleaner chimney anywhere!

-Ah! Or a dirtier bear.

That night, I had one of my longest bubble baths ever.

Soot sticks to fur even
more than marmalade.

I was combing it out
for days afterwards,

But I think I got
the last of it.

Well, almost.

- We're very proud of you,

Imagine, of all the
people in the country,

You were chosen to
represent great britain

In the olympic torch relay.
It's a great honour.

- And a wonderful opportunity
for me to add a chapter

To my book, the
world and its wonders.

= Good bye paddington!
Good luck...

= Have fun!

- Mind you don't go leaving
any marmalade sandwiches

Lying around for people
to sit on. Ha ha!

- Ha ha ha ha!


-Mr. Brown, mr. Brown of

Windsor gardens?

-That's me!

-My dear, sir. Thank goodness
we've caught you in time.

There's been a terrible mistake.

-An unfortunate clerical error.

But all's well that ends well.

-The letter you received
inviting you

To participate
in the olympic torch relay

Was intended for a
mr. P. Windsor of brown gardens.

-Good gracious!

That explains it.

I thought it was funny choosing
a bear to represent britain.

-A bear!

-Especially one
from darkest peru.

-Darkest peru!

-Oh dear! Where is he?

-What will her majesty
say when she sees

A bear from peru
representing great britain?

-We have to catch him!

-As soon as mr. Gruber and I arrived in america,

We went straight to the
outskirts of the city

To await the arrival
of the torch.

-Get ready, mr. Brown.

Here it comes.

Follow me, I'll lead
you right to the next runner.

Keep an eye on my jacket

And you won't get lost.

-Have you seen a bear
with a torch?

-Thank you! Cheerio!

-Faster, mr. Wright! Faster!

-I'm doing my best, mr. Morton.

-Everything was
going well until...

For some strange reason,

Mr. Gruber started to go

Much faster.

Wait for me, mr. Gruber!

You're not mr. Gruber!

What are you doing
in his jacket?

Oh, dear!

I hadn't been following

Mr. Gruber --
I'd been following a jacket,

And the wrong one at that!
And I was lost!

-There he is!


-Hold on, there! Stop!

You've got no right!

-I didn't know
who the two men were,

Or what they wanted,
but something told me

They were up to no good.

However, I had more important
things to worry about:

Like being lost, for a start,

And not knowing where
mr. Gruber was

Or what to do with the torch.

-Hey! Where are you going
with that big candle?

-The olympic stadium.

-Nice coat, buddy.
And those boots.

Hey! Wait till
eddie sees this guy.

-Wait till eddie sees what?

-Uh, cool outfit, eddie.

-It was a present
from my grandma in england.

-Very sensible.

-Thanks, man.

-I don't understand it.

Young mr. Brown was
right behind me.

-Time is ticking.

We'll have to head
to the stadium

And hope he can get
there by himself.

-Got you!

Now hand over that torch!

That is to say,

I think it's time for us
to leave, mr. Morton.

-I'm right behind you,
mr. Wright.

-Here's a bus ticket.

Catch the number just
outside the mall entrance.

It'll take you right
to the stadium.

-Thank you. I'll do the same for
you if you ever come to london.

[ Coughing ]

-You can't bring that
on this bus.

It's "no smoking".

-It's the olympic torch;
I'm on my way

To the stadium to deliver it in
time for the opening ceremony.

-Wow! Isn't that
the olympic torch?

Did he say the olympic torch?

-The olympic torch?!
Why didn't you say so?

-We'll get you! We'll get you!

-Get 'em!

-Excuse me, excuse me!
Stop, please! Taxi!

To the olympic stadium.

And hurry, please!

-The freeway's
totally blocked with traffic.

We'll have to take
the back roads!


-Only minutes to go before
the official start of the games,

And still no sign
of the torch.

The fate of these
olympic games rests

In the paws of one bear.

-Did I hear something
about a bear?

-Don't worry, sonny.
We'll get you there.

-This young bear needs
to get to the stadium

In less than minutes

Or the olympics
will be ruined.

-Hang on, buddy!

-Hello, everyone.
Sorry I've kept you waiting.

-Got you!

There's been a misunderstanding.

You were never
supposed to represent

Great britain at the olympics.

Here's the proof.

This letter states...

-Oh, no!

The torch is going out!

-Oh, no!

-Holy smoke! It's going out!

-Hang on, buddy!

-I would like to thank everyone

Who helped me today, especially
mr. Morton and mr. Wright.

Without their quick-thinking,
the olympic torch

Might have gone out.

-How very strange.

That mr. Windsor
from brown gardens

Looks exactly like a bear.

-Dear aunt lucy, yesterday I bought myself

A set of carpentry tools.

They seemed very good
value at the time,

But I soon found out
carpentry isn't as easy

As it looks...

Especially with paws.

"The do-it-yourself manual."

-Repairs, repairs, repairs.

I'm always having to mend
things around here.

-"Delight your family and
surprise your friends!"


-I wanted to make a magazine
rack for mr. Brown,

And when everyone
had gone out,

I started work.

Oh! Ouch!

-What are you doing, bear?

-Do it yourself, mr. Curry!

-What did you say bear?
How dare you?

-Oh, no, mr. Curry. I didn't
mean youshould do it yourself.

I meant I'm doing it myself.

I'm making a magazine rack
for mr. Brown.

-Will you use all that wood?

-Oh, yes. It's a very
big job, mr. Curry.

-Hmm! I have a very big hole,

And not enough wood
to fix it with.


-"Tools, wood."

The only thing I need now is

"A kitchen table
on which to work."

A kitchen table!

Where am I going to get
one of those?

I don't think mrs. Bird

Would like me using
hers very much.

-Ahh! Ooo!

Bear, did you say kitchen table?


-Well, then, I think
we can do business.

-Business? What sort of
business, mr. Curry?

-I have a kitchen table
you may use.

And you have
this lovely piece of wood

That would fix my fence just so.

-All right mr. Curry,
it's a deal.

-Good. Throw in
a free magazine rack for me,

And we can shake on it.

-A magazine rack as well?

-You can't "do it yourself"
without my table, now, can you?

-Hmm. I suppose not.

-Here we are, bear!
My kitchen, spotless as ever.

And that's exactly

How I expect to find it
when I get back.

-Certainly, mr. Curry.

Carpenters always clean up
after themselves.

-Well, they had better.
It's : now.

I shall be back
precisely at :.

Spotless, bear. Spotless.

-"Step one: mark out the
shape of the magazine rack"

"With a pencil"

"And ruler."

That's easy enough.

I can do two at the same time.

"Step two: saw carefully around
the outline of the rack."

Hmm, I think I'd better cut
the sheet of wood in half first.

By following the instructions
in my do it yourself manual,

Things went like clockwork.


Although sawing through the wood
took longer than I expected.


What on earth do you think
mr. Curry's up to now?

-Whatever he's doing, it
doesn't sound very successful.

-I looked for a chapter on
what to do when you've sawed

A table in half by mistake, but
there was nothing to help me.

I suppose that's what's
meant by "do it yourself."

Which is exactly
what I decided to do!

Now for the finishing touch.

There's nothing like marmalade
for filling cracks

And getting you out of trouble.

All I have to do now
is stop it wobbling.

I'm glad I don't work
in a table factory.


Imagine doing this
for a living.

You can picture my surprise
when I discovered...

Oh, oh, dear!

That mr. Curry's table
was now bear-sized!

"Delight your family
and surprise your friends."

Whoever wrote this book
can't have met mr. Curry.

After I had finished making mr. Brown's magazine rack,

I had another setback.

There was no wood left
for mr. Curry's,

Except the piece I'd promised him for his fence.

Then I had another idea.

-I wonder where
paddington's got to?

-Paddington! What
have you got there?

-It's a magazine rack,
mrs. Bird!

-Where did you get it?

-I did it myself, mrs. Brown.

Mr. Curry let me use
his kitchen table,

So I made one for him as well.


-I expect he had a big
surprise when he saw it.

-Oh, what have you
done, bear? Ohhh!

Wait till I get
my hands on you!

I had used the spare pieces of mr. Curry's kitchen

Table legs for the magazine rack, as I'd promised him

My last piece of wood
for his fence.

-It seems to me, paddington,
the way you tell it,

Mr. Curry got
what was coming to him.

Trying to take advantage
of a young bear like that.

-I'm sure you're right,
mrs. Bird.

But I'm not sure mr. Curry
would agree with you.

-Do you think if I gave him

My carpentry set,
he might feel better.

He likes getting something
for nothing.

-Paddington, that's the first
good idea I've heard all day.

Trust you to hit
the nail on the head.

-That'll be another first,
mrs. Bird.

My plan worked.

When I offered mr. Curry
my carpentry set,

He seemed to calm down...


-But it didn't last very long,
so it was a good job

He still hadn't mended
the hole in his fence.