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02x08 - Pantomime Time / Paddington in Alaska / A Stitch in Time

Posted: 06/26/23 07:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does his
best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

- [Paddington]:
it was bad enough that we

Were late for the theatre.
But to make matters worse,

Just as we arrived,
it started to drizzle.

Luckily, I had
my suitcase with me.

-I told you I had pull, honey.

Front row seats for
d*ck whittington's pantomime.

-But, darling, what exactly is

A "pantomime"?

-Who knows? But whatever it is,
it beats being out in the rain.


Did you see that?

A bear, with a suitcase
on his head!

-Calm down, honey.
He could be part of the show!

I guess maybe not.

-You see, paddington.
d*ck whittington has
walked all the way

To london with his cat,
sukie, to seek fame and fortune.

-This is a picture
of d*ck whittington.

-That's not a him, that's a her.

-That's right.
In a pantomime, the leading man
is always played by a girl.

-Guess who they get
to play the cat?

-Hum... A dog?

-A dog! Oh, darling,

What kind of a show
have you brought me to! Ah!

-Honey, honey...
-"Honey"? Where?

-If you don't mind,
I was referring to my wife.
I call her "honey".

-You do? Personally,
I prefer marmalade.

-Speaking of which...
Sukie's a marmalade cat

-A "marmalade cat"?
I hope no one tries to eat it.

-Eat a cat!

-At long last!
I have arrived in london.

They say the streets
are paved with gold,
but I am faint with hunger.

Won't someone please help me?

-Here, have
a marmalade sandwich.

I always keep some
for emergencies.


-I'm so sorry,
mrs. Honey. Let me...

Just what kind of
a show is a pantomime?

-It says in the program,
it's a play with songs
and variety acts,

And parts where
the audience can join in.

-Well, if you ask me, there's
far too much of that already!

-Thank you for this
delicious meal, alderman.

If only my marmalade
cat were here to... Ah!

Here she comes!

-Hooray! Bravo!

Hey! Wait a minute!

Hmm. I thought so.

This isn't marmalade. It's fur.

And very lumpy fur at that.

Despite the incident
with the marmalade cat,

I was very excited when the magician came on stage.

-Prepare to be astounded
and mystified...

By me: the great divide!



Now I would like one
volunteer from the audience.

Don't be shy! I... Huh?!

-Oh dear, henry.

I knew it was a mistake to get
seats so close to the stage.

-Ah, what's this in your ear?

A silver coin!

-Ah! Thank you! I shall
use that to buy some buns.

-And inside your hat?

Another rabbit?


-Oh dear! That was
the last of my sandwiches.

-Uh... Uh...

Your next task will be
to assure the audience

That I have nothing up
my sleeves.

-No, there's nothing
at all, mr. Divide.

But what's that in your cape?

-And now we come to my
piece de resistance.

For the first time
on any stage...

Sawing a bear in half.

-Sawing a bear in half?

-Or thirds! Or quarters!

-They don't call me the
great divide for nothing.

Ha! Ha! Ha!


-One bear is bad enough but two!

-I hope he doesn't catch the
saw in paddington's dufflecoat,

We shall never hear the last
of it if he pulls any threads.

-It's not paddington's coat
I'm worried about!

-Are you feeling any uh...

-I could do with some earplugs.

I'm afraid I'm still
in one piece.

Never mind, mr. Divide, perhaps
it will work better next time.


And now, by popular request,
I shall make you disappear.

-Disappear? But I've only
just got here. Excuse me...

I think there is something
up your sleeve after all.


Completely empty!

-Let me out! It's dark in here!

-There! That
wasn't so bad, was it?

Tell everyone you're
all right.

-I'm not! I feel dizzy,
and I've lost my suitcase!

-You've lost your what?

-My suitcase. You must have
made it disappear by mistake.

And it's got all
my important things in it.

Oh, thank you.

-I thought you said it was
full of things. It's empty.

-No it isn't, mr. Divide.
I'll show you:

That's a picture of my
aunt lucy. One of the home
for retired bears in lima.

My passport. A label
in case I ever get lost.

Some toffees and
a map of darkest peru.

[The crowd]: bravo! Bravo!

-Just like your disappearing
box, my suitcase has a secret
compartment as well.

-You were right, darling.
That bear ispart of the show.

And he's really
quite good, you know!

-Everyone wanted
paddington's autograph.

Even the great divide!

-Well, that was one pantomime
I shan't forget in a hurry.

-I shan't forget it either,
mrs. Bird.

Perhaps I could borrow your
saw when we get home, mr. Brown?

-My what? Over my dead body!

-Careful, henry. There's many
a true word spoken in jest.

-That, mary, is precisely
what I'm worried about!

-Mr.gruber says alaska
is a savage land.

Untouched by civilization, and where only the bravest

And hardiest of
souls dares to venture.

-More cocoa, mr. Brown?

-Yes, please, mr.gruber.

Mr. Gruber and I were staying
with mr. Lars larson

Who was about to compete in the world renownediditarod.

It's a famous dogsled race

Which mr. Gruber wanted
to include in his book,

The world and its wonders.

-It must be difficult, lars,
living out here in the wild.

-It certainly is, sam. Aha!

Found the marshmallows!

This is a map of the race course
and these are the checkpoints.

The first leg of the race
is pretty easy.

-You there!

-What are you doing to my dog?

-I didn't do anything. He took
a bite of my marmalade sandwich.

-Pah! This dog does
not eat marmalade.

He is part wolf, a vicious,
savage beast.

He only eats raw meat.

-He doesn't look very vicious.

-Just stay away from him.

-Next on the starting line,

Lars larson and
jacques le poivre.

-Okay. I just need to get
my hat and I'm ready to go.

It must be in the back.

-Oh dear. Mr. Larson left
the door of his truck open.

-You there! Out of my way.


-Hey! Let me out of here!

-Lars is going to miss
his starting time.
I'd better find him.



Last call for larson!

Well, if he doesn't start
on time, he's out of the race.

-Ha! Ha! Ha!

Too bad for him!

-There was no sign
of mr. Larson.

So I had to do
some quick thinking.

-Mush! Mush! Mush! Mush!

-Excuse me.
Why aren't we going?

-Uh, you have to untie
your sled first.


-I can't understand why

Mr. Brown would do such a thing.
-Gotta hurry!


-Mr. Brown?


Once I got back on the
sled, everything was fine
until the first turn.

The dogs seemed to know which way to go. All I had to do was stay on the sled

Which was not
as easy as it sounds.

But after a while,
I got the hang of it.

In fact, I started
to do quite well.

-Zut alors!

Oh! Oh!

-I didn't want to make mr. Le poivre angry again,

So I decided to get
rid of my sandwich.



-Don't worry, mr. Le poivre.
I'm coming.

Excuse me.
Could we stop, please?



It was time for
drastic measures.




Are you alright, mr. Le poivre?

-No, I am not alright!
I am stranded in the
middle of nowhere!

-Well, at least we have a sled.

-Pah! What good is
a sled without dogs?

-Good point.
In fact, five good points.

-It's a good thing for you
that i, jacques le poivre,
am at one with the wilderness.


-Eh? What was that?

-It sounded like wolves.

-Wolves! We are done for!


-That was when I remembered how much mr. Le poivre's dog

Liked marmalade sandwiches. And he was part wolf.

Luckily, I'd packed
an emergency supply
for mr. Larson.

It turns out that
wolves like marmalade

Just as much as bears,
and who can blame them?

Then, I had an idea.

-I talked to the race officials.

They said as soon as paddington
checks in, I can take over

And run the rest of the race.

-Something's coming!

-That's jacque's team...
And mine!

-But where are mr. Brown
and monsieurle poivre?

-They must be back
on the trail somewhere.

Good thing jacques is
an experienced woodsman!

-Uh...are the wolves gone yet?

-Not exactly.
But you can come down.

-But this is impossible!

These wolves will
not pull the sled!

-I think they will.

They just need

A little encouragement.

With marmalade,
anything's possible.

-Something's coming!

-It looks like...


-What is the matter, everyone?

Are you afraid of
a few nice little wolves.

Ha! Ha!

-There go the wolves, mr. Brown.


-Along with the last of
our marmalade sandwiches.

Mr. Gruber, what was it
you said about alaska?

-That it's a savage land,
untouched by civilization,

Where only the bravest and
hardiest souls dare to tread.

-Then I suppose the nearest
supermarket is hundreds of
miles from here, mr. Larson?

-Well, actually, paddington,
there's one just over
that ridge.

- Every week, mr. Brown
gives me a pound

For my pocket money.

And I put it towards the
buns mr. Gruber and I

Share for our elevenses.

Then one day, it fell through a hole in my duffle coat pocket.

So I put it on the
side of the wash basin

While I was
cleaning my teeth.

And guess what!
It fell down the plug hole!

There was
only one thing for it...


Paddington, I think
you should let me have

That spanner in case you
have any more accidents.

Not to worry, paddington.
Here's some more bun money.

There's no need to try
your paw at plumbing.

-Indeed, we don't want
a repeat of what happened

When you helped mr. Curry with
his frozen pipes last winter.

-Quite. Here's
some more bun money.

Then you can forget
all about it.

-Thank you very much, mr. Brown.
I'll try, but it won't be easy.

I shall be a pound short
for the rest of my life.

-There. I've fixed the
hole in your pocket.

You shouldn't have any trouble
with your seams for some time.

-I didn't ever want to experience a bunless friday.

And luckily, mr. Gruber had the perfect solution.

-It's rather an old
sewing machine, mr. Brown.

It's been at the back of
my shop for some years.

But there's a book of
instructions and it should do

If you just want to repair
some of your old seams.

-Thank you, mr. Gruber. I don't
want to take any more chances.


Threading a needle is a
bit difficult with paws.
And several times,

I nearly threaded one of
my whiskers by mistake,

But with the scraps of cloth mrs. Bird had given me

I soon got the hang of things.

-Why, paddington! It's
a wonderful tablecloth.

-If... Er... That's what it is.

-As a matter of fact,
it's a picnic blanket.

Perhaps you'd like to help
me test it, mrs. Brown?

-I'm afraid it will have to wait
for another day, paddington.

Mrs. Bird and I have
some shopping to do.

Why don't you take
it into the garden?

-Lying there in the sun
it was easy to think

Of all sorts of other things I could make with mr. Gruber's sewing machine.

I thought I might even
set up in business.

-Argh! My best trousers!


It looked as though mr. Curry was having trouble with
his seams as well.

- Pounds worth of damage
at the very least. Ah!

-I know someone who would mend
them for one pound, mr. Curry.

-Are you spying on me, bear?

-Oh no, mr. Curry. I was
just looking at the hole
in your trousers...

I mean...

-Did you say a pound, bear?
That seems remarkably cheap.

Can they repair them in a day?

-Oh, it isn't a they,
mr. Curry. It's a he.

-A pound, eh? Are you sure
this person is completely
reliable, bear?

-Oh yes. I've known
him all my life.

You see, he lost all his money
down a plug hole the other day

And he's trying
to make up for it.

-Hmm! Wait there, bear.

This is too good
an opportunity to miss.

-I should have known better.

Mrs. Bird says, "give mr. Curry an inch and he'll take a mile."

I didn't know he
had so many clothes.

-I may as well get my dressing
gown mended while I'm at it.

-Wouldn't you like to keep
something to wear in case
you have an emergency,

Mr. Curry?

-Nonsense. What
could possibly happen?

Now, be sure and tell your
friend that I can't go out

Until some of my clothes
come back, so woe betide
him if anything goes wrong.

-It's all very well
for mr. Curry to say "what could possibly happen?"

But over the years,
I've learned something
usually does.

"For the proud owner of
a sew-ritesewing machine,

The horizons are limitless."

There was such a
large pile of clothes,

I could hardly see the window let alone the horizon.

The trouble with sewing is that there is so many threads,

And it's hard to know which to pull... And which not.

-Bear? Are you there, bear?

-Any news of my clothes, bear?

-He's doing his best, mr. Curry

But it's a bit difficult
with paws, I mean...

-Well, tell him to get a move
on. I can't wait all day.

If you get them back for me soon

I may even give you
a pound as well.

-Something told me that that was one pound I wasn't going to see in a hurry.

I don't think mr. Curry's going to be very happy

When he sees what's happened to his trousers,
or his best shirt.

As for his dressing gown, I suppose it might make a good duster.

"If all else fails,
feel free to contact sew-rite."

That's it!

I found thesew-rite company's

New telephone number,
and someone

From their emergency service was soon on his way.

"-Sew-rite emergency service."

Bear! Are you there bear?

You there, what's going on?

I say, wait...!


Hey! Do you know,
there's a man next door

Who seems quite upset
about something.

-I'm afraid I've been having
trouble with some of
mr. Curry's seams.

-I can see that.

This isn't exactly what
our emergency service is for,

But I think I can pull
a few strings for you.

-I'd much rather you didn't.
It was bad enough when
I pulled the threads.

-Aah! Is that
your sewing machine?

-Yes. Mr. Gruber gave it to me.

I'm afraid it's rather
an old one, so you may
not like it very much.

-Not like it! Not like it!

I love it! It's a mark one!

The first sew-riteever made!

You wouldn't be interested
in selling it, would you?

-Selling it?

-Bear, I demand an explanation.

-Well, sir,

This young bear is willing
to sell his rare sewing machine

So you can buy an entire
new wardrobe of clothes.

-He is... I can... I mean,

That will be just fine.

-I'm sorry, mr. Curry.
But sewing isn't what
bears are best at.

-Don't worry, bear.

I can't remember when I
last bought anything new.

I shall go out straight
away and do my shopping.

In fact, I'd like to thank you
on behalf of sew-rite.

Your machine will have pride
of place in our main showroom.


Come back, bear!

How can I buy new clothes

When I don't have any old
ones to go shopping in?