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02x06 - Paddington Breaks the Peace / Paddington Takes Off / Trouble at Number 32

Posted: 06/26/23 07:25
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does his
best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

-Dear aunt lucy,

I've discovered the most wonderful hobby in the world!

Gardening! I wanted
to send you some of my
homegrown vegetables,

But mrs. Bird said it
would be better to send
you photographs instead.

-That's all very
well, paddington,

But I refuse to pay more for your
vegetables than they
charge at the market.

Especially as ipaid
for the seeds!

-Vegetables sold to mrs. Bird.

-I'll grant you one thing: that
bear may drive a hard bargain,

But green paws are better
than idle ones. It's weeks
since we had an upset.

-I've just been reading about a
local best garden competition.

Perhaps paddington ought to
go in for it. There are lots
of valuable prizes to be won.

-Valuable prizes?

-Valuable prizes! Hmm!

-The day of the best
garden competition

Arrived and I was reary.

Which is more than you
could say for mr. Curry
who was planning to do

Some last minute improvements.-Ah, bear!

Come here a moment, will you?

Are you any good
at climbing trees?

-Oh, yes. Bears are very good
at climbing things, mr. Curry.

-Good! In that case,
perhaps you'd like to
pick a few apples for me.

If you do a good job,
I may let you keep some.

-Uh, thank you,
mr. Curry, but...
-Good! And while you're at it,

There's a dangerous branch
that needs cutting down.

Be sure to tie one end
of this rope to the branch,

Loop it over the other branch
and tie the other end

To something heavy on the
ground. And after that,
you may mow my grass.

-Mrs. Bird says that mr.
Curry is always trying to
get something for nothing.

So I'm sure she would
have plenty to say
about all of this.

Mr. Curry said to tie it
to something heavy.



As you know, aunt lucy, I could write a book about the many uses of marmalade.

Apart from eating it of course. There's sticking
things together,

Greasing rusty old saws...

All that was left then,
was to mow the lawn.

But there was just one problem.

-Paddington's very
quiet this morning.

-He was speaking to
mr. Curry earlier.

If you ask me, there's
something going on.

I know the signs.
It's too quiet.

-Whoah! Whoah!

Oh no!

Come back!

-Do you hear that
odd motor noise coming
from mr. Curry's garden?

-I recognize that hat.

He's going to have a fine
time explaining his way
out of this one!

-Paddington or mr. Curry?

-I'm not sure which yet.

[Together]: oh no! Run!


-These geraniums are among
the finest in the entire

-But I'm afraid

These begonias are not
up to par at all.

-Did you see that?

What a novel idea!

-Extraordinary! A mobile
garden! Come on. Let's
have a closer look.

-Good afternoon.

-Hey you! Stop!

-Careful! Watch out, please!


-Leave this to me,
sir. Are you hurt?

-No. No, I'm just
fine. Thank you.

-Which is more than can be
said for this poor plant.

-Is this your lawnmower?

-Oh no. It belongs to
my neighbour, mr. Curry.

-This old machine probably
hasn't been serviced in years.
It's a menace to society.

-Mr. Curry asked me to mow
his lawn, but I'd no idea
it was going to go so fast!

-Are you employed
by this mr. Curry?

-Well, he gives me
lots of jobs to do,
but he doesn't actually pay me.

Except for the odd apple.
-Poor bear. Imagine that!

-Taking advantage of him.
-Utterly disgraceful.

-I think it's time we paid
your mr. Curry a visit.

-Oh, he's not my mr. Curry.
I don't think he belongs
to anyone.

-How could one bear make
such a colossal mess
in so short a time?

-Mr curry!


-I think you've a few
questions to answer

Concerning the possession
of a dangerous power tool,

Plus certain offenses
relating to the non-payment
of wages to a young employee.

-Why you, bearrr...

-Tell me, are you the creator
of that extraordinary mobile
garden we saw earlier?

-Marvelous idea. Don't know why
it hasn't been done before.
Very prizeworthy!

-Prizeworthy heh?
Why thank you so much.

I felt the creative desire
to express something special
with my garden.

-Indeed. Highly commendable.

-If you like that,

Just wait until you see
paddington's patch.

-Seductively enchanting.

-Rapturously elysian.

-Delicately voluptuous.

-Mr. Brown, mr. Curry, we
have prizes for each of you.

-Paddington brown, I hereby
present you with the grand prize

For "best garden"
in the borough.


-What about mygarden?
What about myprize?

-You, mr. Curry, receive
the prize for "the best
new idea in gardening"

-Our congratulations
to both of you!

-Mrs. Bird couldn't believe that mr. Curry and I made such a good team,

Sometimes it's almost as though we're growing on each other.

-The saturn rocket.

The first rocket ship to
carry a man to the moon.

-Pretty impressive, huh,
gruber old buddy? Was
I right or was I right?

-Right as always. Visiting
the kennedy space center

Will certainly make a worthwhile
chapter in my book: the world and its wonders,

-Uh, that's professor
buzz booster.

I'm a top nasa
scientist nowadays.

-Jonathan and judy

Had rockets on fireworks night,
but nothing like this!

I can't find the
paper fuse anywhere!

-That's because it's
a very different kind
of rocket mr. Brown.

-You gotta stand

Wayback when one
of these babies

Blasts into orbit. Yahoo!

If you're through admiring
the rocket garden,

There's lots more I want to
show you before launch time.

-Did someone say lunch time?

-Professor booster is referring
to the space shuttle blast off

Later today, mr. Brown.


That's something to see!

-I hope the space shuttle
makes less noise than
professor booster.

-I'm afraid that comes
from shouting over rocket
engines for so many years.

-I was surprised to learn
astronauts go to school
before they blast off.

-This g-force machine
simulates take off.

Hold onto to your hats!

-It was far better than any of the rides at the fun fair.

-Most exhilarating! I always
dreamt of becoming an astronaut,

But I never had the
skill in mathematics.

-I imagine astronauts
must be very clever.

-Indeed they are, mr. Brown.
After all, it is rocket science!

-But I bet you never figured
rocket science was so much fun!

-Remind me to book you
some driving lessons

When we get home, mr. Brown.

-Good idea mr. Gruber! Oh!

-What do you think, mr. Brown?

Do you fancy a trip
in outer space?
-Outer space?

-Imagine, a bear in space.

Yahoo! That's a good one.

-I think bears would
be very good in space.

-I had a feeling this
next stop on the tour

Would be of particular
interest to you, mr. Brown.

-How will the space shuttle
ever take off after they've
eaten so much food?

-The astronauts need
a good breakfast.

It's their last solid meal until
the end of the mission. They eat
special paste in space.

-No marmalade?
-Who needs a sticky mess

When we've got the best that
modern technology can offer.

Give it a try.

-It tastes like a cheeseburger.

I wonder how they managed to get
it through the nozzle,
mr. Gruber?

-The development of space
technology has led to many
innovations here on earth.

-I wonder what flavour
this one is...

Tooth paste!

-This is mission control.

The nerve center
of the operation.

If anything happens, we're
the first to hear about it.

-It looks like you are prepared
for every eventuality.

-We pretty much cover
all the bases.

We don't like surprises
in the space business.
[The phone rings.]

What! An astronaut
slipped on a what?!...

A cotton pickin'
tube of toothpaste!
How the heck did that happen?!

We'll have to send up
a stand-in.

I hope this doesn't
delay lift-off.

-Make way!

-Oh, I think I'm in
trouble again! Oh!

-Hey! Whoa!

-Mr. Gruber? Professor booster?

-Ah! There you are! We
must have changed the height
requirements for astronauts.

Suit up! Everyone is waiting for
you over at the launch area!

The count down has begun.

-Mr. Brown does have a
habit of wandering off.

-We can't have a bear running
loose around nasa.what if
there's a situation?

-We'll find him. He can't
have gone very far.

-Hmm... Kind of strange sending
a bear up on such short notice.

-Professor booster must
have changed his mind
about bears in space.

-It's always exciting watching
the space shuttle blast off.

Trust paddington to get to
watch it all from close up.

-Here comes the shuttle crew!

Some of the finest men,
women... And bears?!

-It's paddington!

-What's that bear up to now?

He gets into enough
trouble as it is

Without being sent
into space to do it.

[Together]: call nasa
right away!

-Good to have you on board, son.
Once we're in orbit,

You'll be responsible
for monitoring all
botanical experiments.

Especially, how oranges
grow in zero gravity.

-I happen to be quite an expert
on oranges but I never imagined
marmalade with space age chunks!

-There appears to be a problem
with the radio, commander.

-There's no way we can lift
off without communications.

We've got to warn
mission control.

But how without a radio?

Okay, people. Best
guess scenarios

On how to re-establish contact.
And make it snappy,
the clock's ticking.

We've got to stick that
radio back in place.


-That'll take too long.

It'll take a miracle to
fix the radio in time.

[Radio]: space shuttle?
Come in, space shuttle.

-It's for you.

-It's lucky you always
keep a marmalade sandwich

Under your hat in case of
emergencies, mr. Brown.

Thanks to you, the mission
got off on time.

-I'm going to see to it that
every space shuttle from now on

Is equipped with
a jar of marmalade.

There's so much you
can do with it!

-I imagine you're a little
disappointed you didn't make
it into space, mr. Brown.

-Not really mr. Gruber.
Although it would have
been interesting to see

What would have happened
to my marmalade chunks
in zero gravity.

... Dear aunt lucy,

You can't imagine the surprise
I had yesterday morning!

- Paddington?

- Yes, ms. Bird?

- Be careful of the snow.


It's cold!

Oh, my goodness!

Everything's turned
white outside!

-It's all right,
paddington, it's only snow.

-It's sort of like frozen
rain, only very soft,
like melted ice cream.

-It doesn't taste
like ice cream.

-I can't remember this much
snow since I was a girl.

I so enjoyed making snowmen.

♪ Snow snow

♪ Beautiful snow

♪ Wonderful magical
beautiful snow ♪

♪ When days get short
the wind begins to blow ♪

♪ Soon we'll see the
first beautiful snow ♪

♪ Millions of flakes
float down into view ♪

♪ And blanket the world
to make it fresh and new ♪

♪ You need to dress up
warm to play in the snow ♪

♪ Coat boots mitts
hat and scarf ♪

♪ You're ready to go

♪ Snow snow beautiful snow

♪ Wonderful magical
beautiful snow ♪

♪ Snow is fun for everyone
so enjoy it while you can ♪

♪ Roll it mold it
pack it stack it ♪

♪ Let's make a snowman

♪ It's so much fun
you shout hurray ♪

♪ And wish it would snow
each and every day ♪

♪ Snow snow beautiful
snow wonderful ♪

♪ Magical beautiful snow

♪ If you've never seen it
you just don't know ♪

♪ Wonderful magical
beautiful snow ♪♪

-Anyone for a snowball fight?

-Snowball fight?

You missed!

-I didn't that time.

[paddington]: ha! I got you!


That bear! I'll give him
a piece of my mind
for waking me up.


-You can't get me paddington!


-Ahh!! Bear!!!

-Mr. Curry! Run paddington!


-Good morning, mr. Curry.
Would you like a game
of snowballs too?

-Ah-tchoo! No I would not, bear.
Your snowball hit me
on the nose.

-I'm very sorry, mr. Curry.
Is there anything I can do?

Clear your path, mr. Curry?

-If you do a good job,
there might just be ten
pence in it for you.

It took a while, aunt lucy, but I got there in the end.


-Why haven't you started
yet, bear? Get to work

Or I'll have to report you
for throwing snowballs.

-Mr. Curry must
have caught paddington
before he could get away.

-We'll soon see about that.

Paddington? Time for lunch!

-Coming, mrs. Bird. Just
as soon as I've finished
clearing mr. Curry's snow.

It's always good to have...
A little... Something
under your...

Hat for emergencies.

-Ah, just what's needed to make
a good job of things. Bear?


-Mr. Curry?

-Where has that
bear got to? Bear?

-Where has mr. Curry got to?

-Here I am, mr. Curry.

Mr. Curry!


-I had never pictured mr. Curry playing hide and seek.


Who shut my back door?!


-But it was certainly
my turn to hide.

-Who locked me out of my house?


Where has that bear got to?


Ah! Grrr...

-Oh, dear... Poor paddington!
We'd better help him.

-It was freezing
under all that snow.

Ah... Ah... Ah...

[Together]: paddington!

[Together]: ah-choo!!

-How dare you lock
me out of my house?!

One thing's certain: there'll
be no ten pence for you!

-We'll help you get
back inside, mr. Curry.

The coal chute's the
only way in, paddington.

We've tried everything else.

-D-down you g-go, bear.
R-remember that t-ten p-pence.

-Do you think I'll
fit, mr. Curry?

-You-you'll f-fit all
right. H-h-hurry!

-Good luck, paddington.


-M-mind how you go!

I-i keep a l-lot of v-valuable
antiques d-down there.

-It's very dark!


-My dear old grandmother's
favourite lamp!

Out! Out of m-my h-h-h-house
this instant!

And n-n-no ten pence!

-I'm sorry, mr. Curry.

[The children]: no!!!

-Mrs. Bird is always
telling me to make sure

I close the door
whenever I go out.

But I don't think evenshe
would have expected me

To do it that day. Mr. Curry certainly didn't.
