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02x01 - A Disappearing Trick / Paddington Saves the Day / Paddington Goes to School

Posted: 06/26/23 07:22
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does his
best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

... Dear aunt lucy,

Ms. Bird says bears have
two birthdays a year.

A summer one and a winter one. Just like the queen.

That means I get two birthday parties every year.

So there's a lot of work
for the party givers.

So I decided to help...

- Paddington!

How did you get yourself
into such a pickle?

- Oh. It had nothing to do
with pickles, judy.

Streamers are a bit
difficult with paws.

- Why don't you help jonathan
with the baloons?

- Alright then, you can
take these baloons to judy.

[Balloons popping.]

-Balloons are even more
difficult than streamers.

Oh, perhaps I can
help blow them up?

Mr. Curry is always saying bears

Are full of hot air.

-Maybe you should help

Judy with the streamers.

-It's my birthday, and I
don't have anything to do.


-Urgent package

For a mr. P. Brown.

-Thank you very much.

It was the magic outfit
you sent me, aunt lucy,

And it couldn't have
come at a better time.
It meant I could help out

With my birthday
party after all.

I'd put on a magic show.

♪ Alacazam alacazoo
magic's so much fun to do ♪

♪ But how it works
they haven't a clue ♪

♪ Wave your wand
give it a tap ♪

♪ Pull a rabbit out of a hat

♪ Take a cage say
the magic word ♪

♪ Alacazam there's
a singing bird ♪

♪ Take a coin
and cover it well ♪

♪ Wave the wand
say the magic spell ♪

♪ Where it goes nobody knows

♪ And magicians are
not likely to tell ♪

♪ Joining rings is
a real slick trick ♪

♪ They all come together
with just one flick ♪

♪ And then come
apart just as quick ♪

♪ Alacazam alacazoo
magic's so much fun to do ♪

♪ But how it works
they haven't a clue ♪

♪ Oh yeah

♪ Alacazam alacazoo

♪ Magic's so much fun to do ♪

-Learning magic was going to be a trick in itself.

Using the wand was by far the easiest part to learn.

The instructions said
to wave it around and
say the magic word.


Oh! My jar of marmalade.
It's disappeared.

Disappearing marmalade...

Disappearing marmalade...

Instruction book doesn't say
anything about disappearing

It must be a very powerful spell
to make a whole jar vanish.

It'll be a very good
trick for tonight.

But I'll have to persuade
mrs. Bird to give me
another jar.


-I'll give you abracadabra.

And be careful with
that wand or you'll
have someone's eye out.

-There's some interesting tricks
in this book of yours,

I don't mind which ones
you perform this evening

As long as you don't try
sawing anyone in half.

-When the guests started arriving, our neighbour, mr. Curry, soon realized

We were having a party.

-A-ha! So it's the
bear's birthday, is it?

I'm sure he must have forgotten
to send me my invitation.

-Mrs. Bird says mr. Curry
is always looking out for
anything that's free.

Especially when it's
something to eat.

Ladies and gentlemen, as I
couldn't find mr. Brown's saw,

For my next trick...

-But you haven't
done one yet, bear.

-It's one thing for that
mr. Curry to come to a
party he wasn't invited to,

But to take the first helping
of paddington's cake.
It's disgusting!

-Perhaps paddington will
make him disappear. Oh! Oh!

-I take one egg.

-I wish he'd take something that
would be easier on the carpet.

-And place it on the table so...



-Of course, it's all
done by sleight of paw.
But very good, for a bear.

Now can you make it
come back?



-Excellent! Now that's
what I call a good trick.

Making people think he was going
to find an egg and it was a jar
of marmalade all the time.

-I'm afraid I haven't
had time to practice

The disappearing flowers trick,
so there may be a
few minutes break.

Disappearing flowers...

Disappearing flowers...

-What on earth can he be doing?

-Did he say a few
minutes, or a few hours?

-Rather a slow trick, this one.
I think I may have
another piece of cake.

Are you all right
in there, mr. Brown?

-It's all dark and I can't
read my instruction book.

-Let's get you out, paddington.

-Quite a good trick,
the disappearing bear.
Very unusual.

But I don't see what
the flowers are for.

-For my next trick,
I would like a watch.

-Are you sure?
Wouldn't anything else do?

-You can have mine if you like,
bear. Only be careful.

It's very valuable, and...

I hope you know what
you're doing, bear!!!

-That was when I read:

"For this trick to work it
is necessary to have a second
watch. Preferably a junk one."


Years I've had this watch,
and now look at it!

This will cost someone
a pretty penny.

-Nonsense. It's one you
bought from me for
pence months ago.

You ought to be ashamed
of yourself, telling
lies to a young bear.


-Oh dear. I think
that's my disappearing egg.
It must have reappeared again.

-I've never been so
insulted in all my life!

It's the last time I shall
ever come to one of your
birthday parties, bear!!!

- Well, well!
Paddington did

Make him disappear after all.
Ha ha ha ha!

... Cricket?... Bat...?

- Paddington, I didn't
know you and mr. Gruber went

To australia to
learn about insects

And night flying

- We didn't.

I was writing notes about
the other cricket.

The one you play.

We'd gone to australia to see
ayers rock, for mr. Gruber's
book, the world and its wonders.

Then we visited and old friend
of his, james sinclair.

And straight away we found
ourselves in trouble again.

And all because of
a game of cricket.

Mr. Sinclair is headmaster
of a boys' school,

And we arrived to find he
had a problem on his hands.

And as you know by now,
I'm always happy to help
people with their problems.

-It's all highly irregular,
mr. Sinclair.

He's not even an old bear,
let alone an old boy.

-I know the umpire's decision
is final, but the old boys' team
is one man short.

-He looks very comfortable
where he is. Do you think
he'll want to play?

-Oh yes. Mr. Brown
likes anything new.

-In any case, he's sure
to be a big crowd pleaser.

I haven't heard of a bear
playing cricket before.

-Mr. Sinclair's school was having a fund raiser,

And one of the events was
a cricket match between
the school's old boys

And a local team.

-Paddington, we were wondering
if you'd care to play for the
old boys this afternoon?

-Oh yes, please, mr. Sinclair.

-Let's pick up the pace, mates?
Do we have a match, or not?

-We've just recruited
our last team member.

Paddington brown,
meet "smasher" knowles,

Captain of the other team.

-Ha! Ha! Ha!
He doesn't look like much.

He probably won't even
fit in a set of pads.
His legs are too short.

No need to get offended, mate.
Let's get started!!

-Since you are
kindly helping out,

Would you care
to do the honours?

-Thank you. I shall.

-I say, mate,
you don't keep the coin,

You toss it to see
who bats first.


-A very good toss, mr. Brown.

Now all we have
to do is find it.

-Wait! It stuck to my fur.

-Stuck to your fur?
-I'm afraid I've got
marmalade on it.

-Well, heads it is.
We bat first.

-I was out there for hours

And the ball only came my way once. And that was over the top of my head.

And then...

-No! That wasn't a catch.
It landed in his lap.

-I'd have to say it's not
a standard catch,

But a catch is a catch.
You're out.


-These pads should
protect your shins.

Don't forget to watch
the ball, and whatever you
do, keep a straight bat.

And I hope your bails stay on.

-Could you please say
that again, mr. Gruber?

-All right, paddington, you're
in. It all depends on you.

We need runs to win and
there are only balls left.

-Could you please say
that again, mr. Sinclair?

-Never mind. Just get out
there and hit that ball.

-The crowd was very welcoming. Which was more than I could say

For mr. Knowles who looked
like he wanted to get

Even because I caught him out.

It was easy to see why they called him "smasher".

-Got it! No...
I can't bowl if he
hides behind his pads.

I can't see the wicket.

-Everyone has their own way
of playing the game. This
young bear is entitled to his.


-A boundary! Runs! That
means we only need another .

-He didn't hit the ball.
I hit the bat.

-And I think you've chipped it.


-He wasn't holding
his bat properly.

-There isn't anything
in the rules saying

You must hit the ball with
the flat side of the bat.

It's runs, and the end
of your over, mr. Knowles.

Watch him closely.
You haven't met this bowler yet.
-I haven't met him yet!

How do you do? I'm paddington
brown from darkest peru.

-That's odd.

What happened to the ball?

-Something landed in my hat.

-What's this?

-Thank you! Don't mind if I do.

-I think we better
start the over again.

-I hope that bear
is fast on his feet.

We only need one
more run to win.

-I'm afraid running is not
one of mr. Brown's strong suits.

Smasher knowles is right.
Bears do have short legs.

-I found if you hold
the bat the wrong way
'round it works very well.

Perhaps if you stood in
the way of the ball more.

-Oh dear. If we carry on
at this rate, the old boys
aren't going to win.

Run, mr. Brown. Run!

-Run, run, paddington!

-Excuse me, but I've
just come from there.

-It's not quite in the rule
book, but I believe in view
of the circumstances,

I shall award the old boys half
a run and give them the game.

There seems to be something
sticky on the bails.

-Mr. Gruber said I should take
care they don't fall, so I put
some marmalade on both sets.

I find it can be used
for all sorts of things.

Mr. Sinclair was so grateful,
he even made me an
honorary old bear.

-We must tell daddy. It's his
school reunion next weekend,

And they'll be playing
a cricket match.

-Who knows?
They may be one man short.
How about it, paddington?


-On the other hand, perhaps you
should retire at your peak.

- Very well paddington.
You may stir the batter now.

-You don't need an electric
mixer with me around, mrs. Bird.

-Yes, I can see that.

-Paddington, would you like
to dig a hole in the flower
bed at the front of the house?

I have something to plant.

-Oh yes, mrs. Brown.
Bears are good at digging.

I'll go as soon as I'm finished
with mrs. Bird's batter.

-Thank you. You're such a dear.

-But I'm not a "deer",
mrs. Brown, I'm a bear!
-Ha! Ha! Ha!

-There it is.

, Windsor gardens.

I am looking for a
one paddington brown.


There is only one.

-Um. Why isn't he at school?

-Because he's a bear.
He's never been to school.

-We at the board of education
are aware of that,

And we have decided that
it's high time he did.

Even young bears have
impressionable minds

That need to be molded in
the pursuit of knowledge.

We shall expect to
see him at school first
thing tomorrow morning.

Otherwise certain steps will
be taken. Good day to you.

-I'm going to school.

-I can't believe it.
Paddington's going to school.

It'll be so different
not having him at home.

-I certainly hope so.

-Right! Andrews, j.
-Here, sir!

-Brown, p.

Brown p.! Oh! Who are you?

-Paddington brown, sir!
-Right! So you are brown, p.

-But I'm not a pea! I'm a bear!

-Ah, yes. Of course,
the new pupil.

Smith, f.! Show brown to
mr. Eustace's class, please.

-You missed the roll.

-Oh, don't worry, mr. Eustace.
I have something
better than rolls!

Marmalade sandwiches!
They're much tastier!

-Marmalade sandwiches?!

-Would you like to try this one?
I have tested it.

-Certainly not. These are going
straight to the headmaster.

-Do you think he'll be
able to manage them all
so soon after breakfast?

-Silence. You are not here
to eat marmalade sandwiches.

You are here to learn the r's.
Reading, writing,
and arithmetic.

-But that's only one "r".

"Writing" begins with a "w"
and arithmetic with an "a".

My aunt lucy taught me
that before I left peru.

Which is here.

She's living in a home
for retired bears.

-Is she indeed?
I must say I wish

You were there with her.


And then he gave me this look.
He calls it his hard stare.

He claims his aunt lucy
taught it to him.

-Come come, brown
is new to all this.

He needs something
challenging to do.

-I could make some
more sandwiches!

-I think mister eustace
should make you his helper.

-If you insist, headmaster.

We need fish for our next class.
So be sure...

-I'll get some.
I often do mrs.bird's shopping!

-Ha! Ha! Ha!

-How long has he been gone?

-Nearly hours.
I do hope he's all right.

-It isn't paddington
I'm worried about.

It's the school.

-And this is the air
bladder of the fish.

As soon as brown returns, I
shall show you exactly where...

-I'm back!

-What is this?

I wanted fish!
These are fish fingers!!

-This way, they're ready to eat.

-I wanted a raw fish.

This is a biology class. We are
supposed to dissect the fish.

-Dissect? I've never had
dissected fish before.

What does it taste like?
-Ha! Ha! Ha!

-I was told to buy some fish.
Nobody said anything about
it having to be raw.

-You see, mister eustace,
in dealing with children,
and young bears,

You must always
explain things carefully.

-How about we try having you
as my helper one last time?

-Oh, yes, mr. Eustace.
Aunt lucy always says
I should keep trying.

-I'm sure. Especially
with one as trying as you.

Now, hold this tin
until I ask you for it.

It's very important
you keep that tin safely

In your pocket
until after lunch.


And I have another job for you!

-Very good, mr. Eustace.

I see you're keeping
young brown busy.

-If I keep him busy,
he can't drive me crazy.

-Excellent. For every problem,
there's a solution.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome!

-I'm very pleased you're
starting to fit in, brown.

After all, you'll be
with us for years.

-Years?! But I thought I
was only here for the day!

-Ha! Ha! Very amusing, brown.
I must tell the others.

Only for the day! Ha! Ha!

-Years? I have to stay
at school for years?

Oh, well. I'd better be a good helper to mr. Eustace. I know! I'll polish his tin!

-Um, anything the matter, brown?

-I think I may have
dropped mr. Eustace's tin

Into the noodle pot by mistake.

That was a tin of worms.

[All]: yark!

-Collect your things,
mister brown.

You're going home!

-A uniform, you say?

-Yes. I'm sorry but every
student must wear a uniform.

The rules are
thankfully very clear.

-But paddington is a bear.

We'll never find a
uniform to fit him!
It's the legs, you know.

-That's what we'd hoped -
er... Thought.

So I'm afraid he won't be
allowed to return to school

And I have so notified
the authorities.

Oh, by the way, we found the
tin of worms under the table.

The worms and mister eustace
are doing just fine.


-Has anyone seen the marmalade
sandwich that was behind
this cushion?

I shared all of mine
with the headmaster.

-Here it is.
A place for everything

And everything in
its place is what I always say.

-And thankfully, paddington,

Your place is right here
at , windsor gardens.