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02x22 - The Haunting of Andy McAlister

Posted: 06/26/23 07:11
by bunniefuu
All right, Cindy,

so Wednesday night at 8.

All right,

I'll bring the Clay.

-All right.


hang up the phone,

get the map out,

and tell me where

we are right now.

Okay, bye-bye.



You know,

that wouldn't happen

if we could

put up the top.

The top was up

when we started

and then you

were driving,

and we got lost three times,

but at least this way

we're lost, but happy.

I got it!

I, I got it!

I see it.

Okay, we got

a ways to go.

It's route 81.

That's route 18, Andy.


Whoops, map's

upside down.

Hold on.


That's it, Andy,

get in the back.

Clark, you're

co-pilot now.

I'm not sitting

in the back.

This is my car,

and my uncle

who's letting us stay

at his mansion for free.

Without me you guys would be


another boring

weekend on campus.

If we even

find the place.

Maybe we

should backtrack.

We're not backtracking,


what we need

is a good driver.

Of course, I could

do better it's my car.

Ugh, I can't

believe you, Andy.

You can't

believe me?

I can't

believe you!


-Let me drive.

-Get out and walk!


Get out and walk!

That's it.

I'm not

driving anymore.

Listen, Lana, just because you

have a lousy

sense of direction

don't blame it on us.


I have

a lousy sense--

well I hate

this stupid car.

Stupid car?

This is a Cadillac!

It's the greatest car!

It's an American car!

Oh, well fine.

Guys, we're here.

Clark, we're arguing!


Go around the corner.


Well, this is it.

How do you like it?


So, what do

you think?

How do

you like it?

This is quite

a house.

It looks like it's

at least 150 years old.

Oh, it is.

It was built

before the civil w*r

by my Uncle Nathan's dad,

my great-grandfather,

Horatio MccAlister.

He was a Marshall in the old


I never knew your family

had that kind of money.

Well, we used to back

when Horatio founded

the MccAlister

firearms company.

He made quite

a k*lling.

I knew you were

gonna say that.

Oh, come on,

ease up.

It's a little bit of

the MccAlister family humor.

But what happened

to all the money?

Well, that's

a long story.

Come on,

I'll show you.

It's a weird thing

about Uncle Nate

when his father died

and he passed on the place

he got

kinda paranoid.

He thought the ghosts

of all the bad guys

Horatio k*lled were gonna come

back and get him.


Clark, move.

And then

he got weird.

He spent

the last 50 years

and the MccAlister

family fortune

building these strange additions

to the house.

No one

knows why.

Check this out.

Oh, this is great.

This is amazing.

Yeah, well it should be

for what it cost.

He had guys working

in here night and day.

Ha ha.

I love that.

Then the construction crews left


they ran

out of money.

Are you sure it

wasn't the ghosts?

Ah, you don't

think that, do ya?



Ah, I forgot

about that one.

I won't.

Andy, this place is

really dangerous.

Why don't we just

check into a hotel, okay?

No, this place is great,

are you kidding?

You haven't seen

anything yet.

Why don't you

just stay close

to the ground level.

What kind of a place

is this?

It's great,

isn't it?

Don't touch that.

There's trap doors

and secret passage ways

all over the place.

You could be

lost forever.


You see what I mean?

So, that's your


Marshall MccAlister?


An actual lawman

in the family.

Well, what do

you think, Clark?

Where'd he go?


I don't know,

he could be anywhere.



I'm really worried

about Clark.

Don't worry

about it, Lana.

He'll show up

in a year or two.

Andy, I'm serious.

He, he may be

trapped behind

a wall or something.


All right, all right,

all right.

Just don't

get excited.


and we'll find him.

Just let me look

at this real quick.

That is

the MccAlister Carbine.

The original r*fle that

my great-grandfather

used to k*ll

all those bad dudes.

I've been dying to get

my hands on this.

Maybe you shouldn't,

it might be loaded.

What do you think

I am, stupid?

You always check

the r*fle, always.


No b*ll*ts.

I don't point it

at anybody either.

I know a lot

about this kind of g*n.

I still don't think

it's a good idea.

Your uncle had

his reason for not--

Oh come on, Lana.

The guy was senile,

you've seen the house.

Besides what he doesn't know

won't hurt him.


How did

that happen?

You saw there weren't

any b*ll*ts in it.

I told you not

to play with that thing.

Wait a second.

Something's not

right here.

That g*n was

not loaded.

Now what?


Get some help!


Right, right!

I'll try

to contact superboy.


He he he.


Ha ha ha.

Hold on!

We've been

waitin' for ya.

It's about time somebody

fired that dang carbine.

I hated livin'

in that ghost world.

It sure feels good

to be out of there,

but I still got me

a hankerin' for revenge.

Don't forget our pals

back in the void.

Remember the deal

we made?

sh**t no!

Pretty soon,

little lady,

all of the folks k*lled

by Marshall MccAlister

will be free replaced

by real, live folk.


And startin' with the son

of the Marshall who

put us in here

in the first place.

Old Nate MccAlister himself.

Ha ha ha.

Now, let's go get Nate

out of that hospital.

Where are we?

I don't know,

but those ghosts

changed places

with us on earth.

I don't understand it.

I fired that crusty,

old g*n and

The next thing I know

here we are.

Look at this place.

It's some kind

of strange graveyard.

Very observant.

I just hope

Clark's okay.

Clark called me

from Andy's car phone.

I guess he made it

out of the house.

He's out of the house.

He's driving away in my car

at 100 Miles an hour.

He wouldn't

desert us.

Well, what, what

if he didn't?

What if he's still

in the house

with those ghosts?

They're gonna

get him.

Andy those ghosts are after your

uncle, Nate.

Well, we got--we got

to try and save him.

We got to try

and help him, come on.

Let's try and go

through these doors.

Let's go after him.

Guys, I don't mean to be

alarmist or anything,

but I think we're

the only people

in here

with a pulse.

Dr. Winston Shepard,

please report to ward d.


Nate, we're comin'

for you.

Ha ha ha.

They found me.

Ha ha ha.


How'd you get out?

After all

these years?

After all

my precautions?

Well, you got your

stupid nephew

to thank for that,

old man.

And you'll get

the chance to thank him

up close and personal like real


You mean Andrew?

What have you

done with him?

Same thing we's fixin'

to do with you, old man.

Go on, get him

outta here.

Well, looky here.

We finally got us

a real live lady.

They won't have

nothin' to do with us.

Get your hands

off of me.

Ha ha ha,

but you will,

won't ya?

Hey, that's enough.

Pretty fancy duds

for a Marshall, feller.

I never saw

such a big badge.

Ha ha ha.

So, you ain't never died

by the g*n before, has you?

And who's the girl

with ya?

Listen, listen, there seems to

be a misunderstanding.

We took a wrong turn,

and if you just

wanna show us

the right door we'll--

you ain't

going nowhere.

My powers seem

to be weakened.

This here new Marshall's too

tough for us.

Let's get

outta here.

Get in there

you old coot.

And by the way, gramps, you'll

be the first to go in.

Oh no, they got

Uncle Nathan.

You spent all that

time trying to keep us

locked up

in there.

And then your

stupid nephew

opened the door

for us.

It wasn't all that

fool construction

kept us away.

Nah, this here g*n

is the key to the door

that separates

our two dimensions.

Now, we're gonna open it

and put you inside.

Then, we'll gather

up others until

all the living

are there,

and all of us

are here.

They're talking

about putting

more people

in here.

They won't

get the chance

if they do

what I think they'll do.

All right,

get ready, gramps.

You're in for

the last round-up.


Oh no!

Ha ha ha!

Are you all right?

Oh, I'm all right,

but I'm awfully sorry

I caused you

all this trouble.

All right.

We got bank jobs

to pull.

Superboy, if you're

gonna do something

do it now!

What in tarnation?

Say your prayers,

you mangy old cat.

All right, let's settle this

once and for all.

Hurry, come on through.

What are you crazy?

They're sh**ting.

Trust me,

do it.

He's right.

And since you started it, you go



Oh, darn it.

All right!

They're history.


It's workin'.

All right, now you just

hold it right there.

I'm the fastest

g*n in the west.

But I'm faster.

I got hit.

No holes.


Wake up.

He he he.


This boy is a MccAlister

through and through.

Yeah, I guess

he'll be all right.

More ghosts.

No, Andy, I don't think

that's a ghost.

I think I know exactly what that


Ahh, I think

I saw a ghost.

Did Superboy

get here yet?

Yes, Clark,

Superboy got here,

and as usual,

you missed everything.