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02x21 - Nick Knack

Posted: 06/26/23 07:10
by bunniefuu



We're in the second

galaxy now.

Oh, yipes, spiders

from outer space

are attacking

the earth!

Mr. President,

I'll do all I can!

Well, thank you

very much.

Here, I just shot one

of the spiders for you.

Why, thank you,

Mr. President.

No, that's quite

all right.

Oh, here,

I shot another one.

Oh, what will

we do now?

Quick, they're coming in,

they're coming in again.

Oh, look at them,


The whole earth

is destroyed!

And you're just a frog--

what do you care?


Yeah, hello,


I have it right here

in my little hand.

Well, actually,

both hands are little.

It's not like I have

a big hand

and a little hand,



I have it right here.

Oh, Nick, to think,

after all these months,

oh, it gives me tingles

right up my spine.

The first name

is Nick.

The second name's


It's Nick Knack,

Nick Knack!


you scold me.

I'm making a sad face now,

Nick knack.

You're making

a sad face?

I've been in jail

for a year.

I'm--I have an ecstatic

face on, okay?

Gimme three minutes

to cut through

the bars, okay?

Okay, okay.

Now, I'm to do exactly

what you told me to do.

Drive up to the fence

and keep the engine running.

Don't turn off the engine,

whatever you do.



My sweet

little lamb.

Ya hear that?

I'm coughing.

I'm coughing

because I'm sick.

I'm very sick.

I won't leave

this bed.

I don't--

Oh, hurry,

Nick Knack!

I can't wait

any longer!

Please, hurry!

Oh, I should

hurry up?

Gee, I thought I'd

stay another hour

and have lunch

with the warden!

My little



Oh, hurry,

Nick knack.

I have the most

wonderful hug

waiting for you.

Oh, hurry,

please, hurry.

Yeah, hello,


I am at the, uh, window

ledge right now.


be very quiet,

'cause in order to jump

without hurting myself,

I have to get myself

in a zen-like state.

It's very important that--



Nick Knack,

you're out!

We got you out,

we got you out!

Oh, I'm so happy

to see you!


Oh, I'm so happy

to see you!

Ow, the pain,

the pain!

You mean so much

to me.

You are my life,

the air that my

very soul breathes.

Ow, let go of me,

please, let go.

Oh, I shoulda died

when I hit the ground.

Well, what do

you think?

I made it special

for this occasion.

Ow, ooh-ooh

You made

this van?

No, not the van,

the dress, my dress.

I made

it special.

Oh, well, it looks

like a dress.

And I'll make a pretty

bride, won't I?

It looks just

like a dress.

And when we're married,

we'll be together

forever and ever

and ever and ever--

Ow, just take the van

and roll over me!

Just k*ll me


A very long time,

I suspect.

Ow, let go, oh


But first, there's one

thing I have to do.

Like become one of

the richest men in the world.

I've been working on

the plans you sent me.

This is almost


So there's only

one thing we have to do

to complete it:

kidnap Superboy.

Oh, oh, please!

Oh, let me go!

Oh, oh,

let me gooo!

Come on, Clark,

put away that shirt

and take a look

at this.

Aren't those old

8-track tapes?


Don't you need an 8-track

machine to play 'em?

They don't make

those anymore.

Clark, this is possibly

the best scheme

of the century.

See, I go around

the campus

and I hand these

away for free.

But, I have the 8-track

tape players.

So put an ad

in the paper

and I get a great

price for 'em,

because everybody

wants to hear the tapes

that they got

for free.

Pretty slick, huh?

"Harry Belafonte

sings 'Daddy-o'"?

"Day-o," Clark,


Didn't you see


Come on, man,

that's a hot song.

This is

a great idea, Clark.

Now, classifieds

Whoa, "Nick Knack

escapes from prison."

Nick Knack?

Yeah, that's that guy

that Superboy put away

about a year


Oh, I remember


He said at his trial

that he'd get revenge

on Superboy if it was

the last thing he ever did.

I dunno, some of his

weird contraptions

were pretty deadly,

as I remember.

Clark, I wouldn't

worry about it.

I'd put my money

on Superboy any day.

Sometimes I think

you worry too much.

We should take

some time off.

Go to the beach,


Yeah, but I burn

too easily.

Some kind of weird

ticking sound,

I don't know

what's causing it.

It's like a kind of

a-a weird ticking thing.

Yeah, this

should do it.

I'll be through

in a minute, Daisy.

And I must say

that you've followed

my plans perfectly.

Oh, you are the one

who's the toy genius,

Nick knack--you came up

with this plan.

You know, now that

you put it that way,

you're probably right.

I am

a genius.

I'm the master

of toys.

Oh, and I will look pretty

when you've finished

with Superboy,

won't I?

I'm going to look very

good in all the beautiful,

shiny things you're

gonna buy for me.

Yes, you'll be

a ravishing beauty.

We'll have diamonds,


all the money

we want.

And the best part

about it is,

it'll all be because

of the person

who put me in prison:


Oh, and then we can

get married, right?

Um, I have a lot of work

to do around here still.

Oh, but you said

we'd get married,

in your letters,

before you got outta jail.

And we will get married,

uh, my dim rose.

Isn't that "primrose"?

Yes, primrose,


And you did mean the part

about how I remind you

of Madonna in all

those rock videos?

Daisy, I can honestly say

that you are ten times

the woman Madonna



Oh, Nick Knack,

tell me again how

we're going to get our

revenge on Superboy,

and tell me in that mean,

sinister voice way.


We're gonna

pulverize him.

We're gonna make

mincemeat out of him.

And you know


With reverse

magnetic polarity.

With it, I drain

the strength

from Superboy,

and I transfer it to

My robotic


No one can

stop me!

I'll be the strongest

man alive.

I just can't believe

how brilliant I am.

What a miraculous


Daisy, come over here

and see what a genius I am.

Okay, now you see

the way this works?

You put a blank

piece of paper in here,

and outside,

it comes money.

Take another worthless

blank piece of paper,

and outside

is more money!

Soon, we'll have

enough money

to buy that special

meteor alloy.

Oh, Nick Knack,

I'm so excited that

you've made me a part

of this great plan.

Yeah, yeah, couldn't have

done it without ya.

You couldn't?

Nah, of course not.

Oh, Nick Knack,

that's the nicest thing

you've ever

said to me.

It is?

Come on, doll face,

we're pullin' a heist.

I'll make him an offer

he can't refuse.

I'm a big man.

Hey, what are you

guys doing here

this late

at night?

Hey, listen to me,

ya big sap,

before I fill ya

full of lead.

I'm here to purchase

a meteor alloy.


they got in there

would cost you a lot

more than you have.


A lot?

You talk to me

about a lot?

Would you call

this a lot?

Maybe I might be

able to help you.

Why, thank you,


And my gal Daisy

thanks you.

Take her first--

she's like a whole meal.

I'm just

an appetizer.

There ya go, complete

with all the fixings.

Thanks, buddy.

It's between


That means that the kids

will be coming out soon.

I dunno, Andy--

Nancy Sinatra?

Come on, "these boots

are made for walking"?

That's a great song--

it's a classic.

Along with

the theme song

from "the Lawrence Welk

Show," huh?



Hi, it's

Nick Knack.

Uh, can you meet me alone

on freemont beach

around the corner

from, like, that sorta

lemonade stand

not far from there.

I wanna talk to you

about turning myself in.


Hm, wow,

how 'bout that.

Nick knack giving

himself up, huh?

I'm not so sure

about that, Andy.

Nick knack always

seems to have

some kind of scheme

up his sleeve.

Do you think

you'll be able

to get in touch

with Superboy?

I think so.

I'd better go see

if I can contact him.

I'm not gonna

be able to make it

to our library

study date.

No problem.

I'm sorry.

It-it's okay,


I don't

do libraries.

You should try it


I hear they even have

books and everything.

Well, actually,

I was thinking you and I

might hit this cozy little

pizza place I know.

Get some beers,

maybe a couple slices.

We could-we could

study there.

I'll catch ya

in class.

She doesn't know

what she's missing.

Here you go,

Nick Knack.

Thank you, Daisy,

my little muffie-poo.

Oh, look who's here--


Is that it,

is it Superboy?

I recognize you, 'cause I

saw that outfit before.

You've worn that


Nick Knack, hi.

Daisy made some,

uh, lemonade.

It's without pits;

It's pitless.

You don't have

to go ptoo, ptoo.

I'm not here for

a picnic, Nick.

I'm here to take you

back to prison with me.


wait a second.

You see,

it's Nick Knack.

First name's Nick,

second name's Knack.

It's Nick Knack,

Nick Knack, Nick Knack.

Did ya get

that right?

Nick Knack.

This is not a time

for toys.

Oh, but it is,


Yes, it is.

Those straps

are unbreakable.

They're made from

a special meteor alloy

from outer space.

You can only get

meteors in outer space;

you don't get 'em

on the earth.

You can't break

out of them,

and you can't burn

through 'em

with that

heat vision.

You must

be joking.

You'll never get

away with this.

I can't get away

with it?

Watch this--

I'm getting away!

Bye, Superboy,

I'm getting away!

Look at the Boy

of Steel,

all bound up

and no place to go.

Getting away!

Oh, your plan worked,

Nick Knack,

just like I knew

it would.

Yes, well,

I'm a genius.

An evil genius,

but I am a genius.

Oh, oh, oh, please, please,

not the ribs, not the ribs!

Ah, ah!

Haircut and a shave,



So how do you

usually wear it?

Short in the back--

I remember.

Well, you're probably


what I plan

to do with you.


I'll tell you.

I plan to drain

all the energy

from your body,

and transfer it--where?

To my robotic


You know, I really wish

you could watch this.

It's going to be


It'll be exciting,

a first.

This might be loud;

Don't let it scare you.

It's working,

it's working!

Well, Superboy,

now you'll know

what it's like to be

another little

weakling nerd who

no one likes to play with.

Maybe you're hurting

Superboy, Nick Knack.

You know, I don't wanna

hurt him.

I should hurryTo turn



That could've

scared anyone.

Quick, strap me

into my super-suit.

Oh, Superboy,

I'm getting away.

I can't

believe it.

I feel the power of

hundreds of men,

thousands, millions!

What comes

after millions?

Now you're gonna

bring me

all my gifts,

Nick Knack?


You want gifts?

I'll bring you back

any gift you want.

Anything at all.

Now get out of

my way, Daisy.

I'm going shopping

At the gold reserve.


Are you hurt

really bad?

Come on, boys, come out

here and sh**t me.

Go ahead,

I dare ya.



I made us some

fresh lemonade.

Oh, you know, Nick Knack

is really not a bad guy.

He hurt me.

To charge up

his super-suit.

Look at me,


How weak

I am.

And if Nick isn't careful,

he's gonna hurt himself

with that machine.

But Nick Knack's

the master of toys.

But he isn't used to having

superpowers as I am.

You mean,

my little Nick Knack

could be a hurt

little Nick Knack?

I'm afraid so.

Well then, I'd better

untie you right away

so that you

can save him.

He's at

the gold reserve.

You do save people,

don't you?

Sure I do.



Are you

all right?

I feel

a little weak.

You're no match

for me, Superboy.

I have all

of your powers.

Come on, Superboy,

wake up.

Had enough,


No, you're draining

the battery!

Ah, nooo!

That's what

I figured.

Now I've got all

my power back.


Oh, oh


You've ruined everything,


Look what you did

to the Super-Suit!

When are you gonna

learn, Nick?

Toys are

for kids.

Oh, just one thing,


How did

you escape?

Your friend Daisy.

She really cares

about you,

although I don't

know why.

And she'll be

waiting for you at

the police headquarters

when they bring you in.


You may have gotten me

this time, Superboy,

but I'll get you yet,

if it's the last thing I do!