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02x20 - Superstar

Posted: 06/26/23 07:10
by bunniefuu
Don't try messing

with a bad girl.

Let's get together and you'll be

in my world.

Don't try messing with, don't

try messing with me.

Don't try messing

with a bad girl.

Let's get together and you'll be

in my world.

Don't try messing with,

don't try messing with,

don't try messing with me.

Thank you,

thank you, bye.

Hi, she's expecting us

so we'll just

You're a little late.

Those are last

year's passes?

What, what?

I paid top dollar

for these!

You know, I don't believe you,

Andy McAlister.

This makes you

a big zero in my book.

Okay, all right, I lost

a couple of points

but a zero, come

on me, seriously.

I think she was serious.

Excuse me, I'm Clark Kent with

the Herald.

You can go in but I'm afraid

your friends'll

have to wait at

the main door.

Well, I guess I'll catch up with

you guys later.

Yeah, right, okay.

Go ahead, schmooze

with the superstar.

We'll just um, stay out here

with the little people, okay?

Looks like you need somebody to

rescue you.

I like the stunt

with the car.

I hope somebody

took a picture of it.

Attempted m*rder is nothing to

laugh at.

Whoever rigged that car wants

you dead.

You have a very

serious enemy.

Honey, you don't make it in this

business without

having a few enemies

and paying a price.

Like a moth to flame, some

people get burned but not me,

I'm a survivor.

I don't know about

you but I'm starving.

You do eat, don't you?

Well, I'm

There's a great restaurant in my


Yeah, could you

get me Andre?

This is Jessica James.

Ah, perfect, thank you.


Oh, Andre, some

of that champagne

from last night, please.

Immediately, Ms. James,


Have you ever noticed how

the little people

like to accommodate

the rich and famous?

Makes them feel important.

I think everyone should be

treated the same.

You're serious, aren't you?

I think you're kind of young to

have such

an attitude about people.

You come across

a little jaded to be 21.

Honesty is a snap

for you, isn't it?

It's not so easy

for the rest of us.

They're in there

aren't they?

Yeah, yeah.

Just like you said.

Look at her; She came this close

to death tonight.

The terror should

still be on her face!

It's him, Venus.

She feels safe because she's

with him.

No one can save Jessica James,

not even Superboy.

Why is it I don't believe your

life is one big party?

Beautiful and smart, huh?

Well, you're right.

Everywhere I go everybody wants

a piece of Jessica James.

But you know what, nobody really

knows the real me.

I can't let anybody

get too close.

It's not easy being two

different people.

You and I have more in common

than you think.

Maybe so.

Cheers to us.


You drink too much.

Haven't you heard?

It's lonely at the top.


Aren't you coming in?

Well, no,

actually I can't--

Don't go.

I still haven't thanked you for

saving my life.

I'll tell you what, I have a

friend named Clark Kent

down at the Herald.

What do you say you

give him an interview

and we'll call it even?

If that's what you want.

But promise me you'll come to

concert tomorrow night, okay?

I promise.

But now I really

do have to go.

No, don't go, why?

Don't you find me attractive?

Of course I do.

Well, come and lay

down with me.

You really have to sleep.

Just stay until

I fall asleep.

Just stay until

I fall asleep.

If I'm the one with

all the powers,

why don't I know

how to help you?

Jessie James is a superstar

and underneath that cape

Superboy is

just a normal guy.

Andy, I think I know Superboy

a little bit

better than you do.

The girl's not his type.

I mean, somebody tried k*lling

her last night

and Superboy was

there protecting her.

Protecting her?


Hi, guys.

Hey, Clarkster.

You hear about Supey's new



Come on, man,

read the paper.

And guess who was seen carrying

Jessica James

to her hotel

room last night.

I have a feeling it's not

the way it looks.

That's what I was

trying to tell him.

Superboy has better things to do

than get

involved with someone like

Jessica James, right?

Maybe but I say Superboy

and Jessica James did the nasty.


This is Clark Kent.

No problem.

That would be just swell!


Gotta go, guys.

Guess who's got an

in-depth interview

with Jessica James?

Nobody treats

a love like that.

You walk away

but you'll be

-My name's Clark Kent--


back cause you

need my open heart,

cause you need

my open heart.

That's a take, Venus.

Well, who are you?

I'm Clark Kent.

I'm here to interview Jessica


Jessica James, Jessica.

I am Jessica James.

Aren't I beautiful?

Venus Smith,

it's really you.

In the flesh, what

there is of it.

But you died in that plane crash

with your whole

group five years ago.

You are old enough

to remember

That I was the queen

of rock and roll.

My fans worshipped me but that

was before the crash.

Better we decided for everyone

if Venus was dead.

But her voiceHer music

Have lived on.

Ain't gonna double your

red light.

Ain't gonna run

from the


She was just a second rate

dancer in Las Vegas

when Tucker found her.

More than willing to pay any

price to become a superstar.

Even if it meant living

a lie 24 hours a day.

Jessica is what

the public sees

but it's always Venus

that they hear.

We've altered my voice slightly

so I project

a bit deeper, more from

the diaphragm and I

Well, you look

perplexed, Mr. Kent.

Why are you telling

me all this?

We're going public.

Somebody has to

write Venus' story.

You're a reporter,

aren't you?

You and your friends come

to the concert tonight.

Why me?

There are lots of reporters


You'll tell Superboy.

We checked you out, Kent.

Word is you know

how to reach him.

You and Superboy

are tight.

Now, get out of here, Kent.

Go tell Superboy

the truth

about the little tramp.

I want him to know, know how

common she really is.

You are sure no one

saw you working

on the lasers?

I was very careful, Venus.


What is all that

racket out there?

May I come in?

Yeah, Marsha, take five.

Hey, flyboy.

I never did get

a chance to thank you

for last night.

You've been drinking.

Yeah, I've been doing

a lot of thinking.

About what?

My whole life I've been looking

over fences

trying to find

greener grass.

All I find is more

and more fences.

This is gonna sound silly.

I know the time that we've spent

together wasn't

that much but

it was enough.

Jessica, you don't realize what

you're saying?

I think I could fall in love

with you and I want you

to see

a part of me

that I didn't even know existed


I don't want you to have to show

me anything.

I just want you to be happy

and to live

the life you want

to live.

I'm gonna undo something that

should have been

undone a long time ago.

Tonight the world is gonna hear

Jessica James sing,

the real

Jessica James.

What are you saying?

The truth.

It's a long story, Superboy

and once you hear it

I don't think you're gonna feel

the same about me.

You're probably right.

I have a hunch I'm going

to be very proud of you.


This more than makes up for last

night, Andrew.

Well, babe, when you have

the connections

just about anything

is possible.

What's this surprise that

Jessica's gonna spring

on her fans, tonight?

Superboy made me promise not to

tell anybody.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Ms. Jessica James.

Why do they

scream for her?

She's nothing.

She has stolen

them from you.

My friends there's a very

special person out there

somewhere who has given me the

courage to make

an announcement tonight.

It will be easier to explain

after I do my next number.

It's a Venus Smith song

from the '70s.

Those who are old

enough might recall it.

Has she lost her mind?

She's ditching her mic.

That littleWitch.

Be true to yourself,

come on now,

be true to yourself

Make her stop, Tucker!

I'll fix it.

I'll fix it.

You've got to be

true to yourself.

I lived in fear

of a broken heart

until you came along.

Now I'm not gonna hide anymore,

I know where

I belong.

That's my song.

Be true to yourself,

come on now,

be true to yourself.

You can't be somebody else, no,

don't fake it.

You've got to be

true to yourself.

That's my song!

Glad I found it, I never want to

let it go.

No more lies,

no more desperation,

I let my

true feelings show.

Be true to yourself,

come on, come on now,

be true to yourself.

You can't be somebody else,

no, don't fake it.

You've got to be

true to yourself.

Be true to yourself,

come on, come on now,

be true to yourself.

You, you can't be somebody else,

no, no.

Oh, don't fake it!

You've gotta be

true to yourself.


Don't move, you'll

be all right.


It's over.

She stole my song.

It was my song.

Jessie, Jessie, Jessie, Jessie,

Jessie, Jessie, Jessie, Jessie.

They heard me,

didn't they?

They know the truth.

They know and they

still love you, listen.

And what about

you, Superboy?

Did you ever love me?

I still do.