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10x03 - Point of Swivel

Posted: 06/26/23 06:28
by bunniefuu
Hello, good evening,
and welcome to Taskmaster.

I'm Greg Davies, and I will be
guiding you through the next hour

of intense competition.

The gladiators of old
needed physical strength, tenacity,

a quick mind, and a will to survive.

Even at this early stage
in the competition,

our five warriors have
consistently proved

that if this were ancient Rome,

all of them would already be dead.

Mercifully, it isn't,
and they live on.

With an invisible audience
watching from afar,

we're nearly ready to begin.

All that's left to do is to meet
the five competitors Once more.

They are... Daisy May Cooper!

Johnny Vegas!

Katherine Parkinson!

Mawaan Rizwan!

And Richard Herring!

And still too close for my liking,

so close I can hear him panting
and whimpering away like a whippet

who's too scared to ask to be
let out for a wee, it's...

...Little Alex Horne!

- Thank you. Hi, everyone. Feeling groovy.
- Oh, God.

- OK. We've actually received our
first email from a viewer.
- OK.

It's from Shelley, and Shelley asks,

"Please can you ask Greg Davies
if he's going to be using

the 'first the worst,
second the best,

third the one with the hairy chest'
system in the series at all?

And, if so, what is fourth
and fifth?"

"Where I live, fourth is a golden
eagle, fifth is a ballerina,

sixth is a slow donkey,
seventh a sad carpenter,

eighth a very old child, ninth an
Uber driver, tenth a chicken Kiev."

- OK, what's her name?
- Shelley Kwonk.

- Shelley Kwonk?
- That's what it says.

Pull yourself together,
Shelley Kwonk!

Right. On with the prize task.

Please, what's today's category?

Well, you know as well as I do,
but you still make me say it,

and that's absolutely fine.

This week, it's the best thing
that probably has

a spring in its mechanism.
So, at the end of the episode,

the winner will probably take
home a load of springs.

- Richard Herring.
- Yeah?

What thing have you brought in
that's probably got a spring in it?

I have got something that probably
has a spring in it.

So, you're not sure if it has the
primary component of the task?

Yeah, I am sure it has the
primary component, which is

"probably" has a spring in it.

If it "definitely" has a spring in it,
then it fails.

- Not sure I like this arrogant...

...arrogant swagger that Herring's
developed for show three.

It's a penguin race game that
I bought for my daughter, foolishly.

- Here it is.
- They're penguins.

They go up the stairs, and then,
they go "whee" and come down.

It plays this awful music,
it goes...

Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah!
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah!

- Whoo!

...on and on, never ending until
the blessed release of death.

- Right.

There we go. It is wonderful to
watch it in action.

Unfortunately we can't do that,
'cause I took it apart to see if

- there's any springs in it.
- OK.

And we can see here,
there are no springs in it.

If we look at the original picture,
and if someone asked you,

"Is there going to be
a spring in that?"

- You'd look at me and you'd say...
- "Probably."

- I think it's a strong opener.
- Thank you.

Katherine. Can you beat
"ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah"?

No. But it's a similar
sort of thing, because it's a toy.

And something that I've had
a lot of fun with.

It's a water p*stol.
It's quite a powerful water p*stol.

Do you think it has a spring, Greg?

Well, you look at it and you
tell me, what do you think?

Probably. It's got a mechanism where
you pull the thing back and forth.

I mean, it doesn't,
I've done the research.

But you'd think it might have one.

- Yeah. Good. Tick.
- Tick.

Congratulations. I mean, honestly,
I prefer the penguin thing

just because it upsets
Richard so much.

I use it to water the plants,
if that helps.

- Ah, that has helped a bit.

That's a lot of pressure
on a chrysanthemum.

Yeah, it's very directional.
But, yeah, I take your point.

But some plants like pressure.

And you wouldn't water a
chrysanthemum at petal level anyway,

you'd go...
down to the roots.

Mawaan, what have you brought in?

- It's my mattress.
- Here it is.

This is my actual mattress.

I've been sleeping on the sofa
the last two days,

'cause I'm committed to this.

Does it have a spring in, Mawaan?

I mean, doesn't it
definitely have a spring in it?

- Hold on, no, no...
- ...a series of springs in it?

That looks like a memory foam to me.

Wait, what do you want to hear?

- We want to hear it's probably got a...
- Yeah, probably.

Is it a memory foam one or is
it a spring mattress?

It's memory foam.

Well, then, it doesn't
have a spring in it.

- She's right.
- No, no, no, no.

Hoisted by your own petard.

I will say, we've not cut it open,
so we don't know for sure.

Rubbish. Five hundred quid,
that's a memory foam.

- Johnny!
- Yes.

What have you got that's
probably got a spring in it?

I have brought a one-armed bandit.

- Look at that.
- Oh, that's good.

That's quite a cool prize.

I know, I know. I've gone out on
a limb on this one, bear that in mind.

You're going to be gutted
to lose that.

Absolutely gutted because
it's fully working, as well.

If we have a family party,
it keeps the children so occupied.

But I have agreed with my sister
to add a thing at the top of,

"When the fun stops, stop."

So, I do appreciate
a five-year-old might just go,

"This is the life for me.
Who needs sixth form?"

- So there it is. It's a good thing.
- It's a pretty good thing. Is anyone left?


Here come the big g*ns.
She's previously brought in a crumpet.

- Here we go.
- Umbrella.

- She's brought an umbrella.
- I tell you why...

...if this was a question
on Family Fortunes,

I would win with that, and I would've
won with my crumpets.

I don't think you should come on
here and apply the rules

of different shows.

That's no way to win.

It's true. If this was Blockbusters...

"If this was Play Your Cards Right,
I'd be cleaning up!"

Of course it's got a spring in it.
It wouldn't pop open otherwise.

- Well, some don't.
- Some don't?
- Not all have springs.

Right, look, I think you're
an excellent group of people...

outside of this round.

- Last place - obviously, it's the umbrella.
- What?!

Second-to-last place, goes without
saying, it's the water p*stol.

Oh, God, this is a bit tricky.

Third place,
the annoying penguin game.

Three points to Richard Herring.

That is difficult though, because
I enjoyed the "ah-ah, ah-ah, ah."

I'm sticking with it.

Mawaan's mattress - I don't know
why, he just sold it to me.

It's like voodoo.

And obviously, the best prize there,

Johnny's one-armed bandit
that he, so far, gets to keep.

- Five points to Johnny Vegas!

- Right! Let's get going.
- Right you are.

And, just like an extremely
overqualified person,

this one has degrees.

- Hello, Alex.
- Hello, Johnny.

- Right.
- Right.

Erm, the writing's upside down.

Er, "Make the best..."

"Make the best upside down film."

"You have one hour."

"Your time starts now."

- I read that upside down.
- We were all impressed.

If you film with
a camera upside down,

it doesn't make any difference,
does it?

My initial thing is Lionel Richie
walking on the ceiling.

But I don't know
if we're gonna to be able to...

Are you going to go away and
formulate the idea further?

- No. I think we should just do it.
- OK.

Well, I'll tell you -
whenever I want to get myself into

a party mood, I go over
to my music centre,

and I pop on Lionel Richie's
classic dance track,

"Walking On the Ceiling".

Imagine Lionel Richie watching this,

going, "Is that my legacy?"

"Walking on the f*cking ceiling?"

"Do you know how many hours I put
into expressing myself, into my music?"

It was a B-side!

- What a feeling!
- Yeah, when you walk on the ceiling.

What a feeling when I'm having
a walk around the ceiling!

Oh, man.

Good. Looks like we're
on for a classic.

The first person we're going to see
is Katherine Parkinson,

who's an excellent actor.

I'm not an actor, but here we are
anyway, acting together.




- This is nice.
- Is it?


- What's wrong?

I don't know.
I just feel different somehow.

- What do you mean?
- Don't know. I sort of feel a bit...

...all over the place.

Sort of... upside down.

- Haven't you noticed anything
different about me lately?
- No.

Except your hands are massive.


Visually stunning. I struggled
a bit with the narrative.

I mean, I think it was quite simply
a tale about a couple who...

- Oh, they're a couple? Oh.
- Well, why? What did you think?

I thought it was two people having
a lovely drink with odd-sized hands.

One of the two people
was mugging away,

'cause they're an absolutely
awful actor.

I mean, there's not a film
you wouldn't wreck.

Absolutely wreck. Imagine if
you'd been in Schindler's List.

Yeah, no, I wouldn't have
been great in it.

But I did my best.
Did my best, as always.

You did your best. You ruined it.

I thought your chin lent those eyes
a real depth and sensitivity.

I think what's a bit upsetting
is that I, erm,

- am more attractive as a chin.

But that's just something I'm gonna deal
with privately.

- Yeah. No, good, thank you.
- Right, who's next?

Well, now it's time for an appeal
from the little-known

upside-downism charity
from Johnny Vegas.


...currently affects one,
maybe two people in the UK.

It can cost sufferers family,


and any chance
of a normal social life.

Just £ a month can provide them
with the vital resources

needed to turn things around...

...whilst still upside down.

To help those less gravitationally
fortunate than ourselves,

please text "WHOAH!"
now to ,

and help turn that frown
upside, downside...


- Really powerful.

I mean, it speaks of your power
as a film-maker

that I genuinely did start
to feel sorry

for people with upside-downism.

The poor bastards have to
Blu-Tack their fruit to a plate!

It's something I've not gone
public with up until now.

I don't know what to say.
I found it genuinely moving.

That was the idea. Johnny had
a five-minute production meeting

with himself before it. You took it
very seriously, this task.

I did.

Was it in that meeting
that you workshopped the phrase

"less gravitationally fortunate"?

OK! I think you've had quite enough
for now, you greedy things.

But if you manage to hold off
for a few minutes,

I might let you have some more.

When you come back!

Well, hello, there.
Welcome back to Taskmaster.

Did the adverts make you waste
some more money? Did they?

Think of your kids!
They need your time, not a onesie!

Before the break, everything was
a little bit upside down, wasn't it?

Yes, it was.
Gosh, it's been confusing!

The people over there
were trying to come up

with the best upside down film.

Next up, it's Mawaan Rizwan.

Once upon a time,
there was a lonely bat.

I'm so lonely, dangling by myself.
I wish I was normal!

But, one day, he met a magic horse.

Oh, hey there, lonely bat.

Just kiss me and you'll be
turned the right way up.

Now, you have to kiss me again
so I can be the right way up.

Screw you, horse.
I was just using you.

Why, you selfish m*therf*cker.

And so, they lived happily ever after.

Mic drop!

Well, at least one of them did.


I mean, it's a film about a horse
getting off with a bat.

That's how Covid started, I believe.

- I thought it was, er... interesting.

There's not previously ever been
a microscope put over bat-horse love,

- as far as I'm aware.
- Yeah. Well, I just thought, you know,

I've got to use my platform
to draw attention to...

...under-represented communities.

It was a good upside-down effect,
wasn't it, at the beginning?

Absolutely incredible.

Did that hurt?

Katherine, why do you think
that hurt?

It... I just... I was imagining
myself doing it, and...

But did you think
he was upside down?

- No...

-I was never upside down.
- Oh!

- The camera was upside down.
- I just thought he was upside down.

No, he was standing the right way
up and horse's head...

Wouldn't it have been easier
for him to be upside down?

No. We tried that. It wasn't easy.

It would've been hard
for him to walk away.

- Yes.

- Next up, it's Daisy.

So, it's basically a film
about these chickens.

This is gonna be our sand dune.

That'll look fantastic.

This is gonna look so good!

That's great.

La, la, la, la

La, la, la

La, la, la, la

La, la, la

Laaa, la, la, la, la-la-la-la

- Wow.

What was the task again?
Read the task out.

- "Make the best upside down film."
- "Best upside down..."

How does being upside down
play into that?

- Well, everything was upside down...
- Everything was upside down.

And the camera was also upside down,

- so it didn't look upside down at all.
- No. That's what I mean.

The problem with it was, it was...

- The right way up.
- I spent a long time on the titles,

and then didn't have enough time,
really, for the actual film.

That was one of the problems.

Can't deny, though,
the soundtrack was haunting.

Oh, it was haunting alright.

I'm just imagining you
sort of crouched over the mic,

Waah, wah, wah, waah...

Waah, wah...

And then pausing every
now and again to go,

"This is gonna be so good."

Absolutely dreadful.

Nah, I'm not... Right, that's it.

I'm not gonna talk for the rest of
this series. I'll just sit here.

For the rest of the series?!

If you don't appreciate that,

you won't appreciate
anything else that I've done,

'cause that, for me, was my peak.

Who's left? Herring!

Yes, finally. We all know him
as Richard Herring,

so that's why I'm gonna say,
here is Richard Herring.


Ah! Argh!

Hah... aaah!




- Wow.

You're off the hook.

The acting during the earthquake...

...was so terrible!

It's not an earthquake,
it's a supernatural event.

So, I end up on the ceiling,
lots of things fall down,

but then the egg falls upwards
so it's just a very confusing...

So, what are we supposed
to take from it? That you're...

I'm not gonna explain!

You don't go to the director and go,
"What was that meant to be?"

You don't go to Stanley Kubrick and
go, "What was all that about?"

You do if Stanley Kubrick
wants some points!

You can't go wrong in art.

I mean, I think you can with
Daisy's, but, actually...

I went wrong with spending too much
time on the credits, but that is...

Yeah, but you've got the soundtrack.

You've beat us all hands down
with the soundtrack.

Waah, wah, wah, waah...

You still remember it, see?

I was gonna put Daisy last,

but Richard trying to defend it's
made me put him last.

One point to Richard Herring
for that effort.

Hers was... Didn't film it
the other way up!

I know, it's shit!
It's worse than yours, I know!

Who's in third place?

Hampered as she was by
your performance,

Katherine takes third place.
Mawaan takes four points.

- Second place.
- I'll take it.

But, without question, the most
moving and powerful film...

- ...was Johnny's. Five points.
- Five points again to Johnny Vegas!

I can tell you the series
scores at this stage.

The quarter mark of the series.

Katherine's on points,

but there's only five points
separating her from the top people.

Mawaan and Daisy are both on ,

Johnny and Richard both on .

- Oh, God, I'm last.

And in this episode, Johnny is
winning with points to Daisy's .

- Lovely.
- Ah.

- OK, what's next?
- We've got some good news,

because this one involves shoving
long things into soft things!

- Here we go.
- Ooh.


I'm upping my game.

At last.

Mm, yeah.

Back in the room of evil delights.

"Put all the spaghetti into
the grapefruit."

"The grapefruit may not
leave this room."

Hear that?

"Most spaghetti in the
grapefruit wins."

"You have ten minutes."

"For the last eight minutes,

you must stand with both feet
on the spot on the floor."

"Your time starts... now."

So I've got two minutes
to come up with summat.

I get it. Get the spaghetti in
the grapefruit. Let's crack on.

OK, well, first up, they've both
got such lovely long hair -

it's Katherine and Richard.

Here we go.

Let's just see how easy it is
to push this into a grapefruit.

I mean, that's... Is that what
you're talking about? No?

It's up to you.

I don't think I'm missing anything.

No, that spaghetti's in
the grapefruit, I suppose.

But why is it saying it can only be

on the same spot in the last eight
minutes? Is there something I...

Should I be moving now?

Just make a spaghetti hedgehog.

I don't need to leave the room,
I'm staying here.

See how the spot
on the floor is there?

I know, I'm in it. Don't even
need to be in it for two minutes.

Why waste two minutes
when it's this easy

- to put spaghetti in your grapefruit?
- OK.

Two at once?

- Oop.

It's gonna look quite,
sort of, artistic anyway.

If nothing else,
this is gonna look good.

- Ah.

And we've got ages left, right?

Ah, I see.

- You see?
- Yeah. Well, I don't see.

- You know how it's gone dark?
- Mm-hm?

I'm assuming that's part of the task.

- You've got minutes left, Katherine.
- Yeah, no probs.

Ah, Jesus. It gets harder
when you can't see.

You're still here, yeah?

- I'm still here.
- Yeah.

- Oh, piss on that.

Ah, bollocks.

At times like this,

I wish I was ambidextrous.

- Times like this?
- Times like this, yeah.

That's an unbeatable amount
of spaghetti in a grapefruit.

I'd like to see the person
who's done better than that.


It was quite... meditative, wasn't it?

Yeah, I felt every second.

It was only Katherine, at one point,
inexplicably saying, "Piss on that,"

that stopped me from running
into traffic during it.

Do you want me to tell you how much
they put in the grapefruit?

Do what you want.

I can jazz up the measurements,
if you want.

Richard, who was pretty sure
he'd got an unbeatable grapefruit,

grams of spaghetti,
or seven mice worth.

Katherine, three mice on a CD,

So, not a lot from Katherine,
because Richard clumped his.

Ah, life's futile, though, isn't it?

Right, let's draw a line under
the first half of the show.

What's done is done.
Get the kettle on, you.

It's your turn.
No, it's your turn!

Hello, again, and welcome back to
the third part of tonight's show,

where Daisy May Cooper
has generously donated

an average umbrella to the prize pot.

Before the break, we were
in the middle of a task

involving spaghetti and
grapefruit. Am I right?

Yes, and tall and strong and
handsome and mighty.

Next up are Johnny and Mawaan.

It's OK if I break spaghetti and use
some as experimentation, isn't it?

- OK.
- Gonna see if... OK, cool, worth a shot.

You've got a full drawer
just full of zip-seal bags,

which tells me you're up to no good.

- Do be careful with that. Ooh, God...
- I'm just making big holes.

Is it that easy?

seconds before you're
not allowed to leave us.

Well, I'm not leaving, really, am I?
Let's be honest.

I know, I'll take me hat off!

Is there some, like, forbidden rule

that if any of the pasta snaps
me head gets cut off?

Is there something about to swing
that I should know about?

You've got eight minutes
and five seconds.

Could that be the fact...
Oh, you are taking... No!

What the f*ck. Wait, is this...
Is this not gone...

Have you got night-time cameras?

- What are night-time cameras?
- It's what they use on Most Haunted.

Oh, God, I'm fingering a tangerine.

It's a grapefruit.

- Three and a half minutes left.
- I'm gonna play you at your own game.

What... What do you mean?

- Nothing!

- Erm, er...

Where's the hole?
That's it, get your finger right in.

How's it going, Johnny?

You know what? I don't know,
'cause I can't see owt, Alex.

Don't you just hate it when
you run out of grapefruit space?

We've all been there, innit.

All gone.

- What's going on?

- Those holes are... wide.

It just looks like, you know, that
unshown episode of Tomorrow's World.

The future of agriculture!

Can I ask you both whether
the lights going off

made any difference whatsoever,

other than making you
both sound really creepy?

- It did to me!
- Did it make it worse?

Yeah, 'cause it was just the...

The angle of, you know,
penetration with the pasta.

Johnny, because he'd
pre-drilled the fruit,

got grams in, two hamsters.

The way I measured them was seeing
how much was left in the jar

and subtracting that from the
original total of , grams.

There was none left in the jar!

Well, that's because he'd put all of
the spaghetti into the grapefruit.

Well, I always double-check
my measurements,

and so I did then measure the
spaghetti in the grapefruit,

and there was only grams,
so there's -odd grams

- of spaghetti missing.

- Oh, you might wanna check that.
- Well, I did check it.

I re-listened to the soundtrack
of Mawaan's attempt

and, actually, after I'd finished,
there were some noises.

- No!
- Just listen to what happened
when he left the room.

Oh, my.

That is Mawaan's dressing room
there, and that is his bin.

What? This is a stitch-up!

- Aren't you shocked?
- That is despicable.

Of all the people here, you're the
last person I would have suspected.

- Really?
- You're the Lance Armstrong of us all.

Is he gonna be disqualified from
the whole thing, then?

I don't know. It's exciting, isn't it?

I don't know, and I'll be
the one to decide.

But I still get paid
for this show, right?

It's not a technical rule-break,
even, it's just...

Was he not technically breaking
the rules then?

No, but it's the sneaky intent
that troubles me.

You put me in the dark!
I'm gonna have some fun.

It's not fun to be sneaky!

No. That's a sort of psychopath.

I'm gonna say it.
You're a sneaky pasta snake.

- Yep. Yeah.
- That's what you are, you're
a sneaky pasta snake.

But still, he's in the lead.
grams in there.

- No, no, no, no.
- What? No, absolutely not!

The thing is, he didn't need to cheat.

But you didn't even dispose of it
in a, sort of, clever way.

I would have, like, flushed it
down the toilet, broken it up.

But now you're displaying the
same sneaky pasta tendencies

as the sneaky pasta snake.

Yeah, but I would have
done it better.

- I would've been a better sneak.
- We haven't seen what you do yet.

Well, there is one more person to see,

and I've got quite a good
joke about her name.

Last up, I need to warn you that
she might make the noise

of a mourning dove and a happy cat
at the same time.

Yes, Daisy May Coo-Purr.

- Let's see it!
- God, I hate you.

I'm gonna try and cook it.

Right. Let's get the kettle on it.

Oh, if I put in a bowl
and then it will get... yes!

How long have I got till I've got
to be back in?

- One minute.
- OK, that's fine.

Yep, OK.


What we're gonna do is we're just
gonna let this marinade

in the hot water.

Oh, f*ck's sake!

You didn't say about the lights!

OK. I think I can do this.

I'm making a bit of a mess.

Oh, it's getting softer,
the spaghetti.

Let the hot water penetrate the
spaghetti till it gets less hard.

Ooh, yes!

That's the masterpiece.

Well done, Daisy.

- Goodbye.
- Bye!

I mean, I honestly, until the final image,
thought you'd lost your mind.

She was very calm, in the dark
with a vat of boiling water

and she'd just bit into
a grapefruit...

I did. I actually used my teeth
as the, you know, the utensil

to open the grapefruit
and then I got it all out.

You scooped the flesh out?

I scooped the flesh out with my bare
hands. I didn't use anything else.

Wow. It's good to have a skill,
isn't it?

She got so much in.

She got grams worth, a third of
a Chihuahua's worth of spaghetti.

- And it was in. I mean, I can't fault it.
- So, first place to Daisy on pure weight.

- Of course. Yeah.
- Really? Really!

- And honest!
- Five points.

Katherine obviously in last
place with just grams,

Richard grams,

Johnny , Mawaan .
There was the rest of it in his bin.

Now, I will give the
gentleman the opportunity

to stand in front of everyone and to
admit that he's a sneaky pasta snake

and to formally apologise.

Yeah, but once you've been labelled

a sneaky pasta snake,
that's it, innit?

You'll always be known as that.

Only for that part you were
a sneaky pasta snake.

Yeah, OK. For that four
minutes of the task...

...I was a sneaky pasta snake.

Right, that's fair. Whoo!

That takes a lot of courage.

Thank you, and this
is a testament to...

Hey, there's always room for
healing, so thank you.

But he still gets those
points, though, yeah?

Which means, at the end of all that,

- Daisy wins the task and five points.
- Well done!

Very good. Last task, please.

Okey dokey Mr Pokey, and this
one involves... target practice.

One shoe!

"Catapult this shoe into the bath

using a home-made
catapult contraption."

"Only your feet may operate
your catapult contraption."

"You may not move the bath
or this red green..."

"...and you must build your catapult
contraption on this red green."

Oh, Lord.

"Fastest wins. Your time starts now!"

OK. Let's see what these
crazy catapult cats got up to.

OK, well, let's kick off
with Johnny.

- So I can only use me foot to operate it?
- Yes, please, Johnny.

I'll do that.

Just see if I get any
clearance at all.

- Sugar!


Ooh, almost.



I get a longer,
a wider purchase there...

One, two, three!


- Not bad.

- Do you want me to hold it?
- Naw.

Had an accident at work
that wasn't your fault?

Plan B.


This is the one.


Oh, for God...

Right. It'll work.

Oh, for...

- Yes!

At last!

That's a dramatic exit.

For the vast majority
of your attempts,

the last time I'd seen anyone doing
those particular movements,

it was four o'clock in the
morning in Birmingham

and the man had clearly been
drinking Special Brew.

Yeah, we were pleased to
get to the end of that.

How long was Johnny
kicking things in a garden?

Surprisingly swift.
minutes, seconds.

- Right.
- And it was only attempts, as well.

I would argue, possibly, that the
actual successful shoe-to-bath entry

didn't come from a catapult.

It came from a man kicking
a shoe into a bath.

There was no use of leverage,
as far as I can see.

You put a shoe on a rake and then you
kicked the shoe into the bath.

I mean, a catapult is a device that
can throw objects at a high speed.

Yes, and it was taped,

so there was a point of swivel.

There was a point of swivel.

And my ankle was quite badly
swollen by that point.

I'm not surprised. You'd had quite
the night out. Incredible.

OK, only one part left,
but before that...

...there must be adverts!

Right, welcome back to Taskmaster.

No time to lose because we're in
the middle of some catapult-making.

- Right, Alex?
- Right.

And not just any catapult, this is a
catapult to fire a shoe into a bath.

Next up are Daisy and Richard.

Got to operate with my feet, though.

Let's see how it goes.

- Ready?
- Oh, yeah.




OK, little less pressure.

- Would that count as a catapult?
- It's up to you, Richard.

Go! Oh!

It's going very awry.


Come off it!



Thanks, Daisy.

Tenth time lucky.


It's in.

- Great. Thank you, Richard.
- Thank you very much.
- Well done.

Right. Your initial catapult design
was quite elaborate.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. What I wrote down is it
started with a good design

and it ended with a man
stamping on a sledge.

It went in. How long did it take?

It took Richard minutes
and seconds.

minutes of lonely

Exactly twice as long as it
took Daisy.

Just minutes and seconds for her.

That is good.

And not only did it take half
the time, but I have to say that

Daisy May Cooper, to me,
looked like a professional athlete.

Oh, really?

With all of the focus,
as if this was an actual sport.

- I thoroughly enjoyed that.
- Powerful.

Here are the last two, then.
It's Mawaan and Katherine.

What would you use to make
a catapult?

- I can't tell you that.
- It's like a sort of Y-shaped twig.

- Yeah, OK.
- Can you see if there's one in there?

You want me to look out
for a Y-shaped twig?

- Yeah.
- In the... In the woodland area?

Maybe try the house.

That should work.

Oh, hang on.

Can you get this off for me?

That's not bad.


Will you come and hold this for me?


What is it that you have to
do to catapult something, really?

They can hear this.


Hang on.

Argh! Damn it!

Come on!

So you want me to pull it...
like this? Really?

Oh, God. Ready?

Well, sort of.


Where did it go?

It's still here. It's still... Oh.

I should've stretched.

OK, legs slightly apart, please.
Thank you.

Where is it?


Come on. Come on. Come on.

It's a very small bathtub, Alex.

Hypothetically what I'd be doing
is something like...

It's a shame that my hands
aren't my feet.

Yes, that's the one!
That's the one! Come on!


What's it doing over there?


One, two, three.

What we do is we stick this here,

the shoe should be
sort of like that?


Oh, no!

Come on.

Come on. Come... Ah!

I've stopped the clock.

One, two, three.


Thank you, Katherine.


- We should deal with Mawaan first.
- OK.

He had one system
and he stuck to it.

He stuck to it times.

attempts. How did he do?

Very badly.

Very badly. Over half an hour.

No. No!

- Well, yeah, minutes...
- You're exaggerating!

I'm not exaggerating.
minutes and seconds.

Try and remember that feeling of
crushing disappointment you felt

and let's talk about Katherine's.

I'm pleased with overall how I did.

This is what I've recorded.

You initially shook a TV aerial for
some time on the side of a caravan.

You've then, as far as I can work
out, put some elastic bands

round your feet and lay on your back

while Alex fruitlessly attempted to
fire shoes from your feet.

In all of those attempts,

the shoe did not travel more than
one foot from you.

You've then destroyed a garden arch.

Eventually you put it on a long stick

to lower the shoe into the bath.

- Catapult it into the bath.
- And I got it in.

You vocalised what we all thought,
"It would be easier

if my hands were my feet."

I've written it down to go in
the Taskmaster classic quotes.

"It's a shame my hands..."

"It's a shame my hands
aren't my feet."

Almost unbelievably, she was only
a minute and a half slower

than Mawaan. It was minutes

Wow. Give us a summary.

OK, well, Katherine,
last place, one point.

Mawaan, two points. Richard in
third place with three points.

Johnny second with four points,

but the winner, again, was Daisy
May Cooper, who gets five points.
- An athlete. A catapult athlete.

Quick look at the scores before
I send them off, then.

Yes, interesting reading.

Katherine is now points
adrift from the leader,

who is Johnny Vegas with points.

It's been an interesting episode.

Alright, please stand up

and head to the stage for the final
task of the show!

- Hello.
- Hello, Greg.

Who is going to read the task,
young man?

Daisy May Cooper's going
to read the task.


"Draw a picture of the object
on your card."

"You may not speak or communicate
with your team-mates in any way."

"You must stay on your spots and not
move the canvas or turntable."

"First team to guess their object wins."

Yeah, so it's a team task.

It's Daisy and Richard versus
Johnny, Katherine and Mawaan.

You've got to draw the item that's
written on your card,

fastest team to get it right wins.

We're gonna do this three times,
so you will each get to draw once,

and someone in your team
will draw twice.

There is two points per team
member for each win. OK?

So please look at your cards,
don't let anyone see it,

keep it in your head.

Please start the turntable.

You may start drawing on the whistle.


Is it a pair of ears?

- Hypodermic needle! Syringe!

Richard has got it right,
Daisy was drawing a syringe,

so they get two points.

Mawaan was drawing a clarinet.

I was gonna say kangaroo.

It's game two. We now know the rules.
Please look at your cards.

Don't let anyone see it.

You may start drawing
when the whistle blows.

Please start the turntable.

No, I have not blown the whistle!

I've blown the whistle.

Pubic hair!

- Chicken. Diamond.
- Box!

A penny-farthing.

- radley Wiggins.
- Rug. Rug in a bedroom.


- Oh, car. Tractor!
- Farm house.

- Combine harvester.

- It is a combine harvester.
- It is lovely work.

Can I have a look at Katherine's?
I didn't see it.

Yeah, we'll just spin that
round to Greg.

Those are the cushions
from a caravanette.

Very close. It's a photocopier.

Please rotate spots again.

OK, and prepare yourself
for game three.

They've picked up their pens,
they can now pick up their cards.

Please don't let anyone else see it.


You happy?

- No.
- Oh.

Do not start drawing till
the whistle blows, please.

Good luck.

- You may draw.



- Fried egg.
- Hand bag.

They've guessed television,
fried egg and handbag so far, Greg.

- Automobile.
- Face.

Oh, this is just...

You've destroyed each other.

Landscape. Is it landscape? Nature?

- Box. Lunchbox.
- I don't even...

Box! Box! Box!

Draw! Draw!

Draw, Johnny!

No box. Box.
Toaster! Toaster!

- Erm, Xbox!
- Phone box.

Daisy's lost it.

Daisy's is not bad, I promise.

Spaghetti! Spaghetti!

- You're close.
- Pasta!

- Matchbox.
- Box!


Box. Box!

Draw, Johnny!

Johnny, draw!

- Coffin.
- Vermicelli.

It's not a coffin.

Oh, God.


It is lasagne!
Of course it's lasagne.

How is this lasagne?

'Cause she did, like, spaghetti,

and then I got spaghetti 'cause it
looked like spaghetti.

A sandbox.


It was a sandbox.

Right, let's add that up
and put it to the final scores.

Come down here and join me.

- Well, well, well.
- Wowee.

- That must have changed things.
- Yes.

Johnny Vegas looking a little
bit nervous

about losing a prized
possession perhaps.

I mean, he just needed to get
one of them right

to guarantee keeping his beloved
one-armed bandit.

At the end of the episode,
Johnny's on points.

- Is it enough?

It is not enough!

The winner of this episode is
Daisy May Cooper with points.

- Oh, wow.

Daisy May Cooper wins!

Go and do your spring clean-up!

So, what have we learnt today?

If you feel like you've got
nothing in life worth saying,

with the right soundtrack,
anything can have meaning.

- Wah-wah-wah-wah
- I wish...

- Wah-wah-wah-wah
- hands...

- Wah-wah-wah-wah
- ...were my feet.

- Wah-wah-wah-wah
- See you again soon for chapter four,

but for now, let's applaud tonight's
winner, Daisy May Cooper!