01x16 - Meet Mr. Mxyzptlk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x16 - Meet Mr. Mxyzptlk

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

[tires screeching]


[music continues]

[tires screeching]


[music continues]


[wind howling]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[engine revving]

[engine rumbling]


(T.J.) Hey-hey. Thanks

for coming, Superboy.

Looks very old.

Oh, it's extremely old,

Superboy. Yes, yes.

But we seem to have

the proverbial

immovable object here.

And you need

an irresistible force.

Precisely. Alright, everyone,

please backup.


[grunting continues]

[dramatic music]

I don't believe it. Even

Superboy can't lift it.

[Superboy grunting]

Hiya, folks.

Mxyzptlk is the name.

Dimension hoppin' is the game.

Superboy, I'm so glad

you could come to see me.

It saves me

having to come see you.


# I come from afar

to make you a star #

Okay. That does it. No more

chili dogs before bedtime.

Look. I know these

losers are your people.

And I love you, for you're

loyal to them.


But we got things to discuss.

So what say, we make a meet

on top of the biology building

in say, oh, um,

28 seconds.

We are dreaming,

aren't we?

Uh-uh, it's too silly

to be a dream.

- It was no dream.

- It's not a hallucination.

That totem was real.

Now it's gone.

Well, where did he come from?

Perhaps the inscription on the

totem can give us the answer.

Young man, how long

will it take you

to have that film developed?

Uh, one hour, doc.

From my lab to yours.

- Get a load of us.

- Absolutely amazing.


matter transference.

Seems our little friend

is, uh, short on patience.

Oh, what do we do now?

I'd take the side streets

if I were you.



Supey baby.

I'm so glad

you could make it.

Uh, I gotta apologize

for the surroundings.

You know, it ain't much,

but we like to call it home.

Looks like a rooftop to me.

You hurt me, Supey.

You wound me, you know that?

What? The ventilation's

sensational, huh?

Who are you?

Oh, naughty, naughty, Supster.

You're not paying attention.

My name is Mxyzptlk.


But don't try

to say that fast.

Or you'll get your tongue

wrapped around your eye teeth.

I won't be able to see

what I'm saying.

Don't ever do that.

Don't you ever, ever

steal my line again.

What do you want from me?

Where I come from,

we all get a lotta yaks

that you human beings, you know,

messing up all the time.

I'm glad we

entertain you. Really.

But I'll tell you

what's really entertaining

is you know, when you're

two people like that

when you're Clark

and Superboy.


Now, listen. Superboy,

your secret's safe with me.

I wouldn't tell anybody,

you know.

If the whole world

knows about it, it's a spoil.

But here's the deal.

You know, in the fifth dimension

we got our eye on you, you know.

And you got what we want.

And we always get what we want.

Whoa, whoa. Back up, back up.

There's a fifth dimension?

You're a good-looking kid.

Got a lotta style.

You know, but in the

smart's department

you ain't exactly


You dummy!

The fifth dimension

is anotheruniverse.

There's a parallel universe.

But it's nothing like this.

What does that have

to do with me?

It's the powers. It's

the super-duper powers.

You know, anybody could do

magic in a fifth dimension.

But that's all like a door

is magic, you know.

So, we've been watching

you, you know.

We'll get you over there, you

know, look you over, you know.

Maybe you could show us, then

we could all become super too.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm not interested.

Not even a little.

Please, Supey.

Maybe I can change your mind.

Turn on those

super-duper powers

and you see that lady

down there?

Over there.

And the building next to it.


Yay, Sup!

(female #1) Oh, Superboy.

You saved my life.

Ask yourself this, Supster.

Can I be everywhere at once?

What if stuff like this was

happening all over town?

- Is that a threat?

- That's a prediction.

Where I come from,

we settle things with wagers.

Uhare you a betting man?

- Will you get to the point?

- You know that Lana chick?

She's not too hard on the eyes,

for a human that is.

The bet is, I can make her fall

in love with me within 24 hours.

- I loose, I cut out.

- And if you win, what happens?

Yeah. If I win, you know,

didn't think of that one.

I win, we go back

to the fifth dimension

and we, you know, make it

a happening place.

There's also

a third possibility here.

That I stuff you right now.

Huh, ah!

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Oh! Superboy.


Excuse me.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

[birds chirping]

Hi, sweetie-honey.

Ouch! You again?

Ah! How do you pop

in and out like that?

Practice. Listen, I got

a joke for you.



- Knock knock.

- Who's there?

- Jimmy.

- Jimmy who?

- Jimmy a kiss.

- Ah!


- Great, huh? Sensational?

- That was disgusting.

Now I know what it's like

to be kissed by a toad. Ugh!

Think I need a little more

work on this.


I don't know.

I suppose I went a little too

far by calling the guy a toad.

(Clark) For all we know,

where he comes from

calling him a toad

is a compliment.

(Lana) I'll admit the

guy is a little unusual.


A little unusual?

(Lana) Okay, he's the weirdest

thing to ever hit Shuster.

But I don't see what,

uhSuperboy and Dr. Royer

are so concerned about?

And even if they're right

and Mr. Mxyzptlk turns out

to be from out of this world

he doesn't seem

all that dangerous.

[dramatic music]

Hey, where did

the guards go?

You mean, where did we go?

[g*n cocking]


- We need a hostage?

- We do?

- Yeah.

- Yeah. We need a hostage.

[convicts chuckling]

Get the babe.

Yeah, alright.

Yeah, get the babe.

What you gonna do, huh?

Gonna do something, eh?

Alright, somebody's

gonna get dead.

I'll save you, sweetie-honey.

Don't try to thank me,


Yo. Sweetie.


[bell donging]

[indistinct chattering]

[dramatic music]

Oh! But you know it's

not my birthday.

Lana, from now on,

every day is your birthday.

Oh, Clark.


- I just love this.

- Me too. He he.

- Ain't it a trip?

- Uh-huh.


It's funny.

You think you know

someone all your life

until one day, you find yourself

looking at that person

in a brand new light.

Yeah. Ain't it the truth?

So, sweeuh, Lana,

let's, uh, have some lunch.

And you know, we can, uh,

we can play some Putt-Putt

and then we could

swing by the zoo

and tease the monkeys

for an hour or two--

Clark Kent, I can't decide

if you're the strangest guy

I've ever known

or just the most romantic.

Maybe I'll just keep you

guessing for a while.

Uh, Clark. Don't get me wrong,

it's not that I'm complaining.

Today's been heaven.

But it's, um..

I just can't help wondering

why you're so..

I don't know,

so, uh, different?

Maybe love does it to people

sometimes, you know.

Makes them different.

- Yeah.

- Maybe.

That does happen sometimes.


Maybe it could happen to me

m-maybe it could happen to you.


[birds chirping]

Oh! I just don't know

how you feel anymore.

All I know isI can't

stop thinking about you.

- About us.

- Now you're talking.

- That's enough.

- Superboy, um..

Hey, Supey baby,

glad you could make it.


- That's not Clark.

- What?

It's not the Clark you know.

You can say that again. He's

been full of surprises all day.

Come with me. I need

to explain something to you.

I'll take you somewhere safe.

This is all so sudden. I, uh,

I-I don't know what to say.

It's okay, Lana.

It's okay, really.

I understand.

It's okay. If you wanna

go off with him, I understand.

What girl in her right mind

would wanna go off with

with Clark Kent when she can go

off with Superboy, y-you know?

It's okay.

I'm-I'm sorry, Superboy.

II can't leave Clark.

Not like this.

The answer's gotta be in there

somewhere, professor.

I have a lot of questions

to which I'm trying

to find the answers.

Well, there's just one

I'm interested in.

How to send that imp back

to the fifth dimension?

Hey, Superboy, lighten up.

That's not like you.

(T.J.) Granted he's

a pain in the butt.

Butwhat's the big deal?

He's no real threat, is he?

He is to Lana.

Have you seen them?

He's hitting on her

and I don't think she minds.

- No way!

- Yes.

Wait. How would

she have time?

I mean, Clark and her

have really found each other.

Ha, surprise to me.

Don't underestimate

Clark, okay?

He might seem laid-back on

the outside, but underneath--


A seething volcano?


Look, Superboy, I love the guy,

but hot lava, he ain't.

Ah. Something. Something.

According to this

spirit creatures

appeared quite often.

(Royer) Until the tribe

shaman devised this totem

to block the gate

from their world to ours.

Does it tell us

how to get rid of them?

No. Not clearly. But these

pictographs give a hint.

You see, I-I'm guessing here,

I-I'm doing a lot of guessing

butmy interpretation

is that they are

they are a warning

and a solution.

You see, these creatures

can be benevolent

and then suddenly

turn quite vicious.

With the bottom line,


Well, this is,

I'm-I'm not sure.

But I think it has

to do with reflection

and the name of the creature.

That's it?

Well, in time of course

I-I hope to get more

information, but..


Time's the one thing we're

running out of, professor.

Oh, yeah.

[dramatic music]


What are you doing?

Why did you

turn on the lights?

Because we're going to study.

Well, you know

we studied each other

enough to know we're in love.




You said you like the new Clark.

I mean, that's who I am.

The way you're acting,

I'll take the old Clark any day.


I want you to leave, now.

I don't wanna go.

You can't make me go.

What is going on?

Get out of here, you toad.

Say I love you, toad.

"I love you, toad."

I wanna go back to the

fifth dimension with you.

"I wanna go back to the

fifth dimension with you."

Morning, Supster.

You don't look too happy.


You know, I am though.

I'm telling you.

You know why?

Because the bet's off, I'm

not interested in you no more.

- It's all cancelled.

- What's the catch?

I'm smitten.

I like your girlfriend.


Well, that's it.

She's ready to go.

She's packed.

She's not going

anywhere with you.

You wanna bet

your cake, Supey?

She's going.

She's all ready to go.

She's down there packing now.

You know, you can meet us

at the excavation site.

[clears throat]

And, uh, don't bring

no flowers or music.

Just, uh, tears for, uh, the

happy couple that is going away.



Sure hope this plan

of yours works.

You hope it works.

Lana, um, listen,

uh, Superboy filled me in.

With you leaving

so soon and all, I figured

you wouldn't have a chance to

say goodbye to your father.

What's the deal with the note?

You're taking Lana away from us

away from everything and

everyone she's ever known.

The least that we can do

is have something

that she can leave behind

for her family and friends

to remember her by.

It's the decent thing to do.

Never let it be said

that Mxyzptlk is indecent.

Go ahead, read the note. I give

you permission, sweetie-honey.

"Dear Father, dear friends.

"It is with great sadness

and regret that I say

a fond farewell

and a heartfelt

Kltpzy. Kltp.."

Let me help you with that.

No. Superboy, you are

through helping her.

I'll read it.

"Dear Father, dear friends.

"It is with great sadness

and regret that I say

a fond farewell

and a heartfelt Kltpzyxm."


That's not fair.

You tricked me.


Goodbye, Mxyzptlk.

And good riddance.

And once Superboy

figured out the secret

of getting him to say

his name backwards

he came up with the idea

of my farewell letter.

And as fast as you

can say Kltpzyxm

no more Mr. Mxyzptlk.

- Mark.

- Ah, Mark.

You know, Lana, you haven't

said much about mydouble.

What was the other

Clark like anyway?

Oh, the less said,

the better.

Believe me, one Clark in a

girl's life is more than enough.

What does that mean?

[instrumental music]

[theme music]
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