01x10 - Troubled Waters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x10 - Troubled Waters

Post by bunniefuu »

[music continues]

[music continues]

[engine revving]

Henderson Culture in this

area is in a deep depression..

despite the prosperity the

rest of the country has enjoyed.

Mr. Henderson,

would you tell me then why

you wanna buy

our farm land, hm?

When agriculture here

is in such a depressed state?

My combine

has large cash reserves.

You farmers can't last

until the good times come back.

- But I can.

- He's right.

I can't last another season.

[indistinct chatter]

Don't panic now.

You've been hanging in so long.

Give it some more time.

You still work

for the bank, Ms. Jenson?

You know I do, Mr. Kenderson.

In the mortgage department.

Can you guarantee that your

bank president Mr. Benington

will extend the mortgages?

I don't think anyone can

guarantee that at this point.

Well, then.

If you're ready to deal

my colleagues

in the back of the room

have contracts

ready to be signed.

Now, hold it, everybody.

Just hold it.

He's not interested

in any farming.

He's interested in what

lays below our land.

Might be uranium, gold,

oil, we don't know.

Give me a couple of days.

I'll go to the State Capital

first thing in the morning

and I'll check it out

with the geology people, hm.

Alright then, Mr. Kent.

You do what you have to do.

I'll give you all one week

and then you sign.


Go on.

[indistinct chatter]

About old man Kent

and the State Capital.

See the he doesn't get there.

[rooster crowing]

[birds chirping]

[engine droning]

[trumpet music]

[birds chirping]

[engine sputtering]



[intense music]

Oh, dear God.

Oh, Lord.

Oh, Jonathan.


Someone help.


No, I tried

the Siegel Center.

Please, try his dorm.

[telephone ringing]

- Hello?

- May I speak to Clark?

Yeah, just a minute.

Lovely voice.



Clark, this is Ellen.

It's Ellen.

- Hi, what's going on?

- Pa's in the hospital.

What happened?

(Ellen) His tractor went

wild and he went into a ditch.

I told him to get rid

of that piece of junk.

It was due for an accident.

There's been many

similar accidents

since the Kenderson

people came to town.

If it keeps up,

somebody's gonna get k*lled.

(Clark) Okay, I'm gonna be

on a plane within an hour.

I'll be on the one o'clock

bus to Smallville.

I'll pick you up

at the depot.

[dramatic music]


Clark. Clark!


Uh, my jeep's

across the street.



How's Pa doing?

Um, he checked himself

out of the hospital.

Well, that's great.

That means he's feeling better.

Yeah, he is much better.

And you?

Well, I'd be feeling a lot

better if you wrote more often.

Speaking of not writing,

how's Lana?

Will you stop

worrying about Lana?

Is she still

so gorgeous?

Lana is just a friend.

That's it.

Hey, hey,

that was some clinch.

We didn't know you college boys

had that much red blood in ya.

You are a college boy,

aren't you, boy?

They're Kenderson's thugs,

Clark, don't fight them.

- That's exactly what they want.

- I'm not gonna fight them.

Hey, Jarvis.

What about the kid's sweater?

It'll look better on you.

Good idea, Borkner buddy.

Take this sweater off, kid.

I'm not taking

the sweater off, come on.


- You shouldn't do that.

- Why not?

Your mommy will be mad if she

has to sew on some buttons, son?

Does the college boy think

he's big enough to play with us?

- Forget it, kid.

- Stop it. What'd ya doing?

You shouldn't be

playing with garbage.


[dramatic music]

[metal creaking]

He's not worth it.

College boy.

- Are you okay, Clark?

- Uh, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Come on,

let's get outta here.

[car door closes]

[engine revving]


I'm proud of you.

That you didn't let them

force you into a fight.

That's great. Can you take the

kick me sign off my back now?


Oh, no.

There he is.

Oh, no, no.

Oh. It's so good

to have you home.


It's nice to be home.

Good to see you, son.

Ma, should he be walking?

You just left the hospital.

Oh, hold it, now.

You're sounding like your ma.

Well, goodbye, everybody.

I have to get back to the bank.

Oh, won't you stay

for some fresh apple pie?

I really can't.

Thanks anyway, Mrs. Kent.


Thanks for the lift.

I'll, ahsee you tonight?

You'll be in

big trouble if you don't.


Did I mention

how good it is to be home?

I never tire

of hearing it.

What's happened

to your glasses, Clark?

I ran into a couple of

Kenderson's boys in town.

Tell me about him, Pa.


Well, you know

you're still pretty young.

I wouldn't want you to do

anything foolish that might

tip off who you really are.

I don't want any more

accidents happening to you.

What's he after?

Well, he's been grabbing up

all the land around here

claiming he wants to farm it.

He doesn't wanna farm it,

I know that.

Your pa thinks there's something

valuable under our land.

Well, you can bet on that.

Uranium, gold, oil,

maybe even platinum.

I was going over

to the Bureau of Mines

to check it out

this morning when, uh..

You don't need

the Bureau of Mines, Pa.

- I'll check it out for you.

- How you gonna do that?

I've been developing

my x-ray vision.

Well, now you know

the apple pie is waiting.


[Superboy theme music]

[orchestral music]

[music continues]

[music continues]


Give me a jam.


- Yeah?

- I don't understand it.

I checked from

Pete Owens property

all the way down

by dry river.

I didn't see

any mineral deposits.

Yeah, we gotta

find something, Clark.

We gotta find what Kenderson

wants before it's too late.

[engine revving]

[engine revving]

[intense music]


[tires screeching]

(Kenderson) I've got

the contract in my hand.

I know what's in it.

Wait until the end of the week

and I'll deliver as promised.

Look, I lowered the price

from 20 cents a gallon to 15.

You can't buy water

any cheaper than that

anywhere else

I know of.

I got the farmers

in the palm of my hand.

By the end of the week

everything will be signed

sealed and delivered.

I'll call you back later.

If it isn't the poor college

boy who lost his buttons.

Well, well, well.

I gotta hunch the kid

might be ready to sell. Huh?

Have a seat.

If one more accident

happens to a Kent.

You're gonna be running

your rotten business

from a hospital

bed, Kenderson.

What'd you do, college boy?

Take some get-tuff pills?

Now, hold it, son.

I'm here to help

any farmer who wants to

get out from

under his debts.

Like I said, any more

attempts on the farm house..

you're gonna be sorry.

You blew it, you fools!

Nobody talks to me

like that. Nobody!

See that he can't talk at all

for the next six months.

Hey, you didn't

say goodbye, kid.

We're gonna have to teach you

some manners, college boy.

Don't you!

What are you doing?



I don't want any trouble.



I forgot to say, this college

boy is into pumping iron.

[tires screeching]

What you told me

this afternoon, Clark.

- You sure about that?

- I'm sure of it, Pa.

I was using my x-ray vision

to look for minerals.

When I saw that river,

it didn't mean anything to me.

But when I found out

about Kenderson's deal

to sell the water,

it made sense.


Come with me.

Everybody would you please

take a seat and settle down?

Mr. Benington from our bank

was good enough to accept

our invitation to come here.

[audience applaud]

My son has got some information

about those land grabbers

and what they

really want. Son.

There's a river

running under our land.

Kenderson doesn't

want our farms.

He wants what's under 'em.

[indistinct chatter]

He has a contract

with the City of Benford

to sell water.

Thanks, son.

Mr. Benington

our Government and the Soviets

are negotiating a contract..

to sell 'em grain.

Now, we've got

a lot of that grain

stored in our community silo.

Now, soon as that deal is cut

we can pay off all our loans.

All we need is a little time.

Thank you, Mr. Kent.

It's not the proper way

to run a business.

But I've been your neighbor

for over 20 years.

Sure, I'll extend your loan.

[audience applaud]

Since you got me

into this, Ellen.

I'm gonna give you the

responsibility of checking out

the silo tomorrow morning.

If it's full then I can tell

my board of directors I'm not

out of my head for holding

off on these foreclosures.

Alright, and I'll go with you.

Hey, congratulations.

[audience applaud]

I'm gonna go with ya.

That's what I said.

The bank is extending the loans

until the grain is sold.

Corbin, you're worth

every penny.

[dramatic music]

Every penny.

(Kenderson) You know

what you've to do.

Let's move it.

Come on.

[intense music]

Here they come.

- What's going on?

- I don't know.

Looks like they're getting

ready to bloat the silo.

Hey, get away from there.

We figured.

Who are you, anyway?

Everybody will know

you did this.

Come on!

At least one silo every year

accumulates enough natural gas

to blow itself sky high.

Alright, put the old man

in the jeep with her.

They'll think they drove up

just as the silo blew.

That fields ready

for planting.

Not a rock left on it.

Pa won't have to lift a finger.

I'm worried

about them.

Me too.

Should have been back

an hour ago.

I'm on my way.

[Superboy theme music]

[dramatic music]

You set the firing pin?

All you have to do

is press the little, old button.

Better put some distance

between us and that silo

before she blows.

It's gonna level everything

around within a mile.

[theme music]

- Uh, oh, Clark.

- Take it easy, Mr. Kent.

Ah, sorry, Superboy.

I was praying

that my son would help.

Kenderson and his thugs pumped

hydrogen gas into the silo.

They're gonna blow it up.

Move your truck

outta here fast, uh, Mr. Kent.

[engine revving]

[theme music]

Well, I guess

we've come far enough.

[music continues]

And so we say goodbye

to the farmers of Smallville.

[tires screeching]



You can get all the water

you want in prison

and you won't

have to pay a cent for it.

I never dreamed

I'd meet Superboy.

But he saved us and I didn't

even get a chance to thank him.

If I ever run into to him,

I'll thank him for you.

If anybody doesn't want

my chicken, I won't hear it.

[telephone ringing]

Ellen, would you get that?

- Hello?

- Um, who is this?

It's Ellen, who's this?

Oh, hi, Ellen,

this is, uh, Lana.

Is Clark there?

Of course, I mean,

I'm calling his house how dumb.

Just a minute, Lana.



Hi, friend.

We're calling to find out

how your dad's doing?

It's Lana.

He's doing great actually.

What's new in at Shuster?

T.J. wants to know

if you'll return by Friday

to make the last edition

of the Herald?


I'll be there.

Give everyone

my best in Smallville.

Okay, I will.

Must be nice renewing

old acquaintances.

You shouldn't

worry about Ellen.

Is she still gorgeous?

She's a gorgeous,

good friend, Lana.

Just like you.

- Bye.

- Bye.

[rooster crowing]

[theme music]
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