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01x06 - Paddington Turns Detective / Seeing is Believing / A Visit to the Theatre

Posted: 06/25/23 10:55
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns
and they took him home ♪

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ 'Cause he always does his best
to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own unique
point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries
to do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious
and speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble is
never far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

- There's been another burglary
in the neighborhood.

It's getting so you can't
trust anybody these days.

-Oh, I agree, mrs. Brown.

It's just terrible. - Go ahead.

But just one or you'll
spoil your dinner.

-I expect if I were a detective,

I could catch that
burglar in no time.

- Oh! So it's detective you're
playing at, is it?

Then maybe you can
solve the mystery

Of who put this marmalade stain

On the new tablecloth.


That's easy. I did.

You see? My first case,
and it's already solved.

- You won't believe
what's happened.

Someone's stolen
my prize pumpkin.

-Never mind, henry dear.

You got several others
just as good.

- I do mind. And the others
will never be as good.

Not in time for the
vegetable show next week.

- Perhaps it was one
of your competitors.

-That's it! Of course!

You know, I have a good mind
to offer some kind of reward.

-A reward!

I set out to solve the case
of the missing pumpkin.

My first step was to visit
mr. Gruber at his antique shop.

Mr. Gruber gave me
a magnifying glass

And an ink pad for
taking fingerprints.

- How are you getting on,
mr. Brown?

- I'm afraid bears are good
at making pawprints.

- Well, here are
some other things

You might find useful:
a police whistle,

A notebook for
writing down clues,

And some invisible ink.

-With all this equipment,
I'm sure I'll be able
to solve this case.


There's only one thing missing.

Every good detective
needs a disguise.

Now let's see what we have.


I don't think so.

Definitely not.

Now that's better.


-I decided to try out
my disguise right away
and find some clues.

I was looking for
a vegetable thief,

So I thought the greengrocer's
might be a good place to start.


- Excuse me but have you noticed
any missing pumpkins lately?

The greengrocer
wasn't very helpful,

But then I remembered something
mr. Gruber said.

The criminal always returns
to the scene of the crime.

I had a perfect view of
the back garden from
my bedroom window....

So that night,

I lay in wait.

I had all the necessary
surveillance equipment

And I was determined to stay
up all night if I had to.

[Eerie laughter]



That's when I noticed
something strange.

When I flashed a light
at the neighbor's house,

Someone flashed back.

But the neighbors were
away on holiday.

It seemed very suspicious,

So I decided to investigate.

I knew I had to find the key

Because mrs. Bird was taking
care of the plants while the
neighbors were away.


I was still looking for
the missing pumpkin,

So I went to check
the refrigerator.

I found cucumbers and tomatoes
but no pumpkin.

[Whistle] - henry!

Henry! Wake up! I think I've
just heard a police whistle.

[Police sirens]

- I caught him!
I caught the burglar!

He's inside.

I've got him trapped.
-Now, now, slow down.
Who's trapped?

-The burglar! I put a chair
under the doorknob, so
he can't get out!

-Hey! Let me out of here!

-There is someone in there.

- Be careful. He's
probably dangerous.

- You just let us
worry about that.

-What's going on?


- Right! Someone's got
some explaining to do.

-Let me see if I've got this
right. You were looking
for a missing pumpkin

And you saw lights coming
from an empty house,

So you put on a disguise and
packed up your... What was it?

-Marmalade sandwiches.


-It's all here in my notebook.

-These pages are all blank.

- Well, of course!
It's invisible ink.

-That's it. We're taking you in.

-Well... Can I at least get
my marmalade sandwiches?
They're in the kitchen.

-What the...?

- The super is never gonna
believe this one.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
- What a story!

Trust paddington
to catch a burglar

With marmalade sandwiches.

-Well, I'm just glad it's over.

-But what about my pumpkin?

- Oh, I've solved
that case as well.

[All]: you did?!

-Of course.

It was you, mrs. Brown.
You took the pumpkin.

- What?!
- Oh, it's true,
henry. I'm sorry.

I took it by mistake. I didn't
know you were going to enter it
into the vegetable show.


- But how did you figure
it out, paddington?

-Simple: last night,

You made pumpkin pie.

So you see, aunt lucy,

I solved the case after all,
although mrs. Bird

Confiscated my
fingerprint pad...

But not before I made
one last pawprint.

-Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Mr. Gruber says ireland
is a magical place,

Rich in legend, myths

And some very strange customs.

- That's the famous blarney
stone, mr. Brown.

If you kiss it, you will
magically receive

The gift of eloquence.

Thousands of people have
been there before you.

- Thousands! I don't think
I fancy kissing it anymore.

It's a good thing I've
got something to take
the taste away.

Mr. Gruber told me that
eloquence means you talk a lot.

I wonder what mrs. Bird would
think about all this.

She often says that bears
should be seen and not heard.

- Do you feel any different,
mr. Brown?

-I was feeling dizzy...

But I didn't want to
disappoint mr. Gruber
in front of his friend.

- Why don't you say something
really beautiful and poetic?

- "There is no charge for
kissing the blarney stone.

Remove all loose valuables
before doing so."

- They do say there's
poetry in everything.

If you look hard, you know.

Would you like to kiss
the blarney stone, sioban?

-Oh, grandfather!

I'm too old for that silliness.

- I didn't think kissing the
blarney stone was silly.

Just dangerous.

-It tastes of marmalade!

-Ah, mr. Gruber,

Before sioban's last birthday,

She loved my old tales
and the irish legends.

- I fear she may have forgotten
about the part of her heart

That wants to believe
in such things

As the blarney stone,
or leprechauns,

Or santa claus.
- Not believe in santa claus!

Mrs. Bird takes me to see
him every christmas.

- I wish there was some way
to make sioban remember.


Well, let's go home for supper,

And I'll tell you a wonderful
story about a leprechaun.


Now while I love stories
about leprechauns,

It was clear sioban didn't.

- And that's when the young
girl saw the leprechaun.
- Oh!

- She knew he'd show her where
his treasure was hidden,

But she had to keep
staring at him

Or he'd disappear into thin air.

-I'm sure your hard stare

Would work very well on
leprechauns, mr. Brown.

-If they existed.

Grandfather's stories are okay,

But I know leprechauns
and fairies don't exist.

- How do you know that?
- Because I've never seen one.

And you know what they say:

Seeing is believing.

Good night, paddington.

-Seeing is believing.

-Oh, it's you, mr. Brown.

What are you doing?

- Seeing is believing,
mr. Gruber.

-It certainly is.

-Sioban said she doesn't think
leprechauns are real because
she's never seen one.

-But if she did see one,

She might believe in them again

And in all the old stories
she used to love.

Mr. Brown, you are a genius!

-But I'm a bear.

- There are times when that
is one and the same thing.

Come! We have work to do.

You take the library, mr. Brown,

And see if you can find out
what a leprechaun looks like.

- Bears are good at
finding out things.

- Meanwhile, I will try to gather
together some treasure.


The leprechaun of ireland.

Legend has it that if
you catch a leprechaun,

He will lead you to a treasure.

But take your eyes off him and
he will vanish into thin air."

At least you couldn't
mistake him in a crowd.

When you want to find
out something, there's
nothing like a good book.

The trick is finding
the right one.

I wish aunt lucy
could see me now.

- You make a wonderful
leprechaun, mr. Brown,

And this bucket of marbles
looks like real gold.

But whatever else you do,

You mustn't speak because
that will give the game away.

[He mumbles.]

Now get some sleep. Tomorrow,
we'll try to remind sioban

About how much fun magical
stories can be.

Good night, mr. Brown.

- I was looking forward
to the morning.

I'd never been a
leprechaun before.

-I wonder where mr. Brown is.

It's not like him to oversleep.

- Please, can you go and
see if he's awake, sioban?


-Oh, I overslept.

I hope I'm not too late
to be a leprechaun.


What's been going on?

I see you, paddington.
Hey! Nice trick.

I didn't know bears
were so fast.

But I bet I can still catch you.

You're not a leprechaun,
you know.

-It was really mr. Brown's idea.

He just needed

A little assistance
here and there.

- That's a very
convincing costume.

If I didn't know better, I'd
think he was a real leprechaun.

-Ah! There you are.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

-Back so soon, mr. Brown?

- But I've only just
begun, mr. Gruber.

- It's nice to see you're
taking your role seriously.

You were very convincing before.

- I didn't know what mr. Gruber
was talking about.

- Where did he go?
- Where did who go, sioban?

- Paddington. He was in the
library just now playing tricks,

Pretending to be a leprechaun.

- In the library?
- Here's our leprechaun

And his treasure.

- Yes, but I wasn't
in the library

Nor the kitchen before now.
I've only just woken up.

Being a leprechaun
makes you hungry,

Especially if you
haven't had breakfast.

- But if that wasn't
you in the library...

-Or in here, then who?

-A real leprechaun!


- Where did he go?
- Out the window!

-But I'm sure I left it closed.

He's gone. Do you think it was
a real leprechaun, mr. Gruber?

-I'm not sure, mr. Brown.

But this will certainly make
a great chapter in my book:

The world and its wonders.

- To think...
Thanks to paddington,

I've seen a real leprechaun.

-And seeing is believing.

- Good morning, paddington!
- Good morning, judy.

-What are you doing?

- Do you remember the radio
contest I entered, judy?

Well, the winner is supposed
to be notified

By this morning's post. Hmm...

-There, there, paddington.
There'll be other
contests you can...

What's this? A letter
addressed to paddington brown.

-"Dear mr. Brown. For
correctly answering "lima"
as the capital of peru,

You have won tickets to the
new play no daughter of mine,

Starring sir seally bloom."
A play!

-Sir seally bloom!

I haven't seen him on stage
since I was a schoolgirl.

Oh! He was so handsome!

-Humph! Was is right.

He's a great old
bear of a man now.

-Old bear?!

I suppose he does look a bit
like my uncle in darkest peru.

-Not enough cheese!

How am I to remember "me" lines
when fed such meagre fare?

-Yes, well, maybe we should
go over some of those lines,
sir seally.

Now your first line is:

"My daughter has yet to return."

-Oh, how I hate opening nights.

- I'd seen pictures
of theatres before,

But I'd never been inside
one. I couldn't wait
to see the stage...

Although it looked
as if I might have to.

This is much better. It's
lucky bears have good eyesight.

- You can use those
opera glasses.

They're only twenty pee.

- 20 Pee for a pair
of opera glasses

Is very good value.

They'll be handy for watching
television at home.

-You don't get to keep them.

You put them back
when you leave.

- Sh!
- Ahem! Ahem!

-But 20 pee... My marmalade...

- Oh...
- Sandwich.

-My sandwich daughter...

My daughter has yet to return.

[Prompter]: her mother
will be heartbroken.


- Her marmalade will be...

Her mother will be heartbroken.

- Don't worry.
I have another one.

[Clearing throat]

-Oh, father!

Please, let me stay!

Please, let me stay!



[She cries.]

- Fancy sir seally turning his
own daughter out into the cold.

He's ignoring my hard stares.

Perhaps it's because I'm
using these opera glasses.

Don't you worry, judy. Mr. Brown
will never treat you like that.

There was only one thing to do.

I had to tell the man that it
wasn't his daughter's fault.

She just made a mistake.

And I'm a bear who knows
about making mistakes.

-Oh, father!

-Don't worry, miss bloom.

Wait until I speak
with your father.

-My father?

Oh! You mean sir seally.

He'll be off at
the end of the act.

-Oh, why am I forced

To do this thing?
There must be a way

To change these circumstances.

But she, my only daughter,

Has disgraced and besmirched
the family name.

-I'll just wait for sir seally
to come off stage and
then tell... Oops!

-My line, my line!

- "I have cast my daughter
from my home.

May her cursed soul
forever roam."

- Why is paddington on
sir seally's bed?

- I have cast my daughter
from my home.

May her cursed
soul forever roam...
[Tearing sound]

- Whoa! [Spectators]: oh!

- You are a nasty
man who should...

-A ghost!

-A ghost! Where?

- There is nothing about
a ghost in here.

Ah... The ghost!

- I'm not a ghost,
I'm paddington brown.

And you are a
hard-hearted father

Who won't even listen
to his own daughter.

You should come and stay
at mr. And mrs. Brown's.
They took me in,

And I came all the way
from darkest peru.

-Ha! Ha! Ha!

- What is so funny?
- Don't you see, darling?

Paddington believes
you really are

Throwing me out into the
world without a penny.

It shows what a great
actor you are.

-Yes, of course.

Quite an understandable

Especially for such an
intelligent and cultured
looking bear.

- You see, darling,
we were only acting.

But I shall always remember

The brave bear who
came to my rescue.

Sir seally, how about if...

-Uh, I'm so sorry, sir seally.

You see, paddington tends
to get a bit carried away.

We'll just leave and let
you get on with your play.

We have decided we need
a ghost in the second act,

And this young bear
is a born actor.

Ha! Ha! Never been so
scared in me life.

-Oh, father!

How can I ever thank you?

-Don't thank me.

Thank the ghost...

The ghost! [Cheering]

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd
like to introduce you

To someone who has reminded me

Of the power of the theatre

And frightened me into
remembering all me lines.

Paddington brown.

Oh, I love opening nights.

-And so do i, aunt lucy.

- "Sir seally even gave me
this autographed picture

Which I am sending to you.

To paddington. From an
old bear to a great one."

Oh, paddington!

Mi ourso magnifico!