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01x05 - Adventure at the Seaside / Paddington and the Pyramid Selling / Paddington and the Finishing Touch

Posted: 06/25/23 10:54
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does his
best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

-Dear aunt lucy.

Yesterday, I went to the
seaside for the first time.

I was very excited

As I'd always wondered
what it was like.

Mr. Brown took me out
and bought me a new sun hat
especially for the occasion.

The lady at the shop told
me that sun hats can be
worn many different ways.

It was up to me to find
the style that suited me best.

No, that's not it either.


- Uh... Come on, paddington!
- Oh, trust you to keep us
all waiting!

- Come on!
- That's it.

What are we waiting for?


- Ah! Don't you
just love car trips?

-It's all right for some!

- How about opening
the windows, everyone?

It'll blow the cobwebs away.
- Cobwebs!

My hat!

- Perhaps opening the windows
wasn't such a good idea, henry.

-Thank you.

- I suggest from now on
we keep the windows closed.

-We're almost there now.

Perhaps we should open
the windows again, dear.

- Only if paddington promises
to hold on to his hat.

[Together]: we're holding!
We're holding!

- Ah! Can you smell
that fresh sea air?

-It smells like salt.

- Sand!
- Rotting fish.


- Some bears can smell
more than is good for them.

- Mr. Brown said we'd
just pop into a shop

To get a few things
I needed for the beach.

This certainly seemed
like a lot of things.

Oh! If only aunt lucy
could see me now.

Going to the seaside isn't...


It's no wonder there
aren't many people here.

-Ah! Let's have a competition.

We'll each build a sand castle,
then mary and mrs. Bird can
judge the best.

-I'm sure I'll win.

- Oh no, you won't!
Because I'm going to win.

- Ho! Ho! Don't bet on it.
It could be me. Ha! Ha! Ha!

-Wait for me! Oh!

I needed to find a place
with lots of room.

The only castles I'd ever seen
needed a lot of space.

There! Just like in the
storybooks aunt lucy read to me.



This looks like
paddington's hat.


It is paddington's hat.
- But where is paddington?


- My sand castle
had become too big.

I had to push it back to land
before it was washed away.

I was beginning to get seasick.

It was worse than when I came
over on the boat from peru.

Ugh! I'm all wet.

Wet! Oh, oh!

I think I'm in
trouble again. Help!

- Nothing. I've searched from one
end of the beach to the other.

- Oh, dear! Where
on earth can he be?

-We'd better find a lifeguard.

- I must have been floating
out here for ages.

It's a good job I came
prepared for an emergency.

Oh, oh!

The situation did not look good.

And as much as I don't like to
share my marmalade sandwiches,

It was time to
make an exception.

-Judging by the weight
of this, fred, we've got
ourselves a major catch.

-Help! Let me down!

This is worse than a bad
dream, it's a nightmare!

-'Ere, it's a bear!

- Good afternoon. My
name's paddington brown.

I'm sorry I can't raise
my hat, but I've lost it.

Besides, I'm stuck.

- Don't move. You'll
only make it worse.

We'll soon have you clear.

-So, where did you spring from?

- Darkest peru.
- Darkest peru?!


- That's a good laugh! Peru's
thousands of miles from here.

- I know. It was a
very long journey.

-You must be tired out.

- Not at all. I've
just had a good nap.

Ah! That's better.

Thank you for picking me up.

With a bit of luck, I may
be back in time for tea.

- Poor paddington. Goodness
knows how long he's been gone!

And I'm sure he can't swim.

- We'll get a search party
out there right away.

- It's a miracle!
They say it's a bear!

- From darkest peru!
- Paddington?

-Paddington, over here!

This will make the front page!

I can see the headline now.

-Hey, paddington!
What did you do for food?
Eat plankton? Raw fish?

-No, marmalade.

[Both]: marmalade?!
- Paddington!

- Oh, paddington, it's
so good to see you.

-It's good to see you too.

-Uh, I think you lost this.

-We'd better get you back home.

-You mean to peru?

What a story!

- "The catch of the season,
all the way from darkest peru.

Lone bear's epic tale."

Ho! Ho! Ho! Oh, paddington!

Whatever will you get
up to next, my sobrino?

- Mr. Gruber and I were off
to egypt, land of the pharaohs,

The sphinx and the pyramids...
Whatever they are!

-Driver, slow down! Slow down.

-Yes! Please do.

-Oh no, sir.

You see, in cairo, if you
drive slow, that is when
you might have an accident.

Now, please hold
on for a moment!

We have arrived!

As you say, safe and sound.

-Only barely.

-Tourists, hey? And that
means there's easy money
to be made. Ha! Ha! Ha!

-I wait here for you, yes?

- No, thank you. We've had quite
enough driving for one day.
- Wait!

I am best guide in
all cairo! I show you,
so you don't get lost.

-Would you like to look
for some souvenirs before
we visit the pyramids?

We may come
across some bargains.

-Oh yes, please,
mr. Gruber. Bears are
good at finding bargains.

- And I would recommend keeping
your paws on your money.

I've heard there are a great
many unsavory characters around.

Now, mr. Brown, stay close.

It's like a maze in these
alleys, and I wouldn't
want you to get lost.

-Don't worry, mr. Gruber.
That's something else bears
are good at:

Not getting lost.

-Ah! You look like a bear

Who needs a carpet.
- No, thank you.

Oh! But where is mr. Gruber?

Mr. Gruber! Mr. Gruber!

-Mr. Brown!

Oh dear, he's lost.

-Ah! There you are.

Wait! I show you around.

- Oh dear! I think perhaps
I am lost after all.

-I see you have lost your way.

I know someone who can help you.

Madame valassir, fortune
teller extraordinaire!

-Oh! Thank you.

- With pleasure. Madame valassir
will be with you in a moment.

-Good afternoon. I'm
paddington brown. Pleased
to meet you, mrs. Valassir.

-Ah! To help you find your way,

Madame valassir's fortunes
cost one pound.

- A pound! I could buy
a map for that.

-Ah, but to find your way,
you must know where you are
coming from.

And only I can tell you that.

- Can you see mr. Gruber
in there?

- Mr. Gruber?
Who is this mr. Gruber?

-He's my best friend. He takes
me all over the world. He's
going to write a book called

The world and its wonders.
That's why we've come to egypt.
-This mr. Gruber

Is very generous. One day,
you would like to repay
him for his kindness, no?

- Yes. I was hoping I might find
something in the market.

Something special. - Like...?

- Well, he likes anything old
and he's very keen on pyramids.

But I'm not sure what they are.

- Ah! I see that today,
you will find two things:

The perfect gift for your
friend and... Your friend!

- How will I do that?
- Do not worry.

The gift and your
friend will find you.

-Oh! Thank you, mrs. Valassir.


-Yoohoo, mr. Bear!

-Mrs. Valassir didn't say
anything about meeting that
dangerous taxi driver again.

And I wanted to do
everything right.

Now all I could do was wait

And see if what the fortune
teller predicted would
come true.

-Ah, ah! You look like
a bear who's wanting a
gift for his best friend.


-Ah! There's mr. Brown.

And there he goes.

Ah, ah!

Please, follow that
scooter. And hurry!


-What is that?

- For the right price,
your very own pyramid.

-Really? How much does it cost?

-How much you got?

-3 Pounds, 50 piastres.

-It's... It's a miracle!

It was foretold!

-That's what mrs. Valassir said.

- That is the only
pyramid I have left,

And it just happens to be
3 pounds and 50 piastres.
-I'll take it.

And please, could I have it
gift-wrapped and sent to 32,
windsor gardens, in london?

Otherwise, it won't be
a surprise.

Mr. Gruber won't be able
to believe his eyes.

And I can't believe mine!
It's the other half of
my fortune coming true.

- What a good thing
I found you, mr. Brown!

Now perhaps we should
visit the pyramids.

- We shall have to hurry.
There aren't many left.

-There is no need to hurry.
No one is going to make off
with them.

Why, each stone weighs over two
and a half tons! And there are

Nearly two and a half
million of them.

- How will the postman deliver
that to 32, windsor gardens?

- Is anything the
matter, mr. Brown?

- I think I may have bought a
pyramid by mistake, mr. Gruber.

- But from whom?
Who sold it to you?

- That man. I paid him
3 pounds and 50 piastres.

It was all I had.

[Together]: scoundrel!
Sir, stop! Charlatan!

Thief! Swindler!

-Hurry! Drive away.

-Ah! I have found you.

-And we're glad you did.
You helped catch this
confidence trickster.

-Go away. No speak english.

- I would like you to
give me my money back.

- Here.
- Wait!

I have a better idea. I suggest

You buy it back. - Buy it back?

-Yes. For 20 pounds.

I'm sure the police would
agree that is a fair price.
-Here. Take!

- We shall continue
our tour, yes?

[Both]: on one condition.

- Perhaps this wasn't quite
such a good idea, mr. Gruber.

-Camels are nice, yes?

And the pyramids, very big, no?

-I don't think the postman
would have been very pleased
delivering it.

- I'm sure you are right
about that, mr. Brown.

- There are a number
of rules to observe

When working with
quick-drying cement.

One is to work quickly.

Another is to apply it evenly.

And perhaps the most
important rule of all...

Is not to stand in the stuff.

Oh... Help!

Fortunately, mr. Gruber had

A solution to my problem.

-Building a patio behind
my shop was a wonderful
idea of yours, mr. Brown.

-It's mrs. Bird you should
thank. I got the idea from
one of her magazines.

Just look at all the pictures
of things you can build.

A fence with climbing roses.
A rock garden.

And look at the
happy patio owner.

- I'm looking forward
to that moment myself.

But what we need first
is a finishing touch.

-A finishing touch?

- Some sort of decoration,
a je ne sais quoi.

-A je ne sais quoi?

- It means, "I'm not
quite sure what".

- And neither did i. But
I was determined to find out.

- And how is mr. Gruber's patio
coming along?

-Oh, it's all done,
mrs. Bird. All it needs
now is a finishing touch.

If only I knew what a
finishing touch was.

- A finishing touch can be
anything: a statue, a painting.

Why, we have plenty of
them around the house.

Like this vase.

If you look around the
house, you might get an
idea of what you need.

- Thank you, mrs. Bird. I'm sure
this vase will be just fine.
- Hum, hum!

Perhaps mr. Gruber
would be better off
with a finishing touch

He won't have to return
at the end of the day.

- So I did a little
research to find

Just the right finishing touch
for mr. Gruber's patio.

And then, I saw it.

Adrian crisp's garden ornaments.
It was just the place I needed.

And it had hardly taken me
any time at all.

Hum, hum!

- Ah! There you are.
- Yes, here I am.

- Finally! Now be sure this
gets delivered right away.

-But I'm here to pick up
a finishing touch for
mr. Gruber's patio.

-Oh! Why didn't you say so?

Right this way, please!

As you can see, we have
an exquisite selection
of items to choose from.

-But these are all broken.
Haven't you got anything
in better condition?

-These are antiques!

The signs of wear and tear make
them all the more valuable.


-Oh, do be careful!

These items are priceless!

It's taken me years to amass
my collection. Oh, really!

-If signs of wear and
tear made these antiques
all the more valuable,

You would think a few more
nicks and scratches would
be good for business!

-It's been over an hour.

Surely there must be
something you like.

- Those lions look very


I doubt you can manage those.

They are 570 pounds.

- Really? They don't look
that heavy.

-570 Pounds isn't their weight.

That's their price!

-Ouch! Oh!

570 Pounds?! You could
buy a real lion for that.

Besides, I've only got 10 pence.

-10 Pence!


Well, I suppose i...

I could let you have that
piece of stonework over there.

- Oh!
- No, no. Not that
piece of stonework.

That piece of stonework.

-But... What is it?

-That is a very good bargain
for 10 pence. Now off you go
before I change my mind.

And in case you're
wondering, no, you can't
have it gift-wrapped.

- I couldn't wait to
surprise mr. Gruber.


[Broken glass] - argh!

- After I boarded the bus,
the strangest thing happened.

I started to hear thunder.

But there wasn't
a cloud in the sky.

-Excuse me! Excuse me, sir.

I believe this is yours.

-Oh dear, my finishing touch!

- Ah!
- Oh no!

- Grab a hold of that
thing before it...


-Stop! Don't...

-Good afternoon!

- Are you all right?
- Yes. Thank you.

But I'm very sorry
about your stand.

- Sorry? Don't be sorry, pal.
It's a hot day, trade's bad,

And you've given me the first
good idea I've had all day.

Can you think of anything
nicer on a hot day

Than a glass of
freshly-squeezed fruit juice?

- Two freshly-squeezed
glasses of fruit juice?

-Right in one.

As for that stone of yours,
you can borrow my barrow
if you like.

- Here's your finishing
touch, mr. Gruber.

I'm not sure what it is.

I don't think even
mr. Crisp knew.

- Do you know what? I suspect it
may be an old roman cocoa stand.

-A roman cocoa stand?

-Well, perhaps not roman.

But it's certainly
very old. And look!

Our mugs fit perfectly.

I don't think anyone could
find a better "finishing touch"
than that, mr. Brown.

Not if they tried
for a thousand years.