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01x02 - Paddington Goes Underground / Paddington in the Ring / Mr. Curry Lets Off Steam

Posted: 06/25/23 10:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns
and they took him home ♪

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ 'Cause he always does his best
to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own unique
point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries
to do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious
and speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble is
never far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

- Dear aunt lucy. Yesterday
in the newspaper, I read about

Hundreds of people
stuck underground,

And I started thinking that it
was time someone rescued them.

- Paddington? What on earth
are you doing?

-Good morning, mrs. Brown.

I'm rescuing the people
stuck underground.

-People under the ground?

-It says right here:

"Hundreds stuck in underground."

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, paddington,
it means

In the underground!

- That's it! Underground,
down there.

-Paddington, the underground
is the name of a train that
travels under the ground.

People ride on it.

- Really? There's nothing
like that in darkest peru.

- Well, if you hurry up
with your breakfast,

Judy and I will take you for
a nice ride on the underground.

- Hurrying with breakfast was
something I was very good at.

The grapefruit though
was a bit of a problem.

-Paddington, do hurry!

- I decided to take the rest of
my breakfast along for later.

And you never know
when a nice crisp piece

Of bacon might come in handy.

- Really! You're the stickiest
bear I've ever met.

- There seems to be a smell of
bacon everywhere this morning.

Can you smell it, paddington?
- Yes, it's very strong.

[Whining and barking]

- Here we are. Come along.
Down we go.

- Thank goodness! Someone's
already dug the hole for us.

-Now don't lose your ticket.

- An inspector may
want to see it.

And please, stay with us.
You mustn't get lost.

-Bears never get lost.

[The dogs are barking.]

- Sorry, but this is
my bacon for later.
- Paddington?

-Halt! I say, halt!

-Shoo! I say, shoo!

Oh, dear! I have a funny feeling
that today is going to
be one of those days.

-Yes. I certainly hope so.


[Speaker]: the next train will
be arriving in one minute.

- Oh dear! It's happened:
paddington is lost.

- Well, it happened: judy
and mrs. Brown were lost.

-Here, here, young fellow.
You can't bring your dogs
on the underground.

Strictly against the rules.

-But they're not my dogs.

You see, in darkest peru,

We don't have an underground,
and these dogs followed
my bacon.

And judy and mrs. Brown
are lost.

- Lost, you say? What
do they look like?

-Mrs. Brown has a hat
with pink flowers. Well,
just like that one.

-Ah! Not so fast there.

- Excuse me, inspector,
we're looking for a young bear.

He's about so tall, wearing
a dark blue duffle coat.

-Up there!

-Thank you ever so much.

- They wanted my bacon that
I brought for breakfast.

-Oh! I'd like to get

My hands on that fellow.

Your lost friends are downstairs
looking for you, mr. Bear.

- Mrs. Brown and judy!
- Oh!

My scarf! Come back!

-Hello! I'm so glad I found you.

- Wait for us at the bottom,


My suitcase!

Mrs. Brown! Judy!

-Oh! I do hope paddington will
think to wait for us
at the next station.

-This isn't mine!

My briefcase!

Thank goodness!
-My bacon and my marmalade
sandwich! Thank goodness!

-You must like marmalade?

-Oh yes. Don't you?

- I have to.
I travel in marmalade.

-That sounds very uncomfortable.

-I mean, that's my job.
I sell it. Let me give
you one of my samples.

- Thank you very much. I've never
had traveling marmalade before,

Except for the marmalade my aunt
lucy gave me for my journey
over from darkest peru.

-Did you say you're from peru?
-Oh yes. My aunt lucy
still lives there,

In the home for retired bears.

- Oh no!
- Oh no! He's going back!

-Traveling on the underground
is like going in circles. I
ended up right where I started.

- My scarf, if you please!
- Sorry.

-Bringing dogs
into the underground,
stealing a lady's scarf.

All serious offenses they are.
Where's your ticket?

-I didn't steal the scarf,
it just got caught in my
suitcase. And my ticket is...

I'm sure it's here somewhere.

Hope I haven't eaten
it by mistake...

- Eaten it? That's a
very serious offense.

I shall have to take
you into custody.

- No! No! I need to wait
for judy and mrs. Brown.

-Halt! I say, halt!!!

- The red button
said "emergency",

And if ever there
was an emergency,

This was it!

-Ah! There you are.

-Ah! There you are.

- I must say, despite all
the trouble you've caused,

Thank you for helping us
catch this ruffian.

We've been after him
for a long time.

What's your name, young fellow?

-Paddington brown.

-It's an honor, I'm sure.

Yes... An honor.

-So paddington, how did you
enjoy your first trip on the

- Well, the inspector
was rather nice...

In the end. - Ha! Ha! Ha!


-There you are. But I'm afraid

It must be cold by now.


You're welcome. - So that's why!

-Good old paddington!

- And then, mi tia lucy,
I told mrs. Brown

That the next time
we ride on the underground,

She should hold my paw so that
she doesn't get lost again.

-We were in japan to research
sumo wrestling for
mr. Gruber's book:

The world and its wonders.

A rikishi? The kin-boshi heya?

- A rikishi is a young
sumo, mr. Brown.

And the kin-boshi heya is
the sumo school we're
going to visit today.

Fascinating! So this is a heya.

- Hello. I am the okayata,
the teacher here.

- Hi! I'm paddington brown,
from darkest peru.

-A rikishi from darkest peru!

Right this way.
- Young mr. Brown isn't here

To become a sumo.

He's here to help me research
a book I'm writing.

- Are you sure? I see
great promise in him.

He has a warrior's
fire in his eyes.

Yes, that's it. Where did you
learn such a powerful stare?

- My aunt lucy taught it to me.
It's been handed down.

-Very fierce, indeed!
Perhaps you can do us
the honor of teaching it

To our rikishi?
- I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

I promised my aunt lucy
never to reveal the secret.

-Ah yes, tradition!

But perhaps you would like
to join our class for the day?

- It might be good research
for your book, mr. Gruber.

- Please join the class
in the back.

I will see that mr. Gruber
receives a tour of the heya.

-Is this the sumo class?

Oh! - Ah!

-A sleeping sumo!

Where's my camera? Pardon me,

My name is paddington...


I don't think he likes me.
It's a good thing for him
mrs. Bird isn't here.

-Ah, there you are.

While mr. Gruber is touring
the heya with my secretary,

You can sit in on a real
rikishi training session.

This sand-shifting exercise
builds upper body strength

And lower body balance.

Perhaps you would like to try?

- Well done, rikishi!
- Bears are good at
shifting sand.

-It is time for dojo training.

The purpose of sumo is to force
your opponent out of the dojo,

This specially marked
combat circle.

The first one out of
the circle is the loser.

If you both step
out of the circle,

The one whose feet touch the
ground first loses the match.

Each of you will have a turn
to try to defeat hiroshi.

-Oh no, not him again!



- Oh!
- Next!



-Oh! Oops!


- I think it's time someone
taught that bully a lesson.

Oh dear! I think that's me!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! He is so puny.
I will squash him like an ant.

- I'm beginning to wish
mrs. Bird was here after all.

-Hajime. Begin!


- Oh, lunch! The training will
continue in the dining area.

- Phew! Saved by the bell.
I hope it's a long lunch.

It seems eating is a very
important part of
sumo training.

-Try to keep up with hiroshi,
but don't feel badly
if you can't.

After all, he is
our champion eater.


-May I have some more, please?

- More? More chanko-nabe?
But there is no more.

-No more chanko-nabe?

Well, don't worry. I have
plenty of marmalade.


Ah... [Cheering]

-Not only was he a big bully,
but he didn't like marmalade.
Imagine that!

- And now for the most important
part of a rikishi's training:

Sleep. [Snoring]

- The snoring was
keeping me awake,

So I decided to carry
on with my tour.


- Quickly! It's time
for the tournament.

- A tournament. Just what
mr. Gruber needs for his book.

- Your young friend seems to have
disappeared, mr. Gruber.

- I do hope he doesn't miss
the big tournament.

- Ah! Do not worry. I don't
think he will miss it.

- Everyone came dressed
for the occasion.

I kept my duffle coat on,

And everyone seemed to like it.


And then, everything got quiet.

It was finally time to teach
that bully a lesson
once and for all.


Oh! Hiya!

Aaah! - Whoa!

-The bear wins!

-The bear wins? But how?

- Hiroshi stepped out of
the circle first

And the bear's paws haven't yet
touched the ground.


- Okayata, you are happy
because I lost?

- No, hiroshi. I am happy because
you have learned humility,

One of the most valuable
lessons of all.


-Thank you, paddington-san.


And could I please try
that marmalade now?

- Dear aunt lucy. Yesterday,
the strangest thing happened.

There was a knocking sound,
but I couldn't tell where
it was coming from.


Ah! Oh!

You'll be pleased to know
I'd overslept and it was
only a bad dream...

Until, wide awake,
I still heard the knocking.

And guess what?

Someone was putting up
a shed in the garden.

I must tell the others!

Have you seen the new
shed in the garden?

- We're looking at the
new shed in the garden.

- You mean you know?
- Sure, paddington.

It's a surprise birthday present
for dad. It's a sauna.

You sit inside, pour water on
heated-up stones to make steam,

And the steam opens up
the pores in your skin.

-What if you have fur?

- Hmm... Don't know, really.
Anyway, after the sauna,

You pour a bucket of cold
water over yourself.

-Mrs. Brown and judy worked
hard convincing mr. Brown
to go shopping with them

So it can be a surprise
when he gets home.

- Perhaps I could test it
for him, mrs. Bird?

- Certainly not. You can have a
closer look but no going inside.

It's mr. Brown's present,
and he must have the first go.

- Bear!!!
- Oh!

- Was that you making all
that noise just now?

- Oh no, mr. Curry.
It woke me too.

-Did you say "woke me"?

I never sleep. What's all that
smoke? I've a good mind
to report it.

- It's a sauna. And it's for
mr. Brown's birthday.
- A sauna, eh?

I've never tried one of those.

-It's supposed to be
very good for you. You
should try it some time.

-That's very kind of you, bear.

There's no time like
the present.

Come along. You can help
me find my towel.

- I didn't say you could. I only
said mr. Brown might...

Oh, dear...

- Look over in that corner,
will you, bear?

- Mr. Curry, I'm not sure
you understood what I meant.

- Of course, I did.
The stones heat up,

You pour water over them
and voila: steam!

-I think I'm in trouble again.

- Ah yes! A nice sauna. Now
I mustn't forget to lock up.

As it's my first sauna, I think
I shall take my time.

-Lock up?

Mr. Curry had given me an idea.

I was saved.

I'd bought a lock for mr. Brown
for his tool shed, but
it seemed to me

It would be better to put it
on the door of the new sauna
to keep mr. Curry out.

then I heard the same knocking

That had woken me up
in the morning.

At first, it was more
muffled than before.

Excuse me, is anyone there?
- Yes, there is!

Let me out at once!

-Mr. Curry? Coming. Don't worry.

I've only got to set up my
birthday date, the 25th of june.

-It's not the 25th of june!

And it's not your birthday,
it's mr. Brown's!

Bear!!! I'm being boiled alive

In here!

- I see what you mean. You look
just like one of those lobsters

They have at the fish stalls
in the market.

Don't worry, mr. Curry,
I've just the thing.

Stand by, mr. Curry!


You're making more steam!
- That's when I remembered.

Jonathan said the bucket of
water is for after the sauna.

I thought it might be time
to call in an expert.

-Hello? Goldie's locks.

We've got the lock
that's just right.

- Oh, hello, mr. Goldie.
It's me, paddington brown.

It's about the lock you sold me.
I'm afraid I've forgotten
the combination.

-That's no problem, mr. Brown.

Bring it down and
I'll open it for you.

- I can't really bring the
lock down, mr. Goldie.

It's locked to the door of
mr. Brown's new sauna and
mr. Curry is stuck inside.

-Well, you can cut it off or try
to open it like one of those
thieves on the telly.

You know, listen for
the tumblers to click and
crack it open, as they say.

- Thank you for the advice,
mr. Goldie.

-Bear! Get me out of here!!!

-Mr. Curry, please!

I know this will be difficult
for you, but you must be
absolutely quiet

For the next few minutes.

- I can be quiet...
Quiet as a mouse...

Just please,
let me out of here...


[Ring!] - Ah!


- Good morning.
Goldie's locks here.

Tell paddington I remembered
the combination.

It's his birthday. Now we
can get mr. Curry out.

- Paddington locked mr. Curry
in the sauna?

-We're home!
-I'll go and help paddington.
-I'll keep your father talking.


The locksmith called and
said the combination
is your birthday.

-But... But I tried my birthday.

- Which one? Don't forget bears
are like the queen:

They have two birthdays a year.

- December the 25th,
my other birthday!

How could I forget?


-But at least I got one thing
right: the bucket of cold
water after the sauna.

- Hmm!
- Mrs. Bird, do you mind?

What would I want
with a sweater?

I don't even have my coat off.

[Both]: surprise!

[All]: happy birthday!
- Oh! And what do we have here?

-It's your new sauna.

And it's all ready to go. - Ha!

Ready indeed!
- Is that you, mr. Curry?

I vote we all have
a nice hot sauna.

Would you care to join us?

- You won't catch me
in that monstrosity.

I've half a mind to report it!

- Hmm... I wonder
what's got into him?

-I think perhaps he's
all steamed up about
something, mr. Brown!